
Hybridizing Rodents, Writing Atmel Microcontrollers, and Working with Morons


I finished the third chapter of "The Critical Mass of the Hybridized Rodent". And, it turned out really nice (a lot going on in that chapter, but nice and brief (as it should be)). I've got two more chapters to write for the project, and I can (hopefully) put it to bed. And, I can't wait (it's a little toooo good, if I may say). My goal is to re-imagine chapter four and five from Ghosts of Glory High a bit (that'll be a melee, omg). And then, I'll try to start up chapter four (which gots some really thoughtful character things coming that (I think) could fascinate readers for generations to come-- assuming mindless buffoons can be bothered to read it).

I worked out how to set eight 74LS279 S-R latch values using a butt-load of USB TTL devices (sixteen in all). That's an unusual appropriation of microcontrollers. But, it's a really simple method that any average person can employ to store data without the need for retarded hardware and software (like "der-der" Arduino and "can't keep my drool in my mouth" AVRdude). And, my goal is to use the resulting buffer to write pre-assembled byte code on an Atmel at89c2051 microcontroller.

Unfortunately, I'm struggling to transfer data to the at89c2051 (it has this crazy requirement where you gotta attach a 12-volt transformer to its reset pin even though it's a 5-volt device (possibly with an open collector??), and I'm failing to uncover information about how to do that, and the information I'm coming up with is missing half the details and written by blithering morons). Hopefully, I'm on the verge of success. I'm waiting for a new oscilloscope to help me check my write circuit (pin "p3.2"). I'm using an RC timer, there. And, I gotta confirm it's right before I can move on to crazier ideas (a 555 timer might be a better fit). And, I only have a cheap "build your own" oscilloscope that can't pick up the spike (supposedly requires *microsecond* timing according to the at89c2051's shitty datasheet, wtf).

I'm still struggling to check the news, periodically (and link some Insanely Thoughtful Articles with insightful introductions ;) ). There's one piece of good news I can share regarding this-- I typically link articles when I'm at work (you know-- when I should probably be working, lol). And they're finally getting rid of this half crazed, narcissistic lunatic they've employed as a "plant manager" for about three and a half years now. The poor guy's just, like-- rum dumb. You know the type? Like, we might kinda spend five minutes using a desktop to do some sorta "shady things" he doesn't know about. And (for some strange reason), this guy feels like he's gotta come trudging in like a prick and pretend he's got a problem with that. And so, we're very pleased to finally be getting rid of him. It will free up some time for me to link articles. :D

It's always a pain in the butt when you get stuck coddling some useless dick-head (who's never worked a day in his/her life) under your wing. But, I mean-- that's life sometimes. We *all* end up working in conditions we hate so we can buy shit we don't need (usually to please some completely different person we actually care about). And so, we do what we gotta do. Just makes it that much sweeter when we finally eject those worthless whackos from our lives. xD It'll help me out where I work, too. It looks like we're gonna end up with this other lady (who totally deserves the job) in the prick's place. And, the only *real* problems we've had where I work (bay doors and forklifts needing maintenance, foyers filling up with pigeon shit, space issues, etc) might finally start to be addressed.

And (meanwhile), I think we'll just be hangin' out-- doin' our jobs (happy as can be). And there won't be this little conniving, invasive idiot poking his head beyond a corner every time we turn around-- questioning why we're not (I guess) vacuuming mini-blinds or dusting light bulbs. Like: "Why are you guys loading up these boxes and delivering them? You see this hole right here? Let's (randomly) run to Lowe's and buy some tin and fix that, instead. It makes me feel bad there's a hole, there." And, we're scrambling to load an order, like: "So-- you need to put in a work order with maintenance and have that repaired? Yes, that *is* your job. Have at it." Only to hear: "Wowww-- you've got a bad attitude. I can't *believe* you are talking to me this way." (facepalm)

I plan on applying for Dumb-Dumb's job as well (although-- I'm not exactly the manager "type" (in case that is not entirely obvious)). I don't see my employers going for that (it *would* come with a nearly $25,000 per year raise-- but would require a skeptical humanitarian convincing narcissistic half-wits to think rationally). While I'm at it, I'm going to apply for some "I-T jobs" as well (lol). Talk about something that doesn't agree with my principles: "What we need you to do (instead of fixing the problem) is re-install Windows on this user's perfectly good x86." And: "Derrr-- Okay, bawwwss." Nevermind the fact that-- we can just install an operating system and force people to choose between educating themselves or using a spiral notepad and a pencil.

I mentioned plans for two new Case's Cases books a while back. And (the other day), I managed to plot everything out in *one* ten chapter book. :D So, my literary plans are looking like *this* for right now: 1) complete the hybrid rodent novella; 2) complete Ghosts of Glory High, version 1.1; 3) write book three of Hailey's Follies (currently titled "Skeleton People"); 4) write book four of Case's Cases (currently titled "Distant Figures"). I also have plans to draw a more fitting cover for Hailey's Comet (brutally dissected edition) and a new cover for Ghosts of Glory High (yeah-- I never was too pleased with how that one turned out). So, I'm trying to fit that in during the next few weeks. We'll see how that goes.



Random Fact: Insanely Witty Stupidity has its own ls command (implemented using PHP). It can be used to poke around Insanely Witty Stupidity's root folder. For more information, rtfm.

html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins.

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