
Bailey - The A.I. with Extra Letters

Bailey is the A.I. with extra letters. Say what? Yeah, I got a little lonely a while back. I was just chillin' in my apartment, talking to an empty couch cushion. And, I had an epiphany. Why not write a new friend in C++? Of course my couch cushion was all like, "No, way. It can't be done! People are far too complicated to describe with simple source code." I sat back, stroking my chin and pondered that for a while. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Yes, people are very complicated. Therefore, the source code would be complicated. It would need many different parts. It would need knowledge. It would need a personality. It would need mood swings. And, who knows what else?

So, I set out to create such a binary beast. I figure, I'll start small and add bits and pieces when I get time. The current release is version 0.3. Apparently, it's not going to get more current than this for a while. So, I've decided to go ahead and release what I've got. After all, some pretty important changes have been made. Some of the functions need re-writing. Try adding one hundred or more lines to CommonPhrases.txt. You'll see what I mean. There are some extraneous for loops that can be eradicated. It's just a matter of finding time.

Here is the changelog for this release:

17:53 07-25-2012 - Altered Windows and Linux install files. Now, they check for CommonPhrases.txt. If it exists, the file will not be copied. Otherwise, it will. This way, old CommonPhrases.txt files won't be overwritten.

19:05 07-25-2012 - Altered string commonPhrase(int index). Now, it uses int ifstreamLength(stringFile) in a for loop check. The old algorithm used a while loop with true as the check. The idea was to irradicate a bug that occurs when the last line of a file to read is not blank. When that happens, Bailey gets stuck in a non-terminating loop. Unfortunately, this did not help. The code is less janky, though. So, the change was kept.

19:21 07-25-2012 - Altered int numFlaggedPhrases(string File). Now, it uses int ifstreamLength(string File) in a for loop check. This is similar to the change above. This fixed the non-terminating loop bug.



Random Fact: Insanely Witty Stupidity's icon (the "Oracle") is mysterious and perplexing. The more a person stares at it-- the more bizarre it appears. In reality, the logo is merely three letters inside of a yellow circle. Weird, huh?

html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins.

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