
Ghosts of Glory High

Copyright 2022 Michael Atkins

Released under the Conditions of the Open Literary License, Version 1


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: "Teacher's Lounge"
Chapter 2: "Who Is Gwen Fall?"
Chapter 3: "Leave Lloyd Alone"
Chapter 4: "Linda Park-- After Dark"
Chapter 5: "Between the Sheets"
Chapter 6: "Creeping Around"
Chapter 7: "A Headache"
Chapter 8: "Going for a Ride"
Chapter 9: "Gravity"
Chapter 10: "Sentimental Value"

Chapter 1: "Teacher's Lounge"
Table of Contents

Thumps of bass compressed Gwen's ear drums. Static crashes filled gaps between sine wave oscillations. Samples of piano bonks ended a stanza. A single, low note was followed by two slightly higher tones. Gwen's pale face glowed strawberry pink. Hazel irises sunken into the middle of Gwen's face stared, dumbly. Slick, black hair sprouted from the middle of Gwen's scalp. Gwen's shiny locks were chopped an inch above her shoulders. Strawberry light illuminating charcoal strands, golden irises, and pine colored cheeks became lime green.

Eyes resembling soot stared at Gwen's kiwi illuminated facial features. Tufts of shaggy, chocolate colored hair dangled in front of charcoal irises. Fluffy eyebrows like espresso pointed at a space between staring pupils. A smirk drifted between a set of thick sideburns. Gwen stared into black shutters hiding between squinting eyelids. Gwen's pupils descended her fascinated corneas. A strong, muscular chest erupted below avocado illuminated facial curves. Chiseled cheeks glowed lime green. Kiwi tinted radiation switched to cyan. Teal reflecting biceps like large onions framed edges of muscular pecks. Gwen looked up.

"L-Lloydd?" Gwen slurred. "wwWhat is you doingg??" Gwen had trouble speaking. She figured she had too much to drink. Lloyd stared into Gwen's honey tinted irises. He said nothing. Gwen searched her companion's lower extremities. A patch of dark, curly hair sprouted a couple of inches below Lloyd's belly button. Lloyd's dick stuck straight up. His swollen peepee was poking out below a strip of coiled follicles. A mound like a one inch, brown rubber ball adorned the tip of Lloyd's pecker. A pin sized canal descended a flesh cap the color of ham. Gwen stared at a tiny hole sinking into Lloyd's dick-head.

"You're circumsizedd," Gwen squeezed between lazy teeth. "It'ss beautifulll." Gwen's hazel eye shutters studied Lloyd's stomach. Tight abs like handlebar grips were stacked beside Lloyd's belly button. Lloyd's navel was an innie. A cyan glow illuminating Lloyd's abs switched to violet. Lloyd's ripped stomach muscles drifted towards Gwen. Gwen detected Lloyd's fingertips grazing velvet skin crafting her lanky shoulders. Gwen looked down. She was naked, too.

Lloyd's masculine palm shafts caressed thin skin forming Gwen's tiny breasts. Gwen's teensy tits were the size of baseballs cut in half. Lloyd's walnut digits caressed chocolate chip nipples extending from Gwen's hooters. Lloyd's fingertips squeezed droplet shaped pegs. Pain like needle punctures invaded Gwen's teenage love points. Nerve contractions traveled into Gwen's chest. Stinging muscle spasms compressed bulbs underneath Gwen's armpit dermis. Gwen inhaled a sharp breath.

"aaaahh--" Gwen groaned. "Oooohh, Lloyyyd--" A set of ivory colored fingers laid along the bottom of Gwen's neck. Tangerine pigmented nails embellished ends of cream knuckle shafts. Pale digits squeezed fleece blanket fluffs laying across Gwen's chest. Gwen's bed spread was black. Heart shapes formed diagonal stripes decorating Gwen's blanket fabric. Diagonal love bands alternated in color. The first row of quilt embellishments was strawberry red. The second line of love spots was flamingo pink. The third endearment stripe was plum purple. The fourth emotion band was dyed the color of blueberry skin. The fifth sunshine streak was stained cyan. The sixth valentine striation was banana yellow. Following lemon peel happy dots, heart forged blanket stripes repeated.

Fingers spotted with tangerine nail polish dragged Gwen's blanket off of her chest. Gwen's tiny tits were hiding underneath spotted quilt fluffs. A set of spaghetti straps suspended a thin, black tube above Gwen's nipples. Tangerine tipped fingers slipped off of Gwen's bed spread. Pale digits followed the rim of Gwen's left breast. Tiny palm extensions invaded a charcoal sheet spanning Gwen's shoulder pasta. Fingertip mounds glided towards the center of Gwen's tit. Digit ridges surrounded Gwen's tiny nipple.

Gwen's licorice stranded scalp sank into a shammed pillow matching her bed spread. Strips of coal colored hair surrounded Gwen's pale cheeks. Raven black filaments emerged from Gwen's scalp like rays of black sunshine. Gwen's friend Allie lay next to her. Allie's shoulders, chest, and hips snuggled below the opposite end of Gwen's valentine blanket. Allie's hair looked a lot like Gwen's. Allie's keratin head strands were thin and matted. Her skimpy scalp filaments were the color of crow feathers. Allie's soot tinted hair fluffs were chopped just above her shoulders. A row of bangs was hacked a quarter inch from the peaks of Allie's eye sockets.

Allie lay on her side, facing her friend. A set of eyes the color of blue jays studied soft skin forging Gwen's facial curves. Gwen breathed peacefully. Gwen's eyelids folded on top of her hazel irises. Pale ocular coverings fluttered, instinctively. The tips of Allie's fingers grasped the end of Gwen's left nipple. Allie squeezed her fingers together. Gwen's irritated ocular flaps peeled off of her scotch colored eye shutters. Slivers of gold collapsed a set of agitated pupils. Gwen's corneal openings shrank to the size of pinheads. Her infuriated cranium lifted off of rainbow hearts wrapping her pillow.

"Ahh!!" Gwen shrieked. Allie giggled. She gripped Gwen's nipple between the fingers of her left hand. She twisted her tiny digits towards her chest. Gwen sucked in a breath. She squealed a second time. "AAaa!!" Gwen's head turned. Gwen faced her mattress companion. A set of raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's tiny nose. "Allie!" Gwen shouted. "You little fucker!!" Allie chuckled.

"Awww, Gwenn--" Allie croaked. "I was just playing with your love buttons. I was lonely." Allie flattened her tongue along the apple of Gwen's cheek. Allie's naked lips surrounded her saliva coated face taster. Allie squeezed restrictive oral rims together. She crushed Gwen's nipple between rotating knuckle extensions.

"Ahh, fuck!!" Gwen shrieked. Gwen sank her licorice filamented scalp into her pillow and squeezed her eyes shut. Gwen's angry pupil facets pointed at her friend's smiling face. Gwen hammered furious fingers on top of Allie's throat. Allie's blue jay colored eyes popped open. Her tiny fingers released Gwen's mammary point. Allie ripped disgusted digits away from Gwen's chest and faced the wall. She folded frantic knuckle shafts over her collar bone and gasped for air. She exhaled violent breaths from quivering lips.

"I don't *want* that right now, frrreak!!" Gwen shouted. Gwen yanked her blanket below her thighs and rolled onto her side. She faced slick, charcoal strands sprouting from the back of Allie's scalp. A thin, coal colored tank top was wadded around the upper half of Gwen's body. Olive, raspberry, lemon, white, and black panty stripes stretched around Gwen's velvet hip curves. Gwen flattened pine colored thighs against her tomato shaped tits. She plopped the balls of her feet between Allie's silky shoulder blades. Gwen's blueberry capped toes sank into Allie's buttery back flesh.

"Bitch!" Gwen screamed. Gwen shoved her friend's pale face towards the edge of her bed. A slick, oak square topped a table beside Gwen's mattress. The surface of Gwen's bed shelf was surrounded by sharp, hardwood corners. Allie's eyebrow flesh collided with a cellulose vertex poking out of Gwen's night stand.

"Gyah!" Allie winced. Allie sucked air between her teeth. She flattened tangerine dotted fingertips along hairs marking the peak of her eye socket. Gwen ripped heart spotted blanket fluffs away from Allie's porcelain thighs and calves. Black tank top strips gripped Allie's skinny shoulders. A column of soot pigmented shirt fabric dangled from the tips of Allie's tits. Cream colored panties wrapped Allie's tiny butt cheeks. Blueberry and strawberry heart outlines decorated Allie's elastic hiny covering. Gwen collapsed the ball of her right foot between valentines outlining Allie's kidneys. Gwen buried her softball shaped knee between Allie's scapulas. She extended her ceramic lower limb.

"Get the-- fuck out of my bed!!" Gwen yelped. Allie's ankles, knees, and thighs slipped over the edge of Gwen's mattress. Allie's descending lower limbs pulled her upper body to the floor. Allie's skimpy tank top glided over the top of her head. Allie toppled onto a sheet of slate colored carpet. Allie's shins hammered granite colored paint covering the wall of Gwen's bedroom. Allie's tomato shaped breasts collided with her mozzarella tinted thighs. Allie's tiny rib mounds rippled like gelatin dessert. Allie's forehead and the bridge of her nose collided with a thick plane of sheet rock. Gwen swatted Allie's side of the mattress. Gwen's agitated forearms flattened charcoal sleeping fabric. Gwen caccooned herself in heart spotted blanket fleece.

"Ho!!" Gwen barked. Gwen rolled the opposite direction of the wall Allie battered. Allie's tar colored tank top fluttered off of Gwen's bed. Allie's charcoal chest covering draped her porcelain facial features. Allie exhaled shaky puffs. She wadded mortified fingers around thin, raven colored fabric dangling from her temples. She yanked her tank top off of her head, scrambled to her feet, and stomped around the edge of Gwen's bed.

"mmmmMM--" Allie grumbled. "I *hate* you, Gwen!!" Gwen's bedroom door was ripped away from a cellulose frame. Gwen's domocile covering slammed pine hallway lips. Gwen sank her left cheek into soft pillows. She cuddled under valentine blanket fluffs. She closed her eyes.

"ahhhh--" Gwen sighed. Gwen's pine tinted eye flaps opened a crack. Gwen realized the song playing in her dream was-- actually playing. Gwen studied a night table beside her edge of the bed. Gwen's opposite end shelf matched the one Allie smacked with her eyebrow. A pink, plastic radio inhabited a pointed surface. Gwen's music device was decorated with a white kitty face wearing a crimson head bow. A black rectangle hovered beside the feline's left ear. Ruby colored digits occupied an oblong display. Cherry illuminated character segments forged "3:45". Gwen stared at raspberry digits. She exhaled from irritated nostrils.

A lavender colored vase stood beside Gwen's radio. A truncated dunce cap concealed the peak of an eggplant sculpture. The vanilla colored mini skirt was faceted like an origami hand fan. Gwen's blueberry capped fingers gripped a dome topping violet pottery. Her limestone digits searched a rim below cellulose facets. Gwen clicked a plastic knob. A rotary switch vibrated cozy bedroom gasses. Upright folds surrounding Gwen's plum skin martini shaker illuminated. Ruffles like potato chip ridges glowed the color of the sun.

Bottle shaped mounds wandered to the edge of Gwen's thick, coal colored blanket. Bed spread ripples were wrapped with strawberry, flamingo, plum, blueberry, cyan, and banana colored hearts. Blueberry spotted toes sprouted from traveling blanket wrinkles. Velvet insteps followed indigo dots. Slender ankles proceded tops of pine feet. Kneecaps the size of tomato halves collected along the end of Gwen's mattress. Buttermilk calves dangled from the edge of Gwen's bed.

Gwen flattened porcelain palms beside ivory thighs. She inhaled through tiny nostrils. She exhaled between ham colored lips. Gwen rested charcoal covered stomach flesh along peaks of pine upper legs. Soot colored strands dangled beside Gwen's pale cheeks. Gwen rummaged below her bed. She laid a three ring binder across her lap. She suspended heels, insteps, and blueberry capped digits from crossed ankles. Gwen's bedroom notebook was trimmed with white vinyl. Sheets of clear plastic protected porcelain journal sheathing.

Gwen's transparent binder pockets were stuffed with sexual artwork. Shreds of notebook paper were arranged randomly below polystyrene covers. Gwen spent hours sketching pictures of her breasts in front of a bathroom mirror. She wrote "Lloyd" all over her erotic graphite images. All-- over-- them. Gwen collected her favorite pencil drawings below transparent protectors under her bed. Gwen's hazel eyes traced elemental strokes forging images of her boobs. Honey shutters followed handwritten characters spelling Lloyd's name.

"...lloyd...", Gwen read to herself. "...lloyd freeman..." Gwen traced a pair of "L"s with her pupils. "...lllllloyd..." Gwen read. "...lllllloydd freeeeeemann..." Gwen flipped the cover of her three ring binder off of her slick thigh curves. A sheet of notebook paper was hiding underneath a cardboard boob display. Pencil strokes split a lined page into four panels. A comic strip occupied rectangular graphite borders. A scratchy sketch of Gwen backed against a dresser filled the upper, left square. A drawing of Lloyd was etched beside Gwen's chest of drawers depiction. Artwork occupying the next square resembled Lloyd ripping off Gwen's striped shirt. Black and white streaks surrounded sleeves stretching away from Gwen's wrists. Gwen's bashful image was attempting to cover exposed boobs with a frantic upper arm.

The third square was a scribbled sketch of Gwen facing the dresser. Gwen's palms were flattened on top of a chest of drawers. Lloyd stood behind Gwen's undressed hiny curves. He was shirtless with big, bulging muscles. Lloyd's left hand fingers stretched Gwen's hair away from her scalp. Lloyd was dragging a set of striped panties to Gwen's knees. Gwen stared helplessly above her shoulder. In the fourth square, Gwen sketched Lloyd pounding her from behind. Gwen was bent over a clothing cabinet. Lloyd gripped Gwen's intersecting wrists behind her back. The left side of Gwen's face was showing. Gwen's terrified teeth were clenched between horrified lips. Her eyes were squeezed shut.

Gwen turned the page. A drawing was sketched across the back of Gwen's notebook paper comic reel. Another lined page drawing followed the initial set of striated rubbings. In the second drawing, Gwen was sprawled naked across a stone platform. Four posts were sticking out of Gwen's rock mattress. Gwen's wrists were tied with rope to rhombus vertex markers. Gwen's ankles were strapped to opposite uprights using twine. Lloyd stood beside an igneous slab. He was sketched shirtless with big muscles. A huge penis was scribbled below Lloyd's ripped abs. Lloyd's pecker stood straight up. The fingers of Lloyd's right hand were scratched around one of Gwen's breasts. The fingers of Lloyd's left hand were shoved inside Gwen's labia. Gwen's head was tilted back. Her face was hatched with a look of ecstasy.

The next sheet of notebook paper was decorated with another comic sketch. The top and bottom half of the page were divided by a line of pencil. The upper portion of the image was a drawing of Gwen asleep in bed. Lloyd stood naked beside Gwen's mattress. Huge muscles bulged out of Lloyd's undressed arms, chest, and stomach. Lloyd squeezed a big, fat cock beside Gwen's resting cheeks. In the lower half of Gwen's comic, her avatar was awake. Sudden shock painted Gwen's graphite forged face. Depictions of Gwen's shocked eyes stared at a person viewing her drawing.

Lloyd's big, fat weiner was shoved between Gwen's humiliated lips. Gwen's cheeks were stuffed full of swollen cock. Lloyd's free hand ripped a fluffy bed spread off of Gwen's naked body curves. Gwen's arms attempted to cover her breasts and a patch of hair above her labia. Gwen sat along the edge of her bed. Gwen's belly button was showing below the bottom of her thin, black tank top. Gwen glided blueberry spotted fingers beside her tiny navel. Indigo capped digits burrowed underneath the rim of Gwen's panties. Gwen squeezed her index finger below the apex of her labia. Gwen's pointer digit sank into a mound of genital flesh. Her pussy beebee was soaking wet.

"uhhhh--" Gwen purred. Gwen flipped to another set of drawings. A four square comic was sketched across the back of Lloyd cock's feeding reel. In the first square, Gwen depicted herself teasing Lloyd. Gwen's image stood behind a large, shop window near a street corner. Gwen was ripping off a set of skin tight jeans. A pair of lace panties was strapped around Gwen's exposed hind cheeks. Lloyd stood behind a silicate covering. Angry facial features were scribbled on top of Lloyd's disgusted precipice. In the next square, Gwen was bent over. Gwen's butt cheeks were pressed against her side of the glass. Gwen peered above her shoulder, laughing at Lloyd. Lloyd stood with his arms crossed below an irritated precipice.

In the third square, Lloyd was tearing a shop window away from a brick wall. With a free hand, Lloyd unbuckled a belt tying his jeans to his waist. Gwen was drawn with a frantic look on her face. She was dragging regretful leg denim over her horrified tuchus ridges. In the fourth square, window fragments littered sidewalk beside Lloyd's feet. Lloyd had his cock stuffed between Gwen's hind cheeks. Gwen was drawn like she was squealing for help. Lloyd's head was tilted back. A lit cigarette dangled from Lloyd's lips. Lloyd's graphite facial features cackled sadistically. Gwen's mucus coated fingertips swirled the rim of her clitoris bump.

"ahhhh--" Gwen croaked. "mMMmmm--" Gwen tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Gwen's scalp suspended licorice filaments between her shoulder blades. Gwen sank blueberry capped digits between sopping labia mounds. She shoved indigo spotted palm shafts inside her vagina. "mmaaAAHH--" Gwen groaned. Gwen crushed undressed lips with the fingers of her free hand. Dabs of blueberry colored nail polish dug into soft skin forming Gwen's cheek. Gwen swirled slick clitoral flesh using an indigo coated thumbnail. She shuffled porcelain fingers in and out of her vagina. "MMmmmm--" Gwen groaned between blueberry spotted digits gripping her velvet mouth rims. "mmuuUUHH--"

A different three ring binder occupied Gwen's school desk later that morning. The hoop clasped journal was similar to the one under Gwen's bed. Gwen's learning folder was covered with white vinyl. Porcelain binder skin was protected by clear, plastic sheets. Gwen displayed less erotic sketches below the covers of her school notebook. A vanilla tinted cardboard sheet concealed the inner, left cover of Gwen's binder. Notebook paper was stacked on top of an opposing journal board. Gwen rested the tip of a number two pencil above a seaweed tinted line. The moss pigmented striation spanned a page topping a stack of paper. Gwen scribbled the word "Schizophrenia" above a seaweed head streak. She looked up.

Mr. Tinney stood beside a blackboard. The thoughtful looking man was Gwen's Psychology teacher. Mr. Tinney's chalkboard display was the color of coal. A slate writing surface was surrounded by a border of shiny birch. A thick, steel tray was sandwiched between a dusty chalk precipice and its lower frame. Mr. Tinney was an older man. He studied his classroom through one and a half inch squares of glass. Mr. Tinney's tiny ocular panes were situated between silver dowels. Mr. Tinney had dark, wise eyes like walnuts. Creases sprouted from the outer corners of Mr. Tinney's ocular caverns. Pepper colored hair was slicked over the top of Mr. Tinney's head.

An olive colored, argyle vest with cherry diamonds was strapped over Mr. Tinney's chest. The rhombus spotted top covered a crisp, vanilla colored shirt. The starched undergarment's stiff collar wrapped the top edge of Mr. Tinney's vest. Mr. Tinney looked around and smiled. Mr. Tinney was a kind looking man. Gwen thought he was fucking gay-wad. Just looking at Mr. Tinney made Gwen sick to her stomach. Gwen's Psychology instructor turned. Mr. Tinney's fingers were closed around a long stick of chalk. Mr. Tinney faced his blackboard. The word "Schizophrenia" was written near the top of a granite showcase. Mr. Tinney hatched the number one below his mineral scribbled heading. He scratched the opening enumerator beside the left edge of his classroom chalk display. He added a half circle beside a porcelain tinted numeral.

Gwen occupied the front row of Mr. Tinney's classroom. She rested her tiny tuchus behind a central school desk. A thick, oak rectangle hovered in front of Gwen's chest. The hardwood work surface suspended a steel box above Gwen's thighs. Four posts supported Gwen's frosty desk container. A denim skirt was strapped around Gwen's hips and thighs. Cotton leg fabric was sandwiched between Gwen's hiny and a plastic, banana yellow seat. Four steel posts like the ones holding up Gwen's desk supported her lemon peel butt rest.

A set of calves the color of buttermilk flowed over the edge of Gwen's chair. Porcelain lower legs descended into a set of brown, suede collars. Cow hide ankle rims surrounded ox skin insteps protecting Gwen's feet. The tops of Gwen's boot collars clasped soft skin three inches above her heels. Gwen's boots curved into spades surrounding her toes. A long sleeved turtleneck wrapped Gwen's upper body. Gwen's long throated trunk covering was tucked into the waist of her denim skirt. Gwen's shirt was embellished with thin, black and white stripes. Slick, coal black hair surrounded Gwen's pale cheeks. Gwen's licorice scalp filaments floated an inch above her shoulders. Swirls of blush were whisked below Gwen's hazel colored eyes. Glossy, tomato tinted lipstick coated Gwen's luscious mouth rims.

Gwen scratched a one onto her notes page below the word "Schizophrenia". She scribed a half circle beside an introductory character. She stared at graphite arcs spanning the top of her dictations. Gwen's eyelids flattened her corneal honey droplets. Her pupils dilated. Gwen lowered the tip of her pencil beside a graphite semi circle. She sank an elemental point into a stack of cellulose. She carved the letter "H" beside a partial ellipse. Gwen gritted irritated teeth. She wrote "Hailey" between moss pigmented journal streaks. She ground Hailey's title into a stack of paper occupying her binder.

Gwen stared at Hailey's hatefully carved identifier. A space between Gwen's eyes wrinkled. A set of raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Gwen wrote the number two below the first digit. She carved a semi circle beside the second graphite numeral. She wrote "Lloyd" next to a partial ellipse. Gwen lifted her pencil. She studied "L"s marking the start of Lloyd's name. "...lloyd..." Gwen read under her breath. "...lllllloyd..." Gwen's eyes switched to Hailey's agitating title. Drops of honey stared at lines of coal pressed into a lined sheet.

"...hhhaileyyy..." Gwen squeezed between grinding teeth. Gwen ground the tip of her pencil into a space beside Hailey's name. She carved a second "H" into a lined sheet. Gwen's face twisted like club soda citrus. Gwen mashed her pencil into a stack of notebook paper occupying her desk. She wrote an "a" beside the letter "H". She scribbled a short line beside a lower case character. She sawed vertical graphite streaks, repeatedly. The point of Gwen's pencil tore through the top page of her notes. Gwen squeezed a yellow, hexagonal body suspending dehydrated graphite. She lifted a banana shrouded writing instrument. She pounded a pencil point above the line she carved. Gwen's sketching stick collapsed. Gwen crinkled hazy eye flaps. She studied the end of her hardwood dictator. An elemental scribe folded away from a conical pine sprout.

Hailey Holloway sat near the back of Mr. Tinney's classroom. Hailey was a red-head. She had long, flowing hair the color of bright orange flames. Pale skin the color of desert sand formed Hailey's glowing body segments. Hailey styled her flame colored locks in a way she considered to be pretty average. Hailey's ginger scalp strands were centrally parted and chopped even. Hailey's flame tinted hair fluffs were trimmed a half inch above her lanky shoulders. Hailey had a slender body and a thin, bony face. Irises like emeralds were sandwiched between Hailey's long, thin lashes. The peaks of Hailey's eye sockets were feathered with brows like sweet potato shavings.

Hailey partitioned jade faceted eye shutters behind one by two inch glass rectangles. A gold plated dowel connected oblong lenses across the bridge of Hailey's thin nose. Thicker ocular sticks extended from ends of crystal abarrators. Saxophone ear struts disappeared behind orange sherbet strands sprouting from Hailey's temples. The apples of Hailey's cheeks were swirled with carnation colored blush. Gloss the color of a strawberry milkshake was glopped on top of Hailey's lips. Hailey wore a soft blouse made of white silk. The sleeves of Hailey's quartz top reached the origins of her wrists. Points of Hailey's elastic collar surrounded her skinny, pine colored neck. Buttons like mint candies strapped Hailey's blouse across her upper body. Hailey's ivory pigmented shirt was tucked into a black, silk skirt.

Hailey's soot colored dress was decorated with edges of white circles. Porcelain upper leg ellipses varying in size were printed randomly. The rim of Hailey's skirt dangled from the end of a plastic, blueberry colored seat. Thin calves the color of coffee creamer descended from the bottom of Hailey's dress. The edges of Hailey's tiny feet were surrounded by shiny, ballerina flats. Black vinyl instep borders matched the body of Hailey's hip and thigh ruffles. Hailey was stuck living with her friend, Wednesday. And, she was short on clothes. She borrowed the shoes she was wearing from Wednesday.

Wednesday sat next to Hailey. Wednesday sat behind a desk near the rear, left corner of the classroom. Hailey resided next to Wednesday's right shoulder and hip. Wednesday had fair skin like her friend. Hair the color of crow feathers framed Wednesday's pale cheeks. A fountain of soft, coal colored strands sprouted from the middle of Wednesday's scalp. Raven tinted locks surrounding Wednesday's facial curves ended below her jaw line. Icy, blue eyes were frosted below crow colored bangs tickling Wednesday's upper eyelids. Ruby red lips shrouded a narrow chin curving away from Wednesday's porcelain cheeks.

Wednesday wore a black blouse with short sleeves. The neck of Wednesday's top surrounded the bottom of her throat. A plaid skirt was strapped around Wednesday's trim waist. Wednesday's checkered dress was hatched with red and black squares. Ruffles surrounding the bottom of Wednesday's skirt dangled below her knees. A set of calves the color of birch dropped from plaid ripples. Wednesday's lower legs descended into a set of wedged shoes. Shiny, black vinyl bordered Wednesday's tiny feet. Skinny, hardwood columns descended from the backs of Wednesday's footwear. Long heel shafts became short platforms supporting Wednesday's artificial toe protectors.

Lloyd occupied a desk beside Hailey's right shoulder and hip. Shaggy, chocolate colored hair sprouted from Lloyd's scalp. Mud fountains hid tar tinted ocular facets floating on Lloyd's cheeks. Bushy sideburns surrounded Lloyd's walnut pigmented facial extents. Lloyd's chops were trimmed below his jaw line. A sly smirk typically occupied Lloyd's thoughtful face. Additionally, Lloyd was sitting with Hailey Holloway-- a smart, pretty young lady he developed a crush for the first time he saw her. So, Lloyd was particularly smirky. A plain white t-shirt was stretched over Lloyd's upper body. Lloyd's ivory tinted top embellished his upper body's physique. Lloyd tucked the bottom of his shirt into a pair of lightly colored khakis. A set of sloppy, black sneakers poked out of the legs of Lloyd's pale britches.

Hailey noticed Lloyd's right shoe was untied. Hailey's carnation waxed lips formed an adoring smile. Hailey squeezed between steel posts supporting Lloyd's school desk. She stretched porcelain sleeved wrists across a four foot, beige tile. The linoleum floor square was spattered with charcoal and wine colored spots. Lloyd stared below his desk. A long seam divided the back of Hailey's white silk blouse. Shirt sutures originated between Hailey's shoulder blades and sank into her lower back. An arched kidney separator divided Hailey's trim waist. Hailey's skirt originated near the base of her lower back. Ellipse embellished silk curved away from Hailey's spine and gripped her teensy tuchus. Lloyd smirked.

"Lookin' good there, Hailey," Lloyd remarked. Hailey stopped. She sealed a flattered giggle behind her gloss coated mouth rims. She gripped loops of fuzzy string between her thumbs and forefingers. She tightened Lloyd's shoelaces on top of his suede blanketed instep. She flattened porcelain palms beside Lloyd's worn out sneakers. She shoved herself into her seat. Hailey gazed at shiny coals hiding behind Lloyd's chocolate hair strands. She smiled, stupidly. She stared at an open spiral notebook adorning the surface of her work table. Seventy sheets of notebook paper concealed the journal's back cover. The word "Schizophrenia" was written across the top page.

"She flipped me off," Hailey responded. Hailey scribbled an opening numeral below the word "Schizophrenia". She drew a half circle beside the number one. A set of raven colored eyebrows lifted above Wednesday's sparkling, blue irises. Charcoal eye embellishments were visible between spaces separating Wednesday's bangs.

"Huh?" Wednesday inquired. Wednesday searched surrounding students. "Who?" Hailey copied something Mr. Tinney wrote on his blackboard.

"The biiitch," Hailey remarked without looking up. "Gwen."

"Gwen?" Wednesday repeated. The outer corners of Wednesday's eyes wrinkled. "Is she a-- bitch?"

"She just called *me* a bitch," Hailey replied. Hailey studied the front of the classroom. She followed charcoal strands sprouting from the rear of Gwen's scalp. Wednesday slipped a spiral notebook out of a denim back pack. She squinted, thoughtfully.

"W-Why?" Wednesday requisitioned. Wednesday scooted her denim back pack below her seat. She rested her notebook along a thick, oak rectangle suspended in front of her stomach. She glided tar colored fingernails below a shiny, black cover sealing her journal. Sometimes, Wednesday used a pencil eraser to rub drawings onto the covers of her spiral packets. The seal of Wednesday's Psychology notebook was decorated with doodles of cute ghosts. Wednesday flipped a slick, charcoal pigmented protector off of lined sheets. She swiveled a cellulose seal behind cheddar colored cardboard supporting her notebook. Hailey continued copying notes.

"I know, right?" Hailey responded. "What's *that* all about?" Lloyd squinted. He pointed towards the front of the classroom with the edge of his scalp.

"You mean Gwen Fall?" Lloyd asked. "She sits up front?"

"Yeah," Hailey replied. Hailey glanced at Lloyd's walnut cheeks. "She's always trying to answer Mr. Tinney's questions?" Hailey studied her notes. Apricot eyebrows lifted off of Hailey's sparkling eye shutters. "But, she *never* knows the answer." Lloyd squeezed thoughtful lips together.

"Hmmm--" Lloyd croaked. Wednesday quickly scribbled down what Mr. Tinney wrote on the blackboard. She looked up. She glided a set of ruby red lips to the edge of her face.

"It's not 'cause *you're* sitting back here, is it?" Wednesday asked. Hailey looked between her friend's sapphire colored irises.

"I *always* sit here," Hailey responded. Wednesday exhaled a short laugh.

"I meant Lloyd, dummy," Wednesday explained. Hailey squinted.

"Lloyyyd?" Hailey requisitioned. Hailey studied licorice strands dangling from Gwen's scalp. "Why would she care if Lloyd sits back here?" Hailey faced Wednesday. "You think it's because *Lloyd's* sitting back here? What do you mean?" Wednesday stretched ceramic facial curves.

"*I* dunno," Wednesday responded. Hailey bobbled sparkly, green eye shutters. She glanced at Lloyd's charcoal faceted irises.

"Lloyd, why would Gwen Fall care if you sat with us?" Hailey inquired.

"She's a freak," Lloyd explained. Lloyd's eyes were locked on shoulder length raven filaments dangling from Gwen's skull. Hailey followed bushy sideburns poking out of Lloyd's cheek. She bobbed her pale face.

"You *know* her?" Hailey asked. Lloyd followed Gwen's glittering hair curtains. He looked into Hailey's emerald green eyes. He inhaled a quick breath.

"I've seen her around," Lloyd replied. "Sometimes, I like to go out and party. You know?" Lloyd shrugged. "I've seen her here and there. Never really talked to her much." Lloyd faced forward. "Mr. Young stuck us in a two person lab group a while back in Biology." Lloyd nodded. He inhaled between his long lips. "And, she seemed to like me a little bit." Hailey stared between Lloyd's chocolate forehead fluffs. She sucked in a short puff.

"Ohhh--" Hailey groaned. Hailey squinted. "Really?" Lloyd nodded.

"Ohh, yeahh--" Lloyd croaked. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's jade faceted pupils. He gripped the end of his lip using nervous teeth. "*I* think she's a-- fuckin' fruit cake." Hailey blew a breath out of grinning, carnation stained lips. Wednesday copied something Mr. Tinney wrote. She shook her head.

"*Everybody* thinks she is," Wednesday interjected. "She's always-- shouting out all the wrong answers." Wednesday swiveled irritated cheeks. "It's fuckin'-- annoying." Wednesday scribbled psychological terminology using a dark pencil with a black eraser. She plopped her pencil's charcoal rubber against her crimson stained lips. She looked at Hailey. "One time, she reminded Ms. Gord that she forgot to assign homework."

"Awww, mannn--" Lloyd groaned.

"Like-- right at the end of class," Wednesday added. Hailey curled a disgusted lip off of parted teeth. "She's *that* kid," Wednesday remarked. Lloyd sank the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. He shook his head.

"Anywayy--" Lloyd purred. "So, she's like-- a total weirdo. You know?"

"Yeah?" Hailey inquired. Lloyd nodded.

"She's one of those kind of peopllle--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd flattened his quartz wrapped shoulders against a cherry red back support. He folded a set of masculine arms over his muscular chest. "She gets all-- pissy over nothing?" Lloyd explained. Lloyd looked into Hailey's eyes. "You knoww?" Hailey nodded, slowly. Lloyd studied Gwen's charcoal hair filaments above his crossed forearms. "This one time-- I showed up late for class," Lloyd continued. "And, she started working without me?" Lloyd glanced at Hailey. "We were dissecting--" Lloyd crinkled coal faceted eyes. "Some kind of-- pig-- thing??"

"A *fetal* pig," Hailey remarked with a nod.

"Ohhh--" Lloyd groaned. "*That's* right. It was an unborn fetus." Lloyd licked his long, thin lips. "Anyway, so I showed up a little late that day. And-- dumb-shit up there-- she had already started without me?" Lloyd spread his index fingers in front of Hailey's sparkling ocular facets. "And, I looked in the tray? Like-- that dissection tray you gotta use in Biology classes?" Hailey nodded. "And-- dumb-ass had cut it up into pieces." Hailey wrinkled horrified facial features.

"Ahhh--" Hailey groaned. "What the hellll?" Lloyd swatted irritated fingers above his ivory wrapped shoulder.

"Ohh, yeahhh--" Lloyd grumbled. "She had shit all over the place. It was a mess." Lloyd licked his lips. "She didn't do a straight incision-- or pin back the cadaver's arms and legs-- or trim its organs or-- *anything* resembling actual lab work."

"So she just-- cut it up into pieces?" Hailey requisitioned. Lloyd took a breath.

"She just sorta-- cut it all up. You know?" Lloyd explained. "And then, she-- like, randomly-- stuck the body parts all over the place with those, like-- dissection pins they give you?" Wednesday wrinkled distressed eyes and nasal passages.

"Ewww--" Wednesday groaned from mournful lips.

"I knowww--" Lloyd croaked. "When I came up, she like--" Lloyd hammered the surface of his desk with his fist. "Stabbed the dissection scissors right through its eyes like that--"

"Uggckk--" Wednesday grumbled.

"Yeahhh--" Lloyd purred. "We got an F on that project." Lloyd looked into Hailey's eyes. "On a fuckin'-- dissection." The outer corners of Hailey's eyes wrinkled.

"wwWhy--?" Hailey requisitioned. Hailey lifted analytical palms. "Why-- did she do that?" Lloyd raised upturned fingers.

"I don't know," Lloyd responded. Lloyd copied blackboard notes. "Gwen's kinda strange. You know?" Lloyd glanced at Hailey's emerald irises. "She told me at the end of class--" Lloyd continued. "She says-- 'Don't be late again, Lloyyyd'." A set of flame colored eyebrows shot up Hailey's forehead.

"She did it because you were late to class?" Hailey requisitioned. Lloyd lifted confused palms.

"I-- guess," Lloyd replied. Lloyd dropped agitated digits along the edges of his desk.

"What a-- fuckin' weirdo," Wednesday remarked. Hailey searched Lloyd's espresso forehead fluffs. She squinted.

"I thought you said she liked you?" Hailey interjected. Lloyd nodded.

"She *did*," Lloyd explained. "And after that, I came back the next day-- and, she was looking up at me-- with these big, poppy, flashy eyes--"

"What the hell??" Wednesday groaned.

"And, she was grinning at meee--" Lloyd continued. "Like it never happened." Lloyd shrugged.

"What did you say?" Hailey asked.

"I said-- 'The fuck happened to you'?" Lloyd replied. "'You act like a total nutcase? You get me a fuckin'-- F on my lab? And-- everything's supposed to be all good, now'?" Lloyd shook his head. Hailey folded inquisitive arms on top of her silk shrouded tits.

"And, what'd she *think* about that?" Hailey inquired. Lloyd's charcoal faceted eyes popped open. Lloyd pointed at Hailey's crossed wrists.

"She-- She just looked at me and said, 'yyYeahhh--'" Lloyd explianed. "She just kept-- looking at me with those eyes." Lloyd licked his lips. "And, she just smiiiled--" Hailey gazed into Lloyd's corneal tar droplets. She nodded slowly. Lloyd sank into his plastic chair. He pointed at soot pigmented filaments grazing Gwen's striped shoulders. Fluffy, chocolate brows climbed Lloyd's forehead behind coffee sprouts. "She's a fuckin'-- crazy bitch," Lloyd remarked. A thick, oak door separated Mr. Tinney's classroom from the hallway. A heavy duty knob adorned the right edge of a hallway divider. A rectangle of glass was fitted into a space above a steel latch turner. The long window panel was woven with diagonal lines. A stocky silhouette dimmed the lower half of Mr. Tinney's door glass. Three thumps erupted from a cellulose hallway covering.

Mr. Tinney was facing his class. He rested a stick of chalk along a steel tray below his blackboard. He smacked mineral dusted digits in front of cherry vest diamonds. White puffs wafted from the tips of Mr. Tinney's fingers. Mr. Tinney wandered in front of a slate note display. He peeked through his classroom door window. He squinted. Crinkles escaping the corners of Mr. Tinney's eyes split the apples of his cheeks. Mr. Tinney curled his fingers around an icy cylinder extending below his door window. He rotated a circular latch and swiveled his classroom covering into the hallway. He switched a door knob from his right hand to his left.

A stout man in a trench coat occupied the outer end of Mr. Tinney's learning partition. The broad shouldered man's thoughtful eyes looked down at Mr. Tinney. The man's eyelids rested along the tips of his tar pigmented irises. Deep creases extended from the hallway man's wise ocular caverns. Wrinkles overflowed the man's temples and descended his cheeks. A head full of thick, curly hair erupted from the hallway man's scalp. Specific keratin scalp coils were the color of rust. Additional spiraled follicles glittered like silver strands.

The man in the hallway wore a dingy, beige colored dress shirt. An olive pigmented neck tie covered buttons strapping the man's shirt around his chest. Camel pigmented stomach silk was tucked into faded, chocolate colored slacks. Black dress shoes poked out the man's pant leg rims. The man in the hallway's charcoal tinted footwear was scuffed. The hallway occupant's shoe soles were coming loose. The man's trench coat was the color of a margarita. The long, precipitation jacket was well worn. Wrinkles deformed the hallway man's protective cucumber fabric. Ripples like pickle juice hung from the man's broad shoulders. The lower edges of the man's wadded coat surrounded his knees.

"Hello," the man in the hallway spoke. The hallway visitor's weathered eye borders crinkled, slightly. "You must be Mr. Tinney. Is that right?" Mr. Tinney's walnut irises focused on tar tinted shutters surrounding the man's pupils.

"Yes, sir," Mr. Tinney replied. Mr. Tinney was getting a cop sort of vibe. "What can *I* do for you?" The man in the hall sank his fingers into a pocket along the edge of his jacket. He squinted.

"Uhhh--" the foyer inhabitant groaned. The hallway man patted a space beside the opposite opening of his jacket. "Ummm--" The man reached inside his jacket. "Oh, I'm--" Half brown, half grey eyebrow fluffs climbed the man's wrinkled forehead. "Oh, there it is," the tunnel dweller remarked. The hallway man flipped open a black, leather billfold. He suspended a shiny, gold plated badge in front of Mr. Tinney's pecan shell eyes. "I'm Detective Moore. I'm with the police." Detective Moore smiled. Creases like sunbursts surrounded Moore's charcoal colored ocular caverns.

"What can I help you with, Detective Moore?" Mr. Tinney asked.

"Wellll--" Detective Moore groaned. "I'm looking for a-- Ms. Holloway?" Moore squinted. "Is she in your class this morning?" Mr. Tinney gazed into Detective Moore's coal faceted eye shutters. He blinked.

"You mean Hailey?" Mr. Tinney asked. Detective Moore's bushy eyebrows ascended a forehead staircase.

"Uhhh-- yes, sir," Moore responded. "Is she here?" Mr. Tinney nodded.

"Well, uh--" Mr. Tinney grumbled. "Well, yeah. She's here." Mr. Tinney licked thoughtful lips. "Can I ask-- what is this about?" Cracks like lightning bolts escaped Detective Moore's eye sockets.

"She didn't mention anything to you?" Detective Moore inquired. Detective Moore studied wine and coal spotted floor tiles. He stroked his chin. "Nah-- why would she," Moore grumbled. Detective Moore looked up. "Well, her mother went missing this weekend." Moore swallowed. "And, their house burned down." Mr. Tinney's eyes popped open.

"Uhhh--" Mr. Tinney croaked. Jagged cracks extended from Mr. Tinney's dark brown eyes. "You mean-- the house I read about in the paper?" Mr. Tinney looked over his shoulder. He searched his students. "You mean, that was--" Mr. Tinney spotted Hailey across the room. Hailey's sparkling, green eyes searched Mr. Tinney's vanilla pudding facial features. Mr. Tinney exhaled from concerned nasal passages. He faced Detective Moore. "Do you need to take her out of class?" Mr. Tinney inquired. "Did you find her mom?" Detective Moore stood up straight. He folded margarita sleeved arms over his chest.

"Wellll--" Detective Moore grumbled. "I would like to speak with her for just a little bit, if that's okay." Mr. Tinney studied Detective Moore's wisdom rich cheek ridges. He nodded.

"I'll get her," Mr. Tinney explained. Mr. Tinney wandered across the front of his classroom. Most of Mr. Tinney's students were lost in conversation. They had no idea what was going on. Hailey's eyes followed Mr. Tinney's square ocular panels all the way to her desk. Mr. Tinney stopped in front of Hailey and Wednesday. Hailey looked up from her cellulose work table. She stared at Mr. Tinney above the rims of her glasses.

"What is it, Mr. Tinney?" Hailey requisitioned. Hailey glanced at the classroom door. Detective Moore's upper body extended through a rectangular hallway port. Moore studied teenage faces. He gazed into Hailey's emerald eye shutters. A satisfied grin lifted the corners of Detective Moore's long, thin lips. Moore waved wrinkled finger shafts above his rust and silver head coils. Hailey stared at Detective Moore's cracked precipice. She felt like she was racing down a tunnel.

"There's someone here to see you," Mr. Tinney explained. Hailey inhaled between gloss coated lips. She looked into Mr. Tinney's eyes.

"Is it about my mom?" Hailey inquired. Mr. Tinney studied Hailey's colorful face. He squinted.

"Is she missing, Hailey?" Mr. Tinney asked. "*I'm* sorry to hear that." Hailey licked menthol stained mouth coverings. She glanced at Wednesday. Wednesday stared into her friend's jade faceted pupils from uneasy sapphire shutters. Hailey detected Lloyd's strong fingers curling around her porcelain palm shafts. She squeezed Lloyd's protective digits. Hailey slipped uneasy knuckle extensions away from Lloyd's comforting carpal ridges. She scooted back her chair, balanced on vinyl foot rims, and brushed past Mr. Tinney.

"It's not the first time," Hailey grumbled. Mr. Tinney watched upper limb silk chutes shuffle past his argyle vest. He watched carrot scalp filaments brushing Hailey's porcelain cheeks above his shoulder. Detective Moore stood in Mr. Tinney's door way. He folded his arms over his chest. A warm smile occupied Detective Moore's crinkled face. Hailey studied Moore's thoughtful precipice from the corners of her eyes. She saundered beyond the front row of the classroom. She passed Gwen's desk. Hailey's emerald colored irises gazed into Gwen's honey tinted eye shutters. Gwen's crow pigmented eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her nose. A hideous grin divided Gwen's pale face. Hailey narrowed curious eye flaps.

"...what *is* it with this cunt?..." Hailey grumbled between clenched teeth. Hailey faced Detective Moore. Moore inhaled between long, grinning mouth rims.

"Hello, Ms. Holloway," Moore remarked. Detective Moore studied shiny, ballerina flats protecting the edges of Hailey's feet. He watched printed, black ruffles wafting beside Hailey's knees. He looked between white, silk points bordering Hailey's long, slender neck. Slick collar tips shifted when Hailey's arms swooped beside her hips. Detective Moore gazed into Hailey's emerald eye facets. "You certainly look pretty, today," Moore commented. Hailey stopped a foot away from Detective Moore's disheveled footwear. Hailey's head tilted carrot and ginger filaments between her ivory sheathed scapulas. Hailey gazed into Detective Moore's wise, tar tinted eyes. She felt like she was looking at Moore's wrinkled precipice from the floor.

"Did you find her?" Hailey inquired. Moore looked towards the right corners of his eyes. His head swiveled the direction his coal slivered irises pointed.

"nnNo--" Detective Moore croaked. Moore returned his gaze to Hailey's colorful face. "Not yet." Hailey nodded a little. She shrugged.

"Can I go-- sit back down?" Hailey demanded. Detective Moore glided crinkled fingertips across his thoughtful lips. Detective Moore's weathered digits found their way to his cheek. Shriveled palm shafts returned to Moore's oblong oral coverings.

"I need to ask you some questions," Detective Moore explained. "Are you up for that?" Hailey looked above soft silk wrapping her right shoulder. She spotted Wednesday and Lloyd near the other end of the classroom. Hailey's friends stared back, impatiently. Wrinkles extended from Lloyd's suspicious ocular frames. Wednesday lifted concerned palms beside raven shoulder flaps. Hailey licked carnation pigmented gloss coating her lips. A uniformed officer occupied a Glory High teacher's lounge. Silver hair was slicked from the law enforcer's forehead to the rear of his scalp. Hair nubs like sleet pellets extended from the court droid's head edges.

A silver mustache sprouted from a space above the deputy's top lip. The officer's upper rim shroud was shaped like push broom bristles. The lounge occupant had wide, bulging shoulders. A long sleeved shirt the color of blueberries was stretched over the man's stout upper body. Muscular biceps and pecks expanded navy blue wool gripping flesh like rock. Golden emblems made from cotton were stitched to the lounge man's shirt deltoids. The amber tinted ornaments were shaped like police badges. "City of Malley Police" was embroidered on top of scotch tinted patches. The council designation was forged with black silk strands.

An indigo tie dangled from a space between the officer's collar points. A silver tag shrouded a square shaped pocket stitched over the agent's left breast. The shiny identifier read "Harris". Officer Harris' badge was pinned to a pocket below his nametag. His glittering shield was treated with silver just like his title tag. Harris' status plate was topped with upper edges forming a forty-five degree vertex. Arcs escaping the base of Officer Harris' medal formed a lower point. "City of Malley Police" was engraved across Harris' rank marker. Horizontal lines were stamped above and below the embossed designation.

Harris' shirt was tucked into a pair of neatly pressed, indigo colored slacks. Golden stripes covered seams forming the outer edges of Harris' pant legs. The hems of Officer Harris' lower limb drapes bordered shiny, leather shoes. Harris' cow hide footwear was buffed to a mirror finish. Officer Harris sat behind a long, thick table. The teacher lounge eating surface was made of shiny oak. A back rest wrapped in brown leather puffs surrounded Harris' sharp pointed face. Bronze mounds the size of cherries fastened tufts of chocolate cow hide.

A bulletin board spanned a wall behind Officer Harris' silver stranded scalp. Tomato colored paper was stapled over the banner display's entire surface. A card stock border surrounded a red message sheet. The inner edge of a cork board frame was shaped like a sine wave. Pictures of protractors, pencils, and rulers embellished a laminated announcement border. Giant, paper cutouts shaped like letters spanned the top edge of the bulletin board. The oversized characters alternated cornflower blue, banana yellow, olive green, and plum purple. Scissored tree pulp symbols spelled "The 9th Grade Teachers of Glory High".

Photographs of staff and their families were stapled below the rainbow pigmented banner. The bulletin board was covered with personal pictures. Officer Harris stared at a thick, oak door across from the teacher's lounge table. A one foot window spanned a space near the upper, middle section of the hallway covering. A thick, silver knob extended from the right edge of the door. The zinc plated latch turned clockwise. The hardwood foyer screen swiveled away from Officer Harris. Detective Moore's warm, spirited voice vibrated cozy teacher's lounge gasses.

"I'm sure this'll just take a second, Ms. Holloway," Moore explained. Thick, worn fingers curled around the door knob across from Officer Harris. Wrinkled cotton fabric the color of a margarita surrounded withered digit joints. The toe of a scuffed, black leather shoe stepped on a two foot, ivory colored tile. The linoleum square spanned half of an empty threshold. The quartz stained floor sheet was decorated with slate colored blotches.

A buttermilk tinted instep erupted from edges of a black shoe. The roof of a pale foot carried a slender lower leg past a slim door gap. A black skirt decorated with white circle borders followed a porcelain tinted calf. A silk blouse like ivory erupted from the waist of a slick skirt. Hair resembling eighteen inch flames wafted above coconut shoulder fluffs. Emerald eyes and shiny, carnation lips pointed at Officer Harris's stern precipice. Hailey balanced her left foot beside her right. She gazed into Harris' cornflower blue irises. Harris' push broom whiskers twitched. Hailey inhaled a frosty breath between her menthol waxed lips. She looked over her shoulder. Detective Moore's tar pigmented eye shutters stared beside the outer edge of the door.

"D-Did something happen to my mom?" Hailey asked. Officer Harris faced blueberry sleeved wrists folded on top of a lounge table. He sighed from frustrated, push broom lips.

"Moorrre--" Harris groaned. Detective Moore wandered past Hailey. The door shut behind Moore's wandering lower limbs. Detective Moore motioned towards an empty chair beside a long, oak table. The high backed seat was wrapped in leather tufts matching Officer Harris' sitting ridges.

"Why don't you have a seat, Ms. Holloway?" Moore suggested. Detective Moore plopped down next to Officer Harris. Even sitting down, Moore was almost a foot taller than Harris. Hailey glided her thumbs over tangerine colored nail polish spotting her fingertips. She sank a warm, vanilla cream palm into frosty, chocolate leather. Hailey swallowed. Hailey's vinyl rimmed feet balanced porcelain knees in front of a slick chair surface. Her silk skirted hiny flattened leather mounds across from Harris and Moore.

"We still haven't found your mother," Detective Moore revealed. Hailey squeezed her gloss coated lips together.

"Ohhh--" Hailey purred. Hailey looked at white ellipses blanketing the curves of her thighs. Moore watched Hailey, carefully.

"Are you worried, yet?" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey looked up.

"Is that why you're here?" Hailey asked. Moore squinted.

"Uhhh--" Moore groaned. Moore patted the breast of his trench coat. "I believe that's--" Moore searched margarita colored fabric with the tips of his thick fingers. "Ummm--" Detective Moore reached inside his long jacket. Moore's weathered digits gripped a small, spiral notepad. Detective Moore suspended the tiny collection of paper in front of his face. He flipped a shiny, red cover with his thumb. He shuffled a couple of pages over chrome plated coils.

"That's-- exactly what you said, yesterday," Moore reported. Moore looked up. Hailey burrowed silk wrapped elbows into sheets of soft, brown leather. The slick cow hide wrapped arm rests surrounding Hailey's ribs. Hailey folded her fingers together. She cradled her tiny chin using a tangerine spotted finger hammock. Detective Moore squinted. He extended a carrot shaped index finger from worn knuckles. "Yesterday?" Moore explained. "When I asked where your mother was?" Hailey stared into Detective Moore's cold, dark eyes. She wrinkled emerald faceted eyes.

"rrRight--" Hailey croaked. "Yeah, you *did* ask me exactly the same thing. Didn't you?" Hailey nodded, slowly. A set of bushy eyebrows wandered to the top of Detective Moore's forehead.

"Wellll--" Detective Moore groaned. "That seems strange to me." Moore looked beside him. "Doesn't that seem strange, Officer Harris?"

"May-beee--" Harris conceded. Detective Moore faced Hailey.

"I mean-- some people might be a little worried," Detective Moore continued. "Ya know?" Long creases sprouted from Detective Moore's wise eyes. "You asked about your mother a couple of times." Moore shook his head. "But-- you don't really seem *worried* about her." Hailey nodded.

"Not the first time she's gone missing," Hailey retorted. Detective Moore studied Hailey's emerald eye shutters. He blinked.

"Hailey," Officer Harris interrupted. Hailey stared at Detective Moore's coal faceted irises. Glittery emeralds wandered to the right corners of Hailey's eyes. Jade slivers focused on cornflower blue shutters surrounding Officer Harris' pupils.

"Yes, sir?" Hailey requisitioned.

"You know what happened here, Friday?" Harris asked. Hailey's makeup brushed eyelids folded together. Images projected along the backs of Hailey's sealed ocular flaps. Hailey studied flickering frames. She watched blood trickling off of thin, cherry red leather. Crimson cow hide soaked with hemoglobin soup was stitched around Hailey's tiny fingers. Hailey's gloved digits sank into an abdominal gash. Ox skin palm shafts stretched bowels away from slashed stomach meat. Tiny, claret mits stretched pleated small intestine away from connective membrane. Muscle contractions squeezed entrail bulges between Hailey's dermis coated fingers. Secretive eye coverings pried Hailey's long, mascara coated lashes apart. Hailey studied Officer Harris' ocean colored eyes.

"I heard," Hailey responded.

"And-- you weren't here, Friday?" Harris inquired. "Isn't that right?"

"I was suspended," Hailey explained. Officer Harris' irises wandered to the right corners of his eyes. Harris' cornflower eye shutters studied Moore's crinkled cheeks. Officer Harris looked into Hailey's eyes.

"Do you know what happened to the other kids?" Harris asked. Officer Harris relaxed along leather puffs covering the back of his chair. He folded a set of thick, muscular arms over his chest. "Travis Griffin?" Harris questioned. "Jennifer Rogers? Vicky Turner?" Officer Harris' cornflower irises followed Hailey's emerald pupil facets. "Paul Snyder?" Harris added. Hailey stared into Officer Harris' eyes. She licked gloss coated lips. "We can't seem to find them," Officer Harris continued. "We can't seem to locate Vicky's father, either. Uhh--" Officer Harris folded thoughtful eyelids on top of shutters like an afternoon canopy.

"mmMartin Turner--" Harris forced out of stubborn lips. Officer Harris examined Hailey's colorful face. Hailey stared back. She licked carnation waxed mouth rims. Detective Moore looked beside his left shoulder. He followed short, silver hairs poking out of Harris' temple.

"Officer Harris," Moore interjected. Harris studied Hailey's behavior. He turned his head. Detective Moore suspended a pocket notepad in front of eyes like coal. His swiveled a lined page over his worn knuckles. "Would you give us a minute, please?" Officer Harris searched rust and silver coils poking out of Detective Moore's scalp. Harris scooted his chair below the teacher's lounge bulletin board. Hailey watched the uniformed law enforcer walk to the end of the table. Officer Harris wandered past Hailey's silk wrapped biceps. Hailey listened to a thick door open and close.

Moore flipped a slick cardboard protector on top of teensy journal sheets. He tossed a stack of portable notes onto a shiny sheet of oak in front of his chest. He rested margarita blanketed elbows along leather arm shelves surrounding his hips. Moore folded wise digits in front camel tinted silk covering his man tits. Hailey lifted her cream skinned jaw off of porcelain finger weaves. She plopped tangerine embellished digits on top of ellipse printed lap silk. She glided the toes of Wednesday's shoes across slick tiles. She intersected ankles like milk below espresso stained seat leather. Detective Moore inhaled between long lips.

"Officer Harris is upset," Detective Moore explained. "I'm sorry he keeps asking about Travis." Detective Moore licked oblong mouth rims. "And, Jennifer--" he added. "And, Paul--"

"I heard him," Hailey interrupted. Detective Moore seemed convincing. But, Hailey didn't think Officer Harris was upset. Harris seemed impatient. Hailey wasn't sure Harris suspected she, Wednesday, or Lloyd ruthlessly slaughtered Tommy, Joe, Gary, Tate, or Ms. Goodwin. Hailey didn't believe Harris suspected her or her friends contributed to Travis, Jennifer, Paul, Vicky, or Martin's disappearances, either. Hailey was convinced Detective Moore suspected she, Wednesday, and Lloyd orchestrated everything. Detective Moore pointed at an olive green tie dangling from his beige shirt collar.

"*My* priority is finding your mother," Moore explained. Detective Moore folded wrinkled digits in front of his chest. "Okay, Ms. Holloway?" Hailey gazed into Detective Moore's eyes. She licked menthol coated lips.

"Okay," Hailey conceded. Detective Moore gazed back. He smiled.

"I gotta say--" Moore continued. "I think you're very intelligent, Ms. Holloway." Detective Moore squinted. Moore's cheeks crinkled like old leather. "You know that?" Hailey inhaled through a set of tiny nostrils. She exhaled a slow, relaxing breath.

"I don't think I'm that smart," Hailey responded. Detective Moore continued grinning. A set of tar tinted irises wandered to the right corners of Moore's eyes. Coal faceted eye shutters resumed scrutinizing Hailey's body language.

"You rememberrr--?" Detective Moore croaked. Moore dragged apart fingers like vanilla pudding. Detective Moore's well traveled digits gripped his pickle juice wrapped elbow. Moore plopped the tip of his finger on top of his lips. He narrowed a set of crinkled eyes. "I asked you, yesterdayyy--?" Detective Moore lifted his mouth finger and took a breath. "How you came to know-- that your house had burned down?" Moore studied Hailey's glittering eye shutters. Hailey nodded.

"Yeah," Hailey replied. "I told you. I read about it in the paper." Detective Moore nodded.

"Mm-hmm--" Detective Moore hummed. Moore spread the fingers of his free hand. "Who's paper did you read?"

"Wednesday's," Hailey replied. "I, uhh-- I stayed at Wednesday's house Friday night. And then, me and Wednesday were looking through the newspaper at Wednesday's house Saturday morning. We were wondering if there was any information about what happened at school, Friday." Detective Moore nodded. "And then, I found this article about-- my house-- burning to the ground Friday night."

"That's the house on Cherry Lane, right?" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey nodded.

"Five-ninety-eight Cherry Lane," Hailey retorted. "Yeah-- that's my *house*." Hailey swiveled her pale cheeks without looking away. "I double checked." Detective Moore rested his forehead along the tips of his fingers. He shook his head.

"You know, I can't help but wonderrr--" Detective Moore grumbled. Moore looked up. He pointed at Hailey with ends of withered digits. "You read about your house on Saturday. Is that right?" Hailey nodded.

"That's-- what I just said," Hailey conceded. Detective Moore rubbed wrinkled digits together and looked into Hailey's eyes.

"Any reason why you didn't run over there right away?" Detective Moore requisitioned. Hailey detected the earth's gravity dragging her towards the floor. All the blood drained out of Hailey's porcelain facial curves. Hailey realized she screwed up. She inhaled between carnation waxed lips. She exhaled a long, relaxing breath. Detective Moore turned his face without looking away. "Msss. Holloway?" Moore inquired. Hailey stared into Detective Moore's coal faceted pupils. She blinked.

"I-- didn't want to," Hailey forced out of carnation stained lips. Detective Moore gazed into Hailey's jade green eyes. He tilted his wrinkled face. He sank his sun scarred cheek into the palm of his hand.

"You-- didn't want to?" Detective Moore repeated. Hailey licked nervous lips. She knew she needed to be careful.

"I-- f-fucking hate her!" Hailey snapped. Detective Moore stared, stupidly. He lifted crinkled facial dermis off of thick hand pillows. He inhaled a sharp breath.

"That'll be all, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore responded. Moore folded margarita sheathed arms along the edge of an oak table. "I'm sorry we bothered you this morning." Detective Moore motioned towards the hallway door using his rust coiled scalp. "You can go back to class." Hailey studied ivory colored tiles between black vinyl toe rims. She flattened rubber mats fastened to Wednesday's shoes on top of slick linoleum. Tangerine spotted fingers gripping soft leather arm rests shoved Hailey to her feet. Hailey slipped past a thick covering leading to an empty corridor.

Chapter 2: "Who Is Gwen Fall?"
Table of Contents

A long, slender shaft compressed ash colored sprouts of nylon fibers. One edge of a birch upright continued beyond the rest. The extension curved an inch away, and its height became shorter. Three inches down the line, a birch carving became the thickness of a bottle neck. A cellulose teardrop three inches wide curved away from the descending shaft. A sheet of rubber the color of bourbon protected the base of a birch sculpture. The teardrop end rocked towards carpet fluffs. A neoprene capped platform squashed ash colored sprouts beside a birch upright.

Shiny, black vinyl was stitched above the curve of a cellulose teardrop. Slick fabric fastened to a tree pulp rim stretched over Wednesday's black nail polish. Vinyl stitched along a birch incline bordered Wednesday's buttermilk colored insteps. Shiny folds were stretched around Wednesday's heel. Points of raven ripples collected along the base of Wednesday's Achilles' tendon. The soft, black ruffles shrouded a four inch birch column preceding a descending support.

Wednesday's shoe dragged a soft, cork colored calf over a brass treated plate. The saxophone panel was screwed beside a sheet of ash colored carpet. Ruffles of red and black plaid swirled around Wednesday's knee. Wednesday's other shoe parked beside the first. Slender, ivory colored fingers flattened red and black curtains against Wednesday's hip. Black nail polish covered ends of porcelain digits. Quartz fingertips below tar colored caps collected along a central point.

A silver ring dangled from pine finger swirls. A gold plated tumbler fitting hung from a chrome plated hoop. A stuffed kitty swooped beside a saxophone tinted house key. Wednesday's poly-filled companion was skinned with fluffs of black silk. A set of white, fabric circles was stitched to the upper half of the kitten's face. Black fabric dots were attached to middles of ivory ellipses. A tiny, red spot was fastened below a central point between ovals of quartz elastic. Teensy, black silk cones were sutured above the white circles. Fabric points poked out of the top edges of the kitty's head. A tiny, fluffy body dangled from an artificial feline precipice.

Blueberry denim strips crushed black silk drifting from the tips of Wednesday's shoulders. Wednesday slipped her thumb under a blue jean support wrapping her deltoid. She dragged her arm through a navy blue loop. She shook a book bag harness away from her opposing bicep. Wednesday's denim back pack slid down her wrist. A blue jean book sack dropped beside the lower edge of a shiny, oak door. Wednesday poked the toe of her left shoe below her back pack. She scooted her book bag beyond the extent of an open air barrier.

Wednesday collapsed on the inner surface of her house's front door. A polished buffer eased into a rectangular frame. Wednesday flattened her shoulder blades, elbows, and palms along slick oak. Wednesday's butt crushed a sheet of red and black plaid against a shiny plane. Wednesday tilted her head back. Soft, charcoal strands glided down Wednesday's porcelain cheeks. Tiny earlobes peeked below tips of asphalt strands. Wednesday rested the back of her skull against her front door. Raven eyelashes collapsed in front of sapphire shutters surrounding Wednesday's pupils. Edges of charcoal colored bangs ended a half inch above eyelid extrusions. Wednesday inhaled between a set of soft, ruby red lips.

"aahhhh--" Wednesday purred. Wednesday dropped her keyring on wads of denim forming her back pack. Wednesday lifted her left foot. She rested her calf on a soft, plaid sheet wrapping her right thigh. She slipped her thumb between the heel of her left foot and shiny ruffles of black vinyl. She stretched charcoal ridges over her rear plantar mound. She shoved her shoe towards the opposite end of her foot. Wednesday's opposable digit forced soft vinyl away from the ends of her toes. Wednesday sank soft skin covering the bottom of her foot into sprouts of ash colored nylon. She rested her right hand calf on top of her left thigh.

"Hailey?" Wednesday requisitioned. Wednesday grazed her ankle using black nail polish spotting the end of her left thumb. She wedged a charcoal capped digit between the heel of her right foot and black ripples. She tugged vinyl ruffles away from the end of her foot. She shoved artificial folds towards the other end of her shoe. Shiny fabric wrapping Wednesday's toes slipped away from sheets of black nail polish. Wednesday curled her right foot digits. "Haileyyy??" Wednesday called. Wednesday's thumb mashed the ball of her right foot. Her opposable digit swirled soft skin stretched over origins of tarsal extensions. Wednesday's wedges dangled from the fingers of her free hand. Wednesday dropped vinyl embellished footwear on top of her back pack. She followed ash colored carpet away from the front door of her house.

Wednesday looked above her right shoulder. A wall along the edge of Wednesday's living room was painted robin egg blue. White trim separated a cerulean divider and ash grey carpet covering the floor. A quartz pigmented frame surrounded a bathroom door way. A porcelain tub fluoresced in afternoon sunlight. Brass legs resting on marble tiles supported a solar illuminated wash basin. White-washed veneer surrounded a door way beside the room with the tub. Evening radiation penetrated a set of black curtains hanging from a wall facing the door. Charcoal drapes dangled above a set of square shaped, metal posts. Steel balls were attached to peaks of square tubing uprights. Dome shrouded columns surrounded the end of a mattress. Black bedding was brushed neatly over the surface of a pillar skirted sleeping surface.

A four foot wall surrounded the back, left corner of the house. Slick, oak slats were fastened to outer surfaces of a ten o'clock shroud. Four inch oak posts preceded every foot along the top of the rear corner divider. A sheet of two inch thick hardwood covered tops of tree pulp columns. The polished cellulose separator isolated a kitchen from the remainder of the house. Wednesday stepped between a cooking barrier and oak cabinets lining the back of the house. The soles of Wednesday's feet flattened along one foot squares of frosty ceramic. One floor rhombus was the color of ivory. The adjacent kitchen square was slate black.

Wednesday stood beside a row of hardwood cupboards. She rested pale arm skin along black marble feathered with white swirls. The sheet of polished rock shrouded storage compartments occupying the floor. The slick kitchen plane bordered a stainless steel wash basin. Oak reeds were arranged inside a rectangular hole below cabinets above the kitchen sink. Twelve one foot squares of glass were stacked between cellulose dowels. Rhombus window panes were arranged four units wide by three high.

One foot by two foot granite slats led from a door beside the kitchen sink cupboards. The igneous path curved away from the right edge of the window. The rock walkway straightened and led to a stone circle ten feet from the oak framed port. The rubble ellipse markers were two foot by two foot by two foot blocks. Twelve unpolished bricks were arranged in a circle that was roughly eight feet wide. Unpolished granite faces were surrounded by thick blades of emerald green grass. The striated volcanic formations bordered an elliptical sand pit.

Sweet potato, tangerine, cheddar, and pineapple colored vortices erupted from Wednesday's back yard silicate receptacle. Tips of apricot flames incinerated open space five feet above the ground. Charcoal, raven, and crow pigmented plumes emerged from edges of queso swirls. Licorice tinted exhaust drifted fifteen feet above granite stones. A wicker sofa stood along the opposite end of the fire pit from the kitchen window. Three two foot wide cushions were arranged across a reed woven sitting surface. Outdoor pillows were trimmed with thick, weather resistant fabric. Burlap cases were decorated with periwinkle, olive green, rust, and beige blotches. Matching back rest puffs lined the wicker sofa's spine support.

Hailey faced Wednesday's fire pit. Hailey's circle printed hiny crushed the center cushion adorning Wednesday's basket couch. Strands like one foot flames surrounded the edges of Hailey's pale face. Rectangular glints covered Hailey's emerald eyes. Hailey's calves and thighs were folded in front of her hips. Coal colored silk spotted with cream circles was woven between Hailey's birch limbs. Upper legs like two liter bottles crushed printed fabric along lower leg curves. Hailey's white, silk blouse collar surrounded her slender neck. Tubes like velvet followed Hailey's arms to the ends of her wrists. Porcelain stomach sheets dissappeared inside the upper rim of Hailey's skirt. Hailey lifted her bicep and forearm. She waved at her friend's curious face.

It was a tad chilly. Hailey enjoyed sparse waves of heat emanating from the fire she built. Catalytic radiation licked the apples of Hailey's cheeks. The lenses of Hailey's glasses collected reactive inductions. Silicate incandescence descended Hailey's long eyelashes. Thermal convections scorched the edges of Hailey's eyelids. White silk surrounding Hailey's shoulders, arms, breasts, and stomach retained soothing warmth. Glove shaped radiation wrapped Hailey's knuckles, fingers, and tangerine capped nails. Hailey sensed convections collecting between slick threads surrounding her thighs. Hailey's skirt heat radiated into her buttermilk calves and heels. Silk dress emanations torched the soles of Hailey's feet. Sheets of incandescence blanketed Hailey's shins. Tangerine flames scorched Hailey's insteps and lime green nail polish spotting her toes.

Mounds protecting the ball of Wednesday's right foot sank into granite ridges. Wednesday's toe dermis squeezed inside unpolished grooves. Caps of raven nail polish reflected orange flickers ejecting from Wednesday's fire pit. Wednesday rested her left foot beside her right and closed the back door. She slipped past an oak divider leading to her kitchen. A cigarette dangled from the center of Wednesday's ruby red lips. Soft, crimson colored flesh gripped bleach white filter paper. A thinly striped cylinder containing tobacco poked out of Wednesday's nicotine sifter. Wednesday's richly colored lipstick stained the coffin nail hanging from her mouth. Ice slivered ports peeked between rows of thick, black lashes. Cyan shutters focused on auburn pickets along the edge of Wednesday's back yard.

Fence slats surrounding Wednesday's parents' property varied in size. Certain boards were a foot wide. Others were six inches thick. Slimmer uprights were three inches in width. Each partition slat was similar in height. Peaks of yard pickets were cut at angles. Every gate miter's drop direction varied. Long, swirling branches of oak sprouted behind the wicker sofa Hailey occupied. Short, fat tree trunks erupted from jade colored shards sprouting from the ground. Three wood pulp bases emerged beyond Wednesday's back yard basket couch. Slender, twisting limbs wove intricate fork hammocks. Rickety bark extrusions sprouted fan shaped leaves. Stems attaching tree organs to branches were surrounded by bourbon colored acorns.

Emerald embellished shutters studied the opening to Wednesday's kitchen. Jade faceted ports collected images through glass rectangles surrounding Hailey's nose. Hailey's pupils focused between shards of cheddar and sherbet colored flames. Wednesday tip-toed across soft, wide shafts the color of watermelon peel. Wednesday's birch colored calves carried red and black checks around two foot yard cubes. Undressed lower limbs guided plaid ruffles past a small inferno Hailey ignited. Tips of crow colored sleeves hopped on Wednesday's silky shoulders. Chin length strands the color of charcoal brushed the edges of Wednesday's cheeks. A curtain of shorter strands tickled the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. A thin, white tube bobbled between cherry lips stretched above Wednesday's narrow chin.

"Hi, Hailey," Wednesday remarked. Wednesday stopped between a block of unfinished granite and Hailey's pale shins. A gold, flip top lighter was squeezed between Wednesday's right hand fingertips. Wednesday lifted her sparking tool. She suspended a cigarette ignitor in front of her ruby red lips. She swirled a glittering starter device between her fingers. She arranged her raven spotted fingertips along a hinged cap. She flattened her thumb against the base of her lighter.

"I guess you're burning your clothes from Friday?" Wednesday squeezed the digits of her right hand together. A gold plated lighter bucket collided with Wednesday's pale finger joints. Wednesday's thumb crushed the base of her lighter against the surface of her palm. Wednesday's opposable digit gripped flint slats beside her lighter chimney. Wednesday rolled a stone wheel towards velvet carpal dermis. Tangerine flames two inches tall erupted from tubing spotted with tiny holes. Hailey smiled.

"That was *your* idea," Hailey replied. Wednesday intersected her cigarette with swirls wafting from her lighter's chimney. Crackles like crumpling plastic wrap discharged from the end of Wednesday's cigarette. Wednesday swung her glittering cigarette incinerator sideways. A gold plated cap covered Wednesday's Flippo chimney. A ring consuming the end of Wednesday's cigarette glowed like the surface of the sun. The hoop shaped tobacco ember crackled. Wednesday's nicotine coal faded. Tubes of white smoke erupted from Wednesday's tiny nostrils. Wednesday gazed into Hailey's sparkling, emerald green eyes. The first two fingers of Wednesday's right hand yanked her cigarette away from her lips.

"You never said what happened after you came back," Wednesday remarked. Hailey stared at the middles of her friend's cyan colored irises.

"You mean with Detective Moore?" Hailey inquired. Wednesday suspended her cigarette beside her cheek.

"He came in and took you out of class," Wednesday explained. "When you came back, you just sat there-- staring." Wednesday pressed the end of her cigarette against ruby lipstick coating her lips. The tip of Wednesday's cancer stick glowed tangerine orange. A neon ember became ash grey. Wednesday tugged her cigarette away from her face. She inhaled between her lips. "What happened when he took you out of class? Did he ask more questions, or what?" Hailey nodded.

"Yeahh--" Hailey purred. Hailey licked carnation colored gloss covering her lips. "The other guy was there, too." Wednesday squinted. "The-- police officer that was with him when we went by my house, yesterday?" Hailey reiterated. "The one who was inside the house with him?" Wednesday formed an "o" with her lips. She puffed out smoke rings.

"The one who was wearing a police uniform, right?"

"Right," Hailey conceded.

"But-- not the one who met us at the door?" Wednesday inquired. "The one who was asking us about Travis and them?"

"Yeah," Hailey replied. Wednesday dangled her cigarette beside her cheek using her first and second fingers.

"What did they want?" Wednesday requisitioned. Hailey tilted her head towards a roaring fire pit.

"Officer Harris--" Hailey explained. Hailey glanced at Wednesday's icy blue eyes. "That's the other one's name. He asked if I was at school, Friday." Wednesday squinted. She shook her head.

"What is *with* that guy?" Wednesday asked. "Why does he keep asking that?" Hailey stared at tangerine and pumpkin colored bursts erupting from the fire pit.

"I think--" Hailey gazed into Wednesday's eyes. "I don't think-- *he* thinks we had anything to do with it." Wednesday lifted her palms beside her biceps.

"Then-- why does he keep asking if you were there, Friday?" Wednesday demanded. "Or-- if you know what happened to Travis and Jennifer and them?" Hailey mashed carnation waxed lips with the tips of her first and second fingers.

"I think--" Hailey began. "I think Moore's the one who suspects us." Wednesday's thumb, second, third, and fourth fingers surrounded the end of her cigarette. Wednesday suspended her coffin nail beside her hip. She popped smoldering tissue paper with her index finger. A quarter inch ash cylinder dropped off the tip of Wednesday's cancer stick. "Harris seems like he's impatient," Hailey explained. Hailey looked into Wednesday's eyes. "Like he's-- testing me." Hailey squinted. "You know what I mean?" Wednesday nodded. Hailey glanced at a granite stone beside Wednesday's firepit.

"Moore assures me he's trying to help find my mother," Hailey continued. Hailey studied Wednesday's pale eye shutters. "He says it's his 'top priority'." Wednesday squinted. "And-- then, he asked why I didn't run home right away." Hailey bobbled her eyeballs. "You know-- as soon as I read about the house burning down in Saturday's paper." Wednesday stared at Hailey's pale face through a set of narrow eyes. She plopped the end of her cigarette against her lips. The tip of Wednesday's tobacco tube glowed like a star at night. Wednesday yanked her coffin nail away from her face and inhaled between ruby lips.

"Wow-- that's a good question," Wednesday admitted. Hailey looked at caps of lime green nail polish covering her toenails. A set of flame colored eyebrows climbed Hailey's forehead.

"Yeah, I know!" Hailey snarled. Hailey grabbed a roll of duct tape. The silver strand spiral concealed periwinkle, olive, rust, and beige blotches wrapping a back yard cushion. "I felt like-- throwing up when he asked me that." Hailey tossed a chrome tape tube over a stone standing in front of her. Wednesday followed coiled filament sheets with her pale face. She watched a bundle of stranded adhesive flatten a sand mound below tangerine flames. She squinted.

"You're-- burning tape?" Wednesday inquired. Wednesday peered through the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Hailey lifted a bundle of sash cord in front of her chest. Lemon peel and cheddar bursts danced across rectangular surfaces screening Hailey's eyes.

"Yeah," Hailey responded. Hailey sank the bundle of rope into her left breast. She chunked a collection of twine into the fire. She looked into Wednesday's eyes. "I used this stuff to tie up Joe and Tommy and Tate and Gary." Hailey looked beside her. She snatched a second roll of silver tape. She showed her friend a tube of stranded sealant. "You know-- they can figure out--" Hailey wiggled adhesive spirals. "If a piece of tape came from this same tape roll?" Hailey looked at Wednesday's fire pit. "Or, another one." Hailey tossed the roll of tape above a granite block. Wednesday exhaled a tube of smoke from her ruby red lips.

"Hailey, there's no *way* they could find out," Wednesday assured her friend. "No way!" Hailey chucked shredded rope scraps into the fire. She gazed into sapphire shutters surrounding her friend's pupils.

"Wednesday, it's what they *do*," Hailey explained.

"Heyy--" Wednesday purred. Wednesday sank into an empty cushion beside black silk wrapping her friend's tiny hiny. She sandwiched red and black plaid between her thighs and calves. Wednesday's lower cheeks flattened crimson and charcoal checkers below her heels. Wednesday collected the tips of her fingers along Hailey's soft calf. Wednesday rested her palm on top of Hailey's birch tinted ankle. "Heyy...." Wednesday groaned. Wednesday crinkled her icy, blue eyes. Hailey looked at Wednesday above porcelain silk covering her shoulder. Wednesday tapped cigarette ash over six inches of wicker wrapping the back of the sofa. "They're not gonna find out," Wednesday repeated. Wednesday wobbled Hailey's leg. "Okay?" Hailey faced bursts of flames. She licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips.

Hailey faced her friend. She searched Wednesday's ocean blue eyes. She reached beside her undressed Achilles' tendon. She dragged Wednesday's raven spotted digits away from her foot. Hailey hoisted her hips using the fingers of her free hand. She scooched between Wednesday's hip and a cushion covering the rear of the sofa. She folded her legs on top of her chest. She sank the soles of her feet into the center sofa pillow. She cradled her carrot stranded scalp between Wednesday's shoulder and neck. Hailey's emerald eye shutters studied Wednesday's pale cheeks. Smiling, ruby stained lips tore Wednesday's face in two.

"Awww, Haileyy--" Wednesday hummed. Wednesday swapped her cigarette fingers in front of her friend's silk wrapped chest. "You-- want me to hold you? Or, what?" Hailey dragged her friend's buttermilk arm segments around her silk shrouded waist. Wednesday crushed Hailey's blouse sutured abdominal dermis. She rested her chin along Hailey's shoulder. Hailey flattened her cheek against Wednesday's soft facial skin. She closed her eyes. Wednesday squeezed Hailey's waist. She sandwiched soft silk between Hailey's stomach and pale skin covering her wrist.

Wednesday lifted her cigarette with the fingers of her free hand. She pressed a cellulose filter tube against ruby lip beeswax. She gripped pearl colored filter paper using velvet ridges surrounding her mouth. Jerky flavored vapor grated the surface of Wednesday's tongue. Wednesday yanked her cigarette away from her face. She inhaled between ruby stained lips. Steaming mist scorched the top half of Wednesday's lungs.

"What the fuck is with that Gwen, bitch?" Wednesday forced through tufts of cigarette haze. Hailey turned her head. The girls gazed at each other from the corners of their eyes.

"Oh, I know," Hailey croaked. Hailey studied a tower of back yard flames. "Lloyd says she's like-- obsessed with him." Wednesday blew out a dash of smoke.

"I know," Wednesday responded. "What the hell is up with that?" Hailey stared at columns of tangerine and cheddar eruptions. A set of orange sherbet eyebrows climbed Hailey's forehead.

"We could-- kill her," Hailey suggested. Hailey mashed ivory colored teeth between her gloss coated mouth rims. She switched emeralds gazing out of rectangular silicates to the corners of her eyes. A set of sapphires stared back. Wednesday focused on her friend's jade embellished eye shutters. She exhaled an uneasy breath.

"Haileyy--" Wednesday groaned. "You're-- fucking with me, right?" Hailey licked menthol stained mouth rims. She looked away and shrugged.

"Just saying," Hailey replied. Wednesday stared at flame colored strands wrapping the rear of her friend's scalp. She lifted her cigarette. She tapped a porcelain ash chunk off of her coffin nail. Hailey swiveled her pine pigmented cheeks. "Heyy--" Hailey purred. "I've got a date, tonight." Wednesday inhaled between her ruby red lips.

"Riiight--" Wednesday croaked. "With Lloyd!" Wednesday forced her ruby stained oral rims into the shape of a grin. Rows of pearls appeared between crimson mouth edges shrouding Wednesday's narrow chin. "I almost forgot about that."

"Yeahh--" Hailey groaned. Hailey wrinkled her eyes. Nervous lips coated with carnation gloss peeled off of Hailey's gritted teeth. "Will you-- help me pick out something to wear?" Wednesday nodded. The outer corners of Wednesday's eyes crinkled.

"Of course!" Wednesday beamed. Wednesday studied her cigarette. She showed Hailey a smoldering tobacco stick. "Let me finish my smoke," Wednesday instructed. Hailey nodded.

"Okay." Hailey sank into her friend's chest. She reached above porcelain colored silk wrapping her stomach. She found Wednesday's unoccupied fingers squashing the edges of her ribs. She curled tangerine spotted digits around her friend's tar capped knuckle extensions. Wednesday squeezed Hailey's tiny fingers. Daffodil, tomato, tangerine, and sapphire tinted glass strands were fused into a spiraling tube. A melded, silicate whirlpool descended from weathered fingers. Colored sand extrusions curved and formed a puddle shape.

A hardened yellow, red, orange, and blue pool became coils of ivory, charcoal, and slate. Fingers wrapped with banana pudding wrinkles lifted a stained glass sculpture. Wise digits dangled coils of melted sand in front of corneal tar droplets. Hazy eyelids surrounded charcoal irises. Thoughtful eye flaps collapsed. Walnut ocular coverings flattened pitch wrapped pupils. Creases surrounding compressed eyelids dug into surrounding flesh. Points preceding leathery creases spread across ancient facial features.

"Detective Moore," Officer Harris's voice interrupted. The back of Detective Moore's head was wrapped with rust and silver colored curls. Wrinkles of margarita stained fabric surrounded Detective Moore's back. A seam down the middle of Moore's spinal covering divided a plane of green mud. A three inch band of margarita was sewn below the back of Detective Moore's neck. A pickle juice collar was sandwiched between rust and silver curls and upper back waves. Moore's head turned. Detective Moore looked above ridges of margarita fabric wrapping his shoulder. Moore's thick fingers suspended a glass swirl structure beside left cheek creases.

"Honestly, Harris--" Detective Moore responded. "Have you ever *seen* anything like this?" Officer Harris stood behind Detective Moore. He folded his arms over blueberry pockets and silver sculptures covering his chest. He squeezed edges of indigo sleeves between his arms and his ribs. Cornflower blue shutters sunken into Harris' face stared at Moore's tar tinted irises. Silver hairs like push broom bristles were woven over Officer Harris' top lip. Faded, upper rim strands twitched.

"Never," Harris replied. "Those arson guys at the lab-- They say that thing's sort of like a-- fulgurite." Detective Moore narrowed his eyes. Crinkles surrounding the edges of Moore's ocular caverns split his cheeks into triangles.

"A fulgurite?" Detective Moore requisitioned. "Isn't that usually made by lightning?" Harris nodded.

"Yes," Harris responded. Officer Harris took a breath. "But, they're saying that *this* one was made by someone burning thermite." Moore tilted his head.

"Thermite?" Detective Moore repeated. Moore shook his head. He faced spirals of daffodil, tomato, tangerine, and sapphire hanging from the tips of his fingers. "Not sure I've ever heard of *that*, before." Officer Harris rested his palms along canary strips stitched along the seams of his slacks. He gripped muscular hips using masculine fingers.

"The arson guys say it's some kinda-- rocket fuel," Harris explained. Holes between charcoal shutters focused on a tube of yellow, red, orange, and blue spirals. Rust and silver caterpillars above Detective Moore's eyes climbed a forehead staircase.

"Rocket fuel?" Detective Moore requisitioned. "Reeeally??"

"Yep," Harris grumbled. "There would've been a-- big, stained glass window covering one of the walls of this place." Officer Harris rested his fingers along the back of his neck. "At least, that's what I'm told."

"Uh-huhh--" Detective Moore chimed in. Moore studied a glass sculpture from a set of creased eye sockets. "*I* remember this old place. Used to come out here when I was young. Used to see it all the time."

"Right," Officer Harris conceded. "Well, whoever did this-- they started this thermite up close by that stained glass window. The glass got so hot, it melted. And, it dripped onto the burning thermite. And then, they tell me it got glowing, red hot. Like molten lava." Moore glided ridges covering his fingertip over swirls dangling in front of his eyes.

"Mm-hmmm--" Detective Moore hummed.

"And then--" Harris continued. "Some of that molten glass dripped over the edges of the concrete floor. And, it poured into the sand surrounding the building. And so, it melted the sand-- and made these-- sorta-- fulgurite things." Moore turned around. Rubber sheets hanging from Moore's scuffed up dress shoes glided over slick concrete. A two foot square of vanilla colored plastic hovered beside Detective Moore's thigh. The polystyrene sheet rested on four slate colored posts. Detective Moore rested the glass sculpture near the edge of the table. Other items laid beside the colorful fulgurite. Moore looked into Harris's eyes. He squinted.

"How do ya make this stuff?" Detective Moore inquired.

"You mean the thermite?" Officer Harris belched below swirls of silver whiskers. "The guys at arson say you mix aluminum dust with iron oxide." Detective Moore laid his arm across margarita planes surrounding his chest. Moore's forearm covered beige silk and an olive tie between pickle juice curtains. Moore gripped his elbow with his palm. He laid the tip of his index finger along the middles of his lips. Wrinkles like bursts of sunshine sprouted from the edges of Detective Moore's eyes.

"How many people you think would know how to make that?" Detective Moore requisitioned. Officer Harris gazed into Detective Moore's eyes. He folded his arms over his chest.

"Moorrre--" Harris grumbled. "Why do you think Hailey Holloway did all this?" Detective Moore's arms swooped away from his body. Moore shook insistent palms beside his shoulders. His coal faceted eyes popped open.

"Everything I've *seen* over the past couple of days makes me think of Hailey Holloway," Detective Moore responded. Moore flattened exhausted carpal pillows along chocolate colored fabric covering his thighs. "I mean-- this young lady is smart, Harris." Detective Moore narrowed his eyes. "Probably *too* damn smart-- for her own good." Officer Harris looked at the ground. He smirked and shook his head. Detective Moore pointed at a concrete slab below his and Officer Harris' shoes. "Who else would've cooked up some kinda-- giant mountain of rocket fuel-- and used it to burn up Travis and Jennifer and all of their friends?" Officer Harris extended a thoughtful index finger from a blueberry sleeve cuff.

"You *think* that's what happened, here," Harris retorted. "You don't know that, yet." Indigo space bordered pomegranate strands sprouting from the middle of a narrow scalp. A periwinkle illuminated canopy shrouded raspberry filaments curling away from rosy cheeks. A tangerine glow surrounded radish curls wafting beside a soft, butter colored neck. Eyes like pool water were situated below pomegranate strands curling from a pale forehead. The tip of a tiny nose poked out below turquoise eye shutters. Thin lips the color of red wine were stacked below a teensy nasal tip.

Blueberry colored wool concealed a set of narrow shoulders below orange luminescence. An inch thick tube of indigo fabric surrounded the base of a slender neck. A triangle of buttermilk skin descended from an opening bordering a pale throat. Ends of a navy blue collar were chopped into points where they separated. A silver nametag was pinned below the female officer's left shoulder. The zinc plated identifier read "Westin". A silver, six pointed star was situated below Westin's title. The multi-faceted emblem was two inches wide. A silver circle surrounded points of a mirror tinted symbol. "City of Malley Police" was stamped into an elliptical badge rim. A four foot gap was surrounded by jagged sheets of tin. Patches of charred paint clung to serrated edges beside a perilous opening. Officer Westin's ivory precipice appeared between sheets of ripped steel.

"Uhh-- Detective Moore?" Westin inquired. Officer Westin's pale face rotated. Strands of raspberry floated beside Westin's porcelain cheeks. Officer Westin's ocean blue eyes searched an area ten yards beyond torn tin. Moore and Harris looked towards the hole Officer Westin invaded. Detective Moore narrowed his thoughtful, charcoal eyes. Creases dug into the apples of Moore's cheeks.

"Wudda you got there?" Detective Moore asked. Officer Westin's head snuck away from a jagged gap. The toe of a shiny, black leather boot snuck between points of broken tin. Two inches of rubber attached to an instep tip rested on a plane of scorched concrete. Ten inches of shiny, black leather followed the beginning of Westin's footwear. Shiny, black twine was laced over a gap separating a cow hide collar. A tube of blueberry wool descended from the peak of Officer Westin's boot shaft. Edges of a navy blue tube surrounded a leather tarsal border.

Westin's shiny footwear dragged in her skinny calf. Officer Westin's left thigh and the left half of her trunk followed her lower leg. Westin's head turned. Shutters like pool water wandered across the top half of Westin's face. Ocean irises searched charred remains of a tin building. Officer Westin's right leg snuck past jagged edges surrounding a hole in the wall. Two inches of rubber dropped beside Westin's first boot. Officer Westin wandered across the room. She stopped beside Detective Moore. She looked up at Moore's shriveled face. Westin's turquoise eye shutters stared from a spot five feet above the floor.

Buttermilk arms dangled from two inch blueberry flaps stitched to Westin's wool shirt. Officer Westin lifted her right arm. A clear, plastic bag dangled from Officer Westin's tiny fingers. Droplets of shiny, black nail polish covered the tips of Westin's knuckle extensions. Officer Westin's teensy digits curled in front of Detective Moore's charcoal colored eyes. The corner of a polystyrene bag swung below Detective Moore's lips. Moore focused on a point extending from a transparent storage sack. A petroleum seam contained a soot coated fragment about two inches wide. The ash stained artifact was shaped like the head of an arrow. Detective Moore flattened his palm below a mysterious fragment occupying a baggie corner.

"What *is* this?" Moore inquired.

"A piece of bone," Officer Westin reported. Westin lowered a translucent container. The calcium deposit rested along dermis ridges forming Detective Moore's palm. Officer Harris studied two inch sheets of rubber below the soles of Officer Westin's boots. There was a three inch gap between the heels of Westin's footwear and the floor. Westin was standing on her tip-toes.

"Bone, huh?" Detective Moore asked. Moore suspended the upper corner of an evidence bag from the tips of his fingers. He situated a hunk of dispatched calcium in front of his eyes. Officer Harris watched a plane of charred concrete below Officer Westin's feet. The heels of Westin's boots dropped on uneven cement. Officer Westin folded a set of pale arms over her chest.

"Yes," Westin replied. "I was told to bring it right over." Holes near the centers of Moore's charcoal irises focused on the fragment Westin brought. Bushy, rust colored eyebrows slipped up creases spanning Moore's forehead.

"Well-- it's pretty dried out," Detective Moore noted. "We're probably not gonna get any DNA from this." Moore looked down. He gazed into Officer Westin's bright, blue eyes. "Who found this?"

"*I* did," Officer Westin reported. Detective Moore squinted. Moore's cheeks split like shattered glass.

"How did you find this tiny, little thing?" Moore inquired.

"I've been going over those remains all afternoon," Westin responded. "It's very tedious." Detective Moore examined soot covering a corner of a skeleton chip. He lowered the bag.

"Well-- make sure this gets to the lab," Moore instructed. Detective Moore dangled a petroleum sack in front of Officer Westin's ocean blue eyes. "But, we *really* need teeth." The tips of Westin's tiny fingers gripped the edges of a polystyrene case. Westin's raven spotted digits dragged a plastic sleeve away from Moore's fingers. Officer Westin's head tilted all the way back. Shutters the color of pool water focused on Moore's pupils.

"You're looking for teeth?" Westin asked. Detective Moore nodded.

"Hopefully, their teeth will still contain tooth pulp," Moore explained. "It's probably the only way we're gonna be able to identify those remains." Officer Westin nodded. She folded empty evidence space over shiny, tar colored caps covering her fingernails. She hurried towards the hole torn in the wall. She snuck through a jagged gap and disappeared into a glowing sunset. A leg like a giant cricket limb stepped over an old car tire. The unusual locomotion extension was olive green. The segmented support's calf was long and skinny.

Thorax skinned cerations were growing out of the rear of the scrawny lower leg. A saw toothed calf balanced on a set of short, pointed toes. A kneecap like a lime peel was sandwiched between lower leg teeth and a skinny thigh. An old, rusty, crunched up car door laid beside discarded tire treads. Chunks of pearl white, automotive paint clung to a junk automotive hatch. A matching leg stepped beside the car door. Scrawny cricket thighs were connected to a set of olive green hips. A rickety, lime green spine was growing out of a thorax coated pelvis. Olive green exoskeleton was wrapped tightly around visible vertebrae.

Insect like skin coated rows of ribs protecting the spinal column's peak. Lime peel thorax sank into gaps separating rows of chest armor. Slender, olive colored upper arms rotated along ball sockets like emeralds. Grass green rotator cuffs were attached to the top of an exposed rib cage. Long, skinny forearms dangled from scrawny biceps. Additional ball sockets were sandwiched between upper and lower limb segments. Two olive green fingers and an opposable thumb descended from slender wrists. A head shaped like the face of a praying mantis erupted from the top of a rib stack. Exoskeleton like anti-freeze was stretched over a triangular precipice and thin cheek bones.

A set of banana yellow eyes rested on peaks of pointed facial features. Diamond shaped pupils separated golden irises. Rhombus faceted shutters looked like the eyes of a snake. Four olive green tentacles dangled from a pencil shaped lip below banana tinted eye shutters. Wiggling mouth strands covered a saliva coated oral cavity. Segmented, olive green antennae poked out of the top corners of a praying mantis scalp. An insect-like humanoid bent over. The alien creature picked up an old car stereo. It stood up, looked around, and waved a junk radio. The creature's face tentacles began wobbling like a set of fingers. A gutteral growl erupted from fluttering lip extensions. White text printed in front of the humanoid's scrawny calves.

"I find this," an ivory caption read. Another creature rummaged through old car parts. The second being resembled the first. However, its slender exoskeleton was the color of pineapple pulp. The cream tinted humanoid was bent over, digging. It ceased scrounging and looked up. Antenna segments like grapefruit peel curled in front of the second creature's praying mantis precipice. Lemon yellow receptor sections rippled to the peak of the pineapple being's forehead. A set of lady bug colored eyes stared at a wiggling car radio. Diamond shaped pupils near middles of red irises contracted and focused on a stereo system.

The yellow creature thrashed an old muffler out of the way. It stomped towards the olive green humanoid and snatched an old radio out of its fingers. The pineapple colored creature stared at automotive microchips and shook its head, angrily. It slung stereo components in front of the olive creature's banana yellow eyes. A growl erupted from pineapple colored tentacles. White text printed in front of lemon tinted exoskeleton stretched over the creature's ribs.

"This is useless *human* technology," quartz characters read. "We have to have *our* technology. It contains 'the liquid'." Hailey and Lloyd sat in a dark room. A set of thick, cushioned seats were visible behind Lloyd and Hailey's shoulders. The backs of Hailey and Lloyd's chairs were wrapped in raspberry colored fabric. A plastic, radish pigmented arm rest stood between sitting structure uprights. Bright white light illuminated Lloyd's forehead and the apples of his cheeks. Quartz radiation spiraled down mud colored strands hanging in front of Lloyd's coal tinted eyes. Shadows of thick, bushy sideburns surrounded the edges of Lloyd's face.

Bright white light illuminated a shirt wrapped with black and white stripes. A raven hued collar surrounded the bottom of Lloyd's neck. A set of white buttons strapped Lloyd's shirt over his chest. Stripes of indigo thigh denim and patches wrapping Lloyd's knees glowed from ivory radiation. Wrinkles of shadow colored pant legs were visible where there wasn't light. A plastic bucket rested between Lloyd's thighs. The polystyrene container was decorated with vertical red and white bands. Lloyd's lap tube was half full of popcorn.

Flame colored strands surrounding Hailey's pale cheeks glowed like a torch at night. Shadowed filaments sprouting from Hailey's scalp appeared the color of pumpkin rind. Glowing, white rectangles covered Hailey's sparkling, emerald colored eyes. A column of light lay down the middle of Hailey's buttermilk tinted neck. Ivory luminescence descended a white cotton hoop curving from Hailey's shoulders. The crest of a porcelain arc stopped two inches below the top of Hailey's breast bone.

A white shirt with black polka dots was stretched over Hailey's narrow shoulders, tiny tits, and skinny stomach. Ends of soft, white sleeves floated just below the tips of Hailey's silky shoulders. A column of white light illuminated the middle of Hailey's chest and abdomen. Hailey's shirt faded dull grey with slate colored dots beside vertical radiation. A dark blue, denim skirt was strapped across Hailey's waist. Quarter sized, scotch colored buttons fastened a seam separating Hailey's dress. Hailey's skirt reached the middles of her thighs when she was sitting. Camel colored, suede collars were visible above the tops of Hailey's ivory ankles.

Lloyd's teeth collapsed blossoms of exploded popcorn kernels. Hailey sat with her hands folded on top of her narrow thighs. Hailey's eyes crinkled behind white rectangles. Lloyd's head slowly turned Hailey's direction. Hailey's pale cheeks gradually faced Lloyd's. Lloyd and Hailey stared into each other's eyes. The two spectators were perplexed by insect-like humanoids they observed. Hailey and Lloyd returned their attention to a sixty foot sheet twenty yards away.

A smaller insect-like creature approached the other two. It was the same olive green color as the first. The littler humanoid lifted a strange canister above its head using a trio of tiny fingers. The unusual container was cylindrical. The suspended tube looked like it was made of transparent, charcoal colored plastic. Cornflower blue caps protected ends of a polystyrene bucket. The periwinkle covers looked like they were made of rubber. A set of tiny tentacles fluttered in front of the small creature's mouth. A high frequency growl erupted from teensy mouth wigglers. White text printed beside the dwarf sized humanoid's hip.

"I find this," a porcelain caption read. The pineapple yellow creature faced the smaller one. Its lady bug colored eyes focused on the canister. The lemon tinted humanoid's head bobbled up and down. A growl escaped tentacles like grapefruit rind. Pearl colored characters printed below the insect being's face.

"That's it," a message read. "You've done good, small one. This is what we've been looking for all this time." A pair of emeralds stared dumbly through rectangles of glass in front of Hailey's eyes. Jade facets re-read words printed below lemon yellow face worms. Hailey's eyelids collapsed. Ivory illuminated flesh flaps receded. Hailey's sparkling, green irises switched to the right corners of her eyes. Hailey stared at a bushy sideburn poking out of Lloyd's cheek.

"...lloyd..." Hailey whispered. Lloyd's head turned. Charcoal irises below chocolate strands studied emeralds near the edges of Hailey's eyes. " mean to tell me-- these things have been stranded on Earth-- for twenty years-- eating dog food-- being terrorized by armed government agents-- because they were looking for *that*?..." Lloyd squinted. He shrugged.

"...that *is* what they just said, huh?..." Lloyd whispered back. Hailey lifted her palms.

" would've taken me twenty *minutes* to find that!..." Hailey rasped. " does that make any sense?..." Lloyd smirked.

"...yeah-- that's kinda lame, huh?..." Hailey reached above a plastic arm rest separating her and Lloyd's chairs. Lloyd watched his lap. A set of tangerine colored fingernails descended into Lloyd's popcorn bucket. Hailey snagged crunchy, buttery puffs between the tips of her fingers. She dangled oily blossoms beside glossy lips the color of a strawberry milkshake. She stared into Lloyd's eyes. A set of orange sherbet eyebrows slipped up Hailey's forehead.

"'s completely ri-dic-u-lous!..." Hailey rasped. Hailey tossed popcorn sprouts between her teeth. She sank into raspberry cushions and crunched butter drizzled blossoms. She returned her attention to projected film. The pineapple yellow, insect-like creature stood behind a table. Chrome chimneys of four Bunsen burners rose from the middle of an ancient workspace. Sapphire colored flames erupted from mirror tinted tubes. Glass containers hovered above periwinkle jets.

Each canister contained a different colored liquid. One fluid was lemon yellow. Another was raspberry red. A third unidentified goo was grass green. The fourth was colored like blue gelatin dessert. The creature colored like pineapple fruit held something with a set of chrome colored tongs. The olive green humanoid waved its arms, impatiently. Growls erupted from tentacles like lime peel. White text printed beside a work table.

"Why does this take so long?" quartz characters read. The pineapple colored creature growled back.

"This is much difficult," white letters explained. "A lot can go wrong." Hailey's arms went limp. Her face bobbled towards her lap. Her forehead landed in her palm. Lloyd faced Hailey's seat. He crunched popcorn between his teeth. Hailey looked up. She stared into Lloyd's eyes and shook her head.

"...he's waited twenty years!..." Hailey rasped. "...he can't wait twenty more seconds??..." Lloyd choked back a laugh. He laid his index finger on a set of grinning lips.

"...shh..." Lloyd whispered. Hailey's narrow chin flattened her dim palm pillows. Hailey gazed into Lloyd's dark brown eyes.

"...lloyd..." Hailey whispered. Hailey tightened her jaw. "...i *hate* this stupid movie!..." Hailey squeezed between a set of clenched teeth. Hailey pointed the fingers of her right hand towards flashes twenty yards away. "'s fuckin'-- retarded!..." The outer corners of Lloyd's eyes crinkled. Lloyd smirked.

"...*you* hate it?..." Lloyd whispered back. Hailey pressed a set of glossy, pink lips together. She wrinkled her nose. She nodded. Lloyd faced images illuminating a sixty foot sheet. He grabbed a rim surrounding the top of his popcorn bucket. "...shiiit..." Lloyd croaked. Lloyd dropped off the edge of his chair. A cushioned sitting surface lifted. The puffed seat rotated against a pillow stitched over the back of Lloyd's chair. "...let's go grab a smoke..." Lloyd whispered. Lloyd tucked his popcorn bucket under his left arm. He offered Hailey the fingers of his right hand. Hailey stared into Lloyd's eyes above the lenses of her glasses. She smiled, stupidly. She laid a set of nervous fingers along Lloyd's palm. Lloyd tightened his arm. He tugged Hailey to her feet.

Curves of fluorescent bulbs formed outlines of tall, skinny letters. Radish illuminated characters slanted to the right. The first set of silicate plasma containers bordered a capital "C". The luminescent letter was followed by bulbs framing lowercase "i", "n", "e", "m", and "a". The word "Cinema" was followed by curves of lime green lamps. Kiwi tinted, ultraviolet sprouters outlined the number "66". Colorful glow tubes were attached to a wall of shiny, graphite pigmented tiles. Surfaces of pitch tinted squares reflected diamond shaped lights. Colorless blocks were spotted with sparkles the color of white grapes.

Eight glass doors stood below lime and radish light fixtures. Surfaces of silicate panels refracted the same diamond lights slick tiles repeated. Glints reflected by shiny theater coverings were the color of banana pudding. Aluminum frames surrounded rectangles of glass. Raspberry colored rods extended from the inner edges of each pair of doors. Pomegranate security grips were shaped like one foot staples. A glass obstruction near the left end of a cinema precipice swung away from the wall. Lloyd slipped through a gap between a crystal panel and an aluminum door frame. He stepped around a translucent board and wrangled a red staple in front of his chest. Hailey stepped out. Lloyd released a raspberry door grip.

A long, shiny black strap dangled from the fingers of Hailey's right hand. A clear, plastic pouch hung from ends of a licorice harness. Hailey's hand bag was the size of a mailing envelope. Slick vinyl stripes were stitched along the top and bottom edges of a polystyrene case. Hailey's tiny purse dangled beside a brown, suede cuff surrounding her ankle. Hailey had some makeup and things tucked inside her shiny pouch. Hailey glided a slender strip over her right shoulder. She raised her palms beside her hips.

"I mean-- the military has been supposedly working with these creatures for twenty years. And-- they haven't even figured out their language? Or how to communicate with them, yet?" Hailey's palms dropped on blueberry colored denim surrounding her hips. Her head turned. Lloyd dragged a three inch by two inch box out of the right, front pocket of his jeans. Hailey lifted inner surfaces of frustrated fingers. "They didn't even bother to introduce themselves?" Lloyd chuckled.

"They let their ship just hover up there for-- how long?" Lloyd asked. "Like several months, right? I didn't understand *that*." The outer corners of Hailey's eyes crinkled.

"Yeah!" Hailey barked. The cardboard case Lloyd dug out of his pants pouch was white. The base of a blood red triangle spanned the top edge of Lloyd's cellulose carton. The tip of an equilateral vertex pointed at the base of a paper sleeve. Lloyd raised his palms in front of his shoulders.

"You would think-- if that really happened in real life, military would be up there ten minutes after the ship arrived-- knocking on the door." Hailey closed her eyes. She dropped the tips of her fingers on her forehead. Soft mounds below tangerine nail polish dug into thin flesh above Hailey's eyebrows.

"I mean-- you would *think*, right?" Hailey responded. Lloyd flipped back a cover folded over the cardboard box he produced from his pocket. Quarter inch sticks wrapped with sweet potato tissue were hiding underneath. Thin, gold hoops surrounded beginnings of paper cylinders. Lloyd laid the tip of his finger along the end of a pumpkin tinted tube. He gripped an opposing edge with the peak of his thumb. Carrot colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. Hailey's jaws ripped apart. Hailey's shiny, carnation stained lips stretched into an "o" shape.

"Oh, my God-- their guns!" Hailey belched. Lloyd dragged a paper chute between the tips of his fingers away from others. A white, tissue tube was glued below a sweet potato column. Ash colored rings lined thin paper wrapping crushed nicotine leaves. Lloyd looked up and chuckled. Hailey raised her palms in front of her chest. "Their guns can only be used if their DNA is touching them??" Lloyd stretched black and white shirt stripes away from his waist. He stuffed a red and white box between two layers of indigo colored denim. He plopped a carrot filter covering between his lips.

"I was seriously about to-- get up and walk out as soon as they said that shit," Lloyd explained. The cylinder dangling from Lloyd's lips flopped when he spoke. Lloyd gripped a Flic lighter between the tips of his fingers and the palm of his hand. Finger swirls squeezed a red, plastic body against Lloyd's wrist pillows. Lloyd raised soft carpal hide beside bushy, chocolate chops poking out of his cheeks. "That was some total bullshit, right there." Hailey looked down. She studied speckled concrete below suede points surrounding the tips of her toes. Charcoal colored cement was spotted with glints of gold colored shavings.

"Mannn--" Hailey exhaled. Hailey plopped sets of nervous fingers on her hips. She looked up. "I thought it was just *me*." Lloyd peeked through rectangles of glass in front of Hailey's eyes. He shrugged.

"Me, too," Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd positioned a chrome plated lighter cap in front of hanging tobacco shards. Tan shavings were packed into a tissue tube suspended from Lloyd's lips. Lloyd raked a wheel beside a shiny cap with his thumb. Grooves pressed into the tip of Lloyd's opposable digit landed on a plastic button. An upside down teardrop erupted from a tiny hole formed into a zinc plated top. A droplet shaped eruption glowed tangerine orange. Apricot radiation illuminated the apples of Lloyd's cheeks. Hailey gripped blueberry denim surrounding her thighs with the tips of her fingers. She rolled blue jean fabric between her thumbs and fingers, nervously.

Coffee colored shutters between Lloyd's eyelids pointed his pupils at Hailey's fingers. Lloyd studied tangerine colored caps covering Hailey's nails. He watched Hailey's skinny, little digits twisting denim into quarter inch tubes. A set of soft, slender thighs descended from the bottom of Hailey's dark, denim skirt. Lloyd looked up. Channels of white smoke erupted from Lloyd's ham tinted lips. Ivory mist surrounded the cigarette hanging out of Lloyd's face. Lloyd dropped his lighter in his pocket. He yanked a smoldering coffin nail away from his lips with his right hand fingers. Coal occupying Lloyd's corneas focused on emeralds behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Lloyd smirked.

"You nervous, Hailey?" Lloyd asked. Hailey stared into Lloyd's eyes. Hailey's gloss coated lips squeezed together. Carnation stained oral rims forced themselves into a smile. Hailey's cheeks felt flush. Her restless fingers wobbled like gelatin dessert.

"Mmmm--" Hailey moaned. Hailey swallowed. "I-- feel like I'm gonna throw up." Lloyd chuckled. He plopped his cigarette between his lips. He took a step forward. Hailey inhaled cold, dry air between her luscious lips. She swallowed, nervously. Hailey stepped towards Lloyd. Suede vertices adorning Hailey's boots pointed at black rubber hanging from Lloyd's sneakers. Lloyd looked down. He snaked his fingers around Hailey's. Hailey's palms felt shaky and damp. Hailey's inner carpal hide was hot to the touch.

"M-My hands are all sweaty," Hailey exhaled through a nervous chuckle. Lloyd looked up. He gazed into Hailey's emerald eye shutters.

"You know, I-- I'm a little nervous, too," Lloyd admitted. Lloyd glided his thumbs over ice cold velvet wrapping Hailey's knuckles. Hailey's head tilted back. Her eyelids squeezed themselves shut. Hailey inhaled between a set of glossed tooth coverings. She exhaled a long breath. Lloyd's chocolate irises followed pale skin wrapping Hailey's slender neck. Tubes of white smoke erupted from Lloyd's nostrils. "Does that feel good?" Lloyd inquired. Hailey's head hinged forward. Hailey gazed into Lloyd's eyes. She licked her lips.

"Yesss--" Hailey croaked. Hailey squeezed Lloyd's fingers. She studied Lloyd's charcoal eye shutters. "This whole thing is-- such a mess," Hailey remarked. Hailey squinted. "You know that?" Lloyd narrowed his eyes. The tip of Lloyd's cigarette glowed tangerine orange. A quarter inch tobacco coal turned ash grey.

"What do you mean?" Lloyd asked. Hailey gazed at tar droplets covering the centers of Lloyd's corneas. She shook her head.

"Weee--" Hailey purred. Hailey took a breath. She exhaled through a set of tiny nostrils. "I can't believe the first time I called you the other night-- it was to ask you to help me--" Hailey looked away. She licked carnation colored gloss covering her lips. She looked into Lloyd's eyes. " help me kill some of the kids at school..." Hailey whispered. Hailey's sparkling, green eyes wobbled between the corners of her eyes. "...and, you agreed to help because they killed your brother..." Lloyd turned his head without looking away. He slipped the fingers of his right hand away from Hailey's. He snagged a cancer stick hanging from his lips with his thumb and index finger. He inhaled between slender oral extents.

"Heyyy--" Lloyd exhaled through hot mist. "It got me *this* far." Hailey exhaled a short laugh. Lloyd blew a tube of white smoke out of nervous lips. He smiled. "That's all *I* care about." A stupid smile tore Hailey's face in two. Hailey looked down. She stared at gold shavings embedded in charcoal concrete. Lloyd smirked. He wobbled Hailey's hand. "You know, Haileyy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd stared at flame colored strands erupting from the top of Hailey's scalp. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath. She looked up. Lloyd pressed his lips together. "I *really* like you," Lloyd blew through a nervous chuckle. Hailey tightened a set of slick, carnation colored lips. She nodded. Lloyd shrugged with his cigarette hand. "I would--" Lloyd squinted. He licked his lips. Hailey studied Lloyd's face with a set of wiggly eyes.

"W-What?" Hailey forced out. Lloyd sighed. He plopped the end of his cigarette against the middles of his lips. He took a quick drag and yanked his coffin nail away from his face. He parted the edges of his mouth and breathed in. Hailey fought back a nervous smile. "Lloyyyd??" Hailey groaned. Lloyd exhaled a dash of smoke. Hailey's face was so close to Lloyd's, he could see olive green starbursts in her glittery eyes. Hailey's sparkling irises danced back and forth, nervously. It was so endearing, Lloyd could barely stand it. The apples of Lloyd's cheeks felt flush. He felt like somebody punched him in the throat.

Lloyd tugged Hailey's jiggling digits away from the edge of her polka dotted shirt. He leaned towards Hailey's colorful precipice. Lloyd's thin oral rims crushed Hailey's gloss coated lips. The beginnings of Lloyd's mouth surrounded Hailey's upper lip. Lloyd was afraid Hailey would back her head away. But, she didn't. She tightened ends of carnation glopped frames against Lloyd's face hole. She squeezed Lloyd's bottom lip between her gloss soaked oral flaps. Lloyd pushed mouth ridges against slick menthol bordering Hailey's teeth. Hailey mashed paraben soaked cheek openings against Lloyd's parted oral flesh.

"Mmmm--" Hailey gratefully groaned. Lloyd forced a smile away from his feeding hoop. He created a siphon with his mouth. He dragged pressurized digestive rims away from Hailey's slick lips. Lloyd grinned. He rested his forehead against Hailey's. He gazed into Hailey's sparkling, emerald irises. He swam in jade ripples wandering across Hailey's gorgeous ocular ports. Hailey smiled, stupidly. She choked back a giggle. Lloyd inhaled a sharp breath.

"I would do *anything* for you," Lloyd managed to squeeze out. "I love you." Hailey's smile faded. Hailey searched coals between Lloyd's eyelids, nervously. "--oh, shit--" Lloyd thought. Lloyd's eyelids squeezed together. Wrinkles folded the bridge of Lloyd's nose. The upper half of Lloyd's face wandered away from Hailey's pale precipice. Lloyd lowered his head. Hailey stared dumbly at messy coils of chocolate erupting from Lloyd's scalp. Her eyes popped open.

"Oh, my God!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey lifted the fingers of her free hand. She slipped buttermilk digits between shaggy strands hanging from Lloyd's temple. Hailey's sweat coated palm landed on bushy hairs poking out of Lloyd's cheek. "You-- *really* love me." Lloyd looked up. He found a set of eager, emeralds and cheery, carnation colored lips. "You really do love me, don't you?" Hailey glided tangerine spotted fingers through chocolate shards caking Lloyd's scalp. Lloyd smirked. He closed his eyes. He nodded.

"I think so--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd released Hailey's hand. He parted exhausted eyes. He reached behind carrot, tangerine, and sherbet strands flowing from the back of Hailey's head. He cradled the rear of Hailey's scalp with his fingers and palm. He guided Hailey's face towards black and white stripes wrapping his chest. Hailey turned her head. She rested her cheek against coal and ivory striations blanketing Lloyd's pecks. She smiled and closed her eyes. Lloyd flattened his chin along Hailey's cheddar scalp strands. He closed his eyes. He sighed.

"Ohhh--" Lloyd groaned. "I'm-- sorry I told you I love you on our first date." Hailey giggled. She inhaled an excited squeak.

"*I'm* not!" Hailey squeezed out of a silly grin. Lloyd lifted his right hand. A lit cigarette was pinched between Lloyd's thumb and first finger. A half inch cylinder of white ash hung from the end of Lloyd's coffin nail. Lloyd switched a misting stogie to his thumb and middle finger. He tapped pearl colored paper wrapping tobacco dust. A chunk of spent embers dropped off of a tangerine ring consuming dried shards. Hailey wrapped a set of buttermilk colored arms around Lloyd's waist. "I'm so glad you told me that, Lloyd." Hailey's eyelids ripped themselves apart. Emeralds fastened to Hailey's eyes found their way to the tops of her ocular sockets. Hailey switched her lips to the edge of her face.

"You're-- not waiting for me to say it back, are you?" Lloyd stared into space. He shook his head.

"I don't think-- you know me well enough," Lloyd responded. Hailey smirked. She lifted her head off of Lloyd's chest stripes. Lloyd slipped his hand away from the back of Hailey's head. He glided his chin off of flame colored strands sprouting from Hailey's scalp. Hailey's arms released Lloyd's waist. Hailey stood on her tip-toes. She laid her lips on Lloyd's thick neck. She kissed Lloyd's masculine, walnut tinted throat hide. She tilted her head back, looked up, and smiled. She shifted onto two inch blocks of chocolate rubber attached to the heels of her boots. Lloyd looked above rectangles of glass in front of Hailey's eyes. He stared at jade colored shutters surrounding Hailey's pupils. Lloyd's heart thumped in his ears. Hailey gazed into Lloyd's charcoal eye shutters. She exhaled a shaky sigh through a set of impatient lips.

"Lloyyyd--" Hailey groaned. "Kiss me again." Lloyd smirked. He snaked his arm behind Hailey's kidneys. He sandwiched soft polka dots between his palm and a slender curve above Hailey's tuchus. He squeezed Hailey's tiny chest mounds against his pecks. He twisted on the ball of his foot. Hailey spun beside Lloyd's hip. Hailey's spine collapsed along Lloyd's arm. Hailey sank into a palm and forearm hammock. Hailey's eyes popped open. A set of sherbet colored eyebrows jumped to the top of Hailey's forehead.

"Oh-- shit!" Hailey shouted. Lloyd dropped a set of smirking lips along the edges of Hailey's mouth. He forced eager oral rims against Hailey's gloss waxed facial opening. Lloyd's cigarette hand found Hailey's leg. Lloyd's palm and the tips of his fingers gripped toned flesh forming Hailey's thigh. Lloyd had been waiting to grab Hailey's sexy legs since he picked her up at Wednesday's. He was careful to point the tip of his cigarette away from Hailey's pale skin. Lloyd's lips lifted off of Hailey's with a pop. Lloyd's eyelids opened a little. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey stared back.

"Fuck yeahhh--" Hailey purred. The fingers of Hailey's right hand twisted around striped cotton surrounding Lloyd's chest. Tangerine colored fingernails dug into stitches of polo shirt wrapping Lloyd's ribs. Hailey lifted her head. She forced menthol flavored gloss against the edges of Lloyd's mouth. Lloyd lowered his head and closed his eyes. He gripped Hailey's lower lip between excited facial extents. A ghastly shriek like a key duplicator scattered Lloyd and Hailey's thoughts.

"What the fuck are you doing?!!?" Lloyd sucked panicked lips away from Hailey's pale facial features. Lloyd's head turned left. Hailey's porcelain cheeks swiveled right. A pair of dark haired girls stood near a concrete landing. Three foot wide uprights surrounded the licorice headed young ladies. Barrel shaped columns were embellished with rectangles of crimson colored mirrors. Radish silicate plates reflected diamond shaped lights that glass entrance doors repeated. The left hand girl was pretty and thin. Long, slender hair framed the nine o'clock lady's pale face. Chin length scalp strands were the color of crow feathers. Eyes like blue jays rested a quarter inch below a curtain of raven colored bangs. A tiny nose and a set of pomegranate stained lips were lined up below ocean irises.

Four inches of buttermilk chest were surrounded by edges of a black, see through shirt. A nylon neck hole curved from the girl's left shoulder to her right. Ruffles surrounded ends of transparent sleeves above beginnings of slender biceps. A black tube top was visible through the left hand girl's shirt. The young lady's chest covering began above tips of tomato sized breasts. Her charcoal trunk topper stopped two inches above her navel. An inch of pale abdominal flesh was visible above the rim of a black leather skirt. The left hand girl's cow hide hip wrap was skin tight.

Glittering creases were strapped around curves of slender hips. Diagonal folds spanned an area from an upper, left skirt corner to a lower, right vertex. A ring of tar colored leather surrounded the base of the young lady's skimpy dress. A cow hide rim stretched around middles of pale thighs. Narrow calves descended into black leather collars surrounding the girl's ankles. Cow hide Achilles' tubes curved into slick points protecting the nine o'clock girl's toes. A slender, gold plated chain descended from the young lady's left shoulder. A shiny, black bag the size of a paperback novel was attached to brass tinted links. The left hand girl's latex pouch rested against shiny folds swirling over her left hip.

The other girl's hair resembled her companion's licorice locks. However, the right hand young lady did not have bangs. Soft, raven colored strands curved from the middle of a pale, ivory tinted forehead. Charcoal filaments surrounded outer corners of golden eyes. A tiny, button nose and glossy, tomato colored lips lined up below bourbon droplets. Edges of raven colored hair shrouded pale cheeks. The young lady's hair dangled an inch above black and white stripes gripping her shoulders. The three o'clock girl's head rested on a post of thin, coal and ivory striations. The remainder of a streaked turtleneck wrapped thin arms and a slender, upper body.

The top rim of a periwinkle denim skirt was strapped around the young lady's waist. Baby blue jean fabric surrounded feminine hips, thighs, and tops of narrow knees. A set of cream colored calves descended from a rim of robin egg cotton weaves. Curves of buttermilk lower legs sank into suede ankle collars like camel fur. Tan Achilles' coverings curved and became felt boot tips. A slick, carnation pink strap descended from the three o'clock girl's right shoulder. Twelve inches of gold chain were clasped to ends of a vinyl harness. Brass plated links suspended a pink bag resting against the young lady's right hip.

The right hand gal's slick pouch was shaped like the face of a kitty cat. A ruby was fastened to the middle of a feline precipice. Sets of white, vinyl whiskers poked out of glittering pomegranate facets. Ivory arcs were stitched where the kitty's eyes would go. The second girl's right hand digits gripped carnation vinyl suspended from her shoulder. The fingers of the young lady's left hand lifted off of periwinkle thigh denim. The three o'clock gal dug blueberry capped nails into her palm. The teenage mistress's index finger pointed between Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey's jade faceted pupils studied a droplet of indigo colored nail polish.

"Get your fucking hands off of him!!" the girl on the right belched. A seam down Hailey's back laid across Lloyd's arm. Hailey's chin rested on a polka dotted sheet wrapping her right shoulder. Hailey turned her head. She stared at an arc of bushy, chocolate colored hair growing out of Lloyd's cheek.

"Lloyd?" Hailey inquired. "What the hell?" Lloyd's left facial point rested along black and white stripes covering his shoulder. Tar colored shutters surrounding Lloyd's pupils stared into hazel irises three yards away. Lloyd blinked.

"Gwen?" Lloyd requisitioned. "Gwen-- from Biology, Gwen?" Feathers of raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's tiny nose.

"You *know* who I am!!" Gwen shouted. Gwen pounded her fist against soft denim surrounding her hip. "Don't pretend you don't remember me! I *know* you do!" Lloyd's head turned. Lloyd's chocolate irises climbed buttermilk colored skin wrapping Hailey's neck. A set of emeralds stared at Lloyd's coal eye shutters from silicate rectangles. Lloyd lowered his shoulders. He cradled Hailey's narrow deltoids between the forearm and bicep of his left arm.

Hailey slid the sole of her boot backwards. She rested her butt on camel colored suede surrounding her heel. She tightened her denim wrapped thigh and birch tinted calf. Hailey hinged her polka dotted trunk away from Lloyd's arm. Lloyd spun between Hailey and Gwen. He stood up and stared into Gwen's honey tinted irises. Hailey stepped next to Lloyd. She peered into Gwen's hazel eyes. She folded buttermilk arms over spotted fabric hanging from an arc shaped neck hole.

"I re-mem-ber, Gwen," Lloyd snapped. Half a cigarette hung from the tips of Lloyd's right thumb and index finger. Lloyd plopped a cylinder of pumpkin pie stained paper between his lips. A neon ring adorning the end of Lloyd's cigarette flashed. Lloyd yanked stogie remnants away from his face. "What about it?" Gwen's head drifted up and down.

"Yeahhh--" Gwen groaned. Gwen forced her thumb between a carnation strap and a black and white banded shoulder. The end of Gwen's purse strap dropped on the middles of her fingers. "You rememberrr--" Gwen purred. Gwen stepped towards Hailey and Lloyd. A strip of carnation vinyl covering Gwen's kitty purse dropped on gold sprinkled concrete. The palms of Gwen's hands sank into soft, striped cotton hugging her waist. Gwen pressed her palms into the edges of her stomach. She glided blueberry capped digits up her ribs.

"You remember, Lloyyyd--" Gwen passionately exhaled. Lloyd breathed out a dash of smoke from his slender lips. He squinted. Gwen wadded wrinkles of narrow, coal and ivory stripes in her fists. The lower edge of Gwen's turtleneck slipped out of the upper rim of her denim skirt. Gwen sank the heels of her hands into the edges of her boobs. She dragged the bottom of her turtleneck up pale skin covering her slender stomach. "You rememberrr--" Gwen moaned. "Riiight-- Lloyyyd??" Gwen's thumbs peeled wrinkles of slate and quartz striations in front of her shoulders. Gwen's turtleneck stretched over cotton candy semi circles cradling her tiny tits. Ruffles of white lace embellished the rims of Gwen's pink bra cups.

"ahhhh--" Gwen rasped. Gwen's pale fingertips glided over pearl lace decorating the peaks of her bra cups. Blueberry colored fingertips stretched soft flesh protecting Gwen's mammary glands. Gwen crushed her ribs between her biceps. She dragged lips of flamingo titty covers down her chest. Cotton candy suspenders slipped over the tips of Gwen's silky shoulders. Carnation pigmented harnesses dangled from her biceps. The rims of Gwen's bra cups stopped below the origins of her tiny tits. Gwen dragged indigo glopped nails down her chest. She pressed blueberry glazed keratin points into the tops of her breasts. Ripples of flesh surrounded navy blue caps covering Gwen's pale fingertips. Tiny areola points extended from the middles of Gwen's undressed titties. Ridges scoring the ends of Gwen's cream digits graded nipples like chocolate chips.

"MMmmm--" Gwen moaned. Gwen's hazel irises collapsed her pupils. Gwen's ocular ports stared into the middles of Lloyd's charcoal eyes. "You remember how they feeeel-- riiight??" Gwen groaned. Pigment brushed eye flaps peeled off of Gwen's golden pupil facets. Raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. "Riiight?!!" Gwen shrieked. "Lllloyd?!!?" A lit cigarette hung from Lloyd's lips. Trickles of white mist wafted from the end of Lloyd's coffin nail.

"Gwen, what the fuck?" Lloyd demanded. Hailey glanced at Lloyd. She returned her attention to Gwen's erratic facial curves.

"ohhhh--" Gwen groaned. Gwen's head tilted back. Makeup smeared eyelids covered Gwen's hazel irises. "Ohh, you rememberrr--" Gwen swirled the tips of her fingers over the ends of her nipples. Gwen's eyelids squeezed themselves together. Her teeth gripped the outer edge of a tomato stained lower lip. Gwen shuffled raven tinted filaments between coal and ivory striped shoulder blades. "Mmmm--" Gwen moaned. Gwen inhaled a sharp breath between her teeth. "MMmmm--" Gwen dragged sensual fingers and palms down pale skin wrapping her ribs. She swiveled on toes of pointed, suede boots.

"You remember allll thisss--" Gwen's undressed spinal dermis faced Hailey and Lloyd. Gwen glided blueberry capped digits along ivory skin surrounding a line down her back. Gwen's inner hand surfaces curved over periwinkle denim stretched over her butt cheeks. Finger ridges and heel pillows shuffled along rigid cotton covering Gwen's tuchus. Gwen sank velvet palms into her feminine hind curves. She squeezed toned flesh covering the tops of her thighs. She inhaled between gritted teeth. "ahhhh--" Gwen exhaled. Gwen wiggled her veluptuous butt. She glided her fingers up waves of periwinkle denim wrapping her hips.

Gwen's blueberry spotted digits curled over the tops of her bra cups. Gwen's indigo embellished fingers dragged carnation covers to the tops of her tits. Gwen tightened her biceps and rolled her shoulders. Flamingo harnesses snapped on top of Gwen's deltoids. Gwen turned around. She glared into Hailey's emerald green eyes. Tomato stained lips formed a sinister grin along the lower half of Gwen's pale face.

"You didn't think you were his first-- did you?" Gwen snarled. "Haileyyy??" Gwen dragged the lower edge of her turtleneck down her slender stomach. She stuffed soft shirt stripes into the upper rim of her denim skirt. Hailey stared at gold shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. Her mouth went dry.

"She's lying, Hailey," Lloyd explained. Lloyd dropped his cigarette on sparkling, coal colored concrete. He flattened a discarded butt with the sole of a sloppy, black sneaker. He stared at Gwen's agitated cheeks. "She's fucking lying," Lloyd repeated. "I don't know *why* she's saying this bullshit."

"Ohhh-- I'm lyinggg," Gwen snarled. Gwen glared at Lloyd's charcoal eye shutters. "I'm a li-arrr--" Lloyd grabbed Hailey's hand. He flattened his palm against the lower curve of Hailey's back. He nudged Hailey in the direction of his car.

"Okay-- maybe we should get out of here," Lloyd suggested. Hailey slipped her tangerine spotted fingers away from Lloyd's thick digits. She stalked towards Gwen. Points of suede boots carried Hailey's ivory lower limbs towards Gwen's hideous face. Hailey stopped in front of the toes of Gwen's footwear. Points of cow hide insteps faced each other. Hailey glared into Gwen's gold colored eye shutters. Flame tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose.

Hailey's shoulders swiveled. Hailey flapped her wrist and bicep. The heel of Hailey's hand collided with the apple of Gwen's cheek. The tips of Hailey's tangerine embellished fingers battered Gwen's temple. Gwen inhaled a sharp breath. She dropped on charcoal colored concrete. Gwen's denim wrapped hiny collided with sparkling cement. Her knees buckled. Her arms collapsed on top of her chest. Gwen stared at Hailey from the ground. Gwen's tiny nose wrinkled. Raven colored eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Gwen's eyes.

"I'm not lying!" Gwen shouted. Hailey shook a set of angry fists in front of her polka dotted chest.

