Curl 7.25.0 (requires gnutls-3.2.4 and openssl-1.0.1) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Gnumeric 1.6.3 (requires abiword-2.4.6) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a VirtualBox x86 GNUtls 3.2.4 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 hsetroot 1.0.2 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Links 2.7 (requires openssl-1.0.1)- compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 MinGW Cross Environment- compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a VirtualBox x86 open-vm-tools 8.4.2 (requires kernel linux- from Slackware 11.0 extra folder) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a VirtualBox x86 openSSL 1.0.1 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 PulseAudio 4.0 (requires kernel linux- from Slackware 11.0 extra folder) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a Virtualbox x86 tightVNC 1.3.10 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a VirtualBox x86 wget 1.14 (requires gnutls-3.2.4) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Wine 0.9.11 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Wine 1.3.9 (requires gnutls-3.2.4 and kernel linux- from Slackware 11.0 extra folder) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a VirtualBox x86 xdotool 2.20110530.1 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 |
ALSA 1.0.14 (upgrade w/ working loopback module) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Dillo 0.8.6 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 DOSbox 0.74.3 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Gens 2.15.5 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Gens 2.15.5 (with 30 frameskip rate) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 GNUboy r201 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 GNUboy r201 (with frameskipping) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Gnumeric 1.6.3 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 hsetroot 1.0.2 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 MinGW-W64 v11.0.1 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 MPlayer 1.0rc1try3 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 RealVNC 4.1.3 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Qemu 0.8.2 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 SSHfs 1.8 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 TuxNES 0.75 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 TuxNES_fs 0.75 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 TileWorld 1.3.2 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Wine 0.9.15 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Wolf4sdl 1.7 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 Wolf4sdl 1.7 (with frameskipping) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 x11VNC 0.9.3 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 xdotool 2.20110530.1 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 xrdp 0.4.0 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 zSNES 1.51 - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 zSNES 1.51 (with 99 frameskip rate) - compiled using Slackware 11.0 on a qemu-x86 The patches I wrote to give Gens 2.15.5 a "30" maximum frameskip rate are here: gens_fs30_patch.zip. You'll need to apply "gens_fs30_g_main.patch" to "src/gens/emulator/g_main.c", "gens_fs30_callbacks_c.patch" to "src/gens/gtkui/glade/callbacks.c", "gens_fs30_callbacks_h.patch" to "src/gens/gtkui/glade/callbacks.h", "gens_fs30_gens_glade.patch" to "src/gens/gtkui/glade/gens.glade", "gens_fs30_interface.patch" to "src/gens/gtkui/glade/interface.c", and "gens_fs30_support.patch" to "src/gens/gtkui/support.c" (if you would like to add my changes to the original source before building). The changes add new "Frame Skip" items (value "9" through "30") to Gens' "Graphic" menu. And, the source I built from is here: gens-2.15.5.tar.gz. The patches I wrote to give TuxNES 0.75 a manual frameskip rate are here: tuxnes_fs.zip. You'll need to apply "emu.patch" to "tuxnes-0.75/emu.c", "ggi.patch" to "tuxnes-0.75/ggi.c", "renderer.patch" to "tuxnes-0.75/renderer.c", "w.patch" to "tuxnes-0.75/w.c", and "x11.patch" to "tuxnes-0.75/x11.c" (if you would like to add my changes to the original source before building). The changes add new frameskip GNU long_options ("--frameskip" and "-k"). They can be set like: "--frameskip=10" or "-k=10" (to impose an fps of "3"). And, the source I built from is here: tuxnes-0.75.tar.gz. The patches I wrote to increase zSNES 1.51's maximum frameskip rate (and allow a user to control how frequently sounds are written and the number of timing ticks added between frames) are here: zsnes_fs99.zip. You can apply "zsnes_fs99_vcache.patch" to "src/vcache.asm", "zsnes_fs99_zloader.patch" to "src/zloader.c", "zsnes_fs99_guifuncs.patch" to "src/gui/guifuncs.c", "zsnes_fs99_guimouse.patch" to "src/gui/guimouse.c", and "zsnes_fs99_sdllink.patch" to "src/linux/sdllink.c" (if you would like to add my changes to the original source before building). You will need to copy "interrupt.h" to zSNES's "src/linux" build folder (because it is required by my sdllink.c changes). The source I built from is here: zsnes151src.tar.bz2. It's worth mentioning: the frameskip values start to show characters instead of decimal values when they are set above 9 (yeah-- I didn't bother to change the code to fix that). Loading a SNES cabinet with zSNES will add the files "zticks.txt" and "zwrite_sound_factor.txt" to a user's zSNES folder (~/.zsnes on a GNU/Linux system). By default, zticks.txt will contain "1000" and "20" on two separate lines. The top value is the number of ticks added between NTSC frames. And, the bottom value is the number of ticks added between PAL frames. Decreasing those values will throttle zSNES like crazy on bare metal or on top of KVM. On top of Qemu tcg, well-- kinda disappointing, really. You'll notice a slight performance boost by halving the values (or more). But, not much. And, increasing the zwrite_sound_factor.txt value above zero will add frames that pass without writing new sounds to a system's SDL audio system. I guarantee that this will result in a noticeable performance boost (hell, that's just basic physics). But, at what cost? I mean (before long), you just got some buzzes and bonks that barely resemble sound. And, you *could* simply disable zSNES's sound output. And, which is better? lol. Well, I suppose that's up to *you* to decide. ;) The patches I wrote to give Wolf4SDL a frameskipping feature (well, basically-- you can add a delay between video writes) are here: wolf4sdl_fs_patch.zip. You can apply "wl_draw_cpp.patch" to "wl_draw.cpp", "wl_main_cpp.patch" to "wl_main.cpp", and "wl_def_h.patch" to "wl_def.h" (if you would like to add my changes to the original source before building). The source I built from is here: Wolf4SDL-1.7-src.zip. You can add a delay between video writes (using SDL's SDL_Delay() function) by using the added --sdl-delay option (ex: "--sdl-delay 50"). On top of Qemu tcg-- this totally solves all of the audio chopping issues *I* noticed once a Wolfenstein 3D game is launched. I did not apply a delay to the Spear of Destiny demo (mainly because-- I have no interest in doing that). And, there is still some audio chop and delays when navigating the system's main menus (and when the menus simulate "fading" effects) because that code is buried in the game's graphical code (and it's not worth it to me to dig through that mess just to optimize some settings menus-- at least for *now*). |
Random Fact: Insanely Witty Stupidity has its own ls command (implemented using PHP). It can be used to poke around Insanely Witty Stupidity's root folder. For more information, rtfm. |
html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins. The maintainer of insanely |