
The Many Projects of Insanely Witty Stupidity (and finding time for them)


Well, it's been a while since I published a Witty News article. And, I always hate to see that. I'm (pretty much) always poking around with a project. And, I could be sharing the details of it on Insanely Witty Stupidity. But honestly, I like to wait until I have some significant progress to report about a project before I take the time to publish an article (plus-- any other crazy ideas I've got in the works). These days, I'm finding it tough to carry on the lifestyle of a mad scientist trapped in a thoughtless imbecile's world. But mainly, I like to save the exciting news for my "biased reporting" (you gotta work in some opinionated poppycock if you're gonna be reporting on any "news", ya know). ;)

So-- the *exciting* news is that I finished editing chapter three for Ghosts of Glory High, version 1.1. Now what's going on with that, exactly? My girlfriend (literally) asked me, like: "Well-- what the fuck do you *mean* you're editing Ghosts of Glory High, again? Didn't you *finally* finish that??" And, she doesn't understand about "versioning" systems (like we employ for the development of free software and such). And so, I figured I'd discuss the goals of Ghosts of Glory High and what (exactly) I'm hoping to accomplish with the project. I released version 1.0 a while back. My initial impressions of the project (when I began proof-reading it for its 1.0 release) were pretty disappointing, really. The amount of work I put into the project really paled in comparison to the final product.

Pretty much, I reinvented my writing style for Ghosts of Glory High (I mean-- if you're not doing that, you're not producing art). And, I found I could implant an image artistically into a reader's mind (among other things). And, the use of language in the story became somewhat bizarre (and when I say "bizarre", wellll--). The use of imagery is extravagant and incredibly detailed-- but I found it was pretty crude, overall (reminiscent of HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe). And (let's face it), the book's intricate parts (which contain more than six characters interacting at times) are incredibly annoying to read. Yes-- the details are there (and they're pretty spectacular). But initially, I discovered that the story lacked style.

I had a choice to make-- release the monstrosity that I wrote (by polishing the edges and pretending a lack of style was not an issue). Or (basically), completely re-write the fucker. And by the time I finished the book, I had a crystal clear idea of how to do that. Unfortunately, I faced some very pressing issues. For starters, I didn't want to do "murder" to my work (i.e., I wanted to retain the original spirit of the story as much as possible). Also, it would take a long period of time to *really* polish it up the way I would've liked. I also pride myself in damning the consequences (and harbor internal pressure to publicize my successes as well as my failures). And finally-- I mean, I was ready to move on to other things.

And so, my decision was to publish the story with as few changes as possible (even though version 1.0 of Ghosts of Glory High really didn't agree with my newly defined principles). And, save the butchering for version 1.1-- which was totally possible since I had recently implemented a new versioning system for Hailey's Comet (brutally dissected edition). I'm working through Ghosts of Glory High and my five chapter science fiction novella in tandem (one chapter for each) on a limited time budget. Pretty much-- I've been trying to re-purpose five paragraphs a day for Ghosts of Glory High, five days a week. And, my goal is to try something similar to write chapter three of "The Critical Mass of the Hybridized Rodent". We'll see how that goes. :\

I've been struggling to publish Insanely Thoughtful Articles, lately. Pretty much, I check the news when I find time. Unfortunately if I don't read something that moves me spiritually, I don't feel like speaking about it (or sharing it with other people). How some of these "news" writers (seems like "olds" a lot of times) continue to peddle bullshit for the daily grind, I have no idea. I suppose I respect them for it. But at the same time, it's just the same old recycled crap a lot of the time. And, I just don't feel like sharing much of the shit I read. Wallace Thornhill (the Australian physicist who popularized the Electric Universe movement and opened my eyes to plasma cosmology and (I think) the definition of life itself and the universe) passed away, recently. And, I haven't felt much like poking through and the like. Perhaps I should be checking that stuff, instead. ;)

I mentioned a light gun library the last time I published a Witty News article. And, I haven't worked on that at all since then. I keep thinking I have a chance. But my time to work has been pretty rare, lately. And, my free hacking moments have been occupied by a different project: an 8-bit breadboard system I named the "h8r 8-bit registry". Basically, it's a hypothetical 8-bit system that has a 64x24 dot display (I got the idea from some cheap quartet sets of 8x8 LED boards that are popular on Amazon). And, it will have wave oscillators (with a built-in driver) and some other interesting features (like a four way switch for swapping memory from running programs).

Right now, I'm attempting to develop a system that can write microcontrollers using nothing but a USB TTL device. And, I plan on writing a series of scripts to make it work (as opposed to using an existing microcontroller or dumb-ass Arduino bullshit). Obviously, there are existing methods that make this simpler. But-- I'm a "give me the fucking source code, you idiot" kinda guy. And, I will develop my hardware the same way (thank you very much). Eventually, I would like to share my system on Insanely Witty Stupidity. And, my goal is to explain the features of the h8r 8-bit registry and (well)-- how to build your own. I mean-- that is how a mad scientist do. :D

I mentioned a while back that I was trying to record myself reading my own books-- mainly as a fundraising project for Insanely Witty Stupidity (meaning I would charge a "reasonable" price for a hard copy). And I've been thinking about that a lot, lately. I'm a man of many talents (so I'm told). One thing I've always had a keen interest in is my ability to copy other people's voices. I like to sing as a hobby. I'm actually quite good-- well *I* think so, anyway (lol). I can simulate voices ranging from Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth) to Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth) to ol' Lars Frederickson and Tim Armstrong (Rancid) to the craziest of the crazy (in my opinion)-- Tom Araya (Slayer).

Hell (for that matter)-- I can sing just like Monique Powell (Save Ferris). And, I'm working on my Britney Spears (you think I'm fuckin' with you-- but, I can do *any* voice). Anyway, and I've been working on a character I call "Jimmy Plague": the voice of Insanely Witty Stupidity. It's a weird idea. And my girlfriend keeps begging me to try that, again. And so, I'm hoping pretty soon I can make an attempt at reading Hailey's Comet (brutally dissected edition) and linking it on Insanely Witty Stupidity. Maybe that will come to fruition in the near future, and you will be hearing more about it on the ol' Witty News. In the meantime, just keep checking. And, I'll keep working (when I have time).



Random Fact: Insanely Witty Stupidity has its own ls command (implemented using PHP). It can be used to poke around Insanely Witty Stupidity's root folder. For more information, rtfm.

html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins.

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