"I don't *care* if you're lying!" Hailey shouted back. "All I care about is what you're doing right now!" Hailey pointed between hazel colored shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. "You're being a cunt!" Hailey lifted a tangerine capped index finger. She ratcheted her pointer digit sideways. "It's no one else's business what you two did. That's between you and Lloyd." Hailey rested her palm on dark denim surrounding her thigh. She inhaled cool, nighttime air. She exhaled an angry breath between carnation glossed lips. She reached behind her. She found Lloyd's warm, protective fingers.

"Let's get out of here, Lloyd," Hailey grumbled. Hailey and Lloyd turned and headed towards Lloyd's baby blue Cammy. Hailey glanced at Gwen's companion. The left hand girl dropped next to Gwen's denim shrouded hips. She laid tangerine spotted fingers along black and white stripes surrounding Gwen's biceps. Gwen looked up. She crushed infuriated digits against the other girl's chest. She shoved nylon wrapped biceps and ribs away from her irritated cheeks. Gwen's sidekick crashed back first into mirror squares surrounding a thick theater upright.

"Get off me!" Gwen shouted. "You are fucking WORTHLESS, Allie! I *hate* you!!" Hailey faced forward. She shook her head.

"Please tell me that did not just happen," Lloyd croaked. Hailey's head turned like a top. Hailey studied glints of charcoal irises between Lloyd's chocolate forehead locks. She exhaled a heavy breath from puffed cheeks. She squeezed Lloyd's strong, masculine digits. She lifted agitated, gloss coated mouth rims. She kissed the edge of Lloyd's neck.

"Don't worry about those fuckers," Hailey instructed. "Just take me back to Wednesday's."

Chapter 3: "Leave Lloyd Alone"
Table of Contents

The tip of Wednesday's nose sank into soft flesh covering her palm. The underside of Wednesday's hand covered a set of velvet lips. The tip of Wednesday's thumb crushed her right eyelids. The ends of Wednesday's fingers rested on her left hand eye flaps. Raven colored strands flowed from the top of Wednesday's forehead. Charcoal filaments curled over the beginnings of Wednesday's porcelain digits. Crow colored curtains sprouting from Wednesday's scalp draped her temples and cheeks. Pitch tinted ruffles surrounded Wednesday's wrist.

The edge of Wednesday's forearm rested on her thigh. Wednesday's opposite wrist laid across red and black plaid blanketing her knees. A lit cigarette dangled from the fingers of Wednesday's free hand. A tiny, ivory colored vortex emerged from a glowing ember. Cherry and coal checks were sandwiched between emerald grass and Wednesday's butt. Pale calves like upside down bowling pins descended from bunched together knees. Wednesday's lower legs became slender ankles separated by twenty inches of nighttime air.

Six centimeters of crisp currents divided Wednesday's heels and a concrete square. The balls of Wednesday's feet sank into a surface like sand paper. Tips of pitch capped toes pointed at each other. Wednesday heard a car approaching. Wednesday's fingers dropped off of her face. Tar spotted ivory shafts landed on red and black plaid covering Wednesday's thigh. Wednesday lifted her porcelain cheeks. She looked above raven tinted silk drifting from the tip of her left shoulder.

Twin sets of headlights surrounded an inclined plate. The rectangular sheet was two feet wide. Horizontal edges of a slanted panel were parallel with peaks and crests of surrounding lights. The lower border of a hood deflector sloped away from bases of dual lamps. The front end's ramp was tilted twenty-five degrees from horizontal. The oblong sheet was forged from flattened steel. The extruded metal covering was coated with a layer of slick paint. Protective automotive acrylic was robin egg blue.

A vertical crease divided a sloped halogen separator. A tall, slender emblem focalized a central pleat. The cemented marker covered one-third of a sheet metal fold. Three upright streaks adorned the attached insignia. The left hand stripe was periwinkle blue. The central band was the color of tar. A right hand striation was tomato red. Erect logo dividers were framed with zinc plating. Flame colored radiation erupted from rectangles of glass surrounding a creased plate. Potted metal spanned a one foot space below an extruded steel bend. The melded mineral chunk was rectangular. The oblong elemental forging was painted black. Thin, pearl colored letters spanned the middle of the rectangle. Ivory tinted characters were arranged left to right. Quartz digits spelled "CAMMY".

A sheet of metal bowed away from peaks of headlights and a leading lamp separator. The steel extrusion was slightly curved. One foot patches of faded, robin egg paint spotted areas of a flattened covering. A set of three foot long, one foot wide holes gashed a square shaped engine cowling. Graphite stained fins a foot long formed vents spanning apostrophe shaped openings. Two and a half feet of laminated glass emerged from the origin of a ripped sheet. A silicate divider sloped away from a drive housing along a twenty-five degree angle. Lloyd and Hailey sat behind a slick, see through panel. Lloyd relaxed beyond the right end of a transparent insect smasher. Hailey unwound below the opposite edge. Lloyd sank into padded, periwinkle colored vinyl. Lloyd's seat covers were torn to shreds. Tufts of sponge colored foam poked out of long, skinny tears.

Cocoa strands curled in front of coal colored shutters between Lloyd's eyelids. The tip of Lloyd's nose poked out below chocolate silk sprouting from his forehead. A smirk decorated the lower half of Lloyd's face. Lloyd's cheeks were surrounded by bushy, coffee pigmented sideburns. Polo stripes were sandwiched between Lloyd's shoulder blades and the back of his seat. Black and white shirt streaks crushed periwinkle vinyl ridges like paperback novels. Wrinkles of indigo denim flattened between Lloyd's thighs and light blue seating puffs. Sloppy, black sneakers emerged from dark blue jean wads surrounding Lloyd's ankles. The toe of Lloyd's right sneaker poked a chrome plated rectangle. Zinc treated squares were welded to steel bars curving out of Lloyd's driver's floor. The set of shiny tiles hovered beside an oblong foot pedal.

Lloyd's left shoe flattened a mirror tinted square beside his driver's door. Bar stock curving out of a reflective switch descended into Lloyd's floorboard. Lloyd's clutch activator squealed like an old mattress. A mound of blue carpet separated Lloyd and Hailey's seats. Black rubber squares were stacked on top of a carpeted hill. Neoprene tiles formed a pyramid between Lloyd's right calf and Hailey's left lower limb.

A chrome plated shaft curved out of a rubber Egyptian peak. A plastic ball the color of charcoal was threaded to zinc coated tubing. An ivory colored circle was stamped on top of a polystyrene orb. A bold, black digit was printed across the middle of a porcelain ellipse. The number eight was forged using streaks like used match sticks. The palm of Lloyd's right hand gripped a crow colored numeral. Lloyd shoved a plastic billiard ornament towards the face of a CD player.

Cotton fabric shrouds like traffic lens hoods housed Hailey's shoulder sockets. Elastic miters extended from two inch bonnets surrounding Hailey's deltoids. Clavical coverings became an arc that peaked below Hailey's neck line. Textile caverns stretched over Hailey's breasts and shoulder blades. Cloth like churned cream descended into a denim hoop strapped around Hailey's waist. Hailey's shirt was the color of snowflakes. Her upper body drapery was spotted with one inch, coal colored polka dots.

Soft, ivory colored skin erupted from the upper opening of Hailey's shirt. Curious facial features collected along the peak of a porcelain tinted throat. Emerald shutters studied Lloyd's movements behind rectangles of glass. Mascara coated eyelashes and mango colored eyebrows surrounded Hailey's sparkling irises. Carrot, apricot, and sherbet fluffs sprouted from Hailey's scalp and temples. Pumpkin strands surrounded cheek points supporting the lenses of Hailey's glasses. A tiny nasal extrusion poked out of the middle of Hailey's face. Lips stained with carnation pink gloss were pressed together below olfactory passages.

Blueberry colored denim was strapped around Hailey's waist, thighs, and knees. Cinnamon buttons like quarters fastened a seam down the front of Hailey's blue jean skirt. Slender arms the texture of velvet descended from the sleeves of Hailey's shirt. Sets of tiny, pale fingers were folded over a row of pennies traversing Hailey's lap. Ivory colored calves descended from a denim hoop surrounding Hailey's knees. Silky lower legs sank into suede collars the color of camel hair. Cow hide columns became felt channels surrounding Hailey's slender insteps. Limestone spades covered Hailey's toes. Hailey's heels rested on two inch cubes of chocolate colored rubber.

Hailey was mesmerized by Lloyd's automotive puppeteering. Lloyd's right leg eased pressure on his car's gas pedal. Lloyd's left lower limb descended, neutralizing the Cammy's clutch. Lloyd's right hand digits shuffled a plastic eight ball attached to his car's shifter. Sparkling shutters studied Lloyd's movements from the corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey admired coffee colored sprouts poking out of Lloyd's cheeks. She followed chocolate coils hanging in front of shiny coals between Lloyd's eyelids. Lloyd's head turned. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's emerald irises. He smirked.

"You are one hot little, lady there-- Hailey Holloway," Lloyd remarked. Hailey mashed menthol stained lips together to hide a smile.

"I was checking out what a sexy man you are-- Lloyd Freeman," Hailey responded. Eyebrows like mud jumped to the top of Lloyd's forehead. Lloyd checked the road. He shrugged.

"Uh, I am just--" Lloyd looked into Hailey's eyes. "I'm just driving my car around. You know?" Hailey giggled. She covered grinning lips with tiny, tangerine spotted fingertips. Hailey lowered porcelain digits. She folded quartz tinted knuckle extensions in front of her chin.

"You-- think I'm hot, huh?" Hailey requisitioned. Lloyd glanced at the road.

"You-- are a babe," Lloyd replied. Lloyd studied emerald shutters between Hailey's long, slender eyelashes. "You have the prettiest eyes. I *love* your eyes." Hailey choked back a smile. She studied her lap. Emerald shutters studied Lloyd's walnut cheeks from the corners of Hailey's eyes. "Gorgeous, flowing, red hair--" Lloyd purred. "Soft, pale complected skin--" Lloyd sealed thoughtful ocular flaps. "Sparkling green eyes--" Lloyd checked the road. He peered into Hailey's jade faceted irises. "The eyes are the windows of the soul--" Lloyd rehearsed. Hailey flattened her porcelain tinted cheek along the knuckles of her right hand. Glittering, green eyes spotted coals hiding behind Lloyd's chocolate forehead strands. Hailey licked carnation gloss coating her lips.

"That's-- what they say," Hailey responded. Lloyd followed emerald shutters surrounding Hailey's pupils. He glanced at the road.

"*Your* soul-- seems very wise," Lloyd explained. "And, intelligent."

"It does not!" Hailey squeezed out of a chuckle. Lloyd snickered. He checked his rearview mirror. He licked his lips.

"And-- very sexy," Lloyd added. Hailey stared at sprouts of perwinkle carpet erupting from the floor of Lloyd's Cammy.

"Shut-up," Hailey grumbled. Lloyd glanced at Hailey's grinning cheeks. He inhaled a sharp breath.

"Your-- soulll--" Lloyd forced out of smirking oral rims.

"Lllloyd--" Hailey groaned from smiling mouth edges.

"Aww, shiiit--" Lloyd croaked. "You've got a sexy-- whole body." Hailey shook tangerine capped digits in front of her shoulders.

"Lloyd-- shut the fuck up!" Hailey forced through nervous laughter.

"Gorgeous face--" Lloyd continued. "Great bod-- Curvy, round hips--" Lloyd checked his driver's side window. "Sexy, long legs--" Lloyd spotted emeralds peering at him from the corners of Hailey's eyes. "Slender, hourglass waist--" Hailey dropped her palms on a sheet of blueberry denim covering her thighs. She squeezed her lips together to hide a nervous smile.

"I have-- tiny, little boobs--" Hailey grumbled. Lloyd showed Hailey his index finger.

"I was getting to those," Lloyd remarked. Hailey folded her arms over her chest.

"You were *avoiding* those," Hailey corrected. Lloyd looked at the road. He tilted his head.

"I like your boobs." Lloyd glanced at Hailey. Hailey stared back from edges of hesitant ocular caverns. "I think they're the perfect size," Lloyd explained. "That's just how I like them." Lloyd squinted. "But, that's *me*." Hailey faced forward. She smiled. A flash of Gwen's tiny tits flashed inside Hailey's mind. Blueberry fingernails sank into bulbs surrounding Gwen's nipples. Ripples of thin, pale skin surrounded the tips of Gwen's shiny, indigo keratin caps. Gwen's finger ridges approached mint sized breast patches the color of ham. The ends of Gwen's porcelain digits grazed salmon pegs erupting from her areolas. Ridges wrapping Gwen's fingertips glided over grains poking out of Gwen's nipples.

"ohhhh--" Gwen groaned. "Ohh, you rememberrr--" Gwen's pigment brushed eyelids forced themselves shut. Her head tilted back. Gwen inhaled between pearls dividing her tomato stained lips. "Mmmm--" Sweet potato colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. Hailey stared at Lloyd from corners of angry eyes.

"That-- fucking slut!" Hailey barked. Lloyd popped out of a daze. Shiny coals covering Lloyd's corneas switched to the right corners of his eyes.

"Uhh--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd squinted. He looked into Hailey's eyes. "You're-- thinking about Gwen, still?" Hailey faced forward. She spread sets of angry fingers in front of her chest.

"What the fuck-- is her problem??" Hailey folded her arms over her chest. She faced Lloyd. Lloyd exhaled a slow breath.

"You know she's lying, right?" Hailey shrugged with her elbows.

"What *difference* does it make?!?" Hailey snapped. Hailey found Lloyd's deep, dark eyes between strands of chocolate forehead strands. "She's not on a date with you." Hailey pointed at a plane of ivory colored skin covering her chest. "*I* am!!" Lloyd faced forward. He smirked.

"You-- slapped the shit out of her!"

"Fuckin' right I did!" Hailey barked. Hailey stared at a bushy sideburn growing along the edge of Lloyd's cheek. She nodded. "She tries any more shit, I'll slice her FUCKIN' THROAT!!" Lloyd studied Hailey's pale cheeks. He swallowed nervous spit.

"I-- I believe you, Hailey." Hailey faced forward. She licked a set of glossy lips. Hailey felt her eyeballs wiggling. A droplet materialized along mascara strands near the left corner of Hailey's right eye. A saline beebee dropped on the apple of Hailey's cheek.

"Shhhit--" Hailey squeezed out. Hailey swatted a steamy tear off of her ivory colored cheek. She looked at Lloyd. "I'm fuckin'-- pissed off, Lloyd," Hailey spat. Lloyd's cheeks puffed up. Lloyd exhaled an exhausted breath between pressurized lips.

"It's okay, Haileyy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd steered his Cammy close to a curb. He eased his clutch and brake pedals to the floor. He tugged a lever between his seat and Hailey's. Lloyd's parking stick croaked like a frog. Lloyd reached behind his steering wheel and turned back a key. He looked into Hailey's sparkling, green eyes. Hailey stared back through a set of glass rectangles. Lloyd laid the tops of his fingers along soft, pale skin surrounding Hailey's cheek. He slipped the tip of his thumb below a rectangle of glass in front of Hailey's left eye. The end of Lloyd's opposable digit landed on Hailey's bottom eye flap. Hailey's eye coverings fluttered together. The tip of Lloyd's thumb glided across a droplet below the inner corner of Hailey's eye.

"Heyyy--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd licked slender lips near the lower boundary of his face. "Fuck her," Lloyd grumbled. "Alright?" Hailey looked into Lloyd's eyes. She nodded. She laid her fingers along the edge of Lloyd's neck. She gazed into Lloyd's charcoal irises. She smiled. Lloyd smirked. Lloyd's face drifted towards Hailey's. Hailey leaned towards Lloyd and closed her eyes. Lloyd's lips landed on Hailey's gloss coated oral extents. Lloyd squeezed Hailey's upper lip between the rims of his mouth. Hailey suctioned Lloyd's lower tooth covering between menthol stained pucker frames. She pulled her oral cavity away from Lloyd's. She crushed Lloyd's top lip between carnation coated mouth edges. She kissed the upper half of Lloyd's facial opening.

"Mmmm--" Hailey purred. Hailey pulled her lips away from Lloyd's. She gazed into Lloyd's eyes. Lloyd stared back. He glanced towards a window covering the upper half of Hailey's door. Hailey choked back a giggle. "Wednesday's standing right behind me, isn't she?" Hailey asked. Lloyd chuckled.

"Of course, she is," Lloyd replied. Hailey looked over spotted cotton fabric wrapping her shoulder. Wednesday stood beside Lloyd's passenger door. Wednesday's palms flattened red and black plaid above her knees. Wednesday stood bent over, staring through Lloyd's passenger side window. A grin constructed from ruby lips and snow colored teeth tore Wednesday's face in two. Hailey smiled back. She exhaled a chuckle through her nostrils and shook her head. "Go ahead, Hailey," Lloyd remarked. Hailey faced Lloyd. "I'm gonna go home. I've got some homework to do." Hailey exhaled a slow breath. She licked her lips.

"W-When will I see you again?" Hailey inquired. Lloyd smirked.

"Do you have A-lunch tomorrow? Or, B-lunch?"

"I have B-lunch every day," Hailey replied. Lloyd raised his palms.

"Me, too." Lloyd shrugged. "Wanna go to lunch with me, tomorrow?" Hailey grabbed Lloyd's hands.

"Of course! Yeah!" Hailey looked at the upper, right corners of her eyes. "Pretty sure Wednesday has B-lunch, too." Hailey looked into Lloyd's eyes. "She has A-lunch on A-days, though." Hailey squinted. "Can *she* come? I hate to leave her out." Lloyd wobbled Hailey's fingers.

"Of course, Wednesday can come with us." He lifted a set of chocolate colored eyebrows. He showed Hailey his index finger. "You're pretty damn sexy though, Hailey," Lloyd added. Hailey blew out a chuckle. "I'm probably gonna be-- kissing all over you. You know, I might not be able to control myself." Hailey cupped her fingers over her lips and snickered. She gripped Lloyd's fingers using tangerine spotted digits. She gazed into Lloyd's chocolate eye shutters.

"Well-- that's *her* problem," Hailey explained. "She can get her *own* Lloyd." Lloyd chuckled.

"Alright, then," Lloyd replied. "That sounds great." Lloyd tugged Hailey's pale knuckles. Hailey's upper body drifted towards Lloyd's seat. Hailey's lips landed on Lloyd's. Lloyd let go of Hailey's hands. He surrounded the edges of Hailey's cheeks with his thumbs. He gripped the sides of Hailey's porcelain neck with his fingers. He forced the edges of his mouth over Hailey's gloss plopped oral siphons. Hailey gripped Lloyd's lower lip between menthol stained teeth coverings. She turned her head sideways, opened her mouth, and squeezed carnation soaked digestive rims around Lloyd's face hole.

"Mmmm--" Lloyd moaned. Lloyd pulled his lips away from Hailey's. He gazed between emerald shutters surrounding Hailey's pupils. "You see what I mean?" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey chuckled. She rested her fingers along shaggy, chocolate strands surrounding Lloyd's cheeks. She glided porcelain digits across thick, mud colored curls.

"I'm gonna have the same problem," Hailey replied. "Sooo--" Lloyd exhaled a chuckle. He looked down. He laid his fingers along the back of his neck.

"You knoww--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd licked his lips. Hailey stared at chocolate colored coils erupting from Lloyd's scalp. She squinted.

"Uhh-- Lloyd, what?" Hailey demanded. Lloyd looked up. He pressed his lips together. Hailey stared back. She scrunched up her nose. Her eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her nose. "Awww--" Hailey grumbled. "That fucking-- bitch, again??" Lloyd lifted apologetic palms. He sighed.

"Well, yeahhh--" Lloyd moaned. Lloyd peered into Hailey's sparkling, green eyes. "She--" Lloyd pointed between Hailey's jade faceted irises. "That little-- lyinggg--" Lloyd looked towards the upper corners of his eyes. He exhaled an angry breath through his nostrils. Hailey curled tangerine dotted digits around Lloyd's walnut knuckle extensions. She pointed the fingers of her free hand at a plane of buttermilk flesh below her neck.

"I believe you, Lloyd," Hailey responded. "I believed you the first time you said it." Lloyd exhaled a grateful sigh. He looked down and nodded. Hailey studied the top of Lloyd's head. She smiled. "I didn't know that was so important to you-- that I believed you." Lloyd stared at periwinkle fibers sprouting from a mound dividing his and Hailey's seats.

"It *is*," Lloyd admitted. He looked up. He laid the tops of Hailey's fingers on his lips. He kissed Hailey's quartz knuckle shafts. He gazed into Hailey's eyes. "I only ever dated one other girl," Lloyd explained. "And-- it didn't go very well. And-- I didn't *ever* go out with that stupid skank, Gwen." Hailey nodded.

"Okay," Hailey replied. "I believe you." Lloyd smiled. He tugged Hailey's hand. He dragged Hailey across a carpeted dome separating his and Hailey's seats. He reached behind Hailey's back. He wrapped his arms around Hailey's slender shoulders. Lloyd sighed. He rested his chin along Hailey's deltoid. He turned his head. He pressed his lips against carrot colored strands growing out of Hailey's temple. He kissed the edge of Hailey's scalp. "Awww--" Hailey sang. She rested her cheek on a pillow of shaggy hair erupting from Lloyd's temple. She faced forward and closed her eyes.

"Thank you for believing me," Lloyd remarked. Lloyd squeezed Hailey's shoulders between his biceps. He lifted his head and sighed. Hailey smiled. She felt Lloyd's arms go slack. Hailey slipped away from Lloyd's biceps and wrists. She searched periwinkle carpet between the toes of her boots. "Now-- go spend some time with your friend," Lloyd instructed. "I'm sure she's dying to know how our date went." Hailey chuckled. She tugged a slick, black strap away from blue carpet covering her side of the floor. She dangled a licorice harness from her shoulder. She found Lloyd's pupils between chocolate colored curls sprouting from his forehead.

"You have no idea--" Hailey groaned. Hailey leaned across the space between her and Lloyd's seats. She kissed Lloyd's lips and looked into his eyes. "Good night, Lloyd," Hailey remarked. "Thank you so much for taking me out." Lloyd smiled.

"Thank you for going with me, Hailey," Lloyd replied. Hailey curled her fingers around an L-shaped bar inside a chrome frame. The zinc plated boundary surrounded a space below Hailey's window sill. Hailey tugged a mirror tinted bracket. She laid the fingers of her free hand against periwinkle vinyl covering her door. She pushed Lloyd's passenger cabin covering towards Wednesday's grinning face.

Wednesday pulled Lloyd's right end hatch away from the body of his Cammy. Hailey rotated her thighs above torn vinyl wrapping the edge of her seat. The soles of Hailey's boots landed on rough concrete. Hailey ducked, laid her palms on puffs of sponge colored foam, and shoved herself to her feet. A clear, plastic bag the size of a mailing envelope battered Hailey's blueberry hip denim. Slick, black stripes surrounded the top and bottom of Hailey's bag. Hailey turned, leaned into Lloyd's Cammy and waved.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lloyd," Hailey remarked. Lloyd waved back.

"Okay, Hailey," Lloyd responded. Lloyd pointed below curls of charcoal colored bangs growing out of Wednesday's forehead. "Wanna go to lunch with us, tomorrow?" Lloyd offered. Wednesday stepped beside the body of Lloyd's Cammy. She leaned inside.

"Of course, I'll go to lunch with you guys!" Wednesday beamed. "Sounds great!" Wednesday plopped down in Hailey's spot. She sank undressed shins into vinyl sutured seat puffs. Wednesday's tiny hiny crushed red and black skirt checks on top of her heels. Wednesday threw her arms around Lloyd's shoulders. Lloyd turned. He squeezed Wednesday's raven colored blouse between his biceps and Wednesday's trim waist.

"All-right!" Lloyd responded. "Now-- good night, Wednesday. I'm going home."

"Good night, Lloyd," Wednesday responded. Wednesday hopped off of Lloyd's passenger seat. The soles of Wednesday's feet plopped along cold concrete the texture of tree bark. Wednesday grabbed the edge of Lloyd's passenger door. She swiveled a baby blue automotive hatch towards the body of Lloyd's Cammy. Wednesday stood beside Hailey. She peered through the passenger's window of Lloyd's car and waved. Lloyd's engine started. Flame colored beams erupted from the front end of Lloyd's vehicle. A long, skinny panel shrouded the rear end of Lloyd's Cammy. It sloped twenty-five degrees away from the Cammy's trunk. Patches of robin egg blue paint stained sections of Lloyd's rear storage hatch. The rest of the aging door rim was primer grey.

Rectangular, tomato red lenses were arranged below the lid of the Cammy's back closet. Three lamps were stacked below the left end of Lloyd's trunk. Matching light coverings were embedded below the opposite edge. Pineapple yellow lamps were arranged vertically beside inner edges of poppy tinted lenses. Three pearl colored tint changers were stacked beside each set of lemon pigmented crystals. Tomato red rectangles glowed bright red. Lenses like lady bug wings dimmed. Lloyd's Cammy drove away from the edge of Wednesday's curb. Lloyd's baby blue muscle car stopped a block away. Right hand rectangles adorning the Cammy's rear end began flashing yellow. Lloyd's car turned right. It disappeared behind a corner house near the end of the block.

Hailey stood in front of a thirty foot telephone pole. She was showered with plum colored light. White cotton fabric surrounding Hailey's shoulders, chest, and stomach fluoresced like the surface of a red onion. A grid of charcoal spots remained dark. Blueberry denim surrounding Hailey's waist, hips, and thighs glowed the color of flamingo feathers. Hailey's face, arms, and legs illuminated like cotton candy. Tangerine caps covering the tips of Hailey's fingers glowed the color of cucumber flesh. Strands like fluorescent champagne flowed from Hailey's scalp.

Chardonnay filaments surrounded Hailey's cotton candy cheeks below violet eye rectangles. Hailey rested her right ankle against flamingo colored denim covering her left thigh. A chrome plated zipper covered a seam along a suede collar surrounding Hailey's ankle. A reflective coating glowed like plum skin. Camel tinted cow hide surrounding Hailey's foot refracted a blueberry pigmented haze.

"My feet are killing me," Hailey remarked. Hailey's cotton candy index finger and thumb surrounded a tiny point like an arrow head. A chrome grip pointing at boot fasteners repeated eggplant radiation. An ivory colored tube hung from ruby lips above Wednesday's chin. Birch colored fingers surrounded a gold plated case in front of Wednesday's lips. The brass tinted container was the size of a match box.

"That's because you never wear heels," Wednesday explained. Wednesday's tar spotted thumbnail lifted a cap poking out of her fingers and palm. The back edge of the reflective cover landed on Wednesday's index finger. A lever below the glittering top flipped over. The slate spring collided with a seam down the rear end of a gold treated covering. A chime like a battered triangle erupted from Wednesday's fingers.

Hailey dragged the pointed end of a chrome coated arrow across interlocking teeth. A steel sculpture separated zinc plated stitches securing the collar of Hailey's boot. Hailey's zipper stopped beside a quarter inch thick rubber sheet fastened to her footwear. Hailey's fingertips surrounded a four centimeter cube attached to the heel of her boot. Hailey shoved a neoprene stump towards the front of her foot. The collar of Hailey's boot folded below her heel. Hailey's suede ankle column glided over the ends of her toes. Hailey dropped her foot on cold concrete the texture of sand paper. Wednesday exhaled tubes of white smoke from her nostrils. She suspended a lit cigarette between the first two fingers of her right hand. She rested her elbow on top of her unoccupied palm. She flattened the arm of her free digits on top of her stomach.

"*You* guys sure came back, quick," Wednesday remarked. "I figured you'd be gone longer."

"Me and Lloyd *hated* that movie," Hailey explained. Hailey's left ankle rested against flamingo colored denim covering her right thigh. A zipper along the inner edge of Hailey's left boot was unzipped. Hailey shoved the heel of her occupied footwear towards her toes. She stared into space. She squinted. "We were both sitting there-- thinking it was sooo stupid." Hailey dropped her left foot beside her right. The collars of Hailey's boots hung from the fingers of her right hand. Wednesday smiled.

"*That's* funny," Wednesday responded. Wednesday positioned her cigarette in front of ruby lips decorating the bottom of her face. "Who said they hated it, first?" Wednesday inquired. Hailey laid the tips of her fingers along cotton candy dermis covering the top of her chest.

"Me," Hailey replied. Hailey's head turned. Emeralds collected near the corners of Hailey's eyes. Jade eye shutters watched Wednesday exhale a tube of snow colored smoke from her lips. "We-- ran into Gwen outside," Hailey continued. Icy blue shutters surrounding Wednesday's pupils locked onto Hailey's eyes. Wednesday squinted.

"The fuuuck??" Wednesday snapped. "Bull-shit."

"And, this other girl from our Psychology class," Hailey added. "Allie-- Holmes, I think?" Hailey motioned towards her chest with the fingers of her free hand. "Gwen-- She, uh-- lifted up her shirt in front of us-- pulled down the cups of her bra-- started playing with her tits." Wednesday stared in a daze. Hailey licked her lips. "She was like-- grabbing on her nipples? And then, she tilts her head back--" Hailey pivoted her head between her shoulder blades and closed her eyes. "Like this-- And then, she starts moaning-- 'Ohhh-- Lloyyyd-- You like that, don't you'??"

"Oh, my Gyadd!!" Wednesday snarled. Wednesday lifted her palms. "What the-- What did you do??" Hailey stood up straight. She grabbed a column of cotton candy tinted skin surrounding her bicep. She rested her forearm on plum colored, cotton fabric covering her stomach.

"I slapped the living shit out of her!" Hailey barked.

"Y-You did??" Wednesday blew through a laugh. Hailey nodded.

"Yeah-- I did," Hailey replied. Wednesday stared into her friend's sparkling, green eyes. She exhaled a slow breath.

"Hailey what's gonna happen, now?" Hailey studied charcoal colored pebbles covering Wednesday's street.

"I told her she was being a cunt," Hailey continued. Hailey turned her head. She stared at cyan quarters covering the middles of Wednesday's eyes. "If she tries anything else--" Wednesday tapped the middle of her cigarette with her index finger. A quarter inch cylinder of porcelain colored ash dropped off of Wednesday's coffin nail. Hailey licked carnation tinted gloss coating her lips. She faced forward. She exhaled a heavy breath from puffed up cheeks.

Wednesday studied bubble gum stained blush brushed along the apple of her friend's cheek. She lifted her cigarette. She plopped a circle of cellulose against a set of nervous, ruby red lips. Hailey looked down. Lime green caps covering Hailey's toenails glowed the color of seaweed. Moss refracting caps were surrounded by soft skin the color of cotton candy. Hailey stood on a two foot square of concrete. The cement tile glowed like a field of plums. "S"-shaped logs forged from artificial rock were arranged beside eggplant tinted sidewalk. Hailey looked across Linda Street.

Two foot concrete sections were arranged beside cement reeds across the street. Man-made limestone bordered the north edge of Linda Park. Espresso colored shafts emerged from chartreuse grass points beside the curb. The coffee pigmented columns were one foot wide tree trunks. Branches four to six inches thick erupted a couple of feet from bases of wood roots. Forks one and two inches thick sprouted from lower limbs. Some branches were showered with two inch long, lime colored spades. Others were littered with ten cenitimeter, jade colored forks. Spirals of seaweed pigmented spikes poked out of alternate limbs. A pine tree directly across the street from Wednesday's house was about twenty-five feet tall. It was shaped like a giant Christmas tree. Three inch pine cones littered chartreuse shards below the veluptuous evergreen.

Thirty foot telephone poles were arranged between decorative trees. Stainless steel extensions ccurved from tops of pine shafts. Glittering arms pointed towards sidewalk along the south edge of Linda Street. Lamps were suspended from perpendicular struts. Glass bowls were illuminated pearl white. Others glowed champagne green. Some fluoresced peacock blue. Beyond trees and telephone poles, concrete logs two inches thick surrounded an oval. The granite tinted bricks bordered a fifteen foot by thirty foot space. The cement reed border was skirted by chartreuse, pistachio, and olive colored grass blades. A pit of quartz, slate, and cardinal pigmented pebbles was contained by a granite tinted frame.

Two inch thick poles the color of ash arose from colored gravel. A cement tinted trident erupted from ends of an oval pit. Two steel columns emerged from the center of the rock tub. Ash colored posts sloped towards the middle of a pebble basin following twenty-five degree slopes. A central upright connected tops of eight rust resistant tubes. Sets of stainless steel chains dropped from an intersecting chute. Four pairs of links were separated by two poles supporting the middle of the structure. Upper hoops hoisting each couple of dangling strands were separated by three feet.

Bottom latches of twin ring suspenders converged beside edges of rubber strips. The neoprene connectors were eighteen inches long, five inches wide, and a half inch thick. The two outer chunks of melded petroleum were cinnamon brown. The inner set of flexible strands refracted banana yellow radiation. Hailey's suede boots dangled from the fingers of her right hand. Hailey lifted collars of cow hide footwear. She tucked felt insteps below her left arm. She sank blueberry shoe insteps between a cotton candy bicep and licorice spotted plum ribs.

Wednesday yanked a tobacco tube away from ruby lips with her first two right hand fingers. Hailey's soft, buttermilk colored digits escaped a plum tinted beam. Hailey's porcelain fingertips gripped warm skin protecting Wednesday's left palm. Hailey crushed her friend's hand pillows and tiny knuckle extensions. Wednesday's head turned. A tube of ivory colored smoke erupted from Wednesday's crimson coated lips. The lower half of a tobacco mist eruption fluoresced eggplant purple. Emerald coins peered through violet rectangles surrounding the bridge of Hailey's nose. Strands the color of anti-freeze surrounded glass tinted like a red onion.

"Let's go sit on the swings," Hailey suggested. "Talk about the *good* parts of my date." A ruby colored smile surrounded ivory chiclets filling Wednesday's mouth.

"O-kay!" Wednesday beamed. Hailey dropped off the edge of Wednesday's curb. She dragged her friend onto pitch coated asphalt. The girls tip-toed across raven colored pavement and skipped over a cement curb. Hailey and Wednesday disappeared between columns of pine needles and spade shaped leaves. Near the outskirts of Malley, an old dirt road descended from Highway 1812. Like many roads east of the city, the ancient pathway was no longer maintained.

The county street was originally carved through a plot of desert shrubbery. Malley's barren wildlife consisted mainly of waist tall and shoulder high mesquite. The dirt road exiting Highway 1812 was paved with dried caliche. A half mile south, a different street dropped from the intersecting carriageway. The secondary passage fell twenty feet in height and continued east. Like its predecessor, the alternate route was cut through swirls of desert woodland and coated with caliche.

A quarter mile from its dropoff, the intersecting road curved towards an old, abandoned warehouse. A three acre lot surrounding the building was woven with old, crooked bricks. When the driving surface was mortared, its constructive mud blocks were crimson red. Artificial stones were pristine and perfectly spaced. After years in the sun and no maintenance, the soil crystals were pale, cracked, and poking out of the ground. Caked tire supports were the color of potting clay. There was hardly any mortar securing them.

The proceeding warehouse was oddly shaped. It was forged from separately erected buildings connected after construction. A long, four story wall faced the road. The border of faded, crimson bricks was in serious need of repair. Many clay constructors were cracked and caving in. Ivy descended a grid of quarter inch thick mortar separating crooked, broken blocks. Three rows of wooden framed windows spanned the sickly stack of busted bricks. Bay doors were arranged along the bottom story.

Each window consisted of a set of glass squares above a pair of vertical panes. The silicate sections were separated by warped, sun bleached reeds of cedar. Old, twisted arrangements of crimson bricks were sculpted above each window. Arcs of sideways blocks shrouded straight lines of upright clay sculptures. Lower brick edges were mortared above cellulose dowels shrouding sets of glass squares. Some windows were missing triangles and rhombuses of crystal. Other ports were missing entire silicate panels.

A short covering constructed from crimson bricks diverted from the four story divider. Rows of crooked blocks crossed the four floor separator at a forty-five degree angle. A matching column of three windows was arranged down the intersecting section of bricks. A steel, bay door covered the lower story. A wall half the length of the partition facing the road was attached to the short section. The additional barrier extended at a forty-five degree angle from the connecting brick fence. The half width wall was constructed perpendicular to the structure facing the road. Three additional rows of windows spanned the upper three stories of the third precipice. Oversized bays occupied the third partition's lower story.

Some of the building's garage openings were uncovered. Most of the delivery ports were protected by columns of one foot tall, steel shutters. Several slick slats were littered with graffiti. A bay door covered an opening along the corner wall. Tin panels were coated from top to bottom with spray paint strokes depicting an alien face. The being's gigantic precipice was wide and round near the top. The base of an acrylic visitor depiction formed a teardrop vertex. Showered rust inhibitor became a pointed chin halfway down the bottom door slat.

The borders of the alien face were shaded with olive green spray paint. In places, the observer image was darkened with navy blue and indigo. Inner facial details were blended with lime and pistachio green. A huge set of almond shaped eyes poked out of the edges of the alien's facial features. Charcoal tinted ocular coverings were illuminated with shots of grey and white spray paint. Edges of raven black corneas reflected arcs of tomato, tangerine, and lemon colored flames.

The name "theM" was tagged across the forehead of an oversized visitor precipice. Bold characters were embossed with dark blue, olive, and dashes of lime green. The artistically crafted label looked like it was sunken into the alien's skull. Black spray paint surrounded the top of a bay sized observer face. Charcoal acrylic blended with indigo beside the alien's cheeks. Blueberry rust coating faded to royal blue. Dots of white, yellow, cyan, and tomato decorated a nighttime colored background.

A sixties model Voggschwoggen Ladybug crept across wobbling blocks of dried mud. Pottery colored ground bricks smacked each other like hammers dropping on bowling balls. Fourteen inch rubber donuts surrounded chrome plated domes. Neoprene hoops carried a bug shaped, steel body across a field of fractured masonry. Three inch thick, ivory colored rings covered surfaces of charcoal tinted rollers. Fenders like sixteen inch macaroni pasta concealed top halves of puffed tires. Curved wheel wells were coated with shiny, seaweed green paint.

Headlights shaped like insect eyes were fastened to moss stained tire coverings. Lamps like bug corneas were surrounded by chrome hoops. Lemon yellow beams erupted from domed radiation glass. Egg shaped lenses were attached to back ends of rear fenders. Beams of tomato red haze emitted from tops and bottoms of elliptical bulbs. An arch shaped body was situated between macaroni formed fenders. A globe molded trunk lid covered the front end of an automotive sculpture. The main body of the Ladybug resembled an igloo.

Windows like bubbles were fitted into upper halves surrounding the Ladybug's body. A bowl shaped windshield spanned the front end of a dome framed chassis. A glass orb protected a viewport spanning the rear of the car's body. The Ladybug's roof, doors, and trunk lid were coated with the same seaweed paint protecting its fenders. A chrome plated dowel curved down the trunk lid, dividing it in two.

The beetle shaped automobile parked in front of one foot tall bay shutters. Lemon tinted light illuminated strips of olive, lime, and chartreuse spray paint decorating a giant alien face. Arcs of tangerine, lemon, and tomato red flames scorched edges of enormous, almond shaped eyes. The Ladybug stopped running. Forward facing lamps like insect eyes switched off. Edges of road bricks and warehouse blocks were barely visible in the light of the moon. Crooked masonry borders refracted faint lines of periwinkle haze. Threads of tangerine light escaped spaces between shutters covering the bay. The spray paint visitor precipice was basically invisible.

The Ladybug's driver's side door swung away from its dome sculpted body. Lemon yellow light emanated from the vehicle's bubble shaped windows. Radiation like pineapple pulp illuminated pottery colored bricks surrounding donut tires. Lime and chartreuse shapes forging an oversized alien face became slightly visible. Olive green and dark blue spray paint surrounding a ridiculous precipice appeared black. A mop of cream, pine, and bourbon colored hair emerged from the Ladybug's driver's end. Curtains of dirty blonde strands surrounded two inch circles of glass.

Lenses like bases of soda bottles were connected by a silver rod a quarter inch thick. Mirror tinted rims surrounded silicate ellipses. A set of rust colored irises filled circular eye coverings. One inch pupils occupied middles of penny pigmented irises. The circular lenses were so distorting, their wearer's eye whites were not visible. Faint stubble surrounded a set of thin lips below a long, skinny nose. Ends of bourbon, cream, and sawdust colored swirls framed the upper half of a scrawny neck.

Sheets of white, cotton fabric dangled from a set of narrow shoulders. Edges of wide, baggy sleeves surrounded bony elbows. Vertical rectangles of black were printed across the chest of the driver's t-shirt. The tops and bottoms of the first and third rhombuses were even with each other. The peaks and bases of the second and fourth oblong squares lined up. But, rectangle number two and four were arranged lower than the others.

Teal scratches outlined a face on top of the first t-shirt rhombus. A tall, cyan mohawk stood above a facial sketch. Pink squiggles outlined an unnamed precipice occupying banner number two. A set of liberty spikes erupted from the second drawing's scalp. Yellow scribbles depicted eyes, nostrils, ears, and cheeks on top of the third rectangle. Randomly spiked hair was traced by lemon tinted lines shrouding face number three. Orange match sticks traced a bald head decorating the final oblong space.

"X-Team" was printed below upright charcoal boxes. The band's title was printed using tall, black letters. Wads of indigo denim surrounded the driver's thighs and calves. Bottoms of navy blue jean tubes crumpled along a set of black, canvas sneaker necks. Sheets of charcoal fabric were arranged on top of one inch platforms of pearl tinted rubber. Trios of ivory colored bands were stitched diagonally to the driver's black foot material.

The Ladybug's passenger door opened. Gwen's head poked out. Raven strands descended from the middle of Gwen's scalp. Charcoal filaments brushed apples of soft, pale cheeks. Ends of crow pigmented curtains swung an inch above Gwen's shoulders. A set of fiery, hazel discs was flattened below angry, raven colored eyebrows. A tiny nose and shiny, tomato colored lips poked out of asphalt scalp threads. Gwen's chin emerged from a mountain of quarter inch black and white bands. Slim stripes surrounded cotton fabric wrapping Gwen's narrow shoulders, biceps, forearms, and wrists. A streaked sheet curved over tiny tits, thin ribs, and a slender stomach.

Suede spades dropped beside Gwen's car door. Hardened rubber teardrops were fastened to bottoms of cow hide boots. Neoprene toe points dropped on wobbly, faded blocks. Felt collars emerging from blunt ends of rubber spades surrounded Gwen's skinny ankles. Cream colored calves erupted from the necks of Gwen's boots. Porcelain lower legs forced denim wrapped thighs away from teal vinyl covering Gwen's seat. An eight inch hoop of periwinkle denim descended Gwen's thin waist and curved around her hips. A sixteen centimeter stomach covering became a ten inch ring surrounding Gwen's knees.

Gwen stomped away from the Ladybug. She swirled on points of tan boots. She faced lemon tinted haze erupting from her open door. A carnation vinyl strip a half inch thick dangled from the fingers of Gwen's right hand. A foot of gold chain was fastened to the ends of Gwen's slick shoulder harness. A pink, vinyl cat face twelve inches wide hung from brass tinted fasteners. Closed kitten eyes were forged from white, sideways parentheses. A ruby nose was arranged below artificial ocular arcs. Sets of white whiskers extended from edges of a raspberry faceted snout. Gwen positioned the center of her purse strap over her right shoulder. She squeezed her thumb between carnation deltoid vinyl and black and white chest bands. Gwen glared at the passenger's end of the Ladybug. A set of thin, raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's tiny nose.

"Get the fuck out, dipshit!" Gwen squawked. Gwen extended the fingers of her left hand. Caps of shiny, blueberry colored acrylic covered Gwen's nails. Gwen squashed ridges wrapping her thumb and middle finger together. She crushed her second digit against the inner surface of her opposable palm extension. She popped the underside of her hand using her shit-head greeter. The tip of Gwen's middle finger collided with her left end palm pillows. Gwen's index finger pointed at crumbs of pale bricks beside the toe of her right boot. "Noww!!" Gwen shrieked.

Soles of black, leather footwear hammered teal vinyl wrapping Gwen's back rest. The rear of Gwen's chair folded on top of its seating surface. Ankle high wads of tar colored leather wrapped insteps preceding pointed, leather toes. Slender calves like buttermilk emerged from cow hide ruffles. Porcelain lower legs curved below a set of apple shaped knees. Thighs wrapped in black leather flattened along arcs of shapely calves. Shoulders, a slender stomach, and a pale chest crushed nylon fabric along upper leg cow hide. A black tube top surrounded ribs and tomato sized tits below transparent shirt charcoal.

Buttermilk colored biceps dropped on black leather gripping edges of thigh curves. Cream colored forearms curled in front of ivory tinted calves. Tiny fingers dropped on teal vinyl stretched across the back of Gwen's seat. Tangerine tinted nails dotted ends of teensy digits. Crow colored strands swirled over see through silk surrounding cream colored shoulders. Soot pigmented hair filaments sprouted from the middle of Allie's scalp. Allie's head turned. Quarters like blue jays peered below a curtain of crow colored bangs. Tips of raven tinted eyebrows crushed the inner corners of Allie's eyes. A tiny, button nose protruded underneath ocean blue irises. A set of angry, pomegranate lips surrounded gritted teeth the color of snow.

"God damn it, Gwen!!" Allie shrieked. Allie's biceps and forearms lifted black leather surrounding her slender butt. Allie's palms shoved her tiny hiny away from strips of teal vinyl covering the back seat. Allie's rubber boot soles forced her deltoids through the Ladybug's passenger door way. Her flat shoulder blades snuck past seaweed colored steel covering the Ladybug's open hatch.

Allie sprang from the back seat of a beetle shaped automobile. She dropped on teardrop shaped platforms attached to the bottoms of her footwear. Chunks of broken bricks collided below Allie's feet. Allie's legs uncoiled and lifted her upper body. Allie stood in front of Gwen. She stared into penny colored shutters swirling around Gwen's pupils. Allie's biceps flattened an elastic rib covering. Her forearms poked out of her abs. Allie spread pale, tangerine spotted digits.

"What-- did I *do*?!!?" Allie demanded. Allie's tiny fingers curled into fists. "Can you just *tell* me??!!" The driver watched above a seaweed colored dome covering the top of the Ladybug. He stared through a set of rust colored irises as big around as glass soda bottles.

"Aww, fuuuck--" the Ladybug driver croaked. "Damn-- chick fights are so hawwwt, yo." Gwen lunged at Allie. Suede tipped points covering Gwen's toes dropped next to leather spades covering Allie's. Gwen's blueberry embellished fingers sank into valleys between Allie's breasts and shoulders. Gwen collapsed on Allie's tits, ratcheted her wrists against her biceps, and shoved Allie towards a passenger door opening. The soles of Allie's boots glided off of salmon colored bricks covering the ground. Allie's arms and legs swooped in front of her nylon wrapped chest and stomach. Allie dropped like a stone.

The back of Allie's skull collided with seaweed coated steel above the Ladybug's door way. Allie's neck snapped like a wet towel. Her narrow chin crashed into her breast bone. Her teeth collided. Allie's spine crashed into moss tinted vinyl covering a passenger seat. Allie's legs swung towards her face. Leather wrapped thighs and pale calves folded together. The heels of Allie's boots collided with cow hide ripples gripping her upper legs. Allie dropped on a shelf beside a chair skinned with artificial fabric. Allie's leather strapped tuchus collided with a steel plate screwed on top of teal carpet. A nerve bundle pulsation climbed Allie's spinal column. Vertebrae like falling dominoes swiveled Allie's face towards her knees. Allie's nose, lips, and teeth collided with bone caps covering thigh and calf ligaments.

"Baah!!" Allie shrieked. A collision with Allie's knees ratched her head between her shoulder blades. The back of Allie's skull crashed into a steel frame wrapped with teal seat fabric.

"Whoa-- fuuuck, dude--" the Ladybug's driver groaned. "Sooo fuckin'-- hawwwt, yo." The driver's right hand fingers curled around the bottom of his shirt. Scrawny digits dragged a rim of white cotton fabric up a skinny, pale stomach. A hair patch extended from the bottom of the driver's belly button to the rim of his jeans. The driver laid a bony index finger extending from his left hand along a denim crotch seam. He glided a skinny knuckle extension down a blue jean dick covering. He sank a slender fingertip into a strip of blueberry sand paper. He dragged an ivory nightcrawler towards a zinc plated button fastening his britches. "ahhh--" the young man groaned. Gwen's palms dropped on periwinkle blue denim strapped around her hips. Gwen folded at the waist. Golden irises glared at Allie from Gwen's irritated ocular ports.

"You're a fucking skank, Allie!" Gwen shrieked. Allie crumpled into a heap along a step beside the Ladybug's passenger seat. The back of Allie's head rested against tufts of teal vinyl surrounding a chair edge. Allie's eye coverings pinched together. Allie's ivory biceps and forearms folded on top of her face. Gwen stood up straight. Gwen's right foot lifted off rows of pale blocks. Her heel flattened against the back of her thigh.

"I fuckingg--" Gwen snarled. Gwen's foot sprang away from her upper leg. Suede surrounding the tip of Gwen's boot sank into soft flesh protecting Allie's stomach. "--*hate* you!!" Gwen shouted. Allie dropped off the edge of the Ladybug's passenger door way. Allie's butt collided with wobbly bricks. Her shoulder blades dragged sharp steel surrounding the lower rim of the cabin frame. Allie's temple collided with cracked blocks covering the ground.

"aahhhh--" Allie groaned. Allie flattened her biceps against her stomach, folded in half, and covered her face with her wrists. The Ladybug's driver shoved a long, skinny forearm down the front of his jeans. He squeezed a set of scrawny fingers around his dick. The driver started jerking off.

"ahhh, yeahh--" the Ladybug's driver purred. The driver tilted his head back and closed his eyes. "oohhhh--" the driver groaned from lengthy mouth rims. The Ladybug's driver gritted his teeth and stroked a half foot broomstick. "You girls look so fuckin'-- gooood--" the driver grunted. Allie contorted her body into a fetal position. She inhaled between a set of blood soaked lips.

"mmmmm--" Allie whimpered. "God-- damn it, Gwen!! Je-sus!" Gwen slung unsympathetic palms into the air. Gwen's agitated mit pillows flattened beside her striped shoulders. Gwen stared at crow colored strands wrapping the edge of Allie's head. A set of raven eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose.

"What, bitch?!!" Gwen demanded. "Does that hurt-- pussyy?!?!" Gwen lifted her right foot. She drove the point of her boot into black, see through silk covering Allie's lower back.

"Ahhhh!!" Allie shouted. The Ladybug's driver shoved his cycling dick between sweaty finger curls. Velvet skin shreds peeled off of swollen pecker hide.

"ahhhh-- YEAHHHH!!" the driver shouted. "This shit is fuckin' gooood, yo--" Gwen slipped the sole of her right boot off surfaces of pale bricks. She drove the point of her footwear into Allie's lower back three more times.

"Like-- that-- slutt?!!" Gwen squawked during vengeful vertebrae collisions. Gwen's right foot dropped beside her left. Gwen listened to grateful panting. She looked up. She watched strands of shaggy, dirty blonde hair sloshing the Ladybug driver's face. A set of two inch, rust colored irises stared at narrow stripes wrapping Gwen's chest.

"Ahhh!" the driver barked. "Oh! Ohh!!!" The corners of Gwen's hazel eyes crinkled. The bridge of Gwen's tiny nose wrinkled.

"Awww-- Jesus, Cole--" Gwen grumbled. "You sick bastard. Are you serious, right now?!"

"Ahhh!!" Cole wailed. "Uh! Uh!!" Gwen stared at a one inch bulge near the top of Cole's jeans. A puddle like a half dollar materialized. Slimy bodily fluids soaked a pecker shaped denim mound. "aahhhh--" Cole grunted. Cole sanded his swollen cock with bony, sweat coated digits. "ohhh, yeahhhh--" Cole purred. Gwen's head dropped. Her face sank into her palms. An alien decorated bay door rolled up. Visitor embellished loading slats disappeared behind crooked, crimson bricks. Freaky, fast punk music erupted from an ancient warehouse. Peaks of pump action strums combined with snare smashes and hi-hat intersections. Indiscernable vocal shrieks switched from a low octave to a high note. Thoughtless, narcissistic catch phrases terminated seven word verses.

Kyle inhabited the interior of an open bay. Plastic, tomato colored ball cap mesh was strapped over Kyle's forehead. Short curls the color of pumpkin pie poked through a two inch opening. The four centimeter hole separated woven polystyrene and a slender strap fastening Kyle's hat. A set of bourbon colored quarters was attached to the middles of Kyle's eyes. A pair of gold rings dangled from Kyle's left earlobe. Strands tinted like pumpkin pie curled over the edges of Kyle's auditory siphons.

A grey t-shirt hung from a set of muscular shoulders surrouding Kyle's thick neck. A black, capital "N" was etched along the left breast of Kyle's trunk covering. A coal tinted, uppercase "Y" intersected a character constructed from printed sticks. Baggy, periwinkle blue jeans descended from the bottom of Kyle's shirt. The cuffs of Kyle's jeans wadded around red, canvas shoes with white, rubber toes. The tips of Kyle's thick fingers surrounded a white, plastic rim. The body of a cherry red, polystyrene cup dangled from an ivory tinted lip. Bourbon irises focused on a fist shaped bulge hammering the crotch of Cole's jeans. A set of pumpkin pie colored eyebrows pointed down the the bridge of Kyle's nose.

"Awww, you fucking-- gross fuck!" Kyle shouted. Kyle stomped across loose, salmon colored bricks. Ivory colored sneaker platforms carried Kyle beside the Ladybug's driver's side door. Kyle's leg swung between indigo columns surrounding Cole's crotch. Kyle's shin crashed into Cole's nuts. Kyle's calf compressed Cole's testicles against the bottom of his pelvis.

"waAAHHHH!!" Cole shrieked. Cole's fingers squeezed between the beginnings of his thighs. Slender digits covered Cole's balls. Cole hugged his neck with his shoulders. One inch pupils occupying silicate ellipses faced each other. Arcs of eye whites occupied the outer edges of Cole's two inch lenses. Cole bent over. He cradled his nuts with scrawny knuckle extensions. He quivered from piercing abdominal cramps. "OOoooohh--" Cole groaned. Kyle lifted sets of confused fingers beside his biceps.

"What did I tell you, Cole?" Kyle requisitioned. "Didn't we talk about this?" Kyle pointed a thick finger between rusted discs covering the upper half of Cole's face. "I told you, mann-- it's fuckin' nasty. Don't be jerkin' your cock in front of everyone-- you fuckin' weirdo!!" Cole looked up. He gazed into bourbon colored shutters surrounding Kyle's pupils. Dingy teeth between Cole's thin lips mashed together. Cole's jaws ripped themselves apart.

"I kept it hidden inside my jeans, KYLE!!!" Cole shouted back. Cole crushed his ribs with his biceps. Cole's forearms poked out of his abs. "It's not like anybody could *see* it!! Jeez!!!" Kyle popped Cole in the throat with his knuckles. Cole's biceps tore themselves off the edges of his ribs. His fingers folded themselves over his scrawny aorta. Two inch wide, rust colored irises glared at Kyle's face. Cole dropped to his knees. He struggled to force air down his throat. Sadistic giggles erupted from Gwen's shiny, tomato stained lips. Kyle's head turned. Kyle studied Gwen's hazel colored irises. He bobbed his head.

"'sup, girly girl?" Kyle remarked. Kyle stomped around the Ladybug's driver's side door. Bricks collided below dumbell shaped platforms attached to Kyle's canvas shoes. Kyle's fingers curled around seaweed colored paint coating the Ladybug's pilot hatch. Kyle shoved Cole's cockpit covering against the body of the Ladybug. "Where's your better half??" Kyle called above a dome shaped cabin. Gwen's irritated face tilted. Long, black eyelashes gripped the edges of Gwen's pupils. The tips of Gwen's eyebrows pointed towards the bridge of her nose.

"She's not my 'better half', Kyle!" Gwen shouted back. Kyle rounded the front of the Ladybug. He stopped beside the beetle car's passenger door. He looked at the ground. Allie sat beside the lower edge of the Ladybug's door frame. Allie's palms rested along fragments of pale bricks covering the ground. Her knees were grouped in front of her chest. Her ankles were spaced twenty inches apart. Points of leather extending from Allie's boot toes faced each other. Allie peered below a curtain of crow colored bangs covering her forehead. She stared between drops of bourbon near the middles of Kyle's eyes. Kyle nodded.

"Alright, then," Kyle responded. Kyle's head turned. Kyle stared into Gwen's hazel eye shutters. "So when are me and *you* gonna go out on a date, then?" Kyle requisitioned. Kyle lifted a red, plastic cup. He rested a white, polystyrene rim against his lips. Kyle's fat fingers tilted a crimson bucket towards the edges of his mouth. Gwen smelled beer.

"Oh God, Kyyyle--" Gwen groaned. Allie lifted sets of shaking fingers beside her pale cheeks.

"L-Lloyd Freeman is her--" Allie forced out of pomegranate oral coverings. Allie formed quotes with her pasty digits. "--'better half'." Gwen's head swirled around. Gwen pointed between blue jay colored shutters surrounding Allie's pupils.

"Shut-up, Allie!!" Gwen shouted. Kyle looked at raven colored strands sprouting from Gwen's scalp. He bobbed his head.

"You mean Sal's brother?" Kyle inquired. "How long have *you* two been goin' out?" Allie glared at Gwen from the tops of her eyes. Allie's tangerine spotted fingers yanked a gold chain hanging from the Ladybug's rear seat.

"They're *not*," Allie snapped. Gwen lifted the sole of her boot off crumbling bricks. She lunged towards Allie's face.

"Allieee!!" Gwen shrieked. Allie winced. Allie's face swiveled above her nylon covered shoulder. Her eyes squeezed themselves shut. Allie dragged brass tinted loops beside the edge of the Ladybug's passenger chair. A slick, black bag the size of a paperback novel followed slender, gold plated hoops. Allie's vinyl purse dropped on a sheet of tar colored leather strapped across her lap. Kyle watched Allie collecting a shiny carrying case. He chuckled. He looked at Gwen.

"Fuckin'-- what??" Kyle requisitioned. "You're like-- in *love* with him, or what?" Kyle grinned. Gold colored coins wandered to the corners of Gwen's eyes. Gwen glared at Kyle's smiling precipice.

"Kyyyle--" Gwen snarled. "Wipe that stupid smirk off your face!" Kyle lifted his thick fingers beside his cheeks. He showed Gwen his palms.

"Nah, heyy--" Kyle purred. "It's fine. You got a crush on the guy." Kyle folded masculine forearms on top of grey cotton fabric covering his pecks. "*I* get it." Allie's fingers crushed wet strands blanketing the back of her scalp. Warm liquid soaked Allie's porcelain fingertips. Allie dangled tangerine capped digits in front of her eyes. Irises like blue jays studied crimson droplets staining Allie's tiny knuckle extensions. The floor of the warehouse was covered with slick concrete. The slippery ground cement was the color of slate. Like the rest of the warehouse, the ancient floor was beginning to settle. Thick cracks separated artificial stone into giant, slate colored rocks. Mountains of broken concrete chunks occupied five foot areas.

Aluminum cones dangled from the ceiling. Light weight points hung from two foot junction boxes fastened to tin roofing sheets. Bulbs two feet wide were threaded into dust coated openings facing the floor. Lime green light erupted from silicate domes. Other plasma bowls glowed the color of seawater. Additional fixtures phosphoresced like giant, illuminated tangerines. A few industrial lamps were dark. Circular grids forged from steel dowels were woven below warehouse ceiling lights.

Pallet racks lined factory walls. Forklift shelving was supported by uprights coated with faded, blueberry tinted paint. Rails stained with pale, tangerine acrylic supported primer colored cross braces. Three rows of intersecting supports were originally covered with plywood sheets. Several cellulose boards were missing. Skid organizers were arranged along a partition across from the bay door. Near ends of a long divider, additional pallet racks lined walls forming forty-five degree vertices.

A half pipe made from crate storage plywood occupied warehouse floor concrete. The pine board structure was fifteen feet wide, eight feet tall, and thirteen feet deep. Modified shelf sheets spanned rims of an arc shaped skating ramp. Protective hoop trim began two feet beyond ends of cellulose semi-tubing. Crests of chute fitted walls leveled off twenty-four inches above cracked floor cement. Panels spanning half pipe edges were shaped like inverted bridge arches. One semi-circular panel pointed at the door. The other skate ramp divider faced the pallet rack occupying the opposite end of the room.

Thirteen foot sheets forged shelves two feet deep beside ends of arched paneling. Curved slats of plywood were nailed across tops of hardwood ellipse separations. Graffiti covered a half pipe skating surface and pine rim protectors. Pallet rack boards were decorated with blueberry, cherry red, charcoal black, snow white, hot pink, and lime green spray paint. Two inch, steel tubes guarded beginnings of a plywood chute.

Josh Griffin stood along the upper, left skate ramp shelf. Messy, three inch coils sprouted from a four inch square spanning Josh's scalp. Josh's disorganized hair curls were the color of scotch. Josh's head was shaved close to the skin below beginnings of scotch tinted head fluffs. Eyes the color of tar stared below a set of bourbon colored eyebrows. Slender cheek bones poked out beside points of thin lips.

A huge, baggy t-shirt drooped from Josh's narrow shoulders. Josh's upper body covering was the color of dijon mustard. An image of a four inch tall, white stalk was printed down the middle of Josh's t-shirt. An eight centimeter wide mushroom cap shrouded a porcelain fungus trunk. The fruiting body umbrella was blood red with white specks. Wads of indigo colored denim descended from the lower rim of Josh's dijon colored t-shirt. Columns of navy blue bulges wrapped Josh's skinny legs. The ends of Josh's jeans wadded around sloppy, black sneakers.

A skateboard was tucked between Josh's scrawny wrist and belly fabric like snob dressing. Graphite colored grip tape was glued to Josh's elliptical city cruiser. Scooter carpet like sand paper dug into lower wrist skin similar to gelatin dessert. Skate deck endings diverted from a sneaker platform along forty-five degree trajectories. Wheels like vanilla pudding surrounded potted metal tees screwed beside foot plate creases.

Josh's girlfriend Ivy sat beside her boyfriend on two feet of plywood. Ivy's hair was colored sort of like a snow cone. Blueberry pigmented strands sprouted from edges of a charcoal black beanie. Ivy's hair faded to plum purple beside apples of bony cheeks. Ivy's hair became pomegranate red below edges of a pointed chin. Raspberry strands transformed into cherry red tips between Ivy's shoulder plates. A quartz tinted emblem shaped like a skull was stitched to Ivy's charcoal colored beanie.

Thin skin the color of talcum powder was stretched across Ivy's hard edged face. Bronze colored eye shadow was brushed over the ends of Ivy's ocular flaps. Rust tinted powder blended into talc colored foundation covering Ivy's face. Rose hued blush embellished the points of Ivy's cheeks. Ruby tinted smears surrounded Ivy's slender nose. A silver ring hung from Ivy's left nostril. Irises the color of champagne floated between long, black eyelashes. Slender, raven colored eyebrows curved above sets of bronze eye flaps. Thick, raspberry tinted beeswax was smeared across Ivy's long, slender lips.

Sleeves of raven colored ruffles hung from Ivy's narrow shoulders. A charcoal pigmented arc dropped from the inner edges of Ivy's sleeves. The asphalt neck hoop was forged from a strand of elastic fabric. Ivy's throat ring curved two inches below the top of her breast bone. A rib and aorta covering like talcum powder sprouted from an arc spanning Ivy's blouse. A black leather band an inch thick was strapped around Ivy's slender neck. One inch, chrome spikes poked out of Ivy's cow hide collar.

Two centimeter Xs formed from elastic fabric dangled a shirt body from Ivy's chest hoop. Pliable breast crosses were the same color as Ivy's nylon rib arch. A raven colored tube of silk hung from ends of supportive knots. The lower edge of a crow tinted column floated above Ivy's belly button. A trim stomach the color of talc curved away from the bottom of Ivy's blouse. Skinny arms the color of porcelain descended from black ruffles shrouding Ivy's shoulders. Slender wrists transformed into tiny, pale fingers. Nails like drops of tar embellished Ivy's teensy digits. Ivy's palms laid flat beside the curves of her upper legs.

A raven black, silk skirt surrounded Ivy's hips. The lower edge of Ivy's dress reached the middles of her thighs. Black fishnets surrounded talc white upper legs and kneecaps. Necks of black leather, lace up boots were strapped around Ivy's skinny calves. Shiny, black cow hide surrounded Ivy's narrow insteps. Two inches of black rubber were fastened to the soles of Ivy's slick footwear. Ivy sat Indian style. Leather wrapped lower legs crossed in front of thigh strings forming one inch diamonds.

Bernie stood on a two foot, plywood platform above the opposite end of the half pipe. Shutters like robin eggs peered below three inch spikes the color of push broom bristles. Bernie's baby blue eyes sank into a wide face above pale cheek puffs. Charcoal colored hair points poked out of Bernie's temples and the back of his head. Sleeves of a crisp, white shirt surrounded Bernie's jiggly biceps. Ends of ivory arm coverings were rolled below Bernie's thick elbows.

Three inch, crimson red bands surrounded white, cotton fabric covering Bernie's biceps. White circles were stitched over the outer edges of Bernie's ruby arm bands. Black swastikas were sutured on top of porcelain ellipses. Red circles surrounded Nazi good luck charms. Red, diagonal slashes were stitched on top of charcoal, Jew hater emblems. Pearl colored buttons strapped Bernie's shirt in front of his thick chest and soft belly. Wads of indigo denim surrounded Bernie's wide thighs and calves.

The ends of Bernie's jeans were rolled above tops of crimson canvas ankle coverings. One inch, white circles were stitched to inner and outer edges of lady bug collars. A blueberry colored star was printed on top of each quartz ellipse. Xs formed from ivory shoelaces strapped Bernie's sneakers around his ankles and insteps. Bernie's shoe laces stopped beside white, rubber tips. Bernie's red foot canvas rested on one inch platforms of porcelain tinted rubber.

Suspenders one and a half inches thick hung from indigo denim surrounding Bernie's waist. Outer stripes framing Bernie's discarded jean hoists were crimson red. Cotton like vanilla pudding was stitched down the middles of Bernie's shoulder harnesses. A skateboard was tucked between Bernie's fat fingers and denim shrouding his thick thighs. The fingers of Bernie's unoccupied hand surrounded the rim of a red, plastic cup.

Sammy stood across from Josh. Sammy's face was pale and sort of pink. Short, gold tinted spikes were brushed across Sammy's scalp. Pineapple points flowed down Sammy's temples and the back of his head. Bushy, blonde eyebrows skimmed tops of piercing, light brown eyes. Drops of bourbon peered at Josh from the tops of Sammy's eye sockets. A nose shaped like a two inch, glass soda bottle descended the inner corners of Sammy's eyes. Sammy's thin, ham colored lips curved like artifacts of a smile. But, Sammy only formed an authentic smirk when he was intimidating other people.

A thin neck tinted like cotton candy erupted from a shirt collar the color of red wine. Thin, white stripes surrounded the trunk and sleeves of Sammy's chest covering. Pale forearms emerged from pomegranate rings near the ends of Sammy's sleeves. Sammy's fingers curled around the edge of a skate deck. A slick surface under an oval of charcoal grip tape compressed blueberry colored denim. Sammy's pant legs surrounded black and white checkered canvas covering his insteps. Quartz tinted rubber formed one inch platforms fastened to Sammy's coal and ivory footwear.

A red, plastic cup stood beside half inch squares surrounding Sammy's right instep. Sammy bent over. Long, skinny fingers dangling from Sammy's right hand surrounded a white, polystyrene rim. Sammy stood up. He rested the lip of a crimson bucket against a set of upturned mouth edges. Sammy tilted a ruby drink container towards his face. Bernie's right arm extended. His thick fingers suspended his skateboard in front of his thick waist. Bernie's chunky digits uncurled. A plane of maple a half inch thick dropped in front of Bernie's shins. Bernie hopped off his and Sammy's edge of the half pipe. Scotch tinted rubber lining Bernie's sneaker soles landed on charcoal sand paper. Translucent, cherry red wheels dropped on a warped sheet of spray painted plywood.

Bernie's skateboard landed sideways. Bernie swung his thick legs leftward. Bernie's wheelie sheet swiveled ninety degrees. Strawberry tinted rollers faced the direction Bernie was sliding. Cherry red polyurethane carried Bernie across the middle of the half pipe. Bernie's pine cruiser rolled up Ivy's end of the skating surface. Bernie's knees folded. The bottoms of Bernie's thick thighs hovered five inches above indigo wads covering his calves. Bernie's skateboard tires tapped a steel tube spanning Ivy's edge of the half pipe. Bernie rolled three feet above a two inch thick tube. He turned ninety degrees.

Fat fingers and a thick palm adorning Bernie's right hand gripped a slick chute. Bernie's knees curled against his jiggling man tits. The surface of Bernie's skate deck rested along the soles of his high tops. Bernie's blue jay irises gazed upside down at champagne droplets covering Ivy's corneas. The fingers of Bernie's left hand surrounded red plastic descending from a quartz rim. Bernie turned his cup rightside up while he landed. Two inches of charcoal tinted rubber below Ivy's heels scooted her butt backwards. Ivy stared into Bernie's light blue eyes. Bernie bobbed his fat face.

"'sup, Ives?!" Bernie requisitioned. Bernie rested the rim of a red, plastic cup against his chunky lips. He tilted a polystyrene bucket and sipped yeast flavored suds. Bernie released a steel tube. He dropped onto a curved surface decorated with blueberry, cherry red, and lime green spray paint. Bernie turned left an additional ninety degrees. See through, cherry red wheels rolled down warped plywood. Scotch colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Josh's nose. Drops of tar studied an "X" forged from suspenders dangling behind Bernie's thighs. Josh bent over. He wedged an arc shaped plane between a floppy shoe sole and two feet of supportive plywood. Josh's skateboard extended forty-five degrees in front of his denim wadded shins.

A charcoal tinted rubber mat hanging from Josh's left sneaker crashed into his skate deck. Josh dropped off his and Ivy's end of the half pipe. Polyurethane wheels tinted like vanilla pudding rolled down a plywood ramp. Bernie coasted above his and Sammy's end of the skating chute. Bernie's right hand fingers and palm gripped a two inch tube protecting a ramp edge. Bernie suspended himself upside down. Bernie's beer cup found its way beside Bernie's thick cheeks. Bernie's skateboard laid across the soles of his high tops.

Bernie's fat cheeks swiveled. Blue jay irises studied piercing drops of bourbon plopped along Sammy's corneas. Sammy stared, quietly. A fake smirk was cemented to the lower edge of Sammy's face. Sammy bobbed his head towards Josh and Ivy's end of the half pipe. Josh skidded up Bernie and Sammy's end of the plywood hoop. Josh's left hip and thigh crashed into puffs of fat surrounding Bernie's ribs. Bernie's supportive limb felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. Bernie lost his balance.

"Shiiiiitt!!" Bernie shrieked. Bernie's palm and fingers slipped off a steel tube covering the corner of the half pipe. Josh rolled into Bernie. He slung his arms against Bernie's thighs. He shoved Bernie off the end of a pine skate ramp. Josh turned sideways. Josh's skateboard trucks landed on a slick pipe protecting Bernie and Sammy's landing. Bernie dropped eight feet. Thick flesh surrounding Bernie's back flattened crisp fabric on chunks of broken concrete. Bernie's legs swung like catapults.

An inch of ivory colored rubber attached to Bernie's high tops crashed into the floor. The edge of Bernie's skate deck bounced on broken cement. Thin, red plastic securing the bottom of Bernie's cup smashed crooked concrete. Bernie's polystyrene sipping bucket exploded. Nine ounces of amber colored ale erupted from the fingers of Bernie's left hand. Bernie's beer traveled through cold, nighttime air and turned into snow colored suds. Barley flavored soda splashed Bernie's thick forearm. Oat bubbles soaked crisp, white fabric surrounding Bernie's bicep. Yeast foam drenched the left edge of Bernie's shirt.

Bernie's skateboard rolled like a barrel. His swirling street surfer crashed into a blueberry lacquered column supporting a pallet rack. Wheels the color of vanilla pudding rested against a two foot wide sheet of plywood. Potted metal shafts connecting Josh's skate wheels rested along two inch, steel tubing. Josh peeked over the edge of the half pipe. A set of tar colored irises studied anti-Nazi arm bands wrapping Bernie's biceps. Josh slung a long, skinny arm in front of a four inch mushroom covering his t-shirt. He extended a scrawny pointer finger.

"Wussup, motha fucker?!!" Josh shouted. Gwen and Allie stood inside a bay door. Slats displaying alien artwork shrouded Gwen and Allie's raven scalp strands. Crimson liquid leaked from Allie's nostrils and lips. Allie watched Bernie collapse along crumbling concrete. She raised her palms in front of see through silk surrounding her shoulders.

"Josh-- what the FUCK?!!?" Allie shouted. Josh's head turned. Josh searched an open bay. Josh's skateboard trucks shifted. Sloppy, rubber soles hanging from Josh's sneakers slipped off of charcoal tinted grip tape.

"AAHHH!!" Josh shouted. Josh dropped off the end of a pine half pipe. Josh's shoulder blades collided with bowed plywood five feet from a steel tube. Josh skidded down a graffiti covered curve on scotch tinted coils sprouting from his scalp. Josh's skateboard tumbled from the top of a warped skating surface. The frame of Josh's wheelie deck landed on indigo denim stitched over his crotch. Josh's dijon wrapped deltoids ratcheted off of warped plywood. His scrawny upper limbs folded on top of his nuts. His dark, shiny eyes popped open. "PUHH!!" Josh groaned.

Allie's tiny fingers folded over her nose and mouth. Raven colored eyebrows pointed at the outer corners of Allie's eyes. Irises like blue jays stared across the warehouse. Gwen glared at crow tinted strands erupting from Allie's temple. Gwen lunged at Allie. Gwen's fingers landed on transparent, charcoal tinted fabric hanging from Allie's shoulder. Gwen collided with Allie's bicep, tightened her arms, and extended agitated limbs.

"Allie!" Gwen squealed. "Jeez!!" The soles of Allie's boots lifted off of cracked cement. Allie dropped three feet. Allie's left temple collided with crimson bricks surrounding the edge of the warehouse bay. Allie's left arm and shoulder hammered steel protruding from a mud block frame. Allie's left hip crushed shiny leather on broken concrete covering the floor. The outer edge of Allie's kneecap and the surface of her boot crashed into jagged cement. Cole stomped between Allie and Gwen. A cum stain covered the crotch of Cole's indigo jeans. A set of rust colored irises searched two inch circles of glass in front of Cole's eyes.

"Whoa-- What's goin' on in *this* place, yo?" Cole pondered. Gwen peeked behind white cotton fabric hanging down Cole's skinny back. She watched Allie. Allie curled her knees against her chest. She folded her arms over the edges of her skull.

"I'm trying to convince Josh and these guys to help us out," Gwen explained. Gwen snuck behind Cole. She stopped, looked down at Allie, and lifted her right foot. "But, Allie's trying to--" Gwen's boot swung like a golf club. The point of Gwen's footwear collided with Allie's breast bone. "--fuck it up!!" Gwen shrieked. Allie's arms collapsed along see through fabric covering her chest.

"Gahh!!" Allie shrieked. Gwen's boot swooped away from Allie's arms. Brown suede wrapping the back of Gwen's ankle collapsed periwinkle denim covering her butt. Gwen sank the toe of her boot between Allie's tits.

"Fucker!" Gwen shouted. Gwen battered Allie's tiny breasts two more times.

"AHHH!" Allie belched. Allie's blue jay colored eyes pleaded with pennies attached to the middles of Gwen's corneas.

"Gwen!!" Allie begged. "STOP!! Please!!" Sammy wandered in front of Cole, Gwen, and Allie. The fingers of Sammy's left hand secured his skateboard against wads of blueberry thigh denim. A red, plastic cup dangled from long, skinny fingers hanging from Sammy's right hand. Kyle stepped between Gwen and Cole. His forearm landed on white cotton fabric wrapping Cole's ribs. Kyle shoved Cole towards the edge of the warehouse bay.

"Move over, perv!" Kyle belted. Cole skidded on white rubber platforms. Cole's bony face swiveled above his slender throat. Two inch irises wandered to edges of glass circles in front of Cole's eyes.

"Heyyy--" Cole protested. "The fuuuck, yo?!" Ivy helped Josh hobble to the warehouse bay. Josh's skinny bicep and forearm rested along raven ruffles hanging from Ivy's shoulders. A crease below Josh's elbow wrapped talc colored skin covering the back of Ivy's neck. Josh's skateboard hung from the fingers of his free hand. Josh and Ivy stopped beside Sammy. Josh dropped his wheelie board on chunks of loose concrete. Josh's slender fingers collapsed on indigo denim covering his nuts. Josh looked down. Tar colored irises peered between squinting eyelids. Josh glared at blue jay pigmented shutters surrounding Allie's pupils

"Gyahh--" Josh groaned. Josh bobbed his head. "What happened to *you*, freak?" Allie stared at Josh from the floor. She shivered.

"G-Gwen just beat the living *shit* out of me." Josh released his girlfriend's shoulders and stood up. Josh's left foot swung like a golf club. It collided with the end of his skateboard. Josh's gravel cruiser rocketed across cracked cement. A maple curve protruding from Josh's foot deck crashed into Allie's nose. "Ohhhh!!" Allie screeched. Allie's arms jumped off of see through silk blanketing her raven tinted tube top. Allie's tiny fingers folded over her blood drenched nostrils and pomegranate lips.

"You'll be lucky if I don't *kill* you, bitch," Josh kindly responded. Josh looked up. Drops of tar attached to Josh's eyes focused on gold shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. Josh bobbed his head. "The fuck do *you* two want?" Quarter inch stripes surrounding Gwen's shoulder collapsed grey fabric covering Kyle's ribs. Gwen crushed Kyle's lung protecters using black and white deltoid bands. She shoved Kyle's chest bones. Kyle stepped aside. His forearms poked out of his irritated abdominal muscles.

"Hey!" Kyle barked. Gwen stomped across broken concrete. Suede spades stopped in front of rubber mats hanging from Josh's sloppy sneakers. Gwen's hazel eyes gazed into Josh's dark, coal colored irises. Gwen adjusted a half inch, carnation colored strap hanging from her shoulder. Gwen's tongue wet tomato colored gloss plopped on top of her lips.

"I know who killed Travis," Gwen remarked. Scotch colored eyebrows pointed towards the inner corners of Josh's eyes. The bridge of Josh's nose wrinkled. Josh's thin lips ripped themselves off of his teeth.

"Who said my brother was *dead*?!" Josh demanded. Josh's arm jumped off of his ribs. His fingers wadded around thin stripes covering Gwen's chest. Josh lifted Gwen off of her feet. Josh's forehead compressed soft skin wrapping the top of Gwen's face. Josh glared into Gwen's golden irises. "Who SAID that?!!" Josh screamed. Gwen's teeth mashed together. Raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's tiny nose. Gwen's blueberry spotted fingers squeezed dijon colored fabric surrounding Josh's biceps. Gwen's porcelain digits crushed the edges of Josh's shirt against her palms.

"She *killed* him!!" Gwen shouted back. Gwen forced her forehead against Josh's. She squeezed periwinkle denim covering her thighs against black and white stomach stripes. Gwen flattened the soles of her boots along mushroom artwork decorating Josh's t-shirt. Gwen straightened her legs. She sank her irritated knuckles into Josh's biceps. Josh and Gwen shoved each other's agitated limbs. Gwen sprang away from Josh's stomach. She landed two feet away. Josh pointed between pennies glued to the middles of Gwen's corneas.

"Bull-shit!" Josh shouted. "Don't fuck with me, you lying bitch!!"

"Her name is Hailey Holloway!" Gwen shouted back. Josh's eyes crinkled. Josh raised confused palms beside his shoulders.

"Who-- the fuck is *that*?" Josh demanded. Josh lunged towards his girlfriend. He tripped over his own feet. He crashed along crumbling concrete in front of Ivy's boot toes. Bernie's fat ass dropped on top of Josh's bony ribs. Bernie snaked thick forearms around Josh's neck and the edges of his face. Bernie dragged Josh across jagged cement. He squeezed Josh's neck against crisp, beer soaked fabric covering his man tits.

"Fuckin'-- push me off the ramp, dick-head?!" Bernie shouted at three inch scotch sprouts. "I'm 'bout ta beat your little scrawny ass!" Josh's long, skinny arms curled around Bernie's wrists.

"Man-- fuck you, Bernie!" Josh squeezed out. "You fat motha fucker! You can take it!!" Bernie tightened his bicep and forearm against Josh's scrawny neck. Josh's dark, shiny eyes squeezed together. Choking noises like old, creaking stairs erupted from Josh's throat. Drops of champagne between Ivy's eyelashes studied thick arms crushing her boyfriend's neck. Tiny, talc colored fingertips mashed raspberry stained lips shrouding Ivy's chin.

Cotton candy cheeks collasped along crisp fabric covering Bernie's thick shoulder. Short, gold colored spikes were brushed across a descending scalp and temples. Drops of bourbon wandered to corners of passionless eyes. Scotch droplets hid below a set of bushy, blonde eyebrows. Golden eye shutters studied the edge of Bernie's fat face. A bell shaped nose descended from inner corners of ale pigmented eyes. A pretentious smile curled ends of thin lips.

"Nowww, Bernie--" Sammy slyly croaked. Bernie swooped his fat facial curves towards his shoulder.

"Get oooff, Sammy--" Bernie warned. Sammy's skinny fingers gripped crossed out swastikas stitched to Bernie's arm bands.

"Bernie, fooool--" Sammy groaned. "Let's all just-- calmmm downnn--" Bernie's head turned. Irises like robin eggs stared at drops of bourbon dotting the corners of Sammy's eyes.

"Man-- fuck you, motha fucker!" Bernie grumbled. "I said take a fuckin' hike!!" Sammy's sly digits lifted off of Bernie's crimson arm bands. Cotton candy nightcrawlers slapped crossed out swastikas covering thick flesh.

"BER-nieeee!!" Sammy snarled. Bernie's thick arms released Josh's bony face and scrawny throat. Bernie swirled around, battered Sammy's arms, and folded his thick fingers around Sammy's slender neck.

"Motha FUCKER!!" Bernie snarled. Bernie squeezed Sammy's throat using fingers like hot dogs. Sammy's head tilted back. His piercing eyes squeezed shut. His grinning lips ripped apart. High pitched cackles like toots from a clown horn gushed from Sammy's teeth. Bernie shook Sammy's head like a rag doll's. "Ohhh--" Bernie grumbled. "You think that's funny, freak-boy?!!? Huh?!!" Josh dropped elbow first along the back of Bernie's neck. Bernie's sausage sized fingers slipped off of Sammy's aortic channel. Sammy's eyes popped open. Drops of bourbon attached to Sammy's corneas gazed at Bernie's robin egg colored irises. Thick, golden eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Sammy's eyes. A maniacal grin tore Sammy's face in two.

"Haa! Haa! Haaaa!!" Sammy honked. The tips of Sammy's skinny fingers gripped quarter sized lumps poking out of Bernie's chest. "Better watch those mannn titties, fat boy!!" Sammy barked. Sammy's nightcrawlers squeezed crisp cotton fabric surrounding Bernie's thick nipples. Sammy's slender digits swirled like egg beaters. Bernie's head tilted until the back of his skull collided with his spine. His baby blue eyes popped open. His pupils shrank to the size of pin-heads.

"AAAAAAHH!!" Bernie shrieked. Josh hopped off of cracked concrete. He stared at three inch, tar colored spikes poking out of Bernie's thick scalp. He grinned from ear to ear. Josh's arms extended from his chest. His index fingers pointed at Bernie's robin egg eye shutters.

"Yeahhh--" Josh groaned. "Wussup, kiiid?!?" Kyle tossed Josh his skateboard. Josh swiveled on the balls of his feet. He caught his skateboard in front of a four inch mushroom covering his chest. He faced the top of Bernie's head. He gripped the end of a maple skate deck between scrawny digits. He lifted his sidewalk roller beside his shoulder. "Here come dat kid, Josh Griffin--" Josh announced. "Up to the plate with the ol' Louisville shlugga--" Josh swung his skateboard like a baseball bat. He sank a potted metal truck between Bernie's shoulder blades.

"AAHHH!!" Bernie shouted. Sammy's teeth mashed together. His lips curled into a grin. Sammy released Bernie's areola beebees. Sammy's palms flattened along broken concrete. His flamingo knuckle extensions shoved his upper body away from the floor. Sammy curled blueberry tinted thigh denim against wine colored fabric covering his chest. Sammy lifted his feet and extended his legs. White rubber platforms attached to ivory checkered shoes crashed between Bernie's eyes. Bernie's push broom spiked skull hammered crumbling cement. Bernie's thick, beer soaked arms collapsed beside his ribs.

Josh's skateboard dangled from the fingers of his right hand. Josh's coal colored irises stared at Bernie's twisted face. Josh's tongue dangled from a set of grinning lips. A half inch, chrome ball poked out of Josh's saliva coated mouth meat. A zinc plated beebee was threaded to a steel shaft piercing Josh's food taster. Josh looked above dijon colored fabric hanging from his shoulder. He stared into Gwen's hazel eyes. He bobbed his head.

"You think some-- fuckin' little skank bitch knows what happened to my brother, Gwen?" Gwen gazed into Josh's deep, dark eyes. A tiny, pink tongue wet tomato colored gloss coating Gwen's lips.

"She *killed* him," Gwen insisted. Josh's arms went slack. Josh stared at Gwen's pupils. He shook his head. Gwen's thin, raven tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her tiny nose. "And-- her little friend!" Gwen added. "Wednesday Williams!" Josh spun using toes of sloppy sneakers. He extended uncertain upper limbs. He smacked thin lips.

"Mann--" Josh groaned. "How do *you* know all this??" Gwen pounded her tiny fists against periwinkle denim surrounding the edges of her thighs.

"Homicide came by our class today, Josh!" Gwen shouted back. "Some detective took Hailey out of class and grilled her for like-- twenty minutes." Gwen folded a set of angry arms over thin, black and white stripes wrapping her chest. "Everybody at school knows she did it." Josh looked towards the edge of the warehouse bay. Allie supported herself using a set of wobbly forearms. Cole leaned beside Allie's shivering shoulders. He offered Allie a fistful of sweaty digits. They were the same disgusting nightcrawlers Cole used to jerk his cock. Allie looked up. She showed Cole a set of horrified palms. Josh bobbed his head.

"Is that true, fuck-face?!" Josh yelped. Allie's head turned, slowly. Allie's blue jay irises focused on tar tinted shutters surrounding Josh's pupils. Allie's ocular covers shriveled together. Allie swiveled her pale face up and down. She hated backing Gwen up. Gwen didn't *know* Hailey and Wednesday had anything to do with Travis' disappearance. She certainly didn't know Travis was dead. And-- no one at school even knew who Hailey Holloway or Wednesday Williams *were*. They were ghosts at Glory High. Josh faced Gwen. He shrugged.

"Wudda you want *me* to do about it?" Josh demanded. Josh toppled the direction of his left shoulder. A thick forearm dangled from Josh's narrow deltoid. A jiggly bicep rested along Josh's right humerus. The gelatin upper arm was surrounded by crisp, beer soaked cotton. Bernie shifted his weight onto Josh's narrow shoulders. A disoriented precipice searched open warehouse space below rows of raven spikes.

"ahhhh--" Bernie grumbled. Bernie gazed at scotch colored fluffs poking out of Josh's scalp. "The fuck did you mother fuckers *do* to me?" Josh wrapped skinny arms around his friend's thick belly to help him stand. Gwen lifted her palms beside her shoulders.

"I want you to-- fuck 'em up, Josh!" Gwen belched. Gwen squinted. "What-- do you *think* I want you to do?" The corners of Josh's eyes crinkled.

"You mean a couple of chicks??" Josh requisitioned. Sammy snuck below Bernie's unoccupied upper limb. He stretched Bernie's bicep and wrist across his slender deltoids. He flashed Bernie a sly smirk. He patted Bernie's fat gut.

"'sup, sonnn!" Sammy barked. Bernie jumped. He swiveled his fat face. Bernie's robin egg irises studied his sneaky friend. "We 'bout ta go check out a couple of chicks, yo," Sammy repeated. "You down for that, homey?" Bernie's head bobbled. His fat chin collapsed on top of his breast bone.

"Oh shiiitt, mann--" Bernie groaned. "Yeahhh--" Bernie looked into Sammy's piercing, bourbon colored eye shutters. He bobbed his head. "Fuck yeah, mannn--" Ivy wandered beside Josh. She curled a set of talc colored fingers around her boyfriend's. Josh gazed into Gwen's fiery irises. He mashed his tongue against the inner surfaces of his lips. A half inch, chrome colored ball poked out of Josh's slender mouth rims.

"You're saying she killed *all* of them?" Josh inquired. Josh narrowed his eyes. "Gary and Tate and them?" Gwen nodded. "Joe and Tom-Tom?"

"Jennifer, Vicky, and Paul are all missing, too," Gwen reminded him. Josh blew a quick breath between a set of thin lips.

"mmMartin?" Josh asked. Gwen nodded.

"Those two killed all of them," Gwen explained. Cole dragged Allie off cold chunks of concrete. Allie tugged a slender, gold chain off of the floor. She gingerly adjusted brass tinted links on top of nylon wrapping her shoulder. Allie's slick, paperback sized purse dangled from gold plated hoops.

"Fuuuck, yo--" Cole groaned. Rust colored irises searched glass circles surrounding the bridge of Cole's thin nose. Cole looked in Josh's direction. "Fuckin'-- Martin, too??"

"Cooole--" Gwen whined. "We explaaained this to you--" Gwen squeezed angry fists against the edges of her skirt. "On the WAY OVER HERE!!" Cole's head spun like a top. Cole's bony face pointed towards Gwen's side of the room. A curtain of cream, sawdust, and bourbon colored strands hung from the middle of Cole's scalp. Dirty blonde hair fluffs swirled around Cole's narrow shoulders. Josh nodded.

"Okay," Josh conceded. Josh looked between mats hanging from his sloppy, black sneakers. Drops of tar attached to Josh's eyes traced cracks separating concrete. "Let's say I believe you two dipshits," Josh remarked. Gwen's impatient biceps crushed her ribs. Her fingers sprang like steel traps. Her eyelids sank into her pale face.

"Auggg!!" Gwen scoffed. Josh looked up. He shrugged.

"Let's say *maybe*-- I feel like getting even with-- a couple of girls." Narrow, crow colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose.

"Oh, Jooosh--" Gwen interrupted. "Fuck you!" Josh's scotch colored eyebrows pointed at a space between his eyes.

"Heyy!" Josh warned. "Shut-up, motha fucker! Lemme finish!" Gwen stared at Josh using a set of angry, golden irises. She plopped impatient, blueberry spotted digits along her denim covered hips. Josh motioned towards thin, black and white stripes surrounding Gwen's tiny chest. "Where should I look for these two? And-- what do they look like?" Gwen's hazel irises wandered to the tops of her eye sockets. Gwen tilted her head.

"Wellll--" Gwen groaned. Gwen stared at drops of tar covering the middles of Josh's eyes. "Hailey's a little-- ugly-- skinny-- red-headed, bitch." Josh nodded. Gwen lifted her porcelain fingers above her head. She flattened a carpal tree with her palm facing down. "She's about-- five feet tall--" Gwen explained. "Wears glasses." Josh squinted.

"Red hair?" Josh repeated. "Glasses?" Narrow, raven colored eyebrows pointed between Gwen's bright, fiery irises.

"Yesss!" Gwen yelped. "And-- she looks like a biiitch??" Gwen wrinkled the bridge of an angry nasal fixture. "You can't miss her!" Ivy leaned against a tube of dijon colored fabric surrounding Josh's shoulder. Blueberry, plum purple, pomegranate, and cherry tinted strands hanging from Ivy's beanie tickled Josh's skinny bicep and wrist. Josh squinted. Scotch colored eyebrows pointed at Josh's olfactory passages.

"Good God, Gwen!" Josh snarled. "Can you-- tell me anything useful about her? Is she fat? Skinny? Does she have pale skin? Freckles?" Gwen's hazel eye shutters pointed at peaks of irritated ocular cavities.

"She's a little, skinny, white skin-- ghost white bitch with green eyes and red hair and glasses," Gwen blathered. Gwen stared at broken concrete covering the floor. She shook her head. "I don't think she's got freckles." Josh squinted. Slender lips peeled off of Josh's disgusted teeth.

"You don't-- *think* she's got freckles?" Josh repeated. "What the fuck?! Do you know what she looks like or not??" Gwen showed Josh her palms.

"She doesn't got-- freckles," Gwen snapped. Gwen folded coffee and cream streaked limbs over her tiny tits. She glared into Josh's tar tinted eye shutters. "Okay, Josh?!" Gwen snarled. "Jeez!!" Josh stared at Gwen's fiery cheeks. He shook his head.

"She has-- red hair," Josh reflected. Josh inhaled a sharp breath. "Like-- strawberry red?" Gwen looked at the tops of her eye sockets. She faced Josh.

"More like-- orange," Gwen explained. Josh nodded.

"Okay," Josh conceded. "Now, we're getting somewhere." Josh gripped a slender chin with scrawny, walnut tinted digits. "And-- long hair?" Josh inquired. "Short hair?" Gwen flattened her palm beside her shoulder.

"Sorta long," Gwen responded. "Like mine." Josh nodded. Wrinkles extended from Josh's thoughtful eye sockets.

"And-- what's the other one's name?" Josh requisitioned. Gwen's agitated eye coverings squeezed shut in front of golden shutters. Gwen's poppy stained oral rims peeled off of ivory incisors. Gwen wiggled angry fists in front of stripe blanketed tits.

"wwWednesday!" Gwen shrieked. Gwen pounded periwinkle stained hip denim with knots of blueberry embellished digits. "WENDS-dayy!!" Gwen shouted. Gwen inhaled a heavy breath between tomato glossed lips. She curled porcelain fingers in front of her chest. "Oh, my god!!" Josh stared at Gwen's honey colored eye shutters. A chrome tongue stud sealer wandered between Josh's thin lips. Josh turned his head. Drops of tar wandered to the corners of Josh's eyes. Glittering coals gazed into bourbon droplets near the ends of Sammy's eyes. A little, fake smirk pointed the corners of Sammy's lips towards his cheeks. Josh bobbed his head.

"You gettin' all this, Sammy?" Josh inquired. Sammy nodded.

"Jooosh--" Sammy groaned. "I got it, sonnn." Josh faced forward. He bobbed his head.

"What's this-- other bitch look like?" Josh demanded. "This Wednesday slut?" Gwen crinkled facial skin surrounding glowing, golden eye shutters.

"Dark hairrr--" Gwen groaned. "Like mine." Gwen pointed at her cheeks. "Pale skin." Gwen motioned towards abdominal stripes using blueberry caps spotting tiny fingers. "She's always wearing-- all black clothes," Gwen remarked. Gwen looked at the tops of her eye sockets. She squinted. "Or, wellll--" Gwen looked at Josh. She motioned towards a denim hip covering with her palms. "Sometimes, she'll wear like-- a red, plaid skirt?" Josh nodded.

"And, sooo--" Josh grumbled. "Where can we find these two fuckers?"

"Me and Allie saw them both walking towards Linda Park on the way home from school," Gwen explained. "Pretty sure that bitch Wednesday lives right near there." Drops of tar floated to the peaks of Josh's eye sockets. Josh tilted his pointed facial features.

"M-kayyy--" Josh purred. Josh's charcoal eyes focused on gold tinted shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. "Maybe-- me and the guys can go give these two skanks a talkin' to." Gwen stared into Josh's eyes. Her porcelain face tilted.

"A talking to?" Gwen requisitioned.

"Shiiit--" Sammy squawked. Sammy patted Josh's chest xylophone. Josh smirked. "Me and Josh and-- Ber-nieee--" Sammy studied three inch spikes poking out of Bernie's temples. Bernie looked down. Quarters like robin eggs glared at drops of bourbon near the middles of Sammy's eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, Sammy," Bernie responded.

"Yeahh, kiiid--" Josh croaked. Josh slipped Bernie's heavy bicep and forearm away from his tiny shoulders. Bernie's arm battered wads of denim surrounding his chunky thighs. Josh slipped Ivy's fingers behind his back. Ivy wrapped a set of ivory colored limbs around her boyfriend's waist. Ivy's talc tinted forearms squeezed Josh's white and crimson t-shirt graphics. Josh looked down. "We 'bout ta fuuuck them bitches up, Ivy," Josh remarked. "You ready for that shit??" Ivy gazed into Josh's dark, shiny eyes. Ivy's raspberry stained lips formed a grin.

"Hey!" Gwen barked. Josh, Ivy, Bernie, and Sammy looked up. Gwen showed the guys her palms. "D-Don't hurt Lloyd, okay?" Gwen blathered. "If he's with them, I mean." Raven tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. "Okayyy??" Gwen snarled. Josh squinted. He bobbed his head.

"Lloyd?" Josh requisitioned. "Lloyd, like-- Sal's *brother* Lloyd?" Gwen exhaled an impatient sigh. She wiggled her head up and down. Josh's thoughtful face tilted. "You mean-- *he's* got something to do with this?" Gwen's thin, crow colored brows pointed between her eyes.

"N-No!!" Gwen squeezed out of fumbling lips. "No! No! Hellll-- no!! He's completely innocent!" Gwen swatted an accusational index digit in front of Josh's tar tinted eye shutters. "He-- doesn't know anything about *any* of this!" Josh furrowed his brow. He rolled a zinc plated tongue beebee between his lips.

"'cause-- that thing with my brother and Lloyd's brother, Sal--"

"HEYYY!!" Gwen shouted. Gwen's porcelain fists smacked her denim strapped hip curves. "NOO!!" Josh stared into Gwen's hazel irises. He shrugged.

"I mean-- that would make sense, you know." Gwen exhaled a heavy breath. "Him--" Josh continued. "And, like--" Josh squinted. "I'm not sure what these other two girls would have to do with it." Gwen pointed between Josh's deep, dark eye shutters.

"NOOO!!" Gwen shrieked. "Lloyd Freeman-- is *mine*!! You hear me?!" Gwen pounded periwinkle blue denim against her thighs. "MIIINE!!" Josh stared between golden shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. He looked below a red ball cap strapped over Kyle's forehead. Kyle shrugged.

"She gots a crush on him, G."

Chapter 4: "Linda Park-- After Dark"
Table of Contents

Mr. Watts' freshman English class was located on the third floor of Glory High School. Since B days fell on Tuesday and Thursday, the introductory course was one of Tuesday's last instructions of the day. The week before, B disciplines were conducted Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mr. Watts liked to keep his final class of the day as busy as possible. That way, he could catch up grading students' work. If possible, Mr. Watts liked splitting his class into groups of two. And, pupil pairs could discuss reading assignments. That's what Mr. Watts did the Wednesday prior. And, that's how he carried out class on this particular Tuesday. The previous Friday, Mr. Watts' last class of the day was cancelled.

The top of Mr. Watts' head was bald. A cereal bowl made of pine tinted flesh was surrounded by a two inch thick horseshoe. Mr. Watts' surrounding hair consisted of slate, silver, and quartz colored bristles. Skin creases five inches long were stacked along Mr. Watts' forehead. Honey colored shutters surrounded Mr. Watts' obsessive pupils below charcoal caterpillars. A sheet of notebook paper adorned the surface of Mr. Watts' thick, oak desk. A lined page rested between pine tinted wrinkles wadded around Mr. Watts' fingers.

Pin sized holes were punched through drops of honey below Mr. Watts' bushy eyebrows. Ocular ports followed graphite strokes scribbled between stripes the color of seaweed. A raven colored vest framed cornflower tinted silk hanging from Mr. Watts' neck. Ends of an opal pigmented collar pointed down the front of Mr. Watts' shirt topper. Quartz tinted buttons strapped periwinkle colored fabric across Mr. Watts' chest. Wads of slick material the color of dolphin skin surrounded Mr. Watts' arms.

The body of Mr. Watts' oak desk was shaped like a staple that was two feet thick. A bracket sculpted hardwood cutout faced Mr. Watts' classroom. Two columns containing hardwood drawers surrounded Mr. Watts' sitting space. Cellulose uprights were supported by five inch woodland teardrops. Rubber stoppers supported oak droplet cutouts. Olive green slacks were visible below a staple shaped sheet protecting Mr. Watts' desk. Tubes like lime peel surrounded Mr. Watts' legs.

Argyle socks were visible below the cuffs of Mr. Watts' slacks. Mr. Watts' rhombus printed stockings were the color of blueberries. Black and grey diamonds embellished navy blue shin coverings. White Xs were printed on top of charcoal and ash squares. Camel colored moccasins were visible below the shafts of Mr. Watts' socks. Bows forged from leather strings decorated the insteps of Mr. Watts' shoes. The soles of Mr. Watts' footwear flattened near the middle of a four foot, beige tile. Wine and coal colored spots speckled a tan sheet below Mr. Watts' comfortable footwear.

A blackboard hung behind Mr. Watts' opal wrapped shoulders. The slate writing surface was fifteen feet long and two yards tall. The stone tablet was the color of coal. A five yard scribbling sheet was surrounded by a border of shiny birch. A steel tray was sandwiched below a chalk slathered surface and a cellulose panel. "Henry V: Act IV, scene iv" was written across the top of Mr. Watts' blackboard. The scholastic dictation was transcribed with a stick of white chalk. The quartz tinted banner was underlined twice.

Hailey and Wednesday sat near the opposite end of the room from Mr. Watts. The girls pushed the fronts of their desks together beside a window. From Mr. Watts' seat, the solar illuminated viewport was beside the far, left corner of the classroom. The girls' accompanying, silicate panel was three feet wide and two yards tall. A twenty-four inch wall descended below a three by six foot portal. The sheet rock trimmed partition was coated with beige paint. Half and one inch dimples were pressed into tan drywall acrylic. An oak shelf emerged above a camel tinted room divider. The cellulose strut was one foot wide. Slick storage hardwood was coated with bourbon colored varnish.

Aluminum slats dangled horizontally in front of Wednesday and Hailey's classroom window. Elemental sunlight coverings were one and a half inches wide. The metallic partitions were thin and slightly curved. Slender window beams were the color of walnut husks. Longitudinal aluminum plates hung from strands of twisted nylon. A quarter inch of solar radiation was visible below each horizontal shutter. Surfaces of thick, oak work tables faced each other. Raspberry blanketed forearms were folded near the end of a cellulose platter. Slender wrists and biceps were surrounded by pomegranate tinted sweater fleece. Forearms like buttermilk were stacked along the opposite end of a matching work surface.

Quarter inch strips of raspberry fabric surrounded knuckles the color of coffee creamer. Each radish tinted serration was separated by a half centimeter cavern. Tangerine nail polish coated tips of tiny, ivory colored knuckle extensions. Coal pigmented nail polish embellished teensy fingertips accompanying neon capped digits. Quarter inch pomegranate columns descended from the base of Hailey's slender neck. Raspberry sweater strips stretched across her slender deltoids.

Buttermilk biceps dropped from three inch tubes of raven tinted fishnets. The inner edges of Wednesday's pale upper arms surrounded crow colored silk. Wednesday's charcoal rib fabric was spotted with tiny, cream colored hearts. Hailey's pomegranate top descended into crow stained denim surrounding her skinny waist. A thin, tar colored belt was threaded through five loops fastened above Hailey's hips. Quarter inch, cream tinted buttons fastened Wednesday's shirt below her breast bone. Wednesday's ivory chest fasteners were shaped like valentine decorations. Cream spotted silk floated away from the lower three inches of Wednesday's shirt. A love dotted tank top skirt shrouded the waist of raven black jeans.

Denim the color of chimney soot surrounded Hailey's skinny thighs. Elastic jean fabric stretched around Hailey's calves. Charcoal pigmented leg chutes descended into black leather tubes below Hailey's knees. Wednesday's leg cuffs ended three inches above slender ankles the color of buttermilk. Black leather collars surrounded most of Hailey's calves. Cow hide columns became slick rims protecting Hailey's narrow insteps. Raven tinted bovine dermis wrapped the edges of Wednesday's heels. Dried ox skin covered the bases of Wednesday's ankles. Crow pigmented buffalo flesh became slick, tar colored flaps bordering Wednesday's insteps.

An inch of rubber the color of charcoal was attached to the bottoms of Hailey's boots. Tar tinted, leather straps spanned valleys between Hailey's boot collars and her insteps. Cow hide ankle restraints were fastened with chrome buckles. Polished dermis covered a space between leaflets framing Wednesday's insteps. Bison shoe fabric became leather points in front of Wednesday's toes. Compressed, leather teardrops were sutured below the balls of Wednesday's feet. Three inch shafts supported the backs of Wednesday's shoes. Flat edges adorning heel towers faced oxen fabric covering Wednesday's shoe arches.

A curtain of tangerine, cheddar, and apricot strands sprouted from the middle of Hailey's scalp. Shoulder length carrot strands surrounded ivory cheeks and a cream colored neck. Gold plated rods protruded from edges of flame colored drapes. Plastic loops the thickness of piano wire connected ear pieces to a matching nose dowel. Polystyrene hoops stretched around glass rectangles one inch tall and four centimeters wide. Long, slender eyelashes poked crystal colored surfaces. Emerald quarters were sandwiched between Hailey's mascara embellished eye flaps. Shiny, pomegranate lips protruded below the tip of Hailey's slender nose.

A half shirt like a tennis net hung from Wednesday's shoulders. Raven black hoods woven from nylon strands descended Wednesday's soft shoulders. A curtain of half inch, elastic window frames hung from Wednesday's deltoids. Malleable basket fabric bordered Wednesday's shoulder blades. Fishnet drapes were drawn beside the edges of Wednesday's boobs. Black silk shoulder strips an inch thick were visible below raven tinted mesh. Slick charcoal bands were spotted with quarter inch, cream colored hearts. Love speckled harnesses transformed into an arc below the peak of Wednesday's breast bone. Plastic, cream tinted valentines fastened opposing flaps descending from a silk neck hoop. Five polystyrene Cupid piercings sealed Wednesday's sentiment polka dotted shirt.

A buttermilk plane began where the collar of Wednesday's tank top ended. Cream tinted chest dermis became Wednesday's soft, slender neck. Rose colored cheeks and a narrow chin formed a five inch heart above Wednesday's throat. A fountain of soot pigmented strands erupted from the middle of Wednesday's scalp. Crow tinted locks and raven colored bangs framed Wednesday's pale facial features. Coin shaped sapphires took shelter below thin, charcoal hued eyebrows. Lips like ruby red velvet extended below the tip of Wednesday's button nose.

Hard cover books the size of paperbacks laid in front of Hailey and Wednesday's forearms. Text binders sealed with thick cardboard were opened past half way. Steel storage boxes were attached to the bottoms of Hailey and Wednesday's desks. Work space paper containers were painted the color of pitch. Black, metal posts descended from corners of charcoal embellished trays. Raven colored table uprights emerged from chrome discs an inch wide.

Hailey's tiny hiny was supported by a plastic, tomato red seat. Pomegranate strips were sandwiched between Hailey's shoulder blades and poppy polystyrene. Three inches of lady bug petroleum surrounding a four inch window. Wednesday's plastic sitting surface was banana yellow. Black, steel posts descended from the seats of Hailey and Wednesday's chairs. Elemental tuchus extensions were supported by chrome plated discs. Shutters like Neptunian mist surrounded Wednesday's pupils. Sapphire facets fixed Wednesday's gaze on emeralds behind Hailey's glasses. Hailey stared through transparent rectangles. She blinked.

"Hailey I'm worried," Wednesday groaned. Hailey listened, carefully. As usual, Mr. Watts' class was pretty loud. Hailey wasn't concerned others would hear her and Wednesday's conversation. Beams of sunlight snuck between quarter inch gaps separating aluminum slats the color of walnut. Bands of light collected along tangerine strands sprouting from Hailey's left temple.

"I'm worried too, Wednesday," Hailey confessed. Lines of sunshine illuminated crow colored strands erupting from Wednesday's right temple. Wednesday's tongue glided across ruby red beeswax coating her lips.

"Gwen and Allie are in my Chemistry class," Wednesday continued. "The one I had this morning?" Hailey nodded.

"Did they say anything to you?" Hailey inquired. Wednesday shook her head.

"No. They *never* talk me." Wednesday inhaled between ruby stained lips. "But, my heart was pounding the whole time I was in there. I couldn't wait to get out of that place." Hailey squinted.

"Were they looking at you funny?" Hailey asked. "Or-- anything like that?" Wednesday took a breath. She exhaled a long, thoughtful sigh.

"I don't think I ever saw their *faces*," Wednesday explained. Thin skin protecting Wednesday's elbow crushed an oak corner beside heart spotted rib silk. Wednesday rested the edge of her forehead along the tips of her fingers. She stared at Hailey from a set of narrow eyes. "Gwen and Allie sit on the opposite side of the room from my lab table," Wednesday added. Hailey shook her head.

"After what she did in front of Lloyd and me last night--" Hailey grumbled. Hailey crushed pomegranate ridges between her elbow and the corner of her desk. Ends of pale digits supported the edge of Hailey's forehead. "She's crrrazy!" Wednesday's pale face twisted side to side.

"She's obsessed," Wednesday responded. Wednesday looked at the upper, right corners of her eye sockets. She thought a minute. "She's *always* been a little weird." Hailey's fingers dropped on her desk. Hailey sat up straight. Eyebrows the color of sweet potato flesh climbed pale skin covering Hailey's forehead.

"She's always been a *bitch*," Hailey added. The outer corners of Wednesday's eyes crinkled.

"Her *and* that girl, Allie," Wednesday continued. "They're *both* pretty weird." Hailey narrowed her eyes. She shook her head, slowly.

"I don't know Allie that well--" Hailey remarked. "She's-- so quiet." Wednesday stared into Hailey's emerald eyes. She squinted.

"She *is* really quiet. She never says *anything*." Hailey's tongue slid across raspberry colored gloss covering her lips. Hailey plopped her elbow along the corner of her desk. Her chin sank between her thumb and index finger.

"Gwen pushed her," Hailey explained. Wednesday stared through a set of narrow eyelids.

"You mean last night?" Wednesday requisitioned.

"Yeah," Hailey replied. "Me and Lloyd took off. And, Allie's like-- bent over trying to help Gwen off the ground."

"Uh-huh," Wednesday interjected.

"And-- Gwen stands up--" Hailey lifted her arms. She showed Wednesday her palms. She shifted soft carpal dermis towards the edge of her desk. "And, shoves her." Hailey licked pomegranate wax coating her lips. "She-- lifted off her feet."

"OOoooo--" Wednesday groaned.

"She went-- flying into one of the poles," Hailey explained. Hailey showed Wednesday the tips of her fingers. "You know those, like-- support poles in front of the theater at the mall?"

"Yeah," Wednesday replied. "She pushed Allie into one of those??" Hailey nodded.

"Yeah. She went-- flying against a pole," Hailey explained. "Back first!" The corners of Wednesday's eyes crinkled.

"Owww!" Wednesday nearly shouted.

"I knoww!" Hailey snarled. "She started-- screaming at her," Hailey continued. "She tells her, 'You're fucking-- worthless, Allie! I hate you!!' Or-- something like that." Wednesday stared, blankly.

"What'd Allie do?" Hailey lifted her palms.

"I-- don't think she did *anything*." Hailey crushed pomegranate shoulder blade strands on top of tomato chair plastic. She folded her arms over her chest. "Me and Lloyd didn't stick around to find out. I'll tell you *that*." Hailey's eyelids collapsed along the tips of her pupils. Hailey stared coldly through rectangles of glass. Wednesday gazed back. She inhaled through her nose. She exhaled a long breath from ruby stained lips. "That-- fucking skank," Hailey blurted. Wednesday stared into her friend's emerald irises. She squeezed nervous, cherry pigmented oral rims together. She swallowed.

"H-Hailey," Wednesday forced between nervous teeth coverings.

"Lloyd's not perfect, but he's *mine*," Hailey grumbled. Narrow, cheddar tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. "I'm just gonna have to-- take care of that little bitch." Wednesday stared, cautiously. She studied pale cheeks below the lenses of her friend's glasses. Cyan quarters traced carnation tinted blush below Hailey's cheek bones. Raven colored eyebrows pointed towards the inner corners of Wednesday's eyes.

"Hailey-- stop joking about that," Wednesday snapped. "That's not even close to being funny." Hailey gazed into her friend's angry eyes. Hailey's jade faceted ocular ports looked more hateful than her friend's. The left corner of Hailey's shiny, raspberry tinted lips curled into a smirk.

"She's trying to steal my man, Wednesday." Hailey shook her head. "She's trying to push me around." Hailey licked grinning, glittery mouth flaps. "You think I should just-- let her get away with that?" Wednesday glared at her friend. She inhaled through her nose. She exhaled from ruby stained lips. An electronic boop pounded Wednesday and Hailey's ear drums. The high pitched wail lasted one second. An irritating shriek was followed by a half second of silence. Two additional boops erupted from a plastic speaker grill.

Wednesday reached below crow colored posts supporting her chair. Wednesday's fingers curled around a two inch strip of blueberry tinted denim. Wednesday dragged her back pack off of a four foot tile. The linoleum floor square was beige with coal and wine colored spots. Wednesday slung a denim strap over nylon diamond rims surrounding her shoulder. Wednesday's fingers dropped on pages curling out of her book's binding. Wednesday dragged rectangular covers off the surface of her desk. She slipped off a plane of banana yellow sitting plastic and stomped away.

Emeralds between Hailey's eyelids drifted to the right corners of her eyes. Hailey watched a skirt of raven colored silk floating above her friend's hips. Wednesday's coal tinted stomach covering was decorated with tiny, cream colored hearts. A coal tinted fishnet drifted behind Wednesday's shoulder blades. Nylon weaves floated above blueberry colored denim carrying Wednesday's text books. Hailey faced her desk. Her smile faded.

A set of thick, oak doors covered the opening to Glory High School. Stainless steel rectangles were fastened near inner edges of hardwood planes. Weather resistant handles protruded from elemental entrance sheets. Crimson bricks surrounded cellulose coverings. An arch of sideways mud blocks peaked three feet above the front doors. The elliptical walkway decoration was three rows deep. Crimson bricks stacked above a mortared semi-circle created the north wall of the campus. A row of four foot, concrete squares led away from the main foyer. The concrete path was surrounded on both sides by emerald colored grass blades.

The right hand entrance covering swung away from a mud block partition. Wednesday came stomping out. A one inch plane shaped like a capital "D" dropped on a four foot concrete square. A teardrop sculpted platter preceded the base of a three inch heel. A leather point shaped like the nose of a football extended from a compressed platform. The toe of Wednesday's footwear was the color of tar. Wednesday's shoe tip became a set of leather flaps surrounding her narrow instep. Cow hide wings the color of crow feathers became one inch ankle fences. Ox dermis Achilles' borders joined behind Wednesday's heel. A bison skin wall behind Wednesday's foot formed a one and a half inch barrier.

Six centimeters of buttermilk calf erupted from the rim of Wednesday's shoe. A skirt of raven colored denim floated beside the middle of Wednesday's lower leg. A crow pigmented hamstring parachute hung from Wednesday's knee. Raven tinted jean fabric was stretched around Wednesday's thigh. Wednesday's upper leg straightened above her kneecap. The heel of Wednesday's opposite footwear dropped three feet beyond a leather shoe point. The toe of Wednesday's second tarsal covering collapsed beside a "D" shaped support protector.

Buttermilk arms hung from three inch tubes of raven fishnets. Cream tinted limbs swooped beside soot colored denim surrounding Wednesday's narrow hips. Wednesday's right hand fingers curled around the spine of a small, hard cover book. Crow colored silk floated between Wednesday's wrists and hips. Charcoal belly fabric was spotted with quarter inch, cream colored hearts. A bag of blueberry denim dangled from two inch bands squeezing Wednesday's shoulders. Wednesday's back pack hopped on raven pigmented silk surrounding her lower back.

Chin length strands the color of soot floated beside Wednesday's pale cheeks. Tips of crow colored bangs shrouded eyebrows pointing down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Shutters the color of glass cleaner directed Wednesday's pupils towards a parking lot. Ends of angry, ruby red lips pointed at Wednesday's narrow chin. Heels and toes of black leather shoes dragged Wednesday across limestone tinted squares.

One inch, rubber platforms dropped on a cement block by Glory High's right entrance door. Crow colored leather was stitched above curves forming tips of neoprene mats. Soot tinted cow hide surrounded Hailey's toes. Dehydrated bison dermis was formed around Hailey's insteps and ankles. Ox skin straps lay over the beginnings of Hailey's feet. Polished bovine bridles were fastened with chrome plated buckles. Black leather collars arose from edges of cow hide bands. Shiny, charcoal tinted columns surrounded Hailey's thin calves. Metal teeth created seams climbing the inner edges of Hailey's boots. Tiny, zinc plated zippers dangled from stainless steel stacks a quarter inch wide.

Soot colored denim erupted from the necks of Hailey's boots. Raven pigmented fabric stretched around Hailey's slender knees. Charcoal jean tubes ascended Hailey's skinny thighs. Crow feather ridges disappeared below a band of tar colored waist leather. Quarter inch strips of raspberry tinted yarn surrounded Hailey's chest, stomach, and arms. Hailey's thumbs were stuffed between two inch, red canvas strips hanging from her shoulders. Poppy tinted harnesses carried a tomato red bag dangling down the middle of Hailey's back. Ends of quarter inch, pomegranate strips surrounded Hailey's pale knuckles.

Hailey's skinny neck erupted from half centimeter, raspberry strips covering her chest. Shoulder length strands the color of flames battered the edges of Hailey's neck. Glass rectangles the size of rubber erasers rested along the apples of Hailey's pale cheeks. Frantic emeralds peered through oblong ocular coverings. Jade faceted eye shutters focused on dark denim surrounding Wednesday's books. Hailey pried apart lips coated with raspberry tinted gloss.

"W-Wednesday?" Hailey requisitioned. Sapphires rolled to the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. Wednesday exhaled an irritated breath and shook her head. Hailey stared at raven colored strands sprouting from her friend's scalp. She jogged across concrete squares. She slowed down beside her friend's shoulder fishnets. Hailey studied Wednesday's left cheek. Irises like blue gelatin dessert found their way to the left corners of Wednesday's eyes. Cornflower pennies glared at pistachio quarters attached to Hailey's corneas. Hailey inhaled between raspberry glossed lips. "Hey-- I'm sorry, Wednesday," Hailey forced out.

"Fuck off, Hailey," Wednesday kindly replied. Wednesday faced forward. She dropped off a row of sidewalk. The concrete path was perpendicular to a walkway leading from the school's entrance. The heel of Wednesday's right shoe shifted sideways. Wednesday stumbled and fell. Wednesday's palms collapsed along charcoal pavement glopped beside limestone sidewalk. The surfaces of Wednesday's fingers sank between sharp, graphite tinted pebbles. Hailey watched her friend catch her balance. She pressed her lips together. Hailey stepped beside Wednesday. She bent over. She glided tips of uneasy fingers along Wednesday's bicep. Wednesday swatted her friend's helpful digits.

"Hailey!" Wednesday belched. Wednesday shoved herself to her feet. She swiveled on toes of leather footwear. She pointed between her friend's emerald irises. "Don't touch me!" Hailey showed Wednesday compassionate palms. Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings crushed the outer corners of Hailey's eyes.

"Wednesday-- I'm trying to *help* you," Hailey groaned. Wednesday stared at emeralds between her friend's eyelids. She showed Hailey her right hand. Dots of tar were stuck to Wednesday's palm and the tips of her fingers.

"N-Not right now," Wednesday responded. Wednesday licked her ruby stained lips. "Okay?" Wednesday bent over. She snatched her copy of Henry V off of tar glopped parking lot pavement. "Just-- not right now." Wednesday suspended her blue jean back pack in front of cream hearts spotting her chest. She unfastened blueberry denim securing her school supplies. Hailey watched her friend's irritated fingers stuff cardboard covers between cotton fabric. She exhaled a nervous breath.

"O-Okay," Hailey forced out of cautious lips. An eighties model Cutler was parked a row away from the curb. The nondescript automobile was a four door car with a flat body made of steel. The Cutler was painted chocolate brown. The coffee pigmented vehicle was parked between a set of banana yellow stripes. Dandelion tinted borders were etched along fresh pavement the color of a skillet. Detective Moore stood beside the Cutler's driver's side door. Wrinkles of margarita tinted fabric hung from Moore's broad shoulders. Pickle juice curtains surrounded a periwinkle dress shirt. A narrow, navy blue tie laid across the buttons of Moore's chest covering.

The bottom of Detective Moore's top was tucked into a set of camel colored slacks. The lower edge of Moore's trench coat surrounded the backs of his knees. Moore's usual black dress shoes poked out of the cuffs of his britches. Patches of worn leather hung from sloppy stitches knotted around Detective Moore's feet. Rust and silver tinted curls erupted from Moore's scalp. Hatches of rust and silver rested on top of squinting, tar colored irises. Deep creases sprouted from the corners of Detective Moore's eyes. Ocular crevices split leathery skin covering his cheek bones.

Officer Harris stood beside the Cutler's passenger's side door. Harris' thick neck poked out of a starched collar the color of blueberries. Strands of silver were slicked from the top of Harris' forehead to the rear of his skull. Snow colored hair buds poked out of the edges of Harris' scalp and the back of his head. Cornflower tinted shutters sank into Harris' face. Two inches of silver push broom bristles poked out of his upper lip.

Crisp, blueberry colored fabric surrounded Harris' shoulders, arms, chest, and stomach. A two inch by half inch silver rectangle was pinned above Harris' left breast pocket. Harris' silver badge was fastened to his starched peck compartment. Fabric law enforcement symbols were stitched to the shoulders of Harris' shirt. Ornamental bicep embellishments were the color of scotch. "City of Malley Police" was embroidered on top of bronze arm coverings using black thread. An indigo colored tie covered the buttons of Harris' shirt. Harris' trunk concealer was tucked into indigo colored slacks. Gold stripes were stitched along the outer seams of Harris' britches. Shiny, leather shoes poked out of Harris' blueberry leg cuffs.

Detective Moore's fingers curled under three inches of potted metal. The melded slat was poking out of a rectangular driver's door shelf. Moore tugged a mirror colored handle away from chocolate paint coating an elongated cavity. The Cutler's driver's side door swung away from its body. Detective Moore's fingers rested along a glass rhombus erupting from a steel hatch. The arm of Moore's free hand wobbled like a chandelier in an earthquake. Wads of margarita colored fabric slipped down Moore's bicep. Officer Harris Watched Detective Moore above espresso paint covering the Cutler's roof. Harris' mustache fidgeted.

"It's a little warm for that thing," Officer Harris remarked. Detective Moore's trench coat dangled from the tips of his fingers. Moore wadded his jacket into a ball.

"You know--" Moore responded. Detective Moore bent over. He tossed his coat over bourbon colored vinyl wrapping the Cutler's driver's side seat. "It was a lot cooler out here when we got here this morning." Moore kneeled along the seating surface of the driver's side chair. Camel colored fabric became sandwiched between Moore's shin and bourbon tinted seat vinyl. Moore reached across the passenger's seat. Wrinkles of pale skin forming the tips of Moore's fingers surrounded a chrome stick. The zinc plated shaft was poking out of scotch pigmented vinyl lining a passenger door panel. Moore tugged a mirror pigmented extrusion. The slick dowel lifted a half inch.

Detective Moore sank finger wads into brandy tinted vinyl covering the Cutler's passenger seat. He shoved himself towards the driver's side door. A leather slat hanging from Detective Moore's shoe landed on coal colored pavement. Moore's head found its way below the Cutler's driver's side opening. Rust and silver coils poking out of Moore's scalp brushed bourbon colored door frame plastic.

Detective Moore's head turned. His tar tinted eyes crinkled. Creases divided the corners of Moore's ocular cavities. Wrinkles like sidewalk cracks split the edges of his wise facial features. Coal faceted shutters between Moore's eyelids compressed his pupils to the size of pin heads. Hailey and Wednesday stood beside the Cutler's back bumper. Emerald shards focused Hailey's pupils on Detective Moore's wrinkled precipice. Sapphire quarters wandered to the middles of Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday gazed into irises like droplets of pitch. She swallowed, nervously. Detective Moore smiled.

"Well hello, Ms. Williams," Detective Moore remarked. Moore gazed into Hailey's sparkling, green eyes. He nodded once. "Ms. Holloway." Emeralds wandered to the corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey studied silver push broom bristles above Officer Harris' upper lip. She searched the top of Harris' face. She found cornflower tinted shutters surrounding his pupils. Harris stared back. He blinked. "First ones out?" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey's eyes studied Moore's face. Hailey licked raspberry colored gloss coating her lips.

"Did you find my mom?" Hailey asked. Detective Moore faced the girls. He rested his elbow above the Cutler's driver's side door frame. Moore's funny bone crushed periwinkle fabric along a plane of chocolate automotive paint. Detective Moore sank his chin into his palm. He gazed into Hailey's emerald green eyes.

"Nooo--" Moore groaned. "Not yet." Harris glanced at Detective Moore from the corners of his eyes. Harris' silver, push broom shaped mustache snuck to the edge of his face.

"...why don't you tell her your theory, moore?..." Officer Harris squeezed between a set of tight lips. A tiny hole parted the corner of Moore's oral rims.

"...not now, harris..." Moore grumbled back. A set of muscular forearms snaked around Hailey's waist. Hailey jumped. She felt her back pack lift off of pomegranate fleece covering her kidneys. A tough, masculine chest snuggled beside Hailey's ribs. Hailey smelled Lloyd's cologne. She looked up. Emeralds attached to the middles of Hailey's corneas faced coals between Lloyd's eyelids. Lloyd gazed between chocolate strands dangling in front of his eyes. The outer corners of Lloyd's ocular caverns wrinkled. A warm, sunny smile appeared between bushy sideburns poking out of Lloyd's cheeks. Lloyd smirked all the time. But for once, he was actually smiling.

"Hi, Hailey," Lloyd purred. Hailey grinned. Tiny pearls lined up between shiny, raspberry lips.

"Hi, Lloyd!" Hailey beamed. Hailey's arms tightened around Lloyd's waist. Hailey's arms crushed pomegranate yarn along her boyfriend's lime and cream stomach stripes. Lloyd lowered his head. Lloyd's neck descended a kiwi tinted collar. Hailey balanced on the toes of her boots. Hailey's lips connected with Lloyd's. Detective Moore studied Lloyd. Lloyd wore a polo shirt with cream and lime green stripes, dark blue jeans, and a set of black sneakers. Sets of untied laces dangled from the necks of Lloyd's shoes. Lloyd and Hailey pried their lips apart. They faced Detective Moore. The tips of Moore's fingers landed along the back of his scalp. Moore raked his fingernails across coils of rust and silver.

"You know, Hailey--" Detective Moore began. Moore looked into Lloyd's dark, shiny eyes. He squinted. "When you introduced me to your friends the other day, you didn't mention you were *dating* one of them." Rust colored caterpillars resting along Moore's eye sockets climbed a forehead staircase. Detective Moore pointed between Lloyd's eyes. "Mr.-- Freeman, right?" Lloyd nodded. Hailey thought about telling Detective Moore she and Lloyd went on a date the night before. But she figured the less Moore knew about the evening prior, the better. Hailey squinted.

"You guys are still investigating the 'slasher'?" Hailey interjected. "Is *that* why you're here?" Moore stacked his hands in front of his lips. He searched charcoal colored pavement covering the parking lot. He rubbed his palms together.

"Uhhh-- yes, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore conceded. Moore's tar irises gazed into emeralds behind glass rectangles surrounding Hailey's nose. "We've been interviewing some of the students." Hailey rested her flame stranded scalp against Lloyd's chest stripes. She stared into Detective Moore's eyes and nodded.

"You two-- keep asking about Travis and *his* girlfriend, too," Hailey continued. Officer Harris chuckled. Hailey looked across a plane of chocolate brown paint attached to the top of the Cutler. Harris cupped a set of thick fingers in front of his lips. He gazed above a row of masculine knuckles. His cornflower irises focused on glittering, green shutters surrounding Hailey's pupils. Hailey smiled back. She *knew* Harris didn't think she and her friends had something to do with the "slashing". It was just Moore. The tips of Detective Moore's fingers dropped on the back of his scalp. Moore dug his fingernails into thin skin covering the top of his head.

"F-Funny thing about that," Detective Moore began. Officer Harris looked at tar coated pebbles underneath rubber shoe platforms. Coal colored neoprene was glued to shiny, black leather stitched around Harris' feet.

"Moorrre--" Harris interrupted. Detective Moore pointed between sparkling emeralds fused to the middles of Hailey's eyes.

"You knoww--" Detective Moore groaned. "Some of the old abandoned buildings on the outskirts of town?" Hailey's head lifted off of cream and lime bands surrounding Lloyd's chest. Hailey stared into quarter shaped coals adorning Detective Moore's ocular cavities. She shrugged.

"Not-- really," Hailey responded. Hailey squinted. "There's like-- an old building?" Officer Harris erupted with cackles. He rested woven ocular flaps along the index finger and thumb of his right hand. Detective Moore stared into Hailey's jade faceted eye shutters. He blinked.

"*You* know-- out east of town?" Moore inquired. Detective Moore squinted. "Some of the older parts of Malley? There used to be a lot of businesses out that way. But, most of those old shops went bankrupt many years ago?" Hailey nodded. She shrugged again.

"I really don't know," Hailey replied. "I mean-- I'm not even sure which way is east from here. You know?" Officer Harris looked up. He stitched sly fingers on top of smiling lips. He gazed at curls of silver and rust poking out of the side of Moore's head.

"...moore..." Harris grumbled. "...she obviously doesn't know anything. come on..."

"...she's very smart, harris..." Moore mumbled from the corners of his lips. Detective Moore surrounded his chin with the thumb and index finger of his right hand. He rested his elbow along the surface of his left hand. He gazed into Hailey's eyes and smiled. "There's this old-- automotive facility out there," Detective Moore continued. "Really old place? They used to manufacture automotive paint?" Hailey stared into Moore's tar colored irises. She blinked. Detective Moore pointed at Hailey's raspberry chest fleece with the tips of his fingers. "I thought you might've heard of that place," Detective Moore explained. He shrugged. "Anyway-- somebody burned it down Saturday night." Hailey squinted. She nodded, slowly.


