
Revising Hailey's Comet


I finished chapter seven of Ghosts of Glory High May 1, 2021. It took me about four and a half hours to proofread it. I can read entire novels in four and a half hours. :\

I'm distracted with a side project. I started poking through Hailey's Comet (the predecessor to Ghosts of Glory High) a couple of weeks ago. And, well-- I began revising it. I am now halfway through the book. And, I don't plan on stopping until I'm finished. I am not writing a brand new book. I am restructuring the language of the story to make it more readable. I am also changing a lot of the dialog (which I find very pretentious). And, I am eliminating character behaviors and plot holes that make the story inconsistent. When I read Hailey's Comet a while back for the first time in many years, I was very disappointed with it. I decided then to do something with it. And now, I plan to finish that before I release the next book in the Hailey's Follies series. I *have* to. Hailey's Comet in its original form can *not* be the predecessor to Ghosts of Glory High. It would be an insult to the project. I assume in 3-4 weeks, my work on Hailey's Comet will be complete. So, be looking for it. I am calling it "Hailey's Comet (brutally dissected edition)". lol.

When I finish revising Hailey's Comet, I will get back to work on Ghosts of Glory High. I plan on going through chapter seven a couple more times. I wrote it in fits and starts. And, what happened is that many descriptions are repeated multiple times. And, it's kind of annoying to read. So, I will be going through the chapter as one piece of literature. And, I will be removing annoying, repetitive language that makes it difficult to read. There really isn't a whole lot of that. But, it's bad enough that I'm going to have to revise it a bit. The content of the chapter is some of the most visually stimulating literature ever written in the English language. I dare boast such a claim. But, I mean-- I know what's out there. And (to my knowledge), nothing like Ghosts of Glory High's seventh chapter has ever been written. I can compare my work to that of H.P. Lovecraft. But, Lovecraft doesn't use language as effectively as I do (i.e., Lovecraft's language interrupts a reader more than mine). And, Lovecraft never wrote something so character driven. Also, Lovecraft never wrote multiple characters interacting in visually stimulating environments. Well-- I don't want to say too much about the story.

I was thinking today about replacing my web browser news feed badges (since I don't spend a lot of time on web browser news feeds anymore) with links to news articles. For example, Richard Stallman writes comments about news articles and provides links for visitors to his website. I would like to do the same thing. Except that-- instead of linking to communist propaganda and pseudoscience, I would like to link to articles that discuss improving the condition of human life and contain scientific information about ancient myths like "anthropogenic global warming". I would also like to link to articles about electric universe theory (a scientific alternative to religious mythology like astronomy and quantum mechanics).

Also, Slackware 15.0 is about to be released (in case you haven't been watching the changelogs). So, I will be updating all my systems and compiling packages some time in the near future. It looks like ffmpeg is now part of the official Slackware system! Hallelujah!! That will save me a lot of time.



Random Fact: Insanely Witty Stupidity has its own manual. The site has so many unusual features (completely invisible to a casual user) that they are carefully catalogued for educational purposes.

html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins.

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