
"The Catastrophic Capers of L.I.N. and Chuck" Portal Gets Modified


It's a long time coming. I swapped the clouds background I made for "The Catastrophic Capers of L.I.N. and Chuck" portal for a similar one. The old background was stretched by css code and scrunched into peoples' browser windows. Bleh! The new background is constructed from tiles. I made both of them using GIMP's solid noise renderer and a couple of dots (stars). The new one looks much better. There's no distortion from css crap forcing a fixed image into your window. Rather, the background is rendered using simple html code.

Old code:

  <style type="text/css">
  html, body {height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
  #page-background {position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;}
  #content {position:relative; z-index:1; padding:10px;}

  <!--[if IE 6]>
  <style type="text/css">
  html {overflow-y: hidden;}
  body {overflow-y: auto;}
  #page-background {position: absolute; z-index:-1;}
  #content {position: static; padding:10px;}

  <div id="page-background">
  <img src="" width="100%" height="100%">

New code:

  <body style="background-attachment: fixed" background=/Picz/Tilez/Stars/Stars.jpg>

I think the difference is pretty clear. A butt-load of css garbage vs. a single line of html. Now, advocates for the "new" way of rendering web pages (such as will tell you that html is deprecated. "No one uses it anymore," they're saying. Well, you might check my new L.I.N. and Chuck page. Does that render okay in your browser? Would you say my html code is "deprecated?" I didn't THINK so! As for "no one using html anymore..." I guess I'm the only one still using it. Who knew?

I also modified the description for part one of the L.I.N. and Chuck series. The old one needed some work. I feel like the new description depicts the series more accurately. Plus it gives a few details about it to (hopefully) appeal to potential readers. If you haven't read "The Catastrophic Capers of L.I.N. and Chuck" yet, you might have a gander. It's an interesting series. And, it's a collection of short stories. They're 5-6 chapters each. That's the beauty of it. They're short reads. They can be read quickly. ;)



Random Fact: Slackware (a GNU/Linux system maintained under an emphasis of function over form) is the official operating system used to host Insanely Witty Stupidity. Many packages are compiled using various Slackware systems for the purpose of developing the site. And, Insanely Witty Stupidity happily shares those precompiled packages with its users (because-- people may find them useful).

html revised 2024-05-02 by Michael Atkins.

The maintainer of does not care if people duplicate this page or any part of it-- as long as this notice remains intact.