"And at the bottom of this giant pile of ashes-- we found human remains," Moore continued. Detective Moore's eyebrows jumped to the top of his forehead. "We also found fulgurites!" Moore pointed a long, jagged finger between Hailey's eyes. "Would you believe *that*?!" The outer corners of Lloyd's eyes crinkled. Lloyd glanced at lava strands flowing out of the edge of Hailey's scalp.

"What's a fulgurite, Hailey?" Lloyd inquired. "I've heard of that before." Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings climbed Hailey's forehead.

"It's glass," Hailey explained. Emeralds wandered to the corners of Hailey's eyes. Gemini jewels gazed at coals buried near the corners of Lloyd's eyes. "It's caused by lightning." Hailey licked her pomegranate glossed lips. "It happens when cloud to ground lightning makes the ground so hot, it melts sand." Lloyd stared into Hailey's eyes. He was very confused.

"You mean--" Lloyd began. Lloyd faced Detective Moore. "Lightning burned that place down?" Moore's eyes popped open. Rust and silver colored caterpillars climbed Detective Moore's forehead wrinkles.

"No!" Moore beamed. Detective Moore lifted a margarita blanketed arm. He extended a wrinkled index finger. "Thermite!" Moore motioned towards Hailey with the tips of his fingers. "Thermite, Ms. Holloway! Can you believe that??" Hailey stared at Detective Moore, dumbly.

"I thought we were talking about--" Hailey squinted. "You mean like-- rocket fuel?" Detective Moore grinned. He shook his pointer finger.

"I *knew* you would find this interesting, Ms. Holloway," Moore commented. Hailey looked at tar coated pebbles covering the parking lot. She poked the tip of her finger below her bottom lip. She tapped her chin, thoughtfully.

"You think--" Hailey began. Hailey gazed into Detective Moore's tar tinted eye shutters. She took a breath. "You don't think-- my mom got burnt up in that place, do you??" Creases shaped like sunbursts split Moore's leathery cheeks. Detective Moore's eyelids collapsed along the tops and bottoms of his irises.

"Ohhh--" Moore groaned. Detective Moore slowly shook his head. "Wellll--" Moore looked at pavement covering the parking lot. "...i never even *thought* of that..." Detective Moore mumbled under his breath. Moore looked up. He lifted his weathered palms. "*I* was talking about Travis Griffin." Hailey stared through Detective Moore's wise, charcoal colored eye facets.

"You think-- somebody killed-- Travis?" Hailey requisitioned. Detective Moore stared back. Moore's hands dropped on camel colored fabric surrounding his thighs. Hailey's first and second fingers rested along raspberry gloss coating her lips. Hailey focused on cornflower quarters above the apples of Officer Harris' cheeks. She stared at coin shaped coals near the middles of Detective Moore's eyes. Hailey's fingers fell off of her raspberry stained lips. "I-I'm sorry--" Hailey remarked. Hailey's tangerine capped digits dropped on soot colored denim surrounding her thigh. "I was trying to find out about my mom?" Hailey looked down. She squinted. "I don't--" Hailey looked up. "I don't understand why you're telling me all this." Lloyd looked into Moore's tar coated irises. He squinted.

"Wait-- you're looking for that punk, Travis Griffin?" Lloyd inquired. Officer Harris looked up. He narrowed his eyes.

"You know where he is?" Harris asked. Lloyd stared into Harris' cornflower colored eyes. Bushy, chocolate colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Lloyd's nose.

"I know I *hate* that motha fucker," Lloyd belched. Lloyd turned and spit out of disrespect. He folded his arms over his chest and looked up. "He was friends with my brother Sal." Harris straightened up. He pointed towards cream and lime colored bands wrapping Lloyd's chest.

"Wait-- wudda you mean 'was'?" Officer Harris demanded. "What's *that* supposed to mean?" Lloyd squinted. He glared into Officer Harris' cornflower eye shutters.

"Fool-- you really have no idea who I am, do you?" Lloyd requisitioned. The corners of Officer Harris' eyes wrinkled. He slung a set of curious palms beside fabric shoulder badges. "'Was' as in-- the mother fucker's dead," Lloyd explained. "As in-- he's not friends with *anybody*. Not anymore." Detective Moore showed Lloyd, Hailey, and Wednesday a set of wise, well worked palms.

"Okayyy--" Moore groaned. "Wait just a minute." Detective Moore plopped a set of thoughtful fists on top of camel tinted hip fabric. He stared at charcoal colored pavement. He lifted margarita blanketed arm segments and looked up. He pointed a carrot shaped index finger between coals fastened to Lloyd's corneas. "You're telling me-- that Travis Griffin was murdered? You already *know* that?" Lloyd glared into Detective Moore's tar tinted pupil adjusters. His eyelids squeezed the tops and bottoms of his pupils. The corners of Lloyd's disgusted lips pointed at his chin.

"Nooo-- you fucking dick-head!" Lloyd belched. "Not Travis Griffin!" Lloyd shook sets of angry fists in front of his lime streaked shoulders. "Fuck that mother fucker!! *I* don't give a fuck about that fuckin' piece of shit!" Lloyd's palms dropped on blueberry tinted denim surrounding his thighs. "I'm talking about my brother-- Sal." Lloyd wiggled agitated digits in front of his chest. "My fucking brother fucking Sal is fucking dead!" Lloyd looked around. "You-- fuckin' idiots!" Lloyd glared at Moore through coils of chocolate dangling in front of his eyes. He looked at Harris. "*He* was fucking murdered." Lloyd folded a set of angry arms over his chest. "Are you-- following me, now??" Detective Moore stared at tar coated pavement. Moore's eyes popped open. Rust and silver caterpillars jumped to the peak of Detective Moore's forehead.

"Boy, I didn't know about that," Detective Moore responded. Moore curled his fingers in front of his lips. He looked into Lloyd's eyes. He shook his head. "Didn't know anything about that." Lloyd stared back.

"Well, I guess they didn't send you two dipshits that day," Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd rolled his eyes. He faced pavement stuck to the parking lot and shook his head. Lloyd felt Hailey's fingers curling around his thick digits. He looked beside him. Hailey gazed into shiny coals between Lloyd's eyelids. She nodded. Officer Harris' fingers dropped on dark blue fabric covering his hips. His head tilted back. An exhausted breath erupted from Harris' lip bristles.

"I think that's our cue to leave," Harris remarked. Harris looked above a dome of chocolate brown paint forming the roof of the Cutler. He squinted. "Wudda *you* think, Detective Moore?" Detective Moore stared back. He nodded. He stepped over a steel plate covering the Cutler's driver's side threshold. He plopped down on top of bourbon colored vinyl covering the driver's seat. Officer Harris looked above the top of the Cutler. He bobbed his head. "Hailey, I'll let you know as soon as I hear *anything* about your mom." Harris gazed at emeralds attached to the middles of Hailey's eyes. "Okay?" Hailey glided a tangerine fingernail down a crevice dividing her front teeth. Hailey's fingers toppled off of raspberry glossed lips.

"O-Okay," Hailey shyly replied. Officer Harris sat next to Detective Moore. He and Moore shut their doors. Officer Harris strapped a bourbon colored band across his chest. He grabbed a hold of a chrome coated oval hanging from a brandy stained shoulder harness. He froze. He stared at Detective Moore's chest.

"Moorre--" Officer Harris groaned. Detective Moore's head turned. Tar tinted shutters between Moore's eyelids studied silver strands slicked over Harris' scalp.

"What now, Harris??" Detective Moore demanded. The tips of Officer Harris' fingers surrounded a bourbon colored strip dividing Moore's chest. Harris' fingers collapsed. Officer Harris dragged Moore's seat belt away from periwinkle fabric covering his torso. Harris suspended a scotch tinted strap in front of Detective Moore's face. The brandy pigmented restrictor was three inches wide. Bourbon tinted frays dangled from a two and a half inch tear above Harris' fat fingers. Officer Harris shook the gaping hole in front of Detective Moore's ocular tar drops.

"Seriously?!" Harris shouted. Rust colored caterpillars climbed a flesh staircase covering Moore's forehead.

"Oh, riiight--" Detective Moore groaned. Harris released Detective Moore's seat belt strap. An elastic chest band collided with Moore's periwinkle wrapped breast bone. "I got an appointment to get that thing fixed." Officer Harris relaxed in his seat. He shoved a chrome oval into a latch beside the inner edge of the Cutler's passenger seat.

"You have an appointment, huh?" Harris grumbled. "I see we're making progress."

"Yeahh--" Detective Moore groaned. "The appointment's not until Thursday. They were really backed up at that place." Moore squinted. The corners of Detective Moore's eyes crumpled like an accordian. Moore looked beside him. "Wait-- was it Thursday?"

"Moorre--" Harris snarled. "I've been looking at that friggin'-- huge tear in your seat belt for like-- two months, now. It's bigger than the-- San Andreas Fault. You'd better get that thing fixed. And, I mean-- right now!" Detective Moore showed Officer Harris an apologetic palm.

"Okay, Dad," Moore grumbled. "This Thursday-- I promise." Detective Moore's wrinkled digits surrounded the edge of a steering wheel. Wise fingers dropped on a ring of bourbon colored vinyl adorning the Cutler's steering column. "Is that good enough?" Moore requisitioned. Officer Harris faced forward. He stared through a set of cornflower shutters surrounding his pupils.

"Let me tell you something," Harris replied. "You're gonna get rear ended by some old lady going fifteen miles an hour--"

"Oh, here we go--" Detective Moore groaned. Officer Harris pointed above Moore's side of the dash board.

"And, you're gonna go flying through that windshield right there-- and, you're gonna get impaled on something and bleed to death." Harris pinched the strap across Detective Moore's chest. "All because you were too stubborn to take this old piece of junk down to the body shop and get this fixed!" Harris released Detective Moore's seat belt strap. The spring loaded harness crashed between Moore's man tits. Detective Moore jumped.

"Ohhh!" Moore snarled. Detective Moore's fingers squeezed caramel colored frays hanging from his safety harness. Moore's head swirled like a top. Detective Moore glared into Officer Harris' cornflower eye shutters. "Are you all done now, Harris?" Moore demanded. "Can we *go*, now?" Harris motioned towards Detective Moore with his fingers.

"Can't believe you haven't got that thing fixed yet, Moore," Harris grumbled. "Jesus Christ." A five inch panel folded away from the end of the Cutler's trunk. The extruded body segment was coated with chocolate brown paint. Sets of lamps were tucked into a space below an espresso pigmented sheet fold. A pair of plastic rectangles was arranged vertically below the left end of the steel plate. The vertical rear end ornaments were tomato red. A matching set of elongated polystyrene coverings was fitted along the opposite end. An ivory tinted rectangle was arranged vertically between each set of red lenses.

A license plate was fastened between the inner, red lamp coverings. A chrome plated shelf was bolted below tomato tinted radiation screens. The zinc plated strut was five inches thick. The mirror colored tube curved around edges of chocolate brown fenders. The middle lamps glowed like rectangular flashlights. The Cutler backed away from banana yellow lines painted along charcoal black pavement. Detective Moore's car turned left and stopped. All four red lamps glowed like stop lights. The Cutler's transmission shifted into overdrive. Moore and Harris drove away. Hailey and Lloyd gazed into each other's eyes. A smirk wrinkled the lower half of Lloyd's cheek. Shiny, raspberry tinted lips peeled away from Hailey's teeth. Pomegranate mouth rims formed a satisfied grin.

"You two are *terrible*," Wednesday grumbled. Shiny coals shifted to the upper, right corners of Lloyd's eye sockets. Hailey's head turned. Hailey gazed above a curtain of thick, pomegranate strips dangling from her shoulder. Six inch curls the color of raven feathers dangled in front of Wednesday's ocular sapphires. Soot tinted drapes surrounded edges of round, pine tinted cheeks. Lips like red velvet trembled nervously. Wednesday lifted pale upper arms and wrists. Fishnet tubes wiggled above tops of buttermilk biceps. Wednesday folded porcelain arms over cream colored hearts spotting crow tinted chest silk.

"We're-- guilty," Lloyd explained. Lloyd licked his long, thin lips. "And, I would like it-- very much-- if we did not get caught." Lloyd squinted. "Crazy idea, I know." Irises like deep sea iceburgs stared at shutters like coals. Wednesday gazed into Lloyd's eyes. She sighed. She nodded, slowly. She looked at pavement between shiny, black points covering her toes.

"I *hate* lying," Hailey admitted. Wednesday looked up. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath between raspberry stained lips. "You *know* how much I hate it." Hailey looked at the top, right corners of her eyes. Her head tilted. "Reeeally don't wanna go to jail, though--" Wednesday studied molten lava erupting from her friend's scalp. She blinked. Lloyd's head turned. Lloyd found emeralds tucked beside the corners of his girlfriend's eyes. He smiled.

"You wanna go drive around for a little while?" Lloyd inquired. Hailey faced her boyfriend. She grinned.

"Okay!" Hailey beamed. Lloyd's fingers sank into the pocket of his indigo jeans.

"All-right!" Lloyd responded. Lloyd searched for his keys. He glanced at Wednesday. He found icy blue eye shutters hiding behind a curtain of raven colored bangs. Ocular sapphires immediately evaded Lloyd's line of sight. Lloyd bobbed his head. "You gonna go with us, Wednesday?" Lloyd offered. Wednesday stared into space. Crossed arms the color of buttermilk dropped off of Wednesday's heart spotted chest.

"You guys go ahead," Wednesday exhaled. Wednesday tucked her thumbs under denim straps hanging from her shoulders. She spun on toes of black, leather footwear and headed in the direction of her house. Lloyd's lips switched to the edge of his face.

"I can-- drop you off, if you'd like," Lloyd offered. Teardrop platforms below the toes of Wednesday's shoes traced a line of banana yellow paint. Wednesday disappeared between a set of cars positioned beside Moore and Harris' parking space. Lloyd stared down a gap separating stationary automobiles. He exhaled a heavy breath from his nostrils. "She's having a hard time with what we did," Lloyd surmised. Hailey stood beside her boyfriend. Her arms crossed in front of pomegranate yarn woven over her chest.

"She *is* having a hard time with it," Hailey responded. Hailey looked up. She studied chocolate strands poking out of the edges of Lloyd's cheek. "We were-- sorta fighting about it when we came outside." Lloyd looked down. He gazed into emeralds behind translucent rectangles.

"Should we catch up with her?" Lloyd inquired. "Make sure she's okay?"

"Give her some space, Lloyd," Hailey suggested. Hailey licked raspberry gloss coating her lips. "She'll calm down in a little while." Hailey's fingers found their way around the edges of Lloyd's masculine digits. Hailey faced forward. She searched for Lloyd's Cammy. A sheet of raven black strands dangled beside the edge of Wednesday's face. Soot colored locks were chopped even with Wednesday's jaw line. Six inch bangs curled down Wednesday's forehead. Raven threads stuck to crow colored brows pointing towards the middles of Wednesday's eyes. Irises like a clear, blue sky peered below angry, asphalt tinted scribbles. Pale cheeks surrounded luscious, velvet lips. A tiny, upturned nose pointed away from the middle of Wednesday's face.

A long, slender neck the color of buttermilk descended from Wednesday's chin border. Three inch fishnet tubes hung from ivory, velvet shoulders. A denim harness squeezed nylon diamonds against Wednesday's silky collar bone flesh. A blue jean bag dangled from Wednesday's shoulder strap. The indigo sack collected Wednesday's B day text books. Wednesday's icy blue irises stared into space. Puffs of cool, afternoon air funneled into Wednesday's tiny nostrils. Hot, frustrated breath poured out of Wednesday's agitated nasal cavities.

Wednesday's heels rested along three inch shafts compressing "D" shaped rubber tips. Coal colored heel caps flattened along a two foot, concrete square. Compressed leather teardrop platforms embraced Wednesday's toes and the balls of her feet. Raven colored cow hide surrounded Wednesday's ankles and the beginnings of her calves. Flaps framed the edges of Wednesday's insteps. Lower legs the color of buttermilk erupted from collars of coal pigmented ox dermis. Crow tinted bovine skin was stitched below knobs poking out of Wednesday's tibias and fibulas.

Cuffs of crow tinted jeans stretched around the upper halves of Wednesday's calves. Denim as black as coal followed Wednesday's shins, knees, and thighs below a canopy of raven tinted silk. Half inch, cream colored hearts were printed on top of slick stomach fabric. Wednesday's top hung from one inch silk straps dangling from her slender shoulders. A hoop framed the middle of Wednesday's chest. Soft, pine tinted arms emerged from nylon stranded tubes woven over Wednesday's shoulders. A sheet of black, elastic weaves connected Wednesday's fishnet sleeves behind her back.

The first and second fingers of Wednesday's right hand surrounded a white paper tube. Porcelain tree fabric contained a quarter inch of cellulose. A pencil sized tissue column extended from quartz tinted filter puffs. Sparse wood pulp wrapped a cylinder of crushed tobacco shards. Cherry red embers the thickness of a shirt button hung from Wednesday's coffin nail. A funnel of coconut colored mist erupted from a line of soot bordering a smoldering coal.

A tiny gust brushed the tips of Wednesday's hair. Ends of raven black strands wafted along the lower edge of Wednesday's jaw. Tips of crow feathers shuffled against the extremity of Wednesday's neck. Wednesday assumed the cool breeze would soothe her pale cheeks. She figured jagged ends of chin length strands would tickle her soft throat. She felt nothing. The gust of wind felt like a slap in the face. Wednesday crushed angry eyelids in front of ocean blue shutters surrounding her pupils. She tightened eye flaps brushed with bronze powder. She waited to feel something-- relief-- or comfort-- or pain-- anything. Instead, she perceived anger and emptiness and frustration.

Wednesday inhaled a slow breath through tiny nostrils. Her nose exhaled hot tubes of misery. The fingers of Wednesday's left hand quivered. Raven spotted digits froze. Porcelain knuckle extensions drifted apart. Wednesday's lower arm turned. Pale skin covering Wednesday's wrist faced rays of evening sunlight falling from the sky. Wednesday mashed the edges of her eyelids together. Wednesday's rust coated eye flaps felt sedated.

Wednesday's right arm drifted in front of cream spotted cookie silk covering her stomach. Wednesday's thumb and her first and second fingers gripped a quarter inch cigarette filter. Wednesday's tiny digits pointed scalding embers away from her pale palm. Fuming tobacco coals collapsed along thin skin stretched across Wednesday's left wrist. The bridge of Wednesday's nose wrinkled. Wednesday gnashed her teeth together and swallowed.

The fingers of Wednesday's right hand squeezed a tube of cellulose. Ivory digits rolled a nicotine stained filter across the inner surface of Wednesday's thumb. Wednesday's fingers twisted scalding embers into her soft flesh. Wednesday's fingers crushed coals between a tobacco stick and tendons controlling her palm. Wednesday detected heat along the surface of her wrist. Pain like the point of a knife pierced Wednesday's velvet skin. Wednesday gritted disgusted bicuspids. Red, velvet lips peeled off rows of flat pearls.

"Gyah!" Wednesday grunted. Wednesday yanked a lit cigarette away from her wrist. She stared into space. She inhaled a furious breath between her teeth. She exhaled an angry sigh. Wednesday lifted the edge of her palm off of raven black denim stretched around her thigh. She positioned the inner surface of her forearm in front of angry eyes. A hole the size of a pea was carved into Wednesday's left wrist. Warm crimson trickled out of a quarter inch burrow. Hemoglobin soup leaked down Wednesday's lower arm. Hot claret dripped from her wrist and elbow. Wednesday's blood droplets pooled beside a black leather point adorning her left shoe toe.

Wednesday watched cherry compote leaking down her cream tinted skin. Bodily fluid the color of strawberry syrup poured onto quartz colored concrete. Wednesday inhaled through her nostrils. She exhaled through soft, ruby red lips. Wednesday started walking. She slung cozy, cardinal colored droplets along cement squares below leather shoe soles. Wednesday's cigarette dropped from the tips of her fingers. Her smoldering coffin nail was a mangled, crushed up mess.

A soft face the color of talcum powder nuzzled below a canopy of navy blue strands. Blueberry hair dye faded to plum purple beside cheek bones poking through ivory skin. Drops like champagne dangled from slender, raven tinted eyebrows. Eggplant colored strands became pomegranate pink. Raspberry locks surrounded edges of a slender, chalk colored neck. Radish filaments became cherry red tips floating beside narrow shoulders.

Tangerine eye shadow surrounded long, raven lashes gripping champagne irises. A half inch chrome hoop hung from a tiny, talc colored nostril. Slick, strawberry red lips were painted underneath a zinc plated nose ring. A one inch thick, leather band was strapped around a slender throat. Two centimeter, chrome plated spikes poked out of a cow hide collar. Transparent fabric descended from a quarter inch, pliable strand surrounding a pale neck. Sheets of see through nylon were crow feather black. Chalk white skin made translucent material covering Ivy's upper body appear smoke grey. Transparent nylon tubes surrounded skinny, porcelain colored arms. Charcoal sleeves were stitched to quarter inch strings surrounding skinny wrists.

A raven colored tube top was strapped across tits the size of apples cut in half. The soot tinted chest covering was five inches high. Crow tinted, see through fabric stretched over a pale stomach. Trim, nylon wrapped abs descended into a set of raven black jeans. A leather belt was woven below soot colored belt loops. A chrome buckle shaped like a crescent moon strapped a cow hide band across Ivy's waist. Tiny, chalk colored fingers rested along edges of a slick steering wheel. Ivy's front tire controller was the color of bourbon. Dots of tar colored fingernail polish spotted the ends of Ivy's pale digits.

Points of black leather boots emerged from raven tinted denim gripping slender calves. Toes forged from soot pigmented cow hide converged along camel colored carpet. Bison skin tips diverted towards a long foot pedal made from charcoal hued rubber. Skinny, walnut colored fingers surrounded a shiny, cherry red shaft. Slender digits suspended a ruby pigmented tube in front of irises like drops of champagne. The crimson column was the size of a fountain pen. A chrome plated bowl like a medicine cup sprouted from the end of a cherry red cylinder. Olive green chunks resembling crushed pencil shavings poked out of a zinc plated shot glass.

"There you go, Ivy," Josh purred. A chrome plated reed was threaded to a cherry tinted pipe opposite a mirror stained bucket. Ivy's fingers slipped off of bourbon vinyl wrapping her Chrysalis' steering wheel. Ivy's chalk white fingertips surrounded a zinc coated bulb screwed onto a ruby shaft. Ivy's free hand digits gripped chrome protecting a bowl the size of a skate wheel. Josh's walnut pigmented face resided below a patch of scotch tinted coils. Three inch hair puffs the color of bourbon erupted from an area the size of a paperback. Scotch tinted hair buds poked out of Josh's scalp rims and the back of his head. Drops of tar adhered to the middles of Josh's eyes. Bushy, scotch colored eyebrows shrouded irises like coals.

Josh's face rested along a skinny, walnut colored neck. Josh's slender throat erupted from a cotton fabric rim. An elastic face hole topped a t-shirt the color of red wine. A set of pearl colored buttons fastened a two inch seam descending from Josh's collar bone. Wads of indigo denim surrounded Josh's skinny thighs, knees, and calves. The bottom edges of Josh's big, baggy jeans wadded around necks of sloppy, black sneakers. Josh released a ruby pigmented pipe. The fingers of Josh's opposite hand coiled around a white, plastic lighter. Josh's scrawny wrist wandered across maroon fabric wrapping his narrow chest. Josh handed his lighter to Ivy. Chalk white fingers dotted with tar snatched a chrome plated chimney crimped to Josh's lighter.

The surfaces of Ivy's car seats were covered with vertical strips of cotton fabric. Up and down ruffles decorating Ivy's automotive chairs were dyed the color of bourbon. Scotch pigmented sitting ridges were sutured down oblong edges. Stuffed, longitudinal reclining puffs forged soft, wavy body mats. Head rests sunken into brandy stained back rests were wrapped with amber tinted vinyl. Artificial leather the color of tree sap was sutured to the outer surfaces of Ivy's seats. Josh collapsed along puffs of bourbon colored fabric. Josh's bony shoulder blades and bourbon tinted chair tufts sandwiched wine curtains.

The tip of Ivy's opposable digit rolled across a quarter inch, stone wheel. The rock striker was situated below a chrome plated strip adorning Josh's lighter chimney. Tangerine sparkles erupted from a graphite disc. Ridges wrapping Ivy's thumb landed on a red, plastic button beside a tiny flint scraper. A half inch flame the color of queso erupted from a chrome frame containing a slate disc.

Ivy gripped a zinc treated bowl with the fingers of her free hand. She pressed a chrome plated mouth piece against strawberry gloss staining her lips. Ivy suspended Josh's lighter beside a mirror coated rim. She sprayed cheddar tinted flames across tips of olive green shards. Emerald pigmented chunks sizzled like bacon. Butane radiance incinerated shavings resembling trimmed grass. Liquified remnants similar to tar filled a reflective cup. A scent comparable to burning hair, charred rubber, and skunk filled the cabin of Ivy's Chrysalis.

A chin like cotton candy collapsed along amber tinted vinyl beside Ivy's head rest. Corners of narrow lips formed a fake smile above pale skin covering a narrow jaw line. A nose shaped like a candy cola bottle was fitted between thin, strawberry tinted cheeks. Drops of bourbon floated between narrow eyelids. One inch, gold colored spikes poked out of a flamingo tinted scalp. Brandy pupils facets wandered to left corners of piercing eyes. Bushy, golden eyebrows crushed tops of bony ocular caverns.

"Don't forget your homies, homey," Sammy barked. Sammy's slender facial features lifted off of ale tinted seat vinyl. A set of pale forearms folded beside Ivy's scalp restraint. Ends of ivory tinted sleeves were rolled below Sammy's bony elbows. Pearl colored buttons fastened quartz tinted silk across Sammy's chest. Sammy's thin neck erupted from a crisp, one inch thick collar. Limestone stained jeans descended from ivory flaps hanging from the bottom of Sammy's shirt. Cuffs of camel tinted denim dangled above three inches of pickle colored socks. Sammy's feet were stuffed into canvas shoes decorated with black and white, checkers.

Puffed up cheeks appeared next to Sammy's pointed precipice. Three inch spikes the color of push broom bristles poked out of wide temples and scalp rims. Eyes the color of robin eggs convened below thick eyebrows like crow feathers. A chin the size of a soft ball rested along folded forearms as big around as pineapples. Funny bones like grapefruits spanned the inner corners of Ivy and Josh's seat backs. A citrus shaped left elbow crushed Sammy's scrawny forearm. A shotput sized humerus joint pinched Sammy's thin, pink skin.

"Puff, puff, pass, y'all," a set of rubbery lips spat between fat cheeks. Sammy's cotton candy limb jerked away from an intruding elbow. Sammy's long, thin fingers curled into a fist. The edges of Sammy's coiled digits collided with a thick bicep. Jagged knuckles sank into a navy blue shirt sleeve wrapped with thin, white bands.

"God daaamn, Bernie," Sammy croaked. "Watch where you put your fat, motha fucker!" Bernie slopped thick arm flesh away from Ivy's seat back. Bernie's thick fingers sprouted like fireworks. Sausage digits collided with Sammy's xylophone chest. Bernie's thick knuckle extensions battered Sammy's slender ribs. Sammy's lungs decompressed. Sammy's flamingo pigmented cheeks dangled beside Ivy's scotch tinted head rest. His bourbon colored eyes popped open. Heated breath erupted from Sammy's thin lips. Narrow mouth edges sealing the lower half of Sammy's face stretched apart. "Puhh!!" Sammy belched.

"Back up, kiiid--" Bernie groaned. "You'll get your turn." Bernie's thick throat erupted from the collar of a navy blue t-shirt. Thin, coconut colored bands embellished the sleeves and trunk of Bernie's top. Bernie's thick chest squeezed into the top half of a striped trunk covering. A set of pearl colored buttons sealed a seam extending from Bernie's neck hole. The lower half of Bernie's shirt stretched over a jiggly stomach. Bernie's abdomen dressing was stuffed into a set of pine colored khakis.

Necks of red high tops poked out of Bernie's birch tinted leg cuffs. White lace Xs strapped Bernie's strawberry tinted sneakers across thick calves and insteps. Porcelain sutures disappeared into tin reinforced holes bordering cherry red canvas. White, rubber caps protected the toes of Bernie's sneakers. Talc colored fingers suspended a chrome and cherry red pipe above Ivy's vinyl back rest. Fingers like sausages collapsed along edges of a zinc plated bowl. Long, skinny digits smacked Bernie's fat knuckle extensions.

"Ahh!" Bernie belched

"Nowww, Bernie--" Sammy purred. Sammy yanked Josh's pipe away from Ivy's ghostly fingers. "Gotta wait yo turrrn, nigga." Talc tinted fingers dangled a plastic, ivory colored shaft above the back of Ivy's seat. A chrome chimney was crimped to a polystyrene tube like vanilla pudding. Bernie's fat fingers yanked a Flic lighter away from nails coated with tar.

"Here, Sammy," Bernie kindly responded. Bernie extended a white, plastic lighter beside Sammy's carnation tinted cheek. "Lemme just-- light that up for you." Sammy balanced a chrome plated bowl the size of a medicine cup in front of his chest. He pointed at navy blue cotton stretched around Bernie's bicep with a zinc treated pipe bucket.

"Heyy-- 'ppreciate that, my man," Sammy croaked. Sammy pressed a mirror coated reed against a sly smile. Bernie ignited Josh's lighter. He sank a tangerine tinted flame into chunks of charred pot poking out of a glittering rim. Eruptions like cheddar burrowed into tar pigmented goop. Sammy's mouth and throat filled with skunk flavored vapors. Heated mist burned Sammy's tongue and scorched his uvula. Sausage sized digits poking out of Bernie's free hand squeezed into a fat fist. Bernie plunged a finger soft ball into Sammy's slender abs. Sammy's bourbon colored eyes popped open. Cotton candy cheeks yanked slender lips off of a chrome mouth piece. Sammy folded over scrawny thighs strapped with limestone tinted denim. Sammy's surprised lips puffed out steaming pot smoke.

"Buh-hoo! Bah-haa! Puh-haaa!!" Sammy belched. Sammy inhaled a sharp breath. He cupped slender, flamingo pigmented digits in front of his lips. He coughed into a tunnel of cotton candy nightcrawlers. Bernie yanked a cherry tinted pipe away from Sammy's long, skinny fingers. He buried a chrome bulb between a set of eager lips.

"Take that motha fucker from me again, bitch," Bernie politely cautioned. Bernie squeezed a zinc coated mouth piece between surfaces of fat lips. He struck Josh's lighter. Bernie brushed a queso colored flame across Mary Jane shards poking out of a mirrored rim. Sammy swung a fistful of nightcrawler shaped digits. Sammy's flamingo tinted knuckle knot hammered pine colored fabric zipped over Bernie's nuts. Bernie ratcheted a ruby embellished tube away from his thick oral rims. Bernie's eyelids sank into his fat face. Robin egg tinted irises collapsed Bernie's pupils.

"aaAAaaaa--" Bernie squealed like a tea kettle. Pot smoke erupted from Bernie's mouth and nostrils. Coughs like molten steel preceded marijuana fog. "Eeee-- Ack! Uckk! Uckkk!! a-HWUK! a-HOCK! a-HAWKK!!" Bernie exhaled. Sammy's silk coated chest lifted off of limestone dyed denim covering his skinny thighs. Sammy's eyes pinched shut. His head tilted back. One inch, gold spikes poking out of Sammy's scalp flattened along his shirt collar.

"Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sammy honked like a clown horn. Skinny fingers poking out of Sammy's right hand battered his left palm. "Ahhh-- Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!!" Drops of tar between Josh's eyelids searched a glass plane sealing Ivy's Chrysalis. A chrome plated tongue beebee glided across Josh's bottom lip. The mirror coated stud sealer slid to the left corner of Josh's narrow mouth rims. Josh's tongue swiveled a piercing cap the other direction.

"Awww fuck, fooool--" Josh purred. Josh looked above wine tinted fabric wrapping his left shoulder. Drops of tar adhered to Josh's corneas studied Sammy's grinning face. Bernie was bent over, holding his crotch. A set of irises the color of robin eggs peered below eyebrows like push broom bristles.

"Gyadd--" Bernie croaked. Bernie bobbed his fat face. "The *fuck*, yo?? What?" Baby blue shutters surrounding Bernie's pupils wandered to the left corners of his eyes. Robin egg irises peered through Ivy's windshield. Bernie studied raven tinted strands brushing pale, heart shaped cheeeks. He watched crow colored fishnet chutes tickling soft shoulders the color of buttermilk. A charcoal skirt spotted with hearts descended from perky tits like half baseballs. Valentine polka dots floated above a slender waist. Josh gazed through the Chrysalis' windshield. He licked his long, narrow lips.

"Pretty sure that's Wednesday," Josh remarked. Josh studied the back seat of Ivy's car. He spotted drops of bourbon hiding below Sammy's golden eyebrows. "Short black hair, right?" Josh inquired. Josh faced forward. "All black clothes?"

"Pale skiiin--" Sammy croaked. Sammy's bony elbows sank into the inner corners of Josh and Ivy's seat backs. Bourbon colored shutters wandered across the surfaces of Sammy's corneas. "Isn't there supposed to be-- like a--" Sammy squinted. He forgot what he was talking about. Bernie's fat chest flattened Sammy's shoulder blades. Bernie's man tits cradled Sammy's right bicep.

"Mannn--" Bernie groaned. "I am fuckin' stoooned, G!" Bernie stared through a set of perky, light blue eyes. Dime sized pupils followed Wednesday's porcelain skin. Shutter ports like pennies traced heart spotted silk compressing Wednesday's perky breasts.

"What'd I sayyy--" Sammy groaned. "About your fuckin' *fat*, Bernie?" Sammy's head twisted like a top. Sammy stared at three inch, charcoal black spikes poking out of Bernie's scalp. Thick, grinning lips tore the lower half of Bernie's face in two. Uncontrollable laughter forced its way between Bernie's smiling mouth rims.

"The-- The fuck you talkin' about, Sams??" Bernie squeezed through joyful cackles. Sammy stared through drops of bourbon below thick, golden eyebrows.

"I'm talking about--" Sammy responded. Sammy pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Them fat, sloppy mannn titties, fooool--" Sammy shoved a silk strapped upper arm against Bernie's chest flab. "You got 'em floppin' around all over my shit, Berns!!" Shiny, strawberry lips below Ivy's talc colored cheeks tore apart. Long, breathless cackles erupted from Ivy's scrawny aorta. Tiny, pale fingers curled in front of Ivy's grinning lips. Tar colored nails sank into chalk white skin connecting Ivy's lips and nostrils. Ivy's pale face swiveled. Champagne tinted irises focused on three inch coils poking out of Josh's scalp.

"Daaamn--" Bernie groaned. Tiny robin eggs between Bernie's eyelids stared through the windshield of Ivy's Chrysalis. "Wednesday a fiiiine motha fucker, huh?"

"Yeahhh--" Sammy croaked. "She *is*, fool." Sammy squinted. "There's supposed to be a red-head with her, though." Bernie's thick sausage fingers crashed into amber tinted vinyl wrapping Josh's seat back. Josh leapt out of a neuronal fog.

"We 'bout to go grab this fine piece uh ass over here, or what?!" Bernie demanded. Josh faced forward.

"Wellll--" Josh purred. "I thought-- we might go talk her, you know? Yeah."

"Shiiitt--" Bernie wailed. "I'm 'bout to go talk to her about this *dick*, motha fucker!!" Sammy's head tilted back. His anesthetized eye flaps wrinkled together. Cackles like clown horn toots erupted from Sammy's thin lips.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!!" Josh grinned. He looked over wine colored fabric covering his shoulder.

"Damn, Bernie--" Josh responded. "You serious, right now?" Bernie's man titties flopped off of Sammy's bony shoulders. Bernie lifted his right arm. A sausage sized index finger pointed at the crotch of Bernie's pine colored khakis.

"I said-- I'm 'bout to give her some of this Bernie wormie, G!!" Bernie shouted. Bernie's fat fingers curled around a chrome bar shaped like a capital "L". The zinc coated bracket was fitted inside a shelf made of amber tinted plastic. The bourbon tinted box was installed near the back edge of Bernie's door panel. Bernie tugged a mirror tinted divisor towards the cabin of the car. He crashed into brandy pigmented hatch vinyl. He shoved Ivy's Chrysalis gate out of the way. Josh grinned. He opened his door.

"Okayyy--" Josh groaned from grinning mouth rims. "I guess we're goin' out there."

"Ahh! Haa! Haa! Haa!" Sammy honked. Sammy's long, skinny fingers searched amber vinyl covering the rear, driver's side door. Flamingo nightcrawlers tied themselves into knots around an "L" shaped bar. Concrete logs formed a ten foot circle surrounding quartz, slate, and cardinal red pebbles. Cement sticks bordering tiny, peppered stones were two inches thick. A set of stainless steel ladders erupted from the middle of a colorful gravel pit. Rows of steps were welded to opposite edges of a diamond plated mat. The reinforced platform was two feet long and twenty-four inches wide. A weather proof guard was melded to a walkway edge adjacent to the climbing struts.

A chute descended from the opposite end of a stout playground plate. The falling half pipe was assembled from two foot long by twenty-four inch wide sections. Inner surfaces of connected semi-tubes were lined with slick, stainless steel. Outer rims of chain linked slide divisions were painted with alternating colors. The first region's skin was embellished with chocolate brown acrylic. The proceeding outside covering was pigmented banana yellow. Swirling partitions continued alternating in color from the platform to a layer of pebbles.

Brown and yellow chutes dropped from a diamond plated strut. Colored slide segments curved left and descended. Chocolate and banana half pipes spiraled twice around a set of ladders. Partial tube divisions stopped six inches above a blanket of colorful gravel. Wide, flat blades the color of emeralds surrounded two inch thick, concrete logs. Long, cement bricks bordered cardinal, quartz, and slate grey rocks. Thick grass erupted from lush soil beside two foot squares of sidewalk.

A rubber cap shaped like a capital "D" landed near the middle of a cement block. A three inch shaft erupted from the silicone cover. The six centimeter extrusion descended from the heel of Wednesday's right shoe. The toe of Wednesday's footwear flattened in front of a three inch shank. A stopper protecting Wednesday's left shoe support collided with the next concrete brick. The point of Wednesday's opposite plantar covering collapsed in front of a supportive column.

Wednesday's right foot lifted. A cow hide wrapped instep froze. A pointed, black leather town cruiser parked beside Wednesday's bison skinned footsie. One inch flaps extending from Wednesday's ox dermis insteps wiggled like butterfly wings. Ivory Achilles' tendons erupted from charcoal collars. Porcelain ankles disappeared into soot tinted tubes. Pipes of crow colored denim stood side by side. Long, raven black eyelashes formed quarter inch gaps. Icy, blue shutters froze near middles of narrow openings. Teal facets collapsed Wednesday's pupils to the size of pin heads. The bridge of Wednesday's nose wrinkled. Wednesday inhaled through tiny nostrils. She smelled skunk. Ruby lips above Wednesday's narrow chin opened a quarter inch.

" that-- what i *think* it is?..." Wednesday squeezed between porcelain tinted teeth. Bernie dropped on a concrete square in front of Wednesday. White caps protecting Bernie's sneakers pointed at leather spades covering Wednesday's toes. Wednesday stared into eye shutters like robin eggs. Three inch keratin spikes the color of push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's scalp. Fat fingers extending from Bernie's right hand surrounded a slick, cherry red tube. A one inch tall, two centimeter wide, chrome plated bowl adorned a ruby stick. A zinc plated teardrop was threaded to the opposite end of a strawberry pipe. Bernie pressed a mirror coated mouth piece against a set of fat lips.

The digits of Bernie's left hand surrounded a plastic lighter the color of ivory. Bernie's thumb crushed a stone wheel attached to a chrome ignitor chimney. Bernie's opposable finger collapsed a strawberry red plane behind a graphite disc. A one inch flame the color of a tangerine erupted from a zinc treated cap. Eyes like sea ice gazed into irises the color of robin eggs. Wednesday exhaled a nervous sigh. Bernie lifted Josh's lighter beside the bowl of his pipe. He grazed tar colored shards with a neon orange flame.

Bernie's eyelids collapsed. Bernie created a syphon with his thick mouth rims. Hot, burning vapors grazed the surface of Bernie's tongue. Scorching mist funneled into Bernie's throat. Bernie's eyes opened. Bernie tugged a ruby embellished pipe away from his fat lips. A set of hazy eyelids collapsed Bernie's dime shaped pupils. Holes dividing quarter sized robin eggs studied crow feathers curled above frosty eyes. Bernie watched raven black strands drift across edges of pale cheeks in a light breeze. He gazed at trembling, ruby red lips. Bernie's mouth opened. A tube of ceramic colored smoke poured out of Bernie's lips.

"...mannn..." Bernie squeezed out of lungs filled with pot smoke. Bernie blew a dash of pearl tinted mist beside his right bicep. He gazed into sapphires fastened to Wednesday's corneas. "You are a *sweet* little thing. Aren't you?" Bernie's arm extended from navy blue, cotton fabric covering his thick chest. Bernie's fat fingertips launched Josh's pipe. Wednesday's slender biceps tightened against her ribs. A ruby pigmented smoking device spun like a helicopter blade. A strawberry column sailed above raven strands erupting from Wednesday's scalp. The pipe's cherry red shaft landed across the tips of Sammy's fingers. Thin lips parted above a narrow chin the color of cotton candy.

"Fuckin'-- AAA--" Sammy purred. Sammy lifted his free hand. Sammy's long, skinny fingers opened in front of tiny, pearl tinted buttons. Fasteners like mint candies strapped crisp, white fabric across Sammy's narrow chest. Wednesday watched above a sheet of raven black fishnet wrapping her shoulder. Josh's white, plastic lighter collided with Sammy's pale palm. Cotton candy nightcrawlers sprouting from Sammy's knuckles crushed a plastic shaft like ivory. Sammy pressed a chrome plated mouth piece against a set of thin lips. Sammy's right hand fingers suspended the chimney of Josh's lighter above a mirrored bowl. The digits of Sammy's left hand created a canopy above the tip of a polystyrene pot ignitor.

"Well hey there, gorgeous," Sammy croaked. Sammy flicked a stone wheel covering a Flic lighter flint. Drops of bourbon peered above Sammy's pink knuckles. Brandy droplets gazed into light blue shutters surrounding Wednesday's pupils. "Need some fries to go with that shake?" Sammy studied cheddar tinted flames erupting from Josh's plastic ignitor. Wednesday listened to pot crackling underneath Sammy's fingertips. Wednesday faced forward. She gazed into hazy, baby blue irises.

"W-What is this?" Wednesday forced out. Wednesday showed Bernie a set of nervous palms. Blood droplets leaked from Wednesday's left wrist. "What-- the fuck is goin' on??" Wednesday heard pebbles crunching under underneath sloppy sneaker mats. Wednesday's head turned. Wednesday stared into eyes like drops of tar. Pitch tinted pupil facets gazed below a square of three inch coils the color of scotch. Cheek bones poked through walnut skin supporting eyes as black as coal. A chrome ball threaded to a wandering tongue stud grazed thin lips. A slender, walnut tinted neck erupted from a t-shirt the color of red wine.

Wednesday heard boots collapse along gravel. Wednesday looked beside Josh. Irises like drops of champagne peered below tangerine tinted eye shadow. Blueberry strands sprouted from a talc colored scalp. Indigo hair filaments faded to plum purple followed by pomegranate. Raspberry threads became cherry red tips beside transparent, black nylon tubes. See through chutes surrounded thin, chalk tinted biceps. Strawberry red lips glistened above a leather strap surrounding an ivory pigmented neck. One inch, chrome spikes poked out of a cow hide band. Ivy's cherry stained lips curved into a sinister smirk. Ivy gazed into Wednesday's eyes and shook her head.

"'sup, Wednesday?" oral rims six inches from Wednesday's ear requisitioned. Wednesday gazed into irises like ends of glow sticks. Wednesday's head turned. Wednesday stared at drops of tar. Raven black eyebrows pointed at the outer corners of Wednesday's eyes. A nervous tongue like a chunk of rubber attempted to wet Wednesday's ruby red lips.

"Umm-- who are *you*?" Wednesday inquired. Josh's leg swung like a golf club. Josh's denim wrapped shin compressed heart spotted silk covering Wednesday's stomach. A gallon of air gushed out of Wednesday's lungs. "Puhh!!" Wednesday belched. Wednesday dropped on bouncy blades of thick grass. Wednesday's jean strapped hiny compressed soft dirt. The heels of Wednesday's shoes sank into lush soil like tent spikes. Wednesday's nose hammered raven tinted denim covering her bony kneecap. Wednesday's head tilted back. Blood leaked from Wednesday's tiny nostrils. Hot crimson dribbled across Wednesday's slender chin. Cozy claret trickled down Wednesday's chest. Wednesday detected plasma soup gushing between her boobs. She collapsed a set of shaking, raven spotted fingers on top of her nose and lips. She groaned into a sweat coated palm.

"MMmmmm--" Wednesday exhaled between saline soaked palm pillows. Wednesday's eyes pinched shut. Tears dribbled off ends of long, mascara coated eyelashes. Wednesday started bawling. She sealed pitiful whimpers behind the back of her tongue. Wednesday's blood soaked lips hopped against the inner surfaces of her nervous fingers. Wednesday detected slender, ice cold digits sneaking below her chin.

Wednesday's crimson spattered knuckle extensions toppled off of her face. Her palms braced themselves along soft grass surrounding her hips. Wednesday's head tilted back. Her eyelids uncovered frosty, blue irises. Josh stood, bent over. He cupped Wednesday's narrow jaw between his thumb and forefinger. He stared into Wednesday's light blue eye shutters. Angry, scotch colored eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Josh's ocular ports. Wednesday's velvet lips tore themselves apart. Panicked, terrified breaths squeezed out of Wednesday's vocal chords.

"*I'll* ask the fucking questions around here," Josh barked. Josh leaned forward. He spit between Wednesday's teal pigmented eyes. "Bitch," Josh snapped. Wednesday gazed out of sopping wet eyelashes. She crushed a set of quivering lips together. Josh's spit dribbled to the end of Wednesday's nose. Lathered saliva glided down soft, blood soaked lips. Wednesday's eyes refused to focus on Josh's. Wednesday's eye flaps folded together. Wednesday's face attempted to divert from Josh's line of sight. Josh wiggled Wednesday's jaw.

"Wudda you know about my brother, Wednesday?!?" Josh demanded. Wednesday scoured thoughts. She tried to understand what she was being asked. She trembled so badly, her chin jiggled Josh's scrawny wrist and bicep. Josh studied raven colored strands stuck to blood leaking from Wednesday's nostrils. Angry eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Josh's nose. Josh's slender fingers released Wednesday's chin. Walnut pigmented nightcrawlers sank into crow tinted locks sprouting from Wednesday's scalp. Bony digits squeezed into a fist.

"Gyah!" Wednesday screeched. Wednesday's face swiveled. Wednesday pried apart bronze stained eye coverings. She stared into drops of tar between Josh's angry eyelids. She inhaled quick, horrified breaths between rows of ceramic tinted teeth. Wednesday shook her head, gingerly. "I-- I--" Wednesday forced between panicked breaths. "I-- don't knowww--" Wednesday sucked in heavy gasps. "I don't know-- w-who your brother isss--" Josh tightened agitated digits. He snapped Wednesday's head back like he was swinging a hammer. Wednesday's light blue eyes popped open. Wednesday forced nervous, rubbery lips together. She stared into Josh's tar tinted eye shutters and awaited instructions. Josh gazed into Wednesday's seawater colored irises. He squinted.

"T-Travis," Josh explained. "Travis Griffin." Wednesday stared at Josh's bony face. Wednesday's heart thumped in her throat. Her soft, ruby red lips forced themselves apart.

"I-I, uhhh--" Wednesday blathered. "I d-don't know Travis--" Wednesday dragged tongue flesh like sand paper across her ruby stained lips. "W-What're you *talking* about?!" Josh's face dropped. Walnut tinted skin covering Josh's forehead compressed pale flesh above Wednesday's eyes. Josh stared into Wednesday's frosty irises.

"That's not what *I* heard--" Josh croaked. Wednesday's teeth mashed together. A long, terrified moan erupted from Wednesday's throat. Wednesday shook her head. Wednesday's ivory forehead flesh rotated Josh's bony face.

"I don't know-- what you're talking about--" Wednesday whimpered from quivering lips. Josh's face jumped off of Wednesday's terrified precipice. Josh looked away and rolled his eyes.

"Ohh, my God--" Josh grumbled.

"I don't know-oh-ohh--" Wednesday bawled. "What-- What is he-- like, missing??" Josh faced Wednesday. He nodded, sarcastically.

"Is he missing?" Josh parroted. "Is he fucking--" The palm of Josh's free hand collided with Wednesday's cheek. Wednesday's eyes pinched themselves shut. A shriek forced its way between Wednesday's chattering teeth. Josh studied Wednesday's blood soaked, trembling cheeks. His slender digits uncoiled. Wednesday's licorice hair strands poured out of Josh's fingers. Wednesday felt her head falling. She tightened her arms and sucked in sharp breaths. Wednesday's eyes popped open. Wednesday stared into tar tinted quarters attached to Josh's corneas. Josh stared at Wednesday's teal eye shutters. He rolled his eyes. He reached beside raven fishnets surrounding Wednesday's shoulder. Wednesday jumped.

"Ahhh!" Wednesday shrieked. She panted like a dog. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" Josh stared into Wednesday's icy blue irises. He showed Wednesday a two inch wide, denim harness. The thick strap was the color of blueberries. Wednesday gazed into tar colored shutters surrounding Josh's pupils. She squeezed panicked puffs between porcelain tinted teeth. Josh's palms flattened coils of emerald green grass. Josh shoved himself to his feet.

Wednesday's blue jean back pack dangled beside indigo wads surrounding Josh's thigh. Josh stomped across soft chlorophyll reeds. He stepped onto a square of sidewalk. He swiveled on toes of worn skate shoes. He studied Wednesday's panicked precipice. Josh stood between Bernie and Sammy. Bernie suspended Josh's cherry red pipe in front of shirt stripes wrapping his shoulder. Tubes of white mist erupted from Bernie's nostrils. Josh stared at Wednesday. A skinny, walnut colored arm flattened on top of Josh's stomach. The elbow of Josh's opposite lower limb sank into his palm. Wednesday's denim back pack dangled from the fingers of Josh's left hand. Josh's funny bone crushed a denim strap along surfaces of carpal pillows. Josh's thumb and forefinger surrounded his skinny chin. Josh took a breath.

"I've heard enough of this shit," Josh belched. Josh looked at Sammy. He faced the other direction. He gazed into Bernie's robin egg colored irises. Josh's long skinny fingers toppled off of his chin. Wednesday's back pack hammered indigo denim surrounding his upper leg. Josh motioned towards Wednesday with his fingers. "Bring her ass to the car--" Josh instructed. Josh swiveled on sloppy, rubber soles hanging from the bottoms of his sneakers. He headed for the car. Josh swirled scrawny digits above his head.

"Do whatever the fuck you want to her," Josh barked. Bernie looked at Sammy. He pursed his thick lips. He looked above navy blue and ivory streaking his shoulder. He offered Josh's pipe to Ivy. Ivy grinned. She extended a chalk colored arm wrapped in transparent nylon. She snatched Josh's weed ignitor and a ruby pigmented tube from Bernie's fat fingers. Wednesday supported herself with her palms. She watched Sammy and Bernie, carefully. Wednesday's frosty, blue eyes popped open. Thin, raven colored eyebrows climbed Wednesday's forehead behind six inch licorice strands. Wednesday's head wobbled from side to side.

"N-No--" Wednesday protested. Bernie and Sammy dropped on thick, emerald colored blades. Wednesday's fingers clawed rich topsoil. Wednesday tightened terrified biceps. She tugged ligaments connecting her lower limbs to her feet. The collars of Wednesday's leather shoes gripped her skinny ankles. Cow hide Achilles' straps stretched Wednesday's calves. Crow tinted heel shafts three inches long were staked into the ground. "G-Guyyys--" Wednesday pleaded. Sammy crouched beside soot tinted denim stretched around Wednesday's right hip. He flattened his limestone wrapped hiny along his checkered heels. Sammy's piercing, bourbon tinted irises stared into Wednesday's icy blue eye shutters. A hint of a smile tilted the corners of Sammy's thin lips. Wednesday's blood ran cold. She thought Sammy looked like a hideous, grinning maniac.

"Awww--" Sammy croaked. "What's the matter, sweet cheeks? You afraid of catching a disease or some shit?" Wednesday stared into Sammy's fierce, glowing eyes. She didn't understand what Sammy was getting at.

"What-- *this* dick??" Bernie squawked. Wednesday looked up. Bernie pointed at pine tinted fabric covering his crotch. "Mannn-- this meanie weenie is clean, yo." Bernie pointed between sapphire shutters surrounding Wednesday's pupils. "How *dare* you accuse me of some shit like that!" Bernie's fat lips curled into a grin. Maniacal laughter erupted from Bernie's thick oral rims. Bernie bent over. Bernie's jiggly biceps and wrists extended from his chest.

"W-Wait--" Wednesday pleaded. Wednesday shifted away from Bernie using her palm. "wwWait a minute!!" Sammy's skinny arms snaked underneath Wednesday's armpits. Sammy collapsed on top of a three inch fishnet tube framing Wednesday's shoulder. Sammy's upper arms squeezed Wednesday's ribs. His long, skinny fingers sank into Wednesday's tiny tits.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Sammy honked in Wednesday's ear. Wednesday's lower jaw collapsed. The back of Wednesday's skull dangled between her shoulder blades. Wednesday's terrified eyelids folded together.

"ahhh--" Wednesday whimpered between wobbly lips. Wednesday detected tears collecting near the corners of her eyes.

"Check this shit out--" Bernie observed. Bernie pointed at leather spades surrounding Wednesday's toes. "Her fuckin'-- shoes are stuck in the mud, yo! What the fuck??" Bernie's floppy man tits collapsed on top of Wednesday's narrow shoulders. Bernie's arms strapped around polka dotted silk surrounding Wednesday's waist. Bernie's head tilted back. The rear of Bernie's skull sank between mounds of flesh surrounding his neck. Laughter erupted from Bernie's fat lips. Wednesday's long, slender eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her nose. Wednesday's tense biceps and wrists fidgeted. Wednesday was totally outmatched. She felt like she was buried in mud up to her neck.

"Awww, shiiit--" Sammy groaned. "Don't worry, little girly girl. We'll get you-- un-- stuck-ified." Sammy hooted another clown horn laugh. Bernie cackled.

"Yeah-- shit, mannn--" Bernie grumbled. "No worries! I got you covered, lady--" Bernie snaked his jiggly arms around Wednesday's skinny calves. Bernie's wrists and biceps compressed raven tinted denim surrounding Wednesday's lower legs. The rear of Wednesday's skull rested along her spine. Wednesday stared at the backs of her eyelids. She shook with sobs. Tears leaked out of Wednesday's mascara coated ocular flaps. "Yeah-- I got this!" Bernie yelped. Bernie tugged Wednesday's calves. Sammy lifted Wednesday's upper body off of emerald tinted grass. He shoved himself to his feet.

"Herrre--" Sammy croaked. "I'll give you a hand, my mannn." Wednesday wiggled between Sammy's skinny upper arms. Sammy's biceps tightened. His fingers crushed mammary glands below Wednesday's thin breast skin. "Heyyy--" Sammy groaned near Wednesday's ear canal. Sammy's right hand digits glided off of Wednesday's tiny titty. Snakes like cotton candy slithered along the edge of Wednesday's soft neck. Sammy's long, skinny fingers snuck below raven tinted strands tickling Wednesday's cheek. Sammy brushed licorice filaments away from Wednesday's pale face. "Hang on there, pretty girrrl--" Sammy purred. Sammy flicked his tongue like a reptile. The tip of Sammy's saliva coated mouth flesh grazed the ridges of Wednesday's ear.

"Ahhh!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday jerked her disgusted face away from Sammy's juicy digestion sensor.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Sammy tooted. Sammy tightened his arms around Wednesday's ribs. He looked down. "Ready, my man?" Sammy inquired

"Yeah, sonnn--" Bernie croaked. "I've *been* ready. The fuck, yo??" Bernie tugged Wednesday's calves away from her shoes. Sammy stretched Wednesday's slender, heart spotted trunk. Wednesday detected her shoulder ligaments hyperextending.

"Gyahh!!" Wednesday shouted. "You guys! Please!" Wednesday swallowed a tiny amount of liquid she mustered up. Wednesday tasted blood oozing down the back of her throat. "P-Please don't do this to meee--" Wednesday groaned. Sammy's slender, cotton candy digits curled on top of Wednesday's claret soaked lips. Sammy squeezed Wednesday's mouth rims together.

"Daaamn--" Sammy purred next to Wednesday's ear spirals. "You make a lot of noise, for such a tiny, little thing." Wednesday exhaled a frustrated groan between Sammy's scrawny fingers. Sammy and Bernie expanded Wednesday's body like taffy. Wednesday felt the collars of her shoes dragging down her heels. She detected her slender insteps squeezing past tubes of fitted leather. Bernie yanked Wednesday's skinny calves like denim wrapped turnips. Wednesday's tiny feet slipped out of her black leather footwear.

"Whoooa!" Bernie shouted. Bernie stumbled. Sammy noticed an absence of tension. He relaxed his skinny biceps and stumbled backwards. Wednesday's jean covered hiny sank into soft grass blades and lush dirt. Sammy dragged Wednesday backwards a few steps. He studied raven spotted digits poking out of Wednesday's undressed footsies. Sammy's lips curled into a sadistic grin. Clown horn toots escaped Sammy's smiling face.

"Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Bernie collapsed along emerald embellished park soil. He spotted Sammy cackling like a maniac. He bobbed a head spotted with push broom spikes. He looked where Wednesday's shoes were stuck. Wednesday's leather sculpted footwear was poking out of the mud. A hideous smirk tore Bernie's puffed cheeks apart. Uncontrollable laughter bellowed from Bernie's fat lips. Sammy pointed at the toes of Wednesday's shoes. "You-- You'd better get those, fool!" Sammy instructed. "They'll probably be able to trace those or some shit. Grab 'em!" Bernie strapped thick digits around cow hide spades erupting from rich park muck. Bernie dropped on his shins where Wednesday was stuck. He tightened his jiggly biceps.

"ERRrrrrr!!" Bernie snarled.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Sammy honked. Wednesday attempted to scramble away from Sammy's slender arms. Sammy tightened his bony biceps around Wednesday's ribs. He crushed Wednesday's blood stained lips below his long, skinny fingers. Sammy studied Wednesday's pale cheek. "Motha fuckerrr--" Sammy groaned. "I'm gonna bite your little-- titties off, if you don't stop that shit." The corners of Wednesday's eyes wrinkled. Wednesday turned her head. She stretched her porcelain facial features away from Sammy's cold gaze. "Awww--" Sammy purred. "Aren't you just a sweet little thing." Sammy lowered set of thin lips. The tip of Sammy's tongue flattened along Wednesday's soft cheek.

"MMmmm--" Wednesday groaned into Sammy's flamingo knuckle extensions. Sammy glided saline saturated oral flesh across Wednesday's velvet facial skin. He tasted foundation. "MM-mm-mmmm-mmmm--" Wednesday moaned through peaks of breathless sobs. Sammy's head tilted back. Gratified eye flaps sealed piercing, bourbon colored irises.

"Awww, fuck mee--" Sammy croaked. Sammy's scotch tinted irises followed the curves of Wednesday's pale cheeks. "Damn you're sexy, girl. wwWow." Bernie's flabby fingers crashed into his chest. Wednesday's slick, leather shoes collided with Bernie's man tits. Bernie stumbled on soles of cherry red high tops. He gazed above striped, navy blue fabric stretched around his fat shoulder. He showed Sammy Wednesday's spiked footwear.

"Fool-- let's jet," Bernie barked. "Before someone calls the po-po on us." Sammy pointed at Wednesday's tar dotted toes using gold spikes poking out of his scalp.

"Grab some leg, suckaaa--" Sammy purred. Sammy bobbed his head towards Ivy's Chrysalis. "And, we'll make like a tree." Strips of bourbon colored fabric were stitched across the back seat of Ivy's car. Each vertical body ridge was stuffed independently with foam. The Chrysalis' rear, passenger door popped open. Bernie dove across butt fluffs lining the back seat. He sank into brandy stained pillows forging an oblong sitting surface. Bernie's jiggling body fat bounced on rows of chair springs. The rear end of Ivy's car rocked. Bernie's man titties sloshed like a waterbed mattress. Bernie filled the cabin of Ivy's Chrysalis with irrational cackling. Sammy slung Wednesday's wrists. Wednesday sailed across bourbon tinted bench puffs. She sank into Bernie's indigo and ivory striped belly cellulite.

"Ahhh!" Wednesday shrieked from blood soaked lips. Bernie's stomach sloshed like a bag of wet cement. Bernie's robin egg eyes popped open. Bushy eyebrows the color of push broom bristles jumped to the top of Bernie's forehead.

"Puh!" Bernie belched. Wednesday scrambled across a slab of excess body fat and man boobs. Wednesday snagged fistfuls of navy blue fabric decorated with white bands. Wednesday dragged herself across loose stomach flesh. She supported herself using points of porcelain elbows. She searched above crow colored fishnet draping her soft shoulders. She inhaled a panicked breath.

"Help me!" Wednesday shouted. "Help me, someone! Pleeease!!" Fingers like nightcrawlers squeezed soft strands sprouting from Wednesday's scalp. Sammy's lanky knuckle extensions curled into a fist. Wednesday faced the front seat of Ivy's car. Wednesday's frantic eyes pinched shut. Her crimson drizzled mouth rims peeled off of gritted teeth. Sammy plopped down beside Wednesday and Bernie. He leaned forward. Pale fingers the color of cotton candy appeared between Josh and Ivy's seat backs. Heels of black leather shoes dangled from Sammy's slender digits. The rear, passenger door sank into the body of Ivy's Chrysalis.

"Move it, Ives," Sammy instructed. "Get us outta here." Knuckle worms the color of walnuts snagged shiny points poking out of Wednesday's shoes. Josh yanked Wednesday's footwear away from Sammy's cotton candy fingers. Ivy reached behind a bourbon tinted steering hoop. Fingers the color of talc surrounded a plastic, camel brown knob. The sand tinted grip was threaded onto a chrome plated stick. The mirror coated shaft was poking out beside Ivy's ignition switch. Ivy ratcheted zinc treated tubing towards her front wheel diverter. She lowered a steel extrusion. Ivy's black leather boot point poked a long, skinny rectangle made of rubber. The Chrysalis pulled away from a curb.

The inner edge of Wednesday's foot flattened Sammy's ivory tinted chest fabric. Sammy looked down. Wednesday's tiny heel rested on top of his bony ribs. Strawberry colored scrapes sank into Wednesday's pale hoof extremity. Cherry lacerations wrapped Wednesday's soft foot knob. Buttermilk ridges were stacked between Wednesday's heel and the beginnings of her toes. A half inch Achilles' tendon disappeared into a tube of raven tinted denim. Cotton candy nightcrawlers strapped around Wednesday's porcelain ankle. Wednesday jumped. She looked above nylon strands woven around her cream tinted shoulder.

"Gyah!" Wednesday yelped. "Stop!" Sammy squeezed Wednesday's ceramic calf flesh between his lanky fingers. He dragged Wednesday across striped, navy blue fabric. Striated cotton weaves were stretched across Bernie's soft stomach. Sammy hoisted Wednesday's raven dotted toenails above his flamingo pigmented cheeks. Wednesday's jean strapped hips twisted. Wednesday's tiny hiny sank between tubes of limestone denim surrounding Sammy's thighs. Wednesday's cotton strapped cheeks collided with Sammy's thin skinned femurs. "Ahh!" Wednesday cried. Wednesday's teal shuttered pupils focused on drops of honey adhering Sammy's corneas. Wednesday's panicked cardiac sculpture hammered the backs of her ribs. Wednesday sucked in panicked gasps.

Sammy's left wrist and bicep surrounded Wednesday's heart spotted waist. Forearms the color of cotton candy folded on top of raven black denim. The charcoal jean fabric was stretched around Wednesday's left thigh. Sammy gazed into baby blue facets surrounding Wednesday's pupils. Thin, raven colored eyebrows pointed at the outer corners of Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday stared into piercing irises like drops of bourbon. A sly smirk decorated the lower half of Sammy's pink face. Hummingbird wings battered Wednesday's ear canals. Wednesday's frosty, blue eyes crinkled. Her blood soaked lips quivered. Tears dripped out of Wednesday's disgusted ocular caverns.

"Awww, Wednesdayy--" Sammy purred. Wednesday squirmed. She sank trembling, tar spotted fingernails into Sammy's pink forearms. She tightened her frustrated biceps. Sammy flexed ligaments snaked around Wednesday's silk blanketed stomach. Sammy's forearm and bicep crushed Wednesday's slender waist and the curves of her thigh. Sammy lifted a set of long fingers. "Such a sweeeet little thing," Sammy croaked. Sammy sank his first and second fingertips into streams of hot crimson. The cozy, hemoglobin soup leaked from Wednesday's tiny nostrils.

"RRrrr!!" Wednesday snarled between gritted incisors. Wednesday swatted at Sammy's finger joints. Wednesday's porcelain finger skin collided with Sammy's cotton candy knuckle hide. Sammy's lips formed a pseudo-grin. Sammy's slender mouth rims peeled apart. Wednesday studied the surface of Sammy's tongue. Strawberry colored dots coated a slick palatte the color of a pencil eraser. Sammy buried the tips of his fingers along a trench dividing his soft mouth flesh. Thin lips the color of ham steak closed around the ends of Sammy's flamingo digits. Sammy's bourbon irises rolled behind his upper eyelids. His cotton candy eye flaps fluttered together. Sammy sucked droplets of Wednesday's blood off the tips of his fingers. Wednesday felt nauseous.

"Gyah!" Wednesday shrieked. "You fuckin'-- gross fuck!" Sammy ratcheted his bicep and forearm away from Wednesday's waist, hip, and thigh. Sammy's bony fingers crushed Wednesday's pale cheeks. Sammy squeezed soft facial skin between his palms and inner surfaces of slender digits. He dragged Wednesday's porcelain precipice away from her shoulders. He forced Wednesday's tiny face below his thin lips. Sammy's oral rims flattened along crimson squiggles surrounding Wednesday's mouth. Sammy stretched saliva coated face flaps over Wednesday's blood stained teeth coverings. Wednesday's bronze coated eyelids sank into her face.

"MMmmph!" Wednesday groaned into Sammy's saline soaked mouth rims. Sammy's squishy tasting flesh lapped blood off of Wednesday's pale lip containers. Soft fingers landed on a skinny neck the color of cotton candy. Nails coated with tar tinted acrylic sank into Sammy's thin skin. Bernie cackled. Bernie's fat fingers burrowed into bourbon colored seat tufts. Knuckle sausages shoved Bernie towards Ivy's rear, driver's side door. Bernie gripped amber tinted vinyl surrounding the edge of his chair. He dragged himself upright. Bernie's fat ass plopped down on stuffed fabric the color of brandy. Bernie's flabby shoulder blades crushed striped fabric against bourbon back rest puffs. Wednesday shoved Sammy's slender throat. She tugged her lips away from Sammy's disgusting facial opening.

"M-rahh!!" Wednesday snarled. "You're fuckin' sick! Stop it!!" Sammy's flamingo nightcrawlers snapped shut around Wednesday's short, ivory fingers. Bony, pink digits pried Wednesday's raven embellished nails away from Sammy's neck. Sammy flattened Wednesday's tiny fingers along wads of limestone denim covering his lap. He stared into light blue irises. Sammy's lips formed artifacts of a smile. But, Sammy's cold smirk wasn't sincere.

"You didn't knowww I was vampire, did you?" Sammy teased. The corners of Wednesday's eyes wrinkled. The bridge of her nose shriveled. Wednesday's ruby stained mouth rims peeled off of her disgusted teeth.

"Fuck you--" Wednesday snarled. Wednesday shuffled bridled wrists on top of Sammy's bony thighs. "Fuckin'-- piece of shit--" Blood leaked out of Wednesday's nostrils. Liquid crimson flowed over ends of soft, cherry red lips. Hot claret dripped onto Wednesday's tongue. Drops of bourbon wandered to the corners of Sammy's eyes. Sammy squinted. He yanked Wednesday's skinny arm away from cream tinted love spots dotting her tank top. He dragged Wednesday's porcelain fingers in front of his scotch tinted irises.

Sammy studied pale skin covering the inner surface of Wednesday's wrist. Honey tinted shutters followed the rim of a cigarette sized hole. The quarter inch cavern was singed into Wednesday's porcelain flesh. Blood trickled from a pea shaped wound. Steaming hemoglobin sauce dribbled down Wednesday's palm tendons. Crimson trickles traced the inner surface of Wednesday's forearm. Hot claret turned a corner near Wednesday's elbow. Sammy watched droplets of Wednesday's blood topple from soft skin protecting her funny bone. Sammy's head turned. Sammy gazed into irises the color of sea ice. Sammy's lips transformed into a fake smirk. Sammy bobbed his head.

"*We* didn't do that," Sammy remarked. Wednesday stared into Sammy's bourbon tinted irises. She tugged her tiny fingers. Sausages poking out of Bernie's palms snuck below fishnet tubes. Bratwurst digits gripped buttery skin covering Wednesday's biceps. Bernie dragged Wednesday away from Sammy's lap. Wednesday's denim wrapped butt glided off of Sammy's limestone strapped thighs. Wednesday's slender hind cheeks sank into bourbon puffs covering Ivy's back seat. Wednesday's raven spotted knuckle extensions slipped away from Sammy's flamingo nightcrawlers. Wednesday's head tilted back. The back of Wednesday's skull collapsed along a nylon hammock. Charcoal strands like a tennis net stretched across Wednesday's pale shoulder blades. Wednesday's soft lips ripped apart. A sharp scream erupted from surfaces of ruby red beeswax.

"Ahhhh!!" Wednesday cried. Bernie giggled. He dragged calves and thighs wrapped in raven black jean tubes away from Sammy's lap. Wednesday's heels descended between Sammy's upper legs. Bernie snaked thick biceps underneath Wednesday's arms. Bernie's puffed wrists collapsed Wednesday's soft tits. Wednesday's slender upper arms dropped on top of Bernie's fat upper limbs. Wednesday forced teensy digits between Bernie's sausage fingers. Tar colored fingernails dug into Bernie's flabby knuckle hide. Bernie's fingertip coverings sank into Wednesday's breasts. Wednesday's incisors mashed together. Wednesday sucked shallow breaths between her teeth.

Sammy clawed across Wednesday's lap. Sammy's flamingo digits glided over charcoal denim stretched around Wednesday's thighs. Cotton candy nightcrawlers surrounded raven tinted sand paper gripping Wednesday's waist. Sammy sank bony fingertips into jean fabric strapped over Wednesday's leg cellulose. He dragged masculine nails down cotton waves surrounding Wednesday's lower limb flesh. Drops of honey attached to Sammy's corneas traced the curves of Wednesday's hips.

"ahhhh--" Sammy groaned. "You are fuckin' seeexy, Wednesday." Wednesday's licorice stranded scalp compressed nylon squares spanning her upper back. Bronze pigmented eye shutters wrinkled in front of Wednesday's teal irises.

"erraaaa--" Wednesday grumbled from ruby stained mouth rims. Josh's cheeks were puffed up like balloons. Josh exhaled from long, narrow lips. He hoped Gwen was right. The tip of Josh's index finger grazed a black disc. The asphalt tinted wheel was a plastic knob the size of a soda bottle cap. Josh's finger poked a slick, concave surface. The polystyrene cover depressed a momentary switch. Rotten began playing through the speakers of Ivy's Chrysalis. Rotten was a punk band Josh and his friends listened to.

"Stop!" Wednesday cried from the back seat. "Pleeease!" Josh rotated a radio grip clockwise. Rotten played loud enough to muffle Wednesday's cries.

"If you think for a sec--" Rotten's lead vocalist sang. "You'll see it's a joke--" Four quick guitar notes played.

"Malism!" Rotten's secondary vocalist sang. "Malism!" Sammy dragged the waist of Wednesday's jeans to her ankles. Wednesday squirmed. Creamy thighs and calves freed undressed heels from denim knots.

"ahhhh--" Sammy croaked. "Some fuckin'-- sexy legs, yo." Wednesday gritted frustrated teeth. She struggled to lift nylon woven shoulders off of Bernie's sloppy man tits. Wednesday's raven coated fingernails burrowed webs of flesh between Bernie's fat fingers. Bernie's thick arms crushed Wednesday's ribs like pythons. Wednesday felt her calcium lung protectors cracking.

"gyahhh--" Wednesday groaned from straining mouth rims. Sammy shuffled black denim rolls down Wednesday's insteps. He crumpled Wednesday's crow pigmented jeans along camel colored carpet. Sammy's fingertips glided across edges of transparent, nylon strips. Textile patterns forged from see through elastic were the color of charcoal. Wednesday shifted hip curves like velvet below the base of her heart spotted tank top. "N-No!" Wednesday belted from terrified facial features. "Noo!" Wednesday's translucent garment bands were spotted with tiny, black spots. Charcoal polka dotted strands were stitched to a silk triangle the color of crow feathers.

The triple vertexed fabric covering was stretched over Wednesday's outer labia. Raven spotted nylon strips stretched away from Wednesday's slick crotch covering. Transparent panty bands were strapped around the curves of Wednesday's porcelain hips. Sammy's slender fingers glided across see through surfaces the color of charcoal. Sammy's wandering digits compressed silk covered mounds shaped like lemon wedges. Vaginal coverings like peach slivers were arranged side by side below raven tinted fabric. Wednesday's face relaxed. Her bronze coated eye flaps squeezed together. Wednesday's head tilted back. Ruby red lips stretched apart above a blood stained jaw covering.

"eeaahh--" Wednesday groaned from cherry waxed mouth rims. Sammy's fingers flattened soft labia skin like biscuit dough. Wednesday felt like someone shot her full of morphine. Wednesday forced rust powdered ocular coverings away from frosty eye shutters. Teal irises compressed Wednesday's pupils to the size of pin heads. Raven tinted eyebrows crushed the outer edges of Wednesday's cornea containers. Saline droplets leaked from the corners of Wednesday's endorphin doped eyes.

"aaoohh--" Wednesday purred from lips forming an "o". Wednesday snapped out of a daze. Wednesday ratcheted her crow stranded scalp off of Bernie's jiggly chest. Long, crow colored bangs curled over Wednesday's pale forehead. Narrow, raven tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Tiny pearls mashed together between silky, blood stained mouth rims. Teal tinted irises focused Wednesday's pupils on bourbon droplets covering Sammy's corneas. Wednesday exhaled panicked breaths between tight teeth. Sammy's first and second fingers glided over a beebee shaped dome covered with black silk. Wednesday sank her asphalt filamented scalp between Bernie's man tits. Her bronze pigmented eyelids squeezed together.

"aaahhh-- gyadd--" Wednesday grunted. Sammy crushed an aspirin sized flesh mound cowering between Wednesday's labia lips. Wednesday burrowed her soft heels into Sammy's limestone wrapped thighs. She folded raven capped toes over plantar ridges stacked along the soles of her feet. "uuhhhh, goddd--"

"ahhh--" Sammy purred from long, smiling lips. "I found your clitoris, Wednesday." Wednesday's bronze coated eyelids sank into her pale face. Ruby stained lips peeled off of Wednesday's tightened teeth. Wednesday stretched her porcelain tinted cheeks away from Bernie's gelatin pecks.

"rrRRAAHH!!" Wednesday shouted from strained mouth edges. "Fuck you, mother fucker!" Sammy swirled gentle fingertips over the end of Wednesday's pussy ratchet.

"awww--" Sammy croaked. "I *know* you like that, Wednesday." Wednesday's undressed foot swatted at Sammy's pink face. Sammy's sly, smirking cheeks slipped beside Wednesday's pale tarsal stacks. Velvet hide protecting Wednesday's tootsy shot past Sammy's gumball shaped cheek bone. Sammy's flamingo nightcrawlers snapped around Wednesday's ankle like rubber bands. Josh looked beside his left shoulder. Ivy gazed back.

Champagne tinted irises stared below arcs of tangerine eyeshadow. Strawberry red lips formed a sinister grin above a narrow chin the color of talc. Ivy extended a set of chalk colored fingers. Tar tinted nail polish coated ends of porcelain digits. Ivy's pale knuckle extensions surrounded a cherry red shaft. Chrome plated fixtures were fastened to ends of a ruby pigmented tube. Josh reached in front of wine tinted fabric hanging down his chest. Skinny, walnut colored fingers surrounded a bowl shaped mirror.

Sammy's forearms sank into cream colored hide protecting Wednesday's thighs. Sammy tucked cotton candy fingers under the rim of Wednesday's panties. Wednesday's knees folded over crisp, white fabric covering Sammy's narrow shoulders. Her slick calves flattened ivory silk stitched over Sammy's bony shoulder blades. Wednesday's heels surrounded a dermis crevice covering Sammy's spine. The first and second fingers of Sammy's right hand stretched below crow tinted labia silk. Sammy's ginger, flamingo digits rotated in a small circle. Wednesday glided velvet heel skin across slick material covering the backs of Sammy's ribs. She pointed tar spotted foot digits at the waist of Sammy's limestone tinted britches. She grazed quartz shirt ruffles using pale plantar ridges.

"aahhhh, fuuuck--" Wednesday exhaled from gratified lips. Sammy looked up. He gazed into icy blue shutters surrounding Wednesday's pupils.

"You like how I swirl your pearl, girrrl?" Sammy teased. Wednesday crushed Bernie's breast bone using her licorice wrapped scalp. She wrinkled makeup bronzed eye coverings. She stretched ruby waxed lips off of agitated incisors.

"eeAAAHHH!" Wednesday shrieked. Bernie cackled. Wednesday tightened pale biceps sandwiched between Bernie's thick upper arms. She dug pale facial features and raven hair strands out of Bernie's floppy man boobs. Wednesday's eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her nose. Her eyelids sank into her face. Her lips peeled away from rows of irritated pearls. Wednesday mashed porcelain tinted teeth together.

"I don't-- want this," Wednesday forced out of clenched incisors. Sammy whirled scrawny knuckle extensions below transparent panty nylon. Sammy's flamingo tinted nightcrawlers glided over a mucus coated flesh beebee. Wednesday's crow fluffed scalp pounded Bernie's man tits. "uuhhhh--" Wednesday grunted. Cherry stained lips peeled off of Wednesday's mortified bicuspids. "ssStop!" Wednesday snapped. Bernie's thick fingers glided between Wednesday's tiny tits. Bratwurst digits poked heart shaped buttons through tiny holes in raven silk. Wednesday's chest heaved. Wednesday sucked in panicked breaths.

Bernie unclasped five love shaped sutures securing Wednesday's tank top. Bernie's fat carpal grippers peeled skillet hems spotted with cream hearts. The base of Wednesday's valentine polka dotted tank top glided up her slender stomach. Buttermilk skin surrounded Wednesday's concave umbilical remnants. Strips of transparent, crow spotted nylon stretched around edges of an eight inch waist. Half inch strands of raven tinted lace descended from Wednesday's shoulders. Charcoal textile ridges were stitched to the peaks of Wednesday's bra cups. Bat wing fabric like rose pedal spirals stretched over Wednesday's three inch rib mountains. Wednesday's pale skin was visible between sutures forming raven tinted flower whirls. The tips of Bernie's chunky digits glided along a lace border the color of crow feathers.

"Dammmn--" Bernie groaned. "You *sexy*, girrrl--" Bernie forced sausage sized fingers below the cups of Wednesday's bra. Bernie's knuckle bratwursts tunneled between raven tinted lace and thin, pale skin. Fat carpal extensions crushed tender bulbs below thin skin covering Wednesday's tits.

"mm-UHHH--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday's head tilted back. Her agitated ocular caverns squeezed together. Bernie's fat index fingers and thumbs surrounded pegs the size of pencil erasers. The pea shaped flesh extrusions were Wednesday's nipples. Bernie squeezed his thumbs and index fingers together. Wednesday arched her back. She mashed crow tinted scalp fluffs between Bernie's sloppy man tits. "uhhhh--" Wednesday grunted. Bernie rotated his thick fingers. Wednesday's light blue eyes popped open. Raven tinted eyebrows jumped to the top of Wednesday's forehead. Wednesay's blood soaked lips ripped apart. "AAHHhh!" Wednesday shrieked.

Josh's cherry red pipe hung from his long, thin lips. Josh suspended a plastic, ivory tinted lighter beside a zinc plated medicine cup. Josh's skinny thumb rotated a stone wheel. The graphite disc poked out of a chrome chimney covering Josh's lighter top. A one inch flame the color of cheddar erupted from a mirror coated exhaust valve. Josh spread a queso tinted eruption across shards of pot. He created a syphon with the rims of his mouth. The speakers of Ivy's Chrysalis recreated a guitar solo.

Wednesday's black, fishnet half shirt dropped on camel tinted carpet. Her tank top melted on top of elastic weaves. Black silk spotted with tiny, cream colored hearts poured onto a sheet of nylon diamonds. Bernie forced thick fingers between black lace strips and Wednesday's silky deltoids. Wednesday relaxed her heaving chest. She hugged her slender neck using anxious shoulders. Bernie glided Wednesday's two inch thick bra straps down her porcelain biceps. Wednesday's eyes pinched shut. The bridge of Wednesday's nose wrinkled.

"aaAAAA!" Wednesday snarled between clenched teeth. "God-- damn it--" Sammy's skinny fingers gripped edges of starched, white fabric. Sammy peeled quartz tinted trunk textiles off of pale, pink shoulders. He glided ivory tubes down carnation biceps and forearms. Sammy's dress shirt dropped on camel colored carpet. Sammy strapped skinny arms around Wednesday's soft thighs. Sammy's long, slender fingers curled underneath the rim of Wednesday's panties. Sammy's flamingo digits yanked transparent, polka dotted nylon down Wednesday's pale hips.

Sammy dragged Wednesday's crotch concealer over kneecaps the size of apples. He glided neoprene waist straps along curves of slender calves. Wednesday curled pitch spotted tarsal digits. Wednesday's strawberry scraped cream insteps slipped through transparent charcoal. Raven tinted silk dropped off of tar droplets embellishing Wednesday's toenails. Pale skin the color of cotton candy covered Sammy's skinny stomach.

A patch of blonde hair descended from Sammy's belly button. Sammy's amber treasure trove disappeared below limestone denim surrounding his waist. Sammy flattened abs like rock on top of Wednesday's soft belly flesh. Tiny hairs disappeared between Sammy's trunk muscles and Wednesday's bowel covering. Wednesday's waist was eight inches wide. Wednesday's trim stomach transformed into hips the width of a birdcage. Sammy squeezed between Wednesday's thighs. Silky upper legs the color of buttermilk surrounded Sammy's narrow hips.

A dome like half of a rubber ball adorned the end of Sammy's swollen pecker. Sammy's ham tinted dick mound was concealed by a layer of limestone colored denim. Sammy's dick-head sank tan fabric between mounds of flesh concealing Wednesday's vagina. Wednesday's seawater irises glared into Sammy's bourbon ocular drops. Angry, charcoal black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's tiny nose. Ruby red lips peeled off of gritted teeth.

"J-Just-- fuck me and get it over with--" Wednesday squeezed out. The inner surfaces of Wednesday's soft thighs glided up Sammy's hips. Wednesday's porcelain upper legs gripped thin flesh protecting Sammy's skinny waist. Wednesday forced her pale face away from Bernie's jiggly chest. She stared into drops of scotch below downturned ocular marks. "Do it, mother fucker!" Wednesday squeezed Sammy's slender abs between her lower limbs. Sammy's narrow lips parted. He mashed together irritated teeth.

"errrr--" Sammy snarled. Sammy's fingernails sank into Wednesday's buttery flesh. Flamingo nightcrawlers gripped silky thighs. Sammy's forehead collided with thin skin covering the top of Wednesday's face. Sammy's long, thin lips formed a phony smirk. Bushy eyebrows pointed at the middles of Sammy's honey colored eyes. Bernie's fat fingers squeezed Wednesday's tiny tits. Wednesday wiggled undressed shoulders. She slipped exposed breasts away from Bernie's disgusting mits. She slung agitated digits beside the edge of Sammy's face. Wednesday's raven capped knuckle extensions collided with Sammy's cotton candy back flesh. Wednesday's scapula palm smack sounded like a baseball colliding with a ham steak. Wednesday glared at Sammy's hideous precipice from eyes like ice. Wednesday's disgusted lips peeled off of her teeth.

"Fuck you!" Wednesday belched. Sammy transformed an emotionless scowl into a fake smirk. Sammy's pink palms flattened Wednesday's perky breasts. The tips of Sammy's fingers sank into flesh mounds the size of baseballs cut in half. Sammy shoved himself to his knees. Sammy's skinny fingers poked potted metal shaped like a dumbell through a denim slot. Wednesday puffed out hapless breaths between mashed together teeth. She battered the back of Sammy's xylophone lung protectors a second time.

"Gyah!!" Wednesday shrieked. Sausages poking out of Bernie's palms squeezed Wednesday's skinny wrists. Bernie's bratwurst grips stretched Wednesday's porcelain arms above her head. Ivory biceps extended from onion shaped ball sockets. Straining shoulders stretched buttermilk flesh over heaving ribs. Wednesday's birch upper limbs crushed raven black strands on top of ceramic cheeks. Pale forearms created an apex above six inch bangs growing down Wednesday's forehead. Bernie's thick knuckle extensions squeezed Wednesday's wrists together. Wednesday's tiny digits poked out of flesh connecting Bernie's index fingers to his thumbs. Wednesday sucked quick breaths between frantic teeth. Wednesday's jaws pulled apart. Her frost tinted eyes pinched shut. A panicked shriek escaped Wednesday's tiny throat.

"Ahhh!" Bernie stared at crow tinted strands sprouting from the middle of Wednesday's scalp. The corners of Bernie's rubbery lips creased his fat cheeks.

"Give it to her, Saaams--" Bernie purred. "She wants that dick, yo." Sammy stretched wads of limestone tinted denim over pickle colored socks. He slung birch jeans against amber vinyl surrounding the back of Josh's seat. Tubes like desert sand crumpled along camel colored carpet covering the floor of Ivy's car.

"Ohhh, Bernieee--" Sammy croaked. A six inch, cotton candy pecker erupted from blonde curls covering Sammy's crotch. A dome the color of salmon poked out of Sammy's vagina stuffer. Sammy's prick hat was frosted with semen. Sammy patted the end of his dick with tips of flamingo fingers. He studied mucus droplets coating his carnation digits. Sammy's slimy nightcrawlers gripped soft skin surrounding Wednesday's tiny kneecap. Wednesday flinched. Wednesday's nervous legs wobbled like gelatin dessert. Her tomato sized tits wandered on top of panicked lungs.

"Ahh!" Wednesday yelped. Sammy glided scrawny, mucus coated digits up velvet skin coating Wednesday's inner thigh. Sammy's damp fingertips landed on wedges of flesh covering Wednesday's vagina. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath. Wednesday's head plopped between Bernie's wiggly man boobs. Her eyelids sank into pale facial flesh. Shutters like sea ice collapsed Wednesday's pupils. Sammy glided semen coated fingers inside a gap separating Wednesday's labia flaps. Wednesday arched her porcelain skinned spine. Crow pigmented brows crushed the outer corners of Wednesday's eyes.

"uaaahhh--" Wednesday exhaled from strained vocal chords. Sammy's flamingo nightcrawlers converged between walls of slime coated meat. Sammy squeezed lengthy digits inside Wednesday's vagina. Thin, raven colored eyebrows wrinkled the outer corners of Wednesday's eyes. Soft, blood soaked lips tore apart. Skunk scented air funneled down Wednesday's throat. "AAahhh--" Wednesday groaned. "ummmm--" Sammy forced his fingers up a tube of slimy flesh. He shoved lanky palm grips inside mucus slathered vaginal tissue. "UUuuhh--" Wednesday moaned. Wednesday's head bounced on Bernie's man tits. The back of Wednesday's skull crushed raven strands along striped, navy blue chest fabric. Wednesday's copper stained eyelids squeezed together.

"Daaamn, Wednesdayy--" Sammy croaked. Sammy slipped his fingers up the walls of Wednesday's vagina. "You are sooo wett. Oh, my Goddd--" Sammy forced long, skinny fingers down mucus coated meat.

"AAaahh, fuuuck--" Wednesday grumbled. Wednesday's eyelids fluttered. Tears gushed out of mortified ocular covers. Wednesday pried makeup coated eye flaps apart. She studied a pretentious smirk through a quarter inch gap separating saline soaked lashes. Wednesday's disgusted lips quivered. Sammy slipped his fingers out of Wednesday's vaginal canal. He grabbed his puffed up cock. Skinny, mucus coated fingers squeezed a one inch flesh shaft the color of cotton candy. Sammy's index finger and thumb surrounded a ham colored rim bordering Sammy's dick-head. Sammy shuffled slime frosted fingers up and down six inches of pink peepee skin.

"Ahhh, Bernieee--" Sammy groaned. "Her pussy juice feels so gooood, yo--" Sadistic giggles escaped the edges of Bernie's grinning teeth. Bernie's sausage fingers suspended Wednesday's skinny wrists side by side. Sammy reached behind Wednesday's slender waist. Sammy's mucus coated fingers glided over Wednesday's pale hind flesh. Gooey nightcrawlers the color of cotton candy squeezed Wednesday's shivering butt cheeks. Slimy knuckle extensions crushed mounds of porcelain meat against Sammy's palms.

Sammy forced Wednesday's crotch against his blonde nut coils. He rested the tip of his dick along the opening of Wednesday's labia. He lowered his bony hips. Sammy's fat weiner poked between soft mounds concealing Wednesday's vagina. Sammy stared into Wednesday's sopping wet eyes. He forced a fake smile across his cheeks. Wednesday gazed at piercing bourbon droplets adorning Sammy's corneas. She tugged exhausted ligaments controlling her arms. Bernie's fat fingers suspended Wednesday's slender wrists above her raven tinted scalp strands. Wednesday exhaled heavy breaths between gritted teeth. Sammy shoved his pelvis against Wednesday's. His dick slipped inside Wednesday's vagina like it was gliding through pudding.

"AAaahh--" Wednesday grunted. Sammy lifted scrawny hips. Half his dick glided out of Wednesday's vagina. Sammy shoved his fat cock inside Wednesday's pelvic cavern. "aaAAaahh!" Wednesday squealed. Josh exhaled pot smoke through long, narrow lips. He handed his pipe and his Flic lighter to Ivy. "AAaahh!" Wednesday squawked from the back seat. Wednesday sucked musty air into raspy vocal striations. It sounded like she was inhaling nails. "aaAAHH!" Wednesday shouted. "eeAAaahh!" "rrRRAAhh!" Ivy pressed a chrome plated bulb against strawberry gloss coating her lips. She struck Josh's lighter. She sank a tangerine flame into tar tinted goo. "uhhhh--" Wednesday moaned. "ahhhh-- ahhhh-- aahhh-- aahhh--"

Sammy studied Wednesday's light blue eye facets. He found the beginning of his wiener with the tips of his flamingo digits. Grooved finger mounds sanded a mucus coated flesh shaft poking out of Wednesday's labia. Sammy slid cotton candy nightcrawlers up the lower end of his cock. Carnation knuckle extensions glided over the edges of Wednesday's pussy lips. Sammy's bony fingertips followed a seam separating mounds of slippery skin. The ends of Sammy's slimy digits sank between the peaks of Wednesday's pussy lips.

"Herrre, Wednesdayy--" Sammy purred. "I'll help you cum."

"I don't-- want to--" Wednesday forced out of gritted incisors. Wednesday's raven black eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of her eyes. Wednesday glared at Sammy's piercing, bourbon colored eye shutters. "Stop!" Wednesday begged. "Pleeease!" The ends of Sammy's fingers found the tip of Wednesday's clitoris. Sammy mashed a slippery vaginal mound using his first and second fingers. Sammy's slender digits followed an elliptical path the size of a pea. Wednesday's eyes rolled back in her head. Her licorice stranded scalp sank between Bernie's sloppy man tits. Bronze coated ocular flaps covered Wednesday's teal eye shutters. "AAaahh--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday glided a tongue like rubber across shivering lips. She felt the walls of her vagina quivering. Uterine juices flooded contracting cavern flesh.

"AAaahhhh--" Wednesday wailed. "aaaahhhh--" Wednesday inhaled nails. "oooohhhh-ho-ho--" Wednesday's eyelids squeezed together. Her face wiggled. Hot saline poured out of the corners of Wednesday's crinkled ocular flaps. "ehhh-heh-hehh--" Wednesday exhaled on peaks of frosty sobs. "ehh-hehh-hehh-hehhhh--" Sammy studied mascara stained tears leaking out of Wednesday's eyes. Sammy's pupils watched crimson droplets dripping off the tip of Wednesday's narrow chin. His dilated ocular ports followed the rims of Wednesday's tiny tits. Wednesday's pale boobs heaved on shallow breaths. Wednesday's trembling thighs vibrated Sammy's undressed upper legs. It made Sammy blow his load.

"aahhhh--" Sammy purred. "aaaahh-- mmMotherr fuuuck--" Wednesday forced saline soaked eye flaps apart. She stared at ocular coverings folded on top of Sammy's penetrating irises. She swallowed nervous saliva. She felt like throwing up.

"Did you just-- fucking cum??" Wednesday squeezed out of rubbery lips.

"UUuuhh--" Sammy grunted. Wednesday squeezed agitated incisors between tight, ruby glopped lips. Wiggling, raven tinted eyebrows pointed between Wednesday's frosty eyes.

"In-- side of mee??!" Wednesday shrieked. Sammy's long, thin lips exhaled a satisfied breath. Sammy's eyelids peeled off of honey colored irises. Sammy's pupils gazed into Wednesday's teal eye shutters. The ends of Sammy's lips curled into a sadistic grin. Wednesday stared back. Her eyelids fluttered closed. Her blood dotted lips tore themselves apart. "AAHHHH!" Wednesday cried. Wednesday sucked in a soggy breath. Wednesday stared at Sammy's disgusting precipice through sheets of tears. "Whyy-- did you *do* that!??!" Wednesday screeched. "Whyyy??!!" Wednesday wiggled biceps and wrists stretched like taffy. Bernie's fat fingers extended Wednesday's arms away from her scapulas.

"rrRRRRAA!" Wednesday snarled. "You didn't have to *do* that!! You fucking-- fuck!" Bernie slung Wednesday's wrists towards stubby, blonde spikes poking out of Sammy's scalp. Wednesday flopped off of Bernie's man tits. She collapsed on top of Sammy's pale chest. Bernie's t-shirt was navy blue with thin, white stripes. The lower half of Bernie's indigo streaked top stretched over his fat belly. Bernie curled knuckle sausages under the rim of his striated trunk covering. He peeled navy blue cotton fabric off of his jiggly stomach.

Thick, curly hair like a three foot patch of carpet poked out of a mountain of gelatin flesh. Bernie's felt coated abdominal covering was the size of a large mixing bowl. Striped, blueberry pigmented fabric rolled off of breasts bigger than Wednesday's. Sweaty man tits flopped out of Bernie's cotton chest concealer. Saline soaked chesticles slapped thick flesh covering Bernie's lower ribs. Coal tinted hair patches like drink coasters grew out of Bernie's meatball shaped nipples. Bernie stretched navy blue fabric over his thick neck and facial puffs. He poked three inch hair spikes through his t-shirt's neck hole.

"I don't have to stick it up your ass crack, either," Bernie responded. Sammy laughed like a tooting clown horn.

"Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Bernie slipped a fabric belt past pine colored loops sewn to the rim of his khakis. Bernie's textile waist strap was navy blue just like his shirt. The end of Bernie's hip fastener was sutured around a set of chrome plated rings.

"But I'm going to, anywayy--" Bernie croaked. Wednesday lifted her porcelain cheeks off of Sammy's flamingo tinted ribs. Wednesday's head swiveled like an oscillating fan. Wednesday's pale irises studied Bernie's robin egg eye shutters. Wednesday watched felt carpeted man titties swinging on top of Bernie's jiggling stomach. Wednesday nearly vomited.

"Ohh, my godd--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday looked up. She gazed into robin egg facets below three inch push broom spikes. "You-- wanna fuck me in the ass, too??" Wednesday requisitioned. "ssSeriously?!?" Bernie tore wads of pine tinted fabric off of his thick thighs. Hairy skin hanging from Bernie's femurs twisted like pom poms when he removed birch strips. Bernie stared at Wednesday's porcelain cheeks below push broom hair spikes. His fat lips twisted into a disgusting grin. Wednesday's soft shoulders pivoted above her ceramic hips. Wednesday shuffled along bourbon tinted seat puffs. She collapsed on top of Sammy's flamingo tinted chest and stomach. She showed Bernie surfaces of shaking palms.

"W-Wait--" Wednesday protested.

"Haa! Haa! Haaaa! Haaaa!!" Sammy tooted. Elastic, cotton fabric the color of quartz was stretched over Bernie's crotch. A seam was sewn across the middle of Bernie's elastic dick covering. Hairy hips as big around as watermelons erupted from nylon hems. Bernie spread thick palms and fat fingers in front of jiggling man tits. Sammy tossed something over Wednesday's head. Bernie crushed the heels of his hands together.

A clear, plastic bottle landed between Bernie's thick palms. A pop top cap the color of plum skin was threaded on top of a see through container. Bernie's thick fingers gripped an eggplant pigmented seal. Bernie dangled a translucent dispenser from ends of enormous digits. A white label was fastened to a polystyrene chute. Gold characters spelled "Astrolube" across an ivory tinted sticker. Light blue quarters attached to Wednesday's corneas studied saxophone tinted text. Wednesday wiggled raven spotted digits in front of her tiny tits.

"wwWait a minute!!" Wednesday shouted. Bernie chuckled. He swiveled his push broom spiked face.

"Yeahh--" Bernie groaned. "No worries, yo. I came prepared." Wednesday gazed into baby blue shutters surrounding Bernie's pupils. Her upper and lower incisors gripped her bottom lip.

"Je-sus Chrrrist--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday squeezed fistfuls of raven fluffs poking out of her temples. She crushed porcelain tinted skin protecting her tiny cheek bones. "Ohhh-- my fucking godd--" Wednesday snarled. Sammy glided ginger digits soaked in Wednesday's pussy juice along her silky biceps.

"awww--" Sammy purred. "Hey listen, doll-face--" Sammy lapped his long, slender lips with a scrawny lizard tongue. "Your best bet-- is to just-- let him ram that motha fucker right in there." Wednesday exhaled a disgusted breath. Sammy swatted three inches of air using a fistful of flamingo tinted nightcrawlers. "Just-- take that fat cock in your little, tiny sphincter. And-- get it over with. Ya knoww?" Wednesday's shoulders and tits rotated above her undressed hips and thighs. Wednesday wobbled furious fists in front of her eraser shaped nipples.

"I don't want to!!" Wednesday shrieked. Lubricant coated the surfaces of Bernie's thick fingers. Bernie stroked his big, fat dick using petroleum slopped sausages. Wednesday's horrified eye shutters watched Bernie slop goo over a cock like a beer bottle. Wednesday's soft shoulder blades flattened on top of Sammy's flamingo tinted a-cups. Wednesday's blood crusted lips peeled off of her disgusted teeth. "Ohh, Je-sus-- fffuck--" Wednesday grumbled. Sammy's lanky mucus digits shoved Wednesday's soft scapula hide towards his fat friend. Wednesday sank wobbly palms and kneecaps into brandy pigmented seat fluffs.

"AHH!" Wednesday yelped. Wednesday's thighs and calves wiggled like gelatin dessert. Her leg muscles felt like taffy. Wednesday dragged soft shins across bourbon colored tufts padding Ivy's back seat. She crawled in front of Bernie's push broom tinted leg curtains. She turned so she was facing Sammy. She uncoiled apprehensive thighs. Wednesday's tiny hiny mounds flattened behind her heels. Shaking digits spotted with tar surrounded Wednesday's porcelain tinted knees. Wednesday's head swiveled like a searchlight. Wednesday gazed timidly above pale skin covering her shoulder. She found Bernie's robin egg colored irises. Wednesday exhaled heavy breaths from quivering, ruby stained lips.

"P-Please--" Wednesday begged. Bernie's thick leg joints burrowed into cushioned seat fabric behind Wednesday. Knees as big around as volleyballs crushed puffs of bourbon colored fabric. Wednesday gasped for breath. The cabin of Ivy's Chrysalis tasted like skunk. "Pleeease--" Wednesday squeeled. "D-Don't." Bernie's thick fingers gripped loose skin surrounding Wednesday's upper legs. His sausage digits slopped cold, industrial slime along the curves of Wednesday's hips. Wednesday winced. Her pale face swiveled forward. Sammy stared into Wednesday's pale, blue eye shutters. The corners of Sammy's long, thin lips faked a smile. Sammy showed Wednesday skinny fingers the color of cotton candy. Sammy's flamingo tinted nightcrawlers were coated with vaginal secretions. Sammy bobbed his head.

"Can you smell your pussy?" Sammy inquired. Wednesday exhaled disgusted breaths from her tiny, blood caked nostrils. She directed thin, raven tinted eyebrows towards the bridge of nose. Wednesday crushed soft, ruby red lips together. She shook with terror. Sammy's lips parted. Clown horn toots erupted from Sammy's narrow lips. "Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaaa!" Bernie's slimy fingers crushed soft skin surrounding Wednesday's hips. Bernie lifted Wednesday's butt off of her velvet ankle mounds. Wednesday detected the tip of Bernie's gooey penis. Bernie's frosty, slime caked pecker head squeezed between Wednesday's tiny ass cheeks. Refrigerated Astrolube leaked down the crack of Wednesday's butt. The end of Bernie's fat weiner collapsed against the opening to Wednesday's sphincter. Wednesday's eyes wrinkled. Wednesday's nauseated lips pointed at her chin.

"uhhhh, gyadd--" Wednesday snarled. Bernie shoved the tip of his dick against Wednesday's ass-hole. Bernie's fat fingers sank into Wednesday's soft thigh flesh. Bernie sandwiched his gigantic dick between Wednesday's anus and his crotch. Wednesday's licorice stranded scalp sank between her shoulder blades. Her eyes pinched shut. Her lips ripped apart. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath between rubbery vocal chords. "AAaaaa--" Wednesday groaned. Bernie's slimy peepee glided through Wednesday's anus. Bernie's frigid, lube coated flesh shaft packed Wednesday's colon. Bernie's felt carpeted pelvis collided with the opening to Wednesday's rectum. Raven tinted eyebrows lifted off of Wednesday's sapphire faceted ocular caverns.

"Ahh!" Wednesday squawked. Bernie shuffled his weiner backwards. He hammered his hips against Wednesday's buttery hind ridges. "wwAAAAHH!" Wednesday shrieked. Edges of charcoal black tires stopped beside "s" shaped logs of concrete. One inch ivory bands surrounded fifteen inch hubcaps made of chrome plated spokes. Casings with visible whitewalls were bolted below arcs of chrome plated trim. Ends of mirror colored railing began below horizontal diameters of striped tires. Zinc treated frames intersected along wheel well peaks. Reflective roller arcs were surrounded by sheets of steel. Automotive body panels were coated with slick, porcelain white paint.

Acrylic coated trim adorning a pair of car doors was situated between chrome semi-hoops. Ivory tinted vehicular polish covered outer surfaces of twin cabin hatches. Zinc plated rectangles the size of hair combs embellished interior protector depressions. Oblong finger caverns were formed near the upper, left corners of Ivy's car doors. A rhombus glass panel erupted from porcelain tinted sheet metal covering the front hatch. A rectangular silicate plate poked out of the rear cover's upper edge.

The back cabin protector swooped away from the body of Ivy's Chrysalis. Twelve inches of raven black hair poured out of an unobstructed carriage frame. Ejecting filaments formed a crow colored puddle along a two foot square of sidewalk. Wednesday's skull crashed on top of licorice knots. Soft skin forming Wednesday's heart shaped face transformed into narrow, silky shoulders. Half inch bands of raven black lace hung from Wednesday's slender deltoids. Black textile bra cups swung from extruded bicep harnesses. Rose pedal breast holsters hopped along nipples the size of pencil erasers. Strands designed to hook between Wednesday's shoulder blades hung from empty tit clasps.

Wednesday's shoulder and bicep collapsed along an ivory tinted surface like sand paper. Wednesday's slender stomach flattened on top of her her upper arm. Points of a silk triangle stretched towards the edges of Wednesday's narrow hips. The lower point of the charcoal tinted sheet disappeared between Wednesday's butt cheeks. Transparent nylon strips strapped the upper vertices of Wednesday's panties around her waist. Translucent neoprene pelvis strands were decorated with black polka dots.

Wednesday's hip and the edge of her thigh glided between porcelain white paint. Ivory automotive treatment coated a frame surrounding Ivy's rear, passenger door frame. Amber tinted vinyl lined an open vehicular hatch. Wednesday's undressed shoulder blades and hind cheeks collapsed on concrete like tree bark. Her slender calves hinged behind her pale thighs. The tops of Wednesday's porcelain upper legs collapsed on top of her soft abdomen. Soles of tiny feet sank between tar coated pebbles underneath the body of Ivy's Chrysalis.

Soft, ivory colored arms folded over Wednesday's face. Tips of tar spotted fingers wove between blades of emerald green grass. Wednesday's tiny digits curled into fists. Wednesday's teensy knuckle extensions dragged her slender stomach away from tops of soft thighs. Delicate skin covering Wednesday's knees collapsed on a frigid surface like sand paper. A concrete log beside rough textured sidewalk grated pale skin covering Wednesday's insteps. Wednesday's tiny fingers dragged tar colored toenail polish across cement like broken marble.

Raven tinted silk descending between Wednesday's butt cheeks was soaked with blood. Hot crimson leaked from Wednesday's crotch. Cherry syrup dribbled down crevices between meat mounds surrounding Wednesday's anus. Warm claret trickled down the inner surfaces of Wednesday's thighs. Strawberry excretions dripped onto cold concrete the color of ash. Wednesday's tiny fingers tugged her knees onto blades of soft grass. Tiny blood drops landed on half inch chorophyll reeds. Spattered, emerald green shafts wobbled like columns of canned cheese.

Sadistic giggling and bursts of punk music pounded Wednesday's ear drums. Laughs like toots of clown horns erupted from the cabin of Ivy's Chrysalis. Wednesday heard the rear, passenger door close. The front, passenger's side hatch opened. The toe and heel of a black rubber sneaker sole hung from sloppy, black shoe fabric. Dangling footwear rims flattened along a concrete square. The body of Josh's sneaker crushed a neoprene arch support. Wads of dark blue denim were slopped on top of broken, worn out shoelaces.

Josh stepped away from the body of his girlfriend's car. Tips of long, slender fingers gripped the edge of a glass rhombus poking out of Josh's door. Josh's scrawny arm swooped in front of red wine curtains hanging from an elastic neck hole. The front, passenger's hatch of Ivy's Chrysalis crashed into a porcelain painted frame. A black nylon, fishnet sheet dangled from the wrist of Josh's unoccupied upper limb. A two inch denim strap the color of blueberries crushed woven nylon wrapping Josh's arm. Wednesday's back pack dangled from a blue jean shoulder harness.

Slender tubes of raven black denim and a skirt of black silk hung from Josh's deltoid. Slick fabric dangling from Josh's arm socket was dotted with cream colored hearts. Josh's skinny fingers converged around collars of shiny, black leather. Cow hide columns became charcoal tinted insteps. Ox dermis spades were stitched to bison skin foot coverings. A cigarette hung from Josh's thin lips. Josh lifted a white, plastic canister the size of a lipstick applicator. Josh's thumb rolled a flint wheel. His opposable digit landed on a plastic button pigmented like cherry skin. A one inch flame the color of queso erupted from a chrome plated chimney. Josh intersected a paper tube surrounding shards of tobacco with a cheddar tinted point.

Josh looked above maroon fabric dressing his shoulder. Wednesday supported herself with a set of quivering palms. Wednesday's wobbly knees rested along soft grass. Her shivering hiny flattened above her heels. Wednesday gazed at Josh above soft skin protecting her shoulder. She hid chattering teeth below blood drenched lips. She exhaled shaky breaths. Josh dropped his lighter into the pocket of his jeans. He dug around. He lifted a long, skinny shaft out of a denim pouch. The slick pocket stick was four inches long. Josh's hip sack tool was trimmed with bone colored plates. Ends of calcium forged dividers were capped with stainless steel. Josh's skinny thumb mashed a shiny, steel button near the top of his pocket instrument. A four inch blade extended from bone flanges.

Wednesdays' pupils studied polished steel poking out of Josh's pocket knife. Teal shutters squeezed Wednesday's pupils to the size of pin heads. Wednesday's head swirled around. Wednesday's fingernails sank into soft dirt and long, cool grass. Wednesday dragged herself away from the sidewalk. She employed ivory palms and tar spotted fingers to swivel her exhausted body. She faced Josh. Wednesday's soft shins rested along slick, emerald colored reeds. Wednesday's thighs flattened the arches of her lower legs. Josh turned around. A point of tangerine light near the tip of Josh's cigarette became snow white ash. Tubes of ivory tinted smoke erupted from Josh's thin nostrils. Wednesday stared into drops of tar attached to the middles of Josh's eyes. She lifted arms wiggling like gelatin dessert. She showed Josh a set of shaking palms.

"P-Please--" Wednesday begged. Chunks of charcoal black rubber hanging from Josh's shoe lifted off of a cement square. Josh's dangling footwear mat compressed soft, half inch reeds along soft dirt. "Ah!" Wednesday yelped. Wednesday's agitated palms shoved her undressed thighs away from her calves. Her unprotected butt cheeks collapsed on top of soft grass. The tops of Wednesday's thighs crushed raven black rose petals wrapping her tiny breasts. Wednesday's pale upper legs concealed soft skin covering her slender stomach. Her porcelain calves folded along curves of quartz, top limb segments.

"N-NNo!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday's slender arms hugged her shins. Wobbling fingers opened in front of Wednesday's kneecaps. Wednesday's toes and the balls of her feet flattened emerald green grass blades. Rubber wafers hanging from Josh's sneakers collapsed beside Wednesday's shiny, black toe caps. Josh slung his arm like a baseball bat. The strap of Wednesday's back pack slid down Josh's scrawny wrist. Text books, pencils, and spiral notebooks surrounded by blueberry denim collided with Wednesday's soft palms. Toppling school supplies hammered Wednesday's knuckles against her undressed shins.

"Ah!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday's terrified face dropped. Wednesday buried her porcelain cheeks between columns of pale skin protecting her thighs. Josh slung Wednesday's fishnet half shirt off of walnut flesh forming his skinny wrist. Wednesday's nylon garment dropped on raven black strands erupting from the rear of her scalp. A tube of crow colored fishnet fluttered down the back of Wednesday's neck. A sheet of woven, neoprene strands dangled from the knuckles of Wednesday's fingers.

Josh snagged polka dotted silk and raven denim tubes hanging from his shoulder. Josh slung Wednesday's top and her jeans off of his deltoid. Articles of Wednesday's snatched clothing collapsed on top of her head. A sheet of raven black silk hung from Wednesday's slender neck. Curtains of black fabric spotted with cream colored hearts draped Wednesday's scalp. The legs of Wednesday's jeans sank into a seam down the middle of her back.

"Eaah!" Wednesday screeched between clenched teeth. Wednesday's fingers wadded around polka dotted silk and raven black denim. Wednesday's irritated digits yanked garments off of her arms, neck, and shoulder blades. Wednesday slung a pile of crow colored clothes along blades of soft grass surrounding her toes. She looked up. Thin, raven black eyebrows pointed at the outer corners of Wednesday's eyes. Teal shutters found drops of tar attached to the middles of Josh's corneas. Josh tossed Wednesday's shoes. Capital "D"s attached to three inch heels crushed raven strands covering Wednesday's forehead.

"Gyah!" Wednesday cried. Wednesday's arms lifted off of her shins. Undressed upper limbs folded over the top of Wednesday's head. "MMmmm--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday's head wiggled back and forth below her pale wrists. "Pleeease--" Wednesday sobbed. Josh stared between slender palm supports crossed over Wednesday's raven scalp strands. Bushy eyebrows the color of scotch pointed at the middles of Josh's eyes. Squiggles of ivory tinted smoke erupted from a cigarette separating Josh's thin lips. Porcelain mist wafted across the bridge of Josh's narrow nose. Hot vapors singed thin, walnut colored skin surrounding Josh's nasal passages. Josh's slender fingers sank below Wednesday's skinny wrists. Lanky digits curled soft, raven black strands into a fist.

"Ahh!" Wednesday barked. Josh tugged Wednesday's face away from her knees. Wednesday's skinny arms slipped off of her scalp. Wednesday's slender upper limbs dropped on soft skin surrounding her thighs. Wednesday pleaded with wide eyes. Raven black eyebrows pointed at the outer corners of Wednesday's eye sockets. The bridge of Wednesday's tiny nose wrinkled. Soft, blood soaked lips peeled off rows of pearls. "P-Pleeease--" Wednesday cried. Wednesday's head shook, slowly. Heavy breaths escaped blood soaked lips. "Pl-ease d-on't k-ill m-eee!" Wednesday squeazed through panicked breaths. Josh pointed the tip of a knife between sopping wet eye sockets surrounding Wednesday's nose. He narrowed his tar pigmented eyes.

"How's your memory, Wednesday?" Josh requisitioned. "You feel like telling me what happened to my brother, now?" Wednesday's head tilted. Strands of raven black hair tightened between Josh's fingers and Wednesday's scalp. Wednesday stared into coal faceted irises. Wednesday's lips closed in front of her teeth. Thin, raven colored eyebrows pointed at the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday swallowed nervous saliva.

"F-Fuck your brother!" Wednesday spat. "You-- You think I know where your brother is, you mother fucker?!?" Wednesday sucked a sharp breath between gritted incisors. "The-- The only thing I know right now is what-- you and your friends just *did* to me!!" Wednesday's jaws tightened. Wednesday forced rubbery spit down her throat. "You can-- beat me up and stab me and torture me and-- assault me all you waaant!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday forced short bursts of air into her lungs. "It's not gonna change anything, you fucking ass-hole!!"

Wednesday sucked air between her teeth. She exhaled a shaky breath. Josh glared into irises the color of pool water. His fingers tightened around raven black knots attached to Wednesday's scalp. A frosty, polished point poked thin skin covering Wednesday's breast bone. Wednesday swallowed, nervously. She stared below angry eyebrows. She gazed into tar colored coins attached to Josh's corneas. Josh tilted Wednesday's head back. Josh's forehead collapsed along pale skin above Wednesday's teal irises. The end of Josh's nose crushed Wednesday's nasal point. Josh's cigarette hung from the corners of his lips. A growl escaped angry teeth tightened around Josh's cigarette cellulose.

"AArrrggh!!" Josh snarled. Josh's fingers tugged raven black strands growing out of Wednesday's scalp. Lanky, walnut digits forced Wednesday's face away from Josh's agitated precipice. Josh stood up and stepped back. Josh's knife dropped beside a column of indigo blue denim surrounding his hip. The tip of Josh's cigarette glowed tangerine orange. The fingers of Josh's free hand yanked a smoldering tobacco tube away from his lips. Josh inhaled between his teeth. He exhaled a tube of ivory colored smoke between angry lips. He pointed ash covering the tip of his cigarette between Wednesday's light blue eyes.

"God damn a conscience--" Josh grumbled. Josh studied a pile of raven black garments stacked in front of Wednesday's naked insteps. He inhaled through his nostrils. He blew out hot breath. Josh lifted his pocket knife. He pointed the tip of a cold, slick blade between Wednesday's eyes. "All-right, Wednesdayy--" Josh snarled. Josh wiggled an unhinged switch blade. "I don't know what happened--" Wednesday's lips concealed chattering teeth. Her shivering palms sank into blades of emerald colored grass. The bridge of Josh's narrow nose wrinkled. Josh stepped towards Wednesday. He poked his knife between eyebrows pointing at the inner corners of Wednesday's eyes.

"Just think about you and your friends--" Josh warned. Josh tapped thin skin covering the middle of Wednesday's forehead with an ice cold point. "You-- and Hailey Holloway-- and Lloyd Freeman--" Wednesday cringed. Her eyes squeezed shut. "Think about that," Josh continued. Josh's thin lips parted. His incisors squeezed together. Josh's free arm lifted. "And, remember--" Josh waved his cigarette around. "*This*--" Josh shook his head. "*This* never happened." Wednesday stared into Josh's cold, dark eyes. She swallowed rubbery spit. Josh stood up. He directed his knife towards Ivy's Chrysalis. He wiggled it. "This never happened." Josh swirled on the balls of his feet. He stomped across soft reeds leading to the sidewalk. He dropped on a two foot square of concrete. He shook his head, angrily.

"Fucking conscience--" Josh mumbled. Wednesday stared at tubes of raven black denim. Crow pigmented jean chutes were folded in front of Wednesday's raven spotted toes. Wednesday heard the front, passenger's side door of Ivy's car close. She listened to the Chrysalis pull away from a concrete curb. Wednesday exhaled shallow breaths through sopping wet lips. She stopped. She looked up. Teal shutters gazed below angry, raven black eyebrows. Wednesday's irises glided to the corners of her eyes. Sapphire eye facets watched Ivy's Chrysalis disappear behind a brick building.

Wednesday's fingers searched raven black denim forging the waist of her jeans. Her tar embellished digits disappeared inside a front pocket. Wednesday looked down. A cardboard box the size of a billfold laid across Wednesday's palm. The cellulose container was white. A gold symbol was printed across the top half of a paper sleeve. The glittering insignia was the shape of an award ribbon. Tall, black letters were printed below a saxophone tinted icon. Elongated characters spelled "Marley's."

The tip of Wednesday's tiny thumb flattened along the top edge of a gold emblem. A wedge of tar colored nail polish adorned Wednesday's opposable finger canvas. Wednesday's thumb wandered towards the top of a cardboard box. A cellulose cover flipped backwards. Rows of quarter inch, paper tubes were hiding underneath a wood pulp hood. Porcelain chutes surrounded cylinder shaped nicotine screens. Wednesday yanked a cigarette out of a cardboard box. She plopped an ivory tinted cancer stick between soft, blood soaked lips.

Wednesday's thumb and index finger surrounded a shiny, gold plated box. The brass coated sculpture was the size of a pink, correction eraser. Wednesday squeezed her fingers together. A saxophone treated cap popped off of a rhombus shaped frame and hinged back. The separating hood chimed like a triangle. Wednesday's fingers surrounded the body of her Flippo lighter. Her opposable digit gripped a stone wheel. The slate disc extended beside a chrome plated chimney dotted with tiny holes.

Wednesday's thumb rolled a graphite spool. Sparks landed on a wick extending from a tube spotted like Swiss cheese. A tangerine colored flame erupted from a chrome shaft drilled with eighth inch ports. Wednesday's shivering, porcelain digits drifted towards her ruby stained lips. The tip of a tangerine tinted flame intersected tobacco shards poking out of a paper tube. Wednesday shut her lighter. She dropped her gold plated ignitor on wads of raven black denim covering her toes. Shaking fingers dotted with cold sweat converged around the end of Wednesday's cigarette. Wiggling knuckle extensions floated away from Wednesday's frosty mouth rims. Uneasy breaths forced puffs of porcelain colored mist through quivering lips. Wednesday studied the end of her cigarette. Her ivory tinted filter paper was stained with blood.

Chapter 5: "Between the Sheets"
Table of Contents

Frames constructed from slick, oak reeds filled Lloyd's bedroom window. The hardwood port borders were the thickness of pencils. Five inch glass squares were fitted between shiny, wood rods. Silicate rhombuses were arranged four columns by four rows. Hailey's emerald irises scanned points of pyramids like blue gelatin dessert. The blue raspberry extrusions were ripples erupting from a pool water surface. Lines of pearl colored tiles were arranged above peaks of Egyptian shaped peaks. Paint covering ceramic squares formed artwork the color of ibuprofen gel caps. Each porcelain sculpture was stamped with a blue seashell the size of a compact disc.

Slate bricks shaped like greeting cards bordered points traveling across a swimming pool. The expansive wading area was shaped like a figure eight. Peaks of chlorine tub rims pointed towards Lloyd's window. So, Hailey considered the shape she observed to be an infinity symbol. Grass blades like bread ties surrounded graphite squares bordering blueberry pyramids. Surrounding chlorophyll reeds were the color of watermelon peel. A tree trunk erupted from a vertex formed between elliptical swimming pool borders. The cellulose base was as big around as a refrigerator. A hardwood root like a three inch thick rope escaped slats the color of watermelon shell. The bark shrouded topsoil explorer traveled one foot. A pulp extrusion curved and became a barrel shaped surface.

The body of a thick tree upright was coated with walnut colored husks. The protective wood armor was like rows of one inch pine cone segments. A branch like a traffic light pole erupted from the left edge of the cannon shaped trunk. The stout limb began twelve feet above the tree base. The brittle fork sprouted along a forty-five degree incline. The cellulose extension turned six feet away and reached for the sky. A fibrous sculpture like a fifty-five gallon drum erupted from the peak of the bark column. The enormous limb forged a lush network spanning an evening canopy.

A barrel sized branch appeared between traffic pole and drum shaped growths. The cask formed eruption extended along a thirty degree trajectory and traveled sixteen feet. The whiskey storage wanderer reached for an eggplant and amber hued atmosphere. The thick cellulose fork disappeared behind a canopy of jade pigmented leaves. Emerald tree organs were shaped like one inch arrow heads. Spades the color of rich grass wobbled like cocoons in a light breeze.

Roots like thick, twisting snakes coiled out of watermelon peel bread ties. The serpent structured growths emerged fourteen feet right of a triple pronged trunk. Python strands slithered ten feet, knotted, and formed a walnut colored upright as wide as a tractor tire. Pecan tinted husks poked out of a wood pulp column. Bark extrusions spiraled up a warped cylinder and surrounded a three foot knob. A branch as big around as a basket ball extended from a space above the one yard wide bulge. The twelve inch limb wandered along a twenty degree angle then reached for the sky.

A big, fat hardwood extension poked up beside the basket ball shaped fork. Two additional cellulose struts followed a seventy degree path away from the others. Steep woodland wanderers turned vertical and reached into the air. One inch, spade shaped leaves dangled from walnut tinted burs protecting winding hardwood. A third tree grew near the left end of the first two. Similar cellulose coils emerged beside bronze saplings and emerald pigmented solar absorbers. Seven foot fence pickets poked out of flat grass blades. Divisive points erupted two feet beyond elm tree trunks. The mitered fence slats were formed from fresh pine. The vertical boards were stained the color of cinnamon sticks. Two by fours like ant hill dirt were nailed across four inch thick stakes.

Tangerine fountains sprouted from triangular spaces between apexes of upright boards. The neon rays were glares from the sun's corona. A sweet potato shelf hovered above sherbet refractions. A line of lady bug luminescence bordered a pumpkin shell strut. Poppy sky light faded to pomegranate radiation. Raspberry gasses became a blueberry canopy. Indigo sky illuminations disappeared behind bushes of jade green leaves like arrow heads.

Carrot, apricot, and pumpkin pie strands shrouded the rear of a narrow scalp. Ginger filaments surrounded a slender neck the color of ivory. Pomegranate strips descended from tips of flame colored locks. Raspberry fleece uprights converged along ivory tinted deltoid flesh. Geranium sweater extensions stretched along slender shoulders and wrapped slim biceps. Soft scapula dermis crushed radish tinted slats along a canopy of shiny, oak rods. The upright hardwood dowels were an inch thick. A two foot strip of oak was fitted along tips of cellulose shafts. The slick backrest fastener was three inches thick. Bases of polished spine supports squeezed into one inch holes. The two centimeter pits were recessed into a reflective, sitting surface. The oak hiny sheet was about one foot wide and eighteen inches long. The tuchus platter was an inch thick.

A trim waist descended from a fence of pomegranate pickets. Slender abdominal flanks squeezed into a band of crow tinted denim. Toned belly edges curved to form jean strapped hips. Escaping pelvis curves created a teardrop shape like a bowling ball in a pillowcase. Raven black fabric like sand paper stretched around a waist flask the width of a volleyball. Elastic hind coverings were sandwiched between a slick shelf and soft cheeks. Slender calves descended from the edge of an oak seating surface. Crow tinted tubes hung from knees gripping a polished step an inch thick.

Cream heels with strawberry soles hung from soot colored collars. Cherry pigmented foot mounds gripped a shiny dowel with a one inch diameter. The buffed rod separated bases of cylindrical chair legs. Puffs below three inch wide insteps flattened along a chocolate brown floor square. The ceramic tile was a foot wide. The reflective dermis platform was like a sheet of iced espresso. Copper tinted embellishments simulated cocoa tinted marble. Pale tarsal extensions compressed along a frozen square the color of molasses. Lime colored caps were brushed on top of porcelain plantar digits.

Across the room, mud tinted hair dangled in front of eyes as black as coal. Tar colored irises studied cheddar and sweet potato strands growing out of a narrow scalp. Carrot tinted curtains concealed the back of a slender neck. Tips of ginger extrusions collected along a two foot wide strip of polished oak. Near an open door way, a smirking face like walnut meat emerged from chunks of potato skin hair. Bushy sideburns resembling chocolate frosting framed dimpled cheeks.

A kiwi pigmented collar surrounded a masculine neck. Lime green and cream colored stripes contained sturdy biceps. Pecan tinted forearms were folded over pistachio and buttermilk bands wrapping muscular pecks. Indigo denim tubes descended from a skirt of champagne and mozarella striped fabric. Navy blue cotton sheets wadded along flaps of soot tinted suede. Charcoal plantar patterns were loosely stitched around placid insteps. Untied, coal colored shoelaces collapsed on top of footwear fragments like chunks of tire.

"Hailey?" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey looked over her shoulder. "I'm afraid this 'Wednesday situation' has become quite serious." Hailey rested a narrow chin along pomegranate strips covering her deltoid. She smiled.

"Lloyyyd--" Hailey groaned. Carrot colored strands dangled beside Hailey's pale cheeks. Peaks of limestone facial curves were dusted with carnation pink blush. Emeralds gazed through rectangular crystals resting along pale precipice points. Gold plated dowels extended from the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Saxophone sticks disappeared behind curtains of flame tinted hair. A glittering fragment a half inch long connected the inner edges of Hailey's ocular panels. The brass coated sprinkle spanned the bridge of Hailey's tiny nose. Shiny, pomegranate lips extended below slender nasal tubes. Pomegranate sweater strips a half centimeter wide bordered Hailey's buttermilk chest flesh.

"I thought I told you to give her some space," Hailey reiterated. Hailey looked around. A thick quilt was wadded along the edge of Lloyd's bed. Lloyd's crumpled mattress fluffs were decorated with yellow and black plaid. The fabric's mustard and charcoal pigments were forged from one foot wide squares. Lloyd's ruffled quilt reminded Hailey of *her* old bed spread. Hailey's checkered blanket was gobbled up in a fire three nights prior. The lemon and licorice body tortilla was crumpled along a slate colored sheet. Lloyd's soot pigmented box spring covering was stretched across a king sized mattress.

Hailey studied the surface of her boyfriend's bed. She pictured Lloyd laying across the foam packed plane. She imagined chocolate hair strands compressed between Lloyd's scalp and bed charcoal. Hailey pictured pine colored skin stretched over Lloyd's muscular rib hide. Hailey wondered if Lloyd had chest hair. She didn't even know. Hailey imagined thick biceps surrounding the edges of Lloyd's masculine pecks. She pictured Lloyd's coal colored irises facing the ceiling. She imagined her slender thighs resting along the upper surfaces of Lloyd's hips. Emerald green irises gazed through rectangles of glass. Jade facets traced lines surrounding yellow and black checks decorating Lloyd's quilt.

Hailey imagined edges of limestone thighs beside crumples of lemon and licorice plaid. Porcelain upper legs flattened the curves of Hailey's ceramic calves. The edge of Lloyd's quilt arose beside Hailey's narrow hips. Straw and soot crumples surrounded a pine colored waist seven inches wide. Hailey's pale back flesh curved out of plaid blanket ruffles. Ivory spinal hide became Hailey's slender shoulders. Limestone tinted biceps hung beside Hailey's undressed ribs. Lloyd's strong wrists extended beside Hailey's upper arms. Hailey imagined Lloyd's palms sinking into the edges of her hips. She pictured Lloyd's thick fingers gripping the tops of her butt cheeks. Lloyd scattered Hailey's thoughts.

"What if she rats on us?" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey stared into space. She looked behind her. Lloyd shrugged. He hugged a muscular neck with cream and lime green stripes wrapping his shoulders. Hailey cackled. Hailey's head turned. Hailey checked out a poster above Lloyd's bed.

"She's not gonna rat on us, Lloyd," Hailey responded. The banner shrouding Lloyd's bed measured twenty-four inches across and three feet high. A skateboarder was printed on top of a slick, rectangular surface. A black beanie was strapped over the street surfer's head. A cartoon skull was embroidered over the wheelie boarder's yarn forehead covering. Curls of charcoal black hair poked out of woven hat edges. A slate black shirt hung from the skate athlete's shoulders. Long, coal colored sleeves swirled down the wheel coaster's arms. Wads of tar colored denim were stacked down the city surfer's legs. Ends of crow tinted pant legs wadded around raven black skate shoes.

