Honest Scripting License Version 1, 19 August 2020 Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Atkins Everyone is permitted to distribute copies of this document. But, changing it is NOT ALLOWED. The Honest Scripting License is an anarchist license. It is designed to protect intellectual information from being hijacked by greedy, socialist thugs posing as capitalists. The Honest Scripting License is a document that can protect scripting projects ONLY. THIS SCRIPTING PROJECT IS RELEASED WITHOUT WARRANTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL. THE PROJECT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THIS INCLUDES IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK REGARDING THE QUALITY OF THE PROJECT LIES WITH A USER. THIS INCLUDES CORRECTING ELEMENTS OF THE PROJECT PERCEIVED TO BE FLAWS. DAMAGES ALLEGED TO HAVE OCCURED AS A RESULT OF USING THE PROJECT OCCURED BECAUSE A USER EMPLOYED THE PROJECT KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT THE RISKS WERE. A scripting project released under the conditions of the Honest Scripting License is created by an author (or authors). But, the project belongs to NO ONE!! A script is a collection of commands arranged to solve a problem. It is intellectual information that cannot be owned. The information was stored using long term storage. No one has ever owned it. It is not currently owned. No one will ever own this information in the future. Definition of a Scripting Project A "scripting project" is a file or collection of files composed of scripting code ONLY. Scripting code is (of course) code that is designed to perform a series of commands on a single target or multiple targets. It is NOT source code (intended to be compiled for a target so that linked object code can be executed). And, it is not linked object code manufactured by assembling and linking source code (either automatically or manually). Scripting code can include platform specific commands for an interpreter (such as GNU Bash, GNU Emacs, or Windows CMD). But, this can also include commands for hypothetical scripting languages such as HTML, Javascript (ECMA action script), Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and other scripting languages. In short, a scripting project is a type of intellectual "recipe". Permission is hereby granted to copy, modify, and redistribute any *honest scripting project* (as claimed by its author(s)) under the pretense of this license without fear of persecution.