"YKC" was printed across the middle of the skateboarder's shirt. The vinyl banner consisted of ruby red letters with lemon yellow borders. Hyphens crossed out daffodil embossed "Y" and "C" characters. A skateboard deck was visible below pearl white mats glued to soot tinted shoes. The oblong sneaker platform was strapped with gravel colored grip tape. Two sets of chrome colored screws were threaded into adhesive film like asphalt. Four Phillips faces were fastened above wheels near the front of a pine board. Four plus sign caps were sutured above rear facing wheels. The half pipe athlete and his skateboard were airborne. A floating sidewalk surfer and his foot roller hovered above a row of concrete stairs. A cherry red guardrail erupted from middles of cement steps.

"Well-- at least, I don't *think* she will," Hailey added. Hailey spotted three magma lights. The melted wax lamps were arranged along a slick, oak slat twelve inches wide. The polished strut was the top of a book shelf. Near the left edge of a cellulose storage surface, a shiny steel hourglass stood three inches high. A one foot glass bottle emerged from a stainless steel support. The silicate chute was shaped like a container of malt liquor. Lemon yellow blobs the size of quarters wandered through blue liquid resembling glass cleaner. A polished, steel cap covered a riveted bottle top.

A shiny, charcoal colored hourglass stood beside the first magma light. A flask of clear liquid erupted from a slate pigmented egg timer. The soot tinted lamp's container was six inches taller than the first heater's display. The secondary tank was one and a half times wider than the lemon and dish soap bottle. A cherry red drop as big around as a half dollar hung from a charcoal flask covering.

A strawberry blob the diameter of a tape roll arose from the base of a crystal chute. The cardinal pigmented eruption swam away from a glob like watermelon flesh. An emerald green hourglass stood beside a black figure eight. The jade embellished stand was shiny like concurrent magma light bases. A one foot glass bottle escaped a chlorophyll stained frustrum. The twelve inch container was filled with olive green liquid. Four lime juice blobs the size of billiard balls floated in heated pickle juice. A set of neon green spheres crashed into each other.

"You don't *think* she'll rat on us?" Lloyd requisitioned. Thick eyebrows the color of dutch chocolate wandered up Lloyd's forehead. Lloyd's magma lights rested along a slick board forming the top of a book shelf. Lloyd's oak text case was five feet long. The sturdy binder organizer was forged from shiny, hardwood slats. Cellulose book supports were stained the color of ant hill dirt. An upright sheet divided horizontal reading slats in two. Hailey gazed into her boyfriend's eyes. Emerald colored shutters focused on pupil adjusters like opals. Hailey looked towards the upper, right corners of her eyes. She shrugged.

"It's her word against ours," Hailey explained. Hailey looked into Lloyd's eyes. "Maybe she knows what we did this weekend." Hailey squinted. Eyebrows like cheddar cheese shavings floated above irises like emeralds. Hailey licked raspberry colored gloss coating her lips. "But, she can't *prove* anything." Hailey looked away. "Sooo--" Lloyd exhaled from masculine nostrils. He studied checkered tiles covering the floor of his bedroom. A one foot, chocolate square rested beside a twelve inch rhombus the color of banana pudding. The brown tile was decorated with swirls the color of copper. Silver whirls were brushed across the surface of the cream colored floor slat. Lloyd slowly nodded.

"Yeah--" Lloyd purred. "I guess that's true, huh?" Hailey browsed her boyfriend's books. A text folder sealing the left end of Lloyd's book shelf was protected by a hard cover. The tree strand manual's cardboard sheathing was wrapped in slick, black paper. The wood pulp banner was old and worn. White was showing where creases cracked laminated ink. Cream colored letters spelled "Nihilist Recipes" along a reflective spine covering. Pairs of cherry red lines stretched horizontally above and below buttermilk characters.

A hard cover manual stood beside the printout stack tilted "Nihilist Recipes". The cardboard jacketed publication was the thickness of a text book. The second book's tough sheething also looked pretty worn. Protective binder sheets were wrapped with charcoal colored hatches. Shiny, silver letters were printed across a wood pulp spine. Mirror tinted characters spelled "Beauty of Electronics". Last names of two authors were etched using gold letters before the periodical's label.

"Wednesday doesn't like what we did," Hailey continued. She licked her lips. "She doesn't get--" Hailey spotted a white, plastic rectangle. The polystyrene plate resided between silver and charcoal hourglasses supporting magma lights. The cream tinted slat was spotted with tiny, square shaped holes. Wires poked out of teensy block frames. Copper filaments erupted beside electrical components and descended petroleum steps.

Tiny canisters smaller than AA batteries poked out of miniature elevator shafts. Hailey was pretty sure the vinyl sheethed containers were called "capacitors". But, she wasn't well versed in electronics. Wired devices and bulbs like cherry red sprinkles surrounded legs of a plastic chip. The button shaped component was sunken near the middle of the polystyrene board. Hailey was pretty sure she knew what the square pierced project plate was called. But, the device's name escaped her.

"What, Hailey?" Lloyd asked. "What is she not 'getting'?" Hailey looked above pomegranate strands covering her shoulder. She gazed into drops of tar plopped near the middles of her boyfriend's eyes. Pitch spots cowered behind swirls of chocolate brown hair curling out of Lloyd's forehead. Hailey's boyfriend had some hidden talents. Hailey didn't realize. Hailey inhaled past raspberry colored gloss coating her lips.

"I brought up Gwen, again," Hailey explained.

"In class?" Lloyd inquired. Hailey stared at cardboard binders lining Lloyd's book shelf.

"I thiiink--" Hailey grumbled. Hailey glanced at chocolate strands poking out of Lloyd's cheek. "I mean, I told Wednesday--" Lloyd stepped beside Hailey's chair. He studied flame colored strands erupting from his girlfriend's scalp. Hailey looked up. She gazed above transparent crystals surrounding the bridge of her tiny nose. Irises like emeralds stared below eyebrows like sweet potato shavings. Lloyd spotted Hailey's shiny, radish tinted lips. Hailey's raspberry polished mouth rims were trembling.

Ends of strong fingers gripped Hailey's fleece blanketed shoulder. Lloyd soothed tender flesh underneath thick, pomegranate tinted sweater strips. Hailey barely noticed. Hailey's emerald eye shutters searched spaces between strands of chocolate brown hair. Hailey gazed into shiny lumps of coal adorning Lloyd's corneas. She felt like she was falling down a well. Hailey forced rubbery lips together. She squeezed nervous spit down her throat. Lloyd's mouth went dry. He licked a set of parched mouth rims. He curled uneasy oral extents into a sly smirk.

"*I* thiiink--" Lloyd interrupted. "I think you're looking too far ahead." Emeralds danced above the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Jade facets searched glittering coals for Lloyd's pupils. Lloyd's ocular inputs were invisible. Strawberry hide covering the balls of Hailey's feet flattened along ice cold tile ceramic. Cherry dermis compressed a chocolate brown surface decorated with copper colored swirls.

Salmon plantar mounds lifted Hailey's jean strapped knees. Hailey's lime capped toes swiveled her knees around the corner of a slick seating surface. Hailey's slender calves crushed crow colored denim along the edge of a polished plane. Tangerine spotted fingers lifted off of soot tinted denim stretched over Hailey's thighs. Orange sprinkled cream digits wiggled beside ends of nervous knuckles. Hailey's pale palm extensions wandered towards Lloyd's lime and vanilla stomach stripes. Her porcelain carpal graspers froze.

Hailey stared into Lloyd's black eye shutters. She inhaled a sharp breath between shaking teeth. She looked down. She studied kiwi and buttermilk tinted bands surrounding Lloyd's trunk. She eased ginger fingers towards Lloyd's trim belly flesh. Trembling palms grazed lime and cream fabric covering Lloyd's abs. One inch ridges protruded from Lloyd's muscular stomach. Gentle bedroom gasses cooled droplets of sweat coating the surfaces of Hailey's hands. Hailey licked nervous lips coated with raspberry gloss. Hailey's head tilted back. Emeralds wandered to the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets.

Lloyd stared into sparkling facets behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. He swallowed, nervously. Lloyd lowered his espresso flooded face. Lloyd's lips landed on Hailey's. Hailey squeezed slick, raspberry colored mouth rims against Lloyd's digestive opening. Long, charcoal stained eyelashes collapsed behind rectangular panels. Hailey's cherry pigmented eyelids covered emeralds attached to her corneas. The tips of Lloyd's thumb and forefinger connected below the point of Hailey's narrow chin. The edge of Lloyd's palm cradled soft skin protecting Hailey's lower jaw. Lloyd hinged Hailey's head backwards. His walnut precipice tilted.

Hailey's orange spotted cream digits glided up the edges of Lloyd's shirt. Hailey's tangerine capped fingertips soothed the backs of Lloyd's biceps. Hailey's eyes popped open. Hailey stretched glossed mouth coverings away from Lloyd's masculine facial rims. She exhaled hot breath. Hailey's cheeks felt flush. Passionate radiation poured out of Hailey's carnation stained facial curves. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's emerald irises. Coals pointed at Gemini birthstones. Lloyd detected his heart thumping his ribs.

Lloyd's eyes drifted. His corneal tar droplets followed buttermilk skin covering Hailey's neck and breast bone. Cream rib and throat dermis was surrounded by pomegranate sweater pickets. Hailey's chest heaved. Her tiny tits floated on a heavy gasp. Hailey's apple shaped mammary sacks collapsed her breathless lungs. Lloyd's fingers slipped away from Hailey's chin. His masculine digits glided through ginger strands extending from Hailey's scalp. Lloyd lowered coffee shrouded facial features. He crushed passionate oral rims against Hailey's pomegranate glossed teeth coverings. Hailey and Lloyd's eyelids collapsed.

Hailey's carrot filamented skull sank into pillows covering Lloyd's palm. Lloyd's free hand fingers squeezed between slick oak and raven denim below Hailey's knees. Lloyd suctioned tight lips away from Hailey's breathless oral cavern. He looked down. Hailey's rose stained eye flaps peeled apart. Hailey exhaled heavy gasps. She stared into Lloyd's coal faceted eye shutters. Steamy chest eruptions escaped Hailey's slick, trembling lips. Lloyd snaked his masculine arm behind Hailey's slender neck. Lloyd cradled Hailey's narrow shoulders between his bicep and wrist. He tightened hefty upper ligaments. He stood up. Lloyd swirled on rubber platforms hanging from sloppy, black sneakers. Charcoal neoprene sheets grinded surfaces of slick tiles.

Lloyd lowered Hailey's shivering body curves above the edge of his bed. Hailey's velvet heels, denim wrapped hiny, and fleeced shoulder blades sank into a pillow top mattress. Lloyd arranged his girlfriend backwards. The top of Hailey's ginger stranded scalp faced the foot of Lloyd's bed. Hailey's sand paper wrapped tuchus compressed plaid crumpled near the corner of Lloyd's bed. The soles of Hailey's feet glided over cool, charcoal colored sheet wrinkles. Lloyd's arm slipped out of a space separating Hailey's thighs and calves.

Hailey's slender biceps nestled between Lloyd's upper and lower arm. Hailey gazed at Lloyd from tops of cherry brushed eye sockets. Emerald irises stared nervously above transparent crystals. Lloyd gazed between curtains of chocolate silk. Lloyd's pecan facial features drifted towards his mattress. His lips connected with Hailey's. A grateful groan transferred from Hailey's slick, raspberry tinted oral rims to Lloyd's teeth.

Ocular covers brushed with rose pigmented eye shadow covered Hailey's emerald irises. Lloyd's espresso shrouded face tilted. Lloyd's tightened mouth openings gripped Hailey's upper lip. The ends of Hailey and Lloyd's face holes separated. Hailey stared into Lloyd's coal dusted pupil facets. Heavy gasps escaped Hailey's gloss coated lips. Hailey swallowed, nervously. Hailey's sweat coated palms crushed yellow and black blanket tufts. Tangerine caps attached to the ends of Hailey's fingers sank into thick wool. Hailey supported herself with shivering palms. She studied shiny coals attached to her boyfriend's eyes.

"Lloyd-- w-what?" Hailey inquired. Lloyd stared at jade slivers behind crystal ocular panels. Lloyd's tongue glided across his lower lip. Lloyd's fingers gripped ripples of crow tinted denim surrounding Hailey's thigh curves. Lloyd's thick digits separated opposing flaps fastening the waist of Hailey's jeans. "ahhh--" Hailey grunted. A copper plated fastener popped out of a sutured jean slot. Lloyd separated sheets of soot tinted fabric. A bronze coated zipper passed between steel teeth concealing Hailey's crotch.

Lloyd peeled the waist of Hailey's jeans off curves of porcelain hips. He dragged crow colored tubes down Hailey's soft thighs. Ceramic white bands an inch thick were stretched above the points of Hailey's pelvis. Quartz waist straps extended from an elastic sheet shaped like an inverted triangle. Edges of neoprene panty harnessess were surrounded by ridges of cardinal red lace. Tiny, red bows were stitched to crimson embroideries. The teensy, knotted ribbons were spaced three inches apart.

Ceramic tinted fabric stretched from one inch bands suspending Hailey's panties. Ivory pigmented nylon descended from cherry red lace adorning Hailey's narrow waist. The lower point of a triangular crotch covering disappeared between Hailey's thighs. Lloyd stared at soft elastic concealing Hailey's labia. Shiny coals drifted to the middles of Lloyd's eyes. Ocular facets like tar droplets gazed into emeralds behind glass rectangles

"haaa--" Lloyd exhaled from satisfied lips. A hapless grin tugged the corners of Lloyd's thin lips. "I've been waiting to do that all day." Hailey's teeth showed between shiny, smirking mouth rims. Excited giggles escaped Hailey's nervous smile. Nimble fingers glided soot colored denim down slender, buttermilk calves. Graceful digits stretched charcoal jean fabric over Hailey's cream tinted insteps.

Lloyd tossed the waist of Hailey's jeans towards the end of his mattress. Crow tinted denim disappeared between charcoal bed fabric and lower wall panels made from oak. Hailey studied Lloyd's muscular wrists and biceps. Images of Lloyd manhandling soot pigmented leg coverings invaded Hailey's thoughts. Strong fingers crumpled raven black jean tubes. Ligaments controlling walnut forearms tightened. Upper arm tendons bulged below sleeves striped with lime and cream. Hailey exhaled long breaths.

Lloyd studied Hailey's porcelain cheeks. He breathed out a lengthy puff from smirking lips. Lloyd plopped down beside Hailey's undressed thighs. Hailey's porcelain legs curled towards her body. The soles of Hailey's feet glided across cool, slate colored mattress ruffles. Backs of buttermilk heels flattened against curves of ivory hind cheeks. Lloyd's walnut tinted forearms surrounded Hailey's hips. Lloyd's strong palms and fingers sank into quartz cellulite blanketing Hailey's thighs.

Lloyd dragged Hailey across plaid wool ridges crumpled near the end of his mattress. Puffs of strawberry flesh covering the soles of Hailey's feet glided across a slick sheet. Soft skin surrounding Hailey's butt skidded over Lloyd's quilt ridges. Hailey's shoulder blades dragged Lloyd's checkered blanket across his mattress. Lloyd's yellow and black quilt collected behind pomegranate strips covering Hailey's back.

Hailey inhaled a frosty breath. She gazed into Lloyd's pitch stained irises. Raspberry fleeced breasts cycled on top of Hailey's ribs. Lloyd surrounded Hailey's pale cheeks with his thick palms. He shifted chocolate stranded facial features towards Hailey's colorful precipice. Lloyd flattened gratified oral rims on top of Hailey's pomegranate glossed lips. Hailey crushed her mouth against Lloyd's. Hailey's palms surrounded Lloyd's temples. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingertips glided through cocoa fluffs swirling out of Lloyd's scalp.

Lloyd and Hailey pried apart pressurized facial openings. They gazed into each other's eyes. Hailey exhaled a satisfied gasp. Hailey's orange sprinkled cream digits slipped away from Lloyd's hair. Her passionate knuckle extensions gripped Lloyd's lime and buttermilk deltoid stripes. Hailey's slender thumbs landed on flaps strapping Lloyd's shirt over his chest. Her opposable digits picked a porcelain tinted button securing striated rib seams. Lloyd swallowed, nervously.

The tips of Hailey's fingers gripped lime green fabric behind Lloyd's tiny shirt suture. The digits of Hailey's free hand poked a plastic seal through a teensy slot. Hailey's pale knuckle extensions gripped lime and cream bands covering Lloyd's chest. Tangerine spotted graspers shuffled kiwi and coconut striations towards Lloyd's neck. Lloyd smirked. Lloyd's masculine fingers glided down the surface of his shirt. Ridges adorning Lloyd's fingertips dragged across rows of pistachio and mozzarella stitches.

Lloyd's fingertips gripped a champagne hem surrounding the bottom of his shirt. Lloyd sat up straight. He dragged a tube of lime and cream bands over strong abs covering his stomach. He peeled his striped shirt off of muscular pecks. Curls of chocolate brown hair were scattered across the upper half of Lloyd's rib hide. Lloyd's chest hair was pretty thin. His auburn peck fluffs were the density of plastic hair brush bristles.

Lloyd rolled polo striations over his face. He tossed a streaked trunk covering across his bed. Lime and coconut stripes disappeared between Lloyd's mattress and rust colored oak panels. The tips of Hailey's fingers collected along Lloyd's pectoris muscles. Tangerine capped nails glided down walnut tinted skin. Chestnut hair coils blossomed when Hailey's fingertips passed. The ends of Hailey's pale digits surrounded nipples like salmon pennies. Arcs of neon orange caps sank into Lloyd's areolas. Lloyd's fingers snapped around Hailey's wrists like rubber bands. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath.

"Aahh--" Hailey exhaled between raspberry glossed lips. Lloyd's thick digits crushed pomegranate strips against Hailey's wrists. Lloyd suspended Hailey's lanky forearms above her porcelain cheeks. He dangled Hailey's pomegranate waxed mouth rims in front of his walnut pigmented cheeks. Hailey puffed out steamy breaths from radish stained oral extents. Lloyd's lips glided over soft skin wrapping Hailey's slender throat. Lloyd kissed pale flesh protecting Hailey's trachea. Lloyd's lips siphoned porcelain hide like velvet. Hailey sucked a frosty gasp between gloss coated mouth rims. Hailey's head tilted back. Cherry pigmented eye flaps covered Hailey's emerald eyes.

"ahhh--" Hailey purred. Lloyd suctioned slender oral rims away from Hailey's jaw line. Lloyd's pecan colored face drifted away from Hailey's neck. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's eyes. Shiny coals latched onto sparkling emeralds. Lloyd looked down. An arc of buttermilk skin showed below the base of Hailey's neck. Pomegranate strips descended from the edge of Hailey's chest. Raspberry fleece compressed tits the size of navel oranges sliced in half.

Hailey studied swirls of dark brown strands poking out of her boyfriend's scalp. She swallowed. Her rose polished eyelids collapsed. Long, charcoal black eyelashes peeled off of emeralds between Hailey's ocular flaps. Hailey's jade faceted irises wandered to the lower rims of her eye sockets. Lloyd's fingers flattened Hailey's yarn wrapped breasts. Lloyd's palms consumed pomegranate blanketed mounds erupting from Hailey's chest. Lloyd detected thin fabric stretched over Hailey's love muffins. Hailey's scalp suspended carrot and cheddar strands between her shoulder blades. Apricot brows crushed the outer corners of Hailey's eye sockets.

"hooo, fuuuck--" Hailey rasped from pomegranate mouth ridges. Lloyd grasped the edges of Hailey's boobs. Lloyd's thumbs and fingers squeezed thin skin concealing mammary bulbs. Lloyd's strong digits compressed tender breast ridges. Thick palms and knuckle extensions crushed perky chest sacks underneath pomegranate strips. Hailey's cherry brushed eye flaps squeezed shut. Her raspberry waxed lips peeled off of gritted teeth. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath. She exhaled a gratious groan. "aaahh--" Lloyd collapsed veluptuous mammary knobs between the tips of his fingers. He closed his eyes. He exhaled from ends of long, thin lips.

"ahhh--" Lloyd croaked. "awww, fuuuck--" Hailey forced rose stained eye flaps apart. Hailey straightened porcelain tinted cheeks above radish stained shirt segments. Lloyd looked into Hailey's eyes. Lloyd's masculine digits released Hailey's perky tits. Hailey's biceps squeezed the edges of her breasts. Her wrists folded in front of her trim stomach. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingertips gripped the lower edge of her sweater. Orange sprinkled cream digits dragged pomegranate strips up Hailey's pale belly flesh. Geranium fleece pickets glided off of porcelain navel rims.

Raspberry wool slipped over ceramic white cups covering Hailey's tits. Cardinal colored lace surrounded the edges of Hailey's quartz breast saddles. Half inch, ivory tinted bands suspended nylon boob holsters from Hailey's shoulders. Hailey dragged pomegranate wool away from limestone upper limbs. She tossed her sweater towards the edge of Lloyd's mattress. Hailey's pomegranate top slipped between the end of Lloyd's bed and slick, oak panels. Lloyd licked his lips. The tips of Lloyd's fingers sank into pale silk protecting Hailey's biceps. Lloyd gripped velvet flesh near Hailey's shoulders. Hailey inhaled cool air. She exhaled hot breath.

"uhhh-- Lloyyyd?" Hailey sang from raspberry slicked lips. Lloyd's fingertips glided down pale skin covering the backs of his girlfriend's biceps. He looked up. He studied emeralds wobbling between Hailey's eyelids. Lloyd flattened his long, slender lips. A square table top stood beside Lloyd's bed. The polished oak surface was two feet wide. A four inch handle made of brass poked out of a drawer below a hardwood bed shelf. The gold plated grip was shaped like an office staple.

Lloyd's fingers curled around saxophone colored tubing. Thick digits dragged a drawer away from the body of a bedside table. Lloyd reached inside a cellulose storage box. He faced Hailey. He suspended a square shaped packet from walnut tinted fingertips. The rhombus shaped container was a baby blue packet made of foil. White lettering was printed across two inches of sky blue surfaces. Ends of broken perforations poked out of sealed packaging rims. Lloyd wiggled a tiny wraper beside his cheek.

"Ummm-- is *that* what you're worried about?" Lloyd inquired. Hailey grinned. She squeezed smiling mouth rims together. She nodded. She leaned forward. She wrapped pale biceps and wrists around Lloyd's thick shoulders. Lloyd folded gentle forearms behind Hailey's soft shoulder blades. "Lemme put this on," Lloyd croaked. Lloyd's fingertips surrounded a ring like a rubber band with a one inch diameter. The elastic rim was hiding below surfaces of baby blue foil. Hailey's tiny fingers appeared along the edge of a baby blue envelope. Buttermilk ridges grasped eighth inch points poking out of crimped edges. Lloyd's tar tinted irises studied tangerine caps covering ends of tiny digits. Slender lips wandered to the edge of Lloyd's sideburn framed precipice.

The tips of Hailey's fingers and thumbs gripped opposing packet corners. Hailey's orange capped cream digits pulled in opposite directions. A vanilla colored ring appeared between flaps of sky pigmented packaging. The fingers of Hailey's free hand slipped between Lloyd's belt and the waist of his jeans. Lloyd's britches strap was an inch thick, olive green band. Tangerine capped knuckle extensions glided between lime peel elastic and indigo denim. The end of Lloyd's belt grasped a set of two centimeter, chrome plated hoops. Lloyd's zinc coated waist fasteners were shaped like capital Ds.

The tips of Hailey's fingers hinged mirror colored rings away from Lloyd's jeans. Tangerine fingernails dragged an olive strap between reflective pants sutures. Hailey's pale finger ridges wandered over rock hard muscle bulges below Lloyd's navel. A trail of tiny, chocolate brown curls poked up as Hailey's fingers passed. Short digits attached to Hailey's knuckles bypassed an elastic band surrounding Lloyd's waist.

Thin skin covering the edges of Hailey's fingers sank into a patch of soft curls. The corners of Hailey's lips curled into a light smile. Hailey glided surfaces of curious digits down a patch of crotch felt. Coils like strands of shag carpet tickled pale skin protecting Hailey's finger joints. Lloyd's dick was trapped inside the leg of his jeans. Hailey's tangerine finger acrylic separated dark blue denim from Lloyd's pecker head. A lump of salmon tinted skin the size of a rubber ball popped loose. Lloyd's mushroom hat collided with soft hide covering the surface of Hailey's palm. Lloyd's spring loaded peepee smacked Hailey's thick hand pillows like a tenderizer. Apricot shavings lifted off of Hailey's surprised ocular caverns. Hailey inhaled a surprised breath.

"Oops!" Hailey puffed out of pomegranate stained mouth rims. Lloyd curled masculine digits in front of his snickering lips. Hailey's unoccupied index finger and thumb crushed a pea shaped tip poking out of pale silicone. Hailey's condom hand squeezed between Lloyd's tight belly skin and his underwear. The ends of Hailey's opposite digits surrounded a one inch ring like lips of a balloon. Hailey's fingertips flattened a silicone ellipse along pink flesh covering Lloyd's dick-head. Lloyd's cheeks puffed up. Lloyd exhaled a nervous breath between his slender lips.

Hailey's tiny digits rolled an elastic lip over a spongy flesh cap. Tangerine nails stretched a silicone tube away from fingers grasping a beebee sized resevoir. Hailey's fingernails dragged a slick sheet across creases folding a one inch, velvet shaft. Hailey looked up. Lloyd stared back. Irises as black as coal peered through a shaggy, chocolate curtain. Hailey inhaled between radish glossed lips. She exhaled a heavy breath.

Hailey tugged her pale wrists. Hailey's porcelain forearms were trapped between Lloyd's muscular stomach and the waist of his jeans. Hailey tugged her right arm out of Lloyd's denim britches. She slipped her opposite limb free. Hailey's palms dropped on wads of yellow and black checks. Hailey shifted onto her elbows. She eased herself onto the surface of Lloyd's mattress. She rested her shoulder blades along knots of thick wool. She gazed into Lloyd's eyes. She exhaled an anxious breath. Lloyd concealed a nervous smile. He laid the tips of his fingers along pale skin covering Hailey's trim waist. He sank his palms and inner surfaces of fascinated digits into his girlfriend's soft flesh. Hailey mashed carrot scalp strands into Lloyd's pillow top mattress. Her rose hued eye flaps drifted together.

"aahhh--" Hailey groaned. Lloyd slipped his shin and a sloppy, black sneaker across his girlfriend's naked thighs. He surrounded the curves of Hailey's hips with his denim shrouded knees. Lloyd's thick knuckle extensions grazed porcelain skin surrounding Hailey's navel. Hailey's back curved like a beach ball. She sank the top of her skull into pillowy tufts sutured to Lloyd's bed surface. She grinded strands of peach, apricot, and pumpkin into wads of canary and slate. "mMMmmm--" Hailey hummed from pomegranate waxed lips. Tips of masculine fingers glided over Hailey's ribs. Muscular digits squeezed scoops of mashed potatoes. Hailey flattened peaks of undressed shoulder blades. Her emerald eyes popped open.

"uhhh--" Hailey grunted. Hailey stared into glittering coals attached to her boyfriend's corneas. Lloyd studied jade facets. Lloyd's nails compressed soft skin protecting Hailey's mammary glands. Lloyd detected Hailey's tangerine spotted digits gliding over the ends of his knuckles. He watched pine fingers slide under ceramic tinted straps embellished with cardinal lace. Orange spotted cream grippers stretched half inch elastic down pale, silky shoulders.

The tips of Lloyd's fingers climbed to the peaks of Hailey's tiny tits. Lloyd's strong digits squeezed between bags of flesh and ceramic fabric. Ridges covering the ends of Lloyd's fingers glided over pegs the size of beebees. Hailey's apricot eyebrows jumped to the top of her pale forehead. Emeralds behind glass rectangles gazed into opals beneath chocolate shards. Raspberry stained lips stretched apart.

"AAaahh--" Hailey breathed out. Lloyd's fingers followed slick skin covering Hailey's armpits. Lloyd's digits squeezed between Hailey's shoulder blades and an elastic bra harness. Lloyd's index fingers and thumbs surrounded a fastener below his girlfriend's spine. Pointers and opposable digits gripped steel loops between elastic seams. Lloyd forced tiny hoops together. He relaxed his muscular knuckle extensions. A set of hooks unlatched. Lloyd gripped formed dowel fasteners below unsutured links. He squeezed tiny facets together. Teensy bra clasps separated. Lloyd undid a third set. Hailey's ceramic and cherry lace bra popped loose. Her pale face relaxed. Her neck disappeared between her velvet shoulders. Ocular coverings like watermelon flesh folded on top of Hailey's emerald eyes.

"haaa--" Hailey sighed. Lloyd stretched porcelain elastic and red embroidery over pine colored shoulders. He slipped Hailey's strawberry and cream shoulder harnesses away from her wrists. He tossed Hailey's breast fixture towards a gap near the edge of his mattress. Lloyd's fingers sank into Hailey's soft biceps. Lloyd lifted his girlfriend's shoulder blades off wads of plaid wool. He studied Hailey's perky tits.

"awww Hailey, woww--" Lloyd purred. Emeralds stared through rectangular crystals surrounding the bridge of Hailey's tiny nose. Jade irises studied the rims of Lloyd's eyes. Hailey exhaled long breaths between trembling, raspberry lips. Lloyd lifted Hailey's chest. He flattened Hailey's salmon colored areola against his lips. Lloyd's slender mouth rims surrounded a pea sized mound of ham tinted flesh. His gratified oral edges glided over Hailey's slick nipple border. Lloyd's pliant lips stretched around soft flesh covering mammary bulbs. Hailey arched her back. She buried the top of her scalp in plush tufts underneath yellow and black checks. Hailey's cherry pigmented eyelids squeezed together. Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose.

"aaAAaahh--" Hailey groaned. Lloyd flattened the toe of his right sneaker along the heel of his left shoe. He extended his leg. Lloyd's sloppy footwear slipped off of a wool tube covering his heel. Lloyd's sock was ash grey. Lloyd's cruddy, black sneaker dropped on a cream colored square scribbled with silver. Lloyd's opposite foot covering fell on top. Lloyd's left hand fingers gripped a blueberry denim flap fastening his jeans to his waist. Lloyd's opposite digits surrounded vertical crotch coverings. A copper pelvis fastener poked through a half inch slot.

Lloyd separated knuckle shafts gripping fabric like indigo sand paper. A bronze coated button popped out of a reinforced gap. Lloyd's index finger and thumb dragged a brass plate through woven, steel teeth. Hailey sat up. Hailey's tiny fingers grasped wads of indigo denim surrounding Lloyd's hips. Hailey dragged Lloyd's jeans off of a one inch elastic band strapped around his hips. Blueberry tubes slipped off white and red checks hanging from a nylon hip gripper. Dark blue fabric wadded around Lloyd's walnut tinted knees.

Muscular thighs protected by pecan hide descended from Lloyd's boxer shorts. Chestnut hair curls dangled from Lloyd's acorn leg skin. Lloyd lifted his shin off of a pillowy surface. Lloyd's thick fingers snatched wads of denim bordering his ankle. His masculine digits dragged his navy blue britches away from his calf. Hailey's tiny fingers grazed soft fabric decorated with vanilla and strawberry checks. Cherry and cream plaid spanned a space between the inner edge of Lloyd's thigh and his nuts.

Lloyd's thick jeans dropped on top of his worn out skate shoes. The inner surfaces of Hailey's fingers crushed elastic fabric along muscular skin. Hailey's palm mashed elastic plaid on top of Lloyd's thick crotch curls. Hailey glided ridges covering the surface of her palm down Lloyd's soft thigh covering. Hailey's fingertips sank into a neoprine curtain. Tangerine coated nails clawed soft fabric. Hailey's orange cream digits brushed thin skin protecting Lloyd's testicles. Her porcelain knuckle extensions surrounded Lloyd's sack. Hailey gripped a sheet of protective skin between her fingers and thumb. She inhaled between her gloss coated lips. She exhaled a heavy breath. Hailey's tiny fingers grasped plaid tubes hanging from Lloyd's waist. Hailey's quartz knuckle shafts wadded into fists. Hailey dragged Lloyd's boxer shorts to his knees.

An espresso tinted rug covered a space between Lloyd's hips. Coils of chocolate hair erupted from skin covering Lloyd's pelvis. Lloyd's dick poked out of a felt patch. A four inch flesh shaft lifted in front of mud colored curls above Lloyd's crotch. Lloyd's silicone wrapped vagina explorer was an inch wide. A ham colored mushroom cap protected Lloyd's condom jacketed pecker. A flesh pouch dangled between muscular, hair skirted thighs. Patches of chocolate coils sprouted from thin skin protecting Lloyd's nuts. Hailey sank ginger fingers between espresso curls covering Lloyd's pelvis. She dragged tangerine spotted fingertips through a canopy of keratin sprouts.

Neon digit caps skimmed ripples scrunching hairy prune flesh. Acrylic coated nails surrounded tender tubes feeding Lloyd's balls. Hailey's knuckle shafts grazed a set of bulges below a bunched up skin shaft. Hailey's porcelain digits froze. Emeralds stared through glass rectangles. Jade faceted irises studied masculine genitalia with anxious anticipation. Hailey's chorophyll eye shutters floated to peaks of antsy ocular caverns. Grass pigmented pupil adjusters searched chocolate strands hanging from Lloyd's forehead. Emeralds spotted shiny coals attached to Lloyd's corneas. The soles of Hailey's feet glided across ice cold fabric. Strawberry plantar mounds mashed a charcoal sheet into a pillowy surface. Hailey's slick kneecaps grazed Lloyd's hairy thighs.

Tips of tangerine fingernails sank into Hailey's soft hips. Hailey's pale digits slipped under lines of cardinal red lace. Hailey's stubby knuckle extensions squeezed between ceramic bands and pine flesh. Her porcelain palm grippers stretched elastic bands away from pale upper legs. Hailey's tiny fingers stretched nylon panty straps over her velvet thighs. Strong fingers rested along the edges of Hailey's knee joints. Masculine knuckle extensions surrounded Hailey's slender digits. Lloyd's thick carpal joints squeezed ceramic elastic and cardinal lace. Lloyd dragged Hailey's strawberry cream panties down her slender calves. Hailey's cherry embroidered underwear surrounded her buttermilk heels. Hailey's insteps glided through ceramic hip straps. Lime green nails emerged from white elastic bunches and strands of red lace.

Hailey gazed into Lloyd's tar pigmented eye shutters. Hailey's palms rested along soft skin surrounding her pelvis. Hailey slid the tips of her fingers down the inner surfaces of her thighs. Hailey's tangerine capped digits sank into skin flaps concealing Hailey's vagina. Her pine tinted vaginal coverings were shaped like lemon wedges. Hailey mashed her pale fingertips along points sealing bases of birch flesh wedges. She dragged tangerine coated nails along the surface of her labia.

The ends of Hailey's frisky grabbers grazed a flame colored patch shaped like a guitar pick. The carrot tinted hair collection sprouted above the peak of Hailey's genitals. The first and second fingers of Hailey's right hand descended between tops of labia mounds. Hailey's limestone fingertips plunged into a mucus coating. Her slimy digit ridges grazed a pea sized pussy mound. Hailey's apricot eyebrows lifted off the peaks of her ocular caverns. Her pomegranate coated lips peeled off of her surprised bicuspids. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath.

"ahhhh--" Hailey rasped. Lloyd watched Hailey's rose painted eye flaps close. Hailey's head tilted back. Hailey cycled her fingertips side to side over the top of her clitoris. "aaAAAAHH--" Hailey groaned. Hailey peeled cherry pigmented eye shutters off of her emerald irises. Jade pupil facets gazed into shiny opals. Hailey exhaled a shaky breath. Lloyd detected tiny fingers surrounding his. Hailey's thumb grasped the inner surfaces of Lloyd's thick digits.

"Herrre--" Hailey purred. Hailey steered Lloyd's muscular fingertips along the tops of her pussy lips. She guided Lloyd's uncertain knuckle extensions inside the opening of her labia. She crushed a mound above the opening to her vagina using the ends of Lloyd's strong digits. "F-Feel that--" Hailey forced out. Lloyd rolled the tips of his fingers over the nose of Hailey's genital separator. Hailey's head tilted back. Her rose swirled eyelids drifted together. "uuUUUUHH--" Hailey moaned. Lloyd observed his girlfriend quivering with ecstasy. He exhaled between parted incisors.

"What-- am I feeling, exactly?" Hailey exhaled a raspy chuckle from shaking lips. She lifted her carrot stranded scalp. Hailey's emerald irises peeked through a seam separating long, black eyelashes.

"It's my clitorisss--" Hailey croaked. Hailey's eye flaps squeezed together. Hailey sank ginger scalp filaments into Lloyd's mattress. Flame colored eyebrows pointed at a space between Hailey's eyes. "uuAAAAHH--" Hailey grumbled. Bushy, chocolate brown eye caterpillars climbed Lloyd's walnut tinted forehead. Lloyd studied pale skin protecting his girlfriend's slender neck.

"Ohhh--" Lloyd groaned. Hailey rocked Lloyd's fingers side to side. Lloyd detected a mucus coated ridge passing below his cycling digit ridges.

"M-Move your fingers like that--" Hailey instructed. Lloyd glided slippery fingertips over a juicy bulge tucked inside Hailey's labia. The fingers of Hailey's free hand squeezed charcoal fabric covering Lloyd's mattress. Hailey's tangerine spotted cream shafts curled into a fist

"aaAAAAAA--" Hailey sang. "yyesss--" Lloyd studied flaps of skin forming the outer surface of Hailey's genitals. He watched tendons flexing behind his knuckles. He mashed ends of muscular digits into the peak of Hailey's clitoris. He wiggled strong fingertips like pencil erasers. Hailey's eyes popped open. Emeralds wandered to the inner corners of Hailey's eyes. Glossy, raspberry tinted lips stretched into an "o" shape.

"ooOOoooo--" Hailey cried. Hailey's tangerine spotted knuckle extensions released cotton sheet ridges. Hailey's pale palm grippers covered her pomegranate waxed lips. Hailey tightened her porcelain fingers. She crushed menthol stained mouth rims together. Hailey's irises floated on her lower eye flaps. Her pale cheeks straightened between her ivory shoulders. Hailey stared blankly through rectangular crystals. She gazed into her boyfriend's coal dusted corneas. "Lllloyd--" Hailey groaned. "Are you-- gonna fuck me, or not??"

"Awww, shit--" Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd's thick palms sank into Hailey's soft thighs. Strong fingers squeezed porcelain cellulite. Lloyd dragged Hailey down the surface of his mattress. Hailey's narrow hips squeezed between Lloyd's kneecap hair curtains. Lloyd gazed into his girlfriend's emerald eye shutters. "You fuckin'-- kidding me, or what?" Lloyd slipped his left hand leg hinge between Hailey's thighs. He squeezed his right knee between velvet hide protecting Hailey's upper legs. Lloyd's strong fingers gripped Hailey's velvet hips. Lloyd lifted Hailey's undressed tuchus off wads of cheddar and charcoal wool. He laid the tip of his penis along the seam of Hailey's pussy lips. He glided a silicone wrapped mushroom cap across a mucus coated crevice.

"uuhhhh, goddd--" Hailey grunted. Lloyd's fat digits gripped his ham colored dick-head. Lloyd shoved salmon pecker flesh between the edges of Hailey's labia. Lloyd's pecker mound sank into a tight tunnel of flesh. Hailey's back formed an arch. Hailey mashed the top of her head into the surface of Lloyd's mattress. Her fingers curled over her raspberry glossed lips. Hailey squeeled into pillows of skin covering her palm. Lloyd slipped his dick out of a mucus coated shaft. The rim of Lloyd's pecker covering collided with the opening of Hailey's pussy. Lloyd forced his meat stick inside Hailey's vagina. Lloyd's pelvis collided with Hailey's labia flaps.

"mrrRRRR--" Hailey groaned into surfaces of porcelain digits. Lloyd glided his dick up the wall of Hailey's vagina. He stuffed Hailey's genital cavern full of fat cock. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers toppled off of her lips. Hailey exhaled gratified breaths from parted mouth rims. Hailey's cherry stained eye coverings sank into her face. Agitated eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey gazed into her boyfriend's ocular tar droplets. Emeralds focused on opals. Hailey sank her pale digits inside the upper seam of her labia. She shuffled quivering fingertips side to side over the tip of her clitoris. Lloyd's weiner slipped inside Hailey's vagina.

"uaaAAHH--" Hailey sang. Lloyd's weiner cycled up and down. "aaAAAAHH!!" Hailey grunted. "Ahh-- Ahh--" Hailey came. Hailey flattened Lloyd's mattress pillow using her ginger stranded scalp. Hailey's eyelids squeezed together. "ahhhh--" Hailey groaned. "oohhh--" Lloyd felt his dick quiver. Chunks of wet goo squirted out of Lloyd's mucus lubricated pecker cap.

"ahhhh--" Lloyd sighed. Lloyd's walnut pigmented eye flaps collapsed. His eyes rolled back in his head. "awww, fuuuck--" Lloyd groaned. Hailey studied her boyfriend's gratified facial features. She exhaled heavy gasps. She sucked in fresh gasses. She discovered Lloyd's muscular digits clamped around her loose hip flesh. Hailey's fingers surrounded her boyfriend's tightened knuckle extensions. Hailey's cherry stained eyelids sank into her eye sockets. Apricot colored eyebrows jumped to the top of Hailey's pale forehead.

"It's a-- bread board!" Hailey forced out of heavy breaths. Lloyd's endorphin flooded eye flaps uncovered his glittering cornea coals. Lloyd studied Hailey's emerald eye shutters. He grinned.

"Uhhh--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd squinted. "You mean-- by the magma lights?" Hailey smiled. She rocked her pale cheeks up and down. Lloyd nodded. He smiled. "Awww, yeahh--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd chuckled. "Yeah, that's a-- a clock module over there." Lloyd swallowed. "Me-- Me and my brother Sal built that." Hailey covered grinning lips with shivering fingers. She giggled into surfaces of sherbet spotted cream digits. Hailey lifted tiny knuckle extensions.

"That is so cool!!" Hailey shrieked. Lloyd snickered. He shook his head.

"That's pretty funny, Hailey," Lloyd exhaled through heavy chuckles. He licked his long, thin lips. "Oh, my gyaaad--" Hailey's limestone fingertips pointed at her undressed ribs.

"I'm a dork," Hailey replied. "Shut-up. I know." Lloyd's eyelids relaxed. Lloyd gazed into Hailey's emerald eye shutters. He shook his head.

"No you're not, Hailey," Lloyd croaked. Lloyd lifted his pelvis, absent mindedly. His pecker popped out of Hailey's vaginal canal. Hailey's emerald eyes popped open. Hailey inhaled a sharp breath.

"AAaahh--" Hailey grunted. Lloyd eased the tip of his pecker away from Hailey's labia coverings. He gritted apologetic teeth between nervous lips.

"ssSorry--" Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd flattened exhausted kneecaps beside Hailey's middle leg joints. He rolled onto his back. Walnut tinted skin covering Lloyd's shoulder blades crushed wads of yellow and black plaid. Lloyd exhaled a satisfied breath. Lloyd's head turned. Hailey gazed into Lloyd's coal faceted eye shutters. She smiled. Hailey turned on edge. She rested velvet scapula coverings on top of her boyfriend's thick pecks.

Lloyd studied cheddar and apricot colored strands growing out of his girlfriend's scalp. He gripped Hailey's narrow shoulders between his thick biceps. His wrists folded on top of Hailey's tiny tits. Hailey gazed beside rectangles of glass. Lloyd's tar tinted eye shutters floated beside Hailey's cheek. Hailey's porcelain facial features floated towards Lloyd's walnut precipice. Lloyd and Hailey's lips connected. Hailey tugged smiling mouth rims away from Lloyd's masculine oral cavern.

"I love you, Lloyd," Hailey purred. Lloyd nuzzled his pointed cheek bone against Hailey's soft facial skin.

"I love you too, Hailey," Lloyd replied. Lloyd kissed Hailey's carrot stranded temple. He mashed chocolate hair fluffs against the edge of Hailey's pale throat. Hailey absorbed her boyfriend's soothing temple pets. She licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips. "Let me-- turn over real quick," Hailey instructed. Lloyd's walnut tinted upper limbs released Hailey's velvet biceps. Hailey rotated like a rotisserie fawn. She flattened porcelain skin curves against her boyfriend's walnut tinted flesh. She rested a soft, carnation brushed cheek along Lloyd's muscular peck. Emeralds stared above rims of rectangular lenses. Shiny coals floated on Lloyd's bottom eyelids. Lloyd's masculine fingers dragged a plaid quilt over the right edge of his body. Lloyd's opposite fingers draped cheddar and charcoal wads along Hailey's bicep and thigh.

Lloyd's body heat filled a space below the surface of his wool blanket. Hailey detected unused skin warmth sinking into her naked flesh. Free radiation soothed pale hide covering Hailey's chest and the surfaces of her tits. Calescence descended into the surfaces of Hailey's limestone arms. Velvet waves sank into dermis pillows covering Hailey's palms and tiny fingers. Hailey's strawberry brushed ocular flaps drifted together. Hailey studied the backs of her eyelids. She drizzled canals of battery lozenges. Hailey's pale cheeks lifted off of Lloyd's slick pecks. Hailey's emerald eyes popped open. Hailey blinked. Hailey's mind was blank. Hailey assumed she dozed off for a minute. Emerald colored quarters floated to the tops of Hailey's corneas. Lloyd stared at jade pupil facets. He squinted.

"Did you hear that?" Lloyd asked. Hailey inhaled between raspberry glossed lips. She exhaled a slow breath. She shook her head.

"N-No--" Hailey grumbled. Four quick thumps shook a wall six feet from Lloyd's bed. Hailey's head turned. Emeralds floated to the corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey searched an area behind her. "Is that-- someone knocking?" Hailey requisitioned. Hailey faced forward. She studied her boyfriend's walnut tinted cheeks. Lloyd nodded. Tiny digits slipped under rectangular crystals surrounding the bridge of Hailey's nose. Tangerine caps embellished porcelain fingertips. Hailey's ivory knuckle extensions mashed cherry brushed eye flaps against her corneas. Purple dots spotted backs of skin shrouds covering Hailey's eyes.

"I guess we fell asleep," Hailey remarked. Lloyd slipped his chest away from Hailey's soft shoulder. Hailey sank into wads of cheddar and charcoal wool. Lloyd sat up. He supported his upper body with the outer surfaces of his forearms.

"Yeahh--" Lloyd purred. "Pretty sure I was sleeping." Lloyd licked his slender lips. "God damn it." Five heavy bangs vibrated the wall of Lloyd's bedroom. Lloyd shook his head. "Better be important," Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd's fingers squeezed thick wool insulating him and his girlfriend. Lloyd ripped plaid knots off of his and Hailey's naked skin. "'cause, I was sleeping pretty good." Walnut heels, strong calves, and muscular thighs drifted off of charcoal fabric covering Lloyd's mattress.

Chocolate colored hairs dangled from Lloyd's pecan pigmented leg skin. Espresso keratin fragments drifted across a field of static electricity. Lloyd sat near the edge of his bed. Lloyd's masculine wrists folded on top of thick skin protecting his thighs. Hailey's head turned. Emeralds attached to Hailey's corneas searched walnut hide covering her boyfriend's back. Lloyd's muscular spine dermis was hair free. Hailey followed edges of ribs poking out below Lloyd's shoulder blades.

Lloyd bent over. Fingers hanging from Lloyd's forearm surrounded indigo wads covering checkered tiles. Lloyd looked behind him. He spotted shorts printed with strawberry and cream colored plaid. Lloyd's checkered boxers lay near the head of his bed. Hailey sat up. She huddled undressed biceps and shoulders below Lloyd's wool quilt ruffles. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers surrounded cheddar and charcoal checks. Hailey's orange cream digits strapped Lloyd's blanket over her chest. Hailey's forearms crushed thick wool along rims of tiny tits. Hailey's neon lacquered nails squeezed plaid fabric against her palms. Hailey's hand pillows and knuckle extensions crushed Lloyd's blanket on top of her lips. Hailey felt nervous about being naked in Lloyd's bedroom with a stranger in the other room.

"ummm--" Hailey hummed into the surface of her boyfriend's blanket. "I should probably throw something on." Lloyd's chest flattened tubes of blueberry denim covering his thighs. His thick fingers stretched the neck of a grey, wool sock over his instep. Lloyd's head turned. Eyes like glittering coals popped open. Lloyd's tar tinted irises were visible between gaps in chocolate brown forehead curtains.

"W-What?" Lloyd squeezed out. "No." Lloyd stared into his girlfriend's emerald faceted eye shutters. He shook his head. "No, no, no." Lloyd pointed between jade slivers adorning the middles of Hailey's eyes. "How *dare* you say that to me." Hailey snickered. She exhaled silent laughter into the surface of her boyfriend's quilt. Lloyd smirked. He dragged the neck of a granite sock over his shin. "*I'll* take care of it," Lloyd explained. Lloyd looked above walnut skin covering his shoulder. He reached for a gap between his mattress and oak panels covering the lower half of the wall.

"No worries." Lloyd dragged lime and cream colored bands out of a trench along the edge of his mattress. He snagged a kiwi tinted hem with the tips of his fingers and thumbs. He crumpled a tube of buttermilk and champagne stripes over his walnut tinted cheeks. He dragged polo streaks down his chest and stomach. He poked his arms through six inch long sleeves. Lloyd's muscular fingers forced a collar over his ears and the end of his nose. Lloyd situated his shirt along the base of his neck and shoulders. He looked at Hailey. "You stay right where you are," Lloyd instructed. Lloyd pointed at a half inch, gold plated rod connecting the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "Don't you move." Hailey giggled. Hailey's porcelain forearms crushed Lloyd's blanket ruffles on top of her boobs. Hailey showed Lloyd the surfaces of her palms.

A thick, oak door sealed the entrance to Lloyd's house. The polished living area covering was stained the color of scotch. Vertical rhombuses were carved into a cellulose surface. A set of two foot rectangles stood side by side near the peak of Lloyd's front door. Two three foot rectangles were recessed down the bottom half of a scotch tinted surface. Five impatient bangs caused Lloyd's front door to hammer oak ridges forming an upright frame.

A slot the size of a AA battery adorned the top, right corner of a recessed surface. The bronze plated fixture was two inches long and one centimeter tall. A copper treated grip the diameter of a dime poked out of a gap like a safety pin. A scotch pigmented chain connected the glittering peg to a thick plate. The bronze coated slat was fastened beside scotch colored oak surrounding the door. Lloyd's thumb and index finger gripped a shiny button poking out of a reflective link. The sparkling digit grasp was shaped like a pencil eraser.

Lloyd's masculine knuckle extensions glided a cinnamon plated knob across a slot. The bronze treated peg dangled from a five inch chain attached to a wall bracket. A bronze key shaped like a two inch football extended from a copper plated shaft. The amber pigmented stick poked out of a reflective disc near the right edge of the door. The elliptical latch plate was the diameter of a drinking glass. Lloyd's thick fingers rotated a rugby shaped grip counter-clockwise. A rotary like the blade of a flat head screwdriver poked out of a round surface. Lloyd's thumb and index finger swiveled a bronze coated facet longways. Walnut tinted digits spun a copper plated wheel shaped like a salsa bowl.

Lloyd tugged the front door of his house. Lloyd's glittering hatch knob switched from his right hand fingers to his left end digits. Lloyd flattened silver socked feet along two foot tiles the color of sapphires. A four by four inch oak post erupted five feet behind Lloyd's lime streaked shoulders. Like the front door of Lloyd's house, the flat column was stained the color of scotch. Lloyd's corneal tar droplets stared between strands of shaggy, chocolate strands. Lloyd blinked. Lloyd gazed into teal shutters attached to exhausted ocular surfaces. Fatigued eyelids surrounded hazy irises like sea ice. Sluggish eye coverings were caked with mascara. Eye lash tar trickled down pale cheeks. Makeup stained saline followed soft skin and disappeared below a one inch chin. Six inches of raven black strands curled out of a buttermilk colored forehead.

Tips of charcoal colored bangs stuck to blood soaked ocular flaps. Hot claret trickled from ends of six inch scalp filaments. Lines of wet crimson extended from a right hand temple gash. Hemoglobin soup leaked from tiny nostrils. Dried bodily fluids like rust surrounded pale, ham colored lips. A ruby red lipstick smudge extended from corners of salmon pigmented mouth rims. The line of cherry tinted beeswax wandered across the surface of a pale cheek. Apple skin lip stain disappeared below claret leaking from a cracked eye socket.

Knots of chin length hair poked out of a sore scalp above beginnings of six inch bangs. Messy, raven black strands erupted from a space above left hand ear ridges. Charcoal keratin squiggles adhered to ketchup colored crust staining velvet cheek skin. Dried blood trickles followed a slender neck. Evaporated hemoglobin stuck to creamy skin protecting edges of achy ribs. Claret stains disappeared behind an arc of crow colored silk. Coal tinted chest fabric was spotted with tiny, cream colored hearts. A sweeping neck hole was surrounded by one inch straps hanging from narrow shoulders. Short sleeves forged from raven fishnets hung from skin bulbs escaping spotted harnesses. A slender bicep extended from a right hand tube of half inch diamond frames. Cherry red scratches descorated soft, cream tinted arm dermis.

Trickles of dried crimson traced a pale upper arm escaping a left hand fishnet tube. Claret squiggles collected along the peak of a tiny elbow. Strawberry syrup drizzled the inner surface of a slim forearm. Throbbing wrist tendons were spotted with finger shaped bruises. Scrawny, plum colored patches wrapped pale ligament hide. A two inch thick strap dangled from tiny, raven spotted digits. The hanging shoulder harness was forged from blueberry colored denim. Navy blue school supply wads were suspended from a jean deltoid grip. Five heart shaped buttons strapped raven silk in front of slim breasts. A valentine spotted skirt drifted above an eight inch waist. Love spotted raven silk floated beside edges of narrow hips.

Tubes of soot colored denim were strapped around aching thighs. Charcoal leg tubes were chopped three inches above buttermilk ankles. Strawberry scrapes sank into slender calves. Cherry syrup striations disappeared into leather shoe collars. Cow hide wings surrounded narrow insteps. Ox skin points concealed tiny toes. Compressed leather teardrops and capital D heel extensions occupied three inch, oak slats. Bodies of scotch tinted planks formed the surface of Lloyd's front porch. Lloyd stared into penny sized pupils surrounded by teal shutters. Hummingbird wings fluttered Lloyd's ear drums. Lloyd's shoulders squeezed his neck. Lloyd forced nervous spit down a rubbery esophagus.

"W-Wednesdayy?" Lloyd croaked. "Jesus Christ." Tiny digits extending from Wednesday's palm relaxed. Wednedsay's back pack dropped on Lloyd's porch. Thick text books collided with oak boards like a car door slamming shut. Lloyd's disgusted fingers folded on top of his lips. "What-- the fuck happened??" Lloyd forced between thick skin surrounding his fingers. Wednesday stared into Lloyd's tar pigmented eye shutters. Wednesday's eyelids folded together. Her bronze coated eye flaps drifted apart. Lloyd pointed agitated fingertips at Wednesday's slender neck.

"What *happened*??" Lloyd demanded. Wednesday gazed into shiny coals attached to Lloyd's eyes. The sole of Wednesday's left shoe lifted off of scotch stained boards. Wednesday's denim strapped calf rotated. Her lower leg rested on top of her kneecap. Wednesday hunched over. Tips of limestone fingers surrounded a three inch shaft the color of raven feathers. Tar colored caps sank into pale Achilles' dermis. Scratched up skin surrounding Wednesday's ankle squeezed out of a leather collar. Wednesday's heel erupted from tar tinted cow hide. Narrow insteps and tar spotted toes followed strawberry scraped cream dermis. The sole of Wednesday's foot plopped down along slick, oak slats. Raven black nail polish embellished Wednesday's tiny plantar digits. Ivory colored scrapes scribbled surfaces of coal tinted caps.

Wednesday's empty shoe crashed into the surface of Lloyd's deck. Her falling footwear sounded like a hammer smacking a table top. Wednesday rested buttermilk skin protecting her right ankle along crow colored knee denim. Wednesday's fingertips surrounded a three inch shaft extending from the heel of her right shoe. Raven spotted digits shoved a leather neck over scraped up skin. Wednesday forced her foot out of a bison skinned instep. Wednesday's right hand knuckle extensions opened above blueberry back pack denim. Wednesday's right shoe collided with oak planks covering the surface of Lloyd's deck. Wednesday inhaled through blood crusted nostrils. Tubes of hot air shot out of Wednesday's slender nasal passages.

"...w-wheyz hheyys...?" Wednesday forced out of aching lips. Lloyd squinted.

"Uhhh--" Lloyd groaned. "What-- did you say, Wednesday? I didn't hear you." Wednesday puffed air out of burning vocal chords. She squeezed dry spit down her esophagus. Wednesday felt like she was swallowing glass. Wednesday peeled rubbery lips apart. She inhaled a painful breath.

"...where's-- Haileyy--?" Wednesday shoved through stinging throat striations. Lloyd exhaled a slow breath. Bushy, chocolate colored eyebrows crushed the outer corners of Lloyd's eyes.

"Ohhh, Wednesdayy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd lifted his walnut tinted wrists. Lloyd's ginger fingertips landed on Wednesday's tiny knuckles. Wednesday yanked terrified digits away from Lloyd's thick knuckle extensions.

"Ahh!" Wednesday barked. Wednesday skipped over three wood panels. Wednesday's frightened toes and plantar mounds flattened along slick, oak slats. Wednesday's agitated fingers folded over her blood soaked lips. "mmm-mmmm--" Wednesday groaned into surfaces of mortified palms. Wednesday exhaled heavy breaths across soft skin protecting her hands. "wooo--" Wednesday breathed out. "wooooo--" Lloyd stared below downturned eyebrows. He exhaled a long puff from his nose. Wednesday gazed into Lloyd's charcoal faceted irises. Wednesday's ham tinted lips quivered. Wrinkles folded the ends of Wednesday's mascara caked ocular caverns. Hot droplets escaped the corners of Wednesday's eyes. Steaming saline spattered tiny knuckles supporting shivering digits. Lloyd folded his thick fingers together. He flattened his thumbnails on top of his lips.

Wednesday's wiggling palm extensions lifted off of quivering lips. Timid toes drifted across slick hardwood panels. Wednesday collapsed frightened plantar digits beside an oak panel bordering Lloyd's door frame. Wednesday plopped the toes of her other foot between ash grey wool covering Lloyd's feet. Wednesday's soft skin collapsed along a slick tile as cold as ice. Lloyd gazed into teal quarters fastened to Wednesday's corneas. Woven fingers toppled off of Lloyd's narrow lips.

Wednesday sank into Lloyd's lime striped pecks. She rested tiny, shaking fingers along Lloyd's kidneys. Wednesday's pale cheeks and narrow shoulders wiggled Lloyd's cream and kiwi streaked ribs. Lloyd squeezed Wednesday's shivering deltoids between his muscular wrists and biceps. Lloyd's forearms folded over nylon fishnet spanning Wednesday's velvet back skin. Lloyd's cheek flattened raven black twists poking out of Wednesday's trembling scalp. Lloyd heard Wednesday sob. He detected hot breath sinking into lime and cream bands surrounding his chest. Lloyd lifted the digits of his right hand. Lloyd's ginger fingertips glided down licorice hanging from the back of Wednesday's skull.

"awww, Wednesdayy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd's eyes crinkled below a curtain of chocolate brown strands. "You're okay, Wednesday," Lloyd croaked. "You're safe, now." Lloyd felt mascara stained tears soaking the surface of his shirt. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath.

"I'm-- in sooo much painnn--" Wednesday groaned from quivering lips. Lloyd stroked charcoal spikes poking out of Wednesday's rear scalp. He grazed aching, porcelain dermis below Wednesday's fishnet half shirt. Lloyd guided thick digits up and down a seam below Wednesday's nylon back weaves.

"Come inside, Wednesday," Lloyd instructed. A scotch tinted plane covered the entrance to Lloyd's bedroom. A bronze knob shaped like a salsa bowl extended from the right edge of an oak door. The copper coated fixture rotated clockwise. A thirty-six inch wide, seven foot tall rectangle swung away from a brandy stained frame. Hailey was half asleep. She sank into the surface of a king size, pillow top mattress. Hailey was cacooned inside Lloyd's thick blanket. A sheet of cheddar and charcoal checks wrapped Hailey's silky shoulders. Mustard and soot flaps folded on top of Hailey's naked chest. Hailey's strawberry pigmented eye flaps popped open. Hailey's head turned like a top. Glittering emeralds searched rectangular crystals. Hailey inhaled between salmon colored lips.

"Who is it?" Hailey demanded. Lloyd stood between the right edge of his bedroom door and a scotch tinted border. Lloyd's fingers gripped a bronze salsa bowl poking out of a three by seven foot sheet. Lloyd studied his girlfriend's emerald eye shutters. He licked mournful lips.

"We've got a serious fuckin' problem," Lloyd reported. A scotch colored oak door covered the entrance to Lloyd's hall bathroom. A bronze door knob extended from the right edge of a three by seven foot plane. Baby blue tiles covered the lower half of the hall bathroom's wall. A layer of sheet rock coated with vanilla pudding paint concealed upper room partitions. Slate colored rectangles the size of chalkboard erasers decorated bathroom base boards. Granite pigmented floor tiles were arranged like bricks.

A fluffy, cyan tinted rug spanned a three foot by twenty-four inch area near the door. A honey tinted board wandered away from the left edge of an oak frame. The brandy stained covering collapsed along baby blue squares and vanilla pudding wall paint. Lime green toenails embellished limestone tarsal digits. Kiwi spotted nubs flattened along two foot, sapphire blue tiles. Slender ankles emerging from ivory insteps disappeared inside tubes of raven black denim. Quarter inch raspberry strips surrounded hips the width of a basketball. Upper leg curves formed into a slender waist strapped with pomegranate sweater pickets.

Tangerine fingernails beside raven coated thigh flesh adorned limestone digits. Pale knuckles disappeared below chutes forged from pomegranate yarn. Raspberry pigmented facets bordered a buttermilk tinted chest. Edges of a slender neck curved below porcelain tinted cheeks. Flame curtains dangled from a narrow scalp. Carrot filaments surrounded pale skin erupting from pomegranate weaves. Glass panels extended in front of curious emeralds. Tiny fingers surrounded by pomegranate strands lifted in front of a pale chin. Orange spotted cream digits folded on top of shiny, ham colored lips.

The toes of Hailey's left foot lifted off of a sapphire tinted sheet. Lime embellished plantar extensions compressed slate bricks cemented with chocolate grout. A porcelain tube one foot wide stood across from Lloyd's cyan bathroom mat. The slick chute became a ceramic tub the size of a punch bowl. A bronze faucet emerged from a slick container an inch away from baby blue wall squares. The copper coated water dispenser rose a foot into the air then curved towards a drain. The amber stained fixture was shaped like an upside down capital "J".

The soles of Wednesday's feet sank into cyan fluffs sprouting from Lloyd's bath mat. One inch strips of cyan yarn surrounded buttermilk insteps. Licorice caps covered ends of coconut stubs. Tips of raven pigmented nail coverings were brushed with dove feather scrapes. Strawberry blotches wrapped cream tinted ankles. Denim tubes the color of soot gripped upper halves of porcelain calves. Thighs strapped with crow tinted jeans descended from aching knees. Charcoal strapped hind cheeks flattened on top of slate floor bricks. Exhausted tuchus pads crushed soot colored denim against baby blue tiles near the floor.

Pale forearms rested beside motionless hips. Criss-crossing blood drips wrapped a left hand wrist. Buttermilk biceps disappeared into three inch high, fishnet tubes. Cream pigmented skin chutes were lacerated with raspberry scratches. Raven black silk floated above a slender waist. Slick, charcoal fabric was spotted with quarter inch hearts the color of heavy cream. A line of buttermilk tinted, valentine shaped buttons climbed a blood stained chest. A tube of ivory dermis erupted from slumping shoulders. A skinny neck decorated with crimson trickles disappared into a bloody, one inch wide chin.

Mascara soaked cheeks surrounded blood crusted lips and nasal openings. Hazy, teal colored eye shutters rested along filthy cheeks. Irises like sea ice stared into space. Raven black eyebrows flattened battered eye sockets. Curtains of raven black strands surrounded dirty, blood stained cheeks. Lloyd followed his girlfriend into the bathroom. Hailey collapsed beside her friend's denim strapped hips. Limestone digits poking out of Hailey's pomegranate sleeves grazed strawberry bicep scrapes.

"W-Wednesday?" Hailey requisitioned. Wednesday's pupils peered through eighth inch gaps separating mascara coated eyelids. Motionless ocular ports focused on a one foot porcelain tube descending from Lloyd's sink. Hailey looked beside Wednesday's legs. She studied trickles of dried blood surrounding Wednesday's forearm. Hailey reached across Wednesday's raven coated thighs. Hailey's tiny fingers surrounded Wednesday's skinny wrist. Hailey lifted her friend's tiny, tar capped digits. Wednesday's palm dangled from her aching wrist. Wilting fingers drooped from Wednesday's knuckles. Hailey rotated her friend's slender forearm. She studied a quarter inch hole singed along the surface of Wednesday's pale skin. Hailey inhaled through her nostrils. Her nasal passages exhaled hot air.

Hailey rested Wednesday's limp digits along the tops of her thighs. Wednesday's thumb flattened heart spotted silk covering her stomach. Hailey faced mascara squiggles and dried blood staining Wednesday's pale cheek. Hailey lifted ginger knuckle extensions. Tangerine nails adorning Hailey's index finger and thumb converged below Wednesday's chin. Hailey swiveled her friend's blood spattered face. Wednesday's frosty eye shutters focused on cyan strands surrounding her pitch spotted toes.

Wednesday's bronze pigmented eye flaps folded together. Her mascara drenched ocular coverings drifted apart. Sapphire shutters wandered to the corners of Wednesday's eyes. Irises like sea ice focused on rectangular crystals surrounding Hailey's nose. Wednesday stared at emeralds behind silicate panels. The ends of Wednesday's eyes wrinkled. The bridge of her tiny nose shriveled. Rubbery lips peeled off of parched teeth. Wednesday's exhausted eyelids squeezed shut. Tears trickled from naked eyelashes.

Hailey slung pomegranate fleeced biceps and wrists around her friend's lacerated shoulders. Hailey's soft cheek flattened sweat stained licorice strands blanketing Wednesday's temple. Lloyd stood in front of the girls. He folded walnut colored forearms over lime and cream bands wrapping his chest. Lloyd studied blotches of mascara and dried blood wrapping Wednesday's cheeks. He inhaled a sharp breath.

"I'll be right back," Lloyd explained. Lloyd disappeared into the hallway. Hailey surrounded Wednesday's cheeks with tangerine spotted fingers. She swiveled Wednesday's pale facial curves. She flattened Wednesday's saline drenched bangs with porcelain skin covering her forehead. Hailey gazed into Wednesday's teal eye shutters. Ridges covering the ends of Hailey's thumbs brushed oily skin covering Wednesday's cheeks. Hailey inhaled cool air between parted teeth.

"You've been burning yourself with your cigarettes, again," Hailey remarked. Wednesday stared at her friend's emerald irises. She blinked. Hailey sucked a breath past separated bicuspids. "Is that-- because of what I said in class?" Hailey asked. "Because of Gwen and Allie?" Sapphire shutters between Wednesday's eyelashes wobbled. Pale pupil facets focused on the tip of Hailey's tiny nose. Wednesday lifted exhausted ocular ports. Wednesday's pale eye slivers faced beebee sized holes near the middles of Hailey's irises. Her muddy eye flaps collapsed. Mascara caked eyelids drifted apart. Hailey licked naked lips.

"Tell me what happened, Wednesday," Hailey instructed. Cyan quarters attached to Wednesday's corneas stared at pupils between emerald shutters. Wednesday flapped aching ocular coverings. Hailey lifted the digits of her right hand. She glided tiny fingertips across raven black strands growing out of Wednesday's temple. She tucked oily, soot colored keratin behind her friend's tiny ear ridges. Hailey's tangerine spotted knuckle extensions soothed soft skin protecting Wednesday's cheek. Hailey inhaled between ham tinted oral rims. "Wednesdayy--" Hailey groaned. Blank, salmon colored lips wiggled between smudges of dried blood. Wednesday dragged wobbling mouth coverings off of pearl stained incisors. She inhaled a frosty breath.

"...i-i..." Wednesday squeezed out of salmon lips. Wednesday squeezed quivering eye flaps together. Hot saline dribbled out of mascara caked ocular coverings. Wednesday wrinkled agitated eyelids. She forced nervous spit down her throat. She parted mud soaked iris shields. She stared at glass rectangles. She stretched rubbery lips apart. "...i was-- r-raped..." Wednesday forced out. The blood drained out of Hailey's face. Hailey crushed her friend's velvet, crimson spotted cheeks between mortified palms. Apricot brows lifted off of Hailey's emerald irises.

"nnNooooo--" Hailey groaned. Hailey cradled her friend's mascara glopped cheeks and sloppy hair knots beside her face. She flattened carrot and cheddar scalp filaments along the edge of Wednesday's pale neck. Sweet potato shavings pointed at the outer corners of Hailey's emerald eyes. Hailey wiggled agitated cheeks back and forth. "No, no, no, no, no--" Hailey grumbled from horrified lips. Hailey squeezed her friend's porcelain throat between pomegranate fleeced biceps. Her porcelain facial features shivered on top of Wednesday's licorice temple fluffs. Hailey stared through silicate corrective panels. Saline droplets oozed from the corners of Hailey's jade faceted ocular caverns. Hailey cuddled her friend's blood crusted face beside the edge of her neck. She stroked raven black strands poking out of Wednesday's scalp.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Hailey snarled. Hailey flattened her coconut cheek on top of licorice sprouting from Wednesday's scalp. She squeezed her friend's fishnet shrouded shoulders against her buttermilk chest. Hailey exhaled a heavy breath from puffed up facial curves. She inhaled a sharp breath. "Wednesday, we've gotta get you to a hospital," Hailey instructed. Wednesday's mascara smeared eye flaps crushed her teal irises. Wednesday peeled rubbery lips off of gritted incisors.

"N-Noo--" Wednesday squeezed out. Hailey's pale cheeks collapsed along her friend's raven scalp fluffs. Hailey exhaled an exhausted sob. Hailey's bronze coated eye flaps sealed her emerald eye shutters. Hailey unclenched Wednesday's fishnet wrapped deltoids. She sank into raven tinted denim strapped around her hips. She stared into her friend's teal irises.

"nnNooo?" Hailey groaned. Wednesday stared, blankly. Mascara caked eye shutters flattened the tops and bottoms of Wednesday's pupils. Angry eyebrows pointed at a space between her eyes. Hailey stared at her friend's irritated ocular cavities. She sucked a sharp breath between ham tinted lips. "Wednesday, they need to do a rape kit."

"*You* go to a fucking hospital!" Wednesday belted from aching tonsils. Hailey studied her friend's sea ice ocular facets. She exhaled heavy puffs from uncertain nostrils.

"Wednesdayy--" Hailey groaned.

"Did you have a-- rape kit done after Larry stuck his dick in *you*?!" Wednesday grumbled from irritated mouth rims. Hailey stared into Wednesday's teal eye shutters. She licked her undressed lips.

"nnNope," Hailey squeezed out.

"Did he stick it in your ass-- Hailey??" Wednesday puffed between gritted teeth. "Did Larry-- grope you-- and squeeze your little titties?" Wednesday's frosty irises wobbled between her mascara soaked eye flaps. Wednesday searched her friend's emerald pupil facets. "Did he-- make you cum three times? Just because he could??" Hailey sandwiched her friend's blood crusted cheeks between infuriated digits. She stared into Wednesday's teal irises. She stretched blank lips off of gritted incisors.

"He didn't-- give me-- a chance--" Hailey squeezed out of gnashing fluoride sculptures. Hailey wiggled her friend's irritated facial features. "Okay, Wednesdayy??" Wednesday's raven spotted digits gripped raspberry strips covering Hailey's tiny tits. Wednesday squeezed porcelain finger joints into agitated fists. She glared into her friend's emerald eye shutters.

"Did it-- fucking hurt?!" Wednesday snapped. Hailey studied her friend's rage filled ocular cavities. She inhaled a frosty breath between quivering mouth rims. She lifted tangerine capped fingertips beside her friend's hemoglobin stained cheek. She glided neon spotted digits along Wednesday's porcelain facial features. Steaming droplets leaked from the corners of Hailey's eyes.

"Did they-- do that to you, Wednesday?" Hailey requisitioned. "Did one of them-- stick it in your ass??" Wednesday breathed out a heavy puff between gritted incisors. She shoved her friend's pomegranate sweater fleece.

"Gyahh!" Wednesday belched. "Shut the-- fuck up." Wednesday folded agitated wrists on top of heart spotted silk covering her chest. She exhaled heavy puffs from tight, blood stained lips. "*You* go to a hospital," Wednesday grumbled. "And, then-- And then, *you* tell them what happened." Wednesday glared at Hailey's emerald faceted eye shutters below points of raven brows. Wednesday's pitch spotted fingertips flattened along slate colored floor tiles. "And, then-- you can tell *me* what to do." Hailey lifted gentle digits beside Wednesday's mascara soaked cheeks. She grazed raven black fishnets shrouding Wednesday's soft shoulders. Hailey swatted tears away from her cheeks. She searched cyan quarters covering Wednesday's corneas. She licked undressed lips.

"O-Okayy--" Hailey conceded. Hailey nodded. "Alright. That's fair enough." Hailey exhaled a heavy breath. She glided a tangerine capped thumbnail across saline droplets gripping her eyelashes. She slid saliva coated mouth meat between ham colored lips. "Do-- Do you know who did this?" Hailey asked. Wednesday studied emerald shutters surrounding her friend's pupils. She inhaled a sharp breath.

"N-No--" Wednesday squeezed out. Wednesday's head turned. Her mascara caked eye flaps dropped on the tips of her fingers. Hailey's orange capped cream digits sank into Wednesday's slick shoulders. Hailey swirled porcelain knuckle extensions over half inch diamonds embellishing velvet skin.

"C'mon, Wednesday," Hailey instructed. "Tell me something. Maybe we can-- figure out who they are." Wednesday wiped tears off chunks of eye liner coating her ocular coverings. She stared into Hailey's emerald eye shutters. She swallowed nervous spit.

"Travis Griffin's-- b-brother--" Wednesday puffed between quivering lips. Hailey's shoulder grazers froze. Tiny hairs stood up along the back of Hailey's neck. Hailey's fingers sank into Wednesday's tender flesh. Hailey licked naked lips.

"He has a-- brother?" Hailey inquired. Wednesday inhaled a sorrowful breath. Wednesday's licorice stranded scalp nestled into a nylon hammock spanning her shoulder blades. Sweat soaked hair shards tickled naked flesh below a fishnet sheet. Wednesday exhaled between blood soaked lips. She lowered her head. She gazed at emerald irises hiding behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses.

"Ohhh, yeahhh--" Wednesday croaked. Wednesday puffed painful gasses through dehydrated vocal chords. The corners of Wednesday's mascara soaked eyes crinkled. Wednesday inhaled a shaky breath between shivering mouth rims. "His, uhh-- His brother didn't do this to mee-e-e--" Wednesday forced between undressed lips. Wednesday cleared her throat. She tried to swallow rubbery spit. "It was, uhh--" Wednesday gritted frustrated teeth. She lifted agitated fingers in front of heart polka dotted silk below her breast bone. She squeezed her porcelain digits into fists. "It wasss--" Raven colored eyebrows flattened the peaks of Wednesday's irritated eye sockets. The bridge of her nose folded into ivory tinted wrinkles. "Some-- other-- guys!" Wednesday blathered.

"Was there a fat guy?" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey jumped. She looked above quarter inch yarn strips wrapping her shoulder. Lloyd carried a wet wash rag. A cream hand towel decorated with strawberry criss-crosses dangled from Lloyd's fingers. Lloyd pointed at shaggy, chocolate brown chunks hanging from his scalp. "Spiked hair?" Lloyd asked. Wednesday stared between chocolate strands dangling in front of Lloyd's eye coals. She nodded, slowly.

Lloyd kneeled beside raven tubes stretched around Wednesday's calves. Lloyd sank denim knee wads into cyan fluffs surrounding Wednesday's instep. Lloyd's fingers hovered above coal tinted jean fabric coating Wednesday's middle leg hinges. Lloyd's thick fingertips gripped a glass cylinder. Crystal liquid filled a frosty, silicate container. Lloyd's wash rag fingers squeezed tar colored caps adorning Wednesday's porcelain digits.

"Drink this, Wednesday," Lloyd instructed. Lloyd lifted Wednesday's aching fingers. He guided Wednesday's tiny knuckle extensions across the facets of a crystal container. He flattened Wednesday's pine finger joints along the surface of a glass drinking column. Wednesday peered through ice frosted liquid. Wednesday's raven spotted fingers swiveled. Rainbow colored rays rotated above points forging the base of a silicate bucket.

Hailey studied her friend's raven spotted grippers. She flattened limestone digits along the rim of a glass drinking prism. Hailey tilted a crystal flask. She pressed the opening of a see through cup against Wednesday's naked lips. Freezing cold liquid poured onto the tip of Wednesday's parched nourishment tester. Frosty glacier melt hydrated gritty mouth meat between Wednesday's molars. Wednesday tilted her head back. She tipped a refrigerated glass against grateful mouth rims. She folded muddy eye flaps together. She poured refreshing liquid over points of fluoride meat mashers. Lloyd swabbed eye liner staining Wednesday's pale cheeks with a strawberry crossed rag.

"Was there like-- a skinny, blonde guy?" Lloyd asked. Lloyd brushed crimson crust off of Wednesday's porcelain facial curves. Wednesday's eyes popped open. Wednesday gazed into shiny coals attached to Lloyd's corneas. She nodded. Wednesday drizzled remaining droplets from the glass Lloyd handed her between naked lips. She offered Lloyd an empty drinking chute. She squinted.

"How do you-- know that?" Wednesday inquired. Lloyd snagged a crystal flask extending from Wednesday's shaking fingers. He studied carrot, apricot, and sherbet strands hanging beside Hailey's soft cheeks.

"You didn't know Travis had a brother?" Lloyd inquired. Hailey wrangled a dampened towel from her boyfriend's muscular digits. She folded the strawberry woven wash cloth over the tips of her fingers. She scrubbed mascara crumbs off of Wednesday's left eyelid. She shook her head.

"No," Hailey responded. Hailey flattened a wet towel on top of her friend's right eye. She dragged rough fabric across the surface of Wednesday's pitch stained eyelid. Sopping wet strawberry weaves soaked up tar colored eyelash goo. Swollen, plum colored ocular flaps were hiding underneath tear swirled eye liner. "Ohh-- jeez, Wednesday," Hailey croaked. Wednesday's pale irises floated between surfaces of naked eyelids. Teal eye shutters focused on spaces between Lloyd's chocolate forehead curtains.

"Lloyyyd--" Wednesday groaned. "Who-- raped me?" Lloyd gazed at Wednesday's wobbling pupil facets. He inhaled a frosty breath.

"That would be-- Bernie Clark," Lloyd responded. "And, Sammy Kern." Hailey swiveled her friend's porcelain tinted chin. She swabbed dehydrated claret staining Wednesday's cheek. Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath.

"You-- know them?" Wednesday requisitioned. Hailey folded denim strapped legs like a pretzel beside Wednesday's jean coated hips. She picked raven colored locks out of dried blood coating Wednesday's facial curves. Hailey mashed a wet wash cloth on top of a half inch crevice bordering Wednesday's eye. She swabbed crimson crust off of tender skin covering Wednesday's temple. Lloyd shrugged.

"They were my brother's friends," Lloyd explained. Hailey swirled cotton fabric like sand paper over the surface of Wednesday's right cheek.

"Did they use a condom, Wednesday?" Hailey inquired. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath between ham tinted lips. She wiggled raven spotted digits beside her pale cheeks.

"Haileyy-- don't!" Wednesday snapped. Wednesday's porcelain face turned. Thin, raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Soft, salmon colored lips uncovered gritted teeth. "N-No!" Wednesday glared into glittering emeralds behind the lenses of her friend's glasses. She sucked an angry breath through mashed together incisors. She exhaled from blood caked nostrils. Hailey stared into her friend's furious irises. Wednesday's right eye was shrouded by swollen, plum pigmented ocular coverings. Hailey looked above pomegranate yarn strands blanketing her slender shoulder.

"It's Gwen Fall," Hailey remarked. Lloyd's head turned. Lloyd stared at slate tiles glued to the floor. Bushy, chocolate colored eyebrows climbed Lloyd's walnut tinted forehead.

"Uhh--" Lloyd groaned. Wednesday shoved Hailey's raspberry picketed ribs towards the bathroom door. Hailey's yarn knitted trunk tilted thirty degrees. The ends of Hailey's flame colored locks grazed surfaces of ice cold floor tiles. Wednesday wiggled porcelain fists beside her fishnet shrouded shoulders.

"W-What?!" Wednesday barked. Hailey's palms plopped on top of slate bricks beside her hips. Hailey shifted her upper body to a normal sitting position. Thin, pumpkin colored eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Hailey's eyes.

"She-- probably *told* those guys about us," Hailey explained. "It *had* to be her."

"Are you fucking kidding me??" Wednesday demanded. "This again?!" Wednesday glared at Hailey's emerald colored irises. Hailey squinted. She raised impatient palms beside pomegranate fleeced shoulders. A cream wash cloth with strawberry criss-crosses dangled from Hailey's right hand fingers.

"Wellll--" Hailey groaned. "How *else* did they find out?" "They just-- suspected us all of a sudden?" Hailey wiggled tangerine capped cream fingers. "Gwen was in our class when Detective Moore pulled me out. And, we know she's trying to break up me and Lloyd. I mean-- who else *could* it have been?" Lloyd studied slate colored tiles covering the floor of his bathroom. He raised espresso eye fluffs.

"She *is* friends with Josh and them," Lloyd recalled. "I remember that from the old days." Wednesday hammered rectangular floor tiles. Wednesday's porcelain knuckles collided with slate tinted rocks. Her tender finger joints sounded like a bag of grapes smacking a brick wall. Wednesday squeezed naked eye flaps in front of frosty irises. Wednesday mashed distressed incisors together.

"aahhh--" Wednesday groaned from salmon lips. Wednesday sank crimson soaked fist points into the palm of her opposite hand. Ivory finger shafts squeezed Wednesday's throbbing knuckles. Wednesday's ice colored irises stared at emeralds behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Wednesday's teal eye shutters glared at coals sandwiched between Lloyd's eyelids. Wednesday wiggled agitated cheeks. "You twooo-- are unbelievable," Wednesday grumbled. Wednesday plopped the surface of her good hand beside her denim strapped hips. She glided the soles of her feet out of cyan yarn fluffs sprouting from Lloyd's bathroom rug. She balanced on dermis pillows behind raven spotted toes. She took a step towards the hallway door.

"Un-- be-LIEVABLE!!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday's body weight shifted onto her leading leg. Wednesday looked like she was about to fall over. She took a second step. She switched her upper body mass onto a fresh lower limb. Wednesday stumbled across graphite bathroom tiles using ridges of buttermilk plantar dermis. She hobbled through a scotch tinted door frame. She slammed Lloyd's bathroom door. Lloyd watched Wednesday shuffle away. He furrowed his brow.

Hailey stared at swirls of wet crimson. Hot claret collected along surfaces of restroom bricks where Wednesday was sitting. A puddle of hemoglobin soup outlined Wednesday's ass cheeks and the beginnings of her thighs. Hailey dunked tips of pine tinted digits in cozy bodily fluids. She lifted timid knuckle extensions. She showed blood soaked finger surfaces to her boyfriend. Lloyd studied cream pigmented grippers coated with cherry syrup. He lifted disgusted palms.

"What-- the fuck?" Lloyd grumbled. Hailey shook her head.

"Jesus, Wednesdayy--" Hailey groaned. Hailey shoved herself to her feet. She slipped across slate bricks, rotated a bronze salsa bowl, and searched for her friend. "Wednesday!" Hailey called from the hallway. Lloyd followed his girlfriend out of the guest washroom. He stopped beside an open door way. He stared above lime and cream colored bands surrounding his shoulder. He studied ripples of crimson tinted liquid arranged in the shape of Wednesday's backside. He sank the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. Lloyd swirled on ash grey socks covering the soles of his feet. He followed a path tiled with frosty sapphire squares.

The walls of Gwen's bedroom were coated with matte paint. Dim vinyl the color of granite was slopped across the walls of Gwen's sleeping area. A pair of posters hung vertically above the head of Gwen's bed. The upright sheet rock banners were twenty-four by thirty-six inch Courtney Pierce portraits. Courtney was a well known pop singer Gwen was obsessed with. The left hand printout portrayed Courtney Pierce standing next to an old, cedar post. Thick, golden strands framed a round face covered with glowing, tangerine skin. Soft, amber tinted hair framed tips of velvet cheeks and curves of a slender neck. A set of chocolate brown eyes gazed below slim, auburn brows. A tiny nose extended above glittery, carnation pink lips.

Strips of flamingo colored wool descended from bouncy, honey tinted hair coils. Edges of a pastel sweater stretched over boobs the size of cantaloupes. Cotton candy buttons the width of nickles secured bubble gum panels between melon breasts. Courtney's tangerine temple flattened a blanket of golden locks. The pop singer's apricot cheek crushed soft strands along a four by four inch upright. The flat ceiling support was the color of winter snow. The inner surface of Courtney's arm relaxed behind a chunk of square shaped cedar. A flamingo wrapped elbow emerged from a post edge opposite Courtney's resting temple. Courtney's naked forearm collapsed along rear scalp cream strands.

The pop singer's opposite bicep framed the outer edge of her right boob. The sleeve of Ms. Pierce's bubble gum sweater surrounded an upper arm like a sports bottle. Courtney's uncovered forearm erupted from the end of her sleeve. A tube of golden, tangerine skin extended below cantaloupe sized breasts. An elastic bracelet strapped cotton candy and turquoise beads around the pop singer's wrist. Courtney's tiny fingers embraced flat edges of a cedar post. A naked stomach descended from the edge of Courtney's forearm. Smooth, tangerine tinted flesh formed a slender waist. A half inch navel sank into the pop singer's trim abs. Cutoff shorts hung from Courtney's tangerine hip curves. Six inches of faded denim descended from a blue jean band one inch thick. The two centimeter strip gripped velvet skin curving away from the pop singer's pelvis.

Fabric concealing Courtney's waist, crotch, and upper thighs was robin egg blue sprinkled with blueberry blotches. Tops of fabric pouches poked out of the upper rim of Courtney's shorts. The cotton storage sacks were credit card sized bags stitched to jeans pocket openings. Bases of golden thighs descended from loose thread chutes. Gwen's right hand poster was a printout of Courtney Pierce dancing in place. The pop singer stood in front of a blank, white backdrop. Courtney's head was tilted above her right shoulder. Soft musician skin adorning Gwen's right hand poster was the color of buttermilk. Slick dermis like desert sand formed a set of grinning cheeks. Creamy, limestone hide covered a narrow chin below smiling, strawberry lips. Chocolate brown irises gazed from canopies of rust colored eyebrows.

Courtney was slinging her head around when her photo was taken. Long, golden strands sprouted from the pop singer's scalp. Eighteen inch locks the color of amber surrounded a cream colored face and neck. Turquoise spaghetti straps hung from soft, limestone tinted shoulders. Slender harnesses framed the edges of a cream colored chest. Biceps the hue of desert sand extended along forty-five degree axes from naked shoulders.

Flailing forearms arose from Courtney's elbows. Tiny fingers curled away from limp knuckles. A slim, turquoise colored bracelet was strapped around Courtney's skinny wrist. A turquoise halter top was stretched over a set of cantaloupe shaped breasts. Ms. Pierce's teal trunk covering was a five inch band suspended from deltoid spaghetti. The pop singer's melon sized boobs wiggled below a cyan rib chute. Bouncing grapefruit tits stretched royal blue fabric.

Turquoise strings dangled from the lower rim of Courtney's top. Cyan strands twirled above slender, cream tinted stomach arcs. Courtney's shifting hips rotated baby blue half shirt danglers like tiny twisters. Crystal clear beads embellished tips of floating, light blue strands. Blueberry colored jeans were fastened above the beginnings of Courtney's curvy hips. Ripples of navy blue denim concealed the pop singer's shuffling pelvis. Navy blue tubes surrounded shapely thigh cellulose. Indigo chutes stretched around Courtney's narrow knees. Dark, denim ruffles extended from central leg hinges. Blue jean curtains became bell bottoms surrounding Courtney's slender calves.

A charcoal colored sheet was stretched over the surface of Gwen's mattress. A thick, fluffy blanket the color of the night sky covered slate bedding. Diagonal stripes forged from hearts were printed across the surface of Gwen's blanket. Slanted valentine shapes alternated in color. A forty-five degree love band escaping Gwen's upper, left blanket vertex was strawberry red. The proceeding empathy striation was flamingo pink. The third secret admirer stripe was plum purple. The fourth diagonal affection streak was blueberry colored. The fifth passion row was cyan. The final sentiment extension was banana yellow. After that, diagonal heart stripes repeated.

Slick, oak table tops surrounded the peak of Gwen's bed. Polished cellulose shelves measured eighteen inches wide by one foot long. Vanilla colored lamp shade ruffles surrounded a three inch light eruption. Radiating bulb plasma imitated afternoon sunlight. A plastic box the color of carnation pedals stood beside cream luminescence shutters. A white kitty face poked out of bubble gum polystyrene facing away from Gwen's bedroom wall. Digital thumps erupted from a set of speakers wired to Gwen's cat radio. A triangle wave fell in pitch three times, rose twice, and dropped again. Courtney Pierce's soft voice apologized vacantly using contemptuous, narcissistic lyrics.

"Whoops-- I fooled you again--" polyurethane drivers repeated. "I stomped on your pride-- just got in your way-- oh, baby, baby--" Gwen was sprawled naked across the surface of her valentine striped blanket. The back of Gwen's head mashed slick, raven colored hair into thick fabric. Twelve inch strands surrounded Gwen's pale face and neck like charcoal solar rays. Eyelids brushed with dark blue eye shadow crushed hazel irises. Long, mascara coated eyelashes emerged from a seam dividing blueberry eye wedges.

Sealed eyelids shrouded soft cheeks swirled with rose colored blush. The tip of a tiny nose extended above lips the color of red wine. Claret tinted mouth edges stretched away from gritted teeth. Soft skin forging Gwen's shoulder blades sank into black wool decorated with rainbow hearts. The inner surfaces of Gwen's arms compressed a sheet of colorful yarn. Blueberry colored caps attached to Gwen's tiny fingertips burrowed into thick fabric puffs. Breasts like baseball halves extended from pale skin covering Gwen's narrow chest. Salmon colored chocolate chips poked out of Gwen's tiny tits. Porcelain skin descended from a slender ribcage. Ivory velvet became an eight inch waist. Gwen's tiny navel pierced the middle of a pale flesh flank. Edges of a trim stomach became silk dermis surrounding hips the width of a beach ball.

Gwen's upper legs gripped bony waist points. A scrawny spinal scultpure the color of limestone erupted from Gwen's soft thighs. Skinny biceps descended from rickety shoulders. Slender forearms became thin fingers. Long digits sank into buttermilk flesh surrounding Gwen's hips. Backs of velvet calves descended from soft, cream colored kneecaps. Curves of porcelain lower legs crushed hind cheeks like mud flaps. Gwen's soft heels flattened along thin thighs the color of pine. The soles of Gwen's feet skimmed sand tinted hair curtains hanging from pale flesh tubes. Tips of blueberry colored toenails clawed furry, limestone tinted skin. Navy blue eyelids peeled off of honey colored quarters. Raven eyebrows pointed at the bridge of Gwen's nose.

Gwen gazed into two inch glass circles. Elliptical prisms were filled with rust colored shutters. Silver rods a quarter inch thick framed lenses the width of drinking glasses. A long, thin nose poked out between crystal plates. Lengthy lips pointed at stubble growing out of a slender chin. Sawdust and cream colored strands surrounded points of bony cheeks. Sandy hair fluffs brushed edges of a scrawny neck.

Bony shoulders squeezed the base of a thin throat. Rows of lung protectors poked through pale chest dermis. Salmon quarters topped pine colored ridges erupting from rib extruded chest hide. Beebee sized pegs protruded from ham tinted coins. Thin skin caved in and formed a slim stomach. A cream colored hair trail escaped a half inch hole punched into a flat belly. The sawdust treasure trove disappeared inside the opening of Gwen's labia. Gwen peered into two inch, rust biscuits. She gnashed distressed incisors between cherry stained lips.

"Ah!" Gwen puffed between gritted teeth. "Ah! Ah! Fuck! Cole!" Gwen shouted. "Stop it! It fuckin' hurts!"

"huhhh--" Cole exhaled from thin lips. "huhhhh--" Slender digits extending from Cole's knuckles gripped soft skin protecting Gwen's thighs. Gwen licked velvet surfaces of wine colored lips.

"Flip me over," Gwen instructed. "Try doggy style." Two inch eyelids covered Cole's rust colored irises. Cole nodded. Bony fingers surrounded buttermilk knees like silk. Cole lifted his pointed pelvis. "Ahh!" Gwen barked. Cole dragged his slime coated pecker out of Gwen's pussy lips. "ahhhhh--" Gwen purred. Cole folded Gwen's tomato shaped knees below rims of baseball sized boobs. Velvet thighs nuzzled Gwen's naked stomach. Cole's skinny fingers gripped soft flesh surrounding buttermilk shins. Gwen flattened pale forearms on top of her salmon tinted nipples.

Cole rolled Gwen like a rotisserie chicken. Gwen's face sank into a sheet of rainbow colored hearts. Gwen's porcelain forehead, blueberry eyelids, tiny nose, and wine tinted lips burrowed into fleece love banners. Gwen shoved her palms into the surface of her rainbow valentine blanket. Fingertips embellished with blueberry caps gripped foam stitched to Gwen's mattress. Gwen tightened her ivory pigmented biceps. She lifted undressed tits off of colorful yarn fluffs. Slender thighs and tuchus mounds arose from soft calves and heels. Gwen looked above pine skin protecting her shoulder. Raven curtains dangled on top of eager eyes, open lips, and tight jaws. Gwen exhaled heavy breaths between wine colored lips.

"Cole!" Gwen barked. "Put it back in!!" Cole stared at porcelain flesh pillows surrounding Gwen's anus. Rust colored shutters forming two inch discs studied soft, buttermilk cheeks. "You idiot!" Gwen shouted. Cole snapped out of a daze. Cole wiggled pointed cheek bones. Four centimeter lenses shuffled in front of Cole's penny stained eye shutters. Gwen stretched angry teeth apart. "Stop staring at my ass!" Gwen shrieked. "And, stick your-- skinny, little pecker in me! Now!!" Cole's bony digits strapped curves of slender hips. Gwen detected sawdust colored crotch coils skimming a seam separating her butt cheeks. A patch of felt compressed along the crack of Gwen's ass. A slimy flesh shaft glided across the rim of Gwen's labia. Cole sank a ham colored mushroom cap between gooey flesh wedges. The end of Cole's dick slipped inside a slimy meat canal.

"Aaahh--" Gwen purred. Cole dragged his peepee back. He shoved a fallopian sausage into Gwen's vagina. "Ahh!" Gwen squealed. "Ahh-- Ahh-- Yeah-- Yeah--" Cole's knuckle nightcrawlers wandered to the rear of Gwen's ass cheek. Scrawny digits lifted off a bag of flesh protecting Gwen's hip. Cole smacked a mound of cellulite insulating Gwen's hiny. Cole's palm collided with buttermilk colored meat. His battering hand pillows sounded like a steak pounding concrete. "Ahh!" Gwen shouted. "Cole!" Cole's thin lips curled into a grin. Cole slapped Gwen's right ass cheek. "Ahhh!" Gwen shrieked. Cole lifted bony finger shafts. Cole's palm collided with a bag of thick meat. Gwen's backside protector began to feel raw. Gwen's face peered above velvet skin covering her shoulder.

"Motha fucker!" Gwen yelled. "Stop it!" Cole exhaled sadistic cackles. Cole's bony palm repeatedly hammered Gwen's soft flesh. Gwen's irritated teeth mashed together. Gwen grabbed fistfuls of foam stitched to the top of her mattress. Gwen tightened agitated arm ligaments. Gwen tugged battered ass cheeks away from Cole's crotch. A column of gooey meat glided off of a thick flesh shaft. Gwen's pale tuchus scurried away from Cole's skinny thighs using pine colored shins. Gwen dragged porcelain knees and insteps onto a row of banana colored blanket hearts.

Gwen flattened blueberry spotted digits along peaks of quartz upper legs. She peeked above velvet shoulders surrounding her pale throat. Gwen searched the right edge of her naked body. Ripples the thickness of garden hoses separated Gwen's ribs from her hips. Hazel irises attached to Gwen's corneas studied thick skin covering her upper thigh. Gwen's right hand tuchus ridge was decorated with strawberry handprints. Scrawny finger stains the color of fruit punch extended from heart shaped cheek welts.

Cole's skinny butt flaps rested along bony, fur coated calves. Cole's head tilted back. Two inch crystals magnified images of Cole's closed eyelids. Cole's grinning lips pulled apart. Satisfied cackles erupted from Cole's slender vocal chords. Gwen's tiny fingers gripped wads of fluffy, heart spotted fabric. Gwen's blueberry spotted digits curled into fists. Gwen glared at two inch magnifications of sutured eyelids. Wine colored lips peeled off of Gwen's teeth. Gwen clenched irritated incisors.

"God damn it, Cole!" Gwen snapped. "I said we would do this with you. But, only if you didn't act-- like a fuckin' freak! Jeez!" Allie sat near the corner of Gwen's bed. Allie's ivory shins rested along charcoal fluffs decorated with flamingo hearts. Allie's naked insteps sank into Gwen's puffy bed spread. Thick thighs the color of pine flattened velvet calves and heels. Beach ball shaped hips transformed into a seven inch waist. Soft skin extending from Allie's stomach stretched over her lower ribs. Tomato sized tits poked out of pine tinted flesh protecting Allie's chest. Nipples like chocolate chips erupted from middles of plush milk sacks. Velvet skin escaped the rims of Allie's boobs and formed her slender shoulders. Silky arm sockets became slim biceps. Allie's soft palms surrounded the curves of her undressed hips.

Allie's tiny fingers sank into a sheet of soft coal. Tangerine caps covered the ends of Allie's teensy digits. Allie's pale face shrouded a slender neck. Strands the color of crow feathers surrounded edges of limestone cheeks. The peaks of Allie's facial curves were brushed with carnation colored makeup. Raven bangs hung above eyes like blue jays. Glossy lips the color of cranberry juice extended below the tip of Allie's tiny nose. Two inch rust shutters searched soft skin wrapping Allie's shoulders and biceps. Cole studied tits shaped like produce. Allie's supple breasts rose and fell on peaks of nervous breaths. Silky skin forming Allie's trim stomach expanded and became thick hips. Cole gazed into irises the color of blue jays from canopies of two inch crystals.

"Aww, fuuuck--" Cole croaked. "Allie's looking fuckin'-- good over there, yo." Allie fidgeted nervously using thick flesh covering her palms. Allie's undressed tuchus rocked on top of nervous heels. Her velvet hind curves crushed tangerine tinted toenails into Gwen's thick blanket fabric. Allie detected corners of glossy lips curling into a smile. Allie mashed smirking mouth rims together. She didn't want Gwen to see her grinning.

Cole reached across Gwen's mattress. Cole's long, skinny fingers snapped around Allie's slender wrist like rubber bands. Cole's scrawny digits dragged Allie's palm across fluffs of rainbow colored yarn. Allie's shy arm tendons tightened between her wrist and shoulder. Soft skin covering the surface of Allie's armpit flattened Gwen's valentine blanket fluffs. Allie's chin sank into squishy love yarn. Irises the color of blue jays stared stupidly between long, coal colored eyelashes. Ends of thin, raven black eyebrows crushed the outer corners of Allie's eyes. Allie's cranberry lips parted.

"ahhh--" Allie purred. The surfaces of Allie's tits and stomach glided across plush blanket fibers. Porcelain hind cheeks lifted off of Allie's Achilles' tendons. Coal colored yarn sanded Allie's passing crotch. A patch of crow colored felt above Allie's labia grazed fuzz escaping Gwen's blanket. Slick thighs slipped across a thick sheet. Naked shins and skin covering the tops of Allie's feet skimmed a rainbow colored mat.

Cole dragged Allie beside a bony hip poking out of his skinny thigh. Cole's scrawny biceps slithered around Allie's slender waist. Cole's bony forearms flattened pillowy skin protecting Allie's stomach. Cole slung pale flesh mounds surrounding Allie's anus against his crotch. Cole's skinny weiner erupted from a patch of sand colored felt growing out of his pelvis. A seam separating Allie's hiny ridges collided with a slippery flesh shaft. Allie inhaled a sharp breath between her cranberry stained mouth rims.

The inner surfaces of Allie's wrists flattened heart shaped fluffs. Allie tightened her skinny biceps. She gazed below raven colored bangs growing down pale skin covering her forehead. Blue jay quarters stared into drops of honey attached to the middles of Gwen's eyes. Rows of slender, coal colored eyelashes crushed the tops and bottoms of Gwen's pupils. Raven tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Cole's skinny palm grippers collapsed along butt mounds poking out of Allie's spine. Cole gripped pine tinted meat between his slender fingers and thumbs. Cole squeezed half inch cheek extrusions originating between frisky nightcrawlers.

"Fuuuck, dude--" Cole croaked. Cole's long fingers lifted off of Allie's ivory tinted ass pillows. Cole swatted slender digits. Cole's bony knuckle extensions collided with porcelain hide forming Allie's backside. A surprised breath escaped Allie's glossy lips.

"uhh--" Allie belched. Allie's pale cheeks swiveled. Blue jay colored shutters gazed above soft skin covering Allie's shoulder. Two inch wide rust shutters gazed back.

"You got a fuckin'-- sweet ass, Allie," Cole purred. "Dammmn--" Allie licked cranberry gloss coating her lips. The tip of Cole's pecker rested along a seam dividing Allie's labia. A one inch mound of ham tinted hide sank between pale flesh wedges covering Allie's vagina. Allie sucked up a frosty breath.

"ahhh--" Allie rasped. Allie's skull swiveled above the end of her neck. Allie faced forward. Crow colored eyebrows hiding behind coal tinted bangs lifted above Allie's eye sockets. Gwen glared at blue jay shutters underneath a three inch curtain of raven black strands. Gwen's wine tinted lips peeled off of gritted teeth. Allie felt Cole's skinny penis sink into her vagina. "ahhhhh--" Allie purred. Cole glided a swollen meat shaft up a mucus coated tube. He forced a ham colored mushroom into a slimy flesh canal.

"AAaahh--" Allie moaned. Ocular flaps coated with copper colored eye shadow covered blue jay faceted shutters. Cole's slender fingers gripped Allie's pale hip flesh. Cole thrust back his pelvis. He sank his scrawny pecker inside Allie's vagina. Cream tinted felt covering Cole's crotch hammered the peaks of Allie's butt cheeks. "AAAaaaa--" Allie squealed. Crow colored eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Allie's eyes. Cole slid his peepee out of Allie's labia. He shoved his slimy pussy stuffer up Allie's vaginal canal. Allie's tangerine capped digits squeezed heart spotted blanket fluffs. "aaaahh--" Allie sang. Cole squeezed his weiner out. He forced a mucus drenched peepee into slippery meat.

"aooohh--" Allie exhaled between straining mouth rims. Allie's eyes popped open. Blue jay irises focused on hazel shutters below Gwen's angry eyebrows. Allie exhaled gratified breaths from slick, cranberry colored lips. "I-I'm gonna cummm--" Allie wailed. The bridge of Gwen's nose wrinkled. Lips coated with wine colored beeswax peeled off of disgusted pearls. Gwen looked above pine tinted flesh lining a canal traversing Allie's back. A slim, limestone waist emerged from mounds of pale flesh protecting Allie's backside. Cole's scrawny, little fingers crushed thick skin surrounding Allie's butt-hole. Skinny arms extended from limestone ribs poking out of Cole's chest. Sealed eye flaps were magnified by two inch lenses. Thin lips surrounded gritted teeth. Cream and sawdust colored strands bounced along scrawny neck edges.

"Aww fuuuck, yo--" Cole purred. "I'm 'bout to blow a load, too--" Gwen stared into Allie's blue jay tinted eye shutters. Points of raven black eyebrows crushed the outer corners of Allie's eye sockets. Glossy lips revealed parted teeth. Allie exhaled grateful whimpers. Gwen stared at soft skin surrounding Allie's cheeks from furious, hazel irises. Gwen swiveled angry facial curves. Gwen's undressed thighs flattened the backs of her calves. Gwen's backside lifted off of soft skin covering her heels.

Gwen's palm sank into a banana tinted heart. Gwen supported her upper body weight with a tightened bicep. Gwen's unoccupied limb lifted beside her velvet shoulder. Pale skin covering Gwen's wrist compressed her slender bicep. Gwen's blueberry spotted cream fingers curled into a fist. Gwen's upper limb unlatched. Surfaces of pine colored digits collided with Allie's nose. Gwen's bony knuckles flattened Allie's nasal tip along skin covering her top teeth. Allie's bronze coated ocular flaps sealed her ocean blue eyes. Her cranberry glossed lips ripped apart.

"Ahhhh!" Allie shrieked from mortified mouth rims. Allie's upper limbs collapsed. Her crow stranded scalp tilted between her shoulder blades. Allie's spine bowed like a fishing pole. Allie's pale facial curves sank into banana colored heart puffs. Allie groaned into the surface of Gwen's soft blanket. Gwen's blueberry fingernails descended into crow colored strands surrounding Allie's cheeks. Gwen's pale fingers curled into a fist.

"You fuckin' slut!!" Gwen squeezed between clenched teeth. Gwen lifted Allie's face off of a banana yellow valentine. Gwen's skinny wrist and bicep ratcheted against her soft shoulder. Gwen's slender forearm extended from the edge of her chest. Gwen's folded fingers crashed into bone rims surrounding Allie's eye socket.

"AA-haaa--" Allie cried from tormented oral ridges. Cole continued humping Allie. Tops of fuzzy thighs hammered Allie's limp butt cheeks. Cole's magnified eye flaps were squeezed shut.

"Uhhh!" Cole grunted. "Ahhhh--" Two inch images of Cole's eyelids separated. Rust colored shutters filled crystal plates resting along the peaks of Cole's bony cheeks. Cole's thin lips stretched apart. "Ahh--" Cole groaned. "Ahhh--" Gwen popped the apple of Allie's cheek. Hide wrapped fist pebbles battered a gumball shaped bone poking out of Allie's face.

"G-wen, stooop!!" Allie shrieked. Cole's bushy, sand colored eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of his eyes. Sawdust fluffs manifested below glass discs surrounding the bridge of Cole's thin nose. Cole's slender fingers crushed flesh pillows surrounding Allie's anus. Cole squeezed his slippery pecker out of Allie's vagina. Cole's upper lip peeled off of tar colored incisors. Cole's thin nasal shaft wrinkled.

"Awww--" Cole croaked. "What the fuck, yo?" Cole's mud flap butt cheeks collapsed along his scrawny ankles. Long, skinny fingers dropped on limestone thighs surrounded by sheets of cream colored hair. Gwen's pale digits emerged from crow tinted strands covering the back of Allie's scalp. Allie's head dropped. Her face sank into the surface of Gwen's love blanket.

"You're fuckin'-- disgusting, Cole!" Gwen belched. Strips of raven black leather surrounded the instep of Gwen's right shoe. A one inch arc was missing from the toe of Gwen's cow hide footwear. Gwen's ox skin tarsal covering balanced along a rubber teardrop the color of cork. The sole of Gwen's bison flesh plantar sleeve was an inch thick. A neoprene fence below the arch of Gwen's footwear thickened. The absorbant extension became a four inch wedge below Gwen's shoe heel.

Gwen's black leather foot sheath laid on its side. Cow hide curves rested along strips of slate colored yarn poking out of Gwen's bedroom floor. Gwen's pine knuckle shafts surrounded raven ox skin formed into the shape of her foot. Blueberry nails gripped a surface of coal tinted bison dermis. Gwen's naked forearm and bicep folded beside her shoulder. A cork tinted wedge erupted from the tips of Gwen's pale fingers.

Gwen's upper arm and wrist unhinged. Gwen launched her fashionable wedge across her heart fluffed sleeping surface. The sole of a narrow, rubber stilt collided with the bridge of Cole's nose. A cork colored teardrop crashed into a cartilidge tube sandwiched between Cole's eyes. Cole's cheek bones vibrated. The bridge of Cole's nasal sculpture throbbed. Cole's palm collapsed on top of long, thin lips. Scrawny fingers poking out of Cole's knuckles squeezed the bridge of his long, skinny nose.

"MMmmmm--" Cole groaned into thin skin covering the surface of his palm. Gwen's porcelain butt rested behind her heels. Pale skin protecting Gwen's wrist ligaments dropped on thick flesh covering her thighs. Gwen's slender biceps surrounded edges of baseball sized tits. Drops of honey stared below angry, raven colored eyebrows. Soot tinted strands erupted from the middle of Gwen's narrow scalp. Charcoal filaments surrounded the edges of Gwen's fiery cheeks. Gwen's tiny fingers lifted off the surfaces of her upper legs.

"Get the fuck outta here, frrreak!!" Gwen belted. Cole's hair blanketed shin slipped off a sheet of heart spotted fluff. The sole of a long, skinny foot flattened slate colored carpet strands. A scrawny ankle surrounded by cream hair curtains dropped beside Cole's floor masher. An olive green shirt was crumpled beside long, limestone colored toes. Knots of blueberry denim were piled beside cotton fabric the color of a dirty martini. Cole's scrawny fingers converged around dark blue stitches and olive green ripples. Pale nightcrawlers lifted Cole's shirt and britches off swirls of slate colored yarn. Cole stood up straight. Warm crimson leaked out of Cole's nostrils. Hot claret stained edges of slender lips. Long, skinny digits crushed an olive green t-shirt on top of Cole's nose and mouth rims.

Cole's slender boner poked out of a felt bush. A six inch flesh shaft was coated with shiny mucus. The fingers of Cole's free hand flattened wads of blueberry denim on top of a gooey pecker. The soles of Cole's feet shuffled across slate carpet covering Gwen's bedroom floor. Gwen's privacy door slammed shut. The tips of Allie's tiny fingers sank into warm claret trickling out of her nostrils. Crow tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Allie's nose. Allie glared into honey colored shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. Allie's tangerine spotted digits squeegeed a puddle of blood away from her cranberry lips. Allie painted wine colored smears across the surface of her pale cheek. Allie lifted crimson soaked fingers in front of soft, pine colored shoulders.

"Jesus, Gwennn--" Allie groaned. "I thought you *wanted* me to fuck him." Allie wiggled frustrated fists in front of porcelain chest hide. "What the hell?!" Gwen smacked the surfaces of her thighs.

"You *wanted* to fuck him!" Gwen shouted back. "You were *liking* that." Blueberry colored caps embellishing Gwen's pale digits sank into her pine thigh flesh. Wine colored lips below the tip of Gwen's nose peeled off of gritted teeth. "You piece of shit! I should fucking *kill* you!!" Allie pointed tangerine spotted fingers at tomato breasts poking out of her ribs. Angry, blood soaked lips lifted off the surfaces of Allie's incisors.

"I was having a good time-- yeah!" Allied snarled. "It felt good!" Allie's wrists collapsed along thick skin surrounding her thighs. Allie shook agitated fingers in front of soft, ivory tinted shoulders. "What the fuck do you want me to say?!?" Gwen's fingers lifted off of plush hide covering her hips. Gwen's pale digits surrounded Allie's slender throat. The tips of Gwen's thumbs collapsed a knot extending from Allie's esophagus. Tips of blueberry fingernails sank into soft skin covering the back of Allie's neck. Gwen's stubby digits squeezed a tube of pale flesh erupting from Allie's slender shoulders.

Allie's eyes popped open. Thin, crow colored brows climbed pine tinted skin below a coal pigmented curtain. Irises the color of blue jays stared into drops of honey covering Gwen's corneas. Allie's blood stained lips peeled apart. The tip of Allie's tiny tongue emerged from an opening separating sopping wet lips. Gwen's forehead collided with Allie's. Gwen's hazel irises glared at shutters the color of blue jay feathers.

"'re mine, you worthless bitch..." Gwen squeezed between gritted teeth. "...i fuckin' own you..." Allie fought to squeeze air into her trachea. Narrow, coal colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Allie's nose. Allie's tangerine spotted digits grappled Gwen's skinny wrists. Tiny fingers the color of pine surrounded ivory tinted flesh tubes. Tips of tangerine nails sank into Gwen's thin forearm flesh. The surface of Gwen's bedroom door was coated with tar colored paint. A charcoal frame surrounded a three by seven foot board the color of push broom bristles. A brass knob shaped like a scotch glass extended from the left edge of Gwen's bedroom divider. The saxophone port fixture rotated clockwise. Gwen's pale fingers squeezed Allie's skinny neck. Drops of honey stared into blue jay shutters.

"Stupid skank!" Gwen shouted into Allie's face. "Are you feeling light headed, yet?!" Allie's bronze coated eye flaps folded together. Copper pigmented covers sealed irises the color of sea water. Gwen's bedroom door closed. Gwen's head turned. Gwen looked towards the entrance to her bedroom. Gwen's angry eyes relaxed. Wine tinted lips closed in front of Gwen's mashed incisors. A frustrated whimper escaped Allie's blood soaked lips. Allie's tangerine capped knuckle extensions yanked Gwen's scrawny wrists away from her throat. Flimsy fingertips coated with blueberry nail polish collapsed along Gwen's soft thighs. Limestone skin surrounding Gwen's tiny digits was coated with Allie's blood droplets.

Allie's skinny forearms flattened salmon chocolate chips poking out of tomato breasts. Allie's tiny fingers wove across the surface of her neck. Allie's teensy tongue poked out of lips soaked with wet crimson. Allie's elbows rested on top of her knees. Allie forced heavy breaths into eager lungs. Allie's head turned. Allie looked towards the entrance to Gwen's bedroom. Josh and his friends stood in front of Gwen's privacy covering. Scotch coils three inches tall extended from a four inch square framing Josh's scalp. The edges of Josh's hair were shaved close. Tar colored eyes rested along ends of bony cheeks. A narrow chin hung from the bottom of Josh's face. A skinny throat descended into a t-shirt the color of red wine.

Skinny, walnut colored arms dangled from Josh's baggy shirt sleeves. Wads of indigo denim were stacked below the base of a maroon shroud. Navy blue jean knots surrounded insteps of coal colored sneakers. Ivy stood next to her raspberry cloaked boyfriend. A bony face the color of chalk descended from blueberry strands growing out of Ivy's scalp. Indigo locks became plum purple filaments beside chartreuse irises. Tangerine tinted eyelids surrounded shutters like drops of champagne.

Glossy, strawberry red lips convened below a chrome hoop hanging from Ivy's nostril. Strands of plum purple hair became pomegranate red below Ivy's slender, talc colored chin. A black, leather choker surrounded the middle of Ivy's scrawny neck. One inch, chrome plated spikes poked out of a leather throat band two centimeters thick. A see through nylon shirt descended from an elastic rim beneath Ivy's dog collar. Ivy's hair faded cherry red behind chalk shoulder blades showing through transparent fabric.

A raven black tube top covered apple sized breasts and Ivy's upper back. Nylon sleeves descended from Ivy's ceramic colored shoulders. See through charcoal tubes stretched around Ivy's wrists. A two inch thick leather band was strapped around Ivy's narrow waist. A chrome buckle shaped like a crescent moon strapped Ivy's belt above the curves of her hips. Raven black denim stretched around Ivy's upper leg cellulite. Coal colored tubes coated Ivy's slender legs. Toes of pointed, leather boots poked out of Ivy's crow feather jean cuffs.

Sammy stood beside Josh's right shoulder. Cotton candy dermis was stretched over Sammy's bony face. One inch long, gold tinted spikes poked out of Sammy's pink scalp. Blonde, bushy eyebrows rested along drops of bourbon attached to Sammy's corneas. A fake smirk creased a cheek the color of a strawberry milkshake. A thin neck descended into the collar of a slick, ivory hued dress shirt. Sammy's quartz tinted sleeves were rolled to his elbows. Buttons like flat pearls strapped silk fabric across Sammy's narrow chest. Tubes of limestone colored denim concealed Sammy's scrawny legs. Wads of pale jean fabric surrounded necks of black and white checkered shoes.

Bernie stood beside soot tinted denim strapped around Ivy's left hip curves. Spiked hair the color of push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's fat face. Eyes like robin eggs cowered below bushy, coal colored eyebrows. A chin the size of a soft ball sank into Bernie's thick neck. Bernie's gelatin throat disappeared into the collar of a navy blue t-shirt. Bernie's ocean colored bicep, chest, and stomach fabric was wrapped with cream stripes. A set of flat pearls strapped the top of Bernie's shirt above a set of sweaty man tits. Pine khakis descended from a streaked, navy blue sheet concealing Bernie's fat stomach. The ends of Bernie's birch britches collected along insteps of red high tops. Ivory colored rubber caps adorned fabric toe coverings the hue of poppy seeds.

Gwen's pale thighs flattened along backs of naked calves. A slender stomach the color of pine sank into hips the width of a beach ball. Breasts shaped like baseballs cut in half extended between edges of skinny biceps. A slender neck erupted from narrow shoulders protected by limestone dermis. Angry eyes, a tiny nose, and wine tinted lips poked out of Gwen's soft face. Velvet skin like porcelain formed Gwen's forehead, round cheeks, and narrow chin. Raven black locks erupted from Gwen's narrow scalp. Charcoal filaments surrounded swirls of rose colored blush decorating Gwen's cheek bones. Honey drops below angry, raven colored eyebrows stared into Josh's tar colored eye shutters.

"What the fuck do *you* want?" Gwen snapped. Allie's thick thighs relaxed along her pale calves. Hips shaped like a bird cage transformed into Allie's flat stomach. Breasts the size of tomato halves squeezed between Allie's slender upper arms. Allie's tiny tits bounced on uneasy breaths. Soft shoulders wiggled nervously beside the edges of Allie's narrow neck. Strawberry red marks the shape of Gwen's tiny thumbs decorated Allie's cream trachea flesh.

Crow tinted strands grew out of Allie's narrow scalp. Three inch curtains the color of coal shrouded frustrated eyes the hue of blue jays. Hemoglobin soup leaked from Allie's tiny nostrils. Exhausted puffs erupted from blood soaked lips. Hot crimson dripped from Allie's tiny chin. Claret colored smears coated the surface of Allie's pale cheek. The tip of Josh's tongue piercing rested along his lower lip. A half inch chrome ball shuffled back and fourth between slender mouth rims like ham steak. Drops of tar below sagging, scotch colored eyebrows gazed into Gwen's corneal honey droplets.

"What the fuck do you *think* I want?" Josh requisitioned. Sammy faced the end of Gwen's bed. Piercing, light brown eyes above a fake smile studied Gwen's naked porcelain flesh. Bourbon tinted shutters switched to the corners of Sammy's squinted eyes. Brandy droplets followed curves tracing the edges of Allie's thighs, stomach, and chest. Sammy watched claret fountains dribbling down Allie's trembling lips.

"Mannn--" Sammy croaked. "Them some fine ass-- naked hoes sitting over there, Josh." Taunting cackles erupted from thick lips squeezed between Bernie's fat cheeks. Bernie looked at slate colored fibers covering the surface of Gwen's bedroom floor. He slapped a set of thick palms together. Gwen gazed into tar colored shutters below Josh's bushy, scotch tinted eyebrows. She licked lips coated with beeswax the color of red wine.

"Did you guys find them?" Gwen demanded. Josh folded skinny, walnut tinted forearms over wine colored fabric covering his chest. He traced his lower lip with a chrome plated ball threaded to his tongue stud.

"Pretty sure we found *one* of them," Josh replied. Josh's walnut tinted cheeks faced Sammy. His scotch eye shutters remained focused on the surfaces of Gwen's corneas. "Which one was it again, Sammy?" Josh inquired. Laughs like clown horn toots erupted from Sammy's thin lips.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa!" Long, skinny fingers like cotton candy nightcrawlers flattened Sammy's grinning lips. Sammy inhaled a breath between spaces separating his flamingo digits. He swiveled his pale cheeks up and down. "Pretty sure it was Wednesday," Sammy explained. "Or-- maybe Haileyyy--" Sammy croaked. "Or like-- one of 'em, yo." A fat face surrounded by coal colored, three inch spikes wiggled above Bernie's fat neck. Sadistic cackling erupted from Bernie's thick lips. Gwen glared into piercing irises like drops of bourbon below Sammy's sarcastic eyebrows. Blood soaked fingers lifted off of soft skin protecting Gwen's naked thighs.

"Well-- what the fuck, Sammy?" Gwen demanded. "Which one *was* it??"

"Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sammy honked. Bernie glided thick fingers between three inch spikes poking out of his scalp.

"Awww, shiiit--" Bernie teased. "Lemme think. Pretty sure it was some dark haired chick, yo."

"Yeahh--" Sammy croaked from a sly grin. "With like-- blue eyes and shit?"

"Fuckin' hot piece uh ass," Bernie added. "Damn fine piece uh ass, Sammyy-- my man."

"Daaamn good pussy," Sammy purred. "Damn good. Best pussy I had in a good, long time-- yo."

"Fuckin' nice pussy--" Bernie responded. "Fuckin' *clean* pussy and shit. Damn fine."

"Virgin pussyy--" Sammy croaked.

"Awww, shit--" Bernie purred. "Mannn-- I don't know if she was a virgin, yo." Bernie shrugged a set of thick shoulders. "May-beee--" Gwen studied robin egg shutters between Bernie's fat eyelids. Gwen's hazel irises floated between flaps coated with blueberry tinted eye shadow. Gold pupil facets spotted piercing drops of bourbon below Sammy's bushy eyebrows. Gwen swallowed, nervously.

"Th-That sounds like Wednesday," Gwen squeezed out. Gwen licked wine stained lips. She studied Sammy's piercing eyes. She faced Bernie. "You guys-- didn't see Hailey anywhere?" Bernie lifted a pale forearm the size of a subway sandwich. A thick index finger extended from a fat palm. Bernie's leading digit pointed between drops of honey below Gwen's raven colored eyebrows.

"Which one's that?" Bernie demanded. "Is that the red-head? I was hoping for a red-head, yo. You girls *promised* me a red-head. You know?" Sammy laughed like a tooting clown horn.

"You-- raped her?" Allie demanded. Irises like blue jays gazed below three inches of crow colored bangs. Allie's ocean eye shutters focused on robin eggs attached to Bernie's corneas. Copper coated eyelids covered Allie's sea pigmented pupil facets. Allie's glass cleaner ocular coins reappeared near the left corners of her eyes. Tarnished pennies focused on light brown shutters surrounding Sammy's pupils. "Wednesday Williams?" Allie inquired. "You two raped her?" Bernie's spike covered head tilted back. Push broom bristles poked rolls of flesh below a navy blue shirt collar. Roars of cackles erupted from Bernie's fat lips. Sammy laughed like a tooting clown horn.

"Haa! Haa! Haa!" The corners of Sammy's piercing eyes crinkled. Thin lips tore Sammy's cotton candy cheeks in two. Allie stared at Sammy's pink, cackling face. Hummingbird wings flapped Allie's ear drums. Bernie pointed thick index fingers between blue jay irises floating between Allie's eyelids.

"Hey-- thanks so much, yo," Bernie responded.

"To-tal-ly--" Sammy groaned. "Some gooood pussy right there, yo. Thanks." Allie swallowed nervous spit. She looked around. Allie spotted Josh's tar colored irises. She inhaled a breath between blood soaked lips.

"Did Hailey and Wednesday really-- do it?" Allie stupidly asked. The corners of Josh's eyes wrinkled. Josh's walnut skinned face swiveled. Drops of tar drifted to the corners of Josh's eyes. Coal facets focused on Allie's pupils.

"Uhhh--" Josh grumbled. "wwWhat?" Allie felt all the blood drain out of her face. She stared at Josh's ocular tar drops. She looked beside her. Gwen's piercing, hazel colored irises stared back. Long, raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Gwen shook her head. Wine tinted lips peeled off of Gwen's gritted teeth.

"'re fucking stupid, allie..." Gwen rasped between gnashing bicuspids. Ivy's pale face turned. Long strands fading from blueberry to cherry swept transparent nylon covering pale shoulders. Snow cone filaments tickled a chalk colored neck. Champagne colored shutters studied walnut tinted skin covering Josh's bony cheeks. Ivy licked strawberry colored gloss coating her lips.

"I told you, baby," Ivy remarked. Josh pointed between blue jay irises below Allie's crow tinted bangs.

"What's that you're trying to ask me, shit-face?" Josh demanded. "Say that again?" Ends of coal colored eyebrows compressed the outer corners of Allie's eyes. Nervous puffs exited Allie's tiny nostrils. Allie switched focus from Josh's tar colored irises to Gwen's brass pupil facets. Gwen's tiny, blood drizzled fingers curled into a fist. Blueberry capped digits poking out of Gwen's opposite knuckles snagged Allie's skinny wrist.

Gwen's carpal knots swooped across slick flesh forming the tops of her thighs. Gwen's coiled palm grippers sank into soft skin protecting Allie's slender stomach. Bernie folded massive forearms above his fat stomach. Sadistic cackles erupted from Bernie's thick lips. Bernie slapped a set of gelatin palms together. A fake grin tore Sammy's pink cheek in two. Sammy filled Gwen's bedroom with laughs like clown horn toots. Allie's naked bicep, hip, knee, and ankle collapsed along slate colored yarn glued to Gwen's floor. Allie's temple bounced on concrete below dimly tinted carpet strands. Josh looked beside him. Sammy's grinning face gazed at Josh's corneal tar drops. Josh pointed towards Gwen's bed. He snapped his lanky, walnut pigmented fingers.

"Do your thing, Sammy," Josh instructed. Sammy faced Gwen. Sammy's plastic smile remnants abandoned his pale facial points. Drops of bourbon attached to Sammy's eyes studied soft skin surrounding Gwen's chest. Pine tinted flesh emerged from edges of slender ribs. Porcelain dermis formed baseball sized tits. Salmon tinted chocolate chips poked out of Gwen's tiny breasts. Sammy wandered away from Gwen's bedroom door. He inched towards Gwen's end of the bed.

Josh looked beside his girlfriend. Bernie turned his push broom spiked head. He looked above a navy blue collar surrounding his thick neck. Robin eggs near the centers of Bernie's corneas gazed into coals below Josh's scotch brows. A half inch, chrome plated ball glided across Josh's lower lip. Josh's walnut face tilted. Brandy colored coils growing out of Josh's scalp pointed at Allie's side of the mattress.

"Ber-niee--" Josh croaked. "Take care of dumb-shit over there." Sammy stopped beside Gwen's edge of the sleeping area. Gwen's palms surrounded her velvet hip curves. Gwen's blueberry capped digits poked thick blanket puffs into foam stitched to her mattress. Gwen's naked tuchus toppled off of porcelain heels. Gwen's tiny hiny sank into a banana colored heart adorning the surface of her bed spread. Gwen's head turned. Her narrow chin rested along soft skin forming her shoulder. Hazel irises floated to the tops of Gwen's eye sockets. Golden eye facets gazed into bourbon tinted shutters surrounding Sammy's pupils. Thin, raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose.

"What the-- fuck are you looking at, Sammy?!" Gwen snarled. Sammy stared into Gwen's hazel eyes below flattened, blonde tinted eyebrows. A smirk creased Sammy's left cheek. Sammy's arm lifted off of ivory colored silk covering his ribs and the edge of his waist. Nightcrawlers poking out of Sammy's palm burrowed underneath Gwen's soft chin. Long, skinny fingers surrounded Gwen's slick throat.

"Nowww, Gwenn--" Sammy purred. Sammy's fingers squeezed Gwen's slender neck. His flamingo knuckle extensions lifted Gwen's charcoal shrouded cheeks. Gwen grunted between a set of clenched teeth. Gwen's porcelain thigh curves glided off the surface of her soft blanket. "You know you want this dick," Sammy added. Sammy lowered his cotton candy cheeks. He placed Gwen's wine colored lips against his long, skinny mouth rims.

"Mmmm--" Gwen groaned into Sammy's thin, ham colored oral flesh. Blueberry caps embellishing Gwen's tiny digits clawed ivory silk spanning Sammy's ribs. Gwen's fingertips surrounded pea shaped pegs poking through Sammy's shirt. The ends of Gwen's pine colored knuckle shafts compressed the tips of Sammy's nipples. Gwen's tightened carpal ligaments rotated opposite directions. Sammy's lanky fingers released soft skin protecting Gwen's neck. Sammy's slender lips drifted away from Gwen's disgusted face hole.

"OOoooo--" Sammy groaned. Sammy's cotton candy palm pillows shoved Gwen's throat towards the other end of the bed. "Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sammy tooted. Allie rolled onto her back. Her soft scapula dermis sank into slate colored floor yarn. Irises like blue jays climbed to the peaks of Allie's corneas. Blue raspberry pupil facets studied robin egg eye shutters floating along Bernie's fat cheeks.

Allie's slender biceps squeezed the edges of her ribs. Her skinny forearms folded on top of tomato sized tits poking out of her chest. Allie's naked thighs swiveled. Her knees squeezed together below her right elbow. Allie's calves collapsed along the backs of her upper legs. Allie intersected terrified ankles. Allie's soft heels collapsed along porcelain hiny mounds. Allie's blood soaked lips peeled off of gritted teeth. Allie puffed panicked breaths out of clenched pearls.

"B-Bernie!!" Allie squeezed out. Josh gazed into his girlfriend's champagne tinted irises. He inhaled between a set of thin lips.

"Ivy--" Josh groaned. "Are we seriously gonna sit through this again?" Ivy's pale face tilted. A chalk tinted jaw rested along chrome spikes poking out of a black leather collar.

"Twice in one day?" Ivy inquired. Ivy shrugged. Soft shoulders the color of talcum powder lifted below raven tinted nylon. Porcelain deltoids hugged Ivy's pale neck. "He's *your* brother, Josh." Bernie stood up. Allie's naked shoulder blades laid across Bernie's fat bicep and forearm. The backs of Allie's knees folded over Bernie's opposite wrist. Allie's skinny calves dangled from a tube of thick flesh surrounding Bernie's lower arm.

"Yo, Sammy!" Bernie shouted. "Got a bleeder." Bernie's thick forearms curled towards his chest. Allie's naked tits and thighs collapsed along navy blue, cream streaked fabric. The indigo striped sheet contained Bernie's sloppy man tits. Allie faced slate carpet covering Gwen's bedroom floor. Curtains of crow tinted locks surrounded Allie's coconut cheeks.

"Ahhh!" Allie shrieked. Bernie's gelatin biceps and forearms uncoiled. His jiggling appendages launched Allie across the surface of Gwen's bed. Allie's undressed body curves collided with the inner surfaces of Sammy's scrawny arms. Allie's bicep and soft skin surrounding her kneecap hammered Sammy's ivory silked upper arms. Skinny wrists the color of cotton candy latched Allie's slender shoulder blades and knees. Sammy looked down. Sammy's bourbon ocular drops studied crimson smears coating Allie's pale cheek.

"Alliee--" Sammy croaked. Allie squirmed. Allie's porcelain fingers shoved her naked chest away from pearls sealing Sammy's shirt. Allie's thighs, knees, and calves shuffled beside Sammy's right bicep. Sammy stared at blue jay colored irises below Allie's angry, crow tinted eyebrows. "You know I'm a vampire, riiight?" Sammy purred. Sammy's thin, ham tinted lips siphoned blood smeared across Allie's left cheek. Sammy's rubber band mouth rims suctioned Allie's porcelain facial curves. Allie detected Sammy's tongue ridges sanding velvet skin beside her blood soaked lips. Sammy's saliva coated digestive flesh lapped warm claret off of Allie's slick skin. Allie swiveled disgusted cheeks. Allie's hemoglobin stained tooth coverings burrowed into Sammy's ivory shoulder silk.

"Sammyyy!" Allie shrieked. "You sick fuuuck!!" The edges of Gwen's lower arms supported her upper body. Gwen's slender legs stretched across the surface of her bed. Gwen's knee borders sank into her fluffy heart blanket. Flamingo valentine puffs bordered the rims of Gwen's pale insteps. Blueberry colored nails glided across love striped yarn sprouts. Bernie's thick fingers snatched Gwen's skinny ankles. Fat digits squeezed pine colored Achilles' ligaments below Gwen's calves. Gwen's head turned. Raven strands battered soft cheeks coated with rose colored blush. Hazel irises stared below raven black eyebrows pointing down the bridge of Gwen's nose.

"Bernie-- you fat bastard!" Gwen snapped. "Let-- go of me!" Bernie's thick digits dragged Gwen towards the edge of her bed. Gwen's velvet shoulder blades sank into heart printed fluff. Slick hide protecting Gwen's tiny tuchus, upper back, and scapulas glided across plush fabric. Josh's walnut tinted fingers snagged raven strands framing Gwen's cheeks. Josh's slender digits curled into a bony fist. Gwen's coal colored locks stretched away from her narrow scalp.

Gwen's naked skin stopped sliding across the surface of her blanket. Josh's unoccupied fingers hovered beside velvet hide protecting Gwen's shoulder. Walnut tinted shafts surrounded a four inch grip trimmed with bone plates. Half inch chrome caps were crimped along edges of ivory pigmented trim. Josh's opposable digit mashed a chrome button near the end of a calcium sculpture. A four inch blade popped out. Gwen winced. Drops of honey below angry, raven black eyebrows stared into drops of tar. Wine colored lips peeled off of Gwen's gritted teeth.

"Josh--" Gwen snarled. Josh pointed a four inch blade at the peak of Gwen's throat. A stainless steel point sank into thin skin covering Gwen's trachea. Josh's tar tinted shutters focused on hazel quarters between blueberry eyelids.

"How's your memory, Gwen?" Josh requisitioned. Bernie's thick fingers tightened around Gwen's antsy ankles. Fat digits mashed pine tinted heels into the edge of Gwen's mattress. Dark blue eyelids flattened Gwen's hazel irises. Gwen parted irritated incisors.

"Aaahh!" Gwen shouted. Furious eye flaps coated with blueberry eye shadow peeled off of honey colored shutters. Gwen stared into Josh's coal faceted pupils. "They killed them!" Gwen insisted. "Everybody in school *knows* Hailey Holloway and Wednesday Williams killed your brother, Josh! Everybodyyy!!" Josh tilted scotch pigmented head fluffs towards Sammy's side of the bed. Josh's scalp coils pointed at pale skin forming Allie's biceps, thighs, calves, and ankles.

"Your little fuck buddy over there's not so sure," Josh retorted. Gwen's head tilted back. Hazel irises floated to the tops of Gwen's angry eye sockets.

"God damn you, Allie!" Gwen snarled. Blueberry dusted eye flaps wrinkled on top of Gwen's golden eye shutters. Gwen's cherry stained lips peeled off of her disgusted teeth. "Tell them!!" Gwen shrieked. Shivering fingers lifted off of Allie's pale thigh skin. Allie wiggled nervous digits in front of salmon drops poking out of her tiny tits.

"I-- don't *know* anything--" Allie squeezed out of trembling, blood soaked lips.

"Allieee!!" Gwen screeched. A satisfied smirk split Josh's bony cheek. Josh lifted the point of his switch blade off of Gwen's slender throat. Scrawny, walnut tinted digits suspended a bone plated shaft above Gwen's ribs. The tip of Josh's knife pointed at thin skin separating Gwen's tiny breasts. Gwen faced forward. Drops of honey between mascara coated lashes studied a chrome treated dagger. Raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Heavy puffs escaped Gwen's agitated teeth.

"How 'bout it, Gwen?" Josh requisitioned. "Did my boys just fuck that poor Wednesday bitch for nothing?" Bernie's fat fingers strapped Gwen's ankles to the edge of her bed. Three inch spikes the color of push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's scalp. Bernie looked up. Robin egg colored irises studied the edges of Josh's coal ocular slivers. Bernie looked towards the opposite end of Gwen's bed.

"Wellll--" Bernie groaned. "I wouldn't say it was for *nothing*--" Sammy gazed into blue jay tinted shutters between Allie's copper coated eyelids. Allie exhaled heavy breaths between sopping wet lips. Artifacts of a smile curled the ends of Sammy's long, thin lips. Sammy winked. Allie's bronze pigmented eye flaps covered her ocean irises. Blood soaked lips peeled off of Allie's gritted teeth. Sammy looked up. He shrugged. Sammy hugged a slim, cotton candy neck with bony shoulders wrapped in ivory silk.

"You mean, like-- there was a *reason* we waited for that fine piece uh ass after school let out?" A grin tore Josh's cheeks in two. Josh's thin lips parted. Josh cackled. Josh's slender fingers squeezed raven tinted strands growing out of Gwen's scalp. Hazel shutters below Gwen's angry eyebrows stared at Josh's corneal tar drops. Gwen licked wine coated lips.

"Josh--" Gwen groaned. "You've gotta believe me." Josh shook his head.

"I *don't* believe you," Josh explained. "I just asked Wednesday, myself."

"Aaahh!!" Gwen snarled between gritted teeth.

"And--" Josh added. "My boys just raped that poor girl-- for nothing." Gwen's tiny fingers sank into her plush bed spread. Blueberry capped digits curled into furious fists.

"Who-- the hell told them to do *that*?!?" Josh's tar glopped ocular caverns flattened. Thin lips peeled off of Josh's gnashing incisors. Josh tightened angry biceps. Taught upper arm ligaments swiveled Josh's slender chest towards Gwen's angry face. Josh's furious fingers pointed a stainless switch blade between Gwen's baseball tits. "Jooosh!" Gwen shrieked.

"RRrrrr--" Josh grumbled between gritted teeth. Gwen stared into Josh's coal faceted eye shutters. She shook her head.

"You didn't finish her, either--" Gwen grumbled. Gwen's wine stained lips peeled off of gritted bicuspids. "Did you?" Gwen squeezed past tightened teeth. Josh glared at honey colored shutters surrounding Gwen's pupils. Josh's fingers released Gwen's raven black hair strands. Josh hinged a bone plated switch blade away from Gwen's naked chest. Ivy stood beside the door to Gwen's bedroom. A strawberry pigmented smirk creased Ivy's talc tinted cheek.

Chalk colored fingers gripped a brass door knob poking out of Gwen's bedroom covering. Raven black nail polish coated the ends of Ivy's slender digits. Ivy's pale knuckle shafts turned Gwen's hatch fixture clockwise. Porcelain wigglers rotated a charcoal tinted partition away from a coal colored frame. Josh stopped beside his girlfriend. He looked above wine tinted fabric hanging from his slender shoulder. Josh directed a mirror colored point between Gwen's hazel irises.

"You ask for my help--" Josh grumbled. "And then, you question my methods." Gwen rolled onto her bicep. Gwen's porcelain skinned wrist supported her slender shoulders. Drops of honey stared into ocular tar dots.

"Josh--" Gwen warned. "Hailey Holloway is a little Einstein bitch." Gwen shook her head. "If Wednesday tells her what you guys did--" Josh followed Ivy through the opening to Gwen's bedroom. Josh looked over his shoulder. He motioned for Bernie and Sammy using scotch tinted head fluffs. Gwen shifted her upper body weight above her pine tinted hip curves. She shook angry fingers in front of naked tits like baseballs cut in half. "Josh!!" Gwen shouted. Bernie's thick palm shafts released Gwen's ankles. Pine digits like cream sponge cakes grazed Bernie's fat lips. Bernie kissed his chunky fingertips. He showed surfaces of smooched knuckle extensions to Gwen and Allie.

"llLater, girls--" Bernie croaked. Allie's unprotected shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle collapsed along plush heart fabric. Allie's head swiveled above the peak of her slender neck. Irises like blue jays gazed below a curtain of crow tinted bangs. Sammy followed Bernie through Gwen's bedroom door way. He looked above ivory tinted silk shrouding his slender shoulder. A fake smile tore Sammy's flamingo cheeks in two.

Piercing bourbon droplets gazed into Allie's blue jay colored irises. Sammy's tongue poked through a seam separating his thin, grinning lips. Sammy flapped a mouth ribbon above the surface of his bottom lip. Allie's soaking wet oral rims peeled off of her gritted teeth. Allie's copper coated eyelids squeezed shut. Laughs like clown horn toots erupted from Sammy's grinning lips.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sammy puffed out. Sammy slammed Gwen's bedroom door. Allie shook like a leaf. Timid eyelids peeled off shutters the color of blue jays. Allie's chin sank into soft skin protecting her shoulder. Allie lapped blood off the surfaces of her lips. A tube of charcoal tinted fabric descended in front of Allie's eyes. Gwen's rolled up bed sheet shackled thin skin forming Allie's slender throat. A loop of twisted mattress fabric crushed Allie's airway. Gwen's tiny fists squeezed tendons controlling the back of Allie's neck. Ends of a coal colored bed sheet erupted from knots of pine colored fingers. Allie's lips opened. Surprised vocalizations squeezed out of Allie's mortified throat.

"...aaaack..." Allie puffed out of constricted air chutes. "...eaaack-- uuaack..." Gwen's slender chin flattened crow tinted strands sprouting from Allie's scalp. Gwen's naked kneecaps straddled Allie's trim waist. Gwen's soft thighs crushed Allie's porcelain hip cellulite. Gwen squeezed her tightened wrists together. The back of Allie's scalp collapsed along thin skin covering Gwen's breast bone.

"You stupid fucking-- cunt--" Gwen forced out of wine pigmented lips. Allie's copper brushed eye flaps sank into her tiny face. Shutters like blue jays restricted frightened pupils to the size of pin heads. Blood drenched lips stretched apart. The tip of Allie's tongue poked out of sopping wet lips.

"...g-gweee..." Allie squeezed between crushed vocal chords. Tangerine nails embellishing Allie's tiny digits snuck between sheet twists and neck skin. Allie's porcelain fingers curled into fists. Gwen hammered tight knuckles together. She wiggled angry, clenched fists. Gwen slung Allie's head like a rag doll face.

"Shut-up, you fuckin' slut--" Gwen squeezed between clenched teeth. Gwen positioned wine stained lips beside cartilage ridges bordering Allie's tiny ear. Beeswax coated mouth rims peeled off of Gwen's gritted pearls. "Die, mother fucker!" Gwen shrieked. Allie felt light headed. The room started spinning. Gwen noticed Allie's crow filamented scalp bobbling along the end of her neck. Allie's tangerine capped digits toppled out of a space below charcoal tinted bed fabric.

Gwen glared at crow tinted strands growing out of Allie's scalp. Raven black eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Gwen's hazel eyes. Gwen unclenched furious fingers. Allie's porcelain cheeks relaxed. Allie's distressed facial curves collapsed along plum colored heart fluffs. Allie exhaled grateful coughs into strands of eggplant tinted yarn. Allie's tiny fingers gripped ends of a twisted bed sheet. Allie's shaking digits dragged charcoal knots away from her aching trachea muscles.

Gwen slipped porcelain leg arcs away from Allie's slender hips. The balls of Gwen's feet collapsed along slate tufts sprouting from her bedroom floor. Blueberry capped toes sank into graphite carpet strands. Angry, pine colored biceps hugged the edges of Gwen's ribs. Ivory arms surrounded baseball sized boobs and curves bordering Gwen's slender stomach. Tiny fingers dotted with Allie's blood curled into fists beside Gwen's naked hips. Gwen stomped to the end of her bed. Gwen's pale cheeks wiggled above the peak her agitated throat. Raven tinted strands battered Gwen's rose swirled cheeks.

"You're not even worth killing, you-- dumb bitch," Gwen grumbled. Gwen's bedroom door opened. Gwen's charcoal stained privacy hatch hammered tar colored frame slats. Allie's mournful facial curves sank into plum purple heart fluffs. Allie exhaled exhausted breaths into the surface of Gwen's blanket. Allie lifted aching cheeks. Frosty whimpers escaped Allie's claret soaked mouth rims. Copper stained eyelids gripped the tops and bottoms of Allie's pupils. Tears collected along ends of long, black eyelashes. Steaming saline droplets leaked from the ends of Allie's ocular caverns. A mascara stained eye dot trickled down pale skin forming Allie's blood soaked cheek. Salty cornea runoff left behind quarter inch gaps separating crusted crimson.

Chapter 6: "Creeping Around"
Table of Contents

Size six flats surrounded the edges of Hailey's feet. Hems forged from navy blue suede bordered pine tinted insteps. Camel colored vinyl bordered navy blue hems. Strands of indigo lace were wound into tiny bows above the origins of Hailey's toes. Rubber slats shaped like glass milk bottles were glued to the soles of Hailey's footwear. The neoprene walking mats were the color of desert sand. Soft skin protecting the bottoms of Hailey's feet sank into foam a half inch thick. Plantar pillows compressed chunks of rubber along a forty-eight inch tile. Sixteen square feet of beige colored terrazzo framed camel tinted shoe vinyl. Wine and coal embellishments spotted a slick surface the color of dried mud.

Hailey's ankles erupted from rims of navy blue suede. Pale calves ascended from ends of tibias and fibulas. Porcelain lower leg curves disappeared below the hem of a striped pencil skirt. Alternating bands a quarter inch thick surrounded the edges of Hailey's knees. Skinny, black and white stripes stretched around Hailey's thighs. Thinly streaked fabric curved around Hailey's slender hip cellulite. A leather belt the color of bourbon strapped elastic striations around Hailey's trim waist. An inch thick band of cow hide secured Hailey's pencil skirt above her pelvis.

A column of navy blue wool hung from Hailey's shoulders. Thick fabric the color of the night sky descended from the beginnings of Hailey's ribs. An indigo curtain floated two inches above the surface of Hailey's pale stomach. Hailey's coal and ivory skirt streaks began where a dark blue sweater trunk stopped. Thick, wool columns began next to the collar of Hailey's fleece chest covering. Navy blue pipes descended from indigo yarn bordering the base of Hailey's neck. Yarn blankets surrounded Hailey's slender biceps and forearms. Lower halves of tiny fingers descended from the ends of Hailey's sweater sleeves. Caps of tangerine nail polish adorned the tips of Hailey's porcelain digits.

Hailey's slender neck erupted from navy blue yarn flowing over her sweater collar. Hailey's narrow jaw rested along the peak of a pine tinted flesh shaft. Carnation pigmented gloss coated the surfaces of Hailey's lips. Glass rectangles two centimeters tall and two inches wide surrounded the bridge of Hailey's nose. Emerald colored shutters gazed through crystals shaped like correction erasers. Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings flattened tops of Gemini birth stones. Flame tinted ribbons flowed out of Hailey's scalp. Sherbet, cheddar, carrot, and apricot strands surrounded Hailey's pale cheeks. Tips of pine colored facial curves were swirled with rose hued blush. Tomato canvas straps compressed navy blue yarn into Hailey's shoulder valleys. Hailey's poppy colored book bag dangled from fleece segments crushing her collar bones.

Insteps of black, leather boots protected Wednesday's tiny feet. Coal colored cow hide points concealed Wednesday's toes. Slick fabric folded underneath Wednesday's velvet heels. Stained ox skin was sealed above three inch spikes and narrow plantar curves. Rubber shafts supported Wednesday's feet three inches above terrazzo tiles. Slender boot soles curved away from six centimeter columns. Narrow arch supports disappeared below the origins of Wednesday's tootsies. Slick, raven black columns climbed Wednesday's calves. Lower leg peaks the color of birch erupted from black, leather necks.

The rim of a raven black, denim skirt surrounded Wednesday's slender knees. A slit originated between apple sized kneecaps. The three inch separation divided a crow pigmented sheet covering Wednesday's thighs. A tube of charcoal stained denim stretched around Wednesday's upper legs. Fabric like fresh pavement was strapped across hips resembling the top of a bird cage. Raven black strips like peacock tail feathers dangled from the base of Wednesday's top. Points extending from four inch yarn ruffles bordered Wednesday's slender hips. Velvet extensions an inch wide embellished the trunk of a raven colored sweater. A hem formed from felt raven feathers dangled from Wednesday's porcelain neck. The crow quill shirt border descended from Wednesday's deltoids.

Charcoal ruffles traveled down Wednesday's collar bones, wrapped her breasts, and converged in front of her belly button. Raven colored strings dangled from sutures positioning peacock feather strips. Soot pigmented bow loops were suspended from a plume trunk apex. Empty laces drifted beside teardrop shaped hoops. The body of Wednesday's sweater was woven like a fisherman's net. Raven black nylon was crocheted into thick knots. Knitted patterns shaped like beetles bordered one inch holes. An elastic arch surrounded a plane of birch tinted skin protecting Wednesday's chest. Neoprene fabric the color of crow feathers compressed Wednesday's tiny tits. Raven colored silk covered Wednesday's trim stomach. Slick material wrapping Wednesday's ribs and back was visible through one inch sweater gaps.

Woven strands like tunnels of fisherman's net descended from Wednesday's silky shoulders. Wednesday's pale skin reflected porcelain radiation between crocheted knots. Eggplant blotches shaped like Bernie's fat fingers stained Wednesday's skinny wrists. Violet tinted flashes peeked through two centimeter sweater openings. Healing lacerations partitioned the outer surface of Wednesday's right bicep. Strawberry scrapes divided luscious arm cream. Notched flesh patches peeked through quarter sized ports embroidering crocheted yarn tubes.

A quarter inch scab sank into the underside of Wednesday's left forearm. Wednesday was self conscious about burning her wrist with her cigarette. She crushed a claret colored skin dot against raven tinted denim coating her thigh. Hailey discovered Wednesday's tobacco singe mark the day before. Wednesday didn't want her friend asking questions about trivial cancer stick cavities. Spongy strips surrounded the cuffs of Wednesday's sweater sleeves. Felt wrist strands were half the length of ruffles ornamenting her upper body covering. Points extending from raven black ulna segments surrounded Wednesday's knuckles. Wednesday's tiny fingers poked out of yarn peacock feathers cut in half. Raven black nail polish coated tips of birch colored digits.

Wednesday's denim back pack dangled from two inch wide shoulder strips. Wednesday's blue jean shoulder harnesses were the color of blueberries. Wednesday's heart shaped face rested along a tube of buttermilk flesh. Wednesday's slender neck erupted from a tank top arc below the top of her breast bone. Ruby red lipstick coated Wednesday's velvet mouth rims. Sapphires surrounded the slender bridge of Wednesday's nose. Icy, blue shutters were squeezed between lashes coated with crow tinted mascara. The edges of Wednesday's eyelids rested along the tops and bottoms of her pupils. Wednesday's hazy corneal caverns were open just a crack. Wednesday looked like she hadn't slept in a month.

Birch tinted foundation concealed a split adorning Wednesday's right eye socket. Pale skin pigment concealed a black eye. Bronze eye shadow covered swollen, plum tinted eyelids. Narrow, raven colored eyebrows flattened glittery, bronze coated eye flaps. Ends of crow colored bangs tickled lazy, emotionless brow lines. Chin length strands surrounded a curtain of six inch forehead ribbons. A fountain of raven black hair sprouted from Wednesday's scalp. Charcoal filaments surrounded cheeks coated with strawberry tinted blush.

Suede rhombuses were stitched loosely around Lloyd's feet. Coal tinted cow hide patterns were sutured to ivory colored fabric cutouts. Suede sculptures covering Lloyd's insteps were stuffed with soft foam. Untied shoelaces the color of crow feathers dangled from Lloyd's sloppy sneaker necks. Ox skin pyramids surrounding Lloyd's feet sank into thick, rubber mats. The soles of Lloyd's worn out shoes were beginning to detach. Wads of soot colored denim erupted from suede collars surrounding Lloyd's ankles. Tubes of thick cotton fabric were suspended loosely along Lloyd's calves, knees, and thighs. A band of olive green canvas strapped Lloyd's tar tinted jeans above his hips.

The trunk of a striped t-shirt was stretched over Lloyd's muscular chest and abs. Soot and cigarette ash streaks sank into curves protruding from Lloyd's chest and stomach. Horizontal lines three-quarters of an inch thick concealed Lloyd's lime peel waist harness. Striped sleeves descended from hems surrounding Lloyd's shoulders. Grey and black tubes six inches long concealed the upper halves of Lloyd's biceps. A hoop shaped collar dropped from the beginnings of Lloyd's deltoids. An elastic strip the color of fresh cement curved in front of Lloyd's collar bones. Muscular forearms protected by walnut colored skin folded in front of thick pecks. Fingers like handles of wooden cooking spoons sprouted from strong palms. Masculine digits rested along smooth skin covering upper arm muscles.

Lloyd's round face shrouded his thick neck. Shiny coals peered from a narrow gap between Lloyd's sagging eyelids. Intense irises like drops tar stared through a curtain of chocolate brown strands. Shaggy hair grew out of Lloyd's forehead and tickled his walnut pigmented nostrils. Coffee tinted fluffs sprouted from the middle of Lloyd's scalp. Espresso threads surrounded the tips of Lloyd's ears and the back of his head. The point of Lloyd's thick nose emerged from a sheet of chocolate colored ribbons. Fluffy, cocoa pigmented brows flattened Lloyd's eye sockets. Shaggy sideburn curls poked out of Lloyd's round cheeks. Lloyd's thin, salmon colored lips formed a slight grin along the left end of his face.

Hailey, Wednesday, and Lloyd stood beside a row of lockers. Six foot steel doors were fitted inside tall, skinny frames. Glittering cabinet hatches were ten inches wide. Rectangular locker coverings were coated with margarita tinted paint. Eight inch vents were forged along the surface of each door. Six air slots adorned peaks and bases of pickle tinted enclosures. A steel plate the size of an arcade ticket was riveted above each set of upper gaps. Black lines bordered tops and bottoms of metal safe tags. Three digit numbers embossed faces of zinc coated plates. Chrome treated levers like correction erasers poked out of left edges of locker doors. A quarter inch hole pitted the center of each mirror colored lever. A combination lock hung from nearly every hatch handle.

Hailey's tiny digits dangled from a yarn tube the color of blueberry jam. Hailey's teensy fingertips rested along margarita tinted steel near the corner of a hallway. Tangerine nail polish dotted keratin surfaces grazing pickle juice locker pigment. Brick shaped tiles were stacked beside the final lock box. Slick wall rectangles were stained the color of pineapple flesh. Lloyd snuck his arm between tomato book canvas and navy blue yarn covering Hailey's back. Lloyd's right hand fingers gripped quarter inch fleece bands surrounding Hailey's hip. Lloyd's ribs crushed thick yarn surrounding Hailey's left bicep. Pineapple tinted tiles continued along a wall beside Hailey's fingers. Slick partition rectangles were stacked beside perpendicular, margarita locker doors.

Soft skin forming Hailey's right cheek flattened along ice cold corner tiles. See through rectangles were suspended in front of emerald shutters. Glittering irises stared out of the right corners of Hailey's eyes. Ocular flaps coated with raspberry eye shadow flattened the tips of Hailey's pupils. Eyebrows the color sweet potato shavings crushed the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets. Lloyd's right cheek pooled along rose blush embellishing Hailey's facial point. Lloyd's temple compressed flame tinted strands growing out of his girlfriend's scalp. Wednesday stood behind her friends. Wednesday's sapphire eye shutters stared vacantly at sherbet and apricot neck curtains.

Wednesday's eyelids collapsed. Crow stained lashes three-quarters of an inch long folded together. Bronze tinted ocular flaps drifted apart. Wednesday's pupils stared at chocolate colored strands growing out of Lloyd's scalp. Wednesday felt numb. Wednesday's head seemed like it was filled with concrete. Every once in a while, a speckle of sharp anger invaded Wednesday's cement flooded cranium. And, Wednesday was presented with a fleeting reminder that her friends' believed Gwen and Allie-- whatever it was. Wednesday didn't feel like thinking that hard. Incoming thoughts disappeared from Wednesday's working memory before she could process them.

First period classes recently ended. Students wandered down a hallway adjacent to Hailey, Wednesday, and Lloyd. Ninth and tenth graders walked between the group and a thick door facing locker hatches. An oak plane seven feet high hung beside the entrance to Mr. Tinney's Psychology classroom. A glass rectangle stood vertically above a knob poking out of Mr. Tinney's class cover. Printed, diagonal lines were woven across the surface of a silicate port divider. Mr. Tinney stood in his usual spot beside the right edge of his classroom door. Coal and silver strands were slicked from Mr. Tinney's forehead to the back of his scalp.

Glass squares one and a half inches wide covered Mr. Tinney's walnut tinted irises. Symmetrical lenses refracted rays of light into Mr. Tinney's wise eyes. Crystal rhombuses were framed with thin, silver rods. Creases split thin skin surrounding the corners of Mr. Tinney's eye sockets. Mr. Tinney wore a long sleeve dress shirt the color of blueberries. Lines like vanilla pudding formed one inch squares wrapping Mr. Tinney's indigo chest silk. Navy blue grid tubes connected Mr. Tinney's shoulders to his wrists. The lower edge of Mr. Tinney's shirt was tucked into khakis the color of white grapes.

Legs of pale britches surrounded Mr. Tinney's lower limbs. Chardonnay tinted columns wadded along scotch colored leather bridling Mr. Tinney's ankles. Shiny cow hide the color of bourbon formed points surrounding Mr. Tinney's feet. Students exited Mr. Tinney's first period Psychology class. Mr. Tinney greeted passing pupils with a slight smile. He nodded, casually. Gwen and Allie exited together. Strands of slick, black hair sprouted from the middle of Gwen's scalp. Ends of raven colored curtains curled an inch above Gwen's shoulders. Hazel irises searched suspiciously below thin, raven tinted eyebrows. Gwen's tiny nose extended above frowning mouth rims waxed with cherry red lip stain.

Gwen wore a short sleeved blouse. Porcelain silk spotted with coal tinted diamonds descended from Gwen's narrow deltoids. Soft fabric peppered with quarter inch rhombuses sank between Gwen's tiny breasts. A vertical seam three-quarters of an inch wide divided Gwen's chest and stomach. Five transparent buttons the color of coal poked through overlapping chest flaps. Gwen's plastic shirt fasteners were shaped like gems. Broad collar points surrounded buttermilk flesh covering Gwen's neck. Sleeve flaps hanging from Gwen's narrow shoulders ended above her pale biceps. Gwen's upper body silk was spotted every two inches with cherry sets like sunflower kernels.

The trunk of Gwen's shirt sank into a cardinal colored pencil skirt. Horizontal ripples the color of strawberry flesh descended from Gwen's slender hips. Fruit punch dress striations stretched around the edges of Gwen's knees. A cherry colored hem was stitched to Gwen's lowest thigh ruffle. The rim of Gwen's hiny covering was sutured every half inch. The seam bordering Gwen's narrow knees resembled edges of a cherry pie. Strawberry red fabric descended from a row of one centimeter squares. Dangling dress fabric floated above the beginnings of Gwen's calves. Cherry pie stitches embellished the lower rim of Gwen's skirt as well.

Strands like thick, cherry red shoelaces swooped from upper, half inch segments. Twin sets of pastry crust strings were tied into bows. Knotted lace loops swung from ends of a ruffled hem. Buttermilk tinted ankles sank into suede necks the color of charcoal. Plush fabric stuffed with foam poked out of Gwen's footwear collars. Suede straps laid across the surfaces of Gwen's insteps. Chrome buckles secured upper, cow hide bands beside the outer edges of Gwen's ankles. Lower straps sank into zinc plated fasteners beside Gwen's heels. Coal tinted tunnels extended below ox skin harnesses. Dehydrated bison insteps covered the ends of Gwen's feet.

Thin, raven black straps compressed diamond spotted silk beside Gwen's collar points. A black back pack the size of a briefcase dangled from Gwen's vinyl shoulder harnesses. White polka dots embellished a coal tinted pouch adorning the lower half of Gwen's book bag. Ivory colored pennies decorated a black panel concealing Gwen's pens and pencils. Bangs the color of crow feathers were chopped above Allie's blue jay irises. Narrow, soot tinted eyebrows pointed nervously at the outer corners of Allie's eyes. Matted, pitch tinted strands surrounded Allie's pale cheeks. Allie's charcoal hair filaments ended a couple of inches above her slender shoulders. Uneasy lips above Allie's narrow chin were painted crimson red.

Tubes of teal colored silk surrounded Allie's skinny biceps and forearms. Aquamarine fabric descended from the base of Allie's porcelain neck. Puffs of light blue fabric tucked into the waist of Allie's skirt. Allie's teal pigmented blouse was decorated with images of tulip petals. Upper halves of artificial flower decorations were carnation pink. Bottom ends of flower sprouts were stained white. Ends of silk shirt blossoms formed bulb shapes. Olive colored vines descended from ivory tinted bases. Lime peel ivy coiled and intersected perpendicular chlorophyll strands. Spade shaped leaves poked out of grass tinted photosynthesis strings. Allie's pale skin peeked through a four inch gap connecting her blouse collar to her tits.

A silk band the color of flamingo feathers was knotted around Allie's skinny neck. The bubble gum scarf covered a two inch space surrounding the bottom of Allie's throat. Hot pink strands were wound like a gumball beside the left edge of Allie's neck. Pastel tinted flaps four inches long dangled from a quarter sized trachea knot. Cotton candy aorta fluffs rested along Allie's collar bone. Allie's pink scarf made her look like a stewardess. The rim of a crow colored pencil skirt was strapped across Allie's slender stomach. Raven black fabric stretched around Allie's hips. A hoop of coal tinted silk curved away from Allie's lower thighs. The elastic dress hem floated beside Allie's slender knees.

Pine tinted calves transformed into slender ankles. Edges of black, leather flats surrounded Allie's pale insteps. Slim straps an inch long decorated inner corners of cow hide foot frames. Eighth inch cow hide strands extended from rims gripping the beginnings of Allie's toes. Ox skin digit embellishments disappeared behind bison instep liners. Pearl colored stitches sutured bison dermis along the surfaces of Allie's porcelain footsies. Canvas strips like a strawberry milkshake dangled from Allie's slender shoulders. A canvas bag the size of a small suitcase hung from Allie's pastel collar bone harnesses. The bubble gum storage sack contained Allie's books. Allie's school bag was the color of strawberry flesh. Flaps shaped like greeting cards covered pouches stitched to Allie's back pack.

A canvas surface concealing Allie's text books was decorated with images of butterflies. Wing segments the color of robin eggs were surrounded by coal tinted borders. Depictions of quartz rays illuminated surfaces of graphite tinted caterpillar sails. Tangerine critter flaps with mascara rims were striped with lemon tinted confetti. Raven, cheddar, and hot pink bands striped goggle shaped surfaces surrounding slate colored antennae. Golden shutters dragged Gwen's pupils to the corners of her eyes. Gwen gazed into Mr. Tinney's walnut irises.

Crinkles split the outer corners of Mr. Tinney's ocular caverns. Mr. Tinney's pale lips gradually forged a kind smile. Mr. Tinney nodded, kindly. Thin, raven colored eyebrows lifted above the peaks of Gwen's irritated eye sockets. Gwen studied her Psychology teacher's gracious precipice. The corners of Gwen's cherry red lips pointed slightly upward. Gwen bobbed her head. Gwen looked beside her. Blue jay tinted shutters near the corners of Allie's eyes spotted Gwen's hazel irises. Allie, swallowed nervously. Gwen shook her head.

" motha fucker..." Gwen whispered. Hailey studied gold flakes surrounding Gwen's pupils. Pin-holes between emerald shutters searched cherry gloss coating Gwen's disgusted lips.

"Therrre's the bitch," Hailey hummed. Lloyd watched Gwen's suede boots shuffling across spotted, beige tiles. Gwen's angry, little face focused on Allie's pale cheeks. Gwen's cherry colored lips stretched apart. Gwen lifted the digits of her right hand beside her porcelain neck. Gwen dangled her tiny tongue from her bottom lip. Gwen's index finger pointed down her throat.

"I think we should go over there," Lloyd purred. "And stomp on her little-- bony face." Hailey smirked. Lloyd and Hailey faced each other. The corners of Lloyd's lips curled into a sly grin. Lloyd shrugged. "Just a little, though." A snicker escaped Hailey's teensy nostrils. Hailey and Lloyd watched Gwen and Allie. Allie stopped near the middle of an adjoining hallway. Gwen waited beside her dark haired companion. Allie stared at Gwen's face, apprehensively. Gwen raised annoyed palms in front of her diamond spotted shoulders. Narrow, raven colored eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Lips coated with cherry red gloss formed a hideous scowl. Hailey shook her head.

"Look at her-- stupid, little face," Hailey grumbled. Lloyd chuckled. Emeralds wandered to the corners of Hailey's eyes. Lloyd's head turned. Hailey stared into tar colored irises hiding behind her boyfriend's chocolate hair strands. Eyebrows like ground carrots flattened Hailey's ocular caverns. "I'd like to stab her-- right-- in the fucking eyes," Hailey added. Lloyd smirked. A dimple depressed Lloyd's left cheek.

Lloyd glided soothing fingertips along striped fabric coating his girlfriend's hip. Exhausted, sapphire tinted shutters stared below heavy eyelids. Wednesday's central nervous system mustered enough anger to trigger a response. Wednesday's ruby colored lips quivered. Tiny wrinkles appeared along the bridge of Wednesday's tiny nose. Downturned mouth rims the color of red wine peeled off of debilitated teeth.

"Can't-- bel-believe you two," Wednesday forced out of distressed oral coverings. Hailey looked over her shoulder. Hailey's tiny chin rested along navy blue yarn blanketing her deltoid. Lloyd gazed above cement and coal streaks beside his face. He studied Wednesday's icy, blue irises.

"Wednesday, I told you yesterday," Hailey responded. "I'm not gonna put up--" Wednesday's skull collapsed between her fishnet knotted shoulder blades. Lazy irises climbed to the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. Wednesday's face wiggled like it was supported by a stack of canned cheese. Wednesday puffed an exhausted breath between sagging lips.

"You don't--" Wednesday squeezed between angry teeth. "D-Don't even--" Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose.

"I'm not gonna put up with her shit, Wednesday!" Hailey snapped. Wednesday's pale chin straightened above her feather faceted breast bone. Eyes like sea ice gazed below flattened eyebrows the color of crow feathers. Wednesday stared through glass rectangles surrounding her friend's nose. Wednesday's ruby colored lips drifted apart. Cherry stained mouth rims struggled to form a consonant.

"You don't even-- kn-know--" Wednesday lifted her agitated face. Angry eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of Wednesday's eyes. "If she told Josh about us!" Carrot tinted eyebrows flattened Hailey's eye sockets. Impatient emeralds gazed below raspberry tinted eyelids.

"Pretty sure she did, Wednesday," Hailey responded. Lazy sapphires floated to the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. Wednesday dragged pouting, ruby tinted lips apart. Wednesday slowly tilted her head. "But, even--" Hailey began. Wednesday exhaled an irritated breath. Hailey squinted, impatiently. Angry eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. "But, evennn-- if she did-n't--" Wednesday tightened angry fists in front of beetle shaped knots covering her stomach. Wednesday's raven stained nails sank into pale hide forming the surfaces of her palms.

"Are you even-- l-listening to me?!" Wednesday snarled from clumsy lips. Allie hooked her thumb under a carnation tinted strip sinking into her shoulder. Irises the color of blue jay feathers gazed into gold coins fastened to Gwen's eyes. Gwen stared at shutters like blue gelatin dessert. Narrow, raven colored eyebrows flattened the peaks of Gwen's eye sockets. Short, pine colored digits lifted off of crow tinted fabric painting Allie's hip.

Allie's tangerine coated nails clawed pale flesh along the edge of Gwen's palm. Allie's porcelain finger ridges grazed folds of skin below the heel of Gwen's hand. Slender digits extending from Gwen's knuckles squeezed into a fist. Blueberry fingernails sank into thin flesh forming Allie's finger shafts. Gwen slung Allie's ginger digits away from her cherry ruffled hip. Allie's knuckles crashed into crow colored elastic stretched below her crotch. Lloyd watched Allie's fist bounce on a miniature trampoline spanning her upper legs. He squinted.

"The hell's *that* all about?" Lloyd requisitioned. Gwen pointed between Allie's ocean blue eye shutters. The tip of a blueberry finger cap faced a space between blue jay facets.

"What did I tell you, Allie?" Gwen snarled. Slim, raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. "Huh??" Allie stared above pine arm segments extending from Gwen's shoulder. Allie folded upper limbs wrapped with teal silk on top of her chest. Wrists strapped with slick fabric rested along carnation tinted petal tips. Allie's tiny digits crushed light blue fabric surrounding her biceps.

"Gwen, I was-- trying to hold your hand," Allie explained. Allie faced a four foot tile the color of cream soda. "Jeez." Gwen lifted her index finger. She swung the first digit of her right hand towards Mr. Tinney's classroom door.

"I told you--" Gwen snarled. "Maybe I--" Gwen looked beside her. She lowered her porcelain humerus and ulna. Gwen stared at blue jay colored shutters surrounding Allie's pupils. "...i might fuck you once in a while..." Gwen whispered. Gwen shook her head. "...but, you are *not* my girlfriend..." Allie lifted her pale cheeks. She stared into gold flakes below Gwen's angry eyebrows. Allie's tangerine spotted fingertips lifted off tubes of teal silk covering her upper arms.

"I just-- I felt like holding your hand," Allie responded. Allie rested her tiny digits along pink tulips near the tops of her shirt sleeves. "Does that make us-- girlfriends?" Allie inquired. "Is that a sex thing? I can't-- hold your fucking hand??" Gwen lifted blueberry capped fingers off of cherry ripples stretched around her hip. Gwen's tiny thumb pointed above diamond spotted silk covering her shoulder.

"*Get* the fuck away from me, SKANK!!" Gwen belched. The tip of Allie's tongue glided across crimson beeswax coating her lower lip. Allie looked at the floor. Thin mats attached to Allie's leather flats shuffled beside Gwen's suede boots. Allie's arms toppled off of her chest. Hopeless limbs swooped like pendulums in front of Allie's elastic wrapped hips. Allie hooked jaded thumbs between teal chest silk and strawberry milkshake shoulder straps. Emeralds fastened to Hailey's corneas gazed through rectangular crystals. Hailey glanced at drops of tar hiding behind her boyfriend's chocolate forehead curtains.

"Get lost for a minute," Hailey instructed. Hailey peeked above her blueberry blanketed shoulder. Wednesday's teal irises hung from copper tinted eyelids. Wednesday blinked. Hailey reached behind her. "You gonna be o--?" Wednesday yanked pine tinted digits away from Hailey's tangerine spotted fingertips. Wednesday folded arms wrapped in nylon sweater strands over her chest. She swiveled on rubber points extending from her leather boots. Hailey watched her friend wandering away. She licked carnation tinted gloss coating her lips.

"--kay?!" Hailey snapped. Wednesday watched beige tiles passing below the soles of her boots. Vomit pigmented floor squares were dotted with crimson and coal tinted spots. Hailey watched a denim sack hopping on raven fisherman's net wrapping Wednesday's shoulders. Lloyd watched his friend above ash and coal stripes surrounding his shoulder. Lloyd's muscular arms were folded on top of his chest. His fingers lifted above bands of cement and charcoal blanketing his biceps.

"Hailey, can I-- do something?" Lloyd asked. "To help Wednesday feel better?" Hailey studied three inch spikes carrying Wednesday's heels down the hallway. Emeralds switched to the right corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey gazed at chocolate hairs sprouting from her boyfriend's walnut cheeks. Lloyd's tar colored irises wandered to the left corners of his eyes. Lloyd studied flame tinted strands growing out of his girlfriend's scalp.

"She needs to heal," Hailey explained. Hailey gazed into Lloyd's eyes. She inhaled a quick breath between carnation waxed lips. "She's still processing what happened." Shiny coals attached to Lloyd's corneas stared at emeralds between raspberry tinted eyelids. Hailey stood on her tip-toes. Pine tinted insteps balanced on camel colored points forming the ends of Hailey's flats. Hailey's face stretched away from her slender neck. Lloyd lowered walnut tinted cheeks. Lloyd's lips intersected his girlfriend's. Ham tinted oral flesh crushed carnation gloss bordering Hailey's mouth. Hailey and Lloyd siphoned each other's face rims. Hailey tightened soft skin covering her incisors. She suctioned gloss coated lips away from her boyfriend's oral cavity. She gazed into Lloyd's tar tinted irises. Hailey pointed towards Wednesday using the edge of her head.

"...nowww..." Hailey whispered. "...get the fuck outta here for a minute..." Bushy, chocolate colored eyebrows lifted above Lloyd's coal faceted irises. Lloyd spun on toes of sloppy sneakers.

"Yess, dearrr--" Lloyd purred. Hailey's vinyl wrapped heels dropped. Hailey's feet sank into pillows lining decks of camel colored shoes. Hailey watched Lloyd wander the same direction as Wednesday. She faced forward. Hailey peeked around the corner of the hallway. Gwen faced spotted tiles covering the hallway floor. She squeezed the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. Gwen inhaled through her nostrils. She exhaled an angry breath. Hailey studied rows of coal tinted diamonds printed along the back of Gwen's blouse. She spotted sets of tiny, beebee sized cherries. Hailey slipped around the corner of the hallway. She snuck across beige floor squares four feet wide.

Allie's flats rested on top of grip tape strips with a texture like sand paper. Pointed ends of rubber mats compressed graphite tinted concrete striations an inch wide. Long, charcoal shaded strands adhered to the end of a concrete step. Crow tinted leather covered Allie's tiny toes. Slick, raven black rims surrounded pine tinted insteps. Lines of pearl pigmented threads sutured the edges of Allie's footwear. Eighth inch wide strips emerged beside the beginnings of Allie's big toes. Slender strands traveled two centimeters. Slim straps disappeared below raven colored rims bordering Allie's insteps. Crow tinted leather gripped Allie's buttermilk heels. Ivory stitches continued along cow hide strands descending from Allie's Achilles' tendons.

Skin lumps surrounded slender ligaments controlling to the backs of Allie's feet. Pine tinted ankles became velvet calves. Allie's lower leg curves disappeared below the canopy of her raven black pencil skirt. A tube of crow tinted fabric curled towards the edges of Allie's knees. Raven black elastic stretched around Allie's soft thigh dermis. A coal shaded tube climbed the edges of Allie's hips. A graphite tinted column sank into Allie's lower back and slender stomach. Allie's skirt was sutured to a two inch waist band strapped across her navel. Puffs of teal tinted silk erupted from the rim of Allie's charcoal dress. Ruffles formed along the bottom of Allie's blouse curved over the surface of her stomach. A slick, light blue tube climbed Allie's velvet rib skin.

Teal tinted silk surrounded tomato sized mounds poking out of Allie's chest. A seam venting the breast of Allie's blouse began near a space between her tiny tits. The subtle rib opening ended below a light blue hem surrounding the base of Allie's neck. The slit splitting Allie's shirt top separated a quarter of an inch. Allie's pine tinted skin peeked through a four inch gash. Canvas strips the color of a strawberry milkshake surrounded Allie's boobs. Teal columns were strapped around Allie's biceps and lower arms. The surface of Allie's blouse was decorated with images of tulips. Upper halves of bulb shaped petals were carnation pink. Lower flower segments were stained the color of ivory.

Coils of olive green vines descended from bottom ends of tulip shaped bulbs. Lime tinted tubes a quarter inch thick curved and intersected. Spade shaped leaves poked out of loop formed vines. A pine tinted flesh chute sprouted from the rim of a teal pigmented collar. A two inch wide band the color of flamingo feathers was strapped around Allie's neck. Carnation tinted silk formed a cherry shaped knot beside the left edge of Allie's throat. Strands of pastel shaded fabric hung from a half inch winding beside Allie's trachea.

Strands of hair the color of crow feathers dangled two inches above Allie's shoulders. One inch curls escaping the ends of Allie's raven scalp strands tickled her skinny neck. Allie's coal tinted hair filaments dangled beside apples of pale cheeks. Crimson stained lips squeezed together below the tip of Allie's tiny nose. Thin, crow tinted eyebrows flattened peaks of frustrated ocular caverns. Shutters like blue jay feathers wiggled below eyelids stained the color of peach skin. Steaming trickles descended from ends of long, crow colored eyelashes. Trails from hot tears split patches of blush the color of rose petals. Corneas resembling strawberry flesh surrounded Allie's irises. Curtains the color of crow feathers ended above the tops of Allie's slender eyebrows. Charcoal bangs arched above Allie's forehead and became raven black scalp strands.

Allie lifted sets of sweaty, pine tinted digits. Tangerine caps embellished Allie's tiny fingertips. Allie rested nervous digits along surfaces of sopping wet cheeks. Allie's peach stained eyelids squeezed shut. Hot saline dribbled out of mascara coated lashes. Steaming droplets filled cavities between tangerine caps and shivering nail beds. Frustrated tears wandered down the outer surfaces of Allie's tiny knuckle extensions. Behind Allie, tiny fingers the color of pine gripped a stainless steel shaft. A mirror tinted tube an inch wide extended from edges of pale digits. An ice cold column traveled one foot, turned ninety degrees, and wandered six inches. Tips of a staple shaped tube were welded to a stainless steel plate. A shiny sheet one and a half feet long and four inches wide ornamented a thick, steel door.

Ends of pine tinted digits eased a heavy duty gate against a stout frame lip. An elemental hatch covering rested along a rail lining a rectangular wall hole. Tangerine capped fingertips released a chrome plated handle. Tiny digits dangled from a yarn tube the color of blueberries. Thick pipes the texture of wool socks were stitched to shoulders of a navy blue sweater. Strips of tomato tinted canvas surrounded mounds extending from indigo chest fabric. Poppy stained shoulder harnesses compressed ribs beside breasts the size of naval oranges.

A column of blueberry yarn fabric crumpled along the base of a slender neck. Ends of carrot, apricot, and sherbet strands rested along navy blue blankets covering narrow shoulders. A slim jaw shrouded a skinny throat. A tiny nose extended above lips coated with carnation tinted gloss. Glass rectangles rested along apples of pale cheeks swabbed with rose shaded blush. Gemini birth stones gazed through two inch by one inch crystals. Raspberry eyelids flattened peaks of emerald shutters. Brows like carrot shavings pointed down the bridge of a slender nose. A fountain of pumpkin, queso, and goldfish shaded threads sprouted from the middle of a narrow scalp. Flame tinted curtains surrounded a furious, pine pigmented face.

A bourbon stained belt was visible below blueberry yarn surrounding a slender stomach. The scotch tinted leather band was an inch thick. The thin strap was tightened around the waist of a striped pencil skirt. Elastic fabric embellished with quarter inch, horizontal stripes coated narrow hip curves. Bands of ivory and coal descended slender thigh cellulite. The lower rim of a striped skirt surrounded a set of skinny knees. Pale calves descended from a fabric tube shaped like an hourglass. Lower legs curved and became skinny ankles.

Camel shaded vinyl protected edges of pale insteps. A rim of navy blue suede bordered limestone plantar skin. Strips of blueberry tinted lace formed tiny bows above beginnings of teensy toes. Indigo loops and endings an inch long dangled from vinyl arcs framing porcelain insteps. Rubber mats attached to vinyl shoes slipped across concrete like sand paper. Toes made of camel tinted vinyl stopped behind Allie's raven black heel leather. Hailey's tiny fingers and yarn covered palms drifted beside her striped hips. Hailey's elbows pointed behind the tips of her shoulder blades. Pale skin forming Hailey's thumbs rested along navy blue yarn concealing her armpits.

Hailey shifted her weight onto the balls of her feet. She thrust back her butt, puffed out her chest, and uncoiled her arms. Hailey launched palm rockets from blueberry fleeced ribs. Hailey's tangerine capped fingertips crashed into Allie's butterfly book canvas. Palms surrounded by indigo yarn collided with pouches the color of strawberry flesh. Hailey's forearms and biceps extended like unloading springs. Hailey shoved images of robin egg, tangerine, lemon, and coal tinted butterfly wings. Strawberry canvas covering Allie's book sack compressed her flower printed vertebrae.

Allie shrieked. Allie's spine curved into the shape of a boomerang. Rubber platforms attached to Allie's flats slipped off of textured concrete. Allie's leather strapped heels collided with raven black elastic coating her tiny hiny. Arms wrapped in teal silk floated beside tomato sized tits. Hailey balanced on camel tinted vinyl covering the tips of her toes. Hailey's right foot lifted off cement the color of slate. A rubber mat adorning Hailey's shoe landed on three strips adhering the top step.

Leather caps embellishing Allie's toes collided with a concrete ledge eight steps down. Opposing momentum traveled through bones in Allie's feet. Shockwaves climbed Allie's calves. Allie's kneecaps hammered the ninth step's corner. Allie folded forearms surrounded by teal tubes in front of her face. Allie's elbows and wrists pounded edges of eleventh and twelfth steps. Allie's cheek bones sank into soft skin along the inner surfaces of her forearms. The soles of Allie's footwear carried her leather flats above crow tinted tuchus fabric. Allie's heels lifted her tiny body curves off of concrete stairs. Allie's lower arms toppled off of her face. Peach tinted eyelids peeled off irises the color of blue jay feathers. Pool water shutters focused on a concrete landing with a surface like sand paper.

"AAHH!!" Allie shrieked. Allie's palms collided with rough cement below the thirteenth step. Elbows wrapped in light blue silk crashed into artificial rock. Allie's chin landed on her wrists. The top of Allie's skull crashed into pineapple tinted tiles cemented to the wall. Allie's feet swung on kneecap hinges. Leather wrapped heels collided with Allie's backside. The toes of Hailey's flats balanced along the corner of the top step. Emeralds floated on Hailey's bottom eyelids. Sparkling, green shutters gazed above the tips of Hailey's pale cheeks. Hailey watched Allie's lower legs topple like sawed lumber. Leather tips covering Allie's toes crashed into a cement surface. Allie groaned.

Hailey's slim footwear flattened along a plane of concrete. Blueberry arm chutes dropped beside quarter inch stripes surrounding Hailey's slender hips. The tip of a butcher's knife descended from Hailey's right hand sweater sleeve. A stainless steel point dropped out of a navy blue pipe bordering Hailey's tiny fingers. A ten inch blade followed a sharpened apex out of Hailey's shirt sleeve. A slick, pine handle slid down the inner surfaces of Hailey's fingers. Rivets the size of shirt buttons fastened wood planks protecting a sheet metal grip. Pine tinted digits surrounded a cellulose slashing handle. Allie lifted her pale cheeks off of floral silk surrounding her skinny wrists. Allie's peach coated eye flaps squeezed together. Crimson tinted lips peeled off of gritted incisors.

"eehhhh--" Allie grumbled. Allie's forearm lifted off of jagged, ice cold concrete. Allie's palm and tiny fingers crushed crow tinted strands on top of her forehead. The tip of Allie's skull throbbed. Camel tinted flats bordering Hailey's tiny feet surrounded Allie's charcoal strapped hips. Hailey rested the toe of her right shoe beside Allie's tomato shaped kneecap. She hinged porcelain leg segments. Hailey flattened soft skin covering her knee beside Allie's hip. Thin flesh covering Hailey's instep sank into frigid sand paper.

Hailey slid the sole of her left foot backwards. She extended her shin beside the edge of Allie's left thigh. Allie exhaled a painful breath between clenched teeth. Crimson lips surrounded a tube of air flowing out of Allie's lungs. Allie's cheeks puffed out. Hailey's fingers descended into crow feather strands surrounding Allie's scalp. Hailey's tiny digits curled into a fist. Tangerine nails attached to Hailey's fingers mashed Allie's crow colored locks. Hailey lifted Allie's porcelain cheeks. She yanked Allie's throbbing face away from the surfaces of her tiny fingers.

"aaAAHH!" Allie squeeled. Allie's palm and the inner surfaces of her fingers collided with rough concrete. Allie's eyes popped open. Irises the color of blue jays squeezed Allie's pupils to the size of pin heads. Downturned lips the color of crimson peeled off of parted teeth. "AHH! AHH!" Allie barked. Hailey pressed her kitchen knife against the surface of Allie's neck. A razor sharp plate sank into ceramic flesh protecting Allie's throat. Blue jay irises floated on sopping wet lashes growing out of Allie's lower eyelids. Allie studied a two inch wide blade steadied below her narrow chin. The surface of a zinc coated cutting instrument forged a blurry mirror. Allie detected artifacts of a pale face. Shoulder length hair the color of flames surrounded blurry, pine tinted cheeks.

"...h-hailey?..." Allie puffed out. Hailey wiggled Allie's terrified face. Crow tinted strands swung Allie's head like a wrecking ball. Pale skin wrapping Allie's trachea hopped on the blade of a kitchen knife. "AAHHHH!" Allie shouted. "ssStop!" Hailey steadied tightened fingers. She lowered her colorful face. Lips coated with carnation gloss floated beside the ridges of Allie's ear.

"...allie, alliee..." Hailey whispered. Hailey inhaled a breath. "...if i hear you trying to guess my name one more time-- i am gonna slice-- your fuckin'-- throat..." Allie's eyes pinched shut.

"...i-i-- i don't know-- what happenedd!..." Allie squeezed out of a tight throat. Allie swallowed nervous spit. "...p-please..." Allie rasped. "...they weren't supposed to do those things..." Hailey's head turned. Emeralds near the corners of Hailey's eyes studied licorice strands escaping Allie's temple.

"...who?..." Hailey asked, quietly. Hailey looked down. Emerald tinted shutters studied a two inch scarf the color of a strawberry milkshake. The silk strap surrounded the base of Allie's skinny neck. Eyelids the color of peach flesh squeezed tightly in front of Allie's irises. Tiny wrinkles creased the bridge of Allie's nose.

"MMmmmm--" Allie hummed. Allie desperately collected rubbery spit. She forced salty saliva down her dry throat. Crimson lips peeled off of Allie's gritted teeth. "...they'll-- kill me..." Allie whispered. Hailey squinted. Raspberry stained eyelids collapsed the tops and bottoms of Hailey's pupils. Hailey's carnation tinted lips parted. Hailey unclenched her left hand fingers. Allie's head dropped. The surface of Allie's neck rested against a razor sharp plate.

"AH!" Allie shrieked. Allie's eyes popped open. Pupils between blue jay shutters focused on a concrete surface like sand paper. Allie exhaled panicked breaths. Hailey sat up. Hailey's striped backside sank into raven stained elastic stretched between Allie's thighs. Hailey stared at crow tinted curtains growing out of Allie's scalp. She glided her butcher's knife away from Allie's trembling throat. She switched a pine grip to the fingers of her left hand. Hailey aimed the point of a steak saw at the back of Allie's head. She sank the tip of a ten inch kitchen tool into Allie's thin scalp hide. Allie winced. Her jaws parted. Her eyes pinched shut.

"AHH!" Allie yelped. Hailey licked carnation gloss coating her lips.

"...don't mooove..." Hailey purred. Hailey extended the index finger of her right hand. Hailey's tangerine glossed nail sank into pale skin above Allie's pink scarf. Narrow, crow tinted eyebrows climbed the surface of Allie's forehead. Allie inhaled a surprised breath between wobbling, crimson stained lips. Eyelids brushed with peach makeup opened a crack. Irises like the ocean wandered to the corners of Allie's eyes.

Hailey's fingertip descended between Allie's soft skin and flamingo tinted silk. Hailey's pine digit peeled pink fabric off of thin flesh. Allie's scarf hid a hideous bruise. A one inch welt the color of eggplant skin surrounded Allie's neck. Allie stared into space. She blinked. Allie inhaled a frosty breath between edges of crimson colored lips. She turned her head slightly. Hailey glanced at Allie's temple. She squeezed the point of her kitchen knife against the back of Allie's scalp. Allie's eyes popped open. Allie faced forward.

"aahhhh--" Allie groaned.

"...allieee..." Hailey whispered. Hailey's emerald eye shutters studied plum tinted flesh below Allie's flamingo scarf. "...what did I just tell you?..." Allie exhaled agitated breaths between clenched incisors.

"...s-sorry..." Allie squeezed between nervous lips. Emerald irises stared through rectangular crystals. Hailey inhaled from gloss coated lips.

"...who did this to you?..." Hailey asked, softly. The corners of Allie's eyes wrinkled. Steaming hot saline droplets welled along the ends of Allie's eyelids. Allie's cheeks jiggled. Allie inhaled a shaky breath between downturned lips.

"...ummm..." Allie hummed out of wiggling lips. Allie sobbed. "...i told them-- the truuuth--" Allie whined. Allie's peach swirled eye flaps squeezed shut. Allie buried the tip of her tiny nose between pillows of skin covering her palm. Tips of pale fingers collapsed along Allie's forehead. Allie shook with sobs. Hailey stared at a hideous bruise hiding underneath Allie's bubble gum neck wear. The tip of Hailey's index finger released Allie's flamingo throat band.

Hailey sat up. The ends of Hailey's tangerine capped fingers curled above her menthol stained lips. Emeralds studied crow tinted strands growing out of Allie's scalp through glass rectangles. Allie's tiny skull wobbled with anxiety. Hailey lifted her butcher's knife. A ten inch blade point shrouded tissue paper dermis covering the back of Allie's skull. Allie puffed out uneasy breaths from wobbling lips. She inhaled, sharply.

"Gwen-- told--" Allie squeezed out. Allie licked crimson beeswax coating her lips. "Josh and them-- that you killed Josh's brother." The tips of Allie's index fingers swiped tears off of her mascara soaked eyelashes. Allie lifted her shivering cheeks. She lifted heavy eyelids off of irises the color of blue jay feathers. She inhaled stuffy stairwell gasses. "And-- And, maybe you guys *did*. Maybe you *did* kill him. I don't know." Allie stared at brick shaped tiles covering a wall beside the stairs. She shook her head.

"But-- she can't *know* that. There's no way she can *know* that!" Hailey stared at crow tinted strands hanging down the back of Allie's scalp. Raspberry tinted eyelids covered Hailey's emerald irises. Hailey exhaled from mournful nostrils. Allie blew a heavy breath from puffed up cheeks. "And so-- I told them. I-- told them that. That she didn't know for sure." Allie licked crimson beeswax coating her lips. The corners of Allie's eyes wrinkled. Allie's wine pigmented lips quivered. Allie inhaled a sharp breath.

"And then, she almost kiiilled meee--" Allie sobbed. Allie's eyelids pinched together. Allie flattened sopping wet ocular flaps across her thumb and index finger. Hailey's tangerine spotted digits toppled off of her carnation stained lips. Hailey lifted a ten inch kitchen knife and turned her head. She rested her forehead against a pine faceted tool grip. She drove a slick handle between collapsed eye flaps the color of raspberry flesh. Allie's fingers dropped off of her eyelids. Allie sniffled. Allie's tiny fingers compressed along rough concrete. Allie shook her head.

"It's-- not even true--" Allie remarked. Hailey's forearm compressed a blueberry tinted tube along the surface of her stomach. Hailey's unoccupied elbow rested on top of her wrist. Thick hide surrounding Hailey's pale cheek sank between her knuckles. A ten inch butcher's plate extended from the edge of Hailey's fist. Emeralds stared from flattened eyelids through glass rectangles. Hailey inhaled between gloss coated lips.

"...what's not true?..." Hailey whispered.

"In-- the hallway--" Allie explained. Allie licked ruby tinted mouth edges. "In the hallway a while ago. She said--" Hailey stared at a fountain of crow tinted head hair. She squinted.

"...she said-- 'i am not your girlfriend'..." Hailey responded, quietly. Hailey licked carnation gloss coating her lips. "...i heard her..." Allie exhaled an annoyed sigh. She closed her eyes. She shook her head.

"She said-- sometimes, she fucks me--" Allie grumbled. Peach tinted eyelids peeled off of Allie's ocean blue irises. Allie stared at pineapple tinted tiles. "She-- rrrapes me." Allie studied straw tinted rectangles. "She fucking *rapes* me. I never wanted to have sex with her. I don't even *like* it that much." Hailey stared at the back of Allie's head. The edge of Hailey's cheek lifted off of her porcelain finger joints. Hailey lowered her kitchen knife.

"...allie..." Hailey asked in a whisper. "...who raped wednesday williams?..." Allie stared into space. Allie's dry tongue wandered nervously across the surface of her bottom lip.

"B-Bernie and Sammy," Allie confessed. Allie exhaled hot breath. She inhaled frosty gasses. "Josh told them to do it. But--" Allie closed her eyes. She forced salty saliva down her parched throat. "But, Gwen started the whole thing." Allie glanced beside her blossom printed shoulder. "She told them not to hurt Lloyd. That he didn't have anything to do with Travis missing." Hailey studied crow tinted locks growing out of Allie's scalp. Hailey funneled cool air into her nostrils. She exhaled steamy breath.

"...ohhh, allieee..." Hailey groaned. Hailey reached in front of blueberry fleece columns. Hailey glided pine tinted digits down long strands the color of crow feathers. Allie's silk strapped stomach flattened along cold concrete. Bones contructing Allie's forearms and shins ached from battering concrete corners. Allie's body shook with painful sobs. Hailey's tiny fingers relieved Allie's aching body segments. Throbbing points near the middles of Allie's wrists and lower legs stopped pounding. Swollen skin along the top of Allie's face stopped aching. Allie's shoulders, chest, lips, and face stopped shaking, nervously. Allie inhaled a deep breath using crimson colored lips. She exhaled a peaceful sigh. Allie's peach tinted eyelids covered her blue jay pigmented irises. Hailey stroked soft strands growing out of Allie's scalp.

"...listen to me, allie..." Hailey whispered. Hailey inhaled a deep breath between gloss coated lips. "...don't look behind you..." Hailey shook her head. "...don't even move your head-- until you hear the door close. you got that?..." Allie exhaled a lengthy puff. Allie's eyelids squeezed together. Tiny wrinkles formed along the bridge of Allie's nose. Allie nodded, slowly. Hailey wiggled a ten inch kitchen utensil behind Allie's crow tinted scalp curtains. " can *not*-- see my face..." Hailey continued. Hailey shook her head. "...if you see my face, and your friends find out..." Allie's eyes opened. Blue jay tinted irises stared into space. Allie exhaled through her tiny nostrils.

"...just go..." Allie responded in a whisper. Allie shook her head. "...i don't *wanna* know..." Hailey studied the top of Allie's head. A slight smirk wrinkled Hailey's pale cheek. The sole of Hailey's right foot flattened beside Allie's hip. Hailey forced herself off of rough concrete. A rubber mat attached to Hailey's left shoe straightened beside Allie's opposite hip. Camel tinted toe vinyl scampered up concrete corners lined with one inch grip tape. Hailey skipped to the thirteenth step. She looked over her shoulder. Allie lay on her stomach beside the bottom of the stairs. She focused on a spot near the middle of a wall. Emeralds attached to Hailey's eyes gazed through glass rectangles.

Hailey reached behind her. Hailey's tiny digits surrounded a stainless steel shaft extending from a left hand door. Hailey's free fingers squeezed the blunt edge of a butcher's knife. Hailey dragged a slick kitchen tool into her sweater sleeve. Ridges covering Hailey's fingers shuffled stainless steel inside a blueberry yarn tube. Hailey eased a thick, steel door away from a painted lip. Hailey snuck through a slim gap. Hailey rested against a locker door. Guilty shoulders wrapped with blueberry yarn collapsed along a steel margarita surface. Coolness from a frozen sheet descended into navy blue fabric. Frigidity sank into the peaks of Hailey's shoulder blades. Hailey's chest poked out. Breasts the size of navel oranges erupted from an indigo chute surrounding Hailey's ribs.

Biceps and forearms flattened blueberry pipes along locker paint like a sheet of ice. Limestone palms and fingers collapsed along a freezing surface the color of cucumber flesh. Dots of tangerine nail polish embellished Hailey's pale digits. Hailey's slender hiny curved away from the end of her spine. Streaks surrounding Hailey's pencil skirt descended a beach ball escaping her lower back. Hailey's backside flattened quarter inch bands stretched around her waist, hips, and thighs against a locker. Calves like porcelain curved away from a fabric tube floating above Hailey's knees. Hailey's lower legs transformed into skinny ankles.

A rim of navy blue felt bordered Hailey's limestone insteps. Camel tinted vinyl wrapped the edges of Hailey's tiny feet. Silk strands the color of blueberries were tied into small bows. Indigo loops dangled from felt arches along the beginnings of Hailey's toes. Hailey's tomato tinted back pack rested along a four foot tile beside her left foot. Hailey's scalp compressed a blanket of flame tinted strands along a cabinet covering. Thoughtful lips coated with carnation pink gloss squeezed together underneath Hailey's nose. Emerald irises gazed through peaks of windows the size of correction erasers. Hailey's pupils stared into space below flattened eyebrows like carrot dust. Eye flaps brushed with raspberry makeup collapsed in front of emerald coins.

Hailey's long, slender eyelash curls drifted apart. Hailey studied a wall across the hallway. A twenty-four by eighteen inch cork board ornamented brick shaped pineapple tiles. The large bulletin display was protected by a border of three-quarter inch pine. Sheets of varying color spotted a rectangular surface like a coffee table coaster. Many paper notices were canary yellow, pistachio, and hot pink. A poppy red tree slice near the lower, left display vertex caught Hailey's attention. The word "RAVE" embellished the middle of a tomato stained page.

Hailey studied letters etched using graphite tinted copy toner. Hailey's knees folded. Hailey bent over. Digits extending from Hailey's knuckles snatched a strip of poppy shaded back pack canvas. Hailey's camel tinted shoe mats scooched across coal and wine spotted tiles like vomit. Hailey stopped in front of the opposite wall. Emerald shutters studied tomato stained wood pulp in front of Hailey's pale face. Students' names were handwritten all over the rave notice. A canvas shoulder strap attached to Hailey's back pack toppled out of her fingers. Hailey's first and second digits grazed the lower, left corner of the poppy tinted flyer. The ends of Hailey's tangerine nails pointed at a group of four students. Segregated pupil names were written beside each other and circled.

"...josh..." Hailey read. "...sammy-- ivy-- bernie..." Hailey followed a row of small text below the word "RAVE". Charcoal tinted characters listed a time and date. Hailey studied asphalt flier digits. Emeralds behind tiny, rectangular windows wandered to the left corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey realized the rave was scheduled for that night.

"Ms. Holloway?" an inquisitive voice requisitioned. Hailey jumped. Hailey's head swirled like a top. Hailey's narrow chin rested along a blanket of blueberry yarn wrapping her left shoulder. Flame tinted strands hammered the edge of Hailey's neck. Detective Moore stood behind Hailey's camel sheathed flats. Moore's weathered cheeks towered above Hailey's carrot stranded scalp. Hailey's head tilted back. Emeralds between raspberry eyelids searched rectangular lens tops surrounding Hailey's nose. Hailey gazed into glum shutters the color of pitch. Detective Moore's irises rested comfortably between his thoughtful eyelids. Deep creases spread from the outer corners of Detective Moore's eyes. Long wrinkles carved folds like rays of sunshine across his walnut tinted cheeks.

Half brown, half grey eyebrows like fluffy caterpillars rested above Moore's eye sockets. Thick curls of rust and silver hair sprouted from Detective Moore's scalp. Ruffles of a margarita trench coat hung from Moore's broad shoulders. An opening down the front of Detective Moore's jacket bordered a pistachio tinted dress shirt. A narrow tie the color of an avocado peel covered Detective Moore's shirt buttons. Moore's pistachio shaded shirt silk was tucked into a set of charcoal tinted slacks. The toes of Detective Moore's worn out dress shoes poked out of his britches. Black leather surrounding Detective Moore's feet was decorated with ivory tinted scuffs.

Hailey turned around. She instinctively hid her left arm behind her back. A ten inch kitchen knife was tucked inside the sleeve of Hailey's sweater. Hailey tilted her head back as far as it would go. Detective Moore was so much taller than Hailey, it was ridiculous. Detective Moore folded his arms over his chest. Thick, crinkled fingers extended from tubes of margarita tinted ruffles. Moore's wise digits rested along his pickle juice stained biceps. Coal tinted eye shutters gazed into emeralds behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses.

"On your way to class?" Detective Moore inquired. Moore squinted. He pointed at a slender, gold plated rod connecting Hailey's rectangular eye crystals. "Don't you have Economics right about now?" Hailey stared at tar pigmented irises between wrinkled ocular flaps. Cheddar tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose.

"What are you, like-- checking up on me, Detective Moore?" Hailey retorted. Moore showed Hailey a set of worn out palms.

"Ohhh--" Detective Moore groaned. "I asked some ladies down in the front office to print me a copy of your school schedule, Ms. Holloway. They were kind enough to do that for me." Detective Moore licked a set of dry lips. "I hope you don't mind." The ends of Hailey's tiny digits gripped the blunt edge of a ten inch blade. Ridges wrapping Hailey's fingertips glided across a surface of slick steel. Hailey studied Detective Moore's eyes. She exhaled from her tiny nostrils.

"I have Economics with Mr. Graham," Hailey responded. Detective Moore looked at the floor. He nodded. Hailey turned her head without looking away. "Can I-- help you with something?" Detective Moore looked up. Wise irises gazed at emerald quarters attached to Hailey's eyes.

"Wellll--" Detective Moore purred. "I *was* wondering what you were doing way over here." Moore pointed towards a hallway corner opposite of Hailey, Wednesday, and Lloyd's previous location. "Pretty sure your Economics class is that way." Eyebrows like carrot shavings lifted above the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets. Hailey looked beside her right shoulder. The top of Hailey's head motioned towards a door next to the cork board. Detective Moore looked where Hailey's forehead pointed. He studied a thick, steel rectangle.

The frosty covering was painted a hue similar to Detective Moore's trench coat. A rust proof plate stood vertically along the right edge of the door. A sign the size of a paperback novel was attached near the middle of the door. It was coated with slick paint the color of charcoal. Soot tinted acrylic was surrounded by an ivory pigmented border. A porcelain colored stick figure was printed down the middle of the hatch label. An equilateral triangle covered the body of the quartz icon. The pointed shape feminized the ivory depiction. The word "Girls" was etched below the stick figure's feet.

"I had to pee," Hailey explained. Hailey looked into Detective Moore's eyes. She pointed behind her with the back of her head. "Then, I got distracted." Hailey stepped aside. Flats made of camel tinted vinyl switched from one four foot tile to another. The word "RAVE" immediately caught Detective Moore's attention. Moore stepped forward. He studied a tomato tinted photocopy near the lower, left corner of the cork board. He nodded.

"You know, I've been to a rave before." Moore looked beside him. "Several, in fact." Hailey's arm dropped beside quarter inch stripes surrounding her left hip. The tip of a razor sharp kitchen knife squeezed between Hailey's middle and ring fingers.

"Uhhh--" Hailey groaned. Moore shrugged.

"Crime scenes. You know." Detective Moore pointed at a poppy red rectangle tacked to the corner of the cork board. "You're going to *that*??" Hailey stood beside a beige floor square perpendicular to pineapple tinted wall tiles. She stepped next to Detective Moore. She searched the cork board. Hailey's head turned. Emerald irises behind two by one inch windows surfed pastel tinted flyers. Hailey focused on a tomato tinted sheet covering the lower, left bulletin corner. A smirk tilted the left corners of Hailey's carnation shaded lips.

"Ohhh--" Hailey groaned. "*That's* why you're asking me that." Hailey lifted her arm. The fingers of Hailey's right hand extended from a blueberry tube surrounding her knuckles. A tangerine nail attached to Hailey's index finger tapped a neon card like a traffic cone. The sherbet advertisement was tacked below the rave notice. "I was reading *this*," Hailey explained. Detective Moore studied the card Hailey pointed out. Tall, black letters spelled "Glory High" across the top half of the neon sheet. Small, flattened characters spelled "Chess Club" below the name of Hailey's school. Dates of campus tournaments were described underneath squooshed digits.

"Ohh--" Detective Moore purred. Moore rested the inner surface of his right forearm along the beginning of his belly. Detective Moore's margarita wrapped, left elbow sank into the surface of his palm. The edges of Moore's index finger and thumb surrounded his lips. Long, thoughtful creases extended from the corners of Detective Moore's eyes. Moore inhaled between his slender lips. "Of course that's what you were looking at." Detective Moore looked beside him. His head tilted towards the floor. Hailey looked up. Bright, sparkling emeralds gazed into Detective Moore's coal faceted irises.

"That makes more sense," Moore conceded. A high pitched boop pierced Hailey and Detective Moore's ear drums. The triangle wave squelch was followed by a half second of silence. Two half second boops pierced peaceful hallway gasses. Hailey's eyes popped open. A finger poking out of Hailey's navy blue sleeve pointed towards the end of the hallway.

"I-- gotta go, Detective Moore," Hailey grumbled. Hailey bent over. The fingers of Hailey's right hand surrounded a canvas strap the color of tomato skin. The fabric strip extended from the edge of Hailey's back pack. Hailey's poppy book bag filled a corner between vomit floor tiles and pineapple wall bricks. Detective Moore watched Hailey hurry away. Hailey lifted her right arm. A tomato shoulder harness glided down a navy blue tube surrounding Hailey's arm. Hailey reached behind her. She slipped her left wrist through an opposite book strap. Curvy hips surrounded by quarter inch bands were visible below a poppy tinted text sack. Detective Moore turned and watched. He extended a margarita wrapped limb. Moore's pointer finger erupted from a pickle juice tube surrounding his wrist.

"Oh-- one quick question?" Detective Moore interjected. "If you've got a minute?" Hailey froze. The insteps of Hailey's camel tinted flats stopped side by side. Hailey's rubber shoe mats crushed a beige tile spattered with coal and wine tinted spots. Hailey's left hand fingers gripped cold steel hiding inside her dark blue sweater sleeve. Hailey looked over her shoulder. She licked carnation tinted gloss coating her lips.

"Uhhh--" Hailey groaned. "I don't! What the hell?" Hailey gazed into Detective Moore's wise eyes. She swiveled on toes of vinyl flats. The inner surfaces of Hailey's forearms compressed navy blue tubes on top of her stomach. Tiny fingers extending from Hailey's right hand sweater sleeve gripped her left palm. Hailey's pale digits squeezed the blunt edge of a kitchen knife below blueberry tinted yarn. "I mean-- I'm already late. You know?"

"Wellll--" Detective Moore groaned. Rust and silver eyebrow fluffs climbed a flesh staircase stacked across Moore's forehead. "It's kind of a strange problem. It has to do with something the boys down at arson discovered." Emeralds between raspberry eye flaps studied coal facets attached to Detective Moore's eyes. Eyebrows like sweet potato shavings lifted above the tops of Hailey's eye sockets.

"Do I-- need to know this??" Hailey inquired. Detective Moore blinked. He glided his slender lips to the edge of his face.

"N-Noo--" Detective Moore purred. "I guess not." Hailey sighed. She turned around. Hailey planted the toe of her right shoe in front of a camel tinted foot covering. She parked the edge of her left foot beside her heel. The sole of Hailey's right shoe lifted off the surface of the floor. It landed near the center of a vomit tinted tile behind her. "The living room of your home and your mother's SUV were both doused in gasoline, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore blurted. Hailey's left foot flattened beside her right. Hailey stared into space. Raspberry tinted eyelids covered emeralds behind rectangular crystals. Hailey's pomegranate eye flaps sank into her face. Hailey looked above a blanket of navy blue yarn wrapping her shoulder.

"Why are you telling me this?" Hailey demanded.

"Did your mother own a gas can?" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey squeezed carnation waxed lips together.

"Why-- are you saying 'did'?" Hailey asked. Moore stared into emeralds below anxious eyebrows like scraps of carrots. Hailey inhaled between gloss coated lips. "D-Do you think she's dead??" Hailey requisitioned. Detective Moore studied the lenses of Hailey's glasses. He exhaled through a set of wide nostrils. Moore pointed towards the end of the hallway.

"You should get to class, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore instructed. "I'm sorry I bothered you." Hailey's pupils traced creases splitting Detective Moore's walnut tinted cheeks. She looked at the floor and shook her head. Hailey faced forward. She hooked her thumbs under canvas straps squeezing dark blue shoulder yarn. She followed beige tinted tiles leading to her Economics class.

Chapter 7: "A Headache"
Table of Contents

Tips of masculine fingers dropped on plastic piano keys. Strong digits rested along a lime tinted momentary switch. A penny sized button reflected neon green light thanks to fluorescent bulbs nearby. Long keyboard buttons glowed the color of lavender petals. Ends of digits illuminated like highlighter pens tapped a piano chord twice. Neon fingers played a note slightly higher. Nearby tweeters whistled samples of triangle waves. After a quarter second, lemon tinted fingers pounded a chord three times. The key combination's pitch was twice as high. The keyboardist's right hand palm shafts released a momentary switch. A recording of three notes began looping. A plastic body like graphite surrounded keys illuminated by violet radiation. Buttons the color of charcoal were sandwiched between simulated piano levers.

Neon green knobs, sliding switches, and round buttons were scattered across a plastic surface. The instrument panel bordered long, polystyrene levers. The body of a digital keyboard rested along the face of a foldout table. Supportive, rubber discs below the electric piano flattened along a bourbon tinted sheet. The amber stained surface was decorated with swirls simulating wood grain. A matching table top was arranged perpendicular to an area supporting a plastic keyboard. Turntables surrounded thimble sized knobs the color of slate. Plastic caps attached to potentiometers erupted from steel boxes. Sheet metal frames protected arrangements of pea shaped transistors. Molded metal covered capacitors the size of medicine cups. Sculpted steel structures were painted the color of slate.

Masculine digits tapped a tangerine button the size of a quarter. The plastic switch cover poked out beside a vinyl platter. The hubcap shaped signal retainer was fastened on top of the left hand turntable. A waveform scarring a tar tinted saucer rolled below a fiber optic drop. Electrical impulses traveled along a set of wires. Conductive extrusions extended below a shaft like the handle of a dining fork. Coils of magnetized wire sank a solenoid column. A speaker cone fastened to an iron peg compressed surrounding air. Bass heavy drum beats emerged from a polyurethane funnel. After two cycles of repeating thumps, highlighter digits tapped a tangerine button. The neon orange cap extended beside the right hand turntable. Cymbal crashes played on top of saw tooth chords and drum taps.

Fingers like lemon flesh emerged from skinny wrists. Slender forearms dangled from sleeves of a raven black t-shirt. Ivory tinted graphics coated a soot shaded top. Vinyl shirt decorations reflected ultraviolet light the color of eggplant peel. A neon orange bucket rested along a blanket of hair covering the DJ's scalp. The rim of a plastic container shuffled on top of raven tinted shoulder fabric. A set of egg shaped ovals was printed along a phosphorescent surface. Charcoal ellipses were drawn near the location of the DJ's eyes. Wedges shaped like less than symbols were missing from left ends of printed eye images. A set of grinning lips was etched below drawings of arc shaped eyes. A horizontal line was printed between crescent shaped lips. The longitudinal striation simulated mashed together teeth.

Speaker boxes the size of compact refrigerators stood vertically below a foldout table. Four cases made of painted plywood were arranged underneath a set of turntables. Refrigerator shaped frames were stained the color of fresh pavement. Grills like basketball hoops concealed rims of speaker cones. Steel rings with decreasing diameters protected polyurethane woofers. Boxes shaped like clothes drawers were suspended above sound mixing equipment. Beams of light escaped lenses emerging from steel cases. Radiation channels fired the opposite direction of the DJ's face.

Lime green lasers the thickness of dry/erase markers sprouted from a glass dome. Kiwi eruptions formed a shape like rays of morning sunshine. Neon green refractions chased each other in a circle. Red, green, and blue beams emerged from the lens of a different box. Rainbow tinted rays projected from a transparent disc. Tubes of red, green, and blue light pointed towards the ceiling. Rainbow spotlights wandered to the floor, then returned to tin roofing plates. Lasers like a red onion erupted from a different box's lens. Bands like cabbage leaves fired randomly from a dome shaped crystal. Tomato red beams projected from a lens nearby. Ends of poppy tinted chutes followed the shape of a capital "S".

Four foot fluourescent bulbs illuminated plastic ballasts the color of charcoal. Polystyrene frames supporting plum tinted tube sets were arranged along sheets of tin. Additional speakers were fastened beside black light fixtures. Rusted rectangles supporting ultraviolet tubes covered the skeleton of an old building. Sheet metal boxes were arranged along the surface of a concrete floor. Plumes of porcelain mist erupted from bases of steel plated frames. Puffs of water vapor like early morning fog wandered across cracked cement. Steam boxes were suspended from sheets of tin forming a rusted ceiling. Jets of dove feather mist escaped pressurized sprayers.

Four young girls danced near the DJ. The youthful ladies were decked out with glow sticks. The left hand mistress had dark hair. A curtain of raven black strands descended from illuminated, quarter inch tubes. The young lady's luminescent halo was forged from lime green, plum purple, tangerine orange, and lemon yellow strands. Limestone biceps and forearms were surrounded by rings of glowing tubes. Lighted rope arms swayed in front of a crow tinted tank top. Ivory artwork printed along the young lady's shirt resembled a kitty face. Artifacts of a cartoon cat reflected violet rays emanating from fluorescent bulbs. Hot pink tubes surrounded dimly lit eye whites. Flamingo pipes were arranged like frames of eye glasses.

A girl beside the first suspended glow stick rings from her neck. Hoops of chartreuse, plum, banana, and tomato were supported by a slender flesh chute. The young lady's throat erupted from a V-shaped blouse collar. The youthful madam bounced on the balls of her feet. Shirt ruffles the color of porcelain floated on columns of artificial fog. Colorful light ropes swung from the second lady's neck. Rainbow radiation strands collided with pale skin below neon orange lips. Fluffs of shoulder length hair were illuminated the color of an omelet. Ends of canary yellow sprouts battered dimly lit cheeks and a skinny neck.

The third girl wore a multicolored glow rope around her upper body. A band of strawberry, blue raspberry, tangerine, lime, and lemon embellished a slender throat. A line of colored light descended from a birch tinted neck. Lighted rope surrounded dimly lit silk strapped around tiny tits. A coil of neon orange, yellow, green, pink, and violet emerged from the young girl's armpit. An illuminated strand twisted around the third lady's chest. Multicolored rope formed a funnel shape. A column of colorful light twists descended a slender stomach. Tomato tinted slivers were visible between dim hair strands surrounding a pale face.

Glowing, lime tinted frames surrounded the rightmost girl's eyes. Grinning teeth showed between barely visible lips. Fluoride pearls glowed like the surface of the moon at night. Tiny fingers like yellow highlighters twirled lighted sticks. Pistachio, eggplant, daffodil, and flamingo shafts rocked in front of a dimly lit tank top. A head of thick hair swooped from bouncing temples. Swirls the color of tree bark battered naked shoulders.

Nearby, a couple of young guys danced arm in arm. The left hand young man's upper body was wrapped in a dark t-shirt. A turquoise, lime green, strawberry, tangerine, and lemon yellow rope swirled around a charcoal tinted trunk covering. Multicolored light ropes wrapped muscular biceps and forearms. Plum, tomato, chartreuse, and neon orange glow strands swirled around crow tinted head hair. Different colored sticks poked out of lighted head wrap. The guy on the right was wearing a long sleeve shirt. Yellow and coal tinted checks were strapped across a slender chest and arms. Lemon tinted fabric glowed from fluorescent bulbs. Rings of tangerine lights surrounded the young man's left arm. Neon green tubes were strapped around his right upper limb.

The right hand young man's elbow was woven below the guy on the left's arm hinge. Grinning faces were visible in dim light. The masculine youngsters lifted their right knees during drum beat pauses. They kicked denim wrapped legs during repeating thumps. They turned left. The pair mirrored the procedure. They lifted their left knees when a snare thump ended. They kicked joyous left lower limbs. The peak of Kyle's pale cheek reflected lime tinted lasers. The back end of a ball cap was strapped over Kyle's forehead. Tomato shaded mesh refracted neon green sparkles. Pumpkin pie strands poked out below a plastic grid the color of poppy seeds. Kyle's dark brown hair curled above a tomato tinted belt securing the rim of his hat. Eyebrows like smears of caramel shrouded bourbon tinted irises.

A set of gold rings dangled from Kyle's left earlobe. Brass tinted hoops reflected glints of black light. A raven black polo hung from Kyle's broad shoulders. Legs of teal shaded jeans descended from the base of Kyle's shirt. Denim lumps surrounding Kyle's thighs and calves glowed the color of seaweed. Rims of thick tubes collapsed along necks of red, canvas shoes. Ivory laces and white rubber tips glowed the color of dish soap. Protective caps covering the toes of Kyle's footwear reflected tomato tinted flashes. Cole stood next to Kyle. Cream and sawdust strands extended from Cole's slender scalp to the middle of his neck. Light brown filaments glowed plum purple. Bourbon tinted hair sections appeared like fountains of molasses.

Two inch glass circles refracted red, green, and blue tinted beams. Rust shutters filled the diameters of Cole's glasses lenses between laser flashes. A silver rod a quarter inch thick connected circular crystals resting along bony cheeks. A long, thin nose descended above Cole's slender lips. A scrawny throat disappeared into the neck of a baggy t-shirt. Cole's ruffled top was stained the color of tomato skin. His oversized trunk covering appeared the color of red wine. Ends of extra wide sleeves drifted below Cole's bony elbows. A porcelain tinted border surrounded an image decorating the body of Cole's t-shirt. It glowed like a highlighter pen.

Rotten's logo was printed across the top of a rectangular image. Rotten's band icon was shaped like a tomato colored military stamp. Capital letters were arranged with every other character's height offset. The banner was drawn along the top of a black and white photograph. An image of Rotten's lead singer sat along a row of concrete steps. Porcelain tinted t-shirt artwork glowed the color of glass cleaner. Biceps covered in tattoos extended from edges of a denim vest. Inked up forearms were folded on top of denim covering the vocalist's knees. The singer's forehead collapsed hopelessly along surfaces of crossing wrists. Eighteen inch hair spikes extended from Rotten's frontman's scalp.

Long socks were visible below knees of denim shorts. The vocalist's stockings were streaked with black and white bands. Striped sock necks disappeared into leather boots. White laces threaded chrome reinforcements surrounding cow hide calves. "...And on Goes the War" was scribbled like handwriting below tips of leather footwear. Knots of raven black denim surrounded Cole's skinny legs. Bags of dark fabric collapsed along rims of black, canvas shoes. Sets of three diagonal bands were stitched to outer and inner edges of textile insteps. Slanted strips reflected lavender light cast by fluorescent bulbs. Platforms below the bases of Cole's sneakers appeared the color of eggplant skin.

Cherry tinted gloss coated the surfaces of Gwen's lips. Cardinal shaded beeswax reflected fluorescent light the color of an orange peel. The left edge of Gwen's slender nose repeated violet flashes. Plum tinted beams illuminated Gwen's pale forehead every couple of seconds. Raven black strands sprouted from Gwen's scalp. Random, soot filaments collected glints of tomato red lasers. Golden irises glowed underneath angry eyebrows. Gwen's hair curled an inch above her shirt sleeves. Rows of quarter inch diamonds surrounded Gwen's bicep coverings. Spaces between charcoal rhombuses phosphoresced the color of blue gelatin dessert.

A two inch wide shirt collar surrounded Gwen's slender neck. Ends of fabric concealing the base of Gwen's throat dangled down her chest. Gwen's collar pointed at a silk column compressing her tiny tits. Sets of cherries like sunflower kernels interrupted bright blue outlines every couple of inches. Cherry red ripples descended from the tops of Gwen's hips. Strawberry wrinkles preceded a hem fashioned from half inch squares. Gwen's cardinal tinted skirt appeared the color of tree bark. A tube of poorly lit fabric disappeared below a second hem. The second border was also shaped like edges of a cherry pie. Bows like thick shoelaces dangled from Gwen's upper dress hem. Pale calves descending from cherry pie ridges reflected violet laser flashes.

Gwen's ankles descended into suede necks the color of soot. Cow hide points extended from straps laying on top of Gwen's insteps. Raven black tips concealed Gwen's toes. Ivory tinted fluff poked out of the rims of Gwen's boots. Strands of shredded cotton reflected lavender tinted black light. A vinyl strap the color of carnation petals compressed Gwen's left deltoid. Twelve inches of gold chain dangled from each end of Gwen's shoulder harness. A flamingo pink bag dangled from tips of gold plated links. Gwen's vinyl purse was shaped like a kitty face. A tiny ruby created the nose of a one foot wide cat precipice. Vinyl arcs formed the kitty's eyes. Porcelain tinted ocular curves glowed the color of glass cleaner. Matching whiskers extended from the left and right edges of a ruby snout.

Lime tinted lasers illuminated the right edge of Allie's nose. Lips coated with crimson beeswax appeared the color of used motor oil. Crow shaded eyebrows rested solemnly along shutters like blue jay feathers. Irises resembling blue gelatin dessert were dimmed the shade of bluebonnets. Soot colored bangs curled a quarter inch above Allie's eyes. Tomato red flashes illuminated every tenth strand of Allie's upper face filaments. A curtain of crow tinted hair was chopped two inches above Allie's slender shoulders.

Teal silk covered Allie's deltoids. Fabric strapped over Allie's tiny breasts glowed the color of ibuprofen gel caps. Images of carnation tinted tulips faded to white. Olive green strands exited bases of flower bulbs. Allie's avocado peel shirt vines looked black. Pitch tinted ivy coiled and collided along the surface of Allie's blouse. Pink tulips and olive green coils wrapped long, silk sleeves. Stem wrapped teal tubes extended from Allie's shoulders to her wrists. Tangerine nails covering Allie's fingertips glowed neon orange. A silk scarf surrounded the base of Allie's skinny neck. A strip covering a ring shaped bruise was dyed the color of flamingo feathers. Pastel scarf tips two inches wide dangled from a knot beside the left edge of Allie's neck. Tips of bubble gum tinted strands rested on top of Allie's left breast.

An opening extended from the collar of Allie's blouse to the middle of her chest. Allie's pale skin peeked through a four inch slot. Porcelain flesh reflected eggplant tinted black light. An elastic band two inches wide was strapped around Allie's waist. The crow tinted belt was the beginning of a pencil skirt. Soot shaded silk descended from Allie's slender waist. Raven black fabric curved down Allie's slender hips. Pitch stained neoprene shrouded surfaces of soft thighs. Pitch shaded elastic transformed into a hoop surrounding Allie's knees.

Ivory calves descended into tar tinted flats. Leather footwear was sutured along the edges of Allie's tiny feet. Slender cow hide strips emerged from borders concealing Allie's big toes. Eighth inch bands burrowed underneath the inner edges of Allie's footwear. Gold plated links dangled from Allie's right shoulder. A black bag the size of a paperback novel hung from ends of a slender chain. The vinyl pouch rested along crow tinted elastic surrounding Allie's right hip.

Pointed slats like five inch canoes were attached to the soles of Gwen's boots. Rubber caps an inch thick were fastened below Gwen's heels. Rubber chunks like drink coaster halves stomped across dimly lit concrete. Rubber mats resembling exclamation points adorned the soles of Allie's flats. Punctuation marks the size of glass soda bottles wandered beside Gwen's ox skin boots. Gwen swiveled porcelain facial features. Raven tinted filaments swirled beside the edges of Gwen's face. Swooping hair strands were decorated with tomato red flashes. Threads the color of soot battered Gwen's neck. Flashing filaments tickled Gwen's soft, pale cheeks. Irises like drops of honey glared at crow tinted strands growing out of Allie's temple. Allie sensed Gwen staring at her. Pupils between hazel shutters drilled into thin flesh beside Allie's eye socket.

Gwen lifted pale palm shafts. Nails the color of blueberries covered tiny fingertips. Gwen's digits curled into a fist beside cherry tinted ripples strapped around her hip. Gwen's shoulders pivoted ninety degrees. Tiny mounds erupting from Gwen's chest pointed at teal silk surrounding Allie's bicep. Gwen swung her top limb like a baseball bat. An upper arm the color of limestone swooped beside the edges of Gwen's ribs. Gwen's forearm folded beside her lanky bicep. A knot made from Gwen's pale fingers collided with Allie's stomach. Bony knuckles sank into a blanket of flesh covering Allie's bowels. Slender finger shafts compressed tulip printed silk on top of abs like a throw pillow.

Allie's eyes popped open. Crow tinted brows hopped off of peach shaded eyelids. The toes of Allie's flats stuck to cold cement. Rubber mats below Allie's heels lifted off of the floor. Allie's belly flesh folded in half. Soft skin collapsed and surrounded Gwen's closed fingers. Allie's shoulders and face swung towards the floor. Air gushed out of Allie's lungs. Lips the color of used motor oil tore apart.

"Puhhh!!" Allie exhaled. Gwen studied flashing strands swinging from Allie's scalp. Crow tinted fluffs swooped beside Allie's cheeks and pulled tight. Gwen stopped walking. Hazel quarters attached to Gwen's eyes watched crow tinted curtains surrounding Allie's face. Thin, raven shaded eyebrows pointed down the middle of Gwen's face. Allie's slender arms folded on top of her stomach. Allie sucked a sharp breath past distressed teeth. "errrr--" Allie groaned. Allie looked up. Strands the color of crow feathers dangled in front of Allie's face. Blue jay irises gazed between asphalt shaded knots. Eyebrows like strokes of tar pointed at the inner corners of Allie's eyes. Lips the color of pitch peeled off of gritted incisors.

"Gwennn!!" Allie forced out of clenched teeth. Allie inhaled between mashed together bicuspids. She stood up. She swatted crow tinted filaments covering her face. Neon orange fingernails slung coal shaded fluffs away from Allie's eyes. Allie exhaled a painful breath. "Why-- did you *do* that?!" Allie demanded. Lips refracting neon orange light lifted off of Gwen's angry teeth. Tiny wrinkles creased the bridge of Gwen's nose. Gwen's palm lifted off of cherry tinted fabric stretched across her thighs. Gwen flung careless fingers in front of Allie's disgusted face.

"'cause-- fuck you, bitch!" Gwen kindly replied. "*That's* why!!" Cole and Kyle were close to Allie and Gwen. Cole's rust tinted eye shutters gazed through glass discs. A scrawny wrist hanging from Cole's baggy shirt sleeve lifted off of coal tinted denim. The tips of Cole's index finger and thumb surrounded his chin. Ridges covering Cole's skinny digits dragged across tips of faint stubble.

"Fuckin'-- hot, yo," Cole purred. Gwen looked over her shoulder. Gwen's pale chin rested along quarter inch diamonds surrounding her bicep. Angry eyebrows compressed peaks of golden irises. Tangerine lips peeled off of phosphorescent teeth. The middle of Gwen's slender nose wrinkled.

"Cole--" Gwen snarled. "You motha fucker! After what you did to me, yesterday--" Gwen licked neon gloss coating her angry lips. "I'm about ready to cave your nuts in!" Kyle stood beside Cole. Kyle's face rotated. The bill of a tomato red ball cap rested along Kyle's shirt collar. Bourbon colored irises studied cream and sawdust fluffs surrounding Cole's bony face.

"The fuck's she talkin' about, dumb-shit?" Kyle demanded. A twisted grin curled Cole's thin lips. Eyebrows glowing the color of vanilla pudding appeared above circular crystals. Cole lifted slender upper limbs. He raised his palms beside wine shaded fabric hanging from his shoulders.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Cole groaned. "I just did what she *said* to do." Allie glided tips of shaking fingers across tulip spotted silk covering her stomach. She looked up. Ends of tangerine fingernails dropped off of Allie's aching gut.

"He had sex with me," Allie blathered. Gwen was facing the boys. Her leg swung like a golf club. Gwen drove a suede toe point into the surface of Allie's stomach. "Gyahhh!!" Allie shrieked. Allie bent over. A soft entrail covering surrounded the sole of Gwen's boot. Gwen tugged her foot out of Allie's satin abs. She flattened the base of her footwear along cold concrete. Fluffy eyebrows the color of pumpkin pie flattened Kyle's ocular caverns. Bourbon shutters attached to Kyle's corneas studied lavender strands growing out of Cole's scalp. Kyle bobbed his head.

"Oh yeah, man?" Kyle requisitioned. "No shit?" Allie stood, bent over. Shivering limbs wrapped in light blue silk squeezed Allie's bowels. Wrinkles folded the bridge of Allie's tiny nose. Allie inhaled a sharp breath past gritted teeth.

"And, I-- fuckin' liked it!" Allie shouted. Gwen swiveled on thin slats protecting the balls of her feet. Gwen's arm swung like a sledge hammer. Her knuckles collided with Allie's breast bone. "Gyahhhh--" Allie croaked. "Gwennn!!!" Gwen hammered a space between Allie's tiny tits.

"What--!?" Gwen snarled. Gwen pounded Allie's chest. "You fuckin'--!?" Gwen beat Allie's ribs. "Cunt!??" Gwen battered Allie's bony lung protectors using the edge of her fist. "Anything else-- you wanna-- say?!!?" Allie's knees buckled. Allie rocked on rubber mats attached to her heels. Allie collapsed on her butt. Allie's velvet hind cheeks flattened crow tinted elastic along slick concrete. Allie's palms broke her fall. Pillows of pale skin crashed beside soot shaded neoprene framing Allie's hips.

Shutters the color of blue jay feathers floated to the tops of Allie's eyes. Irises like glass cleaner gazed below timid, crow tinted brows. Allie lifted her fingers off of cold cement. She folded shaking wrists in front of her aching tits. Allie's thighs collapsed on top of crossed forearms. Allie's knees squeezed together below the hem of her pencil skirt. The soles of Allie's flats drifted apart. Naked ankles separated eighteen inches. The toes of Allie's leather flats faced each other.

Kyle dug through the pocket of his jeans. Kyle's thick fingers emerged from a fabric pouch. Kyle's fingertips surrounded the lid of a Mayer aspirin bottle. The ends of Kyle's digits squeezed ridges formed along the rim of an aluminum cap. A glass container shaped like a vial of travel mouth wash hung from a chocolate seal. A rectangular label was adhered vertically to a dangling, transparent surface. The rhombus shaped sticker was the color of banana pudding. A horizontal rectangle the color of potato skin embellished the peak of a pale label. Diagonal pegs extended from the corners of a brown rhombus. White, uppercase letters were printed on top of a tan tinted rectangle. Porcelain characters spelled "MAYER". "ASPIRIN" was printed below the quartz pigmented brand name using smaller characters.

A porcelain tinted circle was drawn below the left corner of the potato colored rhombus. An ellipse like a mint candy was surrounded by a tomato red outline. Red letters printed horizontally spelled "MAYER" across a cherry outlined dot. An intersecting brand label was also printed vertically. The up and down banner formed a cross with a title printed side to side. The letter "A" was written only once. Tomato tinted characters like cursive handwriting spelled the word "Genuine". The bright red designation was scribbled beside the right edge of the Mayer circle. The glass bottle hanging from Kyle's digits was filled with white tablets. Gwen folded her arms on top of her chest. Pale wrists crossed on top of glowing diamond frames spanning Gwen's boobs. Irises illuminated like drops of honey stared at ivory tinted caplets.

"I didn't hit her *that* hard, Kyle," Gwen snarled. Gwen glanced over her shoulder. "Besides-- FUCK HER!" Gwen barked. Blue jay irises peered from the tops of Allie's eye sockets. Blue raspberry shutters glared at raven black strands floating above Gwen's shoulders. Narrow eyebrows the color of crow feathers pointed down the bridge of Allie's nose. Ends of nervous incisors gripped a wiggling lip the color of used motor oil.

"F-Fuck you, G-Gwen--" Allie forced out of apprehensive lips. Kyle unscrewed a chocolate tinted cap threaded onto the aspirin bottle. He deposited a tablet like a mint candy near the middle of his palm. Gwen looked down. Gold shutters focused on a compressed caplet resting along the surface of Kyle's hand. A "MAYER" cross logo was stamped into a pill the size of a shirt button. Pumpkin pie curls poked through a hole above a plastic belt securing Kyle's ball cap. Bourbon tinted shutters studied raven black strands sprouting from Gwen's scalp. A sly smirk creased Kyle's cheek.

"You sure you don't want one?" Kyle requisitioned. Two inch irises the color of rust peered through the lenses of Cole's glasses. Cole's slender lips curled towards thin frames surrounding circular crystals.

"Or-- two?" Cole asked. Gwen looked up. Lips coated with tangerine gloss formed a curious smile.

"The fuck is it??" Gwen demanded. Kyle exhaled laughter from his nostrils.

"Fuckin'-- ecstasy," Kyle explained. Raven tinted eyebrows flattened the tops of Gwen's hazel irises. Tangerine lips peeled off of Gwen's parted teeth.

"Nuh-uhhh--" Gwen croaked. Gwen looked down. The tips of Gwen's thumb and index finger surrounded a tiny tablet. Gwen suspended a button shaped caplet in front of gold quarters attached to her corneas. "You're kidding me." Gwen focused on bourbon tinted shutters between Kyle's eyelids. "Who sold you *these*?" Kyle bobbed his head.

"Your fuckin' mom, bitch," Kyle kindly responded. Kyle snatched an ivory tablet away from blueberry caps spotting Gwen's fingertips. Kyle lifted the tiny pill between his thumb and index finger. He showed the compressed caplet to Gwen. "You want some?" Gwen showed Kyle the surface of her palm. She looked away and shook her head. Kyle gazed at Allie's blue jay irises. He showed Allie an ivory tinted tablet. He wobbled a porcelain button. "Allie?" Kyle requisitioned. "You gonna roll, girly girl?" Glass cleaner droplets stared below bangs the color of crow feathers. Allie's pupils studied a white dot separating Kyle's fingertips. Allie slowly shook her head. Fluffy eyebrows the color of pumpkin pie wandered up the surface of Kyle's forehead.

"It's good shi-iiit--" Kyle purred. Allie stared at a tiny tablet reflecting lavender black light. She licked nervous lips the color of used motor oil.

"N-Not tonight, Kyle," Allie responded. The toe of Wednesday's left boot compressed periwinkle tinted vinyl. The slick, light blue fabric covered the back of Lloyd's front, passenger seat. Fluffs like a dish sponge erupted from tears along a textile chair covering. Shiny, raven black leather formed a point surrounding Wednesday's toes. Slick cow hide was stretched around Wednesday's ankle. A three inch, rubber spike descended from soot tinted ox skin gripping Wednesday's heel. The neck of Wednesday's boot ended below a mound of pale skin protecting her kneecap. A patch of strawberry scrapes was carved into knee flesh the color of fresh pine. Chrome teeth interlocked along a cow hide seam sealing Wednesday's boot calf. Wednesday's butt sank into vinyl strips stitched to Lloyd's rear, driver's seat.

The hem of a black, denim skirt surrounded Wednesday's kneecaps. A raven black tube was strapped around Wednesday's thighs. A vertical split extended from the base of Wednesday's pencil skirt. The upright opening stopped one-third of the way across Wednesday's lap. Wednesday's left knee rested on top of her right leg hinge. Wednesday's right calf sank into periwinkle puffs stitched beside her left hip. Pale skin forming Wednesday's lower leg sank into sections like shark flesh. Wednesday's right foot floated on periwinkle puffs. Toes the color of birch extended from the end of Wednesday's foot. Nails like drops of tar embellished tiny tarsal digits.

Scratches like watermelon flesh spread from pads forming the ball of Wednesday's foot. Cherry lacerations traveled along pale skin protecting arch shaped tendons. Strawberry scrapes sank into flesh covering Wednesday's heel, ankle, and Achilles' tendon. Wednesday's foot was scratched up from Bernie and Sammy dragging it out of a leather shoe. A raven colored tank top stretched over Wednesday's slim stomach. Wednesday's forearm rested along soot tinted elastic covering her trim stomach. Raven black yarn formed one inch diamonds surrounding Wednesday's lower arm. Soft skin the color of pine peeked through quarter sized holes.

The end of Wednesday's sweater sleeve surrounded the beginning of her wrist. Two inch strips shaped like peacock feathers were fastened to Wednesday's sleeve cuff. Soft skin covering the bones of Wednesday's right hand extended from four centimeter strands. The elbow of Wednesday's left arm rested along cream colored skin covering her knuckles. Wednesday's lower arm arose from the finger joints of her right hand. A tube like a fisherman's net stretched around Wednesday's wrist. Two inch peacock feathers framed the origin of Wednesday's palm.

Plum tinted bruises shaped like Bernie's fingers stained the base of Wednesday's hand. A cigarette sized scab sank into velvet hide protecting Wednesday's forearm. Pine digits erupted from pale dermis covering Wednesday's knuckles. Wednesday's carpal shafts dangled hopelessy from her left hand digit hinges. Wednesday's thumb rested along the inside edge of her index finger. Tar tinted keratin acrylic coated Wednesday's lifeless nails.

An ivory tinted tube surrounded a quarter inch cigarette filter. A cellulose column extended from the first and second fingers of Wednesday's left hand. A tissue paper pipe poked out of Wednesday's cigarette sifter. The sparse tree pulp sculpture was formed around crushed tobacco shards. A tower of ash the color of coconut flesh extended from an ember like a shirt button. A column of porcelain tinted fumes erupted from the end of Wednesday's cigarette. Soft shoulders hugged the edges of Wednesday's slender neck. Tubes of raven tinted netting dangled from silk bulbs surrounding Wednesday's throat.

Yarn strands the color of soot continued along the surfaces of Wednesday's upper arms. Strawberry scrapes sank into Wednesday's right bicep. Patches like cardinal tinted confetti were visible between one inch sweater holes. Four inch strips framed an opening down the front of Wednesday's sweater. Elastic extensions shaped like peacock feathers surrounded Wednesday's neck. Raven black strips continued along velvet skin forming Wednesday's deltoids. Spade shaped sections sank into valleys between Wednesday's shoulders and breasts. Fabric fingers curved over the peaks of Wednesday's tiny tits. Peacock feather belts fastened in front of Wednesday's stomach.

Cream colored skin protecting Wednesday's chest emerged from the collar of her tank top. Wednesday's skinny neck erupted from the inner corners of her deltoids. Wednesday's narrow jaw rested along the tip of her pale throat. Ruby red beeswax coated velvet lips above a porcelain chin. Raven black strands framed cheeks brushed with rose tinted blush. The ends of Wednesday's hair were chopped even with her jaw line. Bangs the color of crow feathers curled above the surface of Wednesday's forehead. Ends of soot shaded ribbons tickled brows flattening dejected eye sockets. Shutters like flakes of sea ice peeked between seams separating bronze caked eyelids. Sparkling eye makeup concealed swollen, plum tinted ocular flaps. Birch shaded foundation covered split skin beside the corner of Wednesday's right eye.

Wednesday's irises wobbled thoughtlessly between long, raven black eyelashes. Curious pupils froze sapphire shutters near the left corners of Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday studied raw flesh peaking from tiny openings scoring the sole of her foot. Wednesday tightened tendons extending through her ankle. The arch of Wednesday's foot shifted along vinyl tufts padding Lloyd's back seat. Wednesday's toes lifted. Tiny digits hinged towards thin flesh covering the top of Wednesday's foot. Long scrapes traveling the curve of Wednesday's instep stretched and turned white.

Aching fingers extended from a tube of elastic strips. Nails coated with raven acrylic emerged from a space below Wednesday's left elbow. Wednesday's right hand fingertips sank into soft skin protecting the arch of her foot. Wednesday's soothing digits massaged strawberry slits carved along dainty tendons. Tips of tar stained nails traversed burning stripes the color of watermelon flesh. Wednesday's raven black keratin caps tilled velvet skin supporting her big toe.

Sapphire slivers fixed Wednesday's pupils on scratches decorating the sole of her foot. Bronze painted eye flaps quivered. Wednesday's ocular coverings folded together. Tiny wrinkles creased the bridge of Wednesday's nose. The palm of Wednesday's cigarette hand hovered beside her left cheek. Wednesday's carpal pillows compressed a tiny droplet trickling from the corner of her eye. Wednesday swatted hot saline away from the edge of her face. Hailey stood beside Lloyd's Cammy. Toes of camel tinted flats pointed at an open door frame beside Lloyd's driver's seat.

"Wednesday!" Hailey called. A soggy cheek drifted away from thick dermis forming Wednesday's palm. Wednesday's porcelain facial curves swiveled like a spinning top. Chin length strands swung beside rose shaded blush decorating Wednesday's right cheek. Raven tinted fluffs stuck to ruby red beeswax coating Wednesday's lips. Sapphire quarters stared through rectangular crystals hanging in front of Hailey's eyes. Irises like emeralds gazed from oblong prisms. Slim, apricot tinted eyebrows climbed skin creases covering Hailey's forehead. Plump lips below Hailey's tiny nose were stained with carnation shaded gloss.

Woven yarn the color of blueberries was rolled along the base of Hailey's neck. Hailey's tiny fingers poked out of indigo columns surrounding her arms. A band of bourbon tinted leather was strapped around Hailey's trim waist. The body of a navy blue sweater floated above the rim of Hailey's one inch belt. A tube of elastic fabric stretched down the surface of Hailey's stomach. Horizontal stripes a quarter inch thick decorated Hailey's skirt. A licorice and coconut banded sheet was formed around Hailey's slender hips. Elastic lines surrounded the curves of Hailey's butt and thighs. Porcelain calves descended from a neoprene rim strapped around Hailey's knees. Hailey's ankle mounds extended above the rims of her flats. Achilles' columns ascended slim calves behind lower leg bone points.

Blueberry stained felt surrounded insteps the color of buttermilk. Ends of navy blue lace were tied into bows beside the beginnings of Hailey's toes. Indigo loops rested along camel tinted vinyl forming the tips of Hailey's shoes. A black strap dangled from Hailey's right shoulder. Gold plated clips connected a vinyl strand to the corners of Hailey's purse. A bag the size of a mailing envelope hung from brass tinted switches. Slick, crow tinted strips framed the top and bottom of a brick shaped pouch. See through plastic was sandwiched between horizontal borders a half inch wide. Makeup cases were visible through walls the height of an index card. Hailey's tiny purse rested along a sheet of stripes stretched around her right hip.

Hailey folded her arms on top of blueberry yarn crocheted across her tiny tits. Soft columns the color of iris petals intersected on top of navel orange chest mounds. Pale fingers extended from ends of blueberry tinted tubes. Tangerine spotted digits gripped sweater sleeves insulating Hailey's biceps. Brows like apricot shavings flattened the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets. Tiny creases extended from the outer corners of Hailey's eyes. The tip of Hailey's tongue wandered across carnation tinted gloss coating her lips.

"You know, Wednesday-- you don't *have* to come with us," Hailey explained. Eyelids coated with raspberry makeup closed in front of Hailey's jade iris facets. Eye flaps the color of pomegranate juice uncovered emerald tinted shutters. Hailey shook her head, slowly. "Not if you don't want to." Ice chips surrounding Wednesday's pupils studied thick flesh covering the sole of her foot. Pine tinted skin sank into strips of periwinkle vinyl stuffed with seat foam. The fingers of Wednesday's left hand hovered beside her cheek. Wednesday's tiny digits snuck beside light blue plastic framing the driver's side door. Wednesday's coal capped thumb nail wandered below the end of her cigarette filter. A drop of tar coating Wednesday's opposable digit grazed her middle finger.

Wednesday's thumb flipped backwards. A chunk of cigarette ash toppled off the tip of Wednesday's coffin nail. Wednesday extended her first and second fingers in front of her ruby red lips. Tips of pale digits pressed a column of cellulose against rose stained mouth edges. The end of a one inch tobacco tube glowed the color of an orange peel. Hailey watched her friend above a head rest wrapped in dolphin skin fabric. Wednesday's palm shafts lifted coffin nail remanants beside Lloyd's driver's seat. A half finished cigarette poked out of Wednesday's index finger and thumb. Hailey's first and second digits converged around a paper cylinder. The porcelain shaded tube surrounded a cellulose filter.

Wednesday flattened nylon chest knots along a denim sheet covering her left thigh. Mounds the size of half baseballs surrounded Wednesday's upper leg jean fabric. A leather tube was crumpled beside the instep of Wednesday's right hand boot. A three inch spike descended from the heel of Wednesday's unused footwear. Wednesday's tiny fingers converged around a limp calf covering. Hailey extended her first and second fingers in front of the lenses of her glasses. Emeralds studied nicotine soaked cellulose. The end of Wednesday's cigarette filter was stained with ruby red lipstick.

Hailey's fingers turned. Inner surfaces of pale digits faced Hailey's lips. Hailey plopped Wednesday's cancer stick against mouth rims coated with carnation gloss. Hailey's plump oral edges created a siphon. A tobacco ember sizzled. Steaming vapors wafted across the surface of Hailey's tongue. The ends of Hailey's fingers swung away from her gloss coated lips. Hailey's first and second digits suspended her friend's coffin nail beside her shoulder. Hailey opened carnation shaded face flaps. She sucked frosty air between slick mouth borders. She exhaled a tube of quartz tinted cigarette smoke.

Wednesday squeezed her right hand footsie into an arch shaped boot cavity. A platform below the toe of Wednesday's clodhopper sank into light blue seat puffs. A three inch spike extended below Wednesday's heel. Wednesday's lower leg curves rested along ruffles of a leather calf restraint. Wednesday's thumb and index finger surrounded a tiny, mirror colored peg. The chrome plated lever dangled from a cow hide seam. Wednesday dragged a zinc treated fastener across stainless steel points. Interlocking teeth sealed an ox skin tube along the edge of Wednesday's calf.

Wednesday grabbed her purse. A vinyl strap extended beside the passenger's end of the Cammy's rear seat. The half inch band was decorated with flower paintings. Wednesday's pale fingers curled underneath images of pearl tinted petals. Tar spotted digits squeezed a slick strip against the surface of Wednesday's palm. Wednesday's fingers dragged a bag the size of a three ring binder across periwinkle strips. Geranium forgings resembling Wednesday's purse strap ornaments embellished her bag. Additional images adorned the lower, right and upper, left corners of her lipstick and currency case. Sets of five petals the size of pecan halves surrounded nuclei colored like sharp cheddar.

A painted image of royal blue daffodils decorated a bill fold sized pocket. The wallet shaped compartment was sewn to the lower, left vertex of Wednesday's bag. Cornflower tinted daffodils ornamented left and right edges of a corner storage pouch. Zipper teeth the color of charcoal were stitched above broad petals like sapphires. Groups of six flower organs surrounded royal blue tubes extending from daffodil images. Eggplant brush strokes were visible within cornflower tinted columns. Paintings of begonias were scattered across the surface of Wednesday's hand bag. Sets of four petals surrounded cherry red stamen. Begonia petals were printed with pointed tips. Two petals were the width of corrections erasers. Two were narrow like ball point pens.

Halves of begonia petal surfaces were painted sunflower yellow. Adjacent counterparts were coated with brush strokes the color of blueberry skin. Globe shaped amaranths were squeezed between begonias, daffodils, and geraniums. Amaranth flower bodies were painted the color of radish skin. Between bodies of flower petals, Wednesday's hand bag was pigmented like heavy cream. Charcoal zipper teeth sealed vinyl flaps protecting Wednesday's purse contents. Gold plated clasps fastened the bag's shoulder strap. Brass hooks gripped matching hoops securing the corners of Wednesday's carrying case. Wednesday lifted a floral printed harness forged from vinyl ribbons. She situated her purse strap along raven tinted knots gripping her shoulder.

Hailey stood with her left forearm resting along her stomach. A blueberry limb tube sank into a yarn blanket covering Hailey's waist. The elbow of Hailey's right arm rested on top of her knuckles. Hailey's right forearm stood up beside her ribs. The beginning of an indigo sleeve surrounded Hailey's tiny fingers. The remainder of Wednesday's cigarette poked out of Hailey's first and second digits. An ivory tinted vortex erupted next to tangerine caps spotting Hailey's fingertips. Quartz mist arose beside molten lava flowing out of Hailey's scalp.

Creepy fingers appeared beside blueberry yarn crocheted around Hailey's shoulder. Walnut tinted digits snuck past soft skin protecting Hailey's knuckles. Mischevious palm shafts surrounded a tobacco tube poking out of Hailey's sweater sleeve. Emeralds wandered to the right corners of Hailey's eyes. Brows like chunks of apricot flattened the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets. Masculine digits yanked Wednesday's cigarette remnants away from Hailey's finger joints. Hailey looked above blueberry yarn blanketing her shoulder. Gloss coated lips the color of carnation petals curled into a smile.

"Stealin' my smoke, fucker?" Hailey requisitioned. Lloyd's head poked out beside Hailey's deltoid. Lloyd's espresso shrouded precipice was tilted sideways. Lloyd's face stood up beside indigo fleece insulating Hailey's bicep. Chocolate strands collapsed in front of irises like drops of tar. A smirk creased Lloyd's cheek below ends of sloppy head hair.

"Looked like you were enjoying that," Lloyd remarked. Lloyd's fingers plopped a beeswax coated cigarette against half smiling mouth rims. The end of Wednesday's coffin nail illuminated. Lloyd's index and middle fingers yanked a burning paper tube away from his lips. The tips of Lloyd's first digit and thumb surrounded the rim of a paper cylinder. Lloyd lifted an upright cigarette body beside the tip of Hailey's cheek.

"Do you want the rest?" Lloyd inquired. Trickles of porcelain tinted fumes escaped the ends of Lloyd's lips. Lloyd turned his head without looking away. He puffed out a dash of cigarette smoke. Tangerine nails spotting Hailey's fingers rested along ends of gloss coated lips. Emeralds searched chocolate brown fluffs through rectangular lenses. Hailey's fingers lifted above surfaces of carnation tinted oral rims. Hailey's tiny digits stood up in front of the tip of her nose. Hailey shook her head, slowly.

Lloyd stepped beside his girlfriend. Sloppy, black sneakers parked beside camel tinted vinyl surrounding Hailey's insteps. Denim wads the color of soot floated above the surfaces of Lloyd's calves and thighs. Stripes like asphalt and cement were stretched around Lloyd's muscular pecks and biceps. Lloyd's fingers slipped beside blueberry yarn covering Hailey's wrist. The ends of Lloyd's thick digits surrounded tubes of warm flesh like velvet. Lloyd wove his knuckle grippers between Hailey's. He faced his Cammy. He lifted the remaining quarter inch of Wednesday's cigarette. A smoldering tobacco tube extended from the tips of Lloyd's thumb and pointer finger.

"Wednesday, I'm 'bout to kill this," Lloyd explained. Wednesday stood next to the driver's side door of Lloyd's Cammy. Patches of paint like the planet Neptune spotted primered hatch steel. A glass rhombus the size of a coffee table erupted from the Cammy's cabin covering. The window edge closest to the engine slanted along a forty-five degree slope. The lower end of the driver's side window was longer than the top. Wednesday's pale digits poked out of raven black feathers surrounding her wrist. Wednesday's soft fingers rested along a patch of robin egg paint.

A bicep wrapped with strawberry lacerations tightened underneath woven yarn strands. A forearm surrounded by eggplant finger marks ratcheted below a tube of fisherman's net. Wednesday swung her palm towards the body of Lloyd's Cammy. The driver's side door collided with faded paint coating the car's door frame. Ice chunks surrounding Wednesday's pupils gazed out of cracks separating damp eyelids. Sapphires attached to Wednesday's corneas stared at chocolate strands covering Lloyd's eyes. Wednesday licked ruby tinted beeswax coating her lips.

"Go ahead," Wednesday groaned. "I don't want it." A seven by seven foot frame surrounded a set of open double doors. Cracked pavement led to an entrance trimmed with bourbon stained sheet metal. Inside an old building, a rectangular box extended above a rusted door frame. A plastic sheet covered a container the size of a lunch box. Spaces like tall, capital letters were missing from the polystyrene cover. Slender character gaps spelled "EXIT". Tomato tinted light emanated from symbol shaped holes.

A young man about fourteen years old stood inside the open door way. He was wearing a t-shirt the color of push broom bristles. An image of a giant pot leaf was printed across the body of the young man's top. Olive tinted leaves were forged along a cotton sheet the color of crow feathers. A pale face erupted from a black t-shirt rim. Shaggy strands like pumpkin pie dangled from an eggplant tinted yarn rim. A rainbow striped beanie was strapped over a narrow scalp. Plaid pants descended from the base of a pitch tinted shirt.

The young man's britches were decorated with checks like porcelain and lady bug wings. Suede sheets the color of bat wings were stitched around narrow feet. Charcoal tinted mats were fastened to insteps of black sneakers. The youngster's back rested along sheet metal forming the edge of a door frame. Thin skin protecting a bony spine crushed raven tinted elastic on top of rusted tin. The young man's right hand sneaker flattened along a bourbon swirled surface. A paper tube as big around as a pencil dangled from the youthful man's skinny lips. Funnel shaped mist erupted from gravel tinted ash preceding a tissue paper column.

Hailey, Wednesday, and Lloyd wandered past a set of open doors. Hailey and Lloyd entered side by side. Soles of camel tinted flats carried Hailey's pale calves across crumbling pavement. Sloppy sneakers propelled columns of denim knots above a surface of broken asphalt. Wednesday followed her friends. She paused along a stainless steel bracket fastened to the threshold of the door frame. Three inch spikes forged from charcoal shaded rubber collided with a three inch plate. Teardrop mats below the balls of Wednesday's feet mashed concrete dust. Wednesday looked beside her. Irises like shards of sea ice focused between bronze tinted eye flaps.

Wednesday's eyes descended bands of tomato, tangerine, lemon, lime, blueberry, and plum tinted yarn. Rainbow stripes the width of magic markers were stretched around a head of shaggy hair. The young man bracing against the door frame looked up. A pale face below a roll of hard candy lifted off the surface of a bony chest. Irises like drops of pool water peered below peaceful eyebrows like pumpkin pie. Ivory plumes wafted from a paper tube hanging from the young man's loose lips. Hot vapor mixing with frosty warehouse gasses stank like skunk. Wednesday's pale chin rested along raven black fisherman's net surrounding her shoulder. Ice colored shutters gazed into pool water droplets. Ruby red lips peeled off of ivory tinted incisors. Wednesday was reminded of Ivy's car.

Flashes of bourbon shaded trim and camel tinted carpet invaded Wednesday's thoughts. Wednesday pictured Sammy's naked body kneeling in front of her. Skinny legs like cotton candy were wedged between Wednesday's buttermilk kneecaps. Flamingo tinted nightcrawlers sank into soft flesh forming Wednesday's thighs. Sammy's nails pierced Wednesday's slick skin. Wild irises like drops of bourbon stared below a head covered with short, golden spikes. A ghastly smirk creased Sammy's bony cheek. The young man's joint smelled like pot smoke filling the cabin of Ivy's Chrysalis.

Wednesday's fingers explored a valley beside her collar bone. Shafts the color of pine flattened raven strands framing one inch sweater ports. Drops of tar coated the tips of Wednesday's apprehensive digits. Wednesday's head turned. Wednesday searched dimly lit space in front of her. Flashes of neon laser lights reflected from surfaces of undressed skin. Fluorescent rays illuminated plastic hoops and sticks hanging from flailing limbs. Wednesday didn't see Hailey or Lloyd, anywhere. Wednesday inhaled cool air between ruby tinted lips. She swallowed rubbery spit.

"Shiiit--" Percussive blasts funneled into cartilage spirals forming Hailey's tiny ears. Thumps of bass pounded Hailey's auditory canals. Neon lasers pierced musty darkness. Lime green bursts, wine tinted flashes, and RGB rainbows irritated Hailey's pupils. Hailey's ocular flaps squeezed shut. Skin flaps brushed with raspberry eye shadow covered emerald shutters. The bridge of Hailey's nose wrinkled. Hailey lifted her right arm. A raven black strap swiveled Hailey's purse like a chandelier.

A transparent bag hopped on quarter inch bands strapped around Hailey's right hip. Ivory stripes surrounding Hailey's pencil skirt glowed the color of glass cleaner. The tips of Hailey's thumb and pointer digit crushed the bridge of her nose. Tangerine nail polish refracted ultraviolet light the color of a neon road cone. Hailey's fingertips squeezed wadded flesh stacked between her eyes. Drops of tar collected near the right corners of Lloyd's eyes. Lloyd stared through a sheet of chocolate tinted strands.

"You okay, Hailey?!" Lloyd shouted. Raspberry stained eyelids peeled off of emerald shards surrounding Hailey's pupils. Hailey stared between espresso columns hanging from Lloyd's forehead. She gazed into her boyfriend's eyes.

"My head is killing me," Hailey explained. Lloyd squinted.

"What?!!" Lloyd shouted. Tiny fingers toppled off pale wrinkles faceting the bridge of Hailey's nose. Mats beside Hailey's glasses' lenses gripped porcelain skin above her tiny nostrils.

"My head!" Hailey yelled back. Hailey licked carnation tinted gloss coating her lips. "It's *pounding*!!" Hailey slung irritated limbs in front of dimly lit chest yarn. Tubes the color of blueberry skin floated on currents of musty air. Sweater sleeves like the night sky shuffled along Hailey's forearms and wrists. Eyebrows shaded like pumpkin pie pointed at the inner corners of Hailey's eyes. Gloss coated lips peeled off teeth glowing the color of dish soap. "What-- *is* that video game sounding shit?!!" Hailey shouted. A smirk creased Lloyd's dimly lit cheek. Periodic laser light illuminated a half smile below Lloyd's messy hair.

"It's ravin' music!" Lloyd screamed. "It's cool!!" Hailey faced forward. She stared between edges of dimly lit body parts. Silhouettes were surrounded by lemon, sherbet, eggplant, champagne, and poppy tinted hoops. Poorly lit limbs swirled through suspended puffs of artificial mist. Hailey spotted a glowing, tangerine tinted bucket dancing on top of a DJ's head. A grinning face adorning a neon column gazed at Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey spotted plywood boxes the size of small refrigerators below a foldout table. Hailey studied grills made from decreasing sizes of stainless steel hoops.

Bass thumps and cymbal crashes erupted from twelve inch speaker cones behind mirror hoops. The DJ smacked the surface of a turntable. A drum track stopped playing. Repeating triangle waves squawked, continuously. The DJ's highlighter digits collected along a steel box below spinning vinyl. Masculine fingers wandered towards the end of a turntable surface. Recordings of copper disc taps increased in volume. A sequence of triangle screeches continued playing through dimly lit tweeters.

Hailey's ear drums felt like they were being poked with pencil points. The DJ tapped a button beside his right hand turntable. The drum track resumed playing. The anonymous music generator decreased the volume of continuous cymbal smacks. Strands of molten lava flowed down the left edge of Hailey's scalp. Shoulder length hair like tangerine peel dangled beside Hailey's pale cheek. Hailey's porcelain face swiveled. Hailey found Lloyd's coal tinted irises below a fountain of chocolate strands. Hailey shook her head.

"I don't think I like it!" Hailey shouted. Shaggy, coffee tinted eyebrows lifted above the peaks of Lloyd's eye sockets. Lloyd tilted his head. He shrugged.

"Those sounds--!" Lloyd yelled back. "You know-- they're actually kind of interesting!?" Lloyd licked slender mouth rims. "Do you know what an oscillator is?!" Hailey gazed through glass rectangles hanging in front of her eyes. She inhaled a cold, dark breath.

"Huhh??!" Hailey shouted. Lloyd stepped beside his girlfriend. Lloyd mashed a streaked shirt sleeve on top of Hailey's navy blue bicep fleece. Smoke tinted stripes surrounding Lloyd's shirt reflected pearl pigmented black light. Lloyd laid his temple along a sheet of neon locks framing Hailey's cheek. Lloyd's head collapsed a chocolate curtain along a surface of molten lava. Lloyd lifted a set of walnut tinted forearms. He spread dimly lit digits in front of his and his girlfriend's chests.

"You know about-- saw tooth waves?!" Lloyd screamed. Lloyd's face swiveled. Lloyd studied pale skin covering Hailey's forehead. Thin flesh above Hailey's eye sockets wrinkled. Eyebrows dimmed the color of rust lifted above transparent crystals. Lloyd spotted emerald shutters floating near the tops of Hailey's corneas.

"You mean, like-- in calculus!?!" Hailey shouted back. Foreign fingers squeezed between Lloyd's t-shirt sleeve and Hailey's shoulder yarn. Digits illuminated by neon lasers emerged from a crevice separating Hailey and Lloyd's arms. Nicotine stained fingernails were illuminated like highlighter ink. Aggressive limbs divided Hailey and Lloyd's shoulders and hips. Hoops like lemon, tangerine, strawberry, avocado, and blue raspberry adorned passing flesh. Neon rings surrounding unknown body segments battered Hailey and Lloyd's dimly lit flesh. Lloyd scooted away from his girlfriend. Hailey hopped backwards.

"Ah!" Hailey shrieked. "Shit!!" A space Hailey and her boyfriend inhabited became overrun by raging teenagers. Twenty young men and women poured into a fifteen foot space. Poorly illuminated strangers began shuffling and crashing into each other. Hailey was shoved away from her boyfriend. She collided with cold, rusted tin covering a wall. Hailey collapsed on top of thin metal forming one inch ridges.

Hailey's shoulder blades crushed blueberry tinted yarn along ice cold slats. Tips of timid fingers sank into amber shaded dust coating the wall. Emeralds gazed from rectangular crystals surrounding the bridge of Hailey's nose. Jade tinted shards wandered to the opposite corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey didn't see her boyfriend anywhere. She searched puffs of artificial fog. Airborne mist was illuminated by flashing lights the color of a red onion. Hailey inhaled damp air between gloss coated lips.

"L-Lloyd?!" Hailey shouted. Eye shutters forged from blue jay feathers stared into space. Periodic, tomato flashes illuminated irises the color of glass cleaner. Eyelids brushed with peach tinted makeup surrounded dish soap droplets. Long, raven black eyelashes extended from sweet potato flesh flaps. Slender eyebrows the color of crow feathers flattened peaks of somber eye sockets. The tip of Allie's nose extended an inch below her exhausted eyes. The warehouse was dim other than dancing lasers and fluorescent black light. The peak of Allie's teensy honker reflected a point of lavender radiation. Plum tinted phosphorescence collected along soft skin covering Allie's cheek bones and chin. Pale skin protecting the remainder of Allie's face was darkened the color of peanut butter.

Crimson beeswax coating Allie's lips appeared the color of roofing tar. Crow feather bangs dangled in front of Allie's forehead. Raven tinted strands were chopped a quarter inch above Allie's slender eyebrows. Threads like crow feathers sprouted from the middle of Allie's scalp. The ends of Allie's hair curled towards her throat. Tips of matted strands tickled peanut butter skin protecting Allie's neck. A silk shirt collar reflected ultraviolet light the color of ibuprofen liquid gels. Matching silk tubes surrounded biceps and forearms folded below tomato sized tits. Images of olive tinted vines surrounded sleeves the color of glass cleaner. Dimly lit coils wandered along illuminated fabric covering Allie's chest. Dark green arcs disappeared into bases of tulips the color of ivory. Shadow colored flower bulbs faded and became carnation pink.

Allie's glowing, flower printed blouse was strapped around her trim waist. Pale skin below a seam along Allie's breast bone reflected lavender black light. A silk stomach tube the color of glass cleaner sank into Allie's elastic skirt rim. A charcoal sheet stretched across Allie's upper legs became a fabric hoop surrounding her knees. Soft calves reflecting lavender light descended into black, leather flats. Eighth inch strips connected the toes of Allie's shoes to edges of leather insteps. Ivory stitches decorating raven black cow hide reflected radiation the color of dish soap.

Allie gazed between rows of dimly lit arms. Lemon, lime, strawberry, tangerine, and plum tinted hoops decorated alien biceps and wrists. Allie spotted Hailey. Blue jay shutters studied strands of molten lava flowing out of Hailey's scalp. Hailey's cheeks and the lenses of her glasses reflected plum tinted radiation. Hailey's jaw swiveled above a yarn donut the color of indigo. Her pale precipice rotated. Hailey faced an area near the front of the warehouse. Hair like tangerine spaghetti swirled along the edges of Hailey's face. Neon strands battered Hailey's eggplant illuminated throat.

Gwen's suede insteps parked beside glass cleaner stitches decorating Allie's flats. Fluffs poking out of Gwen's boots reflected light the color of lavender petals. The tips of Gwen's cheeks, nose, and chin phosphoresced like eggplant skin. Gwen's violet decorated face floated through dimly lit space. Gwen's right hand facial curves paused beside the left edge of Allie's face. Lips coated with cherry red gloss glowed the color of an orange peel. Neon mouth rims peeled off of incisors refracting glass cleaner rays. Shutters like flakes of gold focused below long, raven black eyebrows. The inner points of Gwen's ocular stripes pointed at her lavender tinted nose.

"There's the slut, now!" Gwen shouted above DJ music. Allie swallowed nervously. Allie's pale face swiveled above the end of her slender neck. Blue jay shutters below crow tinted bangs focused on Gwen's lavender cheeks. Gwen's plum reflecting face rotated. Gold coins gazed into drops of glass cleaner between Allie's eyelids. "Well, wudda you know?!" Gwen yelled. Allie stared into Gwen's glowing, hazel eyes. Gold faceted pupils wandered to the right hand corners of Gwen's eyes. Gwen looked over her shoulder.

"Hey-- dispshits!!" Gwen called. Hailey was near the front of the warehouse. Hailey's head was killing her. Rubber mats shaped like glass soda bottles were attached to the bottoms of Hailey's flats. Dimly lit platforms ground particles of loose sand along chunks of wobbly concrete. Camel tinted shoe vinyl reflected ultraviolet light the color of lavender petals. Navy blue suede bordering Hailey's feet was darkened like the night sky. Matching lace strips formed tiny bows beside Hailey's cow hide toe hems. Hailey's shins and the tops of her feet phosphoresced like eggplant peel.

Lime green laser bands spiraled down Hailey's calves like barber pole stripes. Lighted threads like kiwi flesh descended Hailey's plum pigmented ankles. Neon projections continued along Hailey's insteps like conveyer belt perforations. Elastic fabric decorated with quarter inch bands stretched around Hailey's knees. Charcoal and ivory stripes coated the surfaces of Hailey's thighs. Porcelain tinted striations gripped Hailey's kneecaps, upper legs, and waist. Quartz pencil skirt streaks reflected black light the color of glass cleaner. The upper rim of Hailey's dress disappeared below a leather belt buckled around her stomach. A bourbon tinted strap one inch wide secured an elastic tube above Hailey's hips.

A dimly lit trunk column dangled from a toroid of matching neck yarn. A midnight blue sweater descended from a three inch thick donut surrounding Hailey's neck. Crocheted strands formed a soft blanket floating above Hailey's breasts and stomach. Indigo yarn tubes emerged from the shoulders of Hailey's crop top sweater. Hailey's biceps dangled from her ribs. Hailey extended her forearms side by side in front of her chest. Hailey's palms mashed fluffy sweater sleeves below the apples of her cheeks. Hailey's tiny fingers extended from wadded yarn tubes. Teensy digits reflecting eggplant rays burrowed underneath Hailey's glasses lenses. Tangerine dots sank into raspberry makeup decorating Hailey's eyelids. Neon orange fingernail caps lifted crystal ocular rectangles.

Eyebrows like pumpkin pie filling crushed the tips of Haileys' tiny digits. A lavender refraction the size of a drink coaster adorned Hailey's forehead. Unlit skin protecting the top of Hailey's face was shaded like melted caramel. Curtains of molten lava erupted from Hailey's scalp. Strands of magma flowed out of Hailey's temples. Tangerine pasta surrounded edges of frustrated fingers. A band like licorice dangled from dark blue yarn covering Hailey's right shoulder. Gold plated clips hung from ends of artificial leather. Brass plated hooks suspended a clear, plastic bag the size of an index card. Half inch, licorice tinted strips surrounded the top and bottom of Hailey's tiny purse. A transparent hand bag rested along bright blue rings strapped around Hailey's hip. Plastic makeup cases reflected ultraviolet light through see through purse walls.

Red, canvas shoes parked beside tan vinyl surrounding Hailey's right foot. Sutured rhombuses forged from tomato tinted fabric poked out of teal jean cuffs. Toe covers, rubber mats, and nylon laces reflected light the color of glass cleaner. Stacks of light blue denim phosphoresced the color of seaweed. Charcoal sneakers balanced beside Hailey's left hand shoe. Groups of three slanted strips were stitched to pitch tinted insteps. Trios of ivory tinted vinyl were sutured beside shoelaces the color of asphalt. Crooked rectangles like empty divisors reflected ultraviolet light resembling lavender petals. One inch thick platforms glowed like the surface of a fresh eggplant. Columns of charcoal denim were wadded along necks of suede footwear.

Plastic mesh forming the rear of Kyle's ball cap stretched over his forehead. Polystyrene hat frames the size of bead holes reflected tomato tinted flashes. Auburn coils poked out of a two inch gap separating poppy red mesh. A plastic belt secured Kyle's hat across pale skin protecting the top of his face. Curls like peanut butter surrounded Kyle's auditory ridges. Gold rings hanging from Kyle's left earlobe repeated pulses the color of lady bug wings. Drops of bourbon studied Hailey's tiny fingers from the left corners of Kyle's eyes. Thick eyebrows like pumpkin pie smears flattened the peaks of Kyle's eye sockets. Kyle's pupils watched tangerine caps mashing raspberry eyelids below rectangular crystals. Thin, salmon shaded lips wandered to the right edge of Kyle's face.

Strands extending from Cole's scalp reflected radiation the color of plum pulp. Dim sections of Cole's shaggy locks tickled the middle of his scrawny neck. Non-illuminated areas of Cole's hair were darkened the color of molasses. Two inch circles of glass surrounded Cole's long, skinny nose. The right hand edges of Cole's glasses lenses refracted tomato glints, periodically. Slivers of rust surrounding Cole's pupils occupied two inch discs. Circular crystals were separated by a silver plated rod a quarter inch thick. Middles of copper tinted shutters wandered to the right edges of Cole's glasses lenses. The whites of Cole's eyes were visible beside rims of rust shaded irises.

Quarter inch pupils studied lava tinted strands flowing beside a gold plated dowel. The trombone shaded reed extended from the left lens of Hailey's glasses. Magnified ocular ports followed arcs forming circular crystals. Cole's two inch eye pennies descended blueberry yarn fluffs blanketing Hailey's biceps. The sleeves of Hailey's sweater appeared the color of the night sky. Pupils like pencil erasers studied tangerine nails behind Hailey's glasses lenses. Hailey's tiny fingertips sank into skin flaps concealing her eyes. Cole bobbed his head. Eggplant and molasses fluffs shuffled along the edges of Cole's bony cheeks. Thin lips peeled off of incisors the color of glass cleaner.

"You okay?!" Cole shouted above thumps of bass. "What's up!?!" Hailey's fingers glided off of her aching eyelids. Swirled digit grips sanded Hailey's soft cheeks. The ends of Hailey's palm shafts rested along carnation gloss coating her lips. Emerald quarters wandered to the left corners of Hailey's eyes. Jade shutters studied two inch pennies popping out of Cole's thin face. Hailey flattened porcelain knuckle shanks along glowing stripes stretched around her hips.

"What?!!" Hailey yelled back. Kyle's impatient digits swatted phosphorescent mist in front of Hailey's pale cheeks.

"Ignore that-- fuckin' freak!" Kyle screamed. Hailey's eggplant illuminated face swiveled. Emerald irises wandered towards right edges of rectangular lenses. Eyebrows like strands of caramel pointed towards the bridge of Hailey's nose. Pumpkin pie smears lifted above Kyle's eye sockets. Kyle's poorly lit cheeks floated towards Hailey's. Drops of bourbon adorning Kyle's corneas gazed at jade coins. "He's a sex fiend!!" Kyle shouted. The corners of Hailey's eyes crinkled. Raspberry tinted eye flaps covered Hailey's emerald irises. Caramel slivers lifted off of Hailey's eye sockets. Hailey shook her head. She extended sets of tiny fingers in front of her chest. Hailey shook violet reflecting digits in front of indigo yarn covering her breasts. Emeralds behind Hailey's glasses studied two inch pennies covering Cole's eyes.

"How can you *stand* this?!?" Hailey shouted. Hailey pointed out a DJ area in front of her chest using pale fingertip groups. She separated agonized, plum tinted digits. "It's like the same three notes-- over and over!!" Hailey's lavender palm shafts burrowed underneath the lenses of her glasses. Hailey sank tangerine nails into raspberry makeup coating her eye flaps. Frustrated digits glided off of Hailey's plum pigmented cheeks. Hailey shook frustrated, violet reflecting palms in front of her chest.

"And, my head is killing me!!" Hailey shrieked. Cole studied neon orange spaghetti hanging from Hailey's temple. Cole's magnified eyelids gripped the tops and bottoms of his pupils. Cole leaned forward. He spotted a rectangular bottle made of glass. The flask shaped vial extended from Kyle's thick fingers. A vertical label like a banana peel was stuck to the bottle's transparent surface. A chocolate brown rhombus was drawn on top of a dandelion tinted sticker. Dark brown pegs extended from the corners of a rectangular image. White, uppercase letters spelling "MAYER" occupied espresso ink. Smaller characters formed "ASPIRIN" below the coffee pigmented icon. Cole looked up. The left ends of Cole's lips curled into a smirk. Cole acknowledged Hailey's magma head filaments using his scalp.

"You should give her an aspirin, yo!!" Cole suggested. Kyle looked past transparent crystals in front of Hailey's eyes. He studied two inch pennies erupting from Cole's bony face. Fluffs the color of pumpkin pie compressed Kyle's eye sockets.

"Huh?!!" Kyle shouted back. Kyle looked down. He studied a silicate flask poking out of his right hand fingers. "Oh!"

"You've got aspirin!?!" Hailey screamed above saw tooth oscillations. Hailey studied a glass bottle hanging from Kyle's digits. The container was shaped like a travel sized vial of mouth wash. Brows like lines of caramel flattened Hailey's eye sockets. "Of-- all things??!" Kyle studied his fingers. Kyle's thick digits spun an aluminum cap like a chocolate cookie. An espresso cover swiveled off a column of glass threads.

"That's what the *bottle* says!!" Kyle yelled back. Cole clamped long fingers on top of grinning lips. Eggplant eye flaps two inches wide sealed Cole's rust faceted irises. Cole squeezed excited giggles into the surface of his palm. Kyle tapped Hailey's prune juice palm pillows using glass aspirin bottle threads. A tablet like a mint candy sank into Hailey's velvet hand dermis. "MAYER" was pressed into a surface like elliptical porcelain. The iconic characters were stamped vertically and horizontally, forming a cross. The tiny caplet glowed like a drop of glass cleaner. Hailey studied a tablet the size of a shirt button occupying her lavender palm. She squinted.

"Just one?!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey looked into Kyle's bourbon ocular drops. "Kinda stingy, don't you think!?!" Kyle studied a glowing tablet adorning Hailey's soft skin. Salmon shaded lips wandered to the left edge of Kyle's face. Kyle popped the heel of Hailey's palm using silicate topper swirls. A second caplet dropped beside the first. Hailey stared at tablets like drops of dish soap. "Thank you sooo much!!" Hailey yelled above clattering cymbals. Hailey lifted her fingers. She catapalted ecstasy beebees between lips coated with carnation gloss. Kyle spun a chocolate cover on top of an aspirin bottle.

"Surrre!" Kyle shouted back. "It was meant to be!!" Cole's grinning lips lifted off of thin skin covering his palm. Cole pointed eggplant facial features away from Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Cole's fingertips squeezed below the lenses of his glasses. Ends of bony digits sank into Cole's sealed eyelids. Cole shook with deceptive chuckles. Hailey searched Kyle's brandy eye shutters. She lifted inquisitive palms in front of her chest.

"You guys know someone named Josh Griffin!?!" Hailey asked. Kyle slipped a Mayer aspirin flask into the pocket of his jeans. He focused on Hailey's emerald ocular facets. He shrugged.

"Nope!" Kyle yelled back. "Never heard of him!!" Hailey looked beside her left shoulder. Two inch rust discs gazed back. Cole's thin lips worked a ghastly smirk into a reasonable smile. Cole's grinning teeth reflected ultraviolet light like ibuprofen gel caps.

"Nah!" Cole screamed. Cole shuffled plum tinted cheeks back and forth. "Never *heard* of that guy!!" A lit cigarette dangled from Lloyd's lips. The quarter inch nicotine tube reflected light the color of kids' toothpaste. Dimly lit paper between salmon tinted mouth rims surrounded a chunk of cellulose. Vapors escaping the tip of Lloyd's cigarette glowed like glass cleaner. Lloyd's hair strands reflected laser bursts the color of lime peel. Unlit scalp fluffs were shaded like licorice candy. Soot tinted chunks concealed the upper half of Lloyd's face. A smoldering stick poked out of Lloyd's margarita illuminated cheeks.

Half inch stripes surrounded Lloyd's biceps, chest, and stomach. Ash grey bands glowed like strips of porcelain. Every other shirt streak was dimmed the color of a tuxedo jacket. Lloyd's elbows and forearms refracted radiation the color of cucumber flesh. Lloyd's pale fingers yanked a glass cleaner tube away from his lips. Lloyd exhaled a funnel of cigarette smoke. He formed an "o" using his lengthy mouth rims. Lloyd kissed empty air. A bright blue smoke ring escaped dimly lit oral extents. Lloyd spotted his girlfriend twenty feet away. Hailey's neon orange hair stuck out like a sore thumb. Lloyd studied a head full of shoulder length spaghetti. Strands refracting tangerine radiation hopped on top of Hailey's slender scalp. Hailey looked like she was dancing. Lloyd squinted.

Hailey accompanied a young lady near the warehouse DJ. A raven black tank top hung from the unknown girl's slender shoulders. Ivory tinted artwork was printed across the young mistress' shirt. Luminescent arcs and elliptical dots sank into the unknown vixon's upper body. Graphics molded around the young female's breasts and stomach reflected violet rays. Eggplant embellishments formed the face of a cartoon cat. Arms like swooping limestone froze during a drum beat peak. Lighted ropes like peacock feathers surrounded extremeties reflecting pearl tinted radiation.

The young lady's upper limbs abandoned an Egyptian stance after a quarter second. The girl's pale fingers assumed positions beside her denim wrapped hips. Porcelain digits and arm segments mirrored their original positions. A crow tinted curtain dangled from lime, plum, tangerine, and lemon glow sticks. Raven black strands swerved beside hot pink tubes forming glasses frames. Lighted, flamingo pipes bordered the young lady's dark irises. Bubble gum sticks disappeared behind ivory ear swirls. Calves the color of cucumber flesh disappeared into glass cleaner sneakers. The young lady's footwear surrounded a space the width of her hips. Toes of athletic shoes pointed left a quarter second later. The young lady's pickle juice biceps and wrists repositioned, simultaneously.

Hailey's lavender reflecting flats copied bright blue sneakers. Hailey and the unknown madam's footwear lifted off of crooked concrete. Phosphorescent instep coverings swooped like golf clubs. Rubber shoe soles connected with left hand palms. Hailey and the mystery lady pivoted tricky feet the opposite direction. The girls' doppleganger carpal dermis hammered their ankles. Hailey's head swiveled left. The dark haired gal parked a slender chin above her right shoulder. Emeralds gazed at chocolate drops framed with flamingo tubes. Lighted hoops dangled from Hailey's slender neck. Drifting lime, tangerine, and plum donuts surrounded a yarn toroid.

Hailey and the licorice haired lady parked luminescent footwear beyond shapely hips. They suspended undressed kneecaps in front of swiveling hind curves. Hailey's plastic purse dangled from a charcoal strap gripping her shoulder. Her hand bag hopped on glass cleaner stripes surrounding her right, upper leg curves. The girls glided planted footwear in front of shifting pelvis sockets. They replaced stabilized plantar sculptures with glowing counterparts. They shuffled rear positioned shoe soles below wandering leg frames. They lifted front facing footwear. Hailey parked her phosphorescent knee flesh in front of glass cleaner stripes. The dark haired girl straightened dimly lit thigh denim in front of her hips. The girls cycled their feet in time with DJ manufactured drum beats. Hailey and the licorice haired lady walked in place, backwards.

Lloyd watched rubber mats shaped like glass soda bottles. The camel tinted pads were attached to his girlfriend's narrow flats. Hailey's calves and thighs proceeded like they were riding a bike in reverse. Hailey and her dance partner's feet landed on cracked concrete. The girls swiveled on the toes of their footwear. Hailey faced her boyfriend. She and the dark haired lady cycled ultraviolet refracting leg segments. They looked like they were running in place. Hailey's sparkling emeralds gazed through glass rectangles. Tomato flashes surrounded transparent crystals every half second. Gloss coated lips below Hailey's tiny nose curled into a smile.

"Hi, Lloyd!!" Hailey shouted above triangle waves and cymbal crashes. "Wassuuup!?!" A lit cigarette hung out of Lloyd's thin lips. Dashes of ivory tinted smoke exited Lloyd's nostrils. Porcelain tobacco mist reflected ultraviolet light the color of glass cleaner.

"Haileyy-- what the fuck?!!" Lloyd screamed back. Lloyd's right hand fingers yanked a nicotine chute away from his lips. Dimly lit eyelids collapsed along the tops and bottoms of Lloyd's pupils. "What are you doing over here?!?" Hailey looked beside her. The dark haired girl bonked the floor using a dish soap heel. She lifted an athletic sneaker behind a lemonade calf. She drove the toe of her shoe into broken cement. The lady beside Hailey rotated cucumber reflecting cheeks. Drops of pitch glanced at translucent crystals surrounding Hailey's nose. Hailey licked carnation gloss coating her lips.

"Pretty sure it's called-- 'the running man'!" Hailey shouted back. Hailey squinted. "Right?!" The licorice haired girl nodded. Lloyd lifted his palms in front of porcelain stripes surrounding his chest. Glass cleaner mist escaped a cigarette poking out of Lloyd's fingers.

"Do you *know* this girl!!?" Lloyd shrieked. The balls of Hailey's feet bounced during recorded drum thumps. Hailey shrugged.

"Uhhh-- *I* dunno!" Hailey belched. A wrist and bicep surrounded by midnight yarn swayed in front of Hailey's chest. Digits like cucumber flesh extended from Hailey's sweater sleeve. Fingertips dabbed with tangerine acrylic snatched Lloyd's cigarette. The mystery gal directed shuffling palm extensions towards cartoon chest embellishments.

"I'm Jill!" Hailey's counterpart shouted. Jill cycled highlighter lower limbs in front of comical kitten artwork. She pointed at her dancing, sweat coated cheeks. "*I'm* good people! No worries!" Lloyd looked beside him. Hailey plopped a paper cylinder against her gloss coated lips. Coals behind Lloyd's asphalt locks studied tar drops between flamingo frames.

"Why is my girlfriend dancing with you?!?" Lloyd yelled. Jill shrugged naked shoulders beside a slender neck. She tapped the heel of her right shoe against cracked concrete. She aimed bright blue toe rubber at the floor.

"*I* don't know!!" Jill screamed back. "Who cares?! She's fuckin' *great* at it!" Jill licked dimly lit lips the color of a skillet. Licorice tinted eyebrows lifted above Jill's glowing eye whites. "She just-- walked up and started copying meee! It's fuckin' awesome!!" Lloyd found emerald shutters behind the lenses of his girlfriend's glasses. Strands of lava shuffled along the apples of Hailey's lavender cheeks. Hailey exhaled a tube of cigarette smoke from her gloss coated lips. Porcelain exhaust reflected ultraviolet light the color of peacock feathers. Jill shuffled bright blue sneakers like she was walking on the moon.

Lloyd lifted thick digits like bodies of highlighter pens. He surrounded Hailey's chin with his index finger and thumb. He tilted his girlfriend's head between her shuffling shoulders. Hailey cycled her feet like she was running in place. Lloyd studied emerald shards fastened to his girlfriend's corneas. Hailey's pupils were as big around as dinner plates. A quiver like a slow moving whiplash ascended Hailey's thighs. Frosty shivers traveled Hailey's dancing spinal nerves. Tiny hairs stood up along the back of Hailey's neck. Hailey slipped velvet jaw hide away from her boyfriend's fingers. She sank the apple of her cheek into warm skin pillows forming Lloyd's palm.

Hailey's emerald shutters gazed from peaks of oblong ocular crystals. Pupils the size of quarters penetrated shiny coals attached to Lloyd's corneas. Raspberry eye flaps collapsed in front of Hailey's dilated irises. Pomegranate covers separated. Hailey's eggplant finger shafts manifested beside Lloyd's cheek. Tangerine spotted digits plopped Lloyd's cigarette between his lips. Jill admired Hailey's fluid limb puppeteering between sloshing licorice strands. She swiveled cucumber refracting cheeks.

"She *has* to be rolling!" Jill shouted.

"She *is* fuckin' rolling!" Lloyd belted. A smoldering tube bounced along the tips of Lloyd's speaking mouth rims. "Hailey-- what the fuck??!" Hailey's shoulders and hips grooved during percussive thumps. Hailey snuggled soft cheek skin against her boyfriend's cozy palm.

"What are you two talking about?!" Hailey screamed back. "What does 'rolling' mean?!?" Lloyd lifted glowing digits off the edge of his girlfriend's face. He stared at coal tinted half dollars devouring the middles of Hailey's eyes.

"Hailey, you-- took ecstasy?!" Lloyd loudly requisitioned. Lloyd's highlighter digits stroked molten lava flowing over Hailey's cheeks. "Who the hell gave you ecstasy?!!" Hailey shuffled like she was riding a treadmill. She blinked.

"Methylenedioxymethamphetamine?!" Hailey hollered back. Lloyd gazed into his girlfriend's emerald eye facets. He smirked.


"What the hell do you mean!!?" Hailey shouted. "I didn't take anything!!" Hailey's eyes popped open. Eyebrows like pumpkin pie check marks climbed Hailey's lavender forehead. Hailey's temple drifted away from Lloyd's palm. Hailey looked past dancing limbs and colorful tubes. Emerald shutters stared through rectangular crystals. Hailey's eyebrows pointed at the inner corners of her eyes. Lloyd looked above his left shoulder. Tubes of glass cleaner mist erupted from Lloyd's nostrils.

Lloyd spotted rust colored irises near the other end of the room. Two inch pennies were illuminated by flashes of laser light. Eggplant fluffs extended from a narrow scalp above copper coasters. Ends of violet coils hopped along a skinny neck. Lloyd watched a plastic ball cap grid the color of tomato skin. Lloyd studied a poppy red belt securing Kyle's hat. Lloyd's thick fingers yanked a cigarette away from his warehouse dimmed lips.

"You know who those guys are, Hailey!?!" Lloyd shouted. Lloyd faced his girlfriend. Hailey shook her head. "That's Cole Elliot and Kyle Smith!" Lloyd explained. Lloyd looked over his shoulder. He spotted two dark haired girls next to Kyle and Cole. The girl on the left stared back below crow tinted bangs. Lime green flashes illuminated irises the color of blue jay feathers. The licorice headed gal stared into Lloyd's coal faceted eye shutters. She looked away, shyly.

"Well, wudda you knowww--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd gazed at dilated pupils behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "Hailey, how many pills did you take?!?" Lloyd demanded. Hailey extended her first and second fingers from indigo knuckle fleece. The left corners of Lloyd's lips curled into a smirk. "You took-- two of them??!" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey's bouncing lips peeled off of her teeth. Glass cleaner incisors mashed together between Hailey's gloss coated mouth rims.

"Am I gonna be okay?!?!" Hailey screamed back. Lloyd's turquoise chompers gripped the corner of his lower lip. Lloyd sifted through thoughts.

"You'll-- probably be fine!" Lloyd shouted. Dancing eyes between Jill's flamingo ocular frames studied Lloyd's cucumber cheeks.

"You should get her some water!!" Jill shrieked. "She can get dehydrated and have a seizure!" Lloyd nodded.

"I'll do that!" Lloyd bellowed back. Lloyd studied his girlfriend's glowing precipice. He squinted. "Why did you-- take random pills from some stranger?!!" Lloyd requisitioned. Hailey shrugged dancing shoulders.

"They looked like Mayer aspirin!" Hailey explained. Lloyd's lips siphoned a cellulose tube poking out of his fingers. Lloyd swung a bright blue tobacco chute away from his face. He inhaled between smirking lips.

"They did *not*!!" Lloyd shouted. Hailey motioned towards Kyle's tomato tinted ball cap mesh. Pumpkin pie brows lifted off of Hailey's emerald pupil facets.

"They were in a bottle and everything!!" Hailey shrieked. Lloyd shook his grinning cheeks. He blew dish soap mist through lime green laser stripes. Cycles of keyboard bonks and drum beats stopped. Rolls of cymbals drifted out of speaker cones. Hailey stopped dancing. She balanced on dimly lit mats protecting the balls of her feet. Hailey's shoulders squeezed midnight yarn surrounding the base of her neck. Her biceps crushed the edges of her ribs. Tiny fingers separated beside dish soap stripes surrounding Hailey's hips. Hailey's right hand digits gripped a transparent sheet protecting her makeup cases.

Charcoal half dollars stared through the left ends of Hailey's glasses lenses. Hailey's fascinated mouth rims peeled apart. Continuous cymbal clanks hammered Hailey's ear drums. Copper ting recordings became so loud, Hailey felt her hair wiggling. A tangerine bucket bounced along the warehouse DJ's charcoal shirt collar. Highlighter fingers tapped buttons beside the DJ's right hand turntable. Masculine digits bonked lavender keys poking out of the DJ's keyboard. Drum rolls and repetitive chords resumed playing.

Hailey's excited foot ligaments launched vinyl toe coverings off of ancient cement. Hailey's left hand shoe landed in front of her right end walking rim. Hailey lifted lavender tarsal fabric surrounding her right instep. She shuffled her opposite footsie below glass cleaner hip streaks. She resumed cycling eggplant leg segments like she was running in place. Hailey's eyelids collapsed. Her pale cheeks and magma hair filaments swiveled above her shoulders. Hailey swirled tiny fingers shrouding neon scalp strands. Midnight forearm tubes swayed beside Hailey's plum illuminated facial curves. Lighted hoops like lime, tangerine, and plum skin hopped on Hailey's dancing tits.

Lloyd grinned. The fingers of Lloyd's unoccupied hand collapsed along his smiling lips. Lloyd watched his girlfriend shuffling with DJ music. Forearms surrounded by indigo tubes swung from waving biceps. Slender shoulders rocked. Breasts the size of navel orange halves drifted side to side. Hailey's slender waist wandered like a tower of canned cheese. Hips decorated with toothpaste stripes swayed above sexy thighs. Pale calves cycled through artificial mist. Lavender ballerina flats wandered across an invisible conveyer belt. Hailey's purse hopped on bright blue stripes surrounding her right hip. Lloyd's left hand digits toppled off of his oblong mouth rims. Lloyd stopped smiling.

"Hailey!" Lloyd shouted. Hailey's indigo arm segments extended in front of her chest. Tangerine spotted fingers wandered along the surface of an invisible ball. Chocolate brows behind espresso hair shag lifted above Lloyd's eye sockets. Lloyd inhaled damp air between salmon tinted lips. "Haileyyy!!" Lloyd shrieked. Hailey's pale face drifted above the end of her neck. Raspberry eye flaps faced coal shaded strands hanging from Lloyd's forehead. Hailey's raven black lashes drifted apart. Lloyd lifted the fingers of his right hand. A smoldering tobacco tube extended from Lloyd's first and second digits. Lloyd pointed over his shoulder with his thumb.

"I'm gonna go find Wednesday!" Lloyd screamed above triangle waves and drum thumps. Lloyd licked his dimly lit lips. "Meet me over-- where Cole and Kyle are!" Lloyd instructed. Lloyd extended his right hand fingers in front of his girlfriend's face. Ibuprofen vapors followed a paper stick hanging from Lloyd's thick digits. "In like-- five minutes!!" Lloyd shouted. Dilated emerald shutters gazed into Lloyd's eyes. Raspberry ocular flaps drifted together behind translucent rectangles. Hailey's face turned left. Hailey's gloss coated lips curled into a smile. Lloyd looked beside his porcelain streaked shoulder. Jill's smiling face gazed back. Cucumber facial curves swayed above naked shoulders, swerving breasts, and denim hips.

"She'll be fine!" Jill shouted. "*I'm* watching her!!" Lloyd licked uncertain lips.

"You're rolling too, aren't you?!" Lloyd screamed. Lips like charcoal peeled off of Jill's grinning teeth.

"Of course, I am!" Jill shouted back. "Hell-- everybody *here's* rolling!!" Chocolate fluffs lifted above Lloyd's eye sockets. Lloyd exhaled a heavy breath from puffed cheeks. He turned on toes of sloppy sneakers. He headed the other direction. Wednesday's purse measured ten inches by ten inches. Her floral hand bag was the size of a three ring binder. Patches of white between painted flower petals reflected glass cleaner radiation. Bodies of geraniums were illuminated like they were made from lavender brush strokes. Banana tinted begonia organs glowed the color of a tangerine peel. Cornflower blue daffodils were dim like pencil scribbles. Cherry and radish tinted brush strokes appeared like patches of mud.

Wednesday's carrying sack dangled from a half inch strap gripping her shoulder. A vinyl case coated with fluorescent artwork rested along Wednesday's right hip. A sheet of charcoal denim surrounded the curves of Wednesday's thighs. Points spotting Wednesday's raven jean skirt reflected bright blue rays. Knees refracting cucumber light descended beside a slit separating Wednesday's pencil skirt. Wednesday's pale calves descended into necks of black, leather boots.

Chrome zippers sealing Wednesday's cow hide footwear repeated ultraviolet glints. Zinc plated teeth glowed like tiny, lavender chiclets. Columns of raven black ox dermis became dimly lit points concealing Wednesday's toes. Wednesday's heels balanced on top of three inch, rubber spikes. Pomegranate laser light followed ripples adorning raven tinted boot leather. Fisherman's net surrounded Wednesday's scraped up shoulders, biceps, and forearms. Cucumber flesh showed between one inch frames separating beetle shaped knots. Scratches like swatches of cherry syrup decorated Wednesday's pickle juice skin.

Strands resembling peacock feathers bordered the cuffs of Wednesday's sweater sleeves. Raven black plumes framed fisherman's net wrapping Wednesday's arm curves. The opening of Wednesday's sweater was fastened above her navel. Black tank top straps descended from champagne skin protecting Wednesday's shoulders. Pitch tinted elastic stretched over Wednesday's tiny tits. The soot stained column disappeared below waist denim sprinkled with glass cleaner. A vinyl strap decorated with illuminated flower artifacts hung beside Wednesday's ribs.

Wednesday's thumb hooked artificial cow hide embellished with glowing brush strokes. A thumbnail coated with tar emerged beside glass cleaner and tangerine tinted artwork. Cucumber digits curled around the opposite edge of Wednesday's purse strap. Raspberry laser stripes wandered across Wednesday's dimly lit fingers. Wednesday's pale face rested along the end of her slender neck. Raven tinted bangs tickled peaks of bronze pigmented eyelids. Mud smeared flesh flaps rested on top of sapphires attached to Wednesday's corneas. Curtains of raven black strands surrounded Wednesday's cucumber cheeks. Ruby red beeswax coating Wednesday's lips was shaded the color roofing tar. Wednesday's licorice filamented scalp swiveled. Wednesday looked above a vinyl strap hanging from her right shoulder.

Wednesday was surrounded by dancing limbs, glow sticks, fog, black light, and lasers. Wednesday watched a young man and lady dancing in time with recorded drum beats. Radiation like lavender petals reflected from shoulder length strands of blonde hair. A curtain of cabbage flowed out of the young lady's scalp. Ends of swinging, violet strands brushed naked shoulders. The young girl's pale arms emerged from edges of a sleeveless blouse. Her ivory tinted shirt was illuminated the color of dish soap.

Champagne refracting shoulders were spotted with swirls of bean shaped freckles. The teenage girl's long neck erupted from the peak of a speckled chest. The young lady's pale face shifted side to side above her spotted throat. A young man stood beside bright blue silk flowing from the pale lady's tiny tits. Long curls the color of cream soda bounced along the youthful man's dancing scalp. A face like a caramel sculpture shuffled above striped sleeves covering swinging biceps. Half inch stripes decorating the young guy's polo phosphoresced like blue gelatin dessert.

Foreign knuckles collided with silk dermis separating Wednesday's boobs. Naked skin above Wednesday's tank top crunched rims of plastic cups. Wednesday's pale face repositioned between her deltoids. Cucumber wrists strapped with fisherman's net lifted beside Wednesday's shoulders. Wednesday's raven capped fingers sprouted beside anti-freeze cheeks. Two young men Wednesday didn't recognize crashed into her chest. The youthful males collided with Wednesday's breasts like they were jogging. Sea ice surrounding Wednesday's pupils captured artifacts of peanut butter faces. Brows like pitch tinted brush strokes lifted above the young men's shocked eye whites. Freezing cold droplets sprayed Wednesday's chest and neck. Spouts from refrigerated beverages soaked flesh peeking through Wednesday's sleeves.

Wet skin reflecting cucumber tinted light detected bubbles escaping icy puddles. Droplets colliding with Wednesday's exposed rib dermis and biceps turned into foam. Wednesday smelled beer. Fumes escaped carbonated liquid coating Wednesday's neck and upper arms. Barley scented mist funneled into Wednesday's tiny nostrils. Wednesday skidded backwards along dusty cement. She teetered on points of three inch, rubber spikes. Peanut butter fingers extended from dimly lit sleeves in front of Wednesday's chest. The two young men cupped soaking wet digits in front of chuckling lips. Slivers of ice between Wednesday's bronze coated eyelids stared at hapless eye whites. Wednesday lifted pale fingers beside champagne tinted cheeks. She slung frustrated digits beside nylon knotted ribs. Tar dots coating Wednesday's fingernails scattered barley flavored suds.

"Oh-- thanks!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday glared at coals attached to dimly lit corneas. She rocked irritated facial features up and down. "Thanks a lot! Yeahhh!!" A young man standing beside Wednesday's left shoulder displayed soaking wet palms. He swiveled apologetic cheeks back and forth.

"I am sooo sorry!" the youthful man yelled back. "Ohh-- my Gyad!" Wednesday directed impatient fingers towards the young man's charcoal chest fabric. Raven black nails pointed at shirt buttons reflecting lavender tinted light.

"Go-- away!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday inhaled an agitated breath between tar shaded lips. "Just-- get the fuck away from me!!" The two young men chuckled. The boys slipped past beer soaked fisherman's net gripping Wednesday's biceps. They disappeared into humid mist reflecting glass cleaner radiation. Wednesday watched skedaddling youngsters above her right shoulder. She exhaled an angry breath from puffed cheeks. A vinyl harness slipped off of Wednesday's right shoulder. A brush stroked suspender grazed beetle knots descending Wednesday's arm. Wednesday's purse strap tugged the inner surfaces of her fingers. Wednesday watched her shoulder harness slide over raven black nail polish. Dimly lit digits snatched flower petals decorating Wednesday's hand bag. Cinnamon palms crushed Wednesday's purse on top of navy blue stomach fabric.

Wednesday's pale irises climbed the surface of a midnight tinted shirt. A set of ivory buttons was fastened below a dark blue collar. Chest pearls the size of dimes reflected lavender rays. Grinning lips convened above a skinny neck. Bright blue incisors showed between smiling mouth rims. Irises like drops of tar rested on top of bony, cinnamon cheeks. Scotch tinted coils three inches long poked out of a four inch scalp patch. Escaping hair sprouts glowed like cheese puffs. Wednesday studied neon cranium eruptions. She squeezed nervous spit down a rubbery throat. Wednesday's parched saliva tasted like beer.

Cyan eyeball quarters traced denim ridges illuminated the color of seaweed. Aquamarine wads collapsed along necks of sloppy, black skate shoes. Wednesday's distressed facial curves rotated ninety degrees. Wednesday spotted thick, rubber mats. Bases three inches thick formed soles of long, leather boots. Slick cow hide the color of raven feathers climbed calves like bowling pins. Slender knees and thighs like chalk emerged from black, cow hide necks. Raven black nylons strapped porcelain upper legs. Ivory skin peeked through panty hose ruptures the size of bottle caps. Exposed dermis dots glowed like yellow highlighter strokes.

A leather skirt like bat wings cloaked upper halves of nylon covered thighs. Ends of cow hide fabric like umbrella sections rested along slick leg coverings. A raven tinted belt strapped pitch stained dress leather above slender hips. A chrome plated, skull and crossbones emblem secured a two inch thick pelvis strand. A naked stomach the color of chalk erupted from a cow hide skirt rim. Slim belly flesh emerged from an ox skin waist strap. Pale abdominal flanks forged an hourglass navel frame.

Elastic points an inch wide formed a half shirt rim below tits like apple halves. The fabric zig zags were the color of raven feathers. A neck opening the width of a cereal bowl topped a pitch tinted blouse. Raven black sleeves stretched around slender biceps. Crow feather bells skirted skinny forearms. Wrist hoops the width of diner ash trays floated above chalk tinted knuckles. A leather collar gripped a lengthy, ivory tinted neck. Chrome plated spikes an inch long erupted from a choker two centimeters thick.

Glow sticks dangled from raven cow hide fastened around a cream tinted throat. Lemon, lime, tangerine, and strawberry tubes dangled from an ox skin trachea band. Lighted sticks rested along a cream colored chest reflecting margarita rays. Irises like drops of champagne gazed at Wednesday below flattened eyebrows. A line of eye shadow reflected pistachio tinted light below raven black fluffs. Pale, green shutters surrounded the bridge of a long, thin nose. Slender lips coated with tangerine beeswax formed a sadistic smile.

Absent warehouse lighting dimmed blueberry scalp filaments like a nighttime canopy. Plum purple strands beside highlighter cheeks glowed like pink grapefruit flesh. Pomegranate keratin beside ceramic jaw dermis became cherry red tips along cream deltoids. Wednesday stared at glowing irises the color of chartreuse. She looked behind her. Bernie stood beside Wednesday's right hand boot. Three inch spikes the color of push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's scalp. Irises like robin eggs studied Wednesday's cucumber cheeks below bushy eyebrows. Bernie's ocular facets reflected black light like fragments of pearl. Bernie's pale skin glowed the color of avocado meat.

A collar the color of pine needles surrounded Bernie's thick neck. Chlorophyll pigmented fabric dangled from Bernie's wide shoulders. Bernie's green trunk covering was decorated with ivory tinted stripes. Bernie's two inch shirt bands glowed like ibuprofen liquid gels. Khakis like trombone chutes squeezed Bernie's thick thighs and calves. Red, canvas sneakers concealed Bernie's fat feet. Dimly lit, crimson fabric was formed using ceramic tinted stitches. Staple sized sutures reflected bright blue light. White, rubber shoe caps phosphoresced the color of glass cleaner. Mats supporting Bernie's raspberry shaded footwear refracted radiation like dish soap.

Wednesday looked above raven tinted knots bundling her left shoulder. Sammy was positioned behind Wednesday's left boot. One inch, gold tinted spikes erupted from the surface of Sammy's scalp. Pointed keratin sprouts glowed like chunks of pineapple. Sammy's pale facial skin glowed like chardonnay. Sammy's white polo reflected light the color of children's toothpaste. Columns of crow tinted denim descended from the base of Sammy's bright blue shirt. Checkered shoes surrounded Sammy's feet. Half inch instep squares the color of charcoal were barely visible. Companion checks and one inch sneaker soles glowed like Sammy's shirt.

Wednesday gazed into Sammy's piercing irises. Gold shutters like drops of bourbon stared back. Lemon refracting brows compressed the peaks of Sammy's eye sockets. A subtle cranny curling the left end of Sammy's thin lips suggested he was smiling. But really, Sammy just looked like a hideous freak. Josh lifted a set of cinnamon shaded fingers off of Wednesday's purse. Barley scented suds leaked from Josh's long, skinny digits. Eyebrows like tree bark flattened drops of tar spotting Josh's corneas. Josh glided a half inch, chrome ball across the surface of his bottom lip. The marble sized beebee was threaded on top of Josh's tongue piercing. Josh observed suds dripping off of his soaking wet fingers. Falling froth reflected ultraviolet light the color of eggplant skin. Josh slopped room temperature beer off of frustrated digits.

"Aww, mannn--" Josh groaned above DJ music. "What the fuck, yo?!"

"Them some sexy kicks you got there, gorgeous!" Sammy shrieked. Wednesday glared at Sammy above her left shoulder. Pitch stained lips peeled off of Wednesday's disgusted teeth.

"Fuck you, freak!" Wednesday shouted back. Sammy lifted his right hand fingers off of crow tinted denim. Sammy's raspberry shaded palm flattened the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Sammy squeezed Wednesday's avocado refracting facial features. He parked coal and dish soap sneaker checks in front of Wednesday's instep leather. He shoved Wednesday's face the direction her chest was facing. Wednesday tripped over Sammy's toothpaste checked footwear. "Ahh!" Wednesday yelped. Velvet dermis protecting Wednesday's palms collided with broken concrete. Wednesday tightened agitated biceps. She suspended her teensy honker above cold, dusty cement. Sammy laughed like clown horn toots.

"Haaa! Haaa! Haa!" Sammy's chess board tarsal covering hooked the toe of Wednesday's boot. Sammy lifted Wednesday's left foot. He suspended a rubber heel spike and plantar support in front of his bourbon irises. Wednesday balanced on porcelain skin puffs protecting her palms. She searched musty space above her shoulder.

"S-Sammy!!" Wednesday forced between frightened teeth like dish soap. "What the fuck?!" Sammy's raspberry nightcrawlers snatched Wednesday's leather ankle collar. Sammy's brandy eye drops followed a three inch boot shank.

"Mannn-- them some sexy boots, girrrl!" Sammy shouted. "WOOOOOOH!!" Wednesday sandwiched fisherman's net between her chin and shoulder blade. She glared at Sammy's piercing eye shutters.

"You guyyys!" Wednesday squeezed out of bright blue incisors. "ssStop!!" Sammy's free hand index finger and thumb gripped a mirror tinted peg. His cherry nightcrawlers dragged a reflective pin across teeth securing Wednesday's boot. Sammy's raspberry digits snagged Wednesday's neoprene heel extension. Dimly lit palm extensions forced an arch support away from Wednesday's foot. The neck of Wednesday's ox skin clodhopper glided over her raven spotted toes. Wednesday's front end plantar pillows collapsed along sand coated concrete. Wednesday's instep reflected light the color of avocado flesh. Scratches like cherry syrup lacerated Wednesday's ankle and the arch of her foot. Wednesday's knees compressed raven tinted denim on top of cold cement. Wednesday searched for Sammy above her fishnet strapped shoulder.

Sammy lifted a three inch spike poking out of Wednesday's leather footwear. A black, cow hide boot neck dangled across Sammy's knuckles. Sammy poked his nose between chrome plated teeth separating a leather instep. Sammy's nostrils sank into foam padding the base of Wednesday's plantar covering. Sammy breathed in Wednesday's tantalizing foot scents. Sammy's eyelids covered gold quarters attached to his corneas. His fingers carried Wednesday's boot away from his face. Sammy tilted pineapple hair spikes between his glass cleaner shoulder blades

"ahhhh--" Sammy puffed between gratified lips. "Howww lovelyyy--" Wednesday stared at Sammy's long, bony face. Incisors reflecting glass cleaner radiation mashed between Wednesday's tar stained lips.

"Are you-- done, mother fucker?!!" Wednesday screamed at Sammy. Bernie's eyelids squeezed together. His head tilted back. Bernie exhaled hideous cackles between bright blue teeth. Wednesday shoved her face away from chunks of concrete. She shifted her weight onto a rubber spike extending from her right boot. Bernie's sausage fingers shoved charcoal filaments hanging from Wednesday's scalp. Wednesday's rubber heel shaft toppled like a struck bowling pin. Her kneecaps flattened raven denim along points of broken concrete. Her biceps gave out. Silk palms the color of cucumber flesh grated jagged cement. Wednesday's tiny tits bounced on broken concrete. Her raven stranded forehead collided with a sharp floor extension.

"Gyah!" Wednesday shrieked. Bernie's thick palm grippers snapped shut around Wednesday's right ankle. Hot dog digits squeezed raven black leather along Wednesday's Achilles' tendon. Bernie dragged Wednesday across shattered floor remnants. Produce breasts glided over crumbling concrete on top of nylon fisherman's net. Tar coated fingernails clawed broken cement. "aaAAHH!!" Wednesday squeeled from pitch shaded mouth rims. Bernie poked the toe of Wednesday's boot between his teal striped man tits. A cow hide point sank into pine needle fabric stretched across Bernie's chest.

"Awww-- where you goin', girly girl?!?" Bernie shrieked.

"AAAHH!" Wednesday squeezed out of frustrated lips. Wednesday glared at Bernie's robin egg irises above her nylon stranded shoulder. "Stop it!!" Bernie's thumb and index dragged a zipper across teeth climbing Wednesday's calf. Bernie popped Wednesday's heel out of her ox skin footwear. He dragged mirror tinted teeth over soft skin protecting Wednesday's ankle. Wednesday's kneecap and the top of her foot collided with frosty concrete. Wednesday collected denim strapped leg hinges side by side. She flattened her charcoal strapped hiny on top of lacerated Achilles' mounds. She looked above beetle shaped knots gripping her cucumber reflecting shoulder. Shutters like ice focused on Bernie's fat fingers.

The toe of Wednesday's boot dangled from the digits of Bernie's right hand. Bernie suspended a leather neck in front of green stripes covering his man boobs. He rocked Wednesday's bovine calf tube like a pendulum. Ivy scrambled next to Wednesday on knees strapped with torn nylons. She extended raven spotted fingers from soot stained sleeve bells. Ivy's tar dotted digits gripped cucumber flesh peaking through Wednesday's sweater. Wednesday's avocado face swirled like a top. Charcoal head strands battered Wednesday's terrified cheeks. Ivy's champagne eye drops stared at Wednesday's sapphire pupil shutters.

"'sup, skank?!!" Ivy shouted above triangle shrieks and cymbal cracks. Ice cold fingers surrounded margarita skin protecting Wednesday's neck. Ivy squeezed Wednesday's slender throat. Wednesday's eyes popped open. Long, raven tinted brows lifted off peaks of frightened eye sockets. Wednesday scanned features of a long, pale face. Chartreuse tinted coins glared from pistachio stained ocular caverns. Grinning, tangerine lips peeled off of bright blue incisors.

Wednesday's frightened fingers snagged Ivy's elastic sleeved wrists. Rows of glass cleaner teeth separated between Ivy's neon mouth rims. Ivy exhaled sadistic cackles between glowing bicuspids. Ivy's disgusting breath stank like skunk. Wednesday sank coal capped nails into Ivy's soot shaded forearm bells. She burrowed slender wrist tendons using pitch tinted keratin points. Ivy's champagne eye ports crinkled. Ivy's frosty fingers released velvet dermis forming Wednesday's neck. Wednesday's crushed vocal chords siphoned grateful breaths.

"AAaahh--" Wednesday puffed out. "aaaahh--" Ivy squeezed raven spotted digits between Wednesday's one inch sweater ports. She curled highlighter knuckle extensions into fists. She parted grinning teeth like ibuprofen gel caps.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!!" Ivy cackled between dish soap bicuspids. Ivy tugged the collar of Wednesday's sweater. Lemon peel digits stretched raven fisherman's net away from Wednesday's chest. Crow feather eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday snagged beetle shaped fisherman's knots extending from her cucumber deltoids.

"Hey!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday's biceps flattened elastic strands against her teensy tits. "Let *go*, you cunt! No!" The heels of Wednesday's palms crushed peacock feathers on top of her breast bone. Ivy dragged coal tinted knots over Wednesday's shoulder blades. She stretched raven black twists across Wednesday's frustrated scalp. She peeled fishnet tubes off of Wednesday's biceps. Wednesday snagged her beetle knitted sweater sleeves. She glared at drops of champagne spotting Ivy's corneas. Wednesday gritted bright blue teeth between lips like pavement. Ivy forged a hideous grin using black light illuminated facial features. She tightened biceps covered with raven black fabric. She shoved herself to her feet. Strands of crow tinted yarn stretched to twice their length. Crocheted nylon filaments slipped between Wednesday's frantic fingers.

Wednesday's jean skirted tuchus collided with her undressed heels. Wednesday's thighs flattened raven black denim along calves like cucumber pulp. Soles hanging from sloppy, charcoal tinted shoes collapsed beside Wednesday's hip. Wednesday looked above pale skin protecting her right shoulder. Shutters like sea ice focused on columns of seaweed denim. Cyan quarters followed shirt fabric the color of the night sky. Wednesday's teal irises climbed bony facial features. Wednesday gazed at drops of tar adhering Josh's corneas.

Josh's coal faceted eye shutters stared below a canopy of cheese puffs. Coils like corn flour extrusions poked out of Josh's scalp. A smirk was visible near the lower edge of Josh's cinnamon shaded precipice. Wednesday's purse strap dangled from Josh's right shoulder. A half inch vinyl band suspended Wednesday's hand bag beside Josh's hip. Josh poked a rust tinted thumb underneath phosphorescent brush strokes. He dragged Wednesday's money sack dangler away from his midnight tinted shirt collar. Josh offered Wednesday's floral shopping case to Bernie and Sammy.

"Hold my purse, niggas!" Josh instructed. Bernie chuckled. Sammy honked like a clown horn. Bernie snatched Wednesday's hand bag harness. Sausages like cucumber meat squeezed shoulder straps decorated with neon flower petals. Insteps and toe caps grinding cement points supported Wednesday's ankle recliner. Shoulders bearing raven tank top straps squeezed Wednesday's neck. Wednesday's palms flattened along broken cement beside her scraped up heels. Ice tinted shutters gazed at Josh from the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. Sapphire coins stared, timidly below raven black bangs. Lips stained with darkened beeswax peeled off of incisors like blue gelatin dessert.

"J-Josh!!" Wednesday forced between jiggling teeth. Josh reached below Wednesday's narrow chin. Slender, cinnamon tinted fingers squeezed Wednesday's throat. Wednesday's terrified digits lifted off of concrete fragments. Knuckle shafts resembling cucumber flesh snapped around Josh's wrist. Raven black fingernails burrowed into Josh's dimly lit skin. Josh's trachea graspers lifted Wednesday off of dusty cement. Josh carried Wednesday's cucumber reflecting cheeks towards his warehouse dimmed face.

Wednesday compressed the rim of Josh's palm using her tiny fingers. Wednesday's arms, trunk, and legs dangled from Josh's right hand nightcrawlers. Narrow, raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Pitch tinted lips peeled off of mashed together incisors. Josh crushed his cinnamon shaded forehead between Wednesday's pale, blue eyes. Pumpkin pie brows pointed at the bridge of Josh's long, thin nose. A slight smirk creased Josh's bony cheek.

"Got anything to tell me, Wednesday?!" Josh shouted. Wednesday sanded her avocado neck skin using Josh's palm. Bronze coated eye flaps wrinkled together in front of Wednesday's frosty irises. Wednesday peeled tar shaded mouth rims off of frustrated teeth.

"Y-Yeahh--" Wednesday squeezed out. Saline droplets trickled from the corners of Wednesday's clenched ocular coverings. Wednesday glared at drops of tar stuck to Josh's eyeballs. "F-Fuck off!" Josh extended muscular arm segments from a midnight shoulder covering. He suspended Wednesday's agitated face above scrawny digits thirty inches away. He reached for Wednesday's skirt with the fingers of his left hand. Cinnamon digits slipped inside a denim tube strapped above Wednesday's hips. Wednesday sank tar tinted nails into Josh's right hand fingers. Wednesday's bronze coated eyelids squeezed shut. Wednesday shuffled Josh's sand paper finger surfaces across her tender throat skin.

"AAaahhhh--" Wednesday squeezed out of distressed vocal chords. Josh forced a chrome plated button past a raven black crotch flap. Josh's free fingers unfastened three discs securing Wednesday's pencil skirt. Cinnamon nightcrawlers dragged a denim hoop down Wednesday's knees. Wednesday's skirt stretched over the curves of her hips. A charcoal jean chute glided down Wednesday's velvet thighs and calves. Josh yanked Wednesday's skirt away from her tar capped toenails. "AAAAHH!" Wednesday shrieked. "Gyaaad!" Wednesday lifted bronze eye flaps off of icy ocular shutters. Steaming tears trickled down Wednesday's cucumber illuminated cheeks. Wednesday gnashed glass cleaner teeth between tar stained lips.

"You sick fucks!" Wednesday shrieked. "Stop it!!" Transparent fabric four inches wide was strapped around Wednesday's hips. Nylon the color of crow feathers was stretched below Wednesday's belly button. See through elastic was bordered by raven black hems like saw tooth waves. Matching stitches were sutured to the surfaces of Wednesday's panties. Wednesday's panicked digits toppled off the rim of Josh's bony hand. Raven spotted fingers collected the base of Wednesday's tank top. Wednesday stretched crow tinted fabric over cucumber skin protecting her stomach. Wednesday's frantic digits forced an elastic rim over a sine wave panty waist. Wednesday ratcheted agitated thighs and calves in front of her uncovered hips. She shuffled avocado illuminated leg segments like she was riding a bicycle.

Josh squeezed Wednesday's skinny neck with the fingers of his right hand. He dangled Wednesday's raven black pencil skirt above her licorice scalp strands. Wednesday's cyan irises gazed helplessly from the peaks of her eye sockets. Wednesday studied a hem surrounding the base of her skirt. The fingers of Wednesday's right hand released the bottom of her tank top. Wednesday reached above her pale cheeks. Tiny, tar spotted digits stretched away from Wednesday's palm. Wednesday's cucumber fingertips grazed the lower rim of her skirt. Josh's smirking lips peeled off of dish soap bricks. Josh cackled.

Josh tossed Wednesday's skirt over her head. Wednesday swiveled her frantic face as far as she could. Wednesday watched her denim half dress disappear into a crowd of dimly lit fingers. Sammy's scrawny forearms snaked around Wednesday's slender waist. Sammy's wrists crushed Wednesday's soft belly flesh. Sammy flattened Wednesday's beer soaked abdomen fabric on top of her trim stomach. Sammy squeezed Wednesday's lanky trunk flanks. Wednesday's velvet hind cheeks flattened on top of Sammy's muscular abdominal ridges. Josh's fingers released cucumber tinted skin protecting Wednesday's throat. Wednesday shuffled tank top strapped body curves underneath Sammy's scrawny arms.

"Gyah!" Wednesday squeezed out of tar tinted mouth edges. "Let go of me, you-- piece of shit!" Wednesday puffed out exhausted breaths. Sammy compressed Wednesday's shoulder blades against his ribs. Wednesday's raven spotted toes brushed freezing concrete. Wednesday balanced on tips of irritated foot digits. She looked above pale skin protecting her left shoulder. Gold coins attached to Sammy's corneas stared at Wednesday's cyan irises. Sammy's lower arms crushed barley drenched elastic against Wednesday's slim stomach. Sammy suspended lengthy lips beside cartilidge swirls forming Wednesday's ear.

"Damn, girrrl--" Sammy purred. "Every time I touch you, you get soakin' wet!" Wednesday jostled infuriated facial curves above her champagne pigmented shoulder.

"FUCK YOU, mother fucker!!" Wednesday belched from swiveling mouth rims. Sammy formed insincere precipice features into the shape of a smirk. Sammy's raspberry nightcrawlers fashioned fists using Wednesday's soot stained tank top. Sammy peeled raven black fabric off of pale skin covering Wednesday's stomach. Clenched fingers stretched an elastic sheet over Wednesday's breasts. Crow tinted polyester rippled above black, nylon cups. Boobs like baseballs poked out of transparent bra collars. Wednesday wiggled frustrated shoulders between Sammy's scrawny biceps.

Sammy tightened the upper halves of his arms. He lifted fists curled around Wednesday's shirt above her bangs. Elastic straps gliding over Wednesday's biceps forced her arms above her head. Wednesday's upper arms flattened her soft cheeks. Wednesday's slim tank top straps glided to the ends of her wrists. Elastic arm bands slipped over Wednesday's tar tinted fingernails. Wednesday's scraped up biceps collapsed along edges of naked ribs. Wednesday looked beside her. Her barley drenched tank top disappeared into a gathering of dancing limbs. Wandering wrists and forearms were decorated with hoops made from neon tubes.

Two guys nearby danced the can-can. The hapless leg shakers lifted denim wrapped knees during DJ drum beats. They kicked joyous feet strapped with indistinct sneakers. The young man on the left looked above lemon checked flannel covering his left shoulder. Pool water irises gazed below forehead hair straw. The youthful fellow watched Wednesday struggling between Sammy's skinny arms. Wednesday shifted her naked stomach below Sammy's raspberry tinted wrists. Wednesday tightened her biceps against glass cleaner tubes shrouding Sammy's upper arms. She sank raven black fingernails into Sammy's dimly lit ulnas. Wednesday's breasts extended transparent cups two inches beyond her cucumber ribs.

Bernie wandered in front of Wednesday. Wednesday's nipples pointed asphalt nylon at Bernie's pine needle man tits. Dish soap caps covering Bernie's shoes faced tar drops decorating Wednesday's toes. Wednesday's icy pupil facets glared at Bernie's robin egg eye shutters. Bernie reached beside Wednesday's pale cheek. Fat fingers glided between raven black strands hanging from Wednesday's temple. Bernie's sausage digits closed around a fistful of Wednesday's hair. Bernie tugged charcoal strands extending from Wednesday's scalp. Bronze brushed eye flaps squeezed shut in front of Wednesday's pale irises. Wednesday peeled digusted lips off of bright blue teeth.

"aAAahh!!" Wednesday squeeled. Wednesday's irritated fingernails toppled off of Sammy's raspberry forearms. Sammy unlatched pale skin forming Wednesday's trim stomach. Wednesday's chardonnay biceps hugged her undressed ribs. Wednesday's irritated forearms extended from her huffy lung protectors. Bernie shoved Wednesday's raven tinted locks towards the opposite end of her face. Wednesday's pale cheeks spun tender spinal ligaments like a car tire.

"AAHH!" Wednesday shrieked from sorrowful lips. Wednesday's startled toes swiveled on top of dusty concrete fragments. Bernie's fat fingers stretched Wednesday's agonized precipice away from her slender neck. Terrified eyes like ice searched Sammy's raspberry cheeks above Wednesday's gritted incisors. Wednesday reached above her champagne facial features. She sank raven spotted nails into thin flesh between Bernie's chunky digits. She struggled to free charcoal scalp strands from Bernie's sausage palm shafts. Wednesday balanced on the balls of her feet. She swiveled agitated cheeks back and forth.

"rrRAHH!!" Wednesday belted from tar pigmented lips. Bernie stretched elastic strips securing nylon cups around Wednesday's tits. Wednesday detected Bernie's ice cold digits squeezing between her shoulder blades. She wiggled terrified, undressed deltoids in front of Bernie's sloppy man titties. Bernie's swollen fingers forced together nylon strips fastened above Wednesday's spine. Four tiny hooks released steel hoops the size of popcorn kernels. Sammy reached beside Wednesday's frantic breasts. Raspberry nightcrawlers stretched transparent cups away from thin mammary skin. Lace strips an inch wide toppled out of Bernie's fat fingers.

"Gyah!" Wednesday shouted. "NOO!!" Sammy tooted like a clown horn.

"Haa! Haa! Haaa! Haaa!" Sammy dragged panty hose tear drops away from tits the size of half baseballs. Nipples shaped like pencil erasers tumbled out of see through boob elastic. Sammy pulled translucent breast holsters up the surfaces of Wednesday's arm segments. He crushed Wednesday's frantic digits. He ratcheted raven capped fingertips away from Bernie's fat hair grippers. Lace straps a half inch wide glided off of Wednesday's tar spotted palm shafts. Bernie released Wednesday's charcoal tinted locks.

Wednesday's frustrated fingers reached for her chest. Wednesday mashed bright blue incisors between lips shaded the color of asphalt. Bernie's cucumber sausages curled around Wednesday's skinny wrists. Hot dog fingers snapped shut around slender forearms. Bernie lifted Wednesday's tiny digits above her head. Wednesday's biceps crushed raven tinted curtains along apples of soft cheeks. Wednesday balanced on tips of raven spotted toes. She swirled from Bernie's bratwurst graspers like an avocado pigmented tornado.

"eeAAHH!!" Wednesday shouted above cymbal crashes and triangle waves. The young, blonde man dancing the can-can smacked his friend's arm. His youthful, dark haired counterpart stopped dancing. He looked above pitch shaded fabric covering his shoulder. He searched beside plum, tomato, chartreuse, and tangerine glow sticks. Dimly lit eyes scanned musty space beyond puffs of artificial fog. Irises like shiny coals studied the surfaces of Wednesday's naked wrists and biceps. Pupils focused on eraser shaped nipples extending from Wednesday's tiny tits. Crow tinted eyebrows lifted below rings surrounding the young man's scalp. Lips like peanut butter peeled off of teeth like glass cleaner.

"Aww fuuuck, fool!" the dark haired guy shouted. "No wayyy!!" Sammy's head turned. Drops of molten gold gazed at coals attached to the dark haired man's eyes. Sammy's thin lips formed the shape of a smirk. Sammy wadded Wednesday's bra cups using sets of raspberry fingers. He tossed Wednesday's detached brassiere. The young blonde guy and his buddy watched cups made of transparent nylon. See through, raven black tear drops sailed across lime green laser streaks. Crow tinted breast lace landed across the young men's fingers. The can-can dancers closed eager digits around sheets of neoprene. They shook bra filled fists beside grinning, bright blue teeth.

"Yeahhh!!" the joyous young men shouted. Josh snatched Wednesday's purse off of the floor. Wednesday's floral hand bag rested beside Sammy's dish soap sneaker checks. Josh's cinnamon digits wrinkled a brush stroked shoulder strap into a fist. Wednesday squeezed her right hand fingers past Bernie's hot dog digits. She crushed eraser sized nipples using a cucumber pigmented wrist surface. She looked at Josh above lacerated avocado skin forming her shoulder. Irises like water cooler bottles gazed mournfully below frustrated eyebrows. Tears the color of gear grease leaked out of mascara coated eyelashes. Oil tinted droplets trickled down surfaces of champagne shaded cheeks. Drops of tar spotting Josh's corneas stared back.

Josh smirked. He wiggled Wednesday's daffodil embellished hand bag in front of her frantic irises. Wednesday studied images of tangerine begonia petals and lavender tinted geraniums. She gritted bright blue teeth between pitch shaded lips. She wiggled agitated, granny smith cheeks. Josh swiveled his shoulders ninety degrees. He suspended Wednesday's mall sack above crooked floor cement. Wednesday's Benjamin carrier hovered next to Josh's seaweed hip denim. Josh slung Wednesday's feminine money case like frisbee. The vinyl hand bag whizzed behind pineapple spikes poking out of Sammy's scalp. A half inch strap decorated with phosphorescent strokes grazed Sammy's hair spikes.

Straw illuminated brows lifted above the peaks of Sammy's eye sockets. Bourbon tinted irises floated to the top, left corners of Sammy's ocular caverns. Wednesday watched her purse disappear into a sea of dancing fingers. Points of cabbage laser light illuminated alien digits. Wednesday's right forearm crushed her nipples against her ribs. Bernie's thick fingers snatched Wednesday's slender tit concealer. Wednesday noticed Bernie prying her bashful limb off of her naked mammary sacks.

Wednesday looked past raspberry ear spirals poking out of Sammy's face. She watched one of her boots sailing across artificial smoke. A leather neck the color of crow feathers followed a three inch, rubber spike. Wednesday looked beside her velvet, chardonnay shoulder. Josh loaded Wednesday's opposite foot covering beside his hip like a frisbee. Josh's tar tinted irises locked on pale shutters between mascara drizzled eyelids. Josh grinned.

"How about now, Wednesday?!" Josh requisitioned. "Anything to tell me?!?" Wednesday's desperate wrist flattened baseball shaped chest pillows. Long eyebrows pointed at a space between Wednesday's sopping wet ocular frames.

"Go-- f-fuck yourself!!" Wednesday squeezed between bright blue teeth. Wednesday concentrated on her ox skin footwear. Sea ice shutters wandered from one end of Wednesday's corneas to the other. Wednesday watched a bison calf covering sail behind Sammy's blonde hair spikes. People began gathering around. Wednesday searched strange faces surrounding Josh, Ivy, Bernie, Sammy, and herself. Dimly lit precipices surfed Wednesday's laser illuminated body curves. It was no secret what was going on. Bernie pried Wednesday's forearm off of her tiny, undressed tits. He squeezed Wednesday's wrists above raven black strands pouring out of her scalp.

Wednesday dangled from bruised tendons connecting her fingers to her wrists. Her frustrated face shivered above the tip of her spine. Bernie squeezed Wednesday's terrified, tear soaked cheeks between her struggling biceps. Breasts the size of half baseballs extended helplessly from Wednesday's naked chest. Wild shutters like cyan quarters wandered across Wednesday's corneas. Wednesday gazed at gawking irises the color of tree sap. Molasses eye shutters stared below bushy brows adorning a poorly illuminated precipice. Incisors reflecting ultraviolet light peeked between fascinated mouth edges. Wednesday siphoned frosty air into a ring of dimly lit beeswax.

"H-Help me!" Wednesday pleaded. Pale irises glided across Wednesday's ocular caverns. Wednesday studied a set of masculine faces the color of ant hill dirt. Coal pupil facets studied tulip pigmented nipples poking out of Wednesday's tits. Surprised lips below corneal tar droplets formed curious, open mouthed smiles. Fingers like caramel concealed cackling mouth rims below irises like rain clouds. Wednesday's teal eye shutters stared from canopies of frustrated, raven black eyebrows. Wednesday ihhaled an anxious breath between glass cleaner bicuspids. "Will somebody *help* me?!" Wednesday shrieked. "Pleeease!!" Bernie searched strange faces beside his chubby biceps. Robin egg irises rifled underneath push broom spikes.

"Yeahhh!" Bernie called between grinning lips. "You guyyys! Somebody help the poor thing!! Give her a hand!" Sammy smacked together raspberry nightcrawlers in front of his bright blue polo. Pale eyelids covered Sammy's golden irises. Sammy swiveled pomegranate cheeks surrounded by pineapple chunks. He chuckled like clown horn toots.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Wednesday detected foreign fingers collecting along velvet dermis forming her hips. Wednesday looked beside her armpit. Unknown irises like drops of tar stared below downturned eyebrows. Celebratory cackles escaped anonymous oral cavities. Wednesday looked away from hateful facial features. Wednesday's right cheek collapsed along cherry syrup scrapes streaking her bicep. An eager, smiling precipice greeted Wednesday's defensive ocular ports.

Wednesday noticed icy digits gliding underneath raven black lace bordering her panties. Foreign fingers sank into pillowy hide forming Wednesday's calves. Frozen nightcrawlers lifted Wednesday's tar capped toes off of dusty cement fragments. Icy digits ratcheted Wednesday's knees towards her naked stomach. Wednesday faced ultraviolet light tubes decorating a rusty warehouse ceiling. Wednesday's tear soaked ocular flaps sank into her face. Wednesday stretched tar tinted mouth rims apart.

"AAHH!" Wednesday shrieked. Anonymous digits dragged see through nylon over Wednesday's hip curves. Transparent fabric the color of raven feathers peeled off of Wednesday's labia. Crow tinted polyester glided down Wednesday's butt cheeks. Frozen fingers tugged underwear lace across the surfaces of Wednesday's thighs. Nylon panty wads stretched over Wednesday's kneecaps. See through neoprene formed around Wednesday's calves. Crow feather lace slipped over Wednesday's heels and insteps. Elastic straps glided off of tar coated toenails.

Wednesday dangled helplessly from slender wrists. Unknown fingers and palms supported Wednesday's undressed leg segments. Wednesday's sea ice pupil facets watched a grinning face beside Bernie's elbow. The young man supporting Wednesday's left hind cheek lifted his unoccupied digits. Wednesday's panties dangled from the strange youngster's dimly lit fingertips. The unidentified male suspended Wednesday's lace underwear in front of his face. He lowered a nylon crotch along the tip of his nose and ends of smiling lips. Barely visible eyelids covered the young man's pitch tinted irises. The masculine stranger inhaled from nostrils the color of peanut butter.

"Gyahhh!!" Wednesday shouted from terrified facial features. "You fucking-- fucks!" Wednesday searched alien faces. "Leave me alone!!" Steaming saline poured out of Wednesday's quivering eye flaps. Wednesday sucked panicked breaths between poorly illuminated lips. She exhaled disgusted puffs. Wednesday spotted Sammy's piercing eye shutters. Sammy's lengthy oral flaps forged a grin-like shape. Sammy's bony fingers reached above Wednesday's insteps. His raspberry nightcrawlers snapped around Wednesday's cucumber refracting ankles.

"Alriiight!!" Sammy croaked. "Is everybody readyyy?!" Long winded hoots escaped phosphorescent stranger cheeks. Wednesday tilted her terrified precipice between shoulders glowing like anti-freeze.

"Ahh! Goddd!!" Wednesday belched.

"On three, Berns!" Sammy instructed. "Here we go!!" Bernie sank wide facial curves between pine green deltoid stripes. Three inch push broom spikes poked Bernie's dish soap scapula streaks.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Bernie chuckled between fat lips. Wednesday tightened frantic biceps. She stretched desperate wrists away from Bernie's fat fingers. Wednesday strained thigh and calf ligaments. Wednesday's ankles tugged Sammy's frozen fingers. Sammy and Bernie swung Wednesday towards the warehouse entrance. They swiveled Wednesday's naked body the opposite direction. Wednesday's carcass swayed above dimly lit faces and neon sticks.

"Onnne!" Sammy shouted. Wednesday squeezed tear soaked eyelids together. She ripped apart tar stained mouth coverings.

"aaAAHH!" Wednesday screamed. Bernie and Sammy's fingers slung Wednesday towards the warehouse entrance. Taught digits swung undressed limbs en route to a tangerine bucket face.

"Twooo!" Sammy teased. Bronze tinted eye flaps crushed Wednesday's pale irises. The bridge of Wednesday's nose wrinkled. Wednesday separated frightened jaws.

"AAAAHH!!" Wednesday cried. Wednesday swooped the direction of the warehouse entrance. She forced apart terrified eyelids. She spotted tomato lighted letters above a set of double doors. The poppy illuminated characters spelled "EXIT". Sammy and Bernie slung Wednesday away from bright red characters. Sausage sized digits released Wednesday's wrists. Frozen nightcrawlers strapping Wednesday's ankles unclenched.

"Threee!" Sammy hollered. Wednesday's naked extremities launched from Bernie and Sammy's palms. Wednesday's undressed body segments sailed through artificial fog like dish soap mist. Pale skin covering Wednesday's shoulder blades landed on eager fingers. Mounds surrounding Wednesday's anus collapsed along frozen digits. Ice cold palms supported velvet skin protecting Wednesday's spine. Wednesday crushed naked ribs between bashful biceps. Wednesday's wrists folded on top of her undressed tits. Wednesday squeezed together uncovered kneecaps. She wiggled sideways along anonymous finger supports. She folded humiliated thighs on top of crossed arm segments.

Rows of foreign fingers shuffled Wednesday across the room. Wednesday's shoulders, biceps, breasts, stomach, butt, thighs, and calves wandered across anonymous digits. Laser lines like lime peel glided over Wednesday's pale tit peaks. Glowing, green rays climbed illuminated artifacts of exposed breast baseballs. Lime tinted threads traveled down the curves of Wednesday's biceps. Crests of laser waves wandered across soft skin forming Wednesday's stomach. Neon green bands striped Wednesday's cucumber illuminated thighs. Lime green barber stripes spiraled down Wednesday's calves, insteps, and toes.

Quarter shaped coals attached to Lloyd's corneas peered between chocolate strands. An espresso fountain sprouting from Lloyd's forehead was shaded like licorice. Lloyd's chin and cheeks reflected ultraviolet light the color of chardonnay. Valleys dimpling the surface of Lloyd's face were tinted like cinnamon. Features like barbecue sauce surrounded lips like ham steak. A set of thick chops framed the edges of Lloyd's cheeks. Lloyd's mouth wandered to the left edge of his face. Lloyd's head swiveled above a dimly lit neck poking out of a t-shirt collar. Alternating bands a half inch thick decorated Lloyd's elastic trunk covering.

Lloyd looked above ash shaded shoulder stripes refracting porcelain tinted radiation. He noticed outstretched arms and fingers. The collection of shadowy limbs lifted above dancing, dimly lit heads. Glow stick hoops dangled from pitch tinted wrists above bouncing scalps. Lloyd spotted naked shoulders refracting avocado light. Granny smith deltoids were striped with cherry syrup lacerations. Biceps reflecting cucumber radiation wandered across poorly illuminated fingers. Undressed humerus sockets surrounded a curtain of chin length, raven black hair. Strands like coal were suspended from a narrow scalp.

Lloyd studied bashful upper arms crushed on top of exposed ribs. Tits the color of champagne erupted from a naked chest. Nipples like pencil erasers balanced on flesh bags the size of baseballs. Slender forearms like avocado vases extended from apprehensive elbows. Tiny digits decorated with tar drops poked out of shaking knuckles. Quivering palms hovered helplessly in front of undressed breasts. Lloyd watched pale features cruising on top of deranged, teenage fingertips. Dimly lit mouth rims peeled off of Lloyd's teeth. Lloyd's incisors reflected ultraviolet light the color of glass cleaner.

"Ho-ly fuuuck--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd lifted muscular forearms and biceps above shaggy temple chocolate. Charcoal mats hanging from Lloyd's sloppy sneakers skipped across chunks of cement. Lloyd mingled with cotton fabric and denim columns strapped around alien bodyparts. A fountain of raven black strands poured over nearby digits. Velvet neck hide balanced along Lloyd's left hand fingertips. Lloyd cradled a slender throat between pillows forming his palm. He carried undressed shoulders, arms, and breasts away from dancing digits. Lloyd's right hand fingers sank into a seam marking a vertebrae column.

Lloyd shuffled undressed hiny mounds away from joyous digits. He suspended exposed shoulder blades and silk hip dermis above his head. Porcelain thigh cellulite drifted off of anonymous fingers. Naked upper legs sank into a slender stomach. Calf curves flattened along slick skin stretched between knee ligaments. Lacerated dermis forming thick heels rested along undressed buttocks. Slender shoulders collapsed on top of Lloyd's muscular chest. Lloyd's fingers and palms glided over mounds of pale flesh. Velvet tuchus ridges collided with Lloyd's muscular abs. Lloyd relaxed knees shrouded with crow tinted denim wads. He landed on his butt. Lloyd's shoulder blades compressed coal and porcelain stripes along jagged concrete.

An agitated skull skirted with raven filaments crushed Lloyd's left cheek. Lloyd's left bicep cradled naked upper arms along quartz and soot shirt stripes. The fingers of Lloyd's left hand caressed shaking digits spotted with tar. Lloyd's right hand palm shafts secured silk thigh dermis. Lloyd exhaled a heavy breath from puffed facial curves like ground cinnamon. A pale face poking out of raven black locks swiveled beside Lloyd's left cheek. Frantic eye shutters searched chocolate strands shrouding Lloyd's corneal tar drops. Panicked breaths escaped dimly lit, ruby tinted lips.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Wednesday grumbled from pitch stained mouth rims. Wednesday yanked raven dotted digits away from Lloyd's fingers. Wednesday latched skittish wrist surfaces on top of her nipples. "Lloyyyd--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday glanced at Lloyd's cocoa forehead strands. She fastened shivering turquoise irises onto fluorescent ceiling lamps. "D-Don't look at meee--" Wednesday bawled. Lloyd lifted masculine fingers off of Wednesday's upper leg dermis. He glided warm palm flesh across Wednesday's cucumber illuminated cheek.

"You're okay, Wednesday," Lloyd hummed. Lloyd's thumb smudged a mascara soaked tear trickling from Wednesday's left eye. Lloyd glided thick digits along coal tinted locks tickling Wednesday's neck. He stroked soot stained fluffs grazing cartilage ear ridges. "You're just fine." Wednesday gazed into Lloyd's eyes. Pale shutters below raven bangs stared at shiny coals between chocolate chunks. Wednesday exhaled an exhausted breath. Bronze coated eyelids crushed pale, blue irises. Wednesday's charcoal stranded temple nuzzled Lloyd's cinnamon cheek flesh.

The rim of a dimly lit pencil skirt dangled in front of Lloyd's face. A denim waist the width of a text book hung from poorly lit fingers. Unknown digits sloshed raven black fabric like a sheet blowing in the wind. Coals behind an espresso waterfall floated to the tops of Lloyd's eye sockets. Lloyd looked above the waist of Wednesday's empty skirt. A set of pale irises gazed from poorly illuminated eye whites. Grinning teeth below cloud tinted shutters reflected dish soap radiation. Lloyd stared between openings separating chocolate locks. Lloyd's licorice brows flattened his eye sockets.

"Ahhh--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd's thick fingers snagged the base of Wednesday's tiny pencil skirt. Lloyd snatched a tube of raven denim from a set of anonymous digits. "Yeahhh-- thanks a lot!" Sinister cackles escaped dish soap blocks between unknown lips. The stranger's poorly lit face became lost in a sea of swarming limbs. Lloyd suspended Wednesday's jean skirt in front of his chocolate coated eye shutters. He spotted a fabric column bouncing above his scalp.

Lloyd looked up. Identical, rust colored fingers teased Lloyd with Wednesday's tank top. Elastic shoulder straps the width of spaghetti dangled from sloshing digits. The body of Wednesday's tank top swirled like a towel caught in a twister. Lloyd searched above jostling knuckles. Pale irises gazed above grinning, bright blue teeth. Fluffy, chocolate caterpillars lifted off the peaks of Lloyd's eye sockets.

"Mannn--!" Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd snagged the base of Wednesday's tank top. He stretched Wednesday's wiggling shirt away from dancing fingers. Slim straps popped out of rust tinted digits like loaded rubber bands. "Well, fuckin'-- thanks so much, dude!" Lloyd belted. "Aren't you sweet?!" Lloyd stared at pale irises. He bobbed his head. Flaps embellished with bronze eye shadow uncovered Wednesday's sky tinted irises. Wednesday studied raven black garments dangling from Lloyd's thick fingers. Lloyd looked beside him. He offered Wednesday her tank top and skirt.

"Herrre!" Lloyd instructed. "Put these on!" Vinyl ballerina flats parked along cracked cement next to Lloyd and Wednesday. Lloyd's cinnamon shaded cheeks swiveled. Coals attached to Lloyd's corneas studied insteps refracting lavender radiation. Wednesday's face rotated beside Lloyd's. Icy shutters below raven bangs searched eggplant ankles erupting from midnight felt. Slender calves sank between indigo borders stitched to vinyl collars. Lloyd and Wednesday studied knees illuminated the color of plum skin. Alternating bands a quarter inch thick climbed curves of slender thighs. Thin stripes separated by charcoal dividers reflected glass cleaner rays. A leather belt an inch thick was visible below a crop top sweater.

A column of navy blue yarn blanketed a lanky trunk and peaks of tiny breasts. Matching, midnight tubes shrouded skinny wrists and biceps. A pale face erupted from a mountain of indigo yarn. Strands of molten lava flowed out of a narrow scalp. Emerald shutters gazed out of transparent rectangles below caramel eyebrows. Grinning lips decorated with carnation gloss curled above glow stick hoops. A vinyl strip suspended Hailey's transparent hand bag beside her right hip. Dancing fingers swooped in front of Hailey's waist during DJ drum beats. Pale insteps twisted above toes of vinyl flats. A narrow mat attached to Hailey's right shoe flattened along chunks of concrete. The toe of Hailey's left shoe pointed at a dusty floor surface. Hailey's nimble feet froze.

Hailey studied porcelain stripes surrounding her boyfriend's biceps. Emerald irises focused on streaked upper arms hugging Wednesday's naked ribs. Wednesday's forearms laid helplessly on top of her tiny tits. Wednesday's cyan eye shutters gazed at the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Tar drops stuck to Lloyd's corneas focused on emeralds surrounding Hailey's pupils. Lloyd lifted a set of unapologetic palms. Wednesday's clothing dangled from the fingers of Lloyd's right hand. Lloyd shrugged shoulders wrapped with charcoal and porcelain tinted stripes.

"Not what it looks like!" Lloyd hollered. Hailey studied cherry tinted scrapes wrapping the peaks of her friend's shoulders. Emerald shutters followed cucumber thigh arcs extending from Wednesday's hips. Hailey kneeled beside her friend. Insteps poking out of felt borders collapsed along points of broken concrete. Knees emerging from charcoal and glass cleaner stripes compressed grains of sand. Tangerine spotted fingertips gripped thighs wrapped with bright blue bands. Wild eyes like emeralds gazed through one inch by two inch crystals. Jade shutters traced the curves of Wednesday's pale shoulders and biceps. Wednesday studied her friend's glittering irises. She could tell something was wrong with her. The base of Hailey's transparent purse dropped beside her pale calf. A strap like licorice candy coiled on top of Hailey's translucent hand bag.

"Wednesday?" Hailey requisitioned. "What-- happened?!?" Tiny fingers poking out of Hailey's sweater sleeve landed on Wednesday's shin. Pale digits decorated with tangerine nail polish compressed soft leg flesh. Tiny hairs along the back of Hailey's neck stood on end. A quiver traveled through tendons connecting Hailey's fingers to her shoulder. Raspberry eyelids closed in front of emeralds attached to Hailey's corneas. Hailey inhaled cool, damp air using a set of tiny nostrils. She exhaled hot breath between gloss coated lips.

Hailey's palm sank into velvet skin protecting Wednesday's calf. Hailey glided neon spotted fingers across silk dermis forming Wednesday's lower leg. She dragged hand pillows over her friend's buttery hide. Wednesday's cyan irises watched raspberry flaps behind her friend's glasses lenses. Slick calf skin transferred fingertip sensations into Wednesday's neck ligaments. Narrow, raven tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Dimly lit, ruby red lips peeled off of bright blue incisors.

"Hailey-- what the fuck?!" Wednesday shouted. "Stop it!" Hailey's pale digits collected along her friend's slender kneecap. Raspberry tinted eye flaps uncovered Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey's face straightened above a midnight blue toroid. Light blue irises below Wednesday's angry eyebrows stared at transparent crystals. The fingers of Wednesday's right hand uncovered her left breast. Ends of tar spotted digits snatched Wednesday's garments from Lloyd's fingertips. Lloyd's head turned. Pitch tinted irises studied Wednesday's pale cheeks between chocolate forehead strands.

"She can't *help* it, Wednesday," Lloyd explained. "She's on ecstasy." Wednesday squeezed crow tinted elastic over erasers poking out of her tiny tits. She stretched a raven black column over the surface of her trim stomach. She adjusted the rim of her shirt above curves of naked hips. Spaghetti sized straps gripped the peaks of Wednesday's scraped up shoulders.

"What the fuck do you *mean* she's on ecstasy?!" Wednesday demanded. Wednesday poked raven spotted toes inside the waist of her denim dress. She dragged her soot tinted pencil skirt between Hailey's fingertips and her knees. She stretched sand paper dress fabric over the curves of her hips. Tar dotted fingertips poked chrome plated buttons through Wednesday's crotch flap. Grooves formed along Hailey's fingertips grazed points of crow tinted denim. Sensations like steak knife pokes invaded Hailey's pale digits.

Hailey tilted molten lava strands between her shoulder blades. Magma trickles scorched a midnight tinted volcano concealing Hailey's neck. Raspberry eyelids collapsed in front of emerald shutters behind tiny panes. Hailey glided her curious palm across charcoal denim strapping her friend's thigh. Lips coated with carnation gloss peeled off of Hailey's teeth. Hailey siphoned musty gasses between incisors reflecting glass cleaner radiation.

"aaaahh--" Hailey purred. Wednesday searched pale skin forming her friend's narrow jaw line. She swiveled knees wrapped with raven denim away from Hailey's pale digits. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers floated on a puff of frosty air. Hailey situated pale cheeks above indigo yarn wrapping her neck. Pomegranate eye flaps peeled off of Hailey's emerald irises. Hailey studied sea ice shutters surrounding her friend's pupils. Eyebrows like crow feathers pointed at the inner corners of Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday directed a raven spotted index finger between Hailey's glasses lenses.

"Hailey!" Wednesday barked. "Get the fuck away from me!" Emerald shutters stared at a drop of tar dotting Wednesday's pointer finger. Slender eyebrows like pumpkin pie pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. Jade quarters glared from the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Hailey's pupils followed champagne flesh forming Wednesday's scraped up shoulder. Hailey gazed into Wednesday's eyes. She inhaled an angry breath between gloss coated lips.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Hailey spat. Hailey's tiny fingers squeezed a kneecap poking through Wednesday's pencil skirt. Hailey shoved denim wrapped legs away from glass cleaner stripes spanning her lap. Hailey planted angry palms along chunks of broken concrete. She shoved herself to her feet. Hailey balanced on narrow mats attached to lavender illuminated flats. She situated a black, vinyl strap along navy blue yarn covering her right shoulder. Gold plated links hanging from Hailey's purse strap suspended her bag beside her hip.

Emeralds below angry eyebrows gazed between dancing limb shadows. Lemon, tangerine, strawberry, and plum tinted rings decorated alien arms and legs. Hailey spotted a pair of girls across the room. Pale, dimly lit faces conversed casually below curtains of dark hair. Hailey studied two young men accompanying youthful, talking ladies. A tomato tinted ball cap gripped one youngster's scalp. Circular, two inch lenses concealed the second young man's upper facial features. Crystals like bases of drinking glasses reflected lavender tinted black light.

Mascara coated lashes surrounded milk tinted almonds the height of half dollars. Emerald pennies peered from peaks of glaring corneas. Jade shutters focused below downturned eyebrows like cream soda brush strokes. Dime sized pupils stared below raspberry hoods formed by Hailey's eye sockets. Rectangular lenses rested along cucumber cheeks. Tiny panes covered piercing lime slices. Hailey's nose lifted above a "v" shape missing from her upper lip. A pale flesh tube connecting Hailey's nostrils to her forehead wrinkled. The left corner of Hailey's top mouth rim lifted off of glowing bicuspids. Gritted chiclets reflected ultraviolet light the color of dish soap.

Felt borders like a nighttime canopy framed Hailey's pale insteps. Crevices between Hailey's toes were visible beside dark blue crescents. Lace bows the size of padlock keys were wound above midnight arcs. Lavender refracting imitation leather formed points concealing lime tinted toenails. A felt strand gripped the origins of Hailey's slender Achilles' tendons. Slick fabric clasped Hailey's heels. Hailey lifted her right foot. A rubber mat shaped like a glass soda bottle lifted off of cracked cement. A beverage shaped shoe sole pointed at worn concrete bricks.

Hailey bent over. A trim stomach blanketed with navy blue fleece folded in half. Hailey's angry, little face observed Gwen above the peak of a midnight mountain. Hailey's furious precipice shrouded her tiny, yarn covered tits. Strands of molten lava flowed beside Hailey's lavender refracting cheeks. Ends of magma trickles dangled below Hailey's narrow chin. Hailey's tiny digits glided down slick skin forming her lower leg. Hailey squeezed a tangerine thumbnail between her Achilles' tendon and a vinyl collar. She stretched her ballerina shoe over thick flesh protecting her heel. She glided a felt rim across match stick pillows ruffling the sole of her right foot.

Hailey stretched a vinyl rim over stubby digits spotted with lime green acrylic. Neon toe caps reflected ultraviolet radiation like kiwi flesh. Hailey stretched her left hand fingers in front of Lloyd's chocolate eye facets. The heel of Hailey's flat extended from her tiny, cucumber digits. Lloyd studied slick, imitation leather forming the toe of Hailey's plantar covering. Camel tinted instep vinyl repeated rays the color of lavender petals. Lloyd reached above cherry syrup scratches sunken into Wednesday's naked shoulder. He grabbed Hailey's shoe. Hailey slipped off her opposite ballerina flat. She handed it to Lloyd.

The sole of Hailey's left foot collapsed along points of frozen, concrete shards. Neon nail polish spotting pale digits phosphoresced the color of lime peel. Hailey stood on her tip-toes. Knobs of thick hide lifted off of tiny pebbles coating a cracked surface. Dermis ridges surrounded crevices spanning the arches of Hailey's feet. Hailey floated away on tips of kiwi capped toes. She disappeared into a crowd of dimly lit strangers. Wednesday's shoulder blades flattened on top of Lloyd's muscular chest. Wednesday's head turned. Wednesday looked above a spaghetti strap gripping her right shoulder. Lloyd's ocular coals gazed at cyan shutters between his molasses hair strands.

Gwen's pale face floated on the end of her long, slender neck. Her porcelain throat emerged from a crisp collar that was two inches wide. Soft skin protecting Gwen's trachea chute glowed the color of champagne. Quarter inch charcoals spotted ivory shirt silk bordering Gwen's air passage. Pale fabric separating dark diamonds phosphoresced the color of glass cleaner. Raven tinted strands framed Gwen's pale cheeks. Cherry red gloss coating Gwen's lips reflected orange peel radiation. Hazel irises below raven tinted eyebrows glowed like molten gold. Scotch facets studied bourbon droplets spotting Kyle's corneas. Tangerine mouth edges peeled off of Gwen's bright blue incisors.

"How many pills did you give her?!" Gwen shouted above DJ music. Maple shutters under a tomato hat strap studied violet flashes sparking Gwen's cheeks. Curls like pumpkin pie filling extended above a plastic belt securing Kyle's ball cap. Kyle folded dimly lit forearms on top of a charcoal blanket covering his chest. A glass Mayer bottle dangled from the fingers of Kyle's right hand.

"Fuckin'-- two!" Kyle shouted back. "You *owe* me for that, by the way." Slender eyebrows the color of raven feathers lifted above Gwen's golden irises.

"Twooo?!" Gwen requisitioned. Two inch lenses between Cole's plum and molasses hair fluffs faced Gwen. Cole's bony cheeks and thin lips refracted tomato tinted laser flashes.

"We tried to give her one, yo!" Cole yelled above drum beats. "Fuck-- she wanted two!!" Kyle shrugged.

"She *really* wanted to roll, girly girl!" Kyle screamed. Cole lifted long fingers in front of tomato letters spanning the top of his t-shirt.

"The fuck were we supposed to do, yo?!" Cole shouted. "Say no??!" Kyle's thick forearms toppled off of his chest. Kyle suspended a silicate Mayer flask in front of his cinnamon facial features. Kyle's fingertips squeezed the rim of a chocolate brown cap. A glass container dangled from threads formed along an aluminum covering. Kyle's copper irises studied a chocolate rectangle near the top of a banana sticker. Kyle's pupils traced porcelain letters spelling the word "MAYER". Fluffy, pumpkin pie brows pointed down the bridge of Kyle's nose.

"And these shits were expensive, yo!" Kyle belched. Blue jay shutters between mascara coated eyelashes studied a crystal container. Caplets like pencil erasers reflected ultraviolet light the color of dish soap. Allie's pupils studied bright blue tablets below crow tinted bangs. Arms sleeved with ibuprofen gel dangled from Allie's timid shoulders. Allie folded biceps and forearms on top of tulip fabric covering her tiny tits. Lips stained like used motor oil glided off of bright blue bicuspids.

"You guys-- gave her *two* of those?!" Allie shouted. Kyle studied a tablet drawing decorating his Mayer bottle's label. Red capital letters formed a cross embellishing a porcelain tinted ellipse. Kyle inhaled a breath between dish soap chiclets.

"She said she had a headache, yo!" Kyle screamed back. "One aspirin's not enough for a damn headache!" Cole cackled. Blue jay irises wandered to the right corners of Allie's eyes. Allie studied two inch discs covering the upper half of Cole's face. Circular crystals reflected tomato tinted laser glints above laughing lips. Hailey saundered past dancing arms and legs on the tips of her toes. Hailey's tiny fingers brushed naked skin surrounding a young lady's bicep. Hailey froze. She balanced on plantar mounds behind origins of lime capped digits. Biceps wrapped with midnight tubes hugged Hailey's ribs. Flaps coated with raspberry eye shadow covered Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey tilted molten hair strands between her shoulders. She siphoned musty air between carnation painted lips. She exhaled a gratified breath.

"aaaahh--" Hailey hummed. A leather tube collapsed on top of molten lava flowing out of Hailey's scalp. A three inch, rubber spike hammered indigo fleece between Hailey's scapulas. Hailey's eyes opened. Raven black ox skin covered the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Hailey reached up. Fingers poking out of Hailey's sweater sleeve squeezed a column of bison dermis. Hailey dragged a calf shaped chute off of magma filaments scorching her scalp. She dangled a cow hide column in front of rectangular crystals surrounding her nose. Hailey's emerald ocular facets searched Wednesday's long, left boot. Gwen studied blueberry acrylic decorating her right hand index finger. Gwen's slender digit rested along the surface of her thumb.

"She'll be okay on a couple of ecs, right?!" Gwen asked. Gwen studied her reflection using midnight tinted acrylic coating her fingernail. She looked up. Kyle dangled a glass Mayer bottle beside his right bicep. He watched something behind Gwen's diamond spotted shoulders. Gwen looked above quarter inch rhombuses dotting her shoulder. She gazed at oblong ocular crystals. Gwen's lemon flesh irises focused on lime wedge shutters between raspberry eyelids.

Agile bare feet skipped across chunks of broken concrete. Euphoric calves puppeteered carefree ankles below a skirt of bright blue stripes. An upper body draped with a crop top sweater swooped above curvy hips. The balls of Hailey's feet collapsed along points of jagged concrete. Hailey's tiny fingers slopped raven black cow hide over right shoulder. Fierce emeralds gazed from ocular peaks below pumpkin pie eyebrows. The left corner of Hailey's lips formed a sinister smirk.

"Holloway steps up to the plate!" Hailey shouted. Hailey swung Wednesday's boot in front of midnight yarn covering her chest. A rubber spike poking out of Wednesday's boot collided with Gwen's bony cheek. The toe of Wednesday's footwear hammered Gwen's raven tinted temple strands. Gwen's skull twisted her slender neck. Gwen's phosphorescent facial curves swiveled away from her left shoulder. Gwen's jaw hammered diamond spotted silk covering her right bicep.

"OOoohh!!" Gwen belched. Gwen's rotating precipice slung her arms and digits behind her back. Gwen's twisting body segments balanced on the toes of her suede footwear. Gwen swirled like a top. Gwen's diamond spotted shoulder blades and spine collided with broken concrete. Gwen's cherry strapped tuchus mounds flattened on top of cement points. Rubber caps padding the heels of Gwen's cow hide boots pulverized floor fragments. Rocks colliding with Gwen's ribs forced a gallon of air through her neon tinted lips.

"Puhh!!" Gwen exhaled. Hailey watched Gwen's limp carcass collapse along cold concrete. The ends of Hailey's eyebrows pointed down the bridge of her nose. An excited grin tore the lower half of Hailey's face in two. Hailey lifted sets of victorious fingers beside edges of yarn covered biceps. The calf of Wednesday's left boot dangled from the fingers of Hailey's right hand. Hailey's transparent purse hopped on glass cleaner stripes covering her right hip.

"Wassup, motha fucker?!!" Hailey shrieked. Kyle lowered his headache diversion flask. Kyle's right hand fingers flattened seaweed thigh denim using a silicate container. Kyle searched Hailey's dilated eye shutters. Kyle's bourbon cornea droplets traversed Hailey's emerald pupil facets. Kyle watched tomato red flashes framing the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Poppy shaded streaks illuminating rectangular crystals forged capital "L" line segments.

"Ho-ly shiiit--" Kyle croaked. Rust tinted shutters two inches wide filled the lenses of Cole's glasses. Cole's quarter sized pupils focused on tiny mounds poking out of Gwen's chest. Baseball shaped dunes wrapped with diamond spotted silk heaved on top of Gwen's ribs. Cole's slender fingers covered his long, grinning lips. Cole snickered. Gwen's cucumber illuminated face tilted backwards above her dimly lit throat. Gwen's scalp sank into raven hair filaments blanketing cold, dusty cement. Flaps brushed with cotton candy eye shadow closed in front of Gwen's hazel irises.

Gwen's tiny fingers crushed her nose and tangerine coated lips. Gwen puffed steaming gasses across the surface of her palm. Blood squirted between Gwen's shivering knuckles. Crimson mouth dots spattered Gwen's avocado refracting cheeks. Dimly lit claret trickled down pale finger shafts. Steaming hemoglobin soup dripped from blueberry coated nails. Cole's slender digits toppled off of his cackling lips. Cole observed poorly lit bodily fluids leaking from Gwen's right hand. Dim organ liquid stained Gwen's pale skin like used motor oil. Cole's gratified face swiveled back and fourth. Lavender and espresso strands pummeled Cole's bony cheeks.

"Fuckin' hawwwt, yo--" Cole purred. Dermis pillows protecting Hailey's feet carried her forward a couple of steps. Hailey's tightened calf muscles balanced her heels three inches above broken concrete. Her right bicep rotated her wrist and fingers. The sole of Wednesday's boot swung from a cow hide neck like a helicopter blade. Maniacal emeralds gazed through rectangular crystals below caramel eyebrows. Grinning, carnation stained lips uncovered glowing bicuspids.

"rrRAHH!!" Hailey snarled. Kyle and Cole showed Hailey apprehensive palms. Kyle shuffled away using tomato tinted canvas shoes. Cole stepped back using one inch platforms attached to charcoal sneakers. Hailey watched the boys stumble across busted cement. She peeled grinning lips off of bicuspids like childrens' toothpaste. Hailey looked beside her. Blue jay half dollars gazed below a canopy of crow tinted bangs. Bright blue bicep columns squeezed Allie's ribs. Allie inhaled between dimly lit, crimson lips. She breathed out an uneasy breath. Toes of leather flats decorated with bright blue stitches carried Allie backwards.

A harness made from gold plated links slipped off the peak of Allie's shoulder. Fingers extending from Allie's ibuprofen sleeve fumbled brass tinted loops. Tangerine spotted digits squeezed chain links reflecting ultraviolet glints. A black bag the size of a paperback novel dangled six inches above the floor. Emeralds attached to Hailey's corneas stared at dish soap drops spotting Allie's eyes. Hailey blinked. She squeezed sinister mouth rims together. She relaxed elated eye flaps. Lloyd emerged from rows of dancing limbs. Produce illuminated hoops embellished swooping arms and legs. The heels of Hailey's vinyl shoes dangled from Lloyd's right hand fingers.

Molasses droplets behind Lloyd's chocolate hair watched transparent, nylon cups. See through mounds the size of navel orange halves followed lines of raven lace. Lloyd observed flashes of Wednesday's bra wandering between dizzying raver digits. Lloyd reached inside puffs of artificial fog. Lloyd's thick fingers squeezed an elastic tit cover the hue of raven feathers. Tiny shoulder blades peaking from tank top straps plowed past wandering forearms. Pale calves descended from a dark, denim skirt. Wednesday flattened frustrated heels along chunks of broken cement.

Limbs decorated with cherry syrup extended from Wednesday's shoulder sockets. Raven tinted knots stretched away from Wednesday's pitch coated fingernails. Wednesday's sweater tightened between champagne digits and anonymous nightcrawlers. Wednesday stepped backwards with her right foot. Plantar pillows and tiny toes landed on cement shards twelve inches away. Wednesday flexed irritated calf muscles. She tensed naked biceps surrounding her chest. Wednesday's poorly illuminated lips peeled off of gritted bicuspids. Sea ice shutters searched strange faces below angry, raven black eyebrows.

"Give-- me-- my-- sweater!!" Wednesday shouted. Alien fingers like cinnamon sticks released yarn knots the color of soot. Wednesday stumbled backwards on undressed heels. Wednesday's hind cheeks compressed a denim sheet along shards of cracked concrete. Wednesday's shoulder blades collided with Hailey's velvet calves. Wednesday's skull bounced on dish soap stripes spanning the backs of Hailey's knees. Wednesday's sweater spread across her face and shoulders like a poacher's net. Hailey stopped swinging her friend's boot. She looked above navy blue yarn blanketing her shoulder. Emeralds studied raven tinted filaments sprouting from Wednesday's scalp.

"Hi, Wednesday!" Hailey beamed. Wednesday dragged soot stained yarn knots off of her face. Tiny fingers scrambled to free Wednesday's facial curves from a fishnet blanket. Wednesday dragged her sweater onto a denim sheet stretched across her lap. She looked up. Anonymous eyes watched from a crowd of dancing limbs. Pupils adorning dim eye whites stared at a space between Wednesday's thighs. Wednesday looked down. She could see the tips of her toes above the rim of her skirt. Tar spotted digits were visible beyond a sheet of raven tinted denim. Wednesday remembered she wasn't wearing any panties.

"AAaahh!" Wednesday grumbled. Wednesday squeezed startled knees together. She fumbled through a blanket of raven tinted knots. She shoved her tiny fingers into the sleeves of her sweater. She squeezed pale digits inside columns of fisherman's net the color of soot. She hurled the body of her sweater over her head. She situated raven tube seams along the peaks of her shoulders. Wednesday's fishnet jacket reeked of beer. Wednesday looked up. Cyan quarters floated to the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. A bag the size of a three ring binder dangled in front of Wednesday's pupils. Wednesday studied lavender brush strokes constructing bodies of geraniums. Images of begonia petals glowed the color of an orange peel.

A half inch, vinyl strap suspended Wednesday's hand bag in front of her eyes. Wednesday followed a harness forged from artifical leather. The floral deltoid suspender dangled from Lloyd's index finger and thumb. Wednesday searched shiny coals hiding behind Lloyd's chocolate hair strands. She extended thankful arms wrapped with raven tinted knots. Lloyd tossed Wednesday's money sack along the inner surfaces of her forearms. Wednesday's nylon bra cups drifted on top of her daffodil printed mall case. Lloyd spotted raven black panties drifting on puffs of glass cleaner mist. Transparent triangles decorated with lace cruised tips of anonymous fingers. Lloyd approached joyous limbs strapped with neon hoops. He reached between poorly lit, alien shoulders.

"Yeah-- thanks, guys!" Lloyd belched. "Hand the shit over!" Poorly illuminated arms shoved Lloyd backwards. Lloyd balanced on toe mats separating from his sloppy sneakers. He extended pissy biceps from muscular shoulder sockets. Walnut forearms poked out of Lloyd's masculine ribs. Hailey's flats dangled from the fingers of Lloyd's right hand. "Awww-- motha fuck!" Lloyd barked. Lloyd shoved his way past wandering wrists and shifting upper arms. Wednesday positioned her bra straps underneath elastic tank top struts. She reached between her shoulder blades. She collected fasteners below raven black fabric shrouding her ribs. She looked up. Drops of tar stared below three inch cheese poofs poking out of Josh's scalp.

Josh's sinister, dimly lit face floated above the collar of a midnight blue shirt. A half inch, chrome ball appeared near the left corner of Josh's lips. Josh glided the end of his tongue stud from one side of his mouth to the other. Bases of leather footwear convened next to Josh's skate shoes. Long boots supported chalk tinted thighs strapped with torn nylons. Leather quadrants like bat wing segments formed a skirt below Ivy's naked stomach. A raven crop top with bell shaped sleeves dangled from Ivy's narrow shoulders. "V" shaped points formed a shirt rim below Ivy's tits. Ivy's spiked collar suspended lemon, lime, tangerine, and strawberry glow sticks on top of her chest. Champagne irises gazed between pistachio eyelids. Grinning, neon orange lips framed glass cleaner teeth. Hair reaching Ivy's shoulder blades faded from blueberry to cherry.

Robin egg shutters stared at Wednesday below Bernie's soot tinted eyebrows. Spikes like three inch push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's fat scalp. A pine needle collar surrounded Bernie's thick neck below his smirking lips. Bright blue bands two inches thick decorated Bernie's dark green polo. Bernie's pine needle shirt shrouded trombone chutes cloaking his thick thighs. Sammy's pale face reflected light the color of chardonnay. Bourbon eye shutters studied Wednesday's cucumber cheeks below one inch scalp spikes. Sammy's blonde head points phosphoresced the color of pineapple flesh.

Sammy's slender lips pretended to be a thoughtful smirk. His pale forearms were folded on top of a white polo chest. Sammy's porcelain shirt repeated ultraviolet radiation like bright blue toothpaste. Legs concealed by soot shaded denim emerged from Sammy's dish soap trunk. Wednesday searched vicious, dimly lit corneas. She reached behind her. Fingers extending from raven feather wrist ornaments latched around Hailey's ankle. Tar spotted digits crushed Hailey's slender Achilles' tendon.

"H-Hailey!" Wednesday forced out of nervous teeth. Hailey's anti-freeze cheeks swiveled above her long, skinny neck. Neon orange filaments hammered navy blue fleece surrounding Hailey's throat. Emeralds peered through transparent crystals from corners of thoughtful eyes. Carnation waxed lips lifted off gritted teeth the color of dish soap. Pupils between jade facets studied tar drops under rows of cheese puffs. Hailey's eyes focused on pitch tinted irises floating on cinnamon cheeks. Hailey never met Travis Griffin's brother. But, she knew who she was looking at. Hailey switched her friend's leather boot neck from her right hand to her left. She studied a crystal Mayer flask hanging from Kyle's thick fingers. She smirked.

Josh searched bright blue stripes stretched around Hailey's hips and hiny. Josh watched Hailey's yarn wrapped limbs shuffle in front of Kyle's black trunk covering. Strands of molten lava brushed the peaks of Hailey's shoulder blades. Hailey swirled on balls of bare feet. She tossed something beside her phosphorescent cheeks using neon spotted digits. Josh stepped back. He searched artificial mist. Tomato and lime lasers illuminated faint clouds saturating musty warehouse gasses. Kyle's glass Mayer container broke through dimly lit fog. The silicate bottle was six inches from Josh's face. An aluminum cap like chocolate candy hammered a space between Josh's eyes. Josh's eyelids squeezed shut in front of tar spotted corneas. Josh's fingers flattened above the bridge of his nose. Thin lips peeled off of Josh's bright blue teeth.

"AAaahh--" Josh groaned. Kyle's aspirin jar collided with points of worn out concrete. A prismatic canister resembling a travel mouth wash container exploded. Tablets like dish soap scattered between Josh's skate shoes. High priced caplets imitated confetti escaping a party popper. Kyle's agitated fingers crushed tomato characters decorating Cole's t-shirt. Kyle's pale digits shoved Cole's xylophone lung protectors. Kyle watched ecstasy drops bouncing across dusty concrete fragments. Eyebrows like pumpkin pie lifted off of Kyle's bourbon irises. Kyle's palms flattened his straw refracting cheeks. Kyle ripped apart disgusted lips.

"Awww-- Motha FUCK!!" Kyle belched. Hailey balanced on kiwi spotted digits emerging from plantar mounds. Lime peel reflectors embellishing Hailey's big toes pointed at each other. Hailey watched Kyle over her shoulder. Hailey's cucumber repeating chin flesh shrouded her left deltoid. Quarter sized emeralds studied bourbon droplets occupying Kyle's infuriated corneas. Kyle hammered turquoise thigh denim using mortified cheek graspers. He glared at Hailey's jade ocular facets. Hailey shifted her weight onto the ball of her right foot. Hailey lifted left end tarsal dermis off chunks of broken cement. She swung straightened leg segments like a golf club.

Hailey's heel collided with the bridge of Kyle's nose. Velvet plantar hide bludgeoned a cartilage tube protecting Kyle's nasal passages. Kyle stumbled across unstable concrete planks. Kyle's glass cleaner shoe platform tipped sideways. Kyle's left hip flattened seaweed illuminated denim along warehouse floor fragments. Kyle's bicep sank soot tinted shirt fabric between points of jagged cement. Kyle collapsed in front of charcoal canvas forming Cole's sneakers. Cole searched beside charcoal pigmented toe fabric. Rust saucers watched Kyle's comatose limbs collide with ancient concrete. Cole jumped backwards.

"Awww--" Cole snapped. "The fuuuck, yo?!!" Kyle's sinus cavities throbbed. Steaming tears flooded Kyle's pounding corneas. Kyle's pale ocular flaps sealed his saline coated peepers. Kyle's shivering fingertips mashed skin folds spanning the bridge of his nose.

"mmrrgghh--" Kyle groaned into quivering palm pillows. Hailey steadied lime capped tootsy extensions side by side. Kiwi spotted toes extended Hailey's antsy heels three inches above crumbling mortar. Wednesday observed Achilles' ligaments supporting arches beside her charcoal hiny denim. Wednesday followed her friend's toned calf curves below her dish soap skirt stripes. Hailey's left hand digits dangled Wednesday's boot in front of her corneal sapphires. Wednesday's raven spotted palm shafts snatched a leather toe point.

Hailey skipped above seaweed jean fabric knotted behind Kyle's leg segments. She landed on pentagonal pockets covering Kyle's butt. Kyle detected Hailey's tiny toes gripping his denim wrapped, derrier mounds. Hailey's lime capped foot digits scampered uphill using Kyle's soot tinted spine fabric. The balls of Hailey's feet flattened raven polo polymers on top of Kyle's scapulas. Hailey leapt from the peaks of Kyle's shoulder blades. Her drifting body curves pivoted ninety degrees. Fiery emeralds spotted two inch discs magnifying Cole's rust tinted eye shutters. Carnation lips peeled off of Hailey's gritted, bright blue teeth.

"eaaAAHHH!!" Hailey squeezed out of mashed chiclets. Hailey formed a sturdy fist in front of her fleece wrapped tits. Hailey's blueberry shrouded ulna crashed into Cole's teeth.

"mMMmrrrr--" Cole groaned into a tube of indigo sweater yarn. Cole toppled over the heels of his shoes. His charcoal wrapped butt flaps collided with loose concrete. Cole's skinny fingers squeezed his lengthy lips. Cole tasted blood. Hailey swirled around. She balanced on undressed tarsal shafts beside Kyle's red, canvas shoes. Hailey surrounded lime spotted toes using tangerine dotted fingers. Hailey's tuchus mounds and thighs flattened dish soap streaks along arcs of pale calves. Anti-freeze cheeks between magma strands shrouded a mountain of navy blue yarn. Emerald shutters gazed through oblong crystals below points of caramel eyebrows. Grinning, gloss coated lips revealed glowing, glass cleaner teeth.

Champagne shutters between Ivy's pistachio eyelids stared at optical rectangles. Ruby lips parted above chrome spikes poking out of Ivy's leather choker. The fingers of Josh's left hand covered his right ocular cavern. Josh's other eye studied lime slices and tangerine shavings decorating Hailey's face. Josh's seething fingertips sank into a space above the bridge of his nose. Robin egg irises studied Hailey's wild face below Bernie's push broom hair spikes. Bourbon irises observed Hailey cautiously from the peaks of Sammy's bony cheeks.

"Ohhh, shiiit--" Sammy croaked. Hailey's smiling lips closed in front of her glowing incisors. Hailey's tiny fingers lifted off of pebbles coating warehouse floor remnants. Bright blue hiny stripes uncovered slender Achilles' tendons. Sinister kneecaps latched below curvy hips wrapped with glowing striations. Blueberry draped arm segments collected along the edges of Hailey's ribs. Hailey's pale digits glided over striped fabric coating poised thigh crescents. Ominous emeralds gazed at Josh and his friends from the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Grinning mouth rims unsheathed Hailey's glass cleaner bicuspids.

"I heard you mother fuckers were looking for me!" Hailey belted above DJ percussions and triangle samples. Wednesday's fingers gripped a chrome peg dangling from the arch of her boot. Wednesday dragged a zipper fastener up the inner surface of her left calf. She looked at Lloyd from the floor. Lloyd watched Wednesday below a fountain of licorice candy. He dangled Wednesday's right boot in front of her raven black bangs. Wednesday snatched her right hand footwear from Lloyd's fingers. Sammy's brandy eye shutters stared past Wednesday's left shoulder. Sammy focused on Hailey's colorful precipice. He glanced at Wednesday. He transformed pointed facial features into a fake smile. He winked. Lips coated with dimly lit beeswax peeled off of Wednesday's disgusted teeth.

Wednesday rested an unoccupied boot platform beside her right foot. She squeezed raven spotted toes inside a point made from soot stained leather. She situated the neck of her right hand tootsy guard below her kneecap. She fastened chrome plated zipper teeth along the inner surface of her calf. Transparent nylon forming a raven tinted wedge hovered in front of Wednesday's eyes. Arcs of soot stained lace were stitched across a surface of see through fabric. Wednesday looked up. The waist of Wednesday's panties dangled from Lloyd's thick fingertips. Wednesday stared at crow shaded textile ridges. She exhaled an angry breath from puffed of cheeks.

Wednesday heard chuckling. She examined Josh and his friends. Bernie's robin egg irises watched Wednesday below three inch push broom spikes. His light blue ocular shutters gawked above thick, joyous lips. Raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday snatched her panties from Lloyd's index finger and thumb. She tossed a lace bordered triangle beside the toe of her right boot. She slipped a raven tinted cow hide point inside a nylon waist. Wednesday glided ox skin footwear past her panties' leg hole. Translucent polyester dangled from Wednesday's bison strapped ankle.

Wednesday stretched an opposite underwear opening over her left clodhopper heel. She reached beside leather columns protecting her lower calves. She dragged the rim of her panties over satin kneecaps. She looked up. Teal dots glared at robin eggs and bourbon drops spotting Bernie and Sammy's eyes. The boys' menacing irises stared back above sinister smirks. Wednesday shifted her weight onto three inch spikes supporting the soles of her boots. She shoved herself to her feet. Raven spotted fingertips gripped lace strands surrounding Wednesday's thighs. Wednesday shimmied lace crotch harnesses underneath her denim pencil skirt. She looked at Sammy and Bernie below a canopy of raven tinted bangs. Josh's sadistic henchmen cackled. They observed Wednesday's sensual garment positioning with eager anticipation. Wednesday faced the other direction.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" Wednesday belched. Wednesday unbuttoned the waist of her skirt. She forced her fingers inside a denim hoop stretched above her hips. She dragged a soot tinted panty border around the curves of her thighs. She situated her translucent underwear over her crotch and butt crack. Hailey balanced on lime capped toes beside her friend's left hip. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers grazed a bicep shrouded by fisherman's net.

"I feel like I could-- rip a car in half," Hailey squeezed out of tight teeth. Wednesday poked a chrome button through the waist of her skirt. She detected her friend's pulse thumping her lacerated shoulder dermis. Gwen sat on top of cracked cement. She paired slender knees below cherry skirt velvet in front of her chest. Gwen's suede boot toes faced each other in front of her strawberry wrapped hiny. Her forearms rested along dimly lit dress crests stretched around her hips. Gwen collected tiny, blueberry spotted fingers on top of her nose and lips. Allie dropped on her knees beside her dark haired companion. She collapsed ibuprofen coated wrists along Gwen's diamond spotted shoulder silk. Allie's neon dotted digits squeezed Gwen's dish soap refracting deltoids.

"G-Gwen?" Allie anxiously inquired. "Are you okay??" Gwen's face turned like a top. Blueberry embellished digits toppled off of Gwen's claret soaked nostrils and mouth. Gwen's scotch tinted irises glared at Allie's cucumber fluorescent cheeks. Tangerine illuminated oral rims peeled off of Gwen's blood stained bicuspids. Gwen's avocado illuminated ulnas shoved Allie's tulip printed tits.

"Get the-- fuck off of me!!" Gwen shrieked. Allie's trunk tilted above naked knees, shins, and leather framed insteps. Allie's hip compressed crow tinted elastic along chunks of jagged concrete. Allie's ivy embellished elbow and wrist hammered cold, dusty cement.

"AAaahh!!" Allie shrieked from pitch shaded lips. Josh's fingers squeezed molten lava filaments surrounding Hailey's avocado cheeks. Josh shuffled Hailey's malevolent facial curves above her blueberry neck fleece. Josh's ocular tar drops glared at emerald shutters behind Hailey's glasses lenses.

"What the fuck do you know about my brother, freak?!" Josh demanded. The toes of Hailey's right foot launched from points of degraded concrete. Hailey's shin collided with Josh's nuts. Hailey's velvet tibia dermis crushed Josh's testacles against his pelvis. "Plahhh!!" Josh shrieked out of disgusted vocal chords. Josh's startled fingers released Hailey's fiery locks. His cinnamon shaded digits squeezed seaweed denim covering his man junk. Josh folded on top of his crotch. Wild emeralds searched cheese puffs poking out of Josh's scalp. Lips coated with carnation gloss peeled off of gritted, bright blue incisors.

"I heard--!" Hailey barked. Hailey's leg swung like a golf club. Hailey's pointed calf bone collided with Josh's indigo skirted ribs.

"OOoohh--" Josh groaned from mournal mouth rims.

"He's a fuckin'--!" Hailey continued. Hailey balanced her right foot beside her left. She sank her shin into blueberry elastic shrouding Josh' stomach. "Dick sucker!!" Hailey shrieked. Josh folded walnut tinted forearms on top of his throbbing abdomen. His knees flattened seaweed denim wads along unstable floor mortar. Ivy flattened tits entangled by soot tinted elastic on top of Hailey's shoulder blades. Ivy's raven cloaked forearms and biceps tightened around Hailey's slender neck. Hailey's scalp hammered tangerine filaments against Ivy's produce shaded glow sticks. Ivy flattened chalk tinted jaw flesh along navy blue yarn covering Hailey's shoulder. Ivy's chartreuse irises glared at three inch coils escaping her boyfriend's scalp. Lips coated with tangerine illuminated beeswax peeled off of Ivy's dish soap bicuspids.

"Get up, Josh!" Ivy shouted. Hailey folded her tangerine capped fingers together beside her right cheek. Raspberry ocular flaps peeled off of Hailey's wiry eye shutters.

"aaaAAAHHH!!" Hailey wailed. Hailey ejected her sweater shielded elbow between Ivy's undressed ribs.

"Puhhh!!" Ivy squeezed past tangerine refracting lipstick. Hailey knotted her ten, tiny graspers beside the apple of her cheek. Carnation stained lips peeled off of Hailey's glass cleaner incisors.

"rrRRUUHH!!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey's forearms clobbered chalk tinted skin forming Ivy's naked stomach. Ivy released a blueberry fountain surrounding Hailey's neck. Ivy skidded backwards using three inch mats attached to her boots. Hailey swirled like a top using tips of undressed toes. Hailey's tiny fist extended from her right hand arm segments. Hailey's knotted finger joints collided with Ivy's chalk tinted cheek. Hailey's conjoined digits battered pale skin covering Ivy's molars.

"OOoohh--" Ivy groaned from neon mouth rims. Ivy's spinning face eclipsed chrome spikes poking out of her neck. Ivy collapsed along broken floor fragments. Arms shrouded with raven bells folded over blueberry strands and chalk tinted cheeks. Hailey extended blueberry biceps and wrists beside her tiny tits. She shook fists formed from tangerine dotted fingers.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, you little skank!?!" Hailey shrieked. Bernie stomped in front of Sammy. Trombone khakis carried pine needle streaked man tits across wobbly cement. Bernie curled fat fingers beside moss tinted stripes wrapping his thick bicep. He planted red canvas shoes in front of Lloyd's sloppy sneakers. He gritted dish soap teeth between thick, grinning lips. Push broom brows pointed between Bernie's robin egg eye caverns. Three inch spikes extended from Bernie's scalp.

"Wussup, Freeman?!" Bernie shouted. Lloyd's thick fingers wadded pearl and pine needle fabric between Bernie's man tits. Bernie's sausage digits lost their tone. Lloyd sloshed Bernie's chunky trunk like a sack of potatoes. He flattened his right sneaker between rubber caps protecting Bernie's fat toes. He tilted his chocolate locks between porcelain shoulder striations.

"wwWWAAHH!" Lloyd cried. Lloyd swung his head like a catapult. Lloyd's skull popped cucumber flesh between Bernie's baby blue eyes. "WOOoohh!!" Lloyd snarled. Bernie's fat face dangled from a pine needle shirt collar. Bernie's push broom scalp bristles brushed his wide shoulders. Lloyd suspended Bernie's fingers, biceps, and man tits like a sack of garbage. Lloyd discarded Bernie's hefty carcass along a floor full of crumbled cement.

Wednesday stumbled backwards using three inch, rubber spikes poking out of her boots. Defensive palms extended from Wednesday's raven wrist feathers. Sapphire shutters peered below points of apprehensive eyebrows. Lips coated with tar tinted beeswax uncovered dish soap refracting teeth. Sammy stalked towards Wednesday utilizing toes of checkered, canvas shoes. A porcelain polo hanging from Sammy's shoulders reflected bright blue radiation. Drops of bourbon searched Wednesday's avocado cheeks below pineapple hair chunks. Long, skinny lips peeled off of Sammy's teeth.

"Haa! Haa! Haaa! Haaa!!" Sammy honked. A terrified breath escaped Wednesday's tightened teeth.

"Ahhh!" Wednesday barked. Wednesday backed into strange, dancing limbs. Sweaty arm segments grazed Wednesday's exposed shoulder blades. Wednesday checked above raven tinted fishnet gripping her right shoulder. A young man Wednesday didn't recognize stopped shuffling. The youthful warehouse wiggler gazed at Wednesday's frost tinted eye shutters. Wednesday glared at Sammy's hideous facial features. She puffed shaky breaths between agitated teeth. Sammy parked checkered footwear in front of Wednesday's leather boot points. Artifacts of a smile decorated Sammy's dimly lit precipice. Pomegranate flashes illuminated Sammy's bony cheeks every second.

"Ready for some more o' that Sammy hammy there, doll-face?" Sammy teased. Wednesday gritted irritated teeth between ruby stained lips. Tiny wrinkles deformed the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday swung her right boot like nunchucks. A three inch rubber spike collided with Sammy's brightly strapped ribs. Sammy's slender digits snatched raven black leather protecting Wednesday's ankle. Wednesday shoved Sammy's chest with the sole of her captured footwear. She tugged her slender calf ligaments.

"ffFucker!" Wednesday forced out of livid mouth rims.

"oOOooo--" Sammy purred. Sammy slipped the fingers of his free hand below the hem of Wednesday's skirt. Wednesday squirmed. She teetered on a six centimeter spike extending from her left heel.

"You mother fucker!!" Wednesday shrieked. "Stop it!" Sammy glided long, slender digits along the inner surface of Wednesday's thigh.

"Damn, girrrl--" Sammy hummed. "You wantin' that dick, huh??" Wednesday lost her balance. She collapsed along chunks of shattered cement.

"Gyah!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday's soot stranded scalp bounced on concrete shards. Shoulder blades wrapped in raven fishnet intersected jagged points scarring loose rock. Wednesday's elbows, wrists, and knuckles hammered plaster lumps. Her purse went flying. A bag decorated with geraniums, begonias, daffodils, and amaranths toppled like spinning fan blades. "Haaa!" Wednesday exhaled from startled lips. Wednesday squeezed the back of her head with raven spotted fingers. She folded bronze coated eye flaps together. She sucked air between glowing, bright blue teeth. Sammy dragged Wednesday by her ankle. Wednesday's scapulas, arm hinges, and denim wrapped hiny grazed jagged concrete. Wednesday clawed passing cement vertices. She tugged her foot.

"rrRRRR!!" Wednesday snarled from pitch shaded lips.

"Nowww, Wednesdayyy--" Sammy croaked.

"Fuck you, son of a bitch!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday wiggled agitated limbs. She stretched cow hide strapped ligaments extending from Sammy's scrawny fingers. Sammy released Wednesday's struggling boot collar. Sammy's lengthy digits collected loose skin forming Wednesday's thighs. His raspberry nightcrawlers dragged Wednesday's skull across ridges of busted cement. "AAaahh--" Wednesday groaned from dismal mouth rims.

"OOoohh, yeahhh--" Sammy purred. Sammy positioned Wednesday's thighs along charcoal denim covering his upper legs. He examined jean strapped femur chutes gripping his bony hips. "Well, ain't that prettyyy??" Sammy croaked.

"AAaahh!!" Wednesday squeeled. Sammy shuffled raven black skirt fabric up the curves of Wednesday's legs. He pivoted his upper leg joints between Wednesday's undressed kneecaps. He thrust his pelvis against Wednesday's nylon strapped vaginal coverings. Wednesday tilted frustrated scalp licorice between fishnet sheathed shoulders. Bronze eyelids crushed Wednesday's ice faceted irises. "Fuck-- off!!" Wednesday belched. Sammy began humping Wednesday's translucent labia fabric. His head swiveled like an oscillating fan. Sammy gazed at anonymous irises across a darkened space. A young lady possessing pale eye shutters stopped dancing. She watched Sammy hammering his crotch between Wednesday's pale drumsticks. Sammy gazed into unfamiliar eyes. His long, slender lips formed a kiss.

"Wussuuup, sweet cheeks??" Sammy called. "You want some toooo??" Feminine facial features studied Sammy from a collection of wandering limbs. Pupil facets like rain clouds stared stupidly at Sammy's piercing ocular ports. Sammy squeezed a bullshit smirk between bony cheeks. He nodded. "Don't worry, baby. The ol'-- Sammy Express is coming to a town near youuu--" Lloyd's sneaker sole pummeled pineapple spikes poking out of Sammy's scalp. Sammy's scrawny fingers released Wednesday's pale thigh cellulite. Wednesday's rubber boot spikes collided with unstable concrete. Sammy collapsed on top of Wednesday's crotch.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Sammy grumbled into raven black denim stretched across Wednesday's thighs. Wednesday glided tar spotted fingers across pebbles coating frozen cement. Wednesday's satin palm dermis supported her fishnet wrapped arm segments. Wednesday's cyan shutters searched chocolate strands cloaking Lloyd's masculine cheeks. Ominous tar drops peered between espresso forehead fluffs. Lloyd bent over. Lloyd's thick fingers wadded dish soap fabric spanning Sammy's bony shoulder blades.

"*This* motha fucker--" Lloyd belched. Lloyd hoisted Sammy off of Wednesday's lap. He placed Sammy along points of smashed cement. He snatched bright blue tubes shrouding Sammy's skinny biceps. He swiveled Sammy the opposite direction. Bourbon droplets below pineapple hair spikes searched Lloyd's coal faceted pupils. Sammy manipulated his bony precipice into the shape of a smile.

"Heyyy--" Sammy purred. "Wussup, Freemann?!" Sammy squinted. He pointed his thumb above glass cleaner shoulder fabric. "Are *you* needin' a piece o' this sweet ass, too!?" Lloyd snagged bright blue polo curtains surrounding Sammy's bony ribs. He swirled on toes of disheveled skate shoes. He tossed Sammy like bag of flour. Sammy sailed between limbs decorated with phosphorescent arm bands. He tooted like a clown horn.

"Haa! Haa! Haaa! Haaa!!" Gwen sat on her hands and knees. Gwen's palms crushed irregular cement tiles. Acrylic dots the color of blueberry skin coated Gwen's fingernails. Shins like cucumber flesh floated on pebbles coating the floor. The toes of Gwen's suede boots balanced on broken concrete. Slender cheeks flattened cherry red fabric along heels of lavender illuminated footwear. Diamond spotted blouse silk erupted from a skirt rim shaded the color of mud. Silk rhombus borders decorating Gwen's tiny breasts reflected glass cleaner rays. Images of tiny cherries decorated the body of Gwen's short sleeved blouse.

Gwen's angry face dangled from a two inch collar separating narrow shoulders. Drops of gold peered from Gwen's squinting eye flaps. The bridge of Gwen's nose was scrunched up like an aluminum can. Hemoglobin soup leaked from Gwen's tiny nostrils. Wet crimson framed lips stained with tangerine refracting lipstick. Hot bodily fluid dripped from Gwen's pale chin. The left corner of Gwen's upper mouth rim lifted off of gritted teeth. Gwen glared at kiwi caps covering Hailey's toenails.

Hailey balanced on her left foot's big toe. A flesh bulb like a green olive extended from the inner edge of Hailey's tootsy. A lime green button capped Hailey's largest tarsal digit. Four slender plantar shafts extended beside a fat floor grasper. Kiwi dots decorated tips of stubby leg supports. Hailey twirled on the ball of her left foot. Bottoms of dimly lit toe bulbs grazed points of crumbling concrete. Lime dotted digits swiveled like a top. Swirling toes glided over grain sized pebbles occupying cracked floor sections.

Hailey's right foot dangled beside her left calf. Lime green dots spotting Hailey's right toes floated beside her left heel. Hailey's right hand plantar sole orbited a shaft extending from her opposite instep. Cucumber illuminated calf curves spun like a dradle. Blurred lower legs formed the shape of an equilateral triangle. Glass cleaner streaks the width of drinking straws spun around Hailey's thighs. Cuffs of navy blue sweater sleeves circled Hailey's chest. A skirt forged from tangerine filaments whirled around Hailey's pale face.

Hailey stopped twirling. She parked her right foot beside her left. Hailey's lime pigmented toenails plopped in front of Gwen's blueberry finger caps. Gwen searched kiwi keratin dots. She looked up. Hailey's cucumber tinted cheeks erupted from a mountain of navy blue yarn. Grinning lips coated with carnation gloss surrounded bright blue teeth. Lime slices stared below points of caramel eyebrows behind rectangular lenses. Fingers decorated with tangerine spots extended from midnight stained yarn tubes. Neon speckled digits lifted off of dish soap stripes coating Hailey's hips. Nightcrawlers poking out of Hailey's sleeves latched around Gwen's skinny neck.

Bubble gum eyelids peeled off drops of gold stuck to Gwen's corneas. Raven black eyebrows climbed a flesh staircase spanning Gwen's forehead. Blood stained, tangerine lips peeled off of dish soap bicuspids. Gwen's fingers released crooked cement covering the floor. Gwen squeezed blueberry dotted digits between Hailey's palms and her throat. Gwen siphoned musty warehouse gasses into compressed trachea striations. She sounded like she was dry heaving. Emerald buttons fastened to Hailey's corneas stared at Gwen's golden irises. Hailey tightened her fingers around a tube of cucumber flesh. Gwen's frantic throat erupted from glass cleaner crosses separating licorice diamonds. Steaming crimson leaked from Gwen's nostrils. Warm claret trickled between Hailey's knuckles.

"How bad do you want him, G-wennn??" Hailey beckoned. Hailey sloshed Gwen's slender neck. A pale face surrounded by raven locks shuffled above Gwen's esophagus tube. Gwen sank blueberry stained fingernails into the rims of Hailey's palms. Tips of raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Gwen's bright blue teeth squeezed together between tangerine lips. Hailey slung Gwen's mortified precipice like a rag doll face.

"Huh?!" Hailey shouted. Bubble gum eye flaps squeezed shut in front of Gwen's hazel irises. Hailey lifted furious fingers strapped around Gwen's neck. She suspended Gwen's chin in front of navy blue yarn covering her chest. Hailey's cucumber forehead flattened thin skin above Gwen's raven eyebrows. Hailey's nasal point crushed Gwen's tiny nose. A gold plated dowel connecting Hailey's glasses lenses crimped Gwen's olfactory passages.

"Are you willing to DIE FOR HIM?!?" Hailey requisitioned. Gwen's eyelids peeled off of gold slivers surrounding her pupils. Tiny dots near the middles of Gwen's irises stared at emerald shutters. Gwen's coal filamented scalp dangled from Hailey's straining finger ligaments. Gwen's raven black hair strands brushed diamond silk spanning her shoulder blades. Gwen balanced on lavender refracting suede points covering her toes. Bernie slithered along a surface of broken concrete. Bernie's fat fingers dragged pine needle man tits across ice cold floor cracks. Bernie rested on chest sacks wrapped with dark green and bright blue stripes. Bernie's soot tinted hair spikes extended behind the curves of Hailey's calves. Bernie lifted right hand sausage digits. Bernie's fat fingers strapped around Hailey's slender ankle.

Hailey lifted her forehead and nose off of Gwen's scrunched up face. Hailey tilted tangerine hair strands between blueberry fleeced scapulas. Hailey's raspberry stained eyelids collapsed in front of her emerald irises. Grinning lips peeled off of Hailey's glowing bicuspids. Hailey chuckled like a lunatic. The palm of Bernie's free hand flattened along ancient floor fragments. Bernie shoved his striped man tits away from jagged cement. He dragged the sole of Hailey's right foot across points of broken concrete. He tugged Hailey's lower limb. Hailey's calf and thigh ligaments stretched away from Hailey's hip. Hailey balanced on tips of left end toes. She lowered her grinning face. She stared into Gwen's eyes.

"Juuust a seconnnd--" Hailey purred. Hailey flattened Gwen's lips and nose along pale skin covering her throat. She uncoiled midnight strapped biceps and forearms in front of her chest. She released Gwen's tormented breathing tube. Gwen rocked backwards on suede toe tips like a blow up clown toy. Gwen's cherry ruffled butt smacked wiggling mortar points. Gwen's diamond spotted shoulder blades hammered broken floor plaster.

"OOoohh!!" Gwen heaved from breathless lungs. Gwen glided across cement ridges on silk shoulders and mini skirt biscuits. She heaved moist warehouse gasses into grateful chest organs. Hailey's head swiveled above her navy blue turtleneck. Molten lava filaments battered Hailey's pale cheeks and the lenses of her glasses. Hailey's slender chin cradled blueberry yarn blanketing her left shoulder. Emerald shutters gazed through rectangular crystals below caramel eyebrows. Grinning, gloss coated lips surrounded bicuspids reflecting dish soap radiation. Robin egg irises searched Hailey's colorful precipice underneath three inch hair spikes. Bernie stared at quarter sized pupils consuming Hailey's corneas.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Bernie groaned. Hailey faced forward. She folded at the waist. Hailey's tits surrounded licorice and glass cleaner stripes coating her left thigh. Hailey uncoiled slender leg segments supported by the ball of her foot. She swirled like a top. Hailey's Achilles' tendon and ankle knobs rotated between Bernie's bratwurst fingers. Hailey straightened her left calf and thigh. The heel of Hailey's left foot clobbered a space between Bernie's eyes. Bernie's forehead was still throbbing from Lloyd's headbutt. Bernie's sausage shafts became comatose. Thick digits surrounding Hailey's ankle drifted down velvet skin forming her foot.

Hailey cycled her lower limbs like she was riding a bicycle. Hailey's swiveling plantar dermis collided with concrete points. Hailey extended blueberry wrapped arm segments beyond folded kneecaps. Josh clutched his nuts and stomach using his left hand arm and fingers. Josh's corneal tar drops glared at Hailey below three inch cheese poofs. Bushy, scotch tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Josh's dimly lit nose. Josh mashed glowing bicuspids between thin, scowling lips. Lloyd cracked Josh over the head with a two by four. Lloyd extended a thirty-six inch strut beside porcelain bicep stripes using strong digits. He popped Josh's scalp with a three foot board escaping his masculine fingers.

Josh stumbled over charcoal mats hanging from his sloppy skate shoes. He landed on his hands and knees. Josh's leg hinges rested along wads of denim reflecting seaweed black light. Josh's palms and fingers collapsed along neon coils poking out of his scalp. Josh flattened the lower half of his poorly lit face on top of indigo chest fabric. Lloyd stepped behind Josh. Sloppy sneakers poking out of Lloyd's jeans straddled Josh's skate shoes. Lloyd lifted muscular forearms beside dish soap streaks surrounding his chest. He extended a wood plank behind his shoulders.

"Wussup, bioch!?!" Lloyd shouted. Lloyd steadied a pine board behind shaggy strands hanging from his scalp. "Look at that Freeman kid, ladies and gentlemen!" Lloyd shouted. Lloyd smacked the edge of Josh's skull with a cellulose stick. "What--!" Lloyd battered Josh's temple. "Fuckin'--!" Lloyd cracked Josh's aching cranium. "Form--!"

"AAaahh!" Josh squeezed between agonized lips. "Motha fucker!!" Josh squeezed his cheese puff scalp between scrawny, dimly lit forearms. Lloyd studied Josh's hair fluffs from the base of a chocolate fountain. Angry coals searched neon sprouts extending from Josh's four inch hairline. Lloyd smirked. Sinister lips formed a crease preceding Lloyd's shaggy sideburn. Josh plopped irritated palms along cold, jagged concrete. Narrow shoulders shrouded by midnight shirt sleeves supported Josh's bony ribs. Josh lifted dimly lit cheeks. Thin flaps uncovered tar droplets stuck to Josh's eyes. Josh's long, thin nose shriveled like a prune.

Josh searched artificial mist. Lime and pomegranate lasers illuminated man made fog floating on musty air. Emerald irises across the room stared at Josh's tar faceted pupils. Lime slices peered through rectangular lenses resting along pale cheeks. Molten scalp lava flowed over gold plated ear pieces. Hailey balanced on agile toes. Bernie's fat carass cloaked Hailey's neon green tarsal polish. Hailey's fiery eyes gazed below points of downturned brows. Lips coated with carnation gloss formed a sinister smirk. Cotton candy mouth rims creased Hailey's left cheek.

Hailey's right foot released unstable concrete fragments. Hailey collapsed thick heel hide along cement cracks six inches back. Hailey's tangerine dotted fingers separated charcoal zipper teeth. The licorice tinted fasteners framed black vinyl forming the top of Hailey's purse. Hailey sank navy blue wrist yarn between gold clips suspending her see through bag. Hailey extended a yarn wrapped bicep and forearm from her ribs. A set of nickel plated barrels pointed between Josh's eyes. Nine millimeter tubes faced dimly lit skin covering Josh's forehead. Tar drops below three inch cheese puffs studied glints illuminating rifled canals. Fluffy, margarita tinted caterpillars jumped off the peaks of Josh's eye sockets.

"Uhhh--" Josh grumbled. Hailey's pale cheek rested along a tube of navy blue yarn blanketing her bicep. Emerald quarters stared across the top of Hailey's dimly lit sweater sleeve. Hailey grinned. She aimed her mom's pistol at a space above Josh and Lloyd's heads. She squeezed the trigger. An earsplitting pop rattled rusted tin clinging to an ancient building structure. People nearby stopped dancing. Eyes of poorly illuminated strangers searched puffs of artificial fog. Blasts of neon light randomly highlighted thick clouds of artificial haze.

"Oh, fuck!" a stranger's voice shouted.

"Get the fuck outta here, yo!" someone else barked. Anonymous limbs decked with colorful rings barreled towards the exit. Unknown arms, legs, and faces stomped in the direction of the parking lot. Josh tracked tangerine filaments between wrists and wads of poorly lit denim. Hailey studied tips of three inch cheese poofs poking out of Josh's scalp. She aimed her mother's boot pistol at blonde coils reflecting amber radiation.

Tweeters below foldout tables repeated triangle waves, drum beats, and cymbal crashes. The warehouse DJ stood between perpendicular surfaces of simulated wood. A tangerine bucket balanced on strands of hair escaping the DJ's scalp. Charcoal peepers the size of hen eggs faced a room full of dimly lit teenagers. Half inch less than symbols were missing from left edges of licorice ellipses. The DJ's highlighter digits lifted a neon water pale off of his head. A porcelain face with wild eyes hung from strands of shaggy, raven tinted locks.

Irises like dots of dish soap bobbled across surfaces of panicked corneas. The DJ dropped a grinning, tangerine bucket beside plastic, lavender tinted keys. He flattened lemon tinted fingers near corners of intersecting table surfaces. He swung his biceps and forearms like he was rowing a canoe. He catapulted himself above a hurdle made from amber wood decor. Glass cleaner sneaker platforms drifted between electronic keys and turntables. Boops, thumps, and taps continued looping from polystyrene speaker cones.

Sammy shuffled past raging, dimly lit strangers. Sammy's scrawny limbs wove a path between fruit tinted wrist hoops. A thin face below pineapple hair spikes balanced on top of Sammy's scrawny neck. Piercing irises like drops of bourbon searched above a slender, plastic smirk. Bernie scrambled towards his friend using soles of red, canvas shoes. Bernie's sausage digits snagged phosphorescent fabric covering Sammy's ribs. Bernie's frantic, robin egg irises scoured Sammy's pale cheeks.

"Cheese it!" Bernie shouted. Bernie's pale digits shoved Sammy's xylophone lung protectors towards the door. Sammy chuckled like clown horn toots.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sea ice shutters below Wednesday's raven eyebrows studied chrome pistol shafts. Cyan irises focused on nickel plated, nine millimeter chutes. Slender brows climbed a pale forehead below six inch curls the color of soot. Nervous, ruby stained lips parted underneath Wednesday's tiny nose.

"Hailey-- what the fuck??" Wednesday demanded. Hailey's grinning face swiveled above the peak of a blueberry mountain. Magma filaments flowed over ear pieces supporting Hailey's glasses lenses. Emeralds gazed through rectangular crystals below points of sinister eyebrows. Mashed together incisors reflected bright blue radiation between smiling mouth rims. Hailey's narrow chin rested along a navy blue tube surrounding her slender bicep. Hailey studied Wednesday's frightened facial features.

Wild irises like tarnished pennies stared hopelessly below tips of raven bangs. Wednesday lifted frantic wrists surrounded by soot stained peacock feathers. Shaky digits dotted with tar pigmented nail polish covered lips stained with pitch. Hailey's smile faded. Hailey faced forward. She lowered her mother's gun. Hailey snuck her mom's tiny boot pistol between plastic makeup cases. Lloyd lowered the fingers of his right hand. He studied a three foot plank extending from his knuckles. A nine millimeter hole was drilled through the tip of Lloyd's two by four.

Josh's skinny arms toppled off of his bony face. Josh looked up. Chalk tinted fingers extended from Josh's girlfriend's bell shaped sleeves. Digits decorated with raven acrylic hovered in front of Josh's tar spotted corneas. Champagne irises glared at Josh's panicked face below points of crow tinted eyebrows. Blueberry, plum, pomegranate, and cherry strands swung from Ivy's angry scalp. Tangerine stained lips peeled off of Ivy's gritted teeth.

"Get up, pussy!" Ivy barked. "We gotta get outta here!" Eyebrows like butterscotch flattened the peaks of Josh's tar tinted irises. Josh glided a quarter inch beebee between his long lips. He laid long, skinny fingers along Ivy's chalk tinted palms. Ivy dragged her boyfriend to his feet. Lloyd studied a hole adorning the end of his scalp striker. He detected a rubber platform hanging from Josh's skate shoe thumping his sneaker. Lloyd stared down a nine millimeter tunnel surrounded by phosphorescent pine. He stepped aside. Sometimes, Lloyd forgot how reckless his girlfriend could be.

Gwen watched blood spatter her cucumber illuminated fingers. Wet crimson trickled out of Gwen's tiny nostrils. Bodily fluid like tar trickled along pale digits decorated with blueberry nail polish. Drops of gold stared at claret soaked fingers from angry corneas. Gwen blew a raspberry. Hemoglobin soup erupted from Gwen's tangerine stained lips. Gwen soaked her palm and tiny fingers with crimson mist. Raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Gwen's top lip peeled off of blood soaked bicuspids.

"Fuuuck!" Gwen shrieked from cabernet stained mouth rims. Gwen lifted claret drenched digits above planks of shattered concrete. She slung cherry compote across points of jagged cement. Rubber platforms reflecting glass cleaner radiation parked beside Gwen's suede boots. Charcoal sneaker insteps were fashioned on top of dish soap mats. Sets of three diagonal bands were sutured to soot tinted foot sculptures. Slanted stripes phosphoresced the same color as neoprene shoe bases.

Gwen's pale cheek flattened along diamond spotted silk covering her left shoulder. Bright blue frames embellished soot tinted rhombuses below Gwen's pale face. Angry, gold faceted pupils stared from the peaks of Gwen's eye sockets. Rust discs two inches wide gazed from the lenses of Cole's glasses. Magnified pupils stared through circular crystals between plum and molasses fluffs. Cole studied blood soaked lips and nostrils poking out of Gwen's angry face.

"So fuckin' hawwwt, yo--" Cole groaned. Gwen lifted exhausted cheeks. She hammered mud shaded skirt ruffles with frustrated, blood soaked fists.

"Shut the fuck up, Cole!" Gwen shouted back. "And, help me up!!" Kyle's frantic fingers shoved a tomato tinted sleeve skirting Cole's bicep.

"Fool, we gotta jet!" Kyle screamed. "C'mon!" Kyle dropped beside Gwen. Kyle's knees crushed seaweed illuminated denim along wobbly concrete. Kyle reached behind Gwen's diamond spotted shoulder blades. Cole knelt beside the toes of Gwen's boots. He strapped his skinny arm segments around Gwen's slender knees. Kyle gripped Gwen's rhombus streaked biceps between his crow shrouded upper arms. He folded thick, walnut shaded wrists on top of Gwen's trim waist.

Kyle and Cole lifted Gwen's limp carcas off a floor made of cracked concrete. Gwen's slender shoulders collapsed along licorice fabric covering Kyle's pecks. Her aching skull flattened raven tinted scalp strands beside Kyle's neck. Gold droplets floated to the peaks of Gwen's eye sockets. Gwen studied pale skin protecting Kyle's lower jaw. Poorly illuminated nasal blood trickled below Kyle's chin. Claret runoff disappeared behind the collar of Kyle's raven black polo.

Blue jay shutters peeked between anonymous limbs hurrying towards the exit. Allie's pupils watched Hailey and Wednesday below tips of crow tinted bangs. Wednesday walked past her friend with her arms folded over her chest. Scraped up biceps surrounded by fisherman's net squeezed Wednesday's agitated ribs. Dejected wrists folded mournfully along the peaks of Wednesday's breasts. Wednesday bowed her head. Irises like sea ice stared at jagged concrete below Wednesday's raven tinted bangs. Hailey's pale fingers brushed cucumber skin between raven black knots. Wednesday yanked fishnet strapped elbows away from Hailey's tangerine dotted digits. Shoulders woven with nylon strands swiveled around the tip of Wednesday's spine. Bronze coated skin flaps peeled off of Wednesday's furious corneas.

"Don't touch me, you freak!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday stomped away using three inch, rubber spikes. Hailey's pale face swirled the direction her friend proceded. Glowing, tangerine filaments hammered Hailey's pale cheeks. Hailey's narrow chin rested along a blanket of navy blue yarn covering her shoulder. Hailey watched her friend trudge towards the parking lot. Allie studied gold plated ear pieces extending from the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Bronze tinted rods disappeared behind molten lava flowing down Hailey's temples. Glittering emeralds stared hopelessly below slender, caramel shaded eyebrows.

A couple of young ladies and a youthful male were dancing next to Hailey. Allie figured the people beside Hailey were on ecstasy. They were not disturbed by gunfire. And, they continued grooving with repeating sounds that barely resembled music. A feminine arm dressed in ivory silk brushed Hailey's quarter inch hip stripes. Hailey looked beside her. A soft face poking out of chestnut curls swiveled in time with continuous triangle boops. The young lady searched Hailey's cucumber tinted cheeks. Her neon orange lips smiled below irises like tar droplets. Hailey detected the young lady's slender wrist grazing her glowing tuchus stripes. Tiny hairs along the back of Hailey's neck stood on end. Pomegranate ocular flaps covered Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey tilted magma hair strands between her indigo wrapped shoulders.

"haaa--" Hailey purred. Hailey lifted the toes of her right foot off shards of broken cement. She cycled her feet like she was riding a bicycle in reverse. She lifted wrists shrouded with blueberry yarn tubes in front of her chest. She arranged her palms so that they were facing each other. She glided neon stamped fingers across the surface of an invisible ball. Lighted hoops like lime, tangerine, and plum swooped from blueberry yarn surrounding Hailey's neck.

A shoulder cloaked in navy blue yarn swiveled during peaks of triangle waves. Hailey's upper arm sanded a bicep wrapped with glass cleaner silk. Hailey's hips glided up and down in time with percussive thuds. Hailey's striped hind cheeks buffed velvet butt sheets swiveling behind her. Lloyd parked next to Hailey. He watched his girlfriend dancing with nonsensical boops and cymbal clanks. He suspended a hunk of wood in front of his face. Lloyd's coal shaded iris studied molten filaments through a nine millimeter hole.

"Hailey??" Lloyd called. Hailey swirled on tips of hapless tootsies. She outlined sphere shaped space in front of blueberry yarn covering her chest. She grinded against an unknown lady dancing behind her. Lloyd looked beside him. He chunked his two by four. A lengthy, pine plank crashed into rusted tin skinning the warehouse. Lloyd watched his girlfriend's cucumber illuminated legs cycling. Hips strapped with bright blue streaks followed "S" patterns above naked knees. Hailey's tuchus ridges polished a tulip tinted skirt strapping alien butt mounds. Lloyd watched magma filaments scorching his girlfriend's avocado cheeks.

"Hailey!!" Lloyd shouted. Hailey's facial curves swiveled above indigo neck fleece. Raspberry eyelids peeled off of emeralds embellishing Hailey's corneas. Jade facets studied Lloyd's chocolate hair strands through silicate rectangles. Hailey's carnation waxed lips formed an indulgent smile.

"Hi, babyyy--" Hailey hummed. Hailey's dance partner grinded dish soap shoulder silk against her blueberry spinal yarn. Hailey detected the young lady's hiny humps grating her twerking ass puffs. Alien backside pillows kneaded Hailey's striped biscuits using bubble gum velvet. Hailey tilted molten lava between her shifting scapulas. She wrinkled raspberry dusted eye flaps on top of her emerald eye shutters. "awww, fuuuck--" Hailey groaned. Lloyd watched his gratified girlfriend exploring the body of an unknown female. Shiny coals studied Hailey's oscillating breasts through a chocolate fountain. Lloyd squeezed impatient lips together. He turned and headed towards the exit.

Allie watched Lloyd wander off. She tracked half inch, porcelain bands decorating Lloyd's t-shirt. Lloyd's trunk stripes disappeared between strangers approaching the parking lot. Allie's champagne cheeks swiveled above a flamingo scarf concealing her slender neck. Allie's tiny fingers were strapped around teal silk covering her right bicep. Allie's right hand fingers rested along charcoal elastic coating her hips. Pitch shaded lips stained with crimson beeswax uncovered Allie's bright blue teeth. Allie exhaled a nervous breath. Allie's black, leather flats wandered in front of Hailey's lime green toenails. Allie watched Hailey polishing a lady's silk strapped body curves. Hailey's shoulders, back, and butt sanded unknown shoulder blades and hind flesh. Allie folded forearms wrapped in teal silk on top of her chest.

"Hailey!" Allie shouted. Hailey slithered like a snake. She glided her feet across concrete points like she was pedaling a bike. Allie studied pale skin forming Hailey's wandering facial features. Allie stepped towards Hailey's kiwi ornamented toes. She balanced on leather points formed along the ends of her flats. She smacked her palms together. "Hailey, snap out of it!!" Allie shrieked. Hailey froze. Pomegranate eye flaps peeled off of emeralds attached to Hailey's corneas. Hailey stared at blue jay irises hanging from Allie's crow tinted bangs. Allie studied Hailey's saucer shaped pupils. She folded apprehensive arm segments on top of her stomach.

"I-I'm sorry," Allie squeezed out. Allie swallowed rubbery spit. "I'm-- sorry those ass-holes did this to you." Hailey's dance companion shuffled against her indigo fleeced scapulas. Hailey flattened undressed foot soles along jagged concrete. She straightened anxious shoulders above her jittery hip curves. She gazed into Allie's skittish eye shutters. She glided ravenous finger ridges up and down striped fabric gripping her thighs. She licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips. Hailey exhaled a heavy breath. She noticed her heart thumping her ribs.

"I'm-- so sorry--" Allie explained. Hailey studied satin palm puffs protecting the surface of her left hand. She lifted dermis pillows phosphorescing the color of cucumber meat. She dragged blueberry pigmented sweater fleece away from her wrist. She flattened her right hand fingers along velvet dermis protecting her forearm ligaments. Allie sighed. "What those guys did to Wednesdayyy--" Allie groaned. Allie searched Hailey's emerald eye facets. Hailey's jade embellished irises studied tangerine spotted digits gripping her wrist. Allie scoured strands of molten lava erupting from Hailey's scalp. She shook her head.

"Hailey, I'm-- I'm so sorry!" Allie shouted above ridiculous DJ boops. Hailey's pulse hammered the inner surfaces of her fingers. Hailey's neon dotted palm shafts felt like they were being struck with beebees. Hailey studied points of broken cement between kiwi caps decorating her toes. She checked clammy skin forming her face and throat. Hailey's soft neck and pale cheeks were soaked with sweat. Allie watched Hailey pat saline droplets coating her forehead and temples. She inhaled musty air. "You look like shit," Allie remarked. "You should drink some water." Hailey looked up. She lowered fingers decorated with tangerine nail polish beside dish soap hip stripes. She scattered steaming sweat droplets coating carrot skin nail dots.

"I'm-- sorry I pushed you down the stairs, today," Hailey responded. Allie's blue jay irises gazed at Hailey's emerald eye shutters.

"Oh, my gawwwd--" Allie croaked. Allie licked poorly lit crimson beeswax staining lips. "You-- really hurt me a while ago, Hailey." Allie outlined aching biceps and ribs using tangerine speckled digits. "Like, I'm *still* really sore. My kneeees--" Allie motioned towards the base of her elastic pencil skirt. "My knees are killing me." Hailey's eyes wrinkled. Caramel tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Hailey's nose. Hailey flicked droplets of sweat off of her ultraviolet illuminated digits.

Hailey reached beside the curves of Allie's pale face. She glided ginger fingers along velvet neck dermis under Allie's charcoal hair strands. Peach stained eye flaps covered Allie's blue jay irises. Tiny hairs stood up along the back of Allie's neck. Allie nuzzled her cheek against Hailey's soothing palm flesh. She soaked up Hailey's calming throat strokes. Hailey studied Allie's soft facial features. She licked carnation pigmented gloss coating her lips.

"You gotta get outta here," Hailey remarked. She inhaled a frosty breath. "If your friends see you talking to me--" Allie glided fingers spotted with orange peel on top of Hailey's tranquilizing digits. She flattened grateful cheek flesh on top of Hailey's thick palm dermis. Hailey searched apricot stained ocular flaps below Allie's bangs. She smiled. Allie peeled eyelids like sweet potato flesh off of blue jay irises. She gazed into Hailey's emerald eye shutters. She nodded. She squeezed Hailey's sedating fingers against her velvet cheek skin. She lowered Hailey's avocado illuminated digits beside her glass cleaner skirt streaks. She swiveled on leather flats sutured with dish soap stitches. She headed for the exit. Hailey watched Allie wander near a collection of frantic teenagers. She sucked up musty warehouse gasses.

"You can do better than her!" Hailey shouted. Allie froze. She balanced on rubber mats attached to the her cow hide footwear. Allie folded nervous wrists on top of teal silk covering her stomach. She swallowed nervous spit. She resumed walking. She disappeared within a swarm of people funneling into the parking lot. Hailey looked beside her. She studied a pale plank of wood resting against the edge of the building. She figured the hunk of cellulose was the two by four Lloyd used to beat Josh. Hailey looked around. She searched a crowd of people piling through a set of double doors.

A cancer stick extended from Lloyd's thick, ham tinted lips. A tube the color of cream soda dangled from salmon meat protecting Lloyd's teeth. Lloyd's cigarette filter paper was decorated with spots like eighth inch beans. A quartz column two and a half inches long emerged from pumpkin pie tissue paper. Ivory tinted ash hung from a tangerine coal singing Lloyd's coffin nail. A talc shaded whirlpool erupted from an ember consuming a tobacco pencil. Dark chocolate knots were suspended from the peak of Lloyd's forehead. Espresso fluffs tickled the apples of Lloyd's walnut cheeks. Molasses chops like patches of felt outlined Lloyd's jaws. Lloyd's thick neck extended from a hoop shaped t-shirt collar. Licorice and cement stripes hung from an elastic band framing Lloyd's throat.

Lloyd flattened striped shoulder blades against rusted warehouse tin. Thighs and calves surrounded by charcoal denim formed apexes in front of Lloyd's chest. Rubber mats hanging from Lloyd's sloppy sneakers flattened along faded gravel. Hoards of frightened teenagers trampled cracked pavement beside Lloyd's right shoulder. Strangers escaped open double doors overlooking ultraviolet radiation. Lloyd lifted the fingers of his left hand. The heels of Hailey's flats dangled from Lloyd's thick digits. Vinyl insteps below a dim lamp shrouding Lloyd's scalp appeared the color of camel fur. Blueberry stained felt framed the rims of Hailey's limestone footwear. Tiny, lace bows were fashioned above toe coverings forged from artificial leather.

Lloyd rested his right elbow along charcoal denim cloaking his thigh. He relaxed masculine cheek flesh along concrete and licorice shoulder stripes. Lloyd glided walnut tinted fingers between espresso strands hanging from his forehead. Chocolate hair fluffs lifted off drops of tar stuck to Lloyd's corneas. Lloyd rotated his left wrist. He studied camel tinted mats fastened to the bottoms of Hailey's flats. Rubber shoe soles the color of pine were shaped like glass soda bottles.

Hailey squeezed between a frame of rusted tin and an unknown lady's upper arm. Lemon, lime, tangerine, and strawberry bicep hoops grazed Hailey's yarn wrapped shoulder. Hailey rested tiny digits poking out of her sweater sleeve between sheet metal folds. Hailey balanced on the balls of her feet beside strangers exiting the building. Hailey's pale face rotated above a blueberry mountain. Chardonnay, scotch, and plum glow hoops dangled from Hailey's fleece neck covering. Rhombus shaped crystals rested along Hailey's swiveling cheeks. Carrot, cheddar, and queso filaments swung from Hailey's scalp like a figure skater skirt. Ginger hair fluffs battered Hailey's rose dusted cheeks.

Quarter inch bands descended from a leather hoop below Hailey's sweater. Licorice and vanilla pudding stripes stretched around Hailey's waist and hips. Coffee and cream dress streaks caved and continued above Hailey's knees. Hailey's purse dangled from her right shoulder. A transparent, plastic hand bag rested along the edge of Hailey's striped pencil skirt. Sparkling emeralds floated on long, mascara coated lashes below apricot eyebrows. Hailey spotted her boyfriend from lower corners of tiny window panes. Emerald shutters focused on cocoa extrusions sprouting from Lloyd's scalp.

Hailey dropped to her knees beside her boyfriend. Hailey's pale shins and insteps spanned pebbles cemented with tar. Graphite and ivory hip stripes collected beside charcoal denim covering Lloyd's thigh. Hailey strapped blueberry arm segments around concrete stripes coating Lloyd's chest. Lloyd jumped. Thick, masculine digits glided out of Lloyd's chocolate forehead strands. Hailey crushed apricot temple filaments on top of Lloyd's espresso scalp strands. Lloyd's ocular coals studied carrot shavings between cocoa forehead fluffs. Lloyd reached above molten lava pouring out of Hailey's rear scalp. Lloyd's first and second fingers yanked a cigarette away from his lips. Lloyd's exhaled a dash of quartz tinted mist. He tapped the body of his coffin nail. Ash like porcelain toppled off of Lloyd's smoldering cancer tube.

"Damn," Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd plopped a cellulose cylinder between his lips. He swiveled muscular arm segments above the back of Hailey's neck. He rested his bicep and wrist along the peaks of Hailey's shoulder blades. "You scared me, honey bunches," Lloyd reflected. A cheerful chuckle escaped Hailey's menthol coated lips. Lloyd's fingertips descended between Hailey's thick collar and her upper vertebrae. Lloyd's masculine digits compressed steaming hot droplets coating Hailey's spinal flesh. Hailey's saline coated neck hide was cold and clammy. Lloyd's knuckles detected sweltering humidity venting from Hailey's body.

"Whoa, jeez--" Lloyd croaked. Lloyd glided gentle digits down Hailey's sherbet and sweet potato scalp strands. "Hailey-- look at me, real quick," Lloyd instructed. Hailey lifted her cheek off of cement and graphite stripes blanketing her boyfriend's shoulder. Hailey's pale precipice balanced on a mountain of blueberry yarn surrounding her throat. Lloyd stroked Hailey's soft, ginger tinted locks. He studied his girlfriend's face. Soft skin protecting Hailey's forehead and cheeks was the color of sidewalk. Hailey's faded facial dermis was spotted with droplets of ice cold sweat. Tiny panes of glass in front of Hailey's emerald irises were stained with fog.

"Ohhh, Haileyyy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd dropped Hailey's shoes on charcoal denim covering his lap. He flattened his palm along sopping wet skin forming his girlfriend's cheek. "Baby, you don't look so good." Lloyd's fingers and thumb gripped a gold plated stick extending from Hailey's glasses. Lloyd slipped Hailey's spectacles away from her eyes and ears. Hailey's tangerine capped fingers gripped Lloyd's half inch shoulder bands. She lifted herself off of her boyfriend's slate streaked ribs. She rested the fingers of her right hand along raven jean knots covering Lloyd's thigh. She exhaled a steamy breath between her carnation glossed lips.

"W-Where's Wednesday?" Hailey demanded. Lloyd crushed a rectangular crystal between shirt stripes covering his thick fingers. He swabbed eye fog and droplets of sweat off the lens of his girlfriend's eyewear. He looked into Hailey's emerald irises. He searched a space beside parked cars. He pointed out broken, dimly lit pavement using the top of his head.

"She's hiding over there," Lloyd explained. "I'm watching her." Hailey studied crumbling asphalt beside an old, worn out telephone pole. A cedar post erupted from broken gravel next to a steel structure. The crooked electrical pole bowed above a waist high fence made from four inch tubing. A stainless steel slat dangled from a faded, cellulose strut. A lens the size of a mixing bowl hung from a telephone pole extension.

Every three to five seconds, a glass dome suspended from a twisted upright flashed. Radiation the color of lime juice illuminated an area between four inch pipes. Hailey spotted raven tinted locks formed around her friend's heart shaped face. Wednesday's slender shoulders were visible below soot shaded strands eclipsing her neck. Hailey looked beside her. Lloyd studied two by one inch lenses dangling from his left hand fingers. He looked into his girlfriend's eyes.

"I thought you were gonna shoot me there for a second," Lloyd remarked. Hailey searched chunks of chocolate concealing her boyfriend's face. Apricot brows flattened the peaks of Hailey's eye sockets. Hailey snatched her glasses from Lloyd's thick digits. She scrambled to her feet. She glided gold plated dowels over the top half of her face. Lloyd raised bewildered palms. He watched biscuits strapped with quarter inch stripes wander beside his sneakers.

"Whoa!" Lloyd grumbled. "Haaailey!" Lloyd snagged blueberry felt framing his girlfriend's flats. He shoved himself to his feet. He stumbled across unstable asphalt. He offered Hailey her vinyl foot coverings. Hailey looked beside her left bicep. She paused on kiwi spotted toes. Lloyd parked next to his girlfriend's apprehensive tootsies. He snagged his cigarette using the thumb and index finger of his right hand. Hailey snatched one of her shoes. "Forgot about those," Hailey remarked. Hailey patted dust caking her right foot with the fingers of her left hand. Evening gasses below a crooked telephone pole were cool and dark. Wednesday's pale face glowed like the moon at night.

Wednesday's pearl tinted precipice emerged between raven tinted drapes. Wednesday's tiny chin and apple shaped cheeks floated above her long, slender neck. Wednesday's raven black bangs grazed bronze tinted makeup coating her eyelids. Wednesday's charcoal brows flattened caverns formed beneath her eye sockets. Wednesday's raven tinted eye stripes pointed at the bridge of her nose. Irritated irises like shards of ice stared below points of angry eyebrows. Wednesday's tiny nose poked out of her porcelain facial features. Disgusted lips soaked with ruby beeswax formed a hideous scowl below Wednesday's nostrils.

Wednesday sat on her knees. A length of horizontal, four inch pipe extended in front of Wednesday's chest. Wednesday's arm rested along a surface of dimly lit tubing. Wednesday's scraped up bicep extended from her lacerated shoulder. One inch skin discs were visible between raven knots wrapping Wednesday's upper arm. Pipe rust sanded quarter sized flesh dots spanning the underside of Wednesday's wrist. Pale skin protecting Wednesday's knuckles extended from raven tinted peacock feathers. Wednesday's palm and fingertips spanned jagged tool marks formed along four inch tubing. A cigarette extended from a space between Wednesday's first and second fingers. Raven tinted acrylic coated Wednesday's tiny fingernails.

An ivory shaded paper column poked out of a gap separating Wednesday's tiny digits. A tissue wrapped tobacco tube emerged from gold hoops a quarter inch wide. A luminescent rim the color of grapefruit peel adorned the end of Wednesday's cigarette. Coils of mist escaped an ash extension like a pencil eraser. A column of raven black denim shrank around Wednesday's tiny waist. Sand paper fabric stretched over Wednesday's hip curves and formed around her thighs. Wednesday's denim wrapped hiny rested along black, leather heel cuffs. Wednesday's upper legs crushed raven textile along shiny cow hide strapping her calves. Three inch rubber spikes poked out below charcoal denim coating Wednesday's backside. Toes of black, leather boots extended from spaces below Wednesday's hips.

Wednesday's hand bag rested along raven tinted denim spanning her lap. A vinyl surface the color of pearl was decorated with floral brush strokes. Paintings of ivory geraniums, royal blue daffodils, banana yellow begonias, and radish tinted amaranths embellished the surface of Wednesday's purse. The fingers of Wednesday's free hand gripped flower decorated vinyl cloaking her thighs. Wednesday noticed rubber mats fastened to Hailey's flats scattering loose gravel. Bronze coated skin flaps collapsed in front of Wednesday's ice tinted irises. Impatient lips opened below the tip of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday exhaled an irritated breath.

"Can I get-- a single moment-- of peace?" Wednesday demanded. Hailey's tiny butt crushed quarter inch stripes along vise marks scoring four inch tubing. Hailey lowered her right foot. A rubber mat the color of limestone pointed beside a vinyl instep. Hailey froze. Radiation like pickle juice illuminated the twisted telephone pole area. Cream tinted bands strapped around Hailey's thighs glowed the color of limeade. Buttermilk calves extending from Hailey's skirt illuminated like pistachio meat. Carrot shaded locks sprouting from Hailey's scalp lit up like a yellow highlighter. Pale skin poking out of Wednesday's face reflected cucumber luminescence. Spots of flesh showing between Wednesday's sweater holes repeated highlighter radiation.

A glass dome emanating lime green light faded to black. Hailey knelt down beside her friend. Hailey's tiny hiny compressed cream and coffee bands along camel stained heel vinyl. Midnight wrist yarn rested along quarter inch stripes spanning Hailey's lap. Hailey's pale face studied Wednesday's frosty irises above blueberry shoulder fleece. Cheddar and sherbet strands framing Hailey's ivory cheeks were shaded like pumpkin pie. Hailey's emerald irises focused on raven black strands above Wednesday's frustrated eyes. Jade shutters gazed through rectangular panes spotted with droplets of sweat.

Hailey reached beside her left hand hip stripes. Tiny digits poking out of Hailey's sweater sleeve landed on Wednesday's shoulder. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers gripped a velvet skin knob. Wednesday's creamy shoulder was bundled with raven tinted fisherman's net. Heat from Wednesday's satin flesh radiated between one inch sweater sleeve openings. Wednesday jumped. She swiveled her nylon strapped deltoid away from her friend's frisky digits. She shook angry fists in front of her disgusted face. She squeezed agitated teeth between ruby stained lips.

"Don't-- touch me!!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday stared coldly below points of downturned eyebrows. She gnashed irritated molars like she was chewing rubber. "Don't fucking touch me!" Hailey's apprehensive palm shafts floated above her friend's shoulder. Hailey returned anxious fingers to her lap. Wednesday funneled air into her tiny nostrils. She exhaled a shaky breath between ruby red lips. She lifted her cigarette beside deltoid fisherman's net. She raked a raven black thumbnail across a cellulose brick stuffed into her cancer stick. A shower of tiny sparks escaped the tip of Wednesday's coffin nail. Hailey studied the rim of her friend's face. Wednesday stared into space. She mashed trembling lips together. Wednesday's porcelain cheeks swiveled, subtly. Irises like sea ice wandered to the corners of Wednesday's trembling corneas.

Wednesday gazed at emeralds behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Hailey stared into her friend's frosty eye shutters. She blinked. Wednesday breathed out an uneasy sigh. Her bitter precipice collapsed along her friend's shoulder. Wednesday's temple crushed Hailey's blueberry shoulder yarn below raven tinted strands. Wednesday's bronze coated eyelids squeezed shut. Hailey reached behind fisherman's net spanning her friend's shoulder blades. A blueberry bicep and wrist collapsed along Wednesday's buttery scapula dermis. Hailey's fingers soothed nylon stranded skin protecting Wednesday's collar bone.

Hailey's saline soaked face tilted. Her temple crushed pumpkin tinted locks along Wednesday's raven scalp filaments. Wednesday shuddered below a canopy forged from Hailey's ginger head hair. A burst of pickle radiation illuminated the area below the crooked telephone pole. Hailey and Wednesday's faces lit up like lime juice under carrot and charcoal caverns. Hailey studied a length of pipe suspended in front of her and her friend. Four inch diameter tubing was coated with rust and tool mark spirals. Light the color of cucumber flesh flickered off.

Hailey dragged tangerine nails across raven fishnet gripping her friend's soft skin. The ends of Hailey's digits descended between crossing lines of elastic. Hailey's tiny fingertips sank into Wednesday's dimly lit flesh. Hailey's pale cheeks wandered to the back of Wednesday's scalp. Hailey's eyes rolled back. Her raspberry eyelids covered empty eye whites. Hailey caressed her friend's satin dermis. She exhaled a gratified breath. Wednesday's bronze stained eyelids separated. Wednesday blinked. Wednesday's face swiveled above Hailey's indigo fleeced shoulder. Wednesday's teal irises climbed to the tops of her eye sockets. Wednesday listened to her friend's erotic breathing. Wednesday's long, slender eyebrows climbed her forehead below raven bangs. Wednesday's ruby red lips lifted off of parted teeth.

"H-Hailey!" Wednesday squawked. Hailey snapped out of a daze. Hailey's emerald eyes popped open.

"Mph--" Hailey barked. Hailey swiveled clammy cheeks. She flapped raspberry coated eyelids. She lifted her face off of raven strands sprouting from Wednesday's scalp. "Huh?" Hailey requisitioned. Wednesday lifted her pale face. She flattened pitched capped digits below Hailey's armpit. She shoved her friend's ribs. Hailey's upper body toppled like a shaken radio tower. Hailey plopped startled palms along loose pebbles beside her hip. Cheeks wrapped with quarter inch stripes slipped off of Hailey's heels. Hailey's hiny mounds flattened cream and coffee streaks on top of unfastened gravel. Hailey's head swiveled like a top. Her emerald irises stared at Wednesday above blueberry yarn covering her shoulder. Wednesday glared at her friend's ivory facial features. Impatient eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose.

"Hailey, what-- is the matter with you??" Wednesday snapped. Wednesday shook angry fingers in front of peacock feathers cloaking her tiny breasts. "Why are you doing that?" Hailey lifted pale digits poking out of her sweater sleeve. She raised tangerine fingertips beside a blueberry yarn tube surrounding her bicep.

"Wednesday-- I'm on drugs," Hailey explained. Hailey licked carnation gloss coating her lips. "I don't know-- what the fuck I'm doing. I'm sorry!" Wednesday studied her friend's pale cheeks. Hailey's porcelain facial dermis was coated with droplets of sweat. Wednesday searched Hailey's blueberry fleeced trunk. Hailey's tiny tits shuffled on peaks of heavy breaths. Hailey shoved winded butt streaks away from sharp pebbles. She rested stripe coated cheeks along camel stained vinyl wrapping her heels. She plopped agitated fingers along cream and coffee striations stretched across her lap. Wednesday observed Hailey's brash behavior. She exhaled a heavy breath.

"Jesus, Hailey," Wednesday remarked. "You look like shit." Wednesday ditched her cigarette. She adjusted her purse strap along the end of her shoulder. She lifted fingers decorated with raven black nail polish beside Hailey's shoulders. Wednesday's pale digits crushed navy blue yarn on top of Hailey's biceps. "C'mon--" Wednesday instructed. Wednesday lifted her denim wrapped behind off of black leather protecting crossed ankles. She nudged her friend's shoulders towards ancient cedar curled above her scalp.

"Let's go get you something to drink." Hailey's shoulders squeezed a blueberry neck mountain. Lime, tangerine, and plum glow hoops transformed into oblong ellipses. Hailey shifted her stripe decorated hiny along the heels of her flats. She lifted midnight fleeced arm segments above her friend's raven scalp locks. She secured tangerine spotted fingertips along her friend's fishnet wrapped deltoid. Wednesday helped Hailey to her feet. The girls stepped over a horizontal strut made from rusted, four inch pipe.

Chapter 8: "Going for a Ride"
Table of Contents

Allie slept along carpet fluffs the color of slate. A space between the edge of Gwen's bed and the wall was just big enough for napping. The gap next to Gwen's bed was dimly lit. Allie's peaceful precipice sank into the surface of a velvet cushion. A puddle forged from Allie's cheek skin surrounded the edge of her face. Ends of crow tinted bangs hovered a quarter inch above Allie's eye sockets. Allie's drooping eyelids dangled lazily in front of her exhausted corneas. Allie's long lashes folded loosely beyond surfaces of blue jay irises.

The apples of Allie's dimly lit cheeks were shaded the color of caramel. The tip of Allie's tiny nose extended above her open mouth. An upper lip the color of strawberry flesh formed a peak above Allie's teeth. Parted bicuspids were visible below oral flesh pointing at Allie's nostrils. Allie's soft shoulders poked out of tank top shoulder straps. Elastic bands like crow feathers descended from Allie's deltoids. The body of a charcoal top was suspended between Allie's shoulder blades.

Allie's cream colored shoulders surrounded her slender neck. Fingers spotted with tangerine nail polish curled above Allie's breasts. Allie's ribs crushed her tiny tits along slate tinted carpet strands. Hind cheeks like peanut butter erupted from the base of Allie's tank top. Crow stained lace descended between Allie's pale tuchus ridges. Black panty ruffles stretched over Allie's crotch and the crack of her hiny. Cream soda thighs extended from caramel buttocks. Undressed kneecaps sank into carpet fluffs like sand paper. Allie's heels erupted from the ends of her pale calves. The tops of Allie's feet flattened along peaks of slate tinted tufts. The bottoms of Allie's toes bunched below stacks of plantar flesh.

Crow tinted strands hanging from Allie's scalp rested along her soft cheek. Gwen's tiny fingers appeared between Allie's shoulders. Digits dotted with blueberry acrylic sank between soot filaments shrouding Allie's face. Furious nightcrawlers squeezed into the shape of a fist. Walnut ocular flaps uncovered blue jay eye shutters above Allie's cheek bones. Frightened skin flaps sank into Allie's eye sockets. Allie exhaled a panicked breath.

"Ah!" Allie shouted. "What the fuck?!" Gwen's tightened digits lifted Allie's face off of a velvet pillow surface. A fist hanging from Gwen's free arm collided with Allie's cheek. "Ohhh!" Allie shrieked. Gwen battered Allie's soft face flesh. "AHH!" Allie barked. Gwen popped Allie in the lips. ""Paaaa--!" Allie belched. Gwen's tiny fingers released chin length strands attached to Allie's scalp. Allie's aching cheeks burrowed into a silk cushion.

Gwen's undressed calves surrounded Allie's. Gwen shifted backwards on the surfaces of her insteps and knees. Dimly lit thighs extending from Gwen's kneecaps followed her lower legs. Pale upper legs carried ass cheeks divided by raven black panties. A coal tinted teddy draped Gwen's upper body. See through silk hung from Gwen's upper arms, shoulder blades, and the arch of her back. Biceps and forearms shaded like caramel extended from the sleeves of Gwen's sleep wear. Gwen shuffled down the edges of Allie's legs using her palms and insteps. Fingers dotted with blueberry nail polish extended from Gwen's pale knuckles.

Raven black strands dangled beside Gwen's caramel cheeks. Irises like drops of gold traced the curves of Allie's thighs and calves. The heels of Gwen's palms surrounded the ends of Allie's lower legs. Gwen's fingers squeezed shut around Allie's ankles. Gwen dragged Allie towards the end of her bed. Allie's tank top shrouded tits glided across slate tinted carpet fluffs. Allie's tangerine fingernails clawed passing floor tufts. Allie exhaled panicked puffs between gritted incisors. Gwen dragged Allie around the corner of her mattress. She dropped Allie on her face beside the foot of her bed. Allie flattened along slate stained floor grass. Allie breathed out short breaths.

"AH! AH! AHH! AHH!" Allie gripped graphite carpet fibers with the ends of her tiny fingers. She looked towards Gwen's bedroom door. Kyle and Cole's undressed toes pointed at her. Allie's blue jay irises climbed hair curtains hanging from Cole and Kyle's legs. Allie's pupils searched keratin coils poking out of wrinkled testicle sacks. Cocks the size of smoked sausages erupted from the boys' undressed crotches. Curly hair patches covered spaces above Kyle and Cole's erect peckers. Allie's frightened eyes followed ridges of muscular abs above Kyle's hips. Cole's stomach was hairy and slim. Pecks decorated with patches of chestnut hair rested above Kyle's taught belly. Bony ribs poked through the edges of Cole's thin chest.

Bourbon irises stared below pumpkin pie curls framing Kyle's scalp. Two inch rust slivers gazed through circular crystals near the top of Cole's face. Cole's long, slender lips formed the shape of a grin. The soles of Gwen's feet flattened between the end of her bed and Allie's heels. Toes spotted with blueberry caps pointed at Allie's slender ankles. Gwen bent over. Blueberry spotted fingers crushed crow tinted fabric above Allie's butt. Allie squirmed.

"Gwen! What the fuck are you doing?!" Allie demanded. Gwen lifted Allie's waist off of slate carpet near the edge of her mattress.

"Shut the fuck up, you lying cunt!" Gwen shouted back. Kyle bent over next to Allie's face. Cole reached beside Allie's calves. Kyle yanked Allie's wrists off of the floor. Cole's skinny fingers squeezed shut around Allie's ankles. Cole, Gwen, and Kyle slung Allie over the end of Gwen's bed. Allie plopped down on a mattress covered with charcoal stained sheets.

"Ah! Ah!" Allie exhaled from trembling lips. Allie's tangerine capped fingers squeezed coal tinted bed decorations. Allie's heels sank into a foam mattress topper. Allie scrambled near the head of Gwen's bed. She flattened on top of granite shaded wall paint. Hot crimson trickled out of Allie's tiny nostrils. Allie's cheek bones throbbed. Allie's battered lips swelled like balloons. Kyle slithered onto charcoal fabric covering Gwen's sleeping surface. Cole's hair wrapped knee points sank into mattress foam. Cole's scrawny digits dragged his bony body across the surface of Gwen's bed. Cole's nightcrawler fingers surrounded Allie's tangerine spotted toes. Cole grabbed a hold of Allie's skinny ankles.

"Cole!" Allie shouted. "You fuck!" Cole dragged Allie's undressed cheeks across cold fabric covering Gwen's mattress. He glided Allie's calves and thighs between his knees. Allie's blue jay eye shutters gazed into Cole's rust tinted irises. Two inch pennies stared between Cole's sawdust and molasses hair fluffs. Cole's slender fingers gripped loose flesh surrounding Allie's hips. Kyle flattened his naked shins above Allie's scalp. Kyle's fat cock extended above Allie's blue raspberry eye shutters.

Allie gritted rows of terrified teeth. She attempted to shift her thighs away from Cole's scrawny digits. Kyle strapped masculine knuckle shafts around Allie's slender wrists. He lifted Allie's fingers above her head. Tendons controlling Allie's biceps and wrists stretched to their limits. Allie tightened frantic carpal extensions spotted with tangerine acrylic. She squeezed her palms against the edges of Kyle's fingers and thumbs.

"AHH!!" Allie squeezed between clenched incisors. Gwen climbed over the edge of her mattress. Gwen's undressed shins sank into sheet covered foam beside Allie's hips. Gwen's pale ass cheeks rested on her heels. Sadistic bicuspids showed between Gwen's grinning lips. Gwen chuckled. Allie watched Gwen's excited fingers. Tiny digits decorated with blueberry dots collapsed along Allie's tank top straps. Gwen stretched crow tinted shoulder harnesses away from Allie's chest. Allie's shirt slivers popped like straining rubber bands. Allie's chest swiveled like cigarette smoke. Allie struggled to free her wrists from Kyle's thick fingers.

Gwen stretched the body of Allie's tank top away from her chest and waist. Soot tinted elastic tore off of Allie's tiny tits. The base of Allie's shirt released the edges of her trim stomach. Nipples like chocolate chips extended from Allie's tomato sized breasts. Allie's tiny navel was visible above the waist of her black, lace panties. Allie's blue jay irises glared at Gwen's hateful precipice. Points of crow tinted eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Allie's nose.

Cole squeezed Allie's knees between his bony leg hinges. Cole's slender digits gripped crow tinted lace surrounding Allie's hips. Cole dragged Allie's panties down thick flesh protecting her thigh joints. He glided transparent elastic over the surfaces of Allie's upper legs. Allie's head tilted back. Crow tinted strands dangled between Allie's straining shoulders. Allie's terrified eyelids squeezed together. Allie's swollen lips peeled apart.

"AAHHHHHH!!" Allie shrieked. Allie gritted horrified teeth. "What are you-- fuckers doing to me??! What did I do!?!" Gwen tossed remnants of Allie's top along slate carpet fluffs covering the floor. She glided furious digits between crow tinted strands dangling from Allie's scalp. She squeezed her blueberry spotted fingers into a fist. She stared at Allie's blue jay tinted irises.

"We all saw you talking to her, Allie!" Gwen shouted back. "Don't act dumb." Gwen slapped Allie across the face. Bones below the beginnings of Gwen's digits collided with Allie's soft cheek.

"Ah!" Allie barked. Gwen stretched Allie's terrified precipice away from her neck. She glared at irises like blue gelatin dessert.

"I *know* you're dumb," Gwen continued. She shook her head. "But, you don't have to act like it." Allie's wiggling wrists extended from Kyle's thick fingers. Kyle's bourbon eye shutters stared above the tip of Cole's bony shoulder. Pumpkin pie smears lifted above Kyle's eye sockets. Ham tinted mouth rims opened below the tip of Kyle's swollen nostrils.

"Ho-ly fuuuck--" Kyle groaned. Quarter sized pupils floated to the tops of Cole's glasses lenses. Two inch pennies focused on Kyle's agitated precipice. Cole looked above his lanky shoulder points. Images of solemn eyelids collapsed along the tops and bottoms of Cole's irises. Cole's slender lips peeled apart.

"Fuuuck, yo--" Cole grumbled. Gwen's blueberry capped fingers wiggled Allie's skull above the end of her spine. Hazel irises studied Allie's face below the points of Gwen's angry eyebrows. Sadistic lips formed a terrifying grin along the lower edge of Gwen's face. Gwen looked towards her bedroom door. Her smile faded. Allie stretched crow tinted hair strands away from Gwen's fingertips. Frustrated eyelids peeled off of blue jay shutters adorning Allie's corneas. Allie looked around. She lifted her head above undressed tits poking out of her ribs. She stared at something across the room.

Peaks of slender forearms sank into a pillow strapped with a raven black sham. Surfaces of pale wrists reflected tomato tinted radiation. Tips of tiny fingers and mounds of palm flesh glowed the color of lady bug wings. Acrylic caps like drops of tar spotted surfaces opposite poppy illuminated hand flesh. Raven tinted quilt fluffs wadded underneath buttermilk biceps refracting tomato glints. Pale belly flesh extended from the lower edge of a pitch tinted bed spread. A tiny navel sank into a slender stomach phosphorescing like rose petals.

Thighs wrapped in crumpled pajama bottoms extended from curves of soft hips. Black, flannel knots embellished with talcum grid lines eclipsed restless knees. A right hand lower limb escaped an elastic waist band and remained perfectly straight. An opposing upper leg reached below the left edge of a slim stomach. Agitated thighs sank into a mattress fitted with a crow tinted sheet. Slender calves reflecting tomato radiation emerged from wool leg drapes. A right hand lower leg stretched a dimly lit heel above a mattress edge. Toes dotted with raven acrylic emerged from an instep refracting poppy radiation. A bowling pin calf was folded below a left knee wrapped with wads of pajama britches. The sole of a soft foot flattened flannel knots below taught knee ligaments.

A wire frame shelf hovered beside a chrome plated bed post. A black, plastic case the size of a butter dish spanned mirror tinted dowels. Light the color of pool water poured out of illuminated liquid crystals. The slick surface of a large poster was tacked above plastic alarm clock sliders. White paint coating a black metal vocalist's face reflected blueberry luminescence. The shrieking precipice was visible between points of black makeup and strands of long hair. Artifacts of distorted faces were dimly illuminated beside the lead singer's bony cheeks.

Raspberry radiation illuminated wave shaped letters near the top of the wall banner. Points like flames extended from characters spelling "Blades of Sloth". White borders surrounding rippled text glowed blood red. Strands of olive green wires twisted along the top edge of a shadow shrouded wall. Points of Christmas bulbs poked out of dimly lit ballasts. Cherry red phosphorescence diffused from glass vial surfaces shaped like baby carrots.

Tiny fingers reflecting cardinal feather globes extended from restless knuckles. Slender digits rotated above poorly illuminated wrists. Raven spotted fingertips sank crow tinted bed silk into the surface of a pillow. Tiny flesh tubes wadded head rest fluffs into irritated fists. Tomato refracting nightcrawlers dragged a sack of separated cotton away from a pale face. Frustrated digits crushed a lint filled bag along tops of flannel wrapped upper legs. A tiny nose, narrow chin, and pale cheeks reflected claret radiation. Frosty irises stared below points of raven black bangs. Anxious nasal cavities siphoned fresh air inside teensy nostrils. Humid gasses puffed out tomato tinted cheeks. Velvet facial curves forced hot breath between lips like ham steak.

Wednesday's agitated fingers glided beside the edges of her hips. Digits dotted with raven acrylic shoved Wednesday's shoulder blades away from her mattress. Wednesday's elbows sank into a sham dressed pillow laying on top of her lap. A crow tinted blanket floated down the edges of Wednesday's ribs. Wednesday's quilted bed spread stacked beside the curves of her hips. Spaghetti strands suspended raven black silk above the tips of Wednesday's breasts.

Wednesday stared into pitch shaded space. Points of ice slivers focalized quarter sized pupils. Wednesday inhaled between undressed lips. She exhaled from frustrated nostrils. She looked beside her. Sea ice shutters studied raven blanket fluffs wadded along an empty sleeping surface. A pillow like the head rest covering Wednesday's thighs was crumpled above hollow covers. Wednesday looked up. She stared across vacant bedroom space.

"Hailey?" Wednesday called. Wednesday spotted a table beside her bed. Teal digits floating above wire frame dowels read "4:48". Wednesday faced forward. She looked around. "Haileyyy??" A blood soaked sham the color of vanilla pudding covered a dejected face. Ends of a mozzarella pillow case were wadded between pale deltoids and a slender throat. The neckline of a withered, black t-shirt dangled from buttermilk shoulders. Ivory biceps descended from tiny sleeves and hugged bony ribs. Slim forearms disappeared behind a narrow chest. Tangerine spotted fingers poked out of sash cord strands bundling scrawny wrists.

Raven fabric decorated with YKC artwork hung from nipples the size of chocolate chips. Red, acrylic letters with yellow borders spelled the alternative band's name. The lower edge of the worn out top was rolled like a pencil shaped burrito. A pale stomach extended from the base of a scissor trimmed t-shirt. Slender belly flesh disappeared into black panty ruffles. Dimly lit thighs extended from cuffs of a transparent crotch covering. Calves shaded the color of cream soda folded underneath ivory upper legs. Cheeks wrapped with crow tinted lace rested along ends of Achilles' tendons. Plantar ridges were stacked between undressed heels and toes. Pale calves and insteps sank into cold desert sand.

A dingy pillow cover stained with wet crimson trembled between quivering shoulders. Pale digits extending from olive green shirt sleeves surrounded a claret stained sham. Fingertips dotted with neon orange acrylic gripped corners of a wiggling head covering. Tangerine spotted palm shafts yanked a blood drenched sheet off of a shivering face. Allie's blue jay irises wobbled frantically below ends of crow feather bangs. Skin flaps surrounding Allie's right eye were stained the color of prune juice. Blood trickled from the tips of Allie's cheeks. Hot crimson leaked from Allie's tiny nostrils and the edges of her lips.

Dried blood the color of chocolate stained Allie's chin and the edges of her pale face. Allie's lower lip was swollen the size of a lemon wedge. A ring the color of raspberry flesh surrounded Allie's slender throat. Allie exhaled panicked breaths between shivering mouth edges. Shutters like blue gelatin dessert floated to the tops of Allie's frightened eye sockets. Allie's pupils focused on transparent crystals suspended in front of Hailey's emerald irises. Gold plated dowels extended from the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Saxophone ear supports disappeared below ginger canopies. Strands like flames shrouded Hailey's pale cheeks and dimly lit neck. Lips stained with carnation gloss extended below the tip of Hailey's tiny nose.

Half inch links made from raven black lace were fastened around Hailey's throat. Pitch tinted straps an inch wide gripped olive green fabric covering Hailey's deltoids. Hailey's colorful precipice poked out of a hoop shaped neck hole. Hailey's lace choker was sutured one inch above an olive green shirt hoop. The body of a bustler top dangled from loops grasping Hailey's collar bones. Pitch stained flaps descended diagonally from strands framing Hailey's throat. Opposing tank top sections fastened between beginnings of olive blanketed tits. Buttons like butterscotch hard candy sutured Hailey's top in front of her chest and stomach. Elastic tubes like lime peel were strapped around Hailey's shoulders, biceps, and wrists.

Raven black denim descended from Hailey's waist and stretched around her hips. Pitch tinted bells dangled from Hailey's knees and surrounded her ankles. Toes of black, leather boots extended from canopies of dark, denim hoops. Rubber mats an inch thick were fastened to the soles of Hailey's footwear. Hailey studied Allie's blood soaked face. Hailey's pupils searched blue jay struts between Allie's eyelids. Hailey crumpled a pillow case drenched with cold claret beside her left hip. She inhaled between gloss coated lips. She squeezed together carnation stained mouth edges. She exhaled from her nostrils. She reached beside Allie's cheek.

Hailey's neon spotted fingers collapsed along soft skin below Allie's battered cheek. Allie's pale face went limp. Allie's exhausted eye flaps collapsed in front of her blue raspberry irises. Allie's rubbery precipice melted along the surface of Hailey's cozy palm. Allie glided the end of her cheek across Hailey's soothing flesh. Hailey watched Allie comforting herself, absent mindedly. The corners of Hailey's lips curled into a smile. Hailey inhaled between gloss soaked mouth edges.

"Hello, Allie," Hailey hummed. Hailey patted Allie's cheek, playfully. Allie jumped.

"Haa!" Allie barked. Allie's eyes popped open. Allie lifted her head off of soft hide coating Hailey's palm. She gazed into Hailey's emerald irises. She siphoned air through swollen lips the color of ham steak. She exhaled an uneasy breath. Lloyd yanked a charcoal tinted pillow case off of Gwen's face. Gwen's angry precipice descended from the base of a cotton fabric covering. Raven black strands drifted from a pitch stained bag and shuffled beside Gwen's cheeks. Slim brows like crow feathers pointed between Gwen's fiery, hazel irises. Rolls of silver tape two inches wide coated the lower half of Gwen's disgusted face. Duct tape lip coverings disappeared below a canopy of raven black filaments.

Gwen's wrists were tied behind her back just like Allie's. The body of a coal shaded teddy swung from Gwen's irritated shoulders. Gwen's tiny breasts rotated underneath a sheet of see through chest fabric. Nipples like tips of crayons glided below the surface of a nylon blanket. Gwen's trim stomach twisted like a tornado under a transparent body tube. Dimly lit hind cheeks separated by raven elastic bounced on Gwen's undressed heels. Forearms wrapped with strands of twine wiggled above the waist of Gwen's panties. Blueberry spotted fingers poking out of sash cord columns curled into fists.

Lloyd's tar tinted irises gazed at Gwen's agitated face between chocolate strands. Cheeks poorly illuminated by morning sunlight descended between thick sideburns. Lips like ham steak curled into a smirk along the left edge of Lloyd's face. Two inch bands alternating lemon yellow, raspberry, ivory, and charcoal decorated Lloyd's t-shirt. Legs of pitch tinted jeans descended from the base of Lloyd's upper body covering. Wads of raven denim piled along the insteps of Lloyd's sloppy, coal shaded sneakers. Lloyd stared into Gwen's hateful eye shutters. Lloyd's masculine fingers crumpled a slate stained pillow cover in front of his crotch.

Lloyd reached beside Gwen's cheek. Lloyd's thumbnail picked a duct tape corner gripping the edge of Gwen's chin. Lloyd unraveled adhesive strands strapped on top of Gwen's lips. Lloyd's thick digits peeled a filament blanket off of Gwen's soft cheeks. Gwen groaned into the surface of a nylon stranded blanket. Lloyd unwound tape stuck to tiny hairs hanging from the back of Gwen's neck. He continued de-strapping filament adhesive mummifying the lower half of Gwen's face. He peeled off painful strands covering Gwen's lips, cheeks, and chin. Gwen exhaled an irritated breath between her disgusted lips. She sucked cool, morning air between gritted bicuspids.

"What the fuck are you looking at, needle dick!?" Gwen belched. Gwen lifted the curves of her butt off of sash cord wrapping her Achilles' tendons. Strands of rope winding Gwen's wrists to her ankles pulled tight. The bottoms of Gwen's thighs collapsed along twine tunnels winding the ends of her calves. Gwen grunted. She glared at Lloyd's chocolate brown eyes. "Are you trying to figure out where to stick your little-- faggot ass dick?!" Lloyd studied Gwen's explosive precipice, coldly. He squinted. Gwen inhaled between tightened incisors.

"I'll bet you have a little *tiny* pecker, huh?!" Gwen shouted. Gwen mashed frustrated molars together. She tightened tendons in her wrists. Slender strands surrounding Gwen's forearms burrowed into her soft skin. "Is that why you're-- so afraid to show it to me??" Gwen struggled with ropes binding her wrists. Her panty wrapped cheeks hopped on her heels. Drops of gold attached to Gwen's corneas stared at Lloyd's tar tinted eye shutters.

"Do you even get turned on by girls-- doll-face!?" Gwen's undressed lips peeled off of her furious teeth. "Do we need to find you a-- little butt-queef mother fucker, so he can stick his fat cock in your ass and blow a fuckin' fudge bomb-- YOU FUCKIN' FAGGOT?!?" Gwen shuffled sash wound wrists above the waist of her panties. Coals stared at Gwen's hazel irises between coffee sprouts hanging from Lloyd's forehead. Gwen wiggled tightened biceps on top of see through nylon draping her ribs. She pounded the tops of her kidneys using tubes of twine surrounding her forearms.

"And, here I thought--" Lloyd began.

"Rahhh!!" Gwen shrieked through gritted bicuspids. "I hope you get raped and die of AIDS, you fuckin'-- gay mother fucker!!" Chocolate brows lifted above Lloyd's eye sockets behind an espresso fountain.

"And, here I thought you were in looove with me," Lloyd purred.

"Fuck off, dick suckerrr!!" Gwen shouted between angry teeth. A thick mat attached to Hailey's boot flattened in front of Gwen's pale knees. A leather cap shaped like an incandescent bulb was fastened above a neoprene platform. A shiny boot toe poked out of a denim bucket rim surrounding Hailey's ankle. Charcoal fabric like sand paper was strapped around Hailey's slender thigh. Bell bottom chutes wandered in front of Gwen's saxophone eye shutters. Raven elastic sank into Hailey's trim stomach. Crow tinted shirt wool formed points above Hailey's tiny tits. Peaks of fabric breast housings became tank top shoulder harnesses.

Olive green material was fitted across Hailey's chest and shoulders. Fingers dotted with tangerine nail polish poked out of lime peel tubes. Arms like kiwi pendulums wandered beside Hailey's ribs and hips. Strands like flames swooped beside Hailey's pale cheeks. Emeralds under apricot hoods stared at Gwen's irritated face behind silicate panes. Somber lips coated with carnation gloss convened below Hailey's tiny nose. Gwen's agitated irises studied innocuous garments arranged along the curves of Hailey's body. Slender, raven brows flattened above the peaks of Gwen's hazel eye shutters. The upper corner of Gwen's ham tinted lip lifted off of her disgusted teeth.

"You're such a fuckin' geek," Gwen spat. Gwen stared into Hailey's jade faceted irises. She forced her undressed lips into a sinister smirk. "I just looove listening to you blather in Mr. Tinney's class. Like you're a-- fuckin' scientist or some shit." Gwen scowled. She shook her head. Unkempt locks like charcoal threads shuffled an inch above Gwen's neckline. "Too bad the *real* world doesn't work that way, sweetie." Hailey stared at gold coins attached to Gwen's corneas. She turned around. Tiny fingers poking out of Hailey's sleeves reached inside a baby blue tub made of steel. Hailey's elbows and wrists descended into a cabinet below her boyfriend's trunk lid. Gwen pointed at Lloyd with the edge of her forehead. She inhaled a sharp breath between clenched incisors.

"In ten years, *this* piece of shit'll-- dump your ass for some skank." Gwen licked her lips. "And, you'll be sucking diseased cock for CRACK MONEY!!" Hailey stood, bent over the back end of Lloyd's Cammy. Pentagonal pockets were sutured to Hailey's raven wrapped hiny with ivory stitches. Hailey looked over her shoulder. Hailey's pale face peeked above olive elastic wrapping her shoulder. Emeralds gazed through rectangular crystals below a fountain of molten lava. Hailey's right boot glided across powdered caliche below a rim of charcoal denim. A shiny cap covering hailey's toes pointed between Gwen's naked thighs.

Hailey's shoulders swiveled above her narrow ribs and lanky stomach. A wooden baseball bat erupted from tiny fingers poking out of Hailey's shirt sleeve. Wood screw shafts emerged from the end of Hailey's pine ball beater. Hailey rested a spiked club along the surfaces of her palm and left hand digits. A gust of dry, desert wind gushed between fiery strands hanging from Hailey's scalp. A dim canopy like blueberry pulp towered above ginger threads surrounding Hailey's face. Twinkles from cosmic bodies were visible along the surface of an early morning sky. A strip of solar radiation traced a blank horizon with a tangerine glow. Gwen's brass irises glared at Hailey's emerald eye shutters below flattened brows. Gwen's agitated mouth edges opened under the tip of her tiny nose.

"Ohhh--" Gwen exhaled between undressed oral extents. "You brought a little kid's toy. I didn't realiiize." Hailey dangled Louisville sheet rock fasteners beside a denim bell surrounding her calf. The tip of Hailey's tongue glided along carnation gloss coating her lower lip. Hailey wandered off. She saundered past the right edge of Gwen's body. Gwen's head turned. Gwen's dimly lit cheek rested along transparent nylon covering her shoulder. Golden shutters examined Hailey's denim coated cheeks below raven scalp strands. Gwen licked her lips.

"Lemme guess," Gwen snarled. "Either we tell you where Josh is--" Hailey stopped next to Cole's bony, undressed deltoids. She looked behind her. "Or, you start-- swingin' that fucking thing around. Yeah?" Thin flesh sinking between Cole's ribs reflected glints of dim sunlight. Hair coils surrounding tiny nipples swiveled during peaks of shallow breaths. Nervous sweat droplets trickled across the surface of Cole's slender stomach. Saline secretions soaked a patch of auburn curls sinking between Cole's thighs. Cole's skinny wrists were strapped behind the end of his spine. Sweat coated buttocks flattened twine tubes strapping Cole's scrawny ankles.

Strands of silver tape were wound on top of Cole's long lips and bony cheeks. Filament face coverings disappeared under sawdust and espresso scalp fluffs. Cole's thin nostrils fluttered from terrified breaths escaping his sinus cavities. Two inch pennies stared through circular crystals surrounding Cole's nose. Stubble coated cheeks flapped above the rim of a duct tape mouth covering. Horrified groans seeped through an adhesive blanket strapped over Cole's lips. Hailey studied Gwen's agitated precipice above olive fabric covering her shoulder. She inhaled a cool breath between her gloss coated lips.

"Surrre, Gwen--" Hailey croaked. Hailey licked menthol stained mouth rims. "*That's* why we brought you here." Hailey's emerald eye shutters gazed through silicate prisms. "To talk about Josh." Gwen glared above see through nylon gripping her shoulder. Gwen's golden irises focused on emeralds behind rectangular panes. Hailey's glittering eye shutters stared below apricot canopies. Jade slivers wandered to the ends of Hailey's corneas. Hailey's pupils studied coffee grounds and hamster bedding hanging from Cole's scalp. Eyebrows like carrot shavings climbed to the top of Hailey's forehead. Hailey's eyelids sank into her ocular cavities. Hailey's gloss coated lips peeled off of her gritted incisors. Hailey siphoned a sharp breath between her angry teeth. She swung a spiked ball bat behind her shoulder blades. Hailey's furious jaws separated.

"eaaAAHHH!!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey popped Cole over the back of the head. Three inch wood screws sank into Cole's scalp. "WOOooo!!" Hailey snarled. Cole's thin face toppled on top of his bony ribs. Chocolate and vanilla fluffs dangled from Cole's slender cheeks. Long, raven black eyebrows lifted off of Gwen's hazel irises. Drops of gold popped out of Gwen's pale face. Gwen's naked lips peeled apart.

"ah--" Gwen squeaked. Hailey gripped a slick, wooden handle poking out of Cole's noggin. She twisted a pine grip. Cole's lifeless face wiggled on top of limp vertebrae stacked between his shoulders. Frames fastening circular glasses lenses glided down Cole's temples. Two inch crystals and chrome plated ear supports flattened caliche dust.

"Ohhh-- shit," Hailey groaned. Hailey wiggled a hardwood handle fastened to Cole's cranium. Cole's neck length hair fluffs battered his bony cheeks. "Ahhh, mother fuckerrr--" Hailey croaked. The ends of Gwen's eyebrows crushed the outer corners of her terrified corneas.

"Ahhh!" Gwen shouted. Hailey flattened the sole of her leather boot between Cole's undressed shoulders. She rotated the handle of her bat like she was churning butter. Cole's spinal column crackled underneath his dangling dome. Hailey rocked the body of a spiked slugger like a paper chopper handle.

"Well-- Jesus fucking Christ," Hailey snarled. "God damn it--" Gwen's face swiveled between her collar bones. Nipples visible under nylon fabric tilted towards Gwen's pale thighs. Gwen's eyelids collapsed. Her lips tore apart.

"AAHHHHHH!!" Gwen screamed. Gwen exhaled mournful shrieks on peaks of panicked breaths. "AAaaa-- ehh-- ehh-- ehhhh--" Gwen bawled. Gwen grinded twine strapped wrists against her lower back like a hacksaw. She inhaled a painful breath between rows of gritted bicuspids. "eeaAAAHH!!" Gwen snarled. Hailey tightened ligaments fastening her thigh to her kneecap. She shoved a mat attached to the bottom of her boot between Cole's shoulder blades. She extracted rows of jagged threads from the rear of Cole's lifeless skull. Cole's scrawny shoulders, bony biceps, and auburn sprouted pecks toppled over. Cole's twisted face sank into desert dirt like ground talc.

Crimson squirts followed Cole's peg board scalp to the ground. Claret droplets leaked from wood screw points extending from Hailey's ball bat. Ruby cerebral juice dribbled across Cole's bony back flesh. Hailey's boot flattened on top of flesh gripping Cole's vertebrae. Painful spasms climbed Hailey's calf muscles and thigh ligaments. Hailey winced. She glided the sole of her boot to the base of Cole's scrawny spine. She dangled a blood spattered screw tube beside Cole's lifeless ribs. She slung hot crimson off slender coils of stainless steel.

The tip of Hailey's spiked club dangled in front of Kyle's terrified face. Kyle's bourbon eyes popped open. Scotch droplets studied points of screws below brows climbing Kyle's forehead. Kyle's face wiggled like a stack of canned cheese. Kyle squeezed terrified groans into silver strands strapped over his lips. Kyle's thick biceps shuffled beside amber curls poking out of his pecks. Kyle stretched twine wrapped wrists away from pale skin covering his lower back. Kyle's undressed cheeks lifted off of sash cord tunnels surrounding his ankles. Slender rope connecting Kyle's arms to his legs pulled tight. Sweat coated thighs collapsed along hair curtains escaping Kyle's calves.

"mmmMMmm--" Kyle groaned into lip fastening filaments. "MMmmmm--" Hailey studied peanut butter locks poking out of Kyle's restless scalp. A cool breeze brushed droplets of sweat coating Hailey's pale cheeks. Hailey exhaled a hot breath across a tongue like rubber. She lowered her bat beside a denim chute shrouding her ankle. She lifted the fingers of her left hand. She extended pale digits spotted with tangerine acrylic from an olive tinted sleeve.

"You got my water, baby?" Hailey squeezed out of exhausted lips. Lloyd tossed Hailey a plastic bottle the size of a beer glass. Hailey's eager fingers snatched a frosty container like a crystal flask. Hailey unthreaded a petroleum bottle cap with fingertips gripping a bat handle. She plopped transparent threads against her gloss coated lips. She tilted her head back. Hailey's pale neck arched away from a ring of raven black lace. Hailey gulped freezing cold liquid pouring onto the back of her throat. Hailey straightened a container of glacier melt in front of her chest. She positioned her face upright. Puffed up cheeks forced a frosty breath between Hailey's carnation lips. Hailey looked beside her. She studied tips of pale cheeks extending from Kyle's terrified face.

"Seem to be having trouble staying hydrated, today," Hailey exhaled. Hailey licked menthol beeswax coating the edges of her mouth. Hailey's emerald irises focused on pumpkin pie strands hanging from Kyle's temple. "Forrr-- some reason." Gwen's ribs crushed nylon wrapped tits along peaks of dimly lit thighs. Buttermilk biceps shaded the color of caramel hugged the edges of Gwen's chest. Gwen's upper arms lifted twine strapped wrists resting on her kidneys. Gwen arched a spine blanketed with transparent charcoal. She lifted the tips of her nose, lips, and chin out of a space between her knees. Raven black curtains dangled beside Gwen's pale cheeks. Slender brows crushed the outer corners of Gwen's crinkled eyes. Crevices sank into the bridge of Gwen's tiny nose. Gwen's tight lips peeled off of her frustrated teeth.

"aaaEEAAAaaaa!!" Gwen cried. Gwen shook with painful sobs. Gwen's undressed butt cheeks bounced on sash cord tunnels surrounding her ankles. "eh-heh-heh-heh-heh-hehhh--" Gwen exhaled on peaks of panicked breaths. Hailey chugged crystal liquid from a frosty container. She gulped freezing water dribbling down the surface of her tongue. Muscles forming Hailey's throat transferred crisp spring runoff through a lace hoop. Lloyd stood in front of his girlfriend. A tobacco tube poked out of a chocolate fountain pouring over Lloyd's forehead. Lloyd lifted a plastic, cherry tinted lighter in front of a coffee fall. He ignited the scrawny tip of an ivory cancer stick. Hailey lowered a crystal, polystyrene container in front of her chest. She pointed towards a channel of exhaled cigarette smoke using the base of her water bottle.

"You want a turn, honey bunches?" Hailey inquired. Smirking lips rotated a steaming paper pipe below Lloyd's shaggy hair. Lloyd extended his arm from a raspberry, lemon, coconut, and licorice shirt sleeve. Hailey dangled a frosty petroleum chute from the fingers of her left hand. She laid the handle of a spiked club along the surface of Lloyd's palm. Lloyd gripped the end of a screw pointed, Louisville slugger. Hailey wandered past her boyfriend. She plopped plastic bottle threads against the surfaces of her gloss coated lips. Lloyd stepped towards Kyle's undressed shoulders. He swung the baseball bat behind two inch bands connecting his shoulder blades. He battered pumpkin pie strands hanging from Kyle's temple. A ball beater pounding Kyle's skull thumped like a hammer striking a pillow.

"Motha--!" Lloyd barked. Lloyd ratcheted a spiked shaft and popped Kyle over the head. "--fucker!" Lloyd continued swinging a jagged club upside Kyle's duct taped cranium. Droplets of cherry syrup followed razor sharp threads poking out of Lloyd's head hammer. "Like--! That--! Piece uh--! Shit?!!" Lloyd exhaled during peaks of ball bat strikes. Hailey stepped in front of Gwen. Leather caps extending from raven bells pointed at Gwen's nylon wrapped shoulders.

Gwen's panicked tits bounced on the peaks of her slick thighs. Gwen lifted her bawling precipice. Saline poured out of Gwen's hazel irises. Hot tears soaked Gwen's shaking cheeks. Hailey poured refreshing liquid between lips coated with carnation menthol. Hailey's tangerine spotted fingers tilted a frosty bottle in front of her chest. Hailey licked freezing cold droplets spotting the edges of her mouth. Gwen glared at Hailey's emerald irises above a slender neck extending from her chest. Wiggling lips uncovered Gwen's gritted teeth.

"You're a fuckin'-- psychopath!" Gwen forced out of angry bicuspids. Hailey squeezed together lips soaked with bottled water. She siphoned refreshing liquid along the tip of her tongue. She separated the edges of her mouth. Hailey's lips popped. Hailey twisted a plastic cap on top of a crystal container.

"Between the two of us--" Hailey responded. "You think *I'm* a psychopath?"

"You're an IDIOT!" Gwen shouted back. "Everybody hates you!" Gwen lifted her nylon wrapped trunk off the beginnings of her legs. "That cop's gonna lock you up! And then, Lloyd's gonna dump your ass! You're gonna live the rest of your life alone in a trailor park!" Hailey dangled a quart sized bottle beside raven denim cloaking her thigh. She exhaled a frosty sigh from her carnation coated lips. Gwen tightened twine strapped wrists above the waist of her panties. "I hope you choke on his little-- pencil sized dick, you disgusting slut!" Allie tilted her face above a pomegranate hoop framing her slender neck. Mournful eye flaps covered blue jay shutters below Allie's crow tinted bangs. Allie's blood stained lips peeled off of her frustrated teeth.

"Do you wanna know where Josh is, or not?!" Allie shouted. Folds extended from the corners of Gwen's tear soaked eye sockets. The bridge of Gwen's tiny nose wrinkled. Gwen's undressed mouth rims peeled off of her bicuspids.

"Awww, fuuuck--" Gwen snarled. Drops of gold studied Allie's battered facial features from the edges of Gwen's corneas. "What the fuck do *you* know, dumb-shit??" Gwen stared at silicate surfaces covering Hailey's emerald eye shutters. She shook her head. "Don't listen to that-- dumb cunt." Gwen glanced at Allie from the corners of her eyes. "She doesn't know a FUCKING THING!!"

"They'll be at the city water tower, tonight!" Allie exhaled from angry lips. Gwen swung her head from the end of her neck like a Medieval weapon. Gwen's skull pummeled the edge of Allie's temple.

"Shut-uuup, you idiot!" Gwen shouted.

"AHHH!" Allie shrieked. Allie's slick hiny toppled off the edges of her calves. Allie's hip, shoulder, and bicep collapsed along a mountain of powdered caliche.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Gwen snarled. Hailey lifted a rubber mat fastened to the sole of her boot. She hammered Gwen's scalp using textured treads covering her heel. Gwen's nylon wrapped trunk swiveled above startled hip joints. Shoulder blades blanketed with transparent fabric collapsed along desert dirt. The back of Gwen's skull bounced on a raven black cushion. Hailey knelt beside Allie's shoulders. She tucked a bottle of frosty liquid underneath olive elastic covering her armpit.

Hailey secured arms wrapped in lime peel sleeves around Allie's slender waist. She situated hind cheeks separated by black lace on top of Allie's Achilles' tendons. Hailey cuddled Allie's narrow shoulders between biceps extending from half inch straps. She searched the edge of Allie's battered face. Allie's blue jay irises wandered to the ends of her corneas. Shutters like blue gelatin dessert sifted Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey's jade pupil adjusters stared back. The corners of Hailey's lips forged a slight smile. Hailey gripped Allie's shoulders with her tangerine spotted fingertips. She shoved herself to her feet.

"Which water tower are you talking about?" Hailey requisitioned. Hailey tossed her water bottle into Lloyd's open trunk. She swiveled on toes of black, leather boots. She folded olive wrapped wrists on top of raven fabric covering her chest. Emeralds between Hailey's flame tinted locks focused on eye shutters like blue jays. Allie stared below tips of crow tinted bangs. She licked blood coating her lips.

"The-- one on Main Street," Allie responded.

"Allie!" Gwen shouted. "You fucking ass-hole!!" Gwen tightened abdominal muscles below a see through, charcoal blanket. She hoisted her shoulders out of a pile of caliche. She balanced her upper body above the curves of her hips. She wiggled her nylon wrapped shoulders and raven strands hanging from her scalp. A dirt cloud like talcum powder floated away from Gwen's shoulders. Lloyd stood next to his girlfriend. He folded muscular biceps and forearms over his striped chest. A blood drenched screw column extended from the fingers of Lloyd's right hand. A smoldering cancer stick dangled from Lloyd's left hand digits. Lloyd's tar shaded irises studied Gwen's tear soaked eyelashes. A slight smirk creased Lloyd's walnut tinted cheek. Gwen's gold plated eye shutters glared at coals behind an espresso fountain.

"Can I-- help you with something, faggot??" Gwen belched. Hailey reached into the pocket of her bell bottom jeans. She removed her dad's pistol from a pouch sewn below the waist of her britches. She aimed a set of chrome plated barrels between Allie's blue jay irises. Crow tinted brows crushed the outer corners of Allie's plum stained eye sockets. Allie parted tiny, blood coated lips. The edges of Allie's mouth wiggled, nervously.

"ahhh--" Allie whimpered. Gwen scrutinized Allie's dejected precipice from the corners of her eyes. She shook her head.

"Stupid-ass," Gwen barked. Allie's eyes squeezed shut. Allie's face toppled off the end of her slender neck. Crow tinted curtains dangled beside Allie's crimson spotted cheeks.

"aawwwwww--" Allie groaned. Allie's tiny face shivered near the tip of her spine. Saline droplets trickled from Allie's wrinkled eye flaps. Hailey studied Allie's scalp above the top of her dad's gun. She looked beside her. Shiny coals wandered to the edges of Lloyd's eyes. Lloyd studied Hailey's emerald irises behind a chocolate sheet. He nodded.

" it..." Lloyd whispered. Hailey concealed a smile tugging the corners of her lips. She faced forward. She searched crow tinted strands sprouting from Allie's scalp. She licked carnation gloss coating her lips.

"Allieee--" Hailey hummed. Allie's face dangled from shoulders wrapped in withered shirt sleeves. Allie exhaled silent sobs between gritted teeth. Hailey observed Allie's shivering scalp. "Allie!" Hailey shouted. Allie looked up. She hugged a radish stripe surrounding her neck with the beginnings of her biceps. She straightened a solemn face above YKC artwork decorating her t-shirt. She stared at emerald irises above zinc coating a nine millimeter barrel. Hailey gazed into eye shutters like blue gelatin dessert. She closed her eyes. She inhaled through her tiny nostrils. She exhaled a heavy breath from her carnation stained lips. She lifted exhausted eyelids off of jade pupil adjusters. Hailey lowered her dad's pistol. She folded olive shrouded arms along raven fabric suspended in front of her chest.

"Convince me-- not to kill you," Hailey instructed. Allie studied emerald shutters surrounding Hailey's pupils. She exhaled a shaky breath.

"Whoooa--" Gwen groaned. Gwen focused on Hailey's colorful face. Slender, raven black eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Gwen's nose. Disgusted lips peeled off of Gwen's angry teeth. "W-Wait a fucking minute. What??" Allie stared, stupidly. She blinked. Hailey gazed at Allie's blue jay irises from silicate prisms surrounding the bridge of her nose. She licked menthol gloss coating her lips.

"Take your time, if you need to," Hailey explained.

"Ohhh-- what the fuck is *this*??" Gwen snarled from disgusted facial features. Gwen studied crow tinted strands framing Allie's tear soaked cheeks. "Allie, tell her to go fuck herself," Gwen instructed. "She's a-- psychotic ass-hole!" Gwen faced forward. She glared at Hailey's emerald eye shutters. "Fuck you, psycho-bitch!"

"You wanna knowww--" Allie groaned. Allie gazed into Hailey's eyes. She siphoned a frosty breath. "If you can-- trust me?" Hailey's lips formed a hapless grin. Hailey flattened a ridiculous smile consuming the lower half of her face.

"You know, trust is-- not really the issue here," Hailey retorted.

"She's torturing us!" Gwen shouted. Gwen's hazel irises glared at Hailey's pale cheeks above rows of gritted teeth. "Just-- shoot us and get it over with, you freak!" Hailey stared at drops of gold seared to Gwen's corneas.

"Gwennn--" Hailey croaked. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna start-- cutting little pieces out of your disgusting face." Gwen studied Hailey's colorful precipice. She licked her ham tinted lips.

"Wudda you mean-- trust isn't the issue?" Allie requisitioned. Lloyd chuckled. Hailey looked beside her. She studied thick sideburns framing her boyfriend's face. Lloyd lowered his head. Lloyd's shaggy skull rotated back and forth above the end of his spine.

"She's smart," Lloyd remarked. Lloyd looked up. He studied Allie's inquisitive face above muscular arms folded over his chest. "You gotta give her that much." Gwen wrinkled the bridge of her nose.

"What the-- fuck are you talking about?" Gwen demanded. "God, you guys are dumb!"

"What-- is it going to take-- to get you to stop talking?" Hailey inquired. Hailey glared at Gwen's hazel eye shutters from the lenses of her glasses. "Do I need to tape your mouth shut, again? Just so I can finish this conversation??"

"I'm *not*-- that smart," Allie explained. Hailey and Lloyd faced Allie. Allie searched for Lloyd's tar shaded irises beyond chocolate strands covering his face. She looked into Hailey's eyes. She shook her head. "I'm not smart like you guys."

"I don't need you to be smart, Allie," Hailey retorted. Hailey gazed below the ends of Allie's bangs. She lifted the fingers of her right hand. She wiggled nine millimeter barrels extending from the edge of her palm. "Prove it to me," Hailey demanded. Hailey collapsed her arms on top of pointed fabric concealing her breasts. "Prove to me-- that you're worth keeping alive." Allie stared at the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Slender, crow tinted eyebrows flattened the peaks of Allie's blue jay irises. Allie swallowed. She licked her lips.

"G-Give me your bat," Allie instructed.

"Oh, what the FUCK?!" Gwen barked. Gwen stared at Allie's pale cheeks.

"G-wen!" Hailey shouted. Hailey pointed a set of nine millimeter barrels between Gwen's hazel eye shutters. "Shut-- your fucking MOUTH!!" Gwen glared at Hailey's emerald eyes. She gritted her teeth. Allie studied the edge of Hailey's fiery precipice. She glanced at Lloyd.

"Un-tie meee--" Allie groaned. Hailey and Lloyd focused on Allie's sapphire irises. Allie stared back. "Untie me. And, give me your bat." Hailey unfolded olive wrapped arms covering her chest. Leather boots carried raven bell bottoms in front of Allie's undressed knees. Digits spotted with tangerine acrylic slipped Hailey's tiny pistol into her front pocket. Gwen watched olive green biceps and wrists sweeping Hailey's ribs.

"Nooo-- Hold on a second!" Gwen protested. "What *is* this bullshit?!" Hailey knelt behind Allie's twine strapped forearms. She rested a tuchus wrapped in raven denim along the heel of a black, leather boot. She extended the inner edge of her left leg beside Allie's pale bicep and thigh. She reached above the waist of Allie's lace panties. She picked a knot securing Allie's wrists using acrylic dots fastened to her fingers. Hailey rested a pale face framed with flame curtains along Allie's shoulder.

"...don't make me regret this..." Hailey whispered. Allie looked beside her. Allie's blue jay irises studied emeralds between magma filaments. Gwen scrutinized licorice strands extending from Allie's scalp. She tugged strands of rope strapping her wrists to her ankles.

"Allie!" Gwen shrieked. "You fuck!" Hailey unwound sash cord ribbons strapping Allie's wrists. Allie rested exhausted forearms along soft thighs extending from her hips. She rested shoulder blades wrapped in withered t-shirt scraps against Hailey's chest. Hailey crushed lava threads hanging from her temple against the edge of Allie's scalp. A smile tugged the corners of Hailey's gloss coated lips. Hailey glided warm fingers spotted with tangerine along Allie's silky biceps.

"C'mon, Allie," Hailey instructed. Hailey squeezed her fingers between Allie's upper arms and fabric covering her ribs. She folded slender, olive wrapped wrists on top of Allie's waist. She dragged Allie to her feet. Allie stabilized neon spotted toes and undressed heels along mounds of powdered caliche. She saundered past Gwen's struggling shoulders and hips. Slender limbs extending from lace wrapped cheeks stopped in front of Lloyd. Irises like blue gelatin dessert gazed into Lloyd's charcoal eye shutters. Allie lifted a scrawny wrist striped with twine shaped crevices. She extended shivering digits decorated with tangerine nail polish.

Drops of tar attached to Lloyd's corneas studied Allie's eyes between strands of chocolate. Lloyd's thick fingers dragged a smoldering cigarette butt away from his lips. Lloyd's masculine digits squeezed a glowing coal poking out of a sherbet tube. A knot of seared tobacco shards toppled off the end of Lloyd's coffin nail. Lloyd crushed an ember the size of a pencil eraser below a sloppy, black sneaker toe. He dropped a used cigarette filter into the pocket of his charcoal tinted jeans. He supported the handle of a screw decorated baseball bat in front of his chest. He laid a slick, pine shaft along the surface of Allie's nervous palm. Gwen's fiery irises scorched crow tinted strands surrounding Allie's scalp.

"Allieee!!" Gwen exhaled between gritted incisors. "Allie, you fuckin' coward!" Allie's blue jay eye shutters studied Lloyd's coal shaded pupil adjusters. Allie exhaled a shaky breath between a set of wiggling lips. She closed tiny fingers spotted with neon orange acrylic around Lloyd's ball beater. She spun on balls of undressed footsies. Shutters like blue gelatin dessert studied Gwen's hazel eyes below Allie's bangs. Gwen's golden irises glared at Allie's pupil adjusters above rows of gritted teeth. Gwen grinded sash cord strapped wrists above the waist of her panties.

"You're a traitor, Allie!" Gwen shouted. "I hate you! I fucking hate you!!" Allie swung a shaft spotted with wood screws between her shoulder blades. She gnashed rejected bicuspids between edges of blood soaked lips.

"rrAAAAHH!!" Allie squeezed between gritted chiclets. Allie hurled a spiked stick like a golf club. A ball bat fitted with sheet rock fasteners collided with Gwen's chin. Allie drove jagged, three inch points into Gwen's satin jaw flesh. Razor sharp threads sank into Gwen's velvet lips and silky cheeks. The tip of Gwen's spine snapped like a twig. Allie gripped the handle of Hailey and Lloyd's spiked bat. She rocked a pine ball beater extending from Gwen's intimidating precipice. Gwen's unseated cranium wobbled between peaks of limp shoulders. Wet crimson squirted from threaded shafts drilled into Gwen's pale face. Hot claret trickled between Gwen's buttermilk breasts and a sheet of transparent nylon. Allie yanked the end of a spiked club.

"ehhh!" Allie exhaled between clenched incisors. Gwen's lifeless face rotated above her slender neck. Allie lifted the toes of her right foot in front of Gwen's chest. She flattened tangerine spotted digits along charcoal fabric covering Gwen's tits. Allie shoved Gwen's face away from pointed shafts poking out of Hailey and Lloyd's bat. Gwen's shoulders and biceps swung from the beginnings of her ribs. Gwen's blood soaked face dangled raven black strands over the right edge of her body. Allie lifted a crimson spotted club above crow tinted threads hanging from her scalp.

"aaAAAAHH!!" Allie shrieked. Allie pounded Gwen's limp skull with tips of claret stained wood screws. Gwen's lifeless cranium swirled above her chest and shoulders like a top. Scarlet bodily fluids ejected from slender lacerations spotting Gwen's lips. Allie battered Gwen's raven stranded temple. She exhaled a hateful cry between edges of wiggling lips. Allie continuously hammered Gwen's dangling scalp. She squeezed out angry breaths during peaks of spiked club smashes. "EHH! EHH! EHH! EHHH!!" Hemoglobin droplets and chunks of cerebral cortex sprinkled from tips of wandering screws.

Hailey and Lloyd stood behind Allie with their arms folded across their chests. They watched Allie beat Gwen's lifeless noggin until her muscles ached. Allie's upper arms and wrists dangled from t-shirt scraps draping her shoulders. A blood spattered ball slugger dropped from shaking, tangerine spotted fingertips. Allie's pale biceps hugged her ribs. Blue jay shutters stared at Gwen's crimson soaked face below Allie's flattened brows. Allie puffed out disgusted breaths between exhausted lips. Irises like blue gelatin dessert searched Gwen's claret drenched cheeks and forehead. Allie's slender, crow tinted eyebrows crushed the outer corners of her eyes. Allie exhaled horrified whimpers during edges of sharp breaths.

"eehh--" Allie cried. "ehh-ehh-eeaahh-eeaahhhh--" Allie squeezed shaking lips together. She wove tiny digits spotted with neon orange on top of disgusted mouth rims. Terrified groans seeped through Allie's sealed face. "mm-mm-mmmm-mmmmmm--" Allie crushed plum stained eyelids in front of blue jay irises. Allie's mortified precipice jiggled the inner surfaces of her fingers. Saline droplets trickled out of crinkles extending from Allie's eye sockets.

Hailey watched Allie's shoulders shivering below a canopy of crow tinted strands. She folded her fingers together in front of raven lace surrounding her throat. She rested her chin along peaks of dimly lit knuckles, woven together. She felt like comforting Allie. But Allie was in such a fragile state, Hailey wasn't sure how she would react. Hailey tip-toed next to Allie's tiny, wiggling shoulders. She glanced at Allie's bawling cheeks above tiny digits folded underneath her chin. Hailey inhaled a cautious breath between edges of gloss coated lips.

"Oh Jesus, Allie--" Hailey exhaled from a menthol stained mouth. Allie's tear soaked face shivered above the beginnings of her knuckles. Saline sealed lashes uncovered Allie's blue jay eye shutters. Irises like blue gelatin dessert wandered to the edges of Allie's corneas. Allie's tiny, tangerine dotted fingers dropped off the base of her dejected precipice. Allie stumbled on tips of neon spotted toes. Allie's cheek collapsed on top of Hailey's raven and olive green chest fabric. Allie strapped shivering biceps and wrists around Hailey's waist.

Hailey unraveled tiny digits knotted below the end of her face. She wrapped arms cloaked with lime peel tubes around Allie's slender shoulders. Hailey's pale cheek flattened along crow tinted strands extending from Allie's scalp. Hailey exhaled a grateful breath from edges of gloss coated lips. She glided tangerine nails along charcoal t-shirt fabric covering Allie's spine. Allie's face shuddered on top of butterscotch buttons sealing Hailey's tank top. Allie forced sets of eggplant eye flaps off of blue jay irises. She exhaled a shaky breath between her wiggling lips.

"Y-You guys are--" Allie squeezed out. Allie inhaled between nervous mouth edges. She exhaled a frosty breath. "You're not gonna kill meee??" Hailey inhaled between menthol stained lips. Puffed up cheeks forced a heavy breath between the edges of Hailey's mouth.

"No, Allie," Hailey responded. Hailey shook her head. Flame tinted strands tickled the back of Allie's dimly lit neck. Allie exhaled through her tiny nostrils. Slender, crow tinted eyebrows lifted above Allie's blue jay irises. Allie inhaled between her blood crusted lips.

"W-Why??" Allie requisitioned. Allie lifted the edge of her face off the beginnings of Hailey's breasts. Hailey loosened ligaments securing her biceps to her shoulders. Allie gazed into emeralds behind the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "Why are you gonna let *me* stay alive?" Hailey tilted her head. Apricot brows crushed the outer corners of Hailey's eyes. Hailey exhaled a sympathetic breath. She glided tangerine spotted digits along crow tinted strands hanging from Allie's scalp.

"Awww, Allieee--" Hailey hummed. Hailey's emerald irises searched eye shutters like blue gelatin dessert. "We wanted to," Hailey explained. "Me and Lloyd *wanted* to kill you-- sooo bad." Hailey shook her head. "We wanted this to be easy." Hailey swallowed dehydrated spit. "We wanted to keep everything simple." Hailey stroked slick threads dangling from the back of Allie's tiny noggin. "But, it just-- didn't make any sense." Hailey pointed at acrylic letters decorating the breast of Allie's t-shirt. "I mean-- why *should* we kill you?" Hailey dangled biceps strapped with olive green columns beside her ribs. She folded her arms over her chest. She shrugged. "For what-- reason?" Allie pointed tangerine nails at crimson and lemon characters covering her chest.

"But, I'm a witness," Allie explained. "I-- saw what you guys just did." The left edges of Hailey's lips curled into a smirk.

"Well, I mean-- we saw what *you* just did too, Allie." Allie exhaled a frustrated sigh. She swatted saline droplets resting along the apples of her cheeks.

"Well, yeahhh--" Allie grumbled. "But, I mean--"

"Besides all of that, though--" Hailey interrupted. Hailey shrugged. Apricot eyebrows climbed the surface of Hailey's pale forehead. Emeralds wandered between Hailey's makeup stained eyelids. "wwWhere are we right now?" Allie stared at Hailey's colorful face. She studied transparent plates surrounding the bridge of Hailey's tiny nose. Hailey nodded. "Look around, Allie. Take a good, long look." Allie looked above worn out, raven fabric hanging from her shoulder. She searched tangerine sunlight illuminating the edge of the horizon. She looked at ancient desert soil beside Lloyd's baby blue car.

"Uhhh--" Allie groaned. Allie gazed into Hailey's emerald eyes. She exhaled a hint of a chuckle between surprised lips. "Oh, shit." Hailey studied Allie's lacerated cheeks. She smiled. She licked menthol gloss coating her lips.

"By the way-- you're gonna have to wear a pillow case on the way back." Allie blew a grateful sigh between edges of ham tinted lips. She searched an espresso fountain pouring in front of Lloyd's face. She focused on shiny coals attached to Lloyd's corneas.

"You guys-- really aren't gonna kill me?" Lloyd smirked. He looked above raspberry, lemon, coconut, and licorice bands covering his shoulder. He pointed out the trunk of his car using chocolate strands hanging from his scalp.

"Look, Allie," Lloyd instructed. "Check it out." Allie studied a baby blue frame surrounding the interior of Lloyd's rear storage space. She tip-toed in front of rubber mats hanging from the soles of Lloyd's sloppy skate shoes. She peeked inside a sheet metal frame coated with shiny automotive paint. Slick, pine handles like broomsticks were visible thanks to early morning sunlight. Allie studied a trio of limestone tinted grips. She looked next to her.

"I-I don't get it," Allie explained. Lloyd chuckled. He reached beside Allie's pale bicep. He dragged a long, pine shaft over the lip of his open trunk. A spade shaped tip was fastened to a cellulose grip.

"We brought three shovels, Allie," Lloyd explained. Lloyd slung the end of a digging shovel above elastic stripes wrapping his shoulder. Allie glanced at Lloyd's thick chops. She faced forward. She studied two additional digging handles poking out of the Cammy's trunk. She inhaled a sharp breath between her lips.

"Ohhh," Allie groaned.

"Now, move your ass," Hailey instructed. Hailey parked beside Allie's undressed lower limbs. Allie looked above raven fabric hanging from her right shoulder. Hailey studied Allie's blue jay eye shutters between curtains of flames. "We've got a couple of hours to get to our first period classes." Pumpkin pie brows lifted above the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "And-- you're not even ready for school, yet." Allie reached inside Lloyd's trunk. She lifted a slick handle using her tiny, tangerine spotted digits.

"You're gonna kill Josh and them, right?" Allie requisitioned. Hailey tilted her head. She licked her lips. She inhaled across menthol lip gloss.

"Good chance," Hailey replied. Hailey reached into the trunk of her boyfriend's car. "They raped my friend, Allie." Hailey dragged a third shovel to the edge of the Cammy's storage space. Allie nodded, nervously.

"Oh, I-- I know, Hailey," Allie responded. Allie faced forward. She searched dimly lit trunk space. "They told us what they did." Hailey sank a spade shaped plate into powdered caliche beside the toe of her boot.

"You wanna go with us?" Hailey offered. Allie stared into space. Blue jay shutters below the ends of Allie's bangs found Hailey's emerald irises. Allie tilted her head.

"N-No," Allie squeezed out. "No, please. I-I've had enough for-- one day, I think." Hailey studied Allie's sapphire eye shutters. She nodded.

"Okay," Hailey responded. Hailey reached beside raven denim strapped around her hip. Hailey's warm fingers squeezed shut around Allie's tangerine spotted digits. Hailey wiggled Allie's nervous nightcrawlers. "That's fine," Hailey explained. "I was just asking." Allie gazed into Hailey's emerald eyes. The corners of Allie's lips tried to smile. Hailey smiled back, slightly. She motioned towards her boyfriend using flame tinted strands hanging from her temple. "We've gotta hurry," Hailey repeated. Allie nodded. The girls carried shovels away from Lloyd's baby blue Cammy. Allie wove tiny fingers between Hailey's soft, soothing digits. She inhaled an icy breath.

"You-- really did kill Joe, Tommy, Gary, and Tatum, right?" Hailey glanced at Allie's blue jay irises above her shoulder. Allie spotted Hailey's emerald eye shutters from the corners of her eyes. "And, Ms. Gord?" Hailey snuck toes of leather boots between desert foliage. Allie skipped beside thorns poking out of winding mesquite branches. "And, Travis and Jennifer?" Allie inquired. "And-- Vicky and Paul?" Hailey's face rotated. Hailey stared at eye shutters like blue gelatin dessert above her olive wrapped shoulder. Allie inhaled a sharp breath. "M-Martin?" Allie forced out. Hailey studied Allie's pale cheeks. She licked carnation gloss coating her lips.

"Can you-- prove any of that?" Hailey requisitioned. Allie exhaled an uneasy breath between her quivering lips. She faced forward. She shook her head, nervously.

"N-No," Allie squeezed out. "No." Hailey's digits secured a lined sheet near the upper, left corner of an oak rectangle. Tangerine fingernails crushed a carnation marker intersected by aqua separators. Afternoon sunlight striped pale flesh shafts emerging from Hailey's knuckles. Quarter inch illuminations climbed an olive green tube surrounding Hailey's arm. The elbow of Hailey's opposing limb rested along pages of an open text book. Hailey skimmed information spanning leaflets she borrowed from Glory High's library. Emerald irises wandered between Hailey's eyelids behind rectangular panels.

Hailey's pale cheeks and chin erupted from a lace choker the color of raven feathers. Thoughtful lips coated with carnation gloss convened below Hailey's tiny nose. Ends of flame curtains blanketed the straps of Hailey's raven black tank top. Half inch strands suspended peaks of breast coverings on top of olive green elastic. The body of a lime peel shirt covered Hailey's shoulders and the upper part of her chest. A mechanical pencil borrowed from Wednesday extended from Hailey's right hand fingers.

Hailey balanced graphite descending from a banana yellow body between teal striations. She wrote "f =" using a point escaping a tan adjuster shaped like candy corn. She forged a parenthesis that spanned two lines beside builder notation. Hailey filled an upper line proceding a partial loop with a series of digits. She scribbled the set "1, 2, 3" below proofs spanning the top half of the page. She wrote "2, 3, 1" below the initial series. She closed groups defining "f" using a second parenthesis beside rows of digits.

Hailey defined "g" beside the first collection of integers. She scribbled "1, 2, 3" along the first line and "2, 1, 3" below that. She wrote "g o f =" below builders designating the values of "f" and "g". She filled a set of parentheses spanning two lines. She etched the series "1, 2, 3" along the top line. She quickly devised the lower row should be "1, 3, 2". Hailey copied the second, third, and first lower "g" integers under the upper values.

Shiny, black boots glided across beige tiles spattered with wine and coal spots. Rubber shafts descended from latex heels behind platforms three inches thick. Ivory calves and thighs wandered below the base of a raven tinted skirt. Bodies of charcoal sleeves floated above surfaces of swooping arms. Puffed limb coverings squeezed into raven cuffs strapped around slender wrists. Pale fingers spotted with droplets of tar swung from silk forearm fasteners. A raven black collar was secured along the base of an ivory neck.

A breast covering like crow tinted fishnet descended from a charcoal throat rim. Raven fabric forming a neck tie shape divided interweaving chest decorations. Nylon strands suspended silk cups above tips of pale tits. Slanted edges of charcoal fabric converged between rims of love apples. Raven material descended from bases of tiny breasts and surrounded a trim waist. Silk surrounded curves of hips and floated near middles of agitated thighs. Frosty, blue shutters stared below points of angry eyebrows. Ends of raven black bangs curled above tips of mascara coated lashes. Pale cheeks descended from eyes like sea ice and became a tiny chin. A teensy nose pointed above velvet lips coated with ruby red lipstick.

A blue jean back pack swung from denim straps framing fishnet wrapped breasts. Raven spotted fingertips dragged a chair away from an oak desktop. A blueberry, denim sack dropped on a slick surface beside Hailey's pale digits. Hind cheeks strapped with raven black silk collapsed along a banana yellow seat. Pale thighs and calves glided shiny, black boots underneath school desk storage space. Shoulders wrapped in crow tinted fabric collided with queso polystyrene.

Wednesday's frosty irises stared at her friend's pale cheeks below charcoal bangs. Wednesday folded arms shrouded with fluffy sleeves over fishnet covering her chest. She exhaled an irritated puff between ruby stained mouth edges. Lips coated with carnation gloss wandered to the left edge of Hailey's face. Emeralds spotted Wednesday's teal eye shutters above the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath between crimson stained mouth rims.

"What the fuck did you do??" Wednesday belched. Hailey gazed into her friend's sea ice pupil adjusters. She rested the body of a plastic writing instrument above graphite etched integers. She eased shoulder blades covered with olive green elastic against a tomato back rest. She folded lime peel forearms over butterscotch candies sealing her tank top.

"I'd sayyy--" Hailey groaned. "You already know the answer to that question."

"Gwen wasn't in my Chemistry class, today," Wednesday explained. Wednesday licked ruby beeswax coating her lips. "And-- Cole and Kyle were absent from my US History class." Hailey studied Wednesday's angry face above a lace choker strapped around her neck. She nodded.

"You don't say?" Hailey requisitioned. Wednesday squeezed fingernails spotted with raven acrylic against her palms. Velvet lips stained with ruby lipstick peeled off of Wednesday's gritted incisors.

"Hailey!" Wednesday forced between mashed together bicuspids. Wednesday crushed velvet mouth rims together. She pounded angry fists beside the edges of her denim back pack. She exhaled hot breath from her tiny nostrils. She squinted. She extended tips of ivory fingers from the heels of her palms. "But, Allie-- Allie *was* in my Chemistry class??" Hailey inhaled between surfaces of gloss coated lips. Wrists strapped with olive green tubes drifted on the peaks of Hailey's tiny tits. Hailey exhaled a long breath. Wednesday stared into her friend's emerald eyes. She plopped impatient fingertips along the ends of her desk.

"Where the hell *were* you this morning?" Wednesday requisitioned. Hailey gazed into Wednesday's frosty eye shutters. She shrugged.

"Some-- place outside of town," Hailey responded. The back of Wednesday's scalp dangled raven tinted strands between her shoulders. Wednesday exhaled an exhausted breath. "In the middle of the desert," Hailey added. Wednesday's skull sank into a space between her silk covered shoulders. Wednesday closed her eyes. She shook her head. She inhaled a sharp breath between her ruby stained lips.

"You went with Lloyd, I take it?" Wednesday remarked. Wednesday stretched makeup brushed eye flaps away from cyan irises. She blinked. She faced forward. Hailey tilted her head. She nodded. Wednesday studied glittering emeralds behind transparent silicates. She folded arms wrapped in silk puffs on top of her chest. Long, raven tinted eyebrows wrinkled the tops of Wednesday's eye sockets. "Why didn't you kill Allie?" Wednesday inquired. Hailey exhaled from her nose. She swiveled pale facial features above olive forearms concealing the breast of her tank top. Peach, sherbet, and carrot tinted threads battered Hailey's pale cheeks.

"I-- couldn't have lived with myself," Hailey responded. A disgusted breath escaped Wednesday's ruby red lips. Wednesday's eyelids squeezed shut. Arms wrapped with silk fluffs glided down Wednesday's chest. Wednesday's elbows collapsed along blueberry denim securing her school books. Wednesday flattened sealed eye flaps along the heels of her palms. Pale cheeks surrounded by slick, raven strands shivered during peaks of silent sobs. Hailey watched her friend's ivory face wiggling the surfaces of her palms. She hoisted fingers spotted with tangerine nail polish out of a space below her bicep. She leaned forward. She glided ginger digits along raven black threads dangling from her friend's scalp.

"...wednesdayyy..." Hailey purred. Wednesday's raven dotted fingers swerved away from her forehead. Wednesday's face launched from her palms and straightened in front of silk wrist cuffs. Furious irises focused on Hailey's emerald eye shutters.

"Don't!" Wednesday shouted. Hailey jumped. Wednesday pointed at a gold plated dowel connecting the lenses of her friend's glasses. "Don't fuckin' touch me!" Wednesday squeezed between gritted teeth. Hailey dangled the fingers of her left hand above the surface of her desk. She folded arms wrapped with olive green elastic on top of teal divided math proofs. Wednesday sniffled. She swatted mascara stained droplets collecting along the apples of her cheeks. "Just-- don't." Wednesday wiped her cheeks using fingertips spotted with drops of tar. Hailey studied her friend's agitated precipice. She licked menthol infused gloss coating her lips.

"We know where Josh is gonna be, tonight," Hailey revealed. Wednesday exhaled a frosty breath between edges of shaking, ruby tinted lips.

"Jesus Christ--" Wednesday spat. Wednesday studied pitch black makeup coating the surfaces of her fingertips. She wiggled shaking palms in front of raven shaded silk covering her shoulders. "Hailey-- when is this gonna stop??" Wednesday looked into her friend's emerald eyes. Hailey stared back. She blinked. Wednesday sighed. Nervous fingers collapsed along navy blue denim covering her text books. "You're-- terrible!" Wednesday dragged her back pack off of her desk. "You guys--" Wednesday groaned. "You're fucking-- awful." Wednesday dropped her book bag on a spotted tile beside her chair legs. She yanked a zipper sealing her school supplies.

"Did you-- kill the bitch?" Wednesday requisitioned. "Or, not?" Wednesday reached inside her back pack. She looked up. Hailey studied cyan shutters below her friend's raven black bangs. She inhaled between gloss stained mouth edges.

"Allie killed Gwen," Hailey explained. Hailey licked menthol shellac coating her lips. "She-- beat her to death." Wednesday stared at Hailey's emerald pupil adjusters. She exhaled a short breath.

"Wow," Wednesday responded. Wednesday looked inside her book bag. She searched the confines of a denim sack. "That's-- fucked up." Wednesday shuffled crumpled school papers. She searched the contents of a disorganized carrying case. "Getcher-- book out, Hailey," Wednesday instructed. "Your-- Henry, the Fifth book." Hailey rested notes along the right hand page of her math manual. She closed the text book she borrowed from the library. She reached below an oak work surface hovering in front of her chest. Wednesday dropped a hard cover book the size of a paperback on her desk.

"Didn't Mister Watts loan you another copy, last time?" Wednesday inquired. Hailey lifted a cardboard trimmed transcript out of a tomato tinted bag beside her boots. She unsealed rectangular sheet protectors near the middle of her work table. Emerald irises gobbled text from canopies of rectangular crystals. Wednesday opened her book. She watched her friend searching characters crafted from copier toner. She exhaled from a set of anxious nostrils. Fingertips decorated with raven black acrylic lifted off the edges of Wednesday's book.

"I'll go with you," Wednesday remarked. "Alright?" Hailey found her and Wednesday's stopping place. She looked up. Wednesday exhaled an irritated breath between her ruby stained lips. She raised her palms above stacks of paper coated with pretentious dialog. "I'll-- fucking go with you." The edges of Wednesday's palms collided with slick oak hovering above her pale thighs. Wednesday searched toner stained cellulose platters.

"What-- fuckin' page are we on?" Wednesday demanded. Hailey lifted the lower, right corner of her book. She poked charcoal digits below paragraph structures using a tangerine fingernail. Wednesday rifled through printed paper fastened to the spine of her Shakespeare journal. Hailey studied her friend's silk dress. Pupils between emerald shutters searched nylon strands woven on top of Wednesday's chest. Hailey continued gobbling characters decorating the pages of her book.

"You look like Death, by the way," Hailey commented. Wednesday flipped through toner etched sheets.

"Fuck you, very much," Wednesday snapped. Wednesday looked up. Wednesday's teal irises climbed lime peel sleeves surrounding her friend's biceps. Wednesday's pupils followed raven black shoulder straps. Wednesday traced copper buttons fastening Hailey's top in front of her chest. "You-- look like you're auditioning for some kinda-- kid's T-V show." Officer Harris' thick fingers poked out of a crisp, navy blue sleeve. Harris reached for a manual window roller.

Harris' masculine digits surrounded a white, rubber knob. A synthetic grip like a flashlight lamp was fastened to a chrome plated lever. Harris' strong fingers rotated a potted metal slat extending from a splined shaft. A silicate rhombus descended between vinyl door panels the color of bourbon. Harris stood between the passenger door of Moore's Cutler and a plastic door frame. Gold stitches shaped like police badges were sutured to the biceps of Harris' shirt. Blueberry chest fabric was fastened below an indigo tie decorating Officer Harris' chest.

"Harris" was stamped into a silver plate pinned above Officer Harris' breast pocket. Harris' mirror tinted badge was attached to his shirt's storage compartment. Navy blue slacks embellished with gold stripes surrounded Officer Harris' legs. Toes of shiny, black leather shoes poked out of the cuffs of Harris' britches. Cornflower irises were sunken above Officer Harris' leathery cheeks. Silver strands were slicked from Harris' forehead to the rear of his skull. Buds like cotton sprouts poked out of the rims of Officer Harris' scalp. Push broom bristles like chrome dangled in front of Harris' somber lips.

Harris' pale face swiveled above a thick neck extending from his starched collar. Eye shutters like cornflower glanced above Officer Harris' navy blue shoulder. Harris' light blue pupil adjusters followed black, leather boots. Toes of shiny footwear poked out of raven black denim forming bells. Thick, rubber mats carried cow hide caps across squares of porcelain cement. Charcoal jean fabric followed curves of hips to a row of butterscotch buttons. Fasteners like pennies sutured a raven tinted tank top along a slim trunk. Slender straps suspended pointed breast coverings on top of olive green elastic. Lime peel shirt fabric wrapped a trim chest, shoulders, biceps, and forearms. Tiny digits spotted with tangerine acrylic swooped from grass tinted tubes.

The body of a poppy stained book bag flopped against the curve of a slanky spine. Pale cheeks poked out of lava filaments brushing tomato red shoulder harnesses. Carnation gloss stained luscious lips below the tip of a tiny nose. Two by one inch panes reflected glints of sunlight in front of emerald irises. Jade shutters wandered to corners of thoughtful eyes. Apricot brows lifted above glittering pupil adjusters. Gloss soaked mouth edges forged a hint of a smile. Hailey dropped off of a concrete walkway extending from Glory High's front doors. She guided tips of leather boots extending from denim bells onto tar coated pebbles. Mouth rims below Officer Harris' silver mustache strands formed a slight smirk.

"Wellll--" Officer Harris purred. "Hello, Ms. Holloway." Wednesday descended beside a sidewalk gutter next to her friend. Three inch mats attached to Wednesday's latex boots collided with parking lot pavement. Wednesday's ankles struggled to balance on tips of long, rubber heels. Wednesday's buttermilk calves and thighs erupted from slick, raven black collars. The base of a skimpy dress floated down the curves of Wednesday's pale hips. Fingertips spotted with tar secured denim straps beside a fishnet chest covering. Nylon strands suspending the breast of Wednesday's top were split by a two inch strip.

Wednesday's blue jean back pack battered crow tinted silk covering her shoulder blades. Wednesday's pale throat emerged from a slim, raven black collar. Frosty, blue irises stared at Officer Harris below ends of raven black bangs. Ruby lips flattened between Wednesday's buttermilk cheeks and tiny chin. Raven tinted curtains battered the points of Wednesday's heart shaped face. Officer Harris bobbed a head extending from points of a navy blue collar.

"Ms. Williams," Officer Harris acknowledged. The girls wandered near the back end of Detective Moore's chocolate brown Cutler. Moore walked beside the driver's end of his unmarked police vehicle. He opened a door concealing his car's amber tinted steering column. A crinkled face topped with rust and silver sprouts swiveled above an open door frame. Irises like drops of tar gazed at the girls' pale faces above chocolate body paint. Crinkles extended from the corners of Detective Moore's thoughtful eye sockets. A face erupting from wrinkles of margarita coat fabric studied Hailey and Wednesday. Moore rested fingers stacked with loose skin near the edge of his car top. A teal dress shirt showed between curtains of chardonnay jacket material. A blueberry neck tie fluttered on top of ivory chest fasteners.

"Ohhh--" Detective Moore groaned. "Good afternoon, girls." Rust and silver caterpillars climbed a staircase forged along Moore's forehead. Detective Moore's long, slender lips opened below his wide nostrils. Moore extended a thick index finger from the sleeve of his margarita trench coat. He pointed at a gold plated dowel separating the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "Boy-- it's a good thing you didn't go to that rave, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore remarked. Wednesday's pale irises glanced at raven tinted pebbles between toes of latex footwear. The tip of Wednesday's tongue poked her pale cheek. Rubber mats fastened to Hailey's boots carried her beside Moore's rear bumper.

"We *did* go," Hailey admitted. Hailey and her friend stood beside Detective Moore's back fender. Hailey folded arms strapped with olive green elastic along the chest of her bustler top. Caterpillars crushed the outer corners of Detective Moore's eye sockets. Long folds extended from Moore's flattened corneas.

"You-- *did* go??" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey shrugged.

"Hey--" Hailey responded. "*You* pointed it out to me." Hailey lifted olive strapped shoulders surrounding folded wrists. "And, well--"

"It sucked!" Wednesday thoughtfully blurted. Hailey squinted. She hoisted tangerine spotted fingers in front of her lime peel wrapped shoulders.

"Yeah--" Hailey agreed. "There was this huuuge fight!" Hailey licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips. "And, everybody was all fighting with each otherrr--" Wednesday pointed raven spotted fingertips at nylon fishnet bundling her chest.

"*I* got shoved to the floor!" Wednesday shouted. "And, trampled." Hailey folded arms wrapped in olive skin blankets on top of her chest.

"I'm-- pretty sure somebody fired a gun in that place," Hailey explained. Wednesday puffed air past ruby lips using expanded cheeks. She glanced at her friend from the corners of her eyes using sea ice shutters. She nodded. Officer Harris sank into the front, passenger's seat of Detective Moore's Cutler. Moore glanced below a plastic frame surrounding the driver's side of his police vehicle.

"Huhhh--" Detective Moore trailed off. Officer Harris' cornflower irises glanced at drops of tar attached to Moore's corneas. Harris smiled. He shook his head.

"...they're innocent..." Officer Harris whispered. "...i'm telling you..." Detective Moore sighed. He extended a leg surrounded by scotch tinted slacks in front of his driver's seat. A sole hanging from a scuffed, leather dress shoe rested beside rubber pedals. Moore and Harris grabbed vinyl shelves like bourbon extending from their door frames. They closed doors stained with shiny, chocolate tinted automotive paint. Detective Moore inserted a key behind a slick, scotch shaded hoop. The Cutler's engine began rumbling.

Detective Moore grabbed his seat belt. He dragged a bourbon band made of canvas across his navy blue neck tie. He studied frays extending from edges of well worked knuckles. Detective Moore looked above margarita wrinkles hanging from his shoulder. He extended rust and silver scalp curls from his driver's side window. Hailey and Wednesday stood beside the rear, driver's side door of Moore's Cutler. Moore showed a shredded seat harness to the girls.

"Boyyy--" Detective Moore grumbled. "I really gotta get this thing fixed." Moore wobbled a seat belt laceration in front of his thick chest. "You knowww-- I was supposed to do that today?" Detective Moore faced a plane of glass protecting the cabin of his police vehicle. "But, I forgot." Moore seated a chrome plated hoop inside of a mirror tinted fastener beside his hip. Harris' cornflower irises glared at Moore's crinkled face from the corners of his eyes.

"Good God, Moorrre--" Officer Harris groaned. "Seriously??"

"Detective Moooore--" Hailey groaned. Hailey extended a tangerine dotted index finger from an olive green shirt sleeve. She pointed at drops of tar glopped between Detective Moore's eyelids. "You-- get your seat belt fixed! What if you crash your car?" Detective Moore lifted seat belt shreds off of light blue fabric covering his chest. He studied bourbon tinted frays extending from a canvas band. He nodded.

"Tomorrow," Detective Moore responded. "I'll do it, tomorrow." Harris' cornflower pupil adjusters stared across chocolate paint coating Moore's hood.

"Riiight--" Officer Harris grumbled between silver mustache bristles. "I believe I've heard this once before." Moore's tar tinted irises glanced at Harris beside crinkles splitting his cheeks.

"Tomorrow, Harris," Detective Moore repeated. Moore showed Officer Harris a wrinkled index finger. "First thing." Detective Moore lowered a chrome stick behind the body of his steering wheel. Moore's chocolate brown Cutler drove beside rear bumpers of faculty automobiles. Wednesday gripped blueberry denim shoulder harnesses using raven spotted fingers. Wednesday's frosty, blue eye shutters glanced at her friend's pale cheeks.

"Where's Lloyd?" Wednesday barked. "I'm fuckin' exhausted."

Chapter 9: "Gravity"
Table of Contents

A case molded like a loaf of bread protected the body of Wednesday's music device. Plastic boxes the color of graphite surrounded three inch speaker cones. Wafer thin grills shaped like sticky notes concealed polyurethane woofers. Cassette spools extended below poker card covers forged from asphalt polystyrene. Caps like shirt buttons topped momentary switches directing compact disc controls. Rows of tape deck punch buttons extended beside peaks of speaker screens. See through film protected a panel featuring a liquid crystal readout. Quartz tinted digits etched the brand name "Sanaphonic" above a polarized display. Grunge music recorded by Sifter escaped drivers the width of drinking glasses. Distorted bass pumps mixed with drum clunks became long, mellow chords.

"How can we carrr-y onnn?" Sifter's vocalist howled on top of rising string strokes. "Y'know, deep down-- you feel the saaame--" the singer's tracheal striations wailed. Rubber discs supported a stereo along a steel surface the depth of a sink counter. Dual drawer face towers were arranged below a tarnished metal summit. Hooded handles were riveted to storage bay coverings forged from oxidized iron. Steel tubs hoarding panties, stockings, bras, and pajamas stood five rows high.

Twin, book case columns five layers tall stood beside Wednesday's ancient dresser. Supports like iron rulers extended from three uprights beside painted sheet rock. Racks forged from chrome plated wire rested along mirror tinted struts. Frames three inches high emerged from ends of grill shaped book organizers. CD jewel cases spanned the top three rows of Wednesday's wire reading shelf. Paper backs and text books occupied steel racks below Wednesday's music collection. One inch, square posts emerged from a flat tubing base shaped like upper shelves. Zinc coated bars intersected supportive towers between origins of dowel baskets.

The base of a cathode ray bulb pointed away from a seaweed tinted bull horn. Steel vents, copper pathways, and wires were visible below plastic like pool water. Polystyrene strips the color of graphite surrounded a carbon coated display panel. A turquoise stained slat was fastened above a phosphor illuminated screen. Quartz tinted panels stood beside edges of a seventeen inch monitor surface. Mitered extents of a pearl stained guard were sandwiched between teal speaker covers. Petroleum protectors like aquamarine corn chips covered lower corner tweeters. Ibuprofen gel caps topped switches above a floppy disk slot and a CD-ROM drawbridge.

Raven spotted fingers surrounded a keyboard frame the color of blue gelatin dessert. Ivory characters labeled graphite button caps extending from a seaweed platter. A dinner roll shaped mouse body rested beside the digits of Wednesday's right hand. See through polystyrene the color of pool water surrounded a pearl tinted palm rest. A seaweed frame formed switch covers above a wire wrapped in quartz shaded rubber. A wheel like discarded gum extended from a seam between turquoise finger panels.

Pitch dotted fingertips bordering aquamarine keyboard plastic rested on slick steel. A frosty surface coated with licorice paint extended below teal wrapped electronics. Chrome plated brackets extended from drawer faces stacked below Wednesday's desk top. Mirror coated, square tubing supported the corners of Wednesday's work table. Wednesday's shoulder blades and tuchus rested along leather puffs covering her chair. Mounds of pitch tinted cow hide extended from bronze, seat fabric buttons. Elbows wrapped in raven black silk rested along oak arches beside Wednesday's ribs.

Wednesday's pale neck erupted from a silk collar above a fishnet chest covering. Raven hair filaments dangled beside the tips of Wednesday's buttermilk cheeks. Velvet lips stained with ruby beeswax hung solemnly from Wednesday's tiny nose. Irises like frost stared between flattened eyelids underneath crow feather bangs. Wednesday's raven black dress descended from silk cups pointing between her breasts. Colored text decorated blackened monitor pixels. The word "smash" printed below the final line adorning Wednesday's screen. Ivory voxels etched a greater than symbol followed by a space.

Wednesday's frost shaded eye shutters focused on an empty terminal message. Dejected pupils watched a rectangle flashing beside a pointed character. Tiny digits poking out of Wednesday's knuckles sank into spring loaded keys. Fingernails coated with raven tinted acrylic punched plastic caps like chiclets. Wednesday typed "sphynx" beside her system's text prompt. She stared blankly. She typed a semi-colon and a space. She typed the word "clear". Wednesday rested cautious fingertips along a button shaped like a backwards "L". She pressed "return".

Tangerine, lemon, and cherry red text constructed a flame shaped image. Sapphire characters printed "" underneath ASCII art sparkles. Quartz letters spelled "login" followed by a colon and a space. Wednesday typed "witchywitch13". She tapped her system's return key. "password" appeared proceeded by double dots and an empty character. Wednesday punched spring loaded buttons. Eight asterisks appeared next to firestarter's password prompt. Wednesday mashed "return".

Acoustic strumming escaped wire speaker covers surrounding Wednesday's music device. Rolls of drum taps wove mellow guitar chords with distorted bass thumps. Raspy vocalizations like drifting iceburgs accompanied guitar plinks rising in pitch. "A mixing bowl of vile ego--" Sifter's frontman sang. "Hateful thoughts, we meld--" Pale digits extending from silk wrist cuffs rested beside a turquoise keyboard frame. Tangerine text printed a "help" message. Sherbet characters read: "Welcome to firestarter dot org. For a list of commands, type 'help' and press return."

Wednesday entered "follow-list". Colorful text etched firestarter groups Wednesday followed. The club name "dRoP iN a BuCkEt" was printed using cyan characters. The value "569686" was listed beside that using crimson text. Wednesday used firstarter's "join" command. She entered "join #569686". Blueberry characters printed "witchywitch13" followed by a colon and a space. Wednesday's pale irises studied pixels like wolf's bane. Wednesday typed a hapless plea for help. She entered "ever think bout suicide?"

Ivory text printed "witchywitch13" followed by a greater than symbol and a space. Wednesday's message appeared beside a quartz carrot. Wednesday waited for a thoughtful response. Blank irises like sea ice watched a bulb shaped screen filled with text. "narcissus12> " printed underneath Wednesday's hopeful inquiry. "DO IT witchywitch13!!!!" appeared beside an anonymous nickname. "cLoWnYfAcE69" responded "LOL witchywitch13 needs to get layed". "nailgun666> " printed next. "wutta fuckin loser xD" proceeded the mortifying user banner.

Wednesday's teal irises gobbled hateful language. Wednesday's tongue glided between velvet lips coated with ruby beeswax. "Ccan't get refill, huh????" a user "ICARUS1349" remarked. "bennysaurus8888BC> " appeared underneath that thoughtful reply. "1) Point gun at head. 2) Pull trigger. 3) R.I.P." the alias' user kindly instructed. Wednesday rested elbows shrouded by silk puffs beside plastic keyboard edges. She plopped eyelids brushed with brass makeup along palm pillows escaping silk cuffs. Wednesday's pale digits sank between raven black strands sprouting from her scalp.

An alias "daemongirl666" printed below musings decorating Wednesday's monitor. The typist's label was proceeded by a greater than symbol and a space. Forearms draped with raven black silk collapsed beside Wednesday's keyboard. Wednesday watched a message materialize. "u guyz r assholes!!" daemongirl666 responded. Wednesday studied a glass dome containing nihilistic conjecture. "daemongirl666" uploaded an additional message. "srsly tho, use box cuttr", he or she urged. "You should kill yourself with a hammer! No one ever uses a hammer." a user "poisson321" chimed in.

"BEESbuzzbuzz99" uploaded "that time o the month", next. "bl000ttr> " appeared. "Can I have ur computer??" he or she requisitioned. "I read pills are the best way to go. Like a bunch of aspirin?" alias "uhazherpes9898" responded. Wednesday quietly read thoughtless stupidity. She shook her head. Raven tinted fluffs battered Wednesday's pale cheeks. "aww, hell" a user "stapleTONGUE233" uploaded. "stapleTONGUE233" sent a second message. "just make some nice toast" the unknown person remarked. "stapleTONGUE233" added a third message. "in the bathtub ;)" appeared next to a greater than symbol and a space.

"queenbtch747> " materialized below. "everytime i try, i fuck it up" the user remarked. "wtf u want us to do abut it?" an alias "404notfound" uploaded. "AussieDownUnda125" sent three separate messages. "WW13 WOW UR ONE DUMB CUNT" the first comment read. "AussieDownUnda125> U DONT DESERVE THE LIFE U BEEEN GIVEN" printed below that. "AussieDownUnda125> DROWN URSELF IN YOUR OWN TEARS" appeared last. Three uploads from stapleTONGUE233 manifested. "stapleTONGUE233> srsly, tho" printed first. "stapleTONGUE233> you, computer, bathtub" appeared next. "stapleTONGUE233> are you writing this down?" arrived last.

Wednesday sank her cream tinted forehead into pale flesh protecting her palm. Wiggling fingertips spotted with raven nail polish wove between Wednesday's bangs. "bl000tr" responded to "stapleTONGUE233". "Fuck that the computers mine!!!! lolol" the user "bl000tr" uploaded. Wednesday collapsed nails coated with raven dots on top of her ruby lips. Wednesday's frosty irises gobbled up hateful language. "poisson321> " printed below narcissistic idiocy. "Or a chainsaw. :\" manifested next to the user's nickname. "stapleTONGUE233> bl000ttr i dont think its working anymore :(" materialized. A response followed. "bl000ttr> stapleTONGUE233 Well the keyboards broke. It can be salvaged tho?" the message read.

Tangerine spotted digits rested along a riser fastened to Wednesday's door frame. Cream tinted finger shafts disappeared inside a tube of olive green elastic. A forearm and elbow wrapped in lime peel braced against strips of painted wood. A bicep blanketed in kiwi fabric disappeared below cheddar and sherbet filaments. Fountains of flames poured beside pale cheeks brushed with rose petal makeup. Emerald irises gazed through silicate panes the size of correction erasers. Buttermilk facial flesh framed lush lips coated with carnation pink gloss.

A slender throat like banana pudding disappeared below an olive stained neck hoop. Raven tinted lace a half inch thick was fastened around a tracheal extrusion. A wrist strapped with a zucchini shirt sleeve emerged from magma scorched ribs. Fingertips decorated with tangerine acrylic gripped latex coated door way planks. Raven black shoulder straps descended from carrot and sweet potato hair fluffs. Crow feather deltoid harnesses were fastened on top of olive green chest elastic. Points of pitch stained breast coverings converged between origins of apricot tits. Raven black fabric suspended from butterscotch candies surrounded a trim stomach.

Expansive denim like asphalt stretched around curves of slender hips and thighs. Crow stained cotton fabric formed bells concealing velvet, calves. Cream tinted lower limbs descended from sand paper bases like road cone rims. Slender ankles disappeared beneath elastic, cotton sprouts the color of tomato skin. Banana, strawberry, plum, and blueberry stripes surrounded tarsal ridges and Achilles' tendons. Ivory shin, instep, and plantar hide was visible between interlaced nylon striations. Pliable strips like watermelon flesh covered soft heels and lime spotted toes.

Hailey balanced streaked arches and ankles along strawberry blanketed supports. Icy vocalizations and bass guitar strumming descended Hailey's ear canals. Eyelids decorated with bubble gum eye shadow closed between saxophone ear supports. Hailey inhaled through her tiny nostrils. She exhaled between oral rims glopped with menthol flavored beeswax. Hailey peeked through corners of cotton candy embellished eye flaps. Emeralds studied licorice strands dangling between Wednesday's frustrated fingers. Hailey licked her lips.

"Wednesday, who is this?" Hailey inquired. Sullen fingertips decorated with raven acrylic glided down Wednesday's pale cheeks. Wednesday stared into her friend's emerald irises from bronze embellished coves. Crow spotted digits gripped dermis protecting the lower half of Wednesday's face. Wednesday lifted silk skin above tips of pale knuckle extensions. She folded nervous fingers in front of her ruby coated lips.

"Sifter," Wednesday responded. Hailey sank banana, strawberry, plum, and blueberry stripes into graphite carpet. Hailey's striped footsies glided into her friend's bedroom below denim canopies. Wednesday's raven coated pinky nail sank a "control" switch beside an "A" key. Wednesday punched her typing device's "X" key, surreptitiously. Her system's browser constructed a control mode interface using hyphens and pipes. Wednesday typed "quit" beside a text prompt and pressed "return". The "clear" command Wednesday entered eradicated incriminating peer disclosures. A terminal message printed near the upper, left corner of an empty video device.

Wednesday glided slippery sock soles across carpet fluffs the color of soot. Toes and plantar mounds strapped with raven tinted nylon sank into asphalt carpet. Wednesday shoved transparent instep covers away from the base of her desk. See through foot silk sprinkled with black and white spots drifted backwards. Polka dotted leg extensions plopped down beside curved chair supports made of oak. Rubber balls emerging from bronze cups sank into Wednesday's skillet tinted carpet.

Hailey plopped down near the corner of her friend's bed. Denim shrouded limbs stretched nylon striped footsies along charcoal blankets. Hailey folded arms wrapped in olive green elastic near the end of Wednesday's mattress. Emerald irises studied the edges of Wednesday's face between curtains of flames. Wednesday's spotted insteps rolled her desk chair beside a square shaped bed post. Wednesday rested an elbow cloaked by puffs of black silk along an oak arch. She plopped her soft cheek along the inner surfaces of her palm and fingers. Wednesday's teal eye shutters gazed into jade facets below her friend's spectacles.

"I can make a you a copy," Wednesday offered. Hailey rotated hips strapped with raven black denim. She lifted calves draped with bell shaped curtains behind jean wrapped hind cheeks. She cycled striped insteps, ankles, and heels like ends of pendulums.

"Okay," Hailey responded. A slender neck strapped with lace jewelry supported Hailey's pale facial features. Wednesday stared at her friend's emerald pupil facets. She licked ruby beeswax coating her lips.

"I need-- help with my algrebra homework." Wednesday gritted nervous teeth. Hailey chuckled.

"Alright," Hailey conceded. "It's a deal." Wednesday lifted raven spotted fingertips beside her buttermilk cheeks. She squinted.

"Not right now, though. That shit's not due 'til-- Monday."

"Ohhh, my Gahhhd--" Hailey blew through laughter. Hailey lifted digits embellished with tangerine acrylic beside her lime wrapped biceps. "If you'll just-- finish it right now, then it'll already be done!" Wednesday's eye sockets sank into her palm.

"Awww, Haileyyy--" Wednesday groaned. Wednesday's mom appeared beside the opening to her daughter's bedroom. Mrs. William's heart shaped face escaped a buttermilk chest between black straps. Shoulder length hair like licorice candy framed Wednesday's mom's pale cheeks. A silk tube the color of crow feathers dangled from Mrs. Williams' tits. Rims of matching shorts descended from the base of Wednesday's mom's slick top. Cream tinted shoulders, biceps, and wrists swooped beside Mrs. Williams' ribs. Curves of pale thighs and calves balanced on toes spotted with raven acrylic. Wednesday's mom lifted pitch spotted fingers in front of silk draped breasts. Mrs. Williams' pale, blue irises searched Hailey and Wednesday's faces.

"You girls, just--" Wednesday's mom squinted. "Not gonna sleep anymorrre--??" Hailey's narrow chin balanced along the tips of her knuckles. Her colorful face rotated above olive green elastic blanketing her shoulder. Hailey's apricot eyebrows lifted off of her emerald irises.

"Hey, I've been trying to go to sleep for like-- twooo hours." Hailey swung magma scalp filaments towards Wednesday's pale face. "*She* keeps-- waking me up." Wednesday shook raven dotted fingertips in front of her nylon wrapped chest.

"You little-- lying-- slllut!" Wednesday shouted. "Oh, my God!!" Mrs. Williams' velvet lips forged a cautious smile. Wednesday's mom gripped ridges of painted door joists. Her teal eye shutters studied Hailey's emerald irises.

"Hey-- it's not *you* I'm worried about." Wednesday wiggled fists escaping silk wrist cuffs beside her shoulders.

"Mmooommm!!" Wednesday shrieked. "Isn't it time for your-- bedtime-- happy pills??" Mrs. Williams tapped latex slathered door frame panels using pitch embellished nails. She gazed into her daughter's frosty pupil adjusters.

"Wednesday, if I have trouble getting you out of bed tomorrow morning-- I am gonna-- drag your ass to the car, drive you to school, and-- kick your ass out in the parking lot." Wednesday showed her mom pale palms erupting from raven tinted sleeve puffs.

"Well, heyyy--" Wednesday responded. "Maybe *you* just need to-- make sure you're ready to go, tomorrow." Wednesday rested her arms along oak slats fastened to the edges of her chair. "Maybe I'm tired of-- being late every day." Wednesday's mom stared into her daughter's eyes. She licked luscious lips.

"You can walk if you want," Wednesday's mom responded. Wednesday exhaled a defeated breath between grinning, ruby red lips. Her face sank into her chest. Mrs. Williams glanced at Hailey's pale cheeks. She studied her daughter's chin length hair strands. She squinted. "And, stop-- smoking in here." Wednesday's slender chin lifted off of nylon fishnet bundling her neckline. Wednesday stared into her mother's frosty eye shutters. Pitch tinted brows lifted above Wednesday's mom's pale irises. "You don't think I can *smell* that? I can smell it across the whole house!" Wednesday's eyebrows jumped off of her teal pupil facets. Wednesday motioned towards Hailey's olive strapped biceps using raven spotted fingertips.

"It was Hailey!" Wednesday shrieked. Mrs. Williams' pale face rotated above the end of her long neck. Wednesday's mom studied Hailey's rose embellished cheek bones. Hailey observed her friend's frantic face. Hailey's tiny chin rotated above knuckles folded in front her of chest. Her emerald irises stared into Mrs. Williams' frosty eye shutters. Hailey shrugged.

"I've got a reeeal problem, Misses Williams," Hailey responded. "I'm like a-- fiend." Wednesday's mom glided the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip. She stared into her daughter's baby blue irises.

"Stop smoking in your room, Wednesday," Mrs. Williams instructed. Wednesday extended her index finger beside licorice strands tickling her cheek. Wild eyes watched Mrs. Williams' heart shaped face below tips of raven black bangs.

"You don't have-- proof of *any* thing," Wednesday responded. Wednesday's mom pointed towards the opposite end of the house.

"Wednesday, your dad--" Mrs. Williams explained. "He's about ready to kill you." Wednesday's mom poked her cheek with her tongue. She looked towards her and Wednesday's dad's bedroom. She squinted. "I think he's getting his gun."

"MmmoOOomm!!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday pointed towards the rear of the house. "You-- go to bed!" Wednesday glared into her mother's teal eyes. "Nowww!!" Mrs. Williams grinned. She lifted pale fingers off the edges of her daughter's door frame. She tip-toed across asphalt carpet fluffs blanketing Wednesday's bedroom floor. Wednesday's mom balanced her silk wrapped chest above Wednesday's lap. She slung creamy biceps around her daughter's puff shrouded shoulders. She squeezed Wednesday's deltoids against her chest. She kissed raven tinted strands sprouting from Wednesday's scalp.

"Just-- smoke outside," Wednesday's mom remarked. Wednesday squeezed silk curtains along her mom's trim waist. "He can't smell it if you do it out-siiide." Wednesday rested her temple on top of her mom's soft breasts.

"All-riiight--" Wednesday groaned. "Jeez." Mrs. Williams flattened her chin along licorice fluffs escaping her daughter's scalp. She looked beside her. She gazed at emeralds behind rectangular silicates surrounding Hailey's nose. She smiled.

"Good night, sweetieee!" Wednesday's mom beamed. Hailey grinned. She shuffled thighs and calves draped in raven stained denim beside her chest. Folded biceps and forearms wrapped in lime peel shoved Hailey to her knees. Wednesday's mom released her daughter's silk puffed shoulders. She swiveled on tips of pitch spotted toes. She wrapped cream tinted arms around Hailey's olive strapped shoulders. She stroked sherbet and lemon strands descending from Hailey's scalp. Hailey gripped Mrs. Williams' silk shrouded ribs. She collapsed on top of Wednesday's mom's silky chest. She closed her eyes.

Oxides like shredded wheat coated frigid slats riveted beside razor edges. Surfaces of pale palms crushed frosty sheet metal stained the color of amber. Fingers spotted with raven acrylic flattened along panels the size of closet doors. Slender wrists shrouded with midnight shadow reflected moonlight the color of quartz. Pearl tinted biceps were fastened to slick shoulders above bony ribs. Pale tits the size of apple halves swooped between upper arms like tubes of chalk. Nipples like pencil erasers extended from areolas the size of half dollars. Salmon stained pacifiers erupted from mammary bags bouncing on lung protectors.

Indigo hair filaments sprouted from a dimly lit scalp. Striped strands faded from blueberry to plum beside bony cheeks like ivory. Eggplant keratin became pomegranate fluffs below a narrow chin. Cherry red tips extending from raspberry threads hopped on pale chest sacks. Raven tinted brows expanded above eye flaps brushed with turquoise makeup. Irises like drops of champagne stared between sunken ocular covers. Lips coated with strawberry gloss stretched below a long nasal chute. Chrome plated spikes extended from a leather band strapped around a lanky throat.

Pale hip curves extended from a slim stomach descending underneath jiggling tits. Calves like bowling pins swayed from baseball sized kneecaps. Raven spotted foundations supported ivory arches, insteps, and ankles. Walnut digits gripped buttermilk cellulite surrounding lower limb sockets. A genital cavern between coconut thighs glided over a banana shaped peepee. A sausage sized pecker oscillated inside a mucus stained vaginal tunnel. A patch of scotch tinted coils extended from a birch tinted pussy stuffer.

Ribs poked through slim pecks above dimly lit ab ridges. Bourbon sprouts curled away from tiny nipples sunken between lung protectors. Bony biceps shaded the color of peanut butter descended from a set of narrow shoulders. Caramel cheeks poked out of a thin face supported by a pumpkin pie neck. Tar tinted irises focused on blueberry strands sprouting from a rocking scalp. Scotch hair extrusions escaped a patch fashioned above penetrating coals.

Femurs wrapped in thin muscles cycled a rigid cock between pale cheeks. Slender, walnut shaded thighs rotated above lower leg uprights. Lengthy digits extended from caramel insteps below ivory heel canopies. Fingertips embellished with raven black nail polish gripped frosty swirls of rust. Skin flaps brushed with turquoise eye shadow peeled away from Ivy's chartreuse irises. Painful shrieks erupted from strawberry lips tightened below the tip of Ivy's nose.

"AH! AH! AH! AHH!" Ivy exhaled during peaks of passionate breaths. Bases of shiny, black boots descended from a baby blue car door. Six inch points supported slender heels behind rubber mats three inches thick. Latex the color of crow feathers formed slick insteps sutured with twine crosses. Buttermilk calves carried glittering ankle cuffs away from a cyan cabin seal. Pale, moonlit thighs emerged from the base of a raven black skirt. Curves of feminine hips swiveled below a canopy of crow tinted silk.

Pitch tinted fabric wrapped a slim stomach and peaks of tiny tits. Raven black puffs floated above slender biceps and forearms. Silk cuffs secured loose sleeves around scrawny wrists. Tiny digits reflecting pearl illumination extended from pitch shaded shirt straps. Dots of raven tinted acrylic decorated tips of pale nightcrawlers. A band of graphite stained silk was fastened around the beginning of a pale throat. A fishnet sheet descended from a one inch thick neck strap. Flesh like ivory glowed between nylon chest sutures.

Wednesday's heart shaped face erupted from a band of silk gripping her throat. Soft strands like crow feathers tickled Wednesday's pearl tinted cheeks. Raven black bangs curled above Wednesday's frosty eye shutters. Nervous lips coated with ruby beeswax shivered below the tip of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday balanced on rubber supports fastened to the soles of her latex boots. Lustful squawks pierced evening air and pounded Wednesday's ear drums. Wednesday flattened her silk wrapped hiny against the rear fender of Lloyd's Cammy. She extended her tiny fingers from a raven black wrist strap. Tar spotted digits eased Lloyd's rear, driver door against the body of his car. Wednesday stared between origins of cyan shutters. She blinked.

Lloyd emerged from a baby blue automotive covering in front of Wednesday. A rubber mat hanging from Lloyd's right sneaker flattened along tar stained gravel. A denim tube the color of charcoal collapsed along the neck of Lloyd's worn out shoe. Lloyd stood between his door frame and a glass rhombus escaping a cabin enclosure. Lloyd's thick neck poked out of lemon, raspberry, charcoal, and ivory t-shirt stripes. Sideburns like chocolate shavings framed Lloyd's dimly lit cheeks. The bottom of Lloyd's face descended from tips of espresso hair fluffs. Shiny coals searched spaces between coffee tinted strands. Ivy's passionate grunts descended auditory canals below chocolate fountains. Lloyd's lips formed a smirk along the left edge of his caramel shrouded face.

Hailey's face and shoulders erupted near the Cammy's front, passenger window. A half inch band of raven black lace surrounded Hailey's moonlit neck. Emeralds gazed through rectangular silicates surrounding Hailey's nose. Lenses resting along Hailey's cheeks reflected the Cammy's lemon tinted dome light. Biceps wrapped in olive green elastic dangled beside raven stained straps. Apricot brows flattened the peaks of Hailey's jade eye shutters. Lips coated with carnation gloss glided off of incisors like pearls. Tangerine spotted digits situated tomato tinted harnesses along Hailey's deltoids. Black, leather boots carried bells of raven denim away from Hailey's door frame. Hailey balanced the body of a crow tinted bustler top beside the edge of her door. Tangerine fingertips eased a baby blue covering against the body of Lloyd's Cammy.

Lloyd shut his front, driver's side door. Lemonade glints spotting Lloyd's shirt stripes disappeared. Lloyd's lower cheeks crushed charcoal denim against baby blue automotive paint. Hailey crept beside her boyfriend using one inch, rubber mats fastened to her boots. Calves surrounded by raven black bells parked beside Lloyd's lower legs. Hailey gripped tomato red back pack harnesses in front of her shoulders. She listened to sensual groans floating on gusts of nighttime air.

"Are you fucking-- kidding me, right now?" Hailey requisitioned. A quiet chuckle erupted from grinning lips escaping Lloyd's espresso hair strands. Lloyd, Hailey, and Wednesday searched letters decorating water tower panels below Ivy's fingers. Long, black characters spelled "The City of" above Ivy's crow spotted digits. Ivy's palms flattened between a set of lowercase "l"s. The subscripted letters were third and fourth characters spelling "Malley". Josh's caramel cheeks pumped his stiff cock below his slithering spine. His bony hips cycled a fat pecker between Ivy's pearl tinted thighs.

Three rows of amber stained rails surrounded Josh and his girlfriend's legs. Eight uprights exited a cat walk floor crafted from expanded metal. Radio tower reinforcements connected lengthy slats forging water tank supports. Flat, rust coated bars spanned leg joints twenty and forty feet in height. Quarter inch tubing created twenty foot "X"s between uprights and supportive hoops. A steel column emerged from tank panels riveted between the tower's uprights. A pipe the width of a tea pitcher descended from a bowl like the nose of a blimp.

Hailey squeezed the fingers of her right hand into the pocket of her jeans. She slipped her mom's boot pistol out of a fabric channel stitched beside her right hip. She pointed rifled shafts above oxidized tubing guarding the water tower's cat walk. She winked her left eye closed. Emerald shutters studied a sliver near the tip of a nine millimeter chute. Hailey aimed chrome plated barrels at scotch tinted fluffs poking out of Josh's scalp.

"I think I could shoot them," Hailey remarked. Hailey licked menthol lubricant coating her lips. "Like-- right now." A mournful chuckle escaped Wednesday's ruby stained mouth rims. Wednesday glanced at her friend's moonlit cheeks. Hailey stared down the barrel of her mother's boot pistol. She looked beside her. She inhaled a sharp breath between her gloss coated lips. "We gotta put on our gloves, huh?"

Arc shaped struts supported seams separating the water tower's inner panels. Rust coated tubing formed forty-five degree vertices between oxidized arches. Housings like stainless steel mixing bowls dangled from supportive pipe apexes. Champagne radiation escaped silicate lamps armored by reflective rims. Pickle juice luminescence erupted between wire hoops decreasing in diameter. Elliptical light protectors were secured using intersecting dowels. Sammy and Bernie stood along expanded metal below a funnel of cucumber radiance.

The boys rested their arms and faces along a rail above two matching struts. The boys' sneakers were supported by steel fishnet stained with oxidation. Woven iron coated with rust formed a cat walk surrounding the water tower's interior. Industrial lights scorched a paneled bowl the width of half a football field. Currents illuminated like pickle juice circled a million gallon tank rim. A champagne whirlpool sank into a dome with a twenty-five yard radius. City water radiated like zucchini flesh flowed down a pipe the width of a bowling ball.

Spikes illuminated like pineapple chunks poked out of Sammy's narrow scalp. Facial features the color of cotton candy phosphoresced like ridges of cement. Drops of bourbon below flattened brows studied pickle tinted currents. The corners of Sammy's thin lips formed an insincere smirk below his bony cheeks. Sammy's slender chin rested on top of folded forearms wrapped with striped tubes. A long sleeve shirt decorated with radish and cheddar bands shrouded Sammy's trunk. Navy blue denim descended Sammy's legs and bordered his checkered shoes.

Hair spikes like three inch push broom bristles poked out of Bernie's fat face. A grapefruit chin sank into mustard and charcoal checks protecting Bernie's wrists. A plaid shirt hung from Bernie's thick shoulders, biceps, and forearms. A raven black polo was visible between the edges of Bernie's flannel jacket. Indigo jeans were strapped around Bernie's chubby thighs and calves. Red canvas shoes escaped the cuffs of Bernie's blueberry britches. Rubber caps like soft balls were fastened to Bernie's cherry tinted shoe fabric.

The boys' fingers dangled from sleeves relaxing on a rust coated guard rail. Glass bottles the color of amber dangled from Bernie and Sammy's pale fingertips. Irises like robin eggs stared below push broom spikes above Bernie's forehead. Bernie's pupils followed pickle juice currents swirling down a ten inch pipe. A Newtonian channel spun wakes the thickness of shoe strings into a sixty foot tube.

"You think that one tank of water serves the whooole Malley-meister?" Bernie inquired. Sammy tipped frosty bottle threads against his thin lips. He poured barley flavored suds across beads of flesh poking out of his tongue. Sammy folded lanky arm stripes on top of amber stained railing. He searched cucumber illuminated city water spiraling into a fifty yard bowl.

"Nah--" Sammy groaned. "Just some of it." Sammy crinkled the bridge of his nose. He snorted phlegm fountains out of wrinkled sinus cavities. He hacked up snot soaked saliva coating the edges of his throat. He launched a mucus saturated loogie between the tips of his bicuspids. A spit extrusion like a hunk of chewed gum toppled into a pool of public rapids. Bernie reached above the highest cat walk railing. A forearm wrapped in mustard and charcoal checks dangled from amber coated tubing. Bernie's fat fingertips tilted tar tinted bottle threads towards champagne swirls. Bernie sprinkled droplets of beer into the city's water supply.

"ahhh--" Bernie sighed. "There you go, Malley." Sammy detected expanded metal panels rocking below his checker decorated insteps. He squinted. Flimsy eye flaps crushed the tops and bottoms of Sammy's bourbon tinted irises. Sammy looked beside him.

"You feel that shit, Berns?" Sammy requisitioned. Bernie sipped hop saturated suds from a glass tube escaping his thick digits. He folded his arms next to Sammy's. Safety railing wobbles vibrated Bernie's plaid strapped wrists. Fluffy, push broom brows collapsed the peaks of Bernie's robin egg eye shutters. Bernie glanced at Sammy's piercing eyes.

"I'm sure-- Josh is gettin' it on with his girl, yo." Sammy tilted his head between cheddar and radish striped shoulder blades. Sammy's eyes squeezed shut. Chuckles like clown horn toots escaped Sammy's long, slender lips.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haaa!!" Sammy sipped frigid oat soda from silicate bottle threads. He glanced at pitch tinted bristles poking out of his buddy's fat temple. He bobbed his head. "We should give him some help, yo." Bernie yanked a frosty bottle neck away from his thick lips. An involuntary chuckle fired barley flavored droplets out of Bernie's oral rims.

"Shut the fuck up, fool," Bernie exhaled between grinning mouth rims. Josh observed Ivy's chalk tinted spinal arch flexing above her moonlit hips. He flattened caramel shaded fingers between Ivy's pearl illuminated shoulder blades. He wove opposing, slender digits between Ivy's rainbow stained scalp strands. He rocked Ivy's narrow skull towards the back of her pale neck.

"ahhh--" Ivy whimpered. Slender, raven black brows lifted off of Ivy's eye sockets. Turquoise stained eye flaps peeled off of champagne droplets spotting Ivy's corneas. Nightcrawlers extending from Josh's left hand shoved his girlfriend's vertebrae. Josh forced Ivy's pale tits against rust coated panels protecting the water tank. Nipples like pencil erasers squeezed between frigid, amber tinted crevices. Ivy's apple shaped mammary sacks crushed freezing cold, iron oxide striations. Lips coated with strawberry gloss peeled off of Ivy's startled incisors.

"eeAHH!!" Ivy shrieked. Ivy's pale face swiveled above her cream tinted shoulders. Ivy's chartreuse eye shutters glared at Josh between blueberry temple threads. "It's-- fuckin' *cold*, Josh!!" Ivy shouted. Josh yanked cherry stained filament tips poking out of his right hand digits. Ivy's pearl shaded cheek bones swirled like a top. Her anxious precipice centralized above chrome spikes extending from her throat.

"Shut the fuck up," Josh ordered. Josh shoved his fat pecker between the flaps of Ivy's labia.

"uAHH!" Ivy grumbled. Josh resumed cycling his mucus coated peepee between Ivy's pale thighs. "AHH!" Ivy shouted. "AAH! AAH! EAAH! EAAH!" Beside Ivy and Josh's undressed insteps, a two foot opening separated triple tube fencing. Lloyd's dimly lit face appeared between rust coated uprights supporting safety rails. Glittering coals gawked from the canopy of an espresso fountain. Eyebrows like chocolate caterpillars pointed down the bridge of Lloyd's nose. Lloyd's lips formed a sadistic smirk along the left edge of his stealthy precipice.

Lloyd's thick fingers gripped two inch tubing surrounding his shoulders. Black, leather fabric was sutured over Lloyd's palms, knuckles, and digits. The neck of a pearl tinted tube sock dangled from Lloyd's right hand wrist extensions. A billiard ball stretched an absorbant toe away from the calf of Lloyd's stocking. Lloyd shoved lemon, raspberry, ivory, and charcoal striped biceps through a guard rail gap. He lifted thighs and calves wrapped in raven denim above an expanded metal floor. He lowered sloppy sneaker soles along steel fisherman's net coated with rust. Lloyd crept beside an amber stained cat walk entrance.

Slender digits strapped with tomato red cow hide grabbed a rust coated upright. Lady bug knuckle extensions rested a pool ball stocking near the edge of the cat walk. Leather wrapped fingers reached beside rail gap grippers. Lloyd rested on his right knee beside the edge of the guard rail. Lloyd's charcoal strapped digits grabbed poppy coated nightcrawlers. Lloyd hoisted biceps and shoulders blanketed with olive green elastic above the cat walk. Hailey's pale face and flame tinted locks dangled from straps of a raven black top. Her tomato tinted book bag swung from canvas harnesses hugging her shoulders. Hailey secured a black, leather boot toe poking out of a raven tinted bell.

Lloyd lifted his girlfriend between two inch uprights welded to quarter inch tubing. Hailey fastened two inch boot soles side by side below denim wrapped knees. She reached beside charcoal cow hide protecting her feet. She snagged a knot confining a billiard ball below the neck of a tube sock. She snuck beside her boyfriend's stripe shrouded trunk. Wednesday's tiny face appeared between vertical tubes coated with oxidation. Shutters like frost stared below the ends of Wednesday's raven tinted bangs.

Wednesday observed undressed flesh curves illuminated by glints of moonlight. Wednesday's ears detected Ivy grunting during peaks of panicked breaths. Ivy's passionate shrieks made Wednesday sick to her stomach. Wednesday lifted canvas strapped fingers beside raven strands tickling her cheek. Wednesday's crow stained gloves were embellished with vinyl decorations. Images of ivory tinted finger bones detailed the outer surfaces of Wednesday's gloves. Wednesday's skeleton decorated knuckle extensions lifted arms blanketed by silk puffs. Wednesday's pale chest was visible through fishnet descending from a silk collar.

Wednesday balanced on toes of black, latex boots along an expanded metal floor. Calves strapped with slick tubes lifted pearl illuminated thighs below a silk skirt. Wednesday slipped canvas strapped skeleton digits between her undressed kneecaps. She glided glove covered fingers between the curve of her left calf and a latex neck. She slipped Hailey's chrome plated pistol out of the collar of her footwear. Wednesday's nervous fingers lifted nine millimeter barrels in front of her shoulder. Shivering skeleton fingers pointed a set of rifled shafts at Josh's scalp puffs.

Wednesday's teal irises lined up a quivering pistol sight behind Josh's rocking skull. Hailey stood beside a forearm and bicep jiggling like a sprung snare trap. She watched her friend's silk shrouded limb struggle to steady jacketed ammunition. Hailey listened to steady patter like high tempo drum taps. She studied a gap between Wednesday's shivering, ruby stained lips. Wednesday's teeth were chattering. Hailey observed a pistol grip rocking like a pendulum between skeleton fingers. She reached beside a wood embellished gun handle.

Leather wrapped digits squeezed a silk cuff fastened to Wednesday's wrist. Wednesday jumped. Wednesday's moonlit facial features rotated like a spinning top. Frosty eye shutters searched Hailey's colorful face above a shaking shoulder. Hailey's emerald irises studied drops of pool water below raven black bangs. Hailey shook her head. Wednesday's slender brows crushed the outer corners of her eye sockets. Wednesday gripped a ruby stained lip between nervous bicuspids. She lowered her friend's twin shot weapon.

Hailey crept in front of Wednesday using rubber mats sutured to her boots. Lloyd shuffled beside his girlfriend's bell bottoms employing loose shoe bases. Hailey's right hand fingers dangled a billiard batterer beside her denim wrapped hip. A resin sphere stretched an absorbant neck hanging from Lloyd's leather strapped digits. Pale cheeks emerging from a lace collar snuck below a canopy of moonlit flames. Drops of tar focused on rainbow stained strands swinging from Ivy's scalp. Hailey's lime wrapped shoulders swiveled ninety degrees. Tomato stained fingers slung a scalp smasher behind Hailey's denim wrapped hiny. Lloyd whirled a sock covered billiard ornament like a fan blade. Ivy's gratified howls concealed disturbances from pool ball swoops.

Hailey and Lloyd cracked Josh and Ivy over their wandering heads. Wednesday buried beeswax coated lips in raven puffs surrounding her shoulder. She folded silk shrouded forearms on top of her pearl illuminated precipice. Gun barrels poking out of Wednesday's skeleton digits jiggled like canned cheese. Hailey flattened raven strapped tits along Josh's caramel shaded shoulder blades. She gripped Josh's walnut tinted upper arms between biceps blanketed with lime peel. She tightened tendons connecting her spine to her deltoids.

"eeAAAAHH!!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey shuffled Josh's bony shoulders, hips, and kneecaps over a railing coated with iron oxide. Josh toppled over a three tier fence constructed from quarter inch tubing. Startled screams escaped Josh's long, frantic lips. Scotch tinted coils hanging from a four inch patch floated on passing currents. Limbs coated with trim hunks of meat battered empty air, desperately. A skull decorated with three inch poofs showered pavement with brain fragments. Josh's spinal cord snapped like a carrot stick. Poorly illuminated fingers, wrists, and biceps crumbled like fluorescent bulbs. Undressed kneecaps collided with tar coated pebbles. Calves, heels, and toes exploded like glass bottles. Crimson fountains gushed out of disintegrating digits and joints.

Lloyd's gloved fingers clenched blueberry and egg plant strands gripping Ivy's scalp. Lloyd shoved Ivy's quartz reflecting shoulder blades against rust coated tank panels. Ivy squeezed raven spotted digits around Lloyd's leather strapped fist. Ivy's pale biceps stretched away from apple shaped tits. Pegs like swirling pencil erasers poked out of Ivy's moonlit breasts. Ivy balanced on pale toes embellished with raven tinted nail polish. Pale thighs and calves flattened dimly lit cheeks along rust stained sheets. Lloyd stared at Ivy's champagne tinted eye shutters. A smirk wrinkled a cheek wrapped with chocolate tinted facial hair.

"Hello, Ivy," Lloyd beckoned. "You remember my brother Sal, right?" Ivy's pearl stained biceps swiveled mournful facial features below a blueberry canopy. Turquoise eye flaps peeled off of chardonnay irises. Hailey parked lime peel biceps and forearms next to her boyfriend's striped upper limbs. She reached between tomato tinted zipper teeth sealing her back pack. Fingers wrapped with poppy stained leather excavated the handle of a kitchen knife. Cow hide blanketed digits unveiled a sharp, stainless steel plate. Hailey's lady bug fingertips swiveled a ten inch point beside Lloyd's pale cheeks. Lloyd studied a mirror coated blade extending from his girlfriend's tiny fingers.

Lloyd tossed a billiard ball smacker beside Ivy's undressed insteps. He snagged a slick handle poking out of Hailey's leather shrouded digits. He stretched Ivy's rainbow stained hair strands towards the body of the water tower. Ivy's moonlit chin and cheeks rocked near the tip of her spine. Slender, raven tinted eyebrows climbed Ivy's coconut forehead. Lips coated with strawberry gloss peeled off of Ivy's terrified incisors.

"uHHH!" Ivy forced out. Lloyd sank a steel razor into neck tendons tightening a spiked collar. He glided a chrome tinted plate across Ivy's frightened throat. A slender knife blade slung hot claret across rust stained panels. Wet crimson poured out of Ivy's ruptured aorta. Cherry syrup soaked a leather neck strap embellished with one inch spikes. Lloyd released blueberry, plum, pomegranate, and cherry threads suspending Ivy's face. Ivy's undressed kneecaps collided with oxidized points of expanded metal. Her quartz illuminated tits squeezed into cavities of rusted fishnet. Blood exiting a pale skin faucet trickled from woven steel.

Hailey looked above olive green elastic blanketing her right shoulder. Emerald irises behind canopies of rectangular silicates studied a terrified face. Wednesday's pale cheeks wiggled above skeleton embellished fingers. The barrels of Hailey's boot pistol poked out of digits gripping Wednesday's wrist. Rifled chutes pointing away from Wednesday's knuckles trembled from mortified shivers. Eye shutters like sea ice glanced at a steel door beside a guard rail opening. A beam of radiation like pickle juice emitted from the base of the water tank's entrance. Wednesday lowered skeleton digits wiggling like nightcrawlers. She licked ruby stained lips using a tongue like a rubber glove.

"I-I-I think--" Wednesday squeezed out of nervous mouth rims. Wednesday directed a wobbling index finger towards a rusted tank enclosure. She inhaled a frosty breath between tips of jiggling teeth. "P-Pretty sure Bernie and Sammy are in there." Canvas spotted with charcoal and ivory squares was sutured around Sammy's feet. Toes of checkered kicks balanced Sammy along the tank's top guard rail. Legs wrapped in blueberry denim were perched above rust coated tubing.

Sammy's scrawny fingers suspended the waist of his britches around his bony hips. Sammy's slender digits dangled his pecker over pickle juice illuminated currents. A golden arch trickled out of a dick-head shaped like a rubber ball. A urine fountain disappeared into rapids swirling down a ten inch pipe. Sammy's pale precipice tilted backwards above cheddar and radish shirt stripes. Hair spikes like chunks of pineapple dangled from Sammy's narrow scalp. Sammy's paper thin eye flaps covered his bourbon tinted irises.

"ahhh--" Sammy purred. "Damn. All that-- running water'll make you have to piss, yo." Bernie's mustard and charcoal checked forearms folded along amber stained tubing. Bernie tipped a container fashioned from chocolate glass against his fat lips. He tilted a scalp spotted with push broom bristles between his shoulder blades. Bernie detected a set of nine millimeter barrels pressed against the back of his skull. Bernie's ocular flaps peeled off of robin egg eye shutters spottng his corneas. Bernie's fat fingers lowered the rim of his beer bottle.

"...ohhh, shiiit..." Bernie grumbled. Legs swirled with raven tinted denim carried Lloyd behind Sammy's urinating backside. Lloyd extended highlighter phosphorescing limbs in front of his striped pecks. Lloyd's thick fingers shoved tomato and mayonnaise checkers concealing Sammy's hiny. Sammy's catapalting cheeks carried his denim wrapped thighs over rusted railing.

"BERNIEEE!!" Sammy shrieked. Sammy collided with city water torrents glowing like cucumber syrup. Gravity fed currents dragged Sammy's scrawny limbs towards the center of a paneled bowl. Sammy hurled slender biceps, wrists, and fingers through swirling rapids. He heaved pineapple hair spikes and a pale face above crests of funneling liquid. He studied tar tinted irises and walnut cheeks below a fountain of espresso hair fluffs. He spotted flames surrounding Hailey's colorful precipice above her olive green biceps.

He noticed Wednesday's frosty eye shutters below the ends of her raven black bangs. Fingers extending from charcoal puffs pointed Hailey's boot pistol at Bernie's dome. Sammy consumed artifacts stooping behind rows of quarter inch tubing. He slapped raging torrents using cheddar and radish striped limbs. Sammy swirled like a ballet dancer. His irritated face and arms swirled in and out of rapids funneling down a drain pipe.

"bl-thm-bl-thl-bl-thm-bl-thlll--" Sammy blew into spinning liquid. Sammy felt his britches being sucked down his scrawny legs. Sammy's blueberry stained jeans were yanked from the tips of his checkered sneakers. Sammy forced his disgusted face above crests illuminated the color of pickle juice. He exhaled sharp vocalizations during peaks of panicked breaths. "uh-HUH! uh-HUA! uh-HAHH!!" Sammy's striped limbs whirled like a set of helicopter blades. "ubl-athm-bl-thl-bl-thm-blll--" Sammy exhaled into frosty rapids. Sammy watched his pale calves spiral down a shaft the width of a tea pitcher. Edges of steel tubing sliced chunks of thin meat protecting Sammy's slender legs. Sammy's spinning lips blew painful grunts into passing currents.

Hailey, Lloyd, Wednesday, and Bernie watched Sammy's pale face and blonde hair spikes whirl out of a crimson tornado. Sammy's shrieks made tiny hairs along the back of Wednesday's neck stand on end. Sammy disappeared into a fifty yard toilet bowl like a swirling top. Sammy's lower limbs snapped like twigs and spiraled down the water tower's drain pipe. Raging crests extracted abdominal muscles and belly flesh from a striped trunk. Sammy's claret soaked hide and entrails spun down a channel of funnel shaped torrents. Crimson clouds escaped Sammy's crumbling body cavities and exited a gravity fed spout. Sammy's hips, spinal column, ribs, and shoulders were sucked down a ten inch chute. Sammy's slender, infuriated mouth edges exhaled bubbles into descending currents.

"bl-d-bl-d-bl-d-bl-dlll--" Lloyd and Hailey watched Sammy's ripped up guts swirling around a five foot vortex. Bernie's robin egg irises observed bowel soup spinning into Malley's water supply. Wednesday's disgusted digits wiggled her friend's gun barrels against Bernie's scalp. Wednesday's blush coated cheeks faded the color of cream cheese. Powder coated eyelids peeled off of Wednesday's teal eye shutters.

"Jee-sus Christ--" Wednesday groaned. Hailey's emerald irises spotted her friend's eyes behind Bernie's hair spikes.

"Isn't that-- *your* water supply?" Hailey requisitioned. Wednesday's pale pupil adjusters stared at her friend's jade eye shutters. Wednesday flattened wiggling fingers on top of shivering lips coated with ruby beeswax. She exhaled a disgusted breath into raven black canvas covering her palm. Wednesday's fabric wrapped digits were embellished with acrylic finger bones.

"We have a water well--" Wednesday squeezed out. "Thank God." Bernie's agitated forearms shuffled along amber oxidation coating the tank's top rail. Bernie's fat cheeks wiggled above the beginning of his spine. A terrified breath escaped Bernie's thick oral extents.

"aaAAHH!!" Bernie shouted. Wednesday hammered Bernie's push broom spikes using the barrels of Hailey's boot pistol.

"Whoa!" Wednesday barked. "F-Freeze, mother fucker!"

"AHH! Fuck!" Bernie snarled. Bernie slung biceps and forearms strapped with plaid sleeves above his head. "Alright, you fuckin' bitch! God damn!" A brown, glass bottle dangled from Bernie's chunky fingertips. Tar drops studied Bernie's pickle illuminated cheeks between Lloyd's coffee hair strands. Sinister lips formed a smirk along the left edge of Lloyd's dimly lit face.

"You remember my friend, Wednesday?" Lloyd requisitioned. Lloyd's sloppy skate shoes crept along points of woven, rust coated steel. Lloyd stood beside his girlfriend's lime strapped upper arm and wrist. "Right, Bernie?" Bernie's robin egg irises studied glints reflecting from Lloyd's charcoal eye shutters. Lloyd bobbed his head. "This little-- tiny-- frail-- goth lookin' chick standing behind you?" Bernie glanced above mustard and charcoal checks wrapping his fat shoulder. He searched raven tinted strands framing Wednesday's pale cheeks. Hailey lifted tomato wrapped digits in front of her raven black bustler top. She pointed above amber stained tubing surrounding the tank's cat walk.

"You and this-- piece of shit-- raped her, the other day??" Hailey's leather strapped digits shuffled a back pack harness gripping her shoulder. Brows the color of push broom bristles pointed down the bridge of Bernie's fat nose.

"I fuckin' *know* who you are-- dumb-shits!" Bernie snapped. Bernie gritted his disgusted teeth. "You fucks!!" Bernie licked his thick lips. "You fuckin' killed every-- God damn person I know!" Bernie motioned towards Sammy soup cycling down a ten inch pipe. "You just killed my best friend!" Bernie squinted. "You want me to fuckin'-- apologize, or what??" Hailey's emerald irises gazed at Bernie's eye shutters through rectangular silicates. Hailey licked carnation tinted menthol coating her lips.

"Shoot him, Wednesday," Hailey instructed. Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath between her ruby stained lips. Frosty eye shutters studied chrome plated tubes extending from wiggling skeleton fingers. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath between shivering mouth edges.

"I caa-an't--" Wednesday groaned. Hailey's jade irises glared at Bernie's cucumber cheeks between curtains of flames.

"Fine," Hailey conceded. Hailey lifted leather sutured fingertips beside olive green elastic strapping her bicep. "*I'll* take care of this-- piece of shit." Lloyd laid a handle extending from a blood soaked plate across his girlfriend's palm. Hailey stretched a kitchen knife in front of raven black lace surrounding her throat. Bernie's robin egg irises studied raspberry syrup coating Hailey's cooking instrument. Bernie's tomato tinted canvas sneaker scooted backwards. The rear of Bernie's skull collided with a set of nine millimeter chutes. Bernie squeezed together points of agitated teeth. A snarl escaped spaces between Bernie's tightened bicuspids.

Josh's slender nose flattened along a sheet constructed from gravel and slick pitch. Teeth fragments surrounded Josh's shattered cheek bones. Cerebral cortex and chunks of Josh's skull ejected from his cracked temples. Josh's crumpled digits were stacked below snapped ulnas and radius bones. Kneecap particles were scattered underneath Josh's cracked tibias and fibulas. A crimson pool surrounded Josh's disintegrated joints and ripped up tissue. Lloyd's charcoal sneaker remnants parked beside Josh's scotch tinted head fluffs. Lloyd studied blood soaked hair puffs hanging from Josh's battered scalp. Shiny coals searched a chocolate fountain hanging from Lloyd's forehead.

"Jesus, Hailey," Lloyd grumbled. Lloyd's girlfriend knelt down beside a claret puddle swallowing Josh's right hand fingers. Hailey's denim strapped hiny rested along leather collars protecting her heels. Hailey's smirking precipice studied Lloyd's eye coals from a canopy of ginger extrusions.

"Yours was worse," Hailey exhaled from gloss coated lips. Hailey glided fingers wrapped in tomato leather below Josh's crumpled palms. Hailey's unused knuckle extensions slipped a knife handle underneath Josh's metacarpals. Lloyd watched his girlfriend's gloved digits close finger hunks around a slick grip.

"What're you doing?" Lloyd inquired. "Placing his fingerprints?" Emeralds studying Josh's knuckle meat floated above the lenses of Hailey's glasses.

"What's left of them," Hailey explained. Hailey flattened a mat attached to the sole of her boot in front of her left knee. Leather caps extending from raven bells carried Hailey beside her boyfriend. Cow hide strapped fingertips dangled a blood soaked knife between Hailey's knees. Hailey folded her olive green and raven black trunk above her denim wrapped hips. She tossed a claret spattered kitchen slicer above Josh's disheveled carcass. A mirror tinted point collided with pavement beside Josh's undressed shoulder.

Wednesday inadvertently wedged a rung between her right hand boot heel and arch. The rust coated extrusion spanned lower ladder uprights. Wednesday's footwear snagged an amber stained step that was second from the bottom. Wednesday's left heel support and toe platform collided with slick pavement. Canvas strapped fingers squeezed climbing supports in front of Wednesday's chest. Wednesday's silk wrapped biceps and tits dangled from skeleton embellished digits. Wednesday lifted a pale thigh and calf escaping a raven hip canopy. Wednesday lifted a three inch thick boot mat. The rear of Wednesday's plantar deck hooked an oxidized bar. Wednesday's kneecap hammered buttermilk flesh below her fishnet chest covering. Fingers coated with raven glove fabric slipped off of rusted ladder spokes.

"Whoa! Shit!" Wednesday barked. Wednesday toppled onto her tiny, silk shrouded booty. Wednesday's skull bounced on a blanket of raven tinted strands. Hailey and Lloyd's faces twisted like tops. Cocoa extrusions and ginger filaments swatted Lloyd and Hailey's pale cheeks. Wednesday flattened rubber boot supports beside latex strapping her left ankle. Wednesday's brass stained eye flaps wrinkled on top of her teal irises. Ruby smudged lips peeled off of Wednesday's gritted incisors.

Wednesday burrowed skeleton embellished digits underneath raven black scalp threads. Leather caps poking out of Hailey's bell bottoms parked beside her friend's calves. Hailey bent over. Hailey suspended raven chest fabric above black silk spanning Wednesday's lap. Hailey offered leather sutured fingers extending from an olive green shirt sleeve. Wednesday's skeleton embellished digits swatted Hailey's tomato knuckle extensions.

"Hailey, I swearrr--!" Wednesday grumbled. Wednesday pointed between Hailey's emerald eye shutters. "If you fucking touch meee! I swear to God!!" Hailey displayed palms sutured with poppy stained cow hide.

"Wednesdayyy--" Hailey groaned. Wednesday reached above her silk wrapped tits. She shoved her friend's helpful fingers against bronze coated shirt seals. Hailey shuffled on inch thick mats forged from charcoal tinted rubber. She raised frustrated palms in front of olive green bicep elastic. "Wednesday, pleeease--" Hailey begged. "Let me-- help you!" Wednesday supported herself using elbows shrouded with raven black puffs. She glared at her friend's emerald irises below bangs like licorice candy.

"Leave me ALOOONE!!" Wednesday shouted. Wednesday flattened canvas strapped palms beside the curves of her hips. She shoved charcoal shoulder silk away from tar cemented pebbles. Hailey watched her friend scramble to her feet. She situated tomato back pack harnesses beside a lace choker gripping her throat. Wednesday balanced on toes of black, latex boots. She formed skeleton finger fists beside a silk tube eclipsing her thighs. Raven black eyebrows flattened Wednesday's pale irises. Wednesday glared at Hailey's glasses lenses from the tops of her corneas. She flew into a rage.

Rubber toe platforms and tapered heels stomped across slick pavement. Wednesday ratcheted silk arm fluffs on top of her chest. She rammed folded wrists against Hailey's pointed bustler coverings. Hailey secured her back pack's shoulder harnesses along the edges of her neck. She tightened ligaments supporting her denim wrapped calves and thighs. Wednesday shoved her friend's ribs. She stumbled on awkward platforms fastened below her latex boots. Wednesday wound up throwing herself to the ground.

Hailey watched her friend collapse in front of her black, leather boots. Wednesday's hip and shoulder collided with a sheet of asphalt. Wednesday crumbled on top of porcelain kneecaps and nylon stranded breasts. Bison skin toes and canvas palms forced Wednesday to her feet. Wednesday swiveled on dense extrusions fastened to the soles of her boots. Wednesday's silk shrouded biceps hugged her ribs. Skeleton embellished digits extended from Wednesday's irritated wrists. Wednesday wrinkled the bridge of her tiny nose. She peeled ruby tinted mouth rims off of gritted teeth.

"Do you think this is who I am?!" Wednesday squeezed between mashed incisors. "Do you think this is-- what I wanna do with my life?? Huh?!?" Hailey tilted irritated scalp flames between olive bundled shoulders. Heavy eyelids collapsed behind silicate plates surrounding Hailey's nose. Puffed facial curves evacuated hot breath between Hailey's gloss coated lips.

"Tell me you don't-- feel better," Hailey responded. Hailey balanced her pale chin and cheeks along tomato digits framing her throat. She searched her friend's frost tinted eye shutters. Hailey licked carnation tinted shellac glazing her lips. "Doesn't it feel-- better, now??" Wednesday forged a sarcastic smirk between her disgusted cheeks. She exhaled a hateful breath between arc shaped mouth rims.

"Awww, Gyahhd--" Wednesday groaned. Irrational puffs escaped Wednesday's ruby lips. "I don't-- feel any better!" Wednesday snapped. Wednesday stared at her friend's emerald irises. She shook irritated fingers beside raven shoulder puffs. "I don't feel any betterrr!!" Hailey inhaled frosty midnight gasses. She exhaled an impatient breath from puffed cheeks. "I don't feel-- anything--" Wednesday grumbled. Wednesday searched her friend's jade eye facets. She wiggled raven spotted digits in front of furious biceps. "ANY-MORE!!" Hailey searched her friend's agitated facial features. Wednesday looked at pitch cemented pavement. She swirled reckless digits in front of crow tinted chest fishnet.

"You and Lloyd--" Wednesday snarled. "That girl Allie--" Wednesday exhaled infuriated puffs between tightened chompers. "You're FREAKS!!" Wednesday's shivering vocal chords expelled. Wednesday glared at Hailey's emerald irises. She huffed, angrily. "YOU'RE ALL FREEEAKS!!" Hailey watched her friend heave hateful breaths like an angry grizzly bear. Wednesday squeezed shallow puffs between gritted teeth. Wednesday's cheeks, lips, and eye flaps felt like they were submerged in soda water. Hailey glided her tongue across menthol wax coating her lower lip. She swallowed nervous spit.

"Youuu-- regret coming out h--?"

"Yes," Wednesday thoughtlessly interrupted. Hailey studied her friend's hate filled eye shutters. She inhaled a careful breath.

"You think-- me and Lloyd should've just--"

"Yesss!!" Wednesday shrieked. Wednesday's skeleton fists battered her silk skirted hips. Hailey squeezed her lace strapped neck using tomato tinted back pack harnesses. Hailey's flame filamented scalp toppled between her shoulder blades. Her emerald eye shutters searched points of cosmic light spotting an indigo canopy. Wednesday studied her friend's moonlit throat. She glanced at Lloyd.

Lloyd balanced on soles of sloppy sneakers a couple of feet behind his girlfriend. He folded his pale arms on top of lemon, raspberry, ivory, and charcoal chest bands. Glints from Lloyd's charcoal pupil adjusters showed between espresso forehead strands. Wednesday inhaled cool, nighttime air through her tiny nostrils. Skin flaps brushed with brass eye makeup covered Wednesday's pale irises. Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath between mouth rims stained with ruby beeswax. She showed Lloyd shivering palms covered with raven tinted canvas.

"Take-- meee--" Wednesday puffed between raspberry stained oral flaps. Wednesday uncovered teal eye shutters. She slopped skeleton embellished fingers in front of her satin sheathed stomach. "Take me home," Wednesday instructed. Wednesday dangled canvas sutured fingers beside silk ruffles shrouding her hips. "Just fuckinggg-- take me home." Wednesday swirled on rubber mats attached to latex boots. She folded raven arm puffs on top of fishnet bundled tits. She stomped towards Lloyd's Cammy.

Chapter 10: "Sentimental Value"
Table of Contents

Fluffs like camel hair hung from a gash adorning a strip of bourbon tinted canvas. Scotch sprouts dangled from a two and a half inch tear splitting a vertical strap. The frayed belt section was suspended from a plastic hoop the color of caramel. Cornflower blue shutters focused frustrated pupils on a tan seat belt mount. Sunken irises peeked from quarter sized ports above silver mustache bristles. Strands like mirrors were slicked from a crinkled forehead to rear scalp hair buds. Officer Harris' irritated face erupted from the collar of a navy blue dress shirt. Harris' lower lip dropped from a canopy of chrome push broom bristles.

"MOOOoorre!!" Officer Harris wailed. Detective Moore's wrinkled face swiveled above a silk collar rim like lemonade. Rust and silver scalp coils danced above Moore's leathery forehead and cheeks. Margarita wads dangling from Moore's shoulders swooped beside coffee shrouded hips. Irises like coal stared across a slick dome coated with chocolate automotive paint. Detective Moore gazed into Officer Harris' agitated eye shutters. Toes of sloppy, charcoal dress shoes swiveled along points of tar glopped pebbles. A tie like a strand of peanut butter swooped between the edges of Moore's coat. Detective Moore shrugged. A silver badge and nametag were pinned beside Officer Harris' indigo neckwear. Irises like tarnished pennies stared between silver hair bud fences. Officer Harris shook his head.

"You said 'tomorrow'. You told me 'I'll take care of it, tomorrow'. Remember?" Detective Moore squinted. Crevices like sidewalk cracks escaped the corners of Moore's tar shaded eyes.

"What're you goin' on about *now*, Harris?" Detective Moore responded. Harris lifted a muscular bicep and forearm strapped with blueberry tinted wool. He pointed through a rhombus shaped frame above Moore's passenger side door.

"You *know* what I'm talking about, Moore!" Harris shouted back. "I'm talking about that-- damn-- death trap you're driving around!" Detective Moore tilted a crinkled face supporting curious irises like tar drops. He searched below chocolate tinted roof paint eclipsing his driver's side door. He spotted bourbon stained frays dangling from his seat belt's chest strap. Fluffs like rust coated caterpillars climbed Detective Moore's wrinkled forehead.

"Awww--" Moore groaned. The heel of Detective Moore's palm collided with a flesh staircase above his eyes. Wrinkled finger shafts gripped silver and bronze curls poking out of Moore's scalp. "You mean the seat belt." Detective Moore hoisted his thoughtful face above the ceiling of his Cutler. He lifted digits like stacks of vanilla pudding in front of his shoulders. "You're right, Harris," Moore responded. "I forgot all about that." Harris rested his elbows along ivory tinted paint protecting his driver's side door. He glared at Detective Moore's coal shaded irises.

"You crotchety, old bastard," Officer Harris snapped. "Drive that-- hunk o' shit over to the body shop and get it fixed!" Moore lowered his rust coated scalp between margarita shrouded shoulders. He showed Harris an apologetic palm.

"Alright, Harris--" Detective Moore grumbled. Moore looked up. "As soon as I get a chance." Officer Harris' face swiveled above a blueberry collar as stiff as craft wood.

"Nuh-uhhh--" Harris snarled. "Noww-wuh." Harris pointed between drops of tar spotting Moore's corneas. "You take it in-- right-- now." Officer Harris sank into vinyl tufts padding his driver's seat. His cornflower irises stared at Detective Moore's pitch stained eye shutters. "I'm serious! You-- are gonna get yourself *killed* driving that thing around." Moore stared into Harris' pale, blue eyes. He poked his cheek with the tip of his tongue.

"On my way there, Harris," Moore grumbled. Officer Harris glared at a leathery face like an old catcher's mit. He shook his head. He reached behind a steering wheel like a hoop made of licorice. He started his vehicle's engine. An ivory cabin sandwiched between soot tinted front and rear ends drove away. Blueberry and cherry stained containers shrouded Harris' quartz tinted roof. Silicate frames shaped like paper towel rolls emerged from a stainless steel divider. Officer Harris drove a police cruiser towards the edge of Glory High's parking lot.

Fingertips spotted with cherry red nail polish collected along an oak plane. Cardinal capped digits the color of limestone shoved a thick door out of the way. Olive green, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin tinted stripes descended from knuckles like desert sand. Striated sweater cuffs diverted streaked shoulder fleece to horizontal chest bands. Flame curtains bordered pale cheeks and aortic flesh escaping a raven neck rim. Emerald eye shutters searched latitudinal silicates between magma hair fluffs. Salmon tongue flesh glided between velvet lips coated with carnation pink gloss.

Thighs, knees, and calves bound in raven nylons sank into necks of queso maryjanes. Zinc plated fasteners sutured charcoal skirt ruffles in front of slender upper legs. Femur dermis strapped with charcoal stockings wandered below velvet drapes. Vinyl like dandelion pedals shackled soot shrouded insteps hauling neoprene mats. Birch digits evading olive rims shifted tomato red harnesses along striped deltoids. Cherry spotted fingers situated a poppy tinted book bag between scapula striations. Rubber heel and toe platforms carried nylon bridled ankles onto a sidewalk square. The inner surfaces of Hailey's fingertips separated from a wooden door surface.

Hailey saundered between departing high school peers. A sea of evening clouds rolled above crimson bricks forming Glory High's entrance. Claret and tangerine cumulus crests escaped a ruby and graphite canopy. Hailey's pale cheeks, forehead, and chin reflected solar rays like fruit punch. Salmon reflecting facial extents swiveled below a canopy of apricot filaments. Hailey's emerald irises surfed silicate ocular panels between gold plated dowels. Sherbet scalp fluffs battered Hailey's velvet, radiation speckled cheeks. Plasma ribbons like quartz escaped cumulus tufts above Hailey's carrot tinted locks. Points of free flowing ions forged jagged channels connecting crimson cloud peaks. Howls like tumbling boulders agitated sparse atmospheric gasses.

An oak door Hailey released wandered away from crimson mud blocks beside the exit. Ivory facial extents reflecting cardinal rays emerged from a slick, wood covering. Pupils between frosty, blue shutters stared below points of raven black bangs. Crow tinted curtains framed pale cheeks surrounding a narrow chin. Somber lips coated with ruby red beeswax flattened below the tip of a tiny nose. A slender neck like buttermilk emerged from a silk border the color of coal. Coffee and cream bands descended curves of tiny breasts and a trim stomach. Biceps and wrists strapped with espresso and coconut stripes squeezed striated ribs. Fingertips spotted with raven black acrylic flattened along crimson wall blocks.

A waist suspending wide legged jeans escaped a crop top canopy. A chrome plated button fastened charcoal stained denim in front of a tiny navel. Asphalt tubes the width of water pales descended lifeless thighs and calves. A black, leather toe point escaped the rim of a bucket shaped pant leg. A wafer padding matching footwear rested along bricks beside a denim shrouded kneecap. A cocoa and milk striped calf escaped cow hide instep forms like charcoal. Waxed twine like extruded tar sutured slick patterns over heel and instep striations. A stocking streaked ankle disappeared below the base of a denim chute.

Black and white shoulder blade bands rested on top of blueberry book bag denim. Indigo jean harnesses squeezed striped deltoids against concealed text containers. Ivory bicep, breast, and ankle stripes repeated strawberry and tangerine radiation. Hailey searched coal, amber, and gold keratin poking out of rear facing scalps. Hailey's pale face swiveled below peach, sweet potato, and carrot filaments. Hailey looked above olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin shoulder stripes. She spotted her friend hovering beside oak doors protecting Glory High's entrance.

Wednesday looked like shit. Hailey wondered if her friend would ever look colorful and lively again. Wednesday's pale irises stared out of flattened eyelid canopies below raven bangs. Her lifeless pupils studied neon orange and claret reflecting cloud puffs. Hailey's emerald ocular ports admired Wednesday's teal eyes through crystal panes. Hailey licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips.

"Wednesday?" Hailey called. Wednesday's dejected pupil adjusters focused blankly below mascara coated lashes. Wednesday didn't budge. Hailey gazed at strawberry glints collecting along her friend's pale cheeks. She inhaled a sharp breath. "Wednesday!" Hailey exclaimed. Wednesday stared at puffs like watermelon flesh drifting across the sky. Indigo stained eyelids collapsed in front of Wednesday's frost tinted irises. Makeup brushed ocular flaps drifted apart. Wednesday's pale eye shutters stared into her friend's emerald peepers. Hailey watched Wednesday above her autumn striped shoulder. She swallowed rubbery spit.

A neoprene exclamation point shoved Wednesday's foot away from crimson bricks. Rubber soles below shiny, leather sculptures carried leg drapes across jade grass. Pockets fashioned from raven black denim began below Wednesday's lower cheeks. Rear jean storage compartments were sutured along ivory tinted, pant leg stitches. Bases of back leg stash slots were secured behind Wednesday's kneecaps. A crimson orb adorned the lower, right corner of Wednesday's right hand pocket. Ivory stained silk spelled "DEATH" along an ellipse forged from rose tinted thread.

An image resembling a skull was crafted using cornflower and silver dyed strands. Claret fibers were arranged like a pointed shroud surrounding a mournful precipice. Wednesday parked pinhole spotted footwear beside toes of daffodil maryjanes. She balanced cannon cloaked leg segments beside her friend's raven stockings. She folded coffee and cream striped biceps and forearms on top of her tiny tits. Wednesday's teal eye shutters searched strawberry and tangerine reflecting clouds. Quartz discharges exited claret vapor extrusions and carved jagged pathways.

"...i haaate a-days..." Wednesday forced out of ruby stained lips. Hailey's colorful face watched her friend's chalky cheeks above her right shoulder. Hailey filled her lungs with cool, damp air. She exhaled a long breath between oral rims coated with carnation tinted gloss. "...we have-- psychology togetherrr..." Wednesday squeezed through exhausted vocal striations. While Wednesday searched tomato cloud fluffs, crackles pierced humid gasses. Wednesday's pale face swiveled above cocoa and buttermilk shoulder stripes. Licorice filaments battered Wednesday's soft cheeks. Shutters like sea ice gazed at Hailey's emerald irises. Wednesday exhaled an icy breath between lips frosted with ruby red glaze.

"...and then-- i don't see you allll dayyy..." Wednesday groaned. Saline droplets escaped the outer corners of Wednesday's pale, blue eyes. Hailey observed hapless tears soaking her friend's claret refracting cheeks. Hailey detected ocular fluids collecting along her lower eyelids. Her gloss coated lips wiggled the lower half of her pale face. Hailey lifted an olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin fleeced limb below Wednesday's chin.

"Wednesdayyy--" Hailey groaned. Hailey glided cherry capped digits down raven strands tickling her friend's cheek. Wednesday squeezed sopping wet, mascara coated lashes together. Her cream tinted chin collapsed along espresso and milk bands streaking her chest. Wednesday teetered on toes of pointed, leather shoes. Wednesday's saline soaked cheek sank into autumn swirls blanketing Hailey's chest. Wednesday strapped soot and parmesan spiraled limbs around her friend's ribs.

Hailey wrapped pumpkin spiced biceps and wrists around Wednesday's slender neck. Lime peel, graphite, pearl, queso, and apricot sweater bands folded above blueberry back pack denim. Hailey crushed magma temple fluffs on top of her friend's raven scalp strands. She grazed pin shaped follicles shrouding Wednesday's rear hair line. Hailey's crimson spotted fingertips stroked velvet hide protecting Wednesday's neck.

"You still got some algebra homework?" Hailey requisitioned.

"Yeahhh--" Wednesday groaned from claret stained lips. Hailey crushed her friend's slender deltoids using her upper arms and wrists.

"Okay," Hailey responded. "Let's find Lloyd. And, we'll go back to your house." Tar shutters observed tangerine and raspberry cloud crests navigating a pitch canopy. Crimson vapor refractions traversed graphite irises below rust and silver shavings. Elliptical pits forged above leather cheeks pointed coals at approaching footsteps. Detective Moore's banana pudding precipice gazed above lemonade collar flaps. Moore straightened wrists and biceps draped with margarita soaked sleeve wads. Slender oral rims formed a smirk below crinkles splitting Moore's facial extents. Moore glided fingers like stacks of canned cheese across a camel tinted neck tie.

Detective Moore's corneal tar droplets followed raven black, denim leg curtains. Charcoal stained leg chutes climbed Wednesday's thigh curves and hugged her hips. Sparkling toes of black leather footwear escaped wandering jean cuffs like cannons. A sliver of Wednesday's pale stomach peeked below the canopy of a striped crop top. Arms wrapped in coffee and cream bands swung tar spotted digits beside shifting hips. Erratic wind gusts slammed raven black fluffs against Wednesday's velvet cheeks. Eye shutters like sea ice stared lifelessly below points of licorice bangs. A book sack forged from blueberry denim hopped on espresso streaked shoulder blades.

Legs bundled with soot tinted hose extended from necks of daffodil maryjanes. Nylon strapped thighs and calves cycled vinyl armored insteps across fresh asphalt. A black, velvet skirt sutured with seven brass snaps dangled from a trim waist. Arms draped in olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar and pumpkin sweater fluffs swooped beside felt hip ruffles. Cherry spotted digits situated tomato stained harnesses beside autumn striped tits. Apricot strands rode humid currents beside cream cheeks reflecting strawberry rays.

Emerald irises employed silicate panels facing Detective Moore's chocolate Cutler. Hailey studied a reflection of Moore's wrinkled face resembling stretched taffy. Lips coated with carnation gloss forged a cautious smile between Hailey's cheeks. Somber mouth rims soaked with ruby red beeswax scorched Wednesday's pale face. Wednesday glanced at her friend's colorful precipice from the corners of her eyes.

"...hailey, what the fuck?..." Wednesday squeezed out of raspberry oral flaps. Hailey crushed canvas shoulder straps between pale digits escaping striped sleeves.

"...fuck if *i* know..." Hailey forced between menthol glossed teeth coverings. Curious feet carried black leather scraps below cuffs of coffee tinted slacks. Detective Moore stopped beside a chrome plated railing protecting his rear fender.

"Those are sooome pants, Ms. Williams," Moore commented. Detective Moore hugged lemonade stomach wrap using margarita cloaked arm segments. He rested an elbow strapped with pickle juice fabric across his knuckles. Wrinkled digits extending from Moore's trench coat sleeve stroked his chin. "Those are really great!" The girls stopped beside Detective Moore's back end bumper. Wednesday molded ruby stained lips into the shape of a nervous grin.

"Thaaanks--" Wednesday groaned. "They're called-- 'DEATH' jeans." Moore squinted. Seams like sidewalk cracks extended from the corners of Detective Moore's eyes.

"'Death'?" Moore repeated. "Like-- 'death' death??" An exhausted chuckle escaped Wednesday's raspberry oral seals. Wednesday licked her lips.

"It stands forr--" Shutters like sea ice wandered to the upper corners of Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday's ocular caverns wrinkled. "Somethinggg--" Emerald irises studied Moore's thoughtful precipice using Hailey's glasses lenses.

"Ditch Emotion And Trust Honor," Hailey explained. Drops of tar crept towards the right ends of Detective Moore's eyes. Moore gazed into Hailey's jade faceted ocular ports. Fluffs like rust and silver coated caterpillars climbed Moore's forehead wrinkles. Detective Moore pointed beside his lips.

"Ditch Emotion--" Moore repeated. Moore directed his index finger in front of lengthy mouth coverings. "And Trust Honor--" Detective Moore extended crinkled finger shafts beside his cheeks. "Well, wudda you knowww--" Hailey folded sweater fleeced wrists and biceps on top of her chest.

"I take it you-- haven't found my mom, yet?" Detective Moore gazed into Hailey's emerald irises. He shook his head.

"Uhhh-- no, Ms. Hollowayyy--" Moore groaned. Detective Moore glided finger wads between rust and silver coils coating his scalp. "You knowww-- I've been awful busy these past few days--" Hailey tightened canvas back pack harnesses along the edges of her buttermilk neck. She nodded.

"I read about-- a bunch of kids at the Main Street water tower this morning," Hailey remarked. White noise escaped a portable speaker near the middle of Moore's front seats.

"...detective moore?..." a woman's voice requisitioned. "...this is westin. are you close by?..." A polyurethane driver squeezed a puff of electrical snow through plastic pin-holes. Copper and platinum fluffs climbed a skin staircase above Moore's eye sockets.

"Uhhh-- yes, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore responded. Moore reached above scotch tinted vinyl covering his driver's side window sill. "I'm also collaborating on *that* case--" Detective Moore dragged a polystyrene box the size of a hot dog onto his seat. He hoisted a charcoal case past a rhombus shaped frame above his driver's door. A rubber stick as big around as a drinking straw poked out of a petroleum sculpture. Moore's thumb squeezed a long switch extending from a plastic device. Detective Moore hoisted a grill like licorice candy in front of his long lips.

"Yeah, this is Moore," Detective Moore exhaled into a microphone. "I'm riiight on top of you." Moore released a doorbell button covering a momentary contact. A shriek like a frantic puppy escaped Detective Moore's walkie talkie speaker. Moore's panicked precipice yanked rusted hair fluffs away from his crinkled fingers. Detective Moore stared at Hailey's emerald eye shutters. He blinked. "Ohh, myyy--" Moore groaned. "You think she heard me just now?" Detective Moore mashed a long switch using the opposable digit of his right hand. He dangled a plastic grill in front of his chin.

"Westin?" Moore requisitioned. Detective Moore released a button underneath his dominant palm's thumb. He listened for a few seconds. He squeezed a polystyrene trigger. "Officer Westiiin?" Detective Moore hummed. Moore listened for a response. He shrugged. Detective Moore tossed his walkie talkie over the head rest of his driver's seat. He faced the girls. "Well, I tried," Moore remarked. Moore pointed at a gold plated dowel separating the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "*You* saw me, Ms. Holloway." Hailey smirked. Detective Moore glided his thumbnail across vanilla pudding covering his forehead.

"You knowww-- we found those missing kids," Moore explained. Hailey and Wednesday studied Detective Moore's tar tinted irises. Hailey licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips.

"You're talking about--" Hailey squinted. "Jennifer and Travis now, right?" Moore folded forearms blanketed in margarita trench coat fluffs on top of his chest.

"Uhhh, yes--" Detective Moore croaked. "We found traces of their friends-- Vicky and Paul." Moore's eyes shriveled the edges of his leathery face like an accordian. "We also found traces of Vicky's father-- Martin." Hailey stared at Detective Moore's crinkled eyes. She nodded. "We've been lookin' for him, too," Moore continued. "We were *wondering* what happened to him." Hailey flattened lime peel, graphite, quartz, queso, and tangerine wrists on top of her chest. She gripped a gloss coated lip between her teeth. She wrinkled jade ornamented eyes.

"You found-- *traces* of them?" Hailey inquired. Detective Moore pointed his fingers at pitch coated gravel below his sloppy shoes.

"In the pile of ashes," Moore explained. "Next to the fulgurites." A white flash illuminated scarlet and tangerine cumulus puffs. Detective Moore cracked his worn out cheeks using corners of squinting eye sockets. "*You* remember. We were talking about that just the other day?" Thunder compressed Hailey, Wednesday, and Moore's ear drums. Hailey's pale face nodded above pumpkin spice striations wrapping her chest and arms.

"Okay, riiight--" Hailey responded. "Yeah, I remember that." Detective Moore poked his cheek with his tongue. He nodded.

"Yep--" Moore explained. "We finally found enough teeth in that pile of ashes. And the tooth pulp proves it." Hailey searched Detective Moore's tar tinted irises. She wiggled her head up and down. She lifted cherry capped digits above folded forearms wrapped with striated fleece.

"So-- you *found* them," Hailey remarked. Hailey rubbed olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin bands surrounding her biceps. "Okay, then." Wednesday studied claret radiation illuminating her friend's pale cheeks. She tapped bicuspids between ruby stained lips with a nail coated in raven acrylic. She motioned towards Detective Moore's tan neck wear using pitch spotted digits.

"Whyyy-- are you telling her this?" Wednesday inquired. Moore stared at Hailey's emerald eyes from seams between crinkled flesh flaps. He glanced at Wednesday's teal irises.

"You know-- I was just thinking about that fight the other day," Detective Moore replied. Wednesday's crow spotted fingertips pointed at Moore's lemonade shrouded chest. Wednesday rested birch tinted digits along cream dermis protecting her throat. She glared at Detective Moore's coal shaded pupil adjusters.

"You mean-- Hailey and Jennifer?" Wednesday requisitioned. Moore stared at Wednesday's teal eye shutters. Moore's lips resembled a sly smirk.

"Yes, Ms. Williams," Detective Moore responded. "That'd be the one." Wednesday gazed into Moore's deep, dark eyes. She slung irritated finger shafts beside licorice hair fluffs tickling her cheeks.

"What the fuck does *that* have to do with anything?" Wednesday snapped. Detective Moore's rusted, caterpillar eyebrows crept away from his eye sockets. Moore squeezed long, slender lips together.

"Uhhh, Ms. Williams--" Detective Moore croaked. "With all due respect, I mean-- the question has to be addressed at some point." Wednesday extended her pale chin above her long, ivory tinted neck. She shuffled arms wrapped with espresso and cream stripes on top of her chest. She exhaled an impatient breath.

"This is bullshit," Wednesday responded. Eyebrows like carrot shavings lifted above Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey inhaled a cool, humid breath between her gloss coated lips.

"W-Wednesdayyy--" Hailey groaned. Slender, raven shaded eyebrows pointed down the bridge of Wednesday's nose. Wednesday pointed raven capped digits at Detective Moore's lemonade chest covering.

"This is bull-shit!" Wednesday shouted. "*You* don't have to talk to this-- fucking pig!" Wednesday shook ivory nightcrawlers in front of espresso and milk streaked tits. "What-- just because that-- stupid slut pushed her into the lockers the other day??" Hailey studied tangerine sunlight grazing her friend's quartz tinted cheeks. She glanced at Detective Moore.

"Well-- it *is* ridiculous," Hailey agreed. Moore stared at Wednesday's frosty irises. He searched Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey shrugged. "I mean-- I was mad about what happened." Hailey shook her head. "I-I didn't want her-- dead." Detective Moore stared at jade facets attached to Hailey's corneas. He poked his cheek with his tongue. He patted margarita trench coat fabric hanging from his deltoids. He reached beside his hips. He mashed pickle juice curtains surrounding his waist. He inhaled a sharp breath between his long, thin lips.

"Do you happen to have a pen, Ms. Holloway?" Moore requisitioned. "I can't seem to find mine, today." Hailey guided arms blanketed in pumpkin spiced fleece through tomato shoulder straps. Strawberry spotted cream fingers dangled a canvas bag in front of Hailey's waist. Fingertips embellished with cherry red acrylic gripped a poppy stained zipper plate. Hailey dragged a separator between rows of steel teeth sealing a canvas sleeve. She slipped buttermilk digits between fabric panels the color of lady bug wings. Vortices scouring tarsal dermis grazed polished panels guarding Hailey's pistol grip. Hailey's mouth went dry. Her pale face evacuated its hemoglobin cargo.

"Any pen'll do, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore explained. Hailey looked up. Emerald slivers studied Moore's corneal tar drops from peaks of nervous eye sockets. Hailey's cautious fingers glided across loose staples and empty paper clips. A transparent writing instrument toppled out of Hailey's book bag storage space. The plastic well confinement hammered fresh pavement between Moore's scuffed shoes. Hailey exhaled a shaky breath. She rested tomato tinted book canvas beside maryjane caps forged from daffodil vinyl. She deposited nylon wrapped kneecaps on top of poppy stained periodical fabric. She snatched extruded petroleum grazing Moore's sloppy footwear and stood up. Hailey pointed a glittering pen cap like licorice candy at Moore's camel fur tie.

Detective Moore studied a hexagonal ballpoint container like a crystal stick. A faceted turret poking out of quivering digits wiggled like gelatin dessert. Moore watched a polystyrene tower jiggling between Hailey's edgy knuckle extensions. He looked up. Hailey's sparkling, emerald irises stared back. Hailey gripped a shivering, gloss coated lip between apprehensive bicuspids. Hailey's trembling incisors recklessly fumbled menthol flavored mouth flesh. Hailey respirated a sharp puff. Detective Moore snatched Hailey's tomato soup back pack from her trembling fingers. Hailey crushed her ribs using biceps and wrists wrapped with striped sweater fleece. She curled strawberry tipped cream protrusions into trepidacious fists.

"D-Detective Moore?" Hailey forced between gloss coated oral rims. Moore ripped open a compartment sutured to the rear of Hailey's canvas book bag. He peeked inside.

"I'm not supposed to do this," Detective Moore explained. He looked up. "Not without a warrant." Detective Moore spun Hailey's back pack upside down. He wiggled poppy dyed fabric dangling from his wrinkle blanketed digits. Plastic pencils, ballpoint scribes, sticky notes, and rubber correctors toppled along soot tinted asphalt. Hailey's mom's nine millimeter pistol landed on top of mechanical graphite dispensers.

Hailey stared at nickel plated chutes extending from her compact boot gun. Hailey's scalp tilted carrot filaments behind her slender, birch tinted neck. Magma filaments flowed between olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin shoulder blade sections. Flaps coated with copper pigmented eye shadow covered Hailey's emerald irises. Quartz fingers spotted with tar squeezed raven fluffs escaping Wednesday's temples. Wednesday's baby blue pupil facets wandered to the corners of her eyes. Wednesday studied raspberry and tangerine radiation scorching her friend's cheeks.

"Awww God, Haileyyy--" Wednesday groaned. Detective Moore reached inside an opening separating his margarita stained coat. He extended a sheet of paper folded into thirds in front of Hailey's pale throat. Hailey's jade shutters studied wood pulp sections through oblong optical panels. Hailey looked at coal pennies fastened between Moore's crinkled eye sockets.

"That's why I went ahead and got one," Moore continued. "Just in case I needed it." Detective Moore secured Hailey Holloway's search warrant inside a coat pocket. "We found two nine millimeter slugs in a panel covering the automotive facility-- where we found Travis Griffin and Jennifer Rogers' remains," Moore explained. Detective Moore flattened arms blanketed in margarita curtains against his ribs. "The same building somebody burned to the ground with thermite a few nights earlier." Hailey hugged lime peel, slate, quartz, queso, and carrot stripes surrounding her chest. She stared at fresh pavement between daffodil vinyl cradling her toes and insteps.

"What's the point?" Hailey grumbled. "What difference does it make, now?" Wednesday followed cheddar and neon filaments dangling beside her friend's cheeks. She slung coffee and cream streaked biceps and wrists around Hailey's trim waist. Hailey's flame shrouded temple consumed licorice strands escaping her friend's scalp. Saline droplets plopped near the lower, right corners of Hailey's glasses lenses. Random ion channels like quartz manifested along edges of scarlet cumulus fluffs. Foreboding crackles disintegrated crisp, autumn air. Detective Moore folded in front of Hailey's nylon wrapped limbs and banana maryjanes. He snatched Hailey's dad's two shooter off a mountain of writing instruments.

"I found a gun case in your mom's closet the other day when we were searching-- the remains of your house on Cherry Lane," Moore revealed. "I did some research. I figured out-- she must've taken out your dad's old boot pistol at some point in time." Detective Moore studied flames pouring out of Hailey's scalp. "It was a nine millimeter weapon." Moore separated rifled shafts from slick palm coverings. He dangled twin barrels in front of withered nostrils. He inhaled from curious nasal cavities. He exhaled a satisfied breath.

"Yep--" Detective Moore concluded. "That's been recently fired, alright." Moore snapped Hailey's mom's pistol together. Moore's tar tinted irises focused on magma filaments framing Hailey's facial features. "When we found nine millimeter rounds at that abandoned building with your classmates' remains, well--" Detective Moore sighed. "A judge agreed with me. He believed-- that maybe you took your father's gun and fired those two rounds." Hailey lifted her head, slightly. Hailey's fiery, emerald irises glared at Detective Moore below a canopy of fire.

"I don't have any cuffs, Ms. Holloway," Moore explained. "I wasn't expecting to arrest you, today. I don't even know-- if regulation hand cuffs would *fit* your little-- tiny wrists." Hailey's jade eye shutters stared above rims of rectangular lenses. Hailey zipped a canvas covering dangling from the rear of her tomato red back pack. She slung poppy pigmented harnesses over her pumpkin segmented biceps. She inhaled a sharp breath.

"You mind if I ride up front with you?" Hailey inquired. "I get car sick when I ride in the back seat." Detective Moore wrangled an empathetic smile away from his long, slender lips. He motioned towards the passenger's end of his chocolate frosted Cutler.

"That'll be just fine, Ms. Holloway," Moore conceded. Hailey huddled between her friend's cocoa and milk striped biceps and wrists. She squeezed Wednesday's espresso and cream striated shoulders between her arms. She nuzzled her velvet cheek along the edge of her friend's jaw line.

"...find lloyd..." Hailey whispered. "...ask him to take you home..." Hailey licked menthol flavored gloss coating her lips. "...don't walk by yourself. okay?..." Wednesday's pale face shivered against Hailey's birch tinted cheek flesh. Wednesday inhaled a frosty breath between ruby waxed lips. Tears dribbled out of the corners of Wednesday's eyes.

"...what're you gonna do??..." Wednesday rasped.

"...tsst--..." Hailey forced between defeated incisors. "...what *can* i do? i'm fucked. i gotta go with him..." Hailey carried her pale face away from her friend's slender throat. She glided cherry capped fingers down raven strands surrounding Wednesday's cheeks. She gazed into Wednesday's teal eye shutters. "...tell lloyd i love him..." Hailey remarked, softly. A painful breath escaped Wednesday's raspberry stained oral rims. Wednesday folded tiny digits spotted with tar in front of her sobbing lips. Hailey wandered beside her friend. She and Detective Moore plopped down along bourbon vinyl wrapping bucket seats. Moore ignited a V-8 engine. Wednesday noticed sets of vertical tail lights glow the color of tomato skin. Coverings like quartz flashed between poppy illuminated lamps. Detective Moore's chocolate brown Cutler drove away.

A half dollar section of Hailey's pale forehead flattened along tinted window glass. Cheddar, sweet potato, and tomato strands were crushed underneath Hailey's skull. Emerald shutters behind oblong crystals gazed out of a transparent door covering. Automobile reflections wandered across the surface of Moore's passenger pane. Finger wrinkles dangled a two shot pistol above a plastic tray the color of scotch. Digits escaping a margarita coat sleeve lowered rifled barrels into a door shelf. Detective Moore's worn knuckle extensions released Hailey's dad's tiny firearm.

Moore guided a bourbon tinted steering hoop in front of lemonade chest fabric. Moore's crinkled face emerged from pickle juice collar flaps surrounding tan neck wear. Detective Moore looked above champagne ruffles descending his broad shoulder. Moore's murky irises followed olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin sweater bands. Hailey's cream cheek rested along fleeced wrists folded across a scotch door panel. Velvet skirt ruffles like asphalt were fastened in front of nylon wrapped thighs. Calves shrouded in pitch stained elastic were stuffed underneath upper leg hose. Daffodil heel coverings fastened to maryjanes embraced Hailey's felt blanketed hiny. Detective Moore returned his attention to traffic passing his Cutler's front end.

"You're very smart, Ms. Holloway," Moore disclosed. Detective Moore checked a rectangular reflecting glass near his car's ceiling. "I meant that when I said it in the teacher's lounge the other day." Hailey lifted her creamy face off of sweater sleeves blanketing her forearms. She studied Moore's rust and silver scalp coils above autumn shoulder fleece. Hailey rolled her eyes. She squeezed cherry fingertips between nylon strapped ankles and queso shoe vinyl. Chocolate sole cushions pounded bourbon carpet fluffs beside Hailey's back pack. Stocking gripped insteps and lower legs dangled from knees crushing amber seat trim. Nail polish like strawberry flesh brandished between woven panty hose fibers. Hailey glided neoprene embroidered toes and plantar pillows over tomato book canvas.

"I figured--" Detective Moore continued. "You got rid of most of the weapons you used to kill those kids." Moore licked long, thin lips spanning the lower half of his wrinkled precipice. "As well as your clothes-- rope-- tape--" A wise face sculpted from vanilla pudding rotated above Detective Moore's shoulder. "Those types of things." Tar droplets spotting Moore's corneas followed magma flowing down Hailey's neck.

"But-- I wondered if you might keep your father's gun." Hailey squashed pale forehead flesh and lava filaments against frosty window glass. Quartz cumulus flashes illuminated the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Hailey glided sand paper oral flesh across menthol gloss coating her lips. She looked above lime peel, graphite, pearl, tangerine, and rum streaking her left deltoid. Detective Moore glanced at Hailey's jade pupil adjusters. He searched glass and painted steel racing past his chocolate frosted vehicle.

"Sentimental value, right?" Moore requisitioned. Atmospheric crackles thumped Hailey and Detective Moore's ear drums. Emerald facets between flame curtains followed lemonade silk covering Moore's ribs. Jade slivers studied gold fluffs extending from Detective Moore's seat belt harness. Detective Moore inhaled a sharp breath between slender oral rims. "Why'd you do it, Ms. Holloway?" Hailey rotated wrists and biceps banded with fall colors in front of her chest. She sank into vinyl puffs the color of bourbon wrapping her seat. She shuffled nylon wrapped heels, arches, and digit ridges across her book bag. Moore glanced at stocking blanketed footsies brushing tomato red book canvas. He studied remnants of scarlet sun rays scorching Hailey's pale cheeks.

"You know-- we've got security footage of you and your friend Wednesday at C.J. Nickell last weekend." Detective Moore faced forward. "I can clearly make out the two of you-- hiding from Travis and Jennifer and Vicky and Paul." Moore spotted glints of light reflecting from Hailey's silicate eye coverings. "This was the day after Tommy, Joe, Tatum, Gary and Ms. Goodwin were murdered at your school, Ms. Holloway." Hailey studied ancient cracks extending from the corners of Detective Moore's eyes. Moore gazed at Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey swallowed nervous spit. She nodded. Detective Moore licked his long, thin lips.

"I knowww you killed the majority of Travis and his friends, Ms. Holloway." Moore chuckled. "I *know* you did!" Hailey faced the road. She studied passing pavement and ivory tinted lane markers racing by Moore's hood. "I only wonder--" Detective Moore added. "How much your friends Wednesday and Lloyd helped you out." Moore glanced at Hailey's colorful face. "Hopefully, not at all!" Hailey glared at Detective Moore's crinkled precipice.

"You'll have to figure that out on your own," Hailey exhaled from gloss sealed mouth rims. Detective Moore looked beside him. Moore's coal tinted irises followed Hailey's emerald eye shutters.

"Ohhh--" Detective Moore croaked. Moore studied traffic. He scanned Hailey's tangerine illuminted cheeks and found her jade pupil facets. "Is that so?" Hailey sank cream digits spotted with strawberry between nylon wrapped thighs. She lapped menthol beeswax lubricating her luscious lips.

"You can't-- shut-up about how smart you think I am," Hailey responded. "You have me pegged--" Hailey lifted a wrist and bicep wrapped in autumn themed sweater striations. She glided cherry capped fingers across cool cabin gasses. "As some kind of-- criminal mastermind." Hailey plopped cardinal embellished knuckle extensions along elastic, upper leg fibers. She shook philosophical digits in front of stripes wrapping her tiny tits. "You seem to believe-- you have me allll figured out." Hailey crushed bourbon pigmented seat vinyl using sweater striped shoulder blades. She hugged her chest using olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin banded forearms.

"Now-- wudda *you* think?" Hailey leaned towards Detective Moore's end of the car. "Do you think I'm gonna *tell* you something-- that you haven't already proven to me?" Moore glanced at fiery emeralds between Hailey's copper brushed eyelids. He flipped a blinker switch beside a bourbon jacket framing his steering column.

"I'm guessing they tried to kill you," Detective Moore surmised. Hailey sank into her seat. She nuzzled her chest against the inner surfaces of her wrists and biceps.

"Of course they tried to kill me," Hailey responded. Hailey faced forward. "Are you kidding me, or what?" Detective Moore steered into a different lane. He switched off his turn signal.

"Where, Ms. Holloway?" Moore requisitioned. Detective Moore studied Hailey's colorful face. "Where did this happen?" Hailey guided disgusted taste buds across liquid menthol coating her mouth seals.

"Where do you *think*?" Hailey snapped. Moore smirked. He searched traffic and shook his head.

"Ohhh-- probably the Church," Detective Moore mused. He glanced at the lenses of Hailey's glasses. "As you kids like to call it." Hailey glared at Moore's facial cracks above folded arms like rolls of hard candy. She rolled her eyes. "How does Vicky's dad fit into all of this?" Detective Moore inquired. Moore checked his rearview mirror. "Why is *he* missing?" Hailey glanced at panels below Moore's bourbon tinted steering wheel. A plastic stick the color of a tangerine peel pointed between tall, white digits. A quartz pigmented value beside the left edge of the Cutler's indicator read "80". A matching set of digits along the dial's right end read "85". Detective Moore searched Hailey's cream facial features and emerald eye shutters. He checked road.

"Surely *he* didn't have anything to do with this," Detective Moore suggested. Hailey turned away and closed her eyes. She separated copper powdered flaps and gazed at Moore from the corners of her eyes. Detective Moore stared between jade facets. He faced forward. He exhaled a heavy breath from puffed cheeks below peeled ocular coals. "Wowww--" Detective Moore grumbled. Moore glanced at a reflective rectangle adorning the peak of his windshield. "Martin too, huh?" Detective Moore collected details from Hailey's colorful face. He licked his slender lips. "What about--" Moore looked into Hailey's emerald eyes. "How many of them sexually assaulted you, Ms. Holloway?" Detective Moore inquired. Hailey stared at irises like drops of tar. She inhaled damp air.

"They-- They didn't *rape* me," Hailey explained. Rust and silver caterpillars climbed a flesh staircase forming Moore's forehead.

"You weren't raped??" Detective Moore requisitioned. Moore followed jade slivers surrounding Hailey's pupils. "Joe and that guy Tommy didn't try to have sex with you?" Hailey shook her head.

"N-No," Hailey responded.

"Not Paul Snyder?" Moore inquired. "Not Gary Dodson or Travis Griffin?" Detective Moore studied passing automobiles through his driver's side window. "Not even Martin Turner?" Moore asked. "None of them??" Hailey searched Detective Moore's cracked, thoughtful precipice. Eyebrows like carrot shavings flattened the peaks of Hailey's emerald eye shutters. Hailey faced forward. She noticed raindrops collecting along the surface of Moore's windshield. Detective Moore swiveled surprised facial features poking out of his lemonade collar. He siphoned a sharp breath.

"Boyyy--" Moore groaned. "This case-- is endlessly fascinating to me." Detective Moore licked his lips. "You know, I would've bet money one or two of those young men sexually assaulted you?" Hailey situated woven upper and lower arms on top of sweater chest stripes. Apricot brows lifted above Hailey's emerald eyes.

"They didn't-- rape me," Hailey insisted. Detective Moore studied lime rind, slate, quartz, queso, and orange peel stripes blanketing Hailey's ribs.

"So, who *did*?" Moore requisitioned. Jade facets shuffled between Hailey's copper stained eye flaps. Hailey looked towards the driver's end of Detective Moore's Cutler. She studied Moore's tar stained irises.

"What-- makes you think I was raped?" Hailey inquired. Detective Moore stared at Hailey's emerald eye shutters. He inhaled a shallow breath.

"How about Larry Sloan?" Moore asked. Detective Moore checked the road. He returned his attention to his ginger haired passenger. "Maybe *he* sexually assaulted you." Hailey's pale face studied nylon wrapped thighs above knotted arm stripes. Hailey checked Moore's windshield. The rain was picking up. "You know Larry, right Ms. Holloway?" Detective Moore demanded. "Your mom was-- at least somewhat regular about seeing him." Precipitation coated Moore's front facing cabin glass. Detective Moore rotated a plastic stick poking out of his bourbon steering column.

"Did you know-- we found traces of your mom's blood in Mr. Sloan's bed?" Moore requisitioned. Detective Moore studied magma pouring out of Hailey's scalp. He licked his lips. "Did you know that?" Hailey's head turned like a top. Fiery emeralds glared at Moore's crinkled face.

"Stop talking about Larry," Hailey warned. Detective Moore searched segmented lane dividers.

"Apparently he liked to get pretty rough with her, sometimes," Moore added.

"Shut *up*, mother fucker!" Hailey shouted. "Shut your fucking MOUTH!!" Hailey's jade eye shutters glared at Moore below downturned carrot shavings. Hailey squeezed hateful breaths between points of gritted incisors. Detective Moore studied Hailey's furious precipice. Hailey faced forward. She hugged olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin striped stomach fleece. She lowered autumn striped ribs on top of folded arm segments. She covered emerald irises using copper coated eyelids. She exhaled a shaky breath between mouth rims coated with carnation gloss. Moore followed cheddar and tangerine filaments hanging beside Hailey's pale cheeks. He licked his slender lips.

"You know, if Larry raped you Ms. Holloway--" Moore croaked. Hailey wrinkled disgusted eyelids. She ejected agitated puffs from her tiny nostrils. She curled nylon bundled tarsal digits embellished with cherry red acrylic. She squeezed poppy stained book canvas between her toes and the balls of her feet. "And, he had something to do with your mother's disappearance--" Detective Moore continued. "And, you-- happened upon him disposing of your mother's body-- and you killed him--" Moore searched amber, slate, and blueberry paint decorating freeway traffic. Detective Moore's bronze and platinum brow fluffs lifted above his charcoal irises. Moore shook his head.

"I'd say-- you had every reason to do that." Hailey compressed irritated eye flaps brushed with copper pigmented eye shadow. She peeled menthol coated lips off of gnashed bicuspids. "Where-- are the bodies?" Detective Moore inquired. Moore glanced at molten lava flowing down Hailey's cream tinted facial features. He licked thoughtful lips. "I mean-- I know Cherry Cemetery is right down the street from your house." Hailey exhaled a frustrated breath between flame curtains scorching her pale cheeks.

"Lemme ask you this--" Moore continued. He rested his vanilla pudding chin along margarita wrinkles wrapping his shoulder. "If I dig up Catherine Smith's grave-- am I gonna find Larry and your mom underneath her casket?" Hailey detected hummingbird wings pounding her ear drums. Hailey's eyes popped open. Hailey lifted her birch shaded precipice. Emerald shutters stared across scotch dyed dash board vinyl. Detective Moore piloted his Cutler along a right hand lane next to five others. Tar slopped gravel divided by quartz hyphens superceded a fifteen story overpass. The paved riser was one of the tallest climbs scarring the Patrick Peterson freeway.

"What about what happened at the Main Street water tower last night?" Moore continued. "Do you know anything about *that*?" Hailey lifted pumpkin striped breasts off of sweater fleeced wrists. She folded her arms on top of pitch stained velvet covering her upper thighs. She watched passing pavement. "Travis' brother Josh?" Detective Moore inquired. "*His* girlfriend, Ivy? *Their* friends who went missing yesterday morning?" An image of Moore's plastic walkie talkie flashed inside of Hailey's mind. A squawk like a wild animal escaped a plastic grill covering a tiny speaker.

"Gwen Fall?" Detective Moore's slender lips demanded. "Kyle Smith? Cole Elliot?" Spinning tire rubber grinding pitch coated pebbles created a new tone. The front end of Moore's chocolate Cutler tilted and followed an asphalt incline. Detective Moore studied creamy facial skin between Hailey's lava hair fluffs. He glanced at passing lane dividers. "Larry Sloan--" Moore groaned. "He's the cause of all of this, Ms. Holloway." Detective Moore licked his long, thoughtful lips. "Do you realize that?" The Cutler climbed an arc spanning six lanes of pavement. A guardrail fashioned from stainless steel framed the edge of the overpass. Flattened sheet metal formed a sharp curve twenty cars down the road. Moore hammered bourbon vinyl forming a hoop in front of his lemonade shrouded chest.

"He's still alive!" Detective Moore shrieked. "He's living-- inside of you!" Moore pointed a carrot shaped digit between emeralds fastened to Hailey's corneas. "*You're* doing his dirty work for him, Ms. Holloway," Detective Moore explained. Hailey focused on a strip of chocolate automotive paint preceding Moore's hood. The freeway guardrail curve was two cars away. "*He's* doing this!" Detective Moore shouted. "Not you! Larry's doing-- all of this! You're giving him exactly what he wants, Hailey!!" Hailey's jade faceted pupils glided to the edges of her eye sockets. Hailey searched scotch seat belt fluffs sprouting between Detective Moore's man tits. Her emerald eye shutters followed a vinyl shaped hoop extending from Moore's fist.

Digits escaping Hailey's sweater sleeve grabbed Detective Moore's steering wheel. Strawberry spotted cream sticks guided Moore's front fender into a steel fence. A maple glazed tire guard grinded sheet metal formed into a protective curve. Headlight shrouds surrounding the Cutler's radiator crunched a flat, iron barrier. A rounded embankment forged from slag treated scrap popped like a can of biscuits. Jagged, alloy strips grazed automotive confections coated with chocolate frosting. Detective Moore's flat bodied car toppled off of a fifteen story overpass. Molasses coated steel and glittering silicate panels tore precipitation sheets.

Detective Moore's Cutler sank into a canopy of spaded leaves and contorted limbs. Front lamp frames and radiator shielding collided with branches like telephone poles. A maple glazed sheet covering an internal combustion case split like the Red Sea. Chasms like sidewalk deterioration divided laminated glass erupting from the dash. Hailey's sweater cloaked ribs and velvet wrapped hips collided with canvas harnesses. Detective Moore's lemonade and margarita trunk tore his frayed shoulder strap in two.

Moore's chocolate brown automobile crumpled against the trunk of an ancient tree. Points of oak branches pierced a silicate panel protecting the Cutler's cabin. Sticks the thickness of billiard cues pointed at the lenses of Hailey's glasses. Copper brushed eyelids peeled off of Hailey's emerald green eye shutters. Hailey's cherry capped digits gripped bourbon seat belt elastic squeezing her tits. Hailey exhaled heavy breaths between menthol stained lips.

"AAHHHH!!" Hailey puffed. "AHHH!! AHH!! AAaahh-- aaaaaahh-- aaaaaahhhh--" Hailey looked beside her. Detective Moore's coffee shrouded hips dangled from a strap buckled to his seat. Deltoid belt scraps sloshed beside margarita limbs hanging from Moore's ribs. Oak points sank into pudding facial features emerging from Moore's coat collar. Liquid crimson poured out of cheek, chin, forehead, and neck piercings. Hot claret flowed down warped branch segments skewering Detective Moore's eyes. Muscle tissue, ligaments, and bone marrow dangled from shredded precipice hide. Hemoglobin and brain soup dribbled from rust and silver scalp coils. Steaming bodily fluids soaked trench coat trachea shrouds the color of pickle juice.

Hailey squeezed mournful puffs out of air filled cheeks the color of porcelain. She searched Detective Moore's bourbon pigmented dash board. She spotted her dad's tiny boot pistol. Maryjanes fashioned from daffodil vinyl surrounded twin barrels coated with zinc. Hailey looked around. She tried to remember everything she touched. Trunk chutes below coal tinted bark initiated cellulose struts like concrete cracks. Wonky oak forks the width of barrels escaped contorted origins and meandered uprights.

Buckling limbs forged twisting fiber filaments supporting jade pigmented wafers. Burrowed kindling became timber roots exploring a vivid elm leaf carpet. A tomato, cherry, lemon, lime, and tangerine leaf blanket insulated an oak Cutler catcher. Atmospheric droplets spotted rickety channels feeding segments of rotten tree organs. Cumulus glimmers singed points framing decaying foliage obscuring hardwood stems. Colorful autumn remnants coated vague trails exploring cavernous woodland networks.

Detective Moore's passenger door collided with the body of his chocolate automobile. Damp oak leaves resembling emerald spades shuffled like carved cedar wind chimes. Compacted twigs circumventing innately woven limbs resembled crumbling potato chips. Barometric cracks disguised descending palms and soles snapping slender branches. Daffodil hued vinyl bridling tiny footsies preceded nylon sheathed calves and thighs. Garter straps suspended stocking lace from elastic mesh gripping faint pelvic skin. Raven black velvet floated up fall sweater stripes covering Hailey's trim stomach. Olive green, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin fleece brushed Hailey's thrashing arms. Cheddar and sweet potato tentacles followed Hailey's emerald eyes and pale cheeks.

Rubber mats fastened to Hailey's maryjanes impacted hefty prong bark. Hailey's tomato pigmented book sack captured felt skirt ruffles climbing her hips. Hailey extended stabilizing bicep and wrist striations from disoriented shoulders. She shuffled skimpy waist fluffs over elastic stocking suspenders and lace panties. Hailey situated nylon bundled knees and vinyl covered toes along oak armor points. She gripped a barrel shaped tree extension using streaked arms and tiny breasts. Frosty droplets soaked Hailey's lime peel, slate, quartz, queso, and tangerine sweater fleece.

Hailey lowered banana yellow shackles fastened below neoprene ankle chutes. She positioned rubber shoe soles along cellulose hide wrapping ancient lumber. Hailey's emerald eyes studied autumn foliage between flames shrouding her glasses. Hailey dropped on colorful elm organs drizzled with freezing cold precipitation. She scrambled to her feet. Hailey hurried through columns of atmospheric mist penetrating brilliant canopies. Hailey's daffodil pigmented footwear sliced rotting maple wafers. Her canvas back pack hopped on top of fleece scapula striations. Strawberry spotted cream digits squeezed tomato harnesses against Hailey's deltoids.

Hailey stopped near pitch coated asphalt skirting oak trunks wrapped in bark tubes. Cycling triangle waves emitted by emergency bull horns pounded Hailey's ear drums. Hailey searched charcoal tinted pavement contructed near origins of elderly trees. A line of police cruisers preceded an approaching ambulance and fire truck. Hailey swatted refrigerated droplets coating oblong lenses eclipsing her cheeks. She ducked behind cellulose swirls protecting barrel shaped hardwood.

Cream coated cabins sandwiched between chocolate front and rear ends raced by. Rotating lamps illuminated blueberry and cherry tubes extending above ivory roofs. Royal blue letters decorated tangerine pin stripes wrapping a quartz box van. Cherry hued lacquer laminated a passing truck body resembling a shipping container. Hailey watched crisis vehicles disappear behind tree trunks a quarter mile away. She emerged from a an oak swirl palace. She dashed across rain soaked gravel and headed towards Wednesday's neighborhood.

Scalene strips formed a canopy above licorice strands escaping Wednesday's scalp. Frosty atmosphere droplets like coins pounded umbrella canvas resembling bat wings. Digits spotted with pitch cradled a plastic grip beside Wednesday's pale cheeks. A cellulose cigarette filter escaping shivering fingertips patted ruby stained lips. Coffee and cream striped limbs wiggled wildly below columns of fall precipitation. Ginger and lemon slide chutes spiraled behind Wednesday's panicked shoulder bands. Chocolate and banana half pipes threaded into quartz, slate, and amber playground pebbles.

Smoldering tobacco fumes scorched teal irises searching indigo brushed eye flaps. Facial curves like ivory descended from raven tinted forehead coverings. Black denim hip covers gravitated from charcoal and quartz crop top striations. Crow pigmented jean caverns housed thighs and calves streaked like sandwich cookies. Points of shiny, cow hide footwear poked out of cannon shaped pant rims. Rain soaked sidewalk squares supported rubber shoe mats like exclamation points.

Lloyd's thick fingers balanced a polished umbrella hook beside his walnut cheeks. Autumn runoff descended cherry and vanilla stripes above Lloyd's scalp. A cancer stick hanging from Lloyd's thin lips polluted a canvas rain covering. Irises like tar were visible above a nicotine tube escaping espresso hair fluffs. Chocolate felt poked out of round cheeks shrouded by molasses scalp tassles. Charcoal jacket canvas insulated broad shoulders huddling under strawberry and cream. Cardinal and dove polo stripes peeked between columns of zinc plated zipper teeth. Blueberry stained denim knots protected Lloyd's muscular thighs and calves. Sloppy, black shoes collected indigo jean fabric above blocks of drenched concrete.

Lloyd stood beside a baby blue hatch shielding the cabin of his eighties model Cammy. Free flowing ions like quartz scorched cumulus puffs resembling cream soda. Ominous electrical reverberations disturbed humidity soaked barometric gasses. Lloyd watched Wednesday's gorgeous irises scour frantic images her mind manifested. Lloyd exhaled hot mist from thick nasal passages between hair fountains like coffee.

"Wednesday," Lloyd hummed. "I think we've been standing here for like-- ten years." Indigo coated eye flaps lifted mascara soaked lashes off of cyan pupil facets. Wednesday's ruby red mouth rims peeled off of gritted incisors.

"Will you just-- give me a second??" Wednesday squeezed between mashed teeth. "I'm trying to think about this!" Wednesday mashed a cellulose fume sifter against ruby hued lip beeswax. A button shaped coal singing Wednesday's coffin nail glowed like a tangerine. Lloyd siphoned a half smoked stogie dangling from the edges of his mouth. Lloyd's thumb and index finger snagged saliva soaked cigarette remnants. The fingers of Lloyd's right hand hurled a nearly finished tumor butt like a dart. Lloyd lifted walnut pigmented digits extending from his unoccupied knuckles. He exhaled quartz trickles from his slender, salmon tinted lips.

"Wednesdayyy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd glided gentle fingertips across raven fluffs tickling Wednesday's cheek. He grazed velvet skin protecting Wednesday's face using the inner surface of his hand. Wednesday's blueberry soaked eyelids squeezed together in front of her pale irises.

"Mmmm...." Wednesday groaned from agitated lips. Wednesday sank the apple of her cheek into Lloyd's warm palm puffs. Lloyd's coal tinted irises searched indigo makeup coating Wednesday's eye coverings.

"Heyyy--" Lloyd croaked. Wednesday nuzzled the edge of her face against pillows of carpal dermis. She opened her eyes a crack. She searched chocolate fluffs blanketing the upper half of Lloyd's face. Lloyd glided the tip of his thumb along the border of Wednesday's eye socket. "I love Hailey too, you know." Wednesday choked back a sob. Ocular flaps brushed with indigo eye shadow crushed Wednesday's icy pupil adjusters. Lloyd skimmed crow pigmented filaments growing out of Wednesday's temple. He brushed one inch strands extending from the rear of Wednesday's scalp.

"Sooner or laterr--" Lloyd groaned. Lloyd studied raven black keratin whisping Wednesday's ivory cheeks. He shook his head. "You know-- me and her might have to face what we've done." Wednesday wrinkled sealed eyelids. Her horrified facial features shivered along the folds of Lloyd's gentle digits. Ridges below maryjane vinyl shuffled Hailey's nylon leggings through frigid rain. Drenched daffodil insteps and soaked neoprene tubes sliced arctic precipitation. Sopping wet hip velvet battered garter straps gripping thighs like ice.

Frozen digits spotted with cherry acrylic lifted rain dampened sweater sleeves. Hailey folded olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin striped arm fleece on top of her chest. She glided strawberry dotted cream fingers up and down freezing cold bicep streaks. Rain drenched ginger and apricot fluffs stuck to Hailey's pale cheeks and neck. Emerald irises searched precipitation spotted lenses surrounding Hailey's nose. Carnation glossed lips shivered between droplets coating ivory facial extents. Soaking wet back pack canvas shuffled on top of Hailey's shuddering shoulder blades. Hailey balanced on toes of daffodil maryjanes near the corner of a wet sidewalk. She spotted Lloyd's baby blue Cammy across the street. She followed cherry and vanilla umbrella striations shrouding her boyfriend's head.

Hailey folded wiggling nightcrawlers in front of quivering mouth rims. She exhaled steamy breath through a carpal column extending from her wrists. Wednesday studied cold, damp concrete between licorice curtains tickling her cheeks. She swallowed nervous spit. Lloyd studied raven scalp filaments distinguishing his girlfriend's best friend. He detected tiny splashes approaching him from behind. Tiny hairs stood up along the back of Lloyd's walnut tinted neck. Sometimes, Lloyd wondered if his girlfriend was secretly a ghost. Lloyd peeked above charcoal pigmented canvas hanging from his left shoulder. An unconcerned smirk wrinkled Lloyd's chocolate felted cheek. Lloyd shook his head.

"You are fucking-- unbelievable," Lloyd grumbled. Wednesday's dejected precipice drifted off of coffee and cream chest stripes. Blueberry tinted eye flaps sank into Wednesday's astonished ocular cavities. Puzzled irises like sea water searched frosty droplets coating Hailey's pale cheeks. Wiggling, ruby stained mouth rims lifted off of Wednesday's parted teeth.

"H-Haileyyy??" Wednesday squeezed between frightened incisors. A plastic grip shaped like a television remote toppled out of Wednesday's fingers. Bat wing umbrella shutters flattened Saint Augustine sprouts decorating Linda Park. Freezing precipitation soaked Wednesday's raven hair and porcelain cheeks. Hailey studied her friend's horrified facial features. She licked frosty droplets coating her lips.

"W-Wednesday?" Hailey squeezed out. Wednesday flattened cocoa and vanilla breast striations on top of denim knee curtains. She pounded charcoal jean fabric surrounding the curves of her hips.

"AAHHHH!!" Wednesday shrieked from horrified cheeks and oral rims. Hailey shuffled on rubber heels padding daffodil garnished maryjanes. She wiggled defensive digits spotted with cherry in front of autumn chest stripes.

"Wednesday, calm dowwwn--" Hailey begged. Wednesday sloshed wrists and biceps banded with coffee and cream behind her kidneys. Swooping deltoid ligaments hoisted Wednesday to her feet.

"NO!!" Wednesday shouted from agitated face ornaments. Irises like sea ice glared at rain spotted lenses below points of raven eyebrows. Wednesday directed a pitch capped index finger between her friend's emerald irises. "YOU don't tell me what to do!" Wednesday stomped past Lloyd's blueberry strapped thighs and calves. She wadded tiny digits spotted with tar around Hailey's sopping wet bicep fleece. She shook her friend like a rag doll. She glared at emeralds shrouded by Hailey's rectangular glasses lenses. "You don't tell me WHAT TO DO!!" Wednesday hoisted olive, charcoal, ivory, cheddar, and pumpkin fleece striping Hailey's tits. She shoved her friend over the rear fender of Lloyd's baby blue muscle car. Hailey collapsed on tomato tinted book canvas scraping the Cammy's trunk.

"AHH!" Hailey shrieked. Hailey scrambled across faded automotive paint coating machine shaped panels. She glared at her friend's winter frosted eye shutters. "Wednesday, stop!" Hailey pleaded. "Leave me alone!" Wednesday strapped crow embellished digits around Hailey's nylon strapped ankles. She dragged her friend's velvet hiny drapes over the trunk of Lloyd's car.

"rrRRAAHH!!" Wednesday squeezed between tightened teeth. Hailey's felt skirt ruffles floated up raven black garters suspending her stockings. Her pale cheeks collided with rain soaked sidewalk beside the Cammy's back fender. Hailey's ginger and apricot scalp fluffs hammered molded steel.

"AAaaoo--" Hailey groaned from carnation glossed lips. Hailey's copper brushed eyelids collapsed on top of her emerald irises. Her cherry capped fingers squeezed sopping wet pumpkin strands cushioning her skull. Wednesday's raven knee denim straddled her friend's charcoal thigh nylon. Wednesday sank pitch dotted nightcrawlers into Hailey's sopping temple strands. She pounded her friend's scalp against baby blue door trim.

"God--! damn--! you--! Hailey--!" Wednesday exhaled during peaks of bicep thrusts. Lloyd strapped rain soaked arm canvas around Wednesday's coffee streaked chest. He dragged Hailey's half crazed companion away from her. Lloyd's denim wrapped hiny collided with emerald tufts soaked with precipitation. Blueberry wadded thighs gripped Wednesday's coffee and cream striated ribs. Lloyd's sloppy shoe remnants secured stocking stripes escaping Wednesday's footwear. Lloyd squeezed Wednesday's chocolate and vanilla shoulder blades against his chest. He nuzzled his cheek against sopping licorice stuck to Wednesday's facial curves.

"...wednesdayyy..." Lloyd rasped. Wednesday squirmed like a wild animal.

"AAHHHH!!" Wednesday shrieked. Lloyd shook his friend's striped shoulders.

"Wednesday-- stop it!" Lloyd hollered. "No!" Hailey glided strawberry spotted cream fingers down soaking wet ginger strands. She gripped the edges of her birch tinted neck between the heels of her palms. She inhaled humid air between frantic lips coated with menthol flavored gloss. She exhaled an uneasy breath from puffed cheeks.

"whooooo--" Hailey forced between carnation glopped mouth rims. Hailey folded dampened sweater limbs on top of drenched garter bands gripping her leggings. Copper brushed eyelids peeled off of Hailey's emerald pupil facets. Hailey searched her friend's frustrated precipice through rain drizzled crystals. Apricot eyebrows crushed the outer corners of Hailey's eye sockets. Hailey's separating lips wrinkled the lower half of her face. "Wednesdayyy--" Hailey squeezed out. "I'm-- so sorryyy--" Wednesday hammered her cannon shrouded leg segments using frozen fists.

"YOU KILLED A COP!!" Wednesday ejected from strained vocal chords. "You killed-- a fucking COP! How could you?!?" Wednesday's exhausted face dangled licorice ropes from Lloyd's canvas wrapped biceps. Wednesday exhaled mournful groans from wrinkled, ruby stained lips. "ehh-hehh--" Wednesday bawled. "ehhh-- heh-heh-hehhh--" Hailey flattened elbows wrapped in rain soaked fleece along frosty thigh elastic. Hailey squeezed cherry capped digits between her eyelids and the lenses of her glasses. She sank bronze coated ocular flaps into the palms of her hands. She shook with sobs. Lloyd watched his girlfriend sobbing against her tiny palms. He searched raven tinted fluffs pasted to Wednesday's pale cheeks. He wiggled Wednesday's espresso and milk streaked shoulders.

"Wednesday, you-- stay here," Lloyd instructed. Lloyd slipped jean strapped legs beside Wednesday's striped ribs. He flattened sloppy skate shoes beside Wednesday's denim blanketed hips. Lloyd's wonky sneaker mats shoved him to his feet. Lloyd shuffled onto rain drenched sidewalk squares beside the grass. He pointed at licorice filaments sprouting from Wednesday's scalp. "Don't-- fuckin' move," Lloyd warned. Lloyd plopped down next to his girlfriend. He strapped sopping wet arm canvas around Hailey's striped shoulders. He flattened a shaggy cheek hair along ginger filaments stuck to Hailey's scalp.

"Jesus Christ--" Lloyd grumbled. "I thought I was gonna have to-- break you out of jail." Hailey exhaled pitiful laughter from bawling lips. She huddled against her boyfriend's precipitation chilled polo streaks. Lloyd squeezed Hailey's drenched sweater fleece against his chest. Hailey's shivering biceps and wrists rattled Lloyd's ribs.

"...w-wednesday's never gonna forgive meee..." Hailey squeezed out of weeping oral rims.

"Awww, Haileyy--" Lloyd purred. Lloyd glided thick fingertips across sopping wet ginger stuck to Hailey's cheeks. "Come on," Lloyd instructed. "We gotta get out of this-- fuckin' shit." Lloyd helped his girlfriend to her feet. Hailey stumbled like a drunk. She guided rain soaked shoes like daffodil petals along edges of sidewalk squares. Hailey's emerald irises glanced at licorice cemented to her friend's pale cheeks. Wednesday glared at her friend's precipitation spotted ocular crystals. She exhaled a heavy breath from her trembling lips.

Hailey stumbled around the rear end of her boyfriend's baby blue Cammy. She opened the front, passenger door. She collapsed along cheddar tinted puffs poking out of seat vinyl like shark skin. She slammed painted steel against a frame forming the cabin of Lloyd's car. Lloyd suspended cherry and vanilla umbrella stripes above rain soaked hair fluffs. Shiny coals searched Wednesday's teal irises between chocolate forehead fountains.

"Come on, Wednesday," Lloyd hummed. "Let me take you home." Wednesday huddled denim slopped thighs and calves in front of her tiny tits. She squeezed charcoal blanketed knees between coffee and cream striped arm hinges. Wednesday's tar spotted digits squeezed drenched crow feathers against her temples. Irises like tarnished pennies stared out of blueberry stained eye flaps. Mascara soaked fountains poured down Wednesday's pale cheeks. Lloyd studied his friend's makeup stained facial dermis. He licked his lips. "Wednesday?" Lloyd inquired. Wednesday shook agitated fingers beside her pale eye shutters. Slender, coal tinted eyebrows climbed Wednesday's forehead.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Wednesday barked. Lloyd searched Wednesday's mascara striped cheeks. He snagged umbrella facets like expanded bat wings using the fingers of his free hand. He dangled a plastic grip the color of charcoal beside Wednesday's tiny fingers. The handle adorned a chrome plated telescope supporting Wednesday's rain deflector. Lloyd patted warm flesh protecting Wednesday's ivory pigmented palm. He studied his friend's rain soaked facial curves. Wednesday stared into space.

"Wednesday!" Lloyd belched. Raven tinted brows flattened the peaks of Wednesday's cyan eye shutters. Facets like winter frost climbed to the upper, left corners of Wednesday's corneas. Wednesday glared at liquid chocolate cemented to Lloyd's walnut tinted cheeks. Lloyd licked his thin lips. "It's raining, Wednesday," Lloyd hummed. Lloyd tapped Wednesday's fingers using a petroleum umbrella grip. "Use your umbrella." Wednesday stared at glittering coals peaking between Lloyd's sopping hair strands. Wednesday's tiny, pitch spotted digits closed around a polystyrene handle.

Lloyd collected zinc plated supports along a slick, wooden shaft resembling a cane. Scalene sections the color of cherry and vanilla crushed a polished stick. Wednesday watched raindrops like gumballs splash a concrete puddle between her toes. She heard Lloyd's driver's side door open and shut. She listened to a V-8 engine grumble and drive Lloyd's baby blue Cammy away. Wednesday stared at leather points poking out of her cannon shaped shin covers. She followed soaking wet denim stuck to her calves, knees, and thighs. She spotted her stomach between the rim of her crop top and the waist of her jeans.

Wednesday sank nightcrawlers spotted with tar into a pocket sutured below her waist. She plopped a cellulose stick shrouded with ivory filter paper between her ruby lips. She flipped a brass plated cap off of a zinc coated chimney spotted with tiny holes. She spun a stone wheel the width of a thumb tack. A cheddar tinted eruption sprouted from a chrome tube like swiss cheese. Wednesday intersected a cancer stick with tangerine tinted flames. Tissue shrouded tobacco shards singed like California shrubbery. Wednesday exhaled quartz pigmented fumes from ruby red mouth rims. She snapped together brass plated lighter segments.

Atmospheric crests like ale swam above the canopy of Wednesday's rain deflector. Flashes like ivory scorched cumulus puffs the color of brandy. Crackles pierced humid gasses flooded with freezing precipitation. Wednesday yanked a smoldering coffin seal away from her mascara soaked cheeks. She inhaled between quivering lips stained with raspberry beeswax. Coffee and cream striped shoulders arose above Wednesday's cocoa streaked breasts. Wednesday sobbed into a column of tobacco exhaust. Wednesday's wiggling lips wrinkled her pale cheeks. Wednesday's indigo stained eyelids folded her temples like accordians. Wednesday inhaled a shaky breath. She exhaled a long, lonely wail.

A rubber shroud the color of banana peels dangled from the peak of Allie's scalp. Raven tinted bangs descended Allie's porcelain forehead below a silicone canopy. Thoughtful brows like crow feathers flattened Allie's blue jay pigmented irises. Charcoal ocular stripes pointed between eyes like blue gelatin dessert. Licorice strands framed the curves of Allie's pine saturated facial extents. Allie's tiny nose poked out between pale cheeks brushed with rose tinted blush. Allie exhaled a heavy breath between determined lips stained with pomegranate wax.

Frosty precipitation dripped from an artificial precipice rim like dandelion pedals. Brass snaps fastened queso hued polyurethane in front of Allie's chest. Soaked ruffles like balloon shreds draped Allie's arms, deltoids, ribs, and stomach. Pockets shaped like copy paper embellished a rubber skirt surrounding Allie's thighs. Fasteners matching Allie's breast buttons sealed overhung storage flaps. Tiny fingertips spotted with plum acrylic dangled from the rims of Allie's sleeves.

Knees and calves wrapped in blueberry denim sank into necks of silicone boots. Allie's lower legs and insteps squeezed inside slick rubber mixed with navy blue dye. Boot neck images like ivory flower pedals extended from lemon tinted dots. Indigo straps buckled neoprene collars below Allie's apple shaped kneecaps. Flashes the color of quartz illuminated precipitation soaking Allie's rain coat. Allie lifted refrigerated knuckle extensions spotted with eggplant nail polish. She sank zinc plated switches engraved with bold characters using teensy digits. Digital tones erupted from a mirror coated speaker grill during key code punches.

An iron gate coated with black primer extended beside a circuit board interface. Vertical security bars forged from square tubing spanned a fence the width of a barn. A thoughtfully crafted access restrictor rolled behind matching, steel uprights. Allie shuffled banana peel jacket ruffles past columns of frozen precipitation. Indigo boot insteps embellished with daisies created atmospheric splashes. Allie stomped across frigid runoff rippled by raindrops like loose change. Slick footwear carried Allie in front of a steel panel the size of a closet door.

Weather resistant paint the color of tomato skin coated iron hatch facets. Allie's plum spotted digits gripped a bronze padlock dangling from steel latch loops. An eggplant sealed thumb nail rotated digit embossed rotars plated with brass. Allie separated a chrome bracket from an iron case shaped like a correction eraser. She retrieved a combination lock and separated hoops sealing an obstructive gate. She dragged a handle eclipsing drenched pavement to the top of a rectangular opening. Allie squished rubber boot rivets along cement the width of a small bathroom floor. She rolled a steel door in front of rain invading a two by seven foot frame.

Allie dropped shivering fingers into a rubber compartment sutured on top of her hip. Quivering digits like pine dragged a zinc plated tube out of a banana peel pocket. Allie pointed a door knob shaped lamp at long facets reinforcing sheet metal walls. She mashed a dome shaped spring protected by a charcoal tinted, rubber sheet. Allie focused a three foot spot light along a thick covering guarding a large vault. Tangerine pigmented radiation illuminated a three foot by three foot safe door. A column of neon orange oscillations shrank to the size of a grapefruit.

Plum dotted digits extending from Allie's rain coat sleeve gripped a steel dial. Ivory value indicators circled extruded grip facets sealed with slate tinted paint. Allie rotated slender characters below a carrot point etched above a knob face. She curled a shivering index finger below a steel latch coated with black paint. She sank a trigger shaped lever into a slot fashioned above a combination rotary. An iron panel the thickness of a drawer face swung away from a fire protective box. Stacks of one hundred dollar bills an inch thick were sealed with paper sleeves. A twenty-seven cubic foot space was stuffed with forefather embellished currency. Pale facial features shrouded by rubber banana peel examined towers of cash. Irises like blue jays searched rectangular sheets the color of scotch.



Random Fact: Slackware (a GNU/Linux system maintained under an emphasis of function over form) is the official operating system used to host Insanely Witty Stupidity. Many packages are compiled using various Slackware systems for the purpose of developing the site. And, Insanely Witty Stupidity happily shares those precompiled packages with its users (because-- people may find them useful).

html revised 2025-03-06 by Michael Atkins